r3 ' "''s'-'. -; . ; , i- - '. f V .; i -,' . . 'A'. V '; """ " ' ' - - , - 1 " MT-:;. ,- j: j LUV'r;;, , .. :.A- , "TTrA-'l .1 mmm iiii - :'--:;1r?0R xarrvtnr'. into el&ftMiif) rtf '&AnAA'Vtx;,:1l- ' in' V u 1. V . " " " f-i imivc-uuuic 4i iQt lamiiy uic, and . -w wc purpoir 01 carrvini maorprcWal bufir,; trade i ofr,Mthmc trt. ; With tf)cdweriiaK houfe i :fnH? UOTpr a11 ,and' and town' lots," except lot'i i ,3, diftiUerw, bfewcrw, and V-kwictrif -carried mti-tf:itfaiX mean, or to promote liurbancli-and conqonily all hams, .'flb1( &c on SIX lkely Negroes, forty -head Of Cat tle, four yoke Of oen, fcvtraf hotfes, , and flock bf &eeb. Any irfbnvwtfliifig t ito purcliafe any of tKe above property, r may kiiow the prices by applying to WiJ " .Ham Henry, Efq a the property is 091 his plantaiion and jA-ill be deli vered by James ; l4' wjC JC?ufbpriiedtQ, execute: "Bills offale and receive the purchafe mouey for the above property. , . . . r - . - i JOHN BLANKS - V l-o has fofa!e, lom Ira.J ofCatjle on Bices Creek, wBI;K he wilftii"cheap W J crafh.,. r.- THE COMMiStbNKV -Appoi4vby-'inaarthe1aCfenTrar j3klTISH PARLI AMENIV HOUS' oP LORDS. . NbVemhpr'-on. . His - wnr y)itK Kic 'n&iVi rtifj to the oiilc of Lot-ds, an4 beiiigVieafe oa 1"?, -iumhiortcd.tlieKouleofcia-r.on to attend the" aDy.al prefence. As 100a the Parliament vUh the" lollow'me Soetxit ;ifromthe 1 hfonp -1 h'e-eyema- hiclthavartakerT 111 r,th coitrfe of the prelcrit yeafi and thk tlif- . iiai lucceis wnTcn,' Dy tne DleUmg ot FruVt Appoinjaypy an act ot the latt Genmr - ' ; :. j 7 YJT V ' AHbly, ttWburpofe of tbc 1 "f - te my have beet, ; Faiace lota in the iwn ot Newbcrn; " r PdiKtive of ; thp . happieft, cpnftquerifcesl and glory of our country., , - tie unexampled fer cs ofiibur Hava) trii"" utnpn lias- rrcwed treFh fplendour from4 the luemorable and denlive ' iftibn in which a detach mcnt of my fieet,t undeiC the corn iinencc on the-1 2d day of March next, ar nooa. .Bojidi with aoDtovcd (keiuiivL ; will be required of one third the purtLafe j "wwj:, -t ine ert ot one year, and the te dueat Hit. end of two years. . " ' " J. C BR VAN, ' V.'. ' XKW1S BRAN, L . . - VM. JOHNSON, fCom fB - j carney. J w. January 12. ; ' ;' .s. . ' . :;,:S i ' n- . . i win, waoi( xc, on ms, arc to eftimated as bebngmg to this dafi r al(o : onfinilhed boUdis, tnou?h intended tor rtw1 mo- kniifoa : . .1. . . - ' . o ,. ,"r-.'7- o ..w.v .11, w i tiucu 111 me Iliuatioil tBSV were fa oh the 'erft ay of daoler lad. t- .cre iLl1 the C?n . 'fl'v, a, i: eomprebends. aU Have, above l tnert or twelve, andutider the oe of uiw Jr. , . It is provided by the before recited att, .'tl.ut nO part of faid tax (hall be affef". were efpecially exempted ftoni taxation by the laws of this ftate. ' ? And;in Orlier that thcitlzens may ' be particular in makiij: out theif Hlis it "jtL r r v v V' " inv iiiw icLiiuu 01. enc Detore recited J'feMf any ftaudoient lift, with intent rf.evm tf vnin-vrinn a, : :. - to be made, luch cerfon To olfendinc, :an3Tein- tirf uir L any-m the Hate his about t ourt having competent jurifdiftion, fhall be fiticd in a fum not exceeding five fc-j-t ' ' cs - tyauip and niarih to it which . T -unm irui iicr -is well ftocitVd vivh timber, haV an excellf nr ,njin ftream thereon, fituated open to ine louna rour miles from ;(ew iiivcr, an'4 in Wt centre, of a vr y 00d range'. TtUvM the badnfifsrjf the dav. and j 1 Javss ifapuoiHted in nuk inr -fale "of ,.9!!yw-V'gjwiid$; .agreeable to my :.Mycrtiicinfnc 0; the 13th December v. iait. i hole w howjiiuo purchafe val uable lands in this DartOt tiiecnuntrw J;slr!5 ft U be- dilpofed 0 ?itf titjlie7 fale tirt the twenfyTi ftFof- 'fy hext, at Turkey Point, vii. 1 urkey Point, containing fix JiuadrCd and fortv acre's; ".Ketwepn- , 3 ud 400 of which tsas rifh Pammock . . . . . :' nur.d of rear aduiir' lo; d Mellon, attarkec) H'J almolt toJaily d?iirced a fuperior foue of the enemy, Itre'p gtheued by every ad va ni tre , . dor Jefs than One handred dollars, at the dtferetion pf the court, and: -iiall pav a cofls an'd'c harcres nf brntlZ -rrr- tuunrio. . v urys Sat jfj ny rerfon after being. required or notified " .by au Ifrrffor to give mhisiher.br their Ms, and rcfiiung and ireglrcling fo to do witbm ten djy, after .uch notincaion, fhill forfeit' .and pay one hundred dollars! pay Jbc.rwhercthe proije rt V I fekif 'makin'fl' .feni r a t'?"i 9(V.:' r": r'Z-! I , , V, Ut traCt OU iVcW-R vCf in each aeffment ditTrict, f known, but if that is hot krtOwn to. the party jnakinjr I Cal,etl iicucs hammock, of fourliua. 5hMUl!t.a place': where" the-property Hes at lr Cs Hhreehundped of w hich is ITJUtT be had the nrft Aav rJ (Vfnlvr 1 ,r ... r 'f j . ' r- . .. 7. irj'ull' be had to the nrft day cf Odober Jaft. .ifame '."of Occupant Owner. . . Na me of ...'Occupant ,, "Owner. Name - of - Owner. r 7i , , Name ;'of ; Owner. --- Situation, d'tnenfitjtnr arta, nttmher $Jlonest number and dimenjtoits of ivirjcows', ad of what material built, folk of dwelling bouei and tu t-. mmjc uppunenciii, qumitiij of land ta. be vaiu eijherewahalf9 the; tircumtaHteti if. any from which .exemption may bt -tleimed. U- ' I R-'K.M'A R K-S.;- ,"' ' . : Th number nf "trecli, $r Uts of land, with Oh Quantity tech trad tr lot: th,ir fnA fdecrijfton, fiy.(!(jWrw.W.Wwr,::J thai are to be valued thfrenfiiib. Aeb fmmm m t fm. J h -1 . . . $ " ' t ' mV" vc tutumjiaMcet, tj mnyt rom wlbtcb an txemftm it claimed ' -rS 1 ot: Name , v I Owner.".' 1.,..,.... ...,.... ...... ..-..f I . ' R E MARK S Yv... , Cttt (lining the vumbtr 'mlljUwt etween . the areSiftwl'Ue'and ifti vtant mlf ';jv UkUticetr;if tnjf jtom which" am txmfuijf, miry be iltumid' 'ii irV--; " a ' ' ."v" mltm, , vpf iitce land under OamVanJ dirche its tuuation o)en" u the lea, and is an - c'xcellenf rangejvr hog... .. . ;. A L S c, ' i'.'U ; l nc greater pai t of Ncw- Rlyer iilai d, - v hitn contains th 'ee acres a ;'moit extraordinary garden fpot and the fineft place for ft'iii filhe rybf any'on the coMf. hexonditi Ons' will be "one third oromnr mvmit : and threeye'ars credit fcr f he remamini . fun rh.r4.. " , V t to " Anv Derfon reallv inclined iti'.-ml t chafe, is requelleu to come a day or two befpi e the fail, aUd view the lands. Thpl'e gentlemen who wijh to become I purchalers, I beg will not fuffer, themi , lelves tobe influenced by the arguinents .; of any ' petfood however acc dental their dilurle rhay (een. to be "" JESSE CLEGG. y. Wilmington, January 12. -.( ;PtT..R.FABRE,Ju,V politely rcqttefU thole Ladies and fw. tleuien who have borrowtd Book avow nun, co return tneni lmaiediaceljr TJic ewbern racW will -be:run;putthe fecond 1 hurfUavs'irh M,rrN or,,l rmnkJ . J'r " . ' - - -T.I f MVJ. VUUVtJ V.y tage of iitu ition. By rhk great and gilLiat victory! an enteipnxe ut .vmctt theinj-iitiie, perfidy . .uid extravagHice, ..hadxed, the Jat tpntioii cf the world, a d which v aa ipeculi - ar I y ilirr tied . agVihit lone ''bnUemr 'valulT -blf inte.cda ot the Britilh empire, ha m t fie firit inihnce been turned to the confufioii of its autiiors; and the blow thus given to the power and influence of France hjs cf. forded an opening, wh.ch if improved bf fuitible exertions qu the part of other pow ers; may Jcad to"tn geuetar Europe. . " The wifdom and ,nJagTi.ininiiry: difplayed at thiicpnjirriftureby the emperor of H uliia nd rbe Gectlion and vigour of the Ottoinaa Porte, have Iheivn that thofe pov ers are itr'u preiTed .'A ith a ju(t fenfeof the piefe.-.t'crif.sj nd their example, joined to the dilpotition nianlfeftcd alntoft univerfaUy nf the d ftl4ent" countries , ilruggling under the yoke o( France, muft be a powerful encouragenjeut to other ftates, to adopt tha viourousle of conducl: which experience has proved i o be alone contiifen' with fecu jy or honour. ' r Tlie extent of our prt rations at ho,;ri and thedemonftrations !i zeal , and fpii it a Jl!0galliankspf tbe eneniy from attempting to execute their vain threat of hivadingrthe eddii of tAU 7 .inguom - in Ireland, '.the -'rebellion which' rhev inifigatedr: has beea curbed, and : rcpreilcd the troops which they landed for its fupport, .aye been -'compelled to furrrnder, and th armaments flnce deftined for the fame pur i)t.fe have, by . the vigilance and activity of i.y fqu..drons, been captured and dif perfed.fbeyviewO v ho in concert with our inveterate enemy, ha ve long plannt d the fubverfiort f our con. ilitutvoii, have been fully deteclid and 'ex v-. pofed, and their treafons oide manifeit r tne world.-, 'I hofe' whom they had iriifled or feduced. muft now lie. awakened tn thr July ; and .'a. iuft.iWe of the in iftr its' and "i i w ; w nicn mcir iraitcrous oeugijs pave l iroduced, muft im'pref on the minds of all ;J.mlmLtnit neceihtyof conti. iiuuig to , repel with nrmnefs, every attack on tne law and eftyblUbed goyernnocnt of Qentlemtn tf 'the houfe of commont. i- linder the unyoiTa .le prelfiare bf'.pt':! tracled war, t b a great fat isfactbti to me tcHobfcrvie, that the produce : of the '.-public revenue haiprtved fully ideddate to the in- ci ; ve pf onr Dtrmanent exDenditure; ihat liiejiai reoj tlhas : bein -jnaiotained and ::?"3ea i nd that the commerxe-.aiiiiii .?.rv as iuD ecu nsve continuea tutiuu 31 Of aUkbcis &;fa)rtft f'lV t" S i. Mo ll I fl. .Bm' It.. I, J..1. r.. ' ' "' ' cbuiaxyjlj.

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