v X) "v ;,i l.':'U' '- .;.-,; , ' ------- - . i--j.-m lA phE lifc Vf phficiandcvot with; " ... .. .1., i.?-.;-.- i!i..jf.- i''--j.r.aiA f ' ., ptafticje ad literary 'fHirfoirs, cannot Iw :' te or.fucprite jhe 'n4e r. In ' tnub, : v ?J$JLik a pjku.re uWlxdr'n it isT.vir - to DC prfumcii) W a votiuc r iricuii ''the : active; ekctciie 6i 'altnqit every--tr- v forced-' to ! leave ttaridyc'rValtotfh the ( tape of affairs Miad'enti1 ry thcd !all, ; iallndicated ihe loft I slabiutl to fuf-i Froro ' the montW of NGfTemtjeV;' he-4 wiep,". nis aoef cue. mi thinner ; 'bad iott arid" became aAdihis ftateoT' .decline cbiuiaacdjo (cfMfVC 4rt Jinfr) he was ablu td lTnt:K?rfetfiti'iiFW f reuehtly faintd ort the ftahs: it was jpaiutui forbi'ni'ttf: ' he; fometimcs complained of jicortfufiaii iaT -his head, and ae'length gave orcrall b'i. f finely Thtswas at fijlVtaketfor an efcd. y qt liynocondriH, but it wa fooa perceiv ed, that his deep melarKhaiy had celtroy :Tiit. excel lent :iroan. died on the ;th of r iZlihiheymanr talli will made', had a firroand, eafy gait, an elegant addrefs, a.6ne countenance, a a.n Agreeable voice i jiif'timii fjk-i'-tid a his eyes : and'if t Re iall' pox hd" UA-iaoe n 1 10m w pow n in, 1 1 w a r oai y -X in ifuchya d e ifee as adds to 1 he phy fiog -T noiir what it takes from 't&&a-tA.',:A mi AiU: 0layate'r' ALitinotiShAvct h lit Exctu- ; ff KThe lamentable ertes of Lavatero the: great nation, have excitr.d nothing in tdy tl ikvv win, iinvuiv. nnu wviidV " J' iiwmiuc ed the chain ol ln$ -idcas' '.What . his . iof pity -no:hfr.ir of cdmmtftratjon Ij- happehed '.two mktiy itiSirt'..of. .genius', be-i J; aiiritMmw QX wi&e?.'; O: other," and ; tubd ttcs the mind th;u ;is : L phi lODger able Cither to drive itpaf ay,"6r to' lofe Tight of it. Preferviiig ail ; his pre :fcacc-'.of.;tnindaHlhil':- and. juitnefs of thought upon ther ' fiibjcfls, but no longer delirous of occupying'" him-1 felffvith triem 'no longer capable of bufi- nCfsi nof .(iving advice, but .with- iiam, Ijave the to) .lo" m accoant i .'','I,'jrcpl);: imprflld with, the import ance .of his caufe, , Jiimnjeritan gavc .him jfclf :up to labour! that rapidly dedroyed a feeafcH unoE onlydnafniuch a& an iini femttted "becupatiot. of ti e jnind hurts it ore'tha,n any' thiifgciu., Kur alfo ' he. caufe when he vaV emjiKiyed in any wo rk hid ninnl itir ''ur'n ' ?:iiA "iv i i i.: hp had unrtJlm v hp ure hin ev ;w . ye cy pre tuaiciai manner i tueit. rose eany-.j .;. ; .';" .? 1, 7 , ,V in the-morning, and wrote a km? wh iicfore W Vegan hUifiti, rftndin the eve. L ? Io G t?r5 nfF .Bbnnet, t ningi -ervingjpimcdithepro. J?1 nS ".l&finef.: nf the dav. inftend of calW ' the devil, oppofi te to hi tn. lr. February. andivcrtmg hi mi i.V.fqclcty, he at ; he comjnencecTt.Wv meduanr, whHh gainvent t?work, and rcaiaincd at it re cxthcr prefcribad by himfeU -or by freentiy ' tilL a- very' late bour rtiSvWaVthu. Vinxontinwl tibn, 'lA fnS of Marctt.hedcfircd fy.i hi body had not tW?miole,it required i hrnWl Wd heborenk:v k t- i i. . t nr in i run i'i w . .1111 kv r-ii-:i iit-i ifiir.ir iftogiiOiriy of the great uimn if voa ;".',' cfin. belie ve that either the pompous' ' and " ' abfurd flattery the pitiful moan, or the , i;tTVcly3LtBrc3ts Qfiradcgr3d?cl--5,'iv.'! 'niftj'u' degraded by hi? own coafent by liH yn ;gcncy-7;n move their inexo: rable purpofe af univerfal domination arid. rapiner-r-D'dft'thou, look fur rcdrefs . from their jufiice ? "A Follow with thine eyes as far ;is thme eyes tan 'carry thee, the botmdlefs Courfe of blood and devaf. '.'tation- which tin' have, paff d over in a few years, in a iritc of time, and you ral years -t nd on the tourth oi ':utipricrn V."i7 r : ; V .. "7r tWre4ettef!n:w H-the - feme ftreiiglh , cTxpreflibn, hc ff Jw phyfi:ian4 dtf;. fame InflncA of Hhoiht, -and tbe'fanie :.orfft-hote urogreftii rapid, when th-re precjtton of arrangeiiicrnt,' as in thofe pre- . . i i " i ceding ; ne tnereiuearjy pointea out the . progrefs of the Sooietytfwtkh; became daily more dangerous : " She U miirefs Of almoft every pivfs, of every bopUfeller, of every ; German jonrnsil, Vand of aff 'the courtV..TTIie'ciufs ot .thc iriTaiiVVs'. of this laft campaign" arc the fame ;is thofc of the evnt at Chalons in r 76 2. "This letttr. alfo 'contained'-' the mori lively ex! . preiSorVs of his joe at hea ring of my cure ; yet there was oneHntcncc iiearin traces of the, m. ft, prof.bu.Kl mel;uuho.h whicl gave me the grcatelt pain : u I run a rifl; ' etibcbinlngilniryrar- the 'dear companion of his 1 life) wtt'Vour . , knov-inb U here o di'red his aourfc, or ij: wiAjc w unvti 1119 muuiici where to &vl a bed to, die Oii.'.Vs-The In. ;: valioa of the ElecVorate, the farkingl of Hanover, and the nexjfity pf abandoning Jt, wm certainty 4hat time to be fear ed, if thencgociatibif.had'not Tavc4 what. ' ;l;e arrniCs l;d not defend j-;but Zimtncr , ,t i ma'n "manner of cxprelfsng hts fears an-' '.ouoccd-'thegwatelt-dprcSi6niI:faw:--T tTT?inTTrrn tTrdv h of e-pr i gs Vg an to. j J'fait, and which . dired no longer tbTayy - as it could have vC)y done, cany tvtrj ; id'-H .'' 'sue. 1 ilfg!e'cled7 . nothing in .order, ta vaifc Jiis fiirits,:'and entreated -' '-lum. (o, cp;nc to me, w'ith his wife, to a mu'It nC4!"eiTarily -lie an interi.n of near. 'a month bet ween -the advice alk'd and the ilreclioris, received ? His health 'decayed' to ta it, tnacvi w icnniaiTTT wn.Tat tcrto ed him, thought a journey and change of -' air would no. vbe the beil fft;nelvl , Eu-! ti.ij a place; in' ; the DtHciiyr cf, ilolitci Wi :xed uj-'ni for hii rcficknc! , In go ing through Luncburgh on his way thith er, 'M. Leiitin, oie of the phj fioiar.s in ' whom : he' placed '"muctrjfiiicncerB"' Confujted ijut Zinunermjo, who, thoV" fo ol ten uneafy on accotmc of hcihh,' hid, nutwithlt'dhding, had the wifdom to tilce kv medicine, and whodlid n-' like them' iityri of ge ' of dicord . bloodtied Aito&i Pchedieft ioir their (uity tberpeiC -tjtty'' f)avjati'ff weak'nefc indiriruy . ctuce," ; the infant," and the agd ; the mother ar.d her babe.'. Yon aflert anoth er, fentiment, lor which . I thoc$t dei'pjfe yotfLalatct conquered flave ot Fraoce,a;retch cd dupe of Republican' intrigues!:-' Yoe fay that FTCCe tSay be juftly called the . Agat nation, for "it jptbemced the grcatcft arid I will fltii left the mcfi hem ; fiffaralrefujth y.eV pioduied by .man, in - anyrper iodorCtniei s-rf 1 hi s fehtrmenrtatc-" -need nu comment, 1 00 contradicuon aac It a) y-i-afl;' 7 Si tt zcrland--alk:. 1 , conn try thatvas hisbwn,' wherft" hie .wotild have remained in the molt perfect fecurity", and enjoyed all the fweeis of peace and friendjhip. He anfwered mc 'in December, and one. part of hU letxer reftmble'd T tjlofe of othc; timet V. but, '.'ing. "bincholy .&'' ftlii mote ftrohgly markvd, and tKe.illncfs ofhu wife, which he un tfortunatcly thought more ferlous than it fpally waseyidently oppteiTed 1dm r t ,Kid '-"ibeen"'obiigcd to ta again ft. the beft advice,' -and did nothing Arrived at Eufjin,' an old acqtiaintance ol" his family lavimcd on him all the carrfte;. ' of his Tricndlnip. Ti is reception higriiy pleafed him, "and lie': grew rathepbetter, M. Henilcr came from Kiel to fee tiiirtj and gave him his advice which was ,'priib!y vory g'V l, but Iwame .'ufclcff. as it was very irregularly foSIoWtd. At Ltlt, after a. refidence of rhree months, e dc'Grcd to return to Hanovf r, where he caicrcd inr houfelihiUei'i iar idea with which he left it he thought it plunderT ed, ard imagined hirafclf rk'tally ruined. I wrore to entreat him to go toCarifoad : " he vv'as no longer capob'e of . bra ring the -journey tDlfguftr-want of-HcCpr-and-weaknefs ,incre.;frd riridl. ; lie ;took fcarccly . any ttouViihmcnt, 'either on ac. cotnt of ihfurmountable ayrrfion, or br- "Csufe-it waspainlut to lum : Or perhaps, as MT Wjchman believed', becaufe he imagined he1ad'T6tA-fanbmgtvtnT tenic application, ine irpuDiesot nis imoo, bis pains, want of flecp, and Uftly, as I " haic jutlaidj , waat of fufficienl noorilhf msntrMd h' hi m all t H r iTci h tj. t i nc, - mav"the n Indeed e x cl ai n , , w i tlTiccl i ngi . of horror, and juu iri the vile humtliati, 0:101 a HaVe's flattery, "Whit other -na. f,; g'Utetit. or mdcrn -bat performed' the artiwi'wb'ich AitfraiUiite f' .But you matt hope for. nothing for poor Zurich ' frail if s jitfi ice. Do you hope fot alrcf-Z l oration of youf imnaolated )iberjfy, and T ' n1itfirliffi nrnivrti I'mnt tU mtv -nf ib gttut jfttfink t Take the' whole range of .t: t eight years take all thevaft and in- mi.nerablc fcenes, both at home and a. broad, iu M-hich they'have l?cen engaged, and;poinrhie a firigteinftance where the cries of. humanity have arretted tlie hand - of blooJ, or the tears of pity lias gliftcn- cd ti'Vt eye -yt-a; hreiKlnnartrvlvio-T-" they have thrown off the authority of '. heaven ; they, have broke down : eVcfy ohligxtion of morality -they have cx' t'tnguilWd every charadleriftic of huma-1 nity, every tender a if achmcnt between 'mm and nun ; jby cmqner 'to phm'drt ami evjlanjt ; and the ttujuefed and cjlavtd cry for mnrcy iu'vain. Mrct tlte robber at thchremofdandrcfolutel . j... I.' All l ll m ? i 1 1 n . 1 t r ... i write'mcdetaiVwWcH ..'..7.11-1-1- i- , . . -, . a ftatt of comoiete decrebitude. and ft j . wu doc nave-occurura turn 3n (hour, 1 1 ius'-u -J- V A 1 f ti- andhe concluded hotter with, -Icon! Ytu - Vrt.i v';'- .uli.a J - clearly1 fdrefaw the lflue of his difordcr, i cidrA .. ''..... what ate the. beneficial reifults of the at chievementa.ot tbts gttA yattuHy&tr i meAt, c &eiv fte tlft ; :j-iwirart to wbottv their Tcevoltttwjnjiyi likely to be beneficial -Sia very, ruin and . dcfolit'fOn, are .the ct.rtain contequeuces v 01 an anu eacn 01 incm w nne tne re lentlefs 'rapacity of France excludes yoa fronii all hope of pity f rem her, you give us a fad that will make the world deaf to . your cries ; even (hould mifcry acctni.u late ten tpiil upon yoj When the truft heroes of your couotry her ' nobJe and magnanimous 'defender (jmtriots tof irha. mrtai glory receive this wesdt ttibut "from a tree Ame rican 1 1 . were tf ruggani A' .againft.the hofis cl France,, and the daU tard drgeneacy of corrupted , Switsjcr land,, were contend ipg in a deadly exer. tioii pgainil the arm of the muruerer and the trealbn of the. brethren, what did Hi?hL?r"U J'fft"d' the brirbar'ttfns iv't.'b funion wf amMuuW9rt!r?$ 9Fuisdcc4 1! rilieu bbffcdof I Jcaien:aiIdefeAcd by man -Parricide 1 talk not of atcnemeati r he ghojts of your llightpred bre. i thren call a'lo'ud for vyrgeance the groans . of your enllavcd country fhail. ever difi" turb youn Lef Zurich be fvvept j 1 om a mohg nations-let her becuratlej" late as a wiidernefs let her habitation! . become louclyrocki, and the waters, jurped " to "" blood ; and let it be remembered that ftit aided the de'.iroyert of JBerne, and (he 1 will find not commiferation from mani Let them learn from it that France I : yides to deftroy ; and that thofe who adi I her? to her ore involved in a commor ruin with thofc that oppnfc-no promife IjU rbiadjier faithi no tervicet holdjicr friend. - fhip,- Ta fcrvc France,CZurich oiurdeD1 cu ncr Dremren ; auncn itncK a oaggcf to her own heart yet Zurich iienJlavtd, plundered and destroyed. France pro mifei that no French troops ibceld enter -Zurich, that nota fboiild be demand'. .ed of her. V Bu t the very, reverie. hap pened" three million! ot hvrciare ei-' '' ignorant of its deeds ?"-or have you . loft Me faculty of horror f-l)o their awful crimes. pa.f in along fuccdCon be - fote you, without any imareilion ? If thou could'it applaud while thev- facked I thelworliLand o'encd rrvers of innocent . blood, 4carn, at leail to 'tbjnit to nafwy the' entrance, of your dwelling,-'; If you fly before him, or if-deluded by his per haious .offers of frjendfhip and benefits, yOu bpen your.arrns to welcome him,.) ou , are indeed 16ft. Is. 1 1 not r Credible that In the year f S'aiiy-'man fhbnfd make .;an appeal to the jujlice and'n' of France1? AVhere have you b'cn Lavatcr i?Are vou.4-' Jicicd, nd troops arc marched in Without' to kitrw them .from the fate of Swirifri"-Hank in ihtaniy""and homiliation, we Chalt 1 1 ' 1 r 1 . t 1 : I , t 1 . -f 1 1 ' r t . . .jioLiiKCJie v oe Jouowt owiinjnecutk. land-lut-the dci'olation o't.a neighbor itig canton, a filler tta'tc, was too remote to open thine eyes to cxpofe the bloody (Tallin, the irtfatlafc rt'htf. Look then to Zuruh, lu" thine own Zurich, ana how canll thou be decrivedt or hone for'' A'' THE C0MMISS10M!51S Appointed by an act of . the lafi General p jl'lUcr.rmgrcyl'' frqsn 3r:7'X"i''r' ' fioTypTT'1 TrrhcnjsAfr t the putpwe- of , feiling-t hr r- I 1.. '. t . 1 .i ' f ' 'in- ' ' J r "T . Polo-. Inr In ili Imin ftf iK. '., .muftJuve fccea.a-.J"weet-iaiatioa-iQL.a.. -A i k a-"- . iW minthc mJdft.of To many iucurablrf umi ui nui, U4U 41 m ft 3 'W i.uu - wouioioctn inem wiuycuy rettery. .Be lieve me they will, laugh yen to. fcom. The flattery' of a' conquered voluntiry . fl ,vc ii dull, yapit, - yv rind riditHtlousT" "They are;ihc,'lVfW-t.be maicb- '- 'ri atm'?A - Ala I oor Zurkh has foupd theni matchlef indeed in, perfidy, crue' : tyj"and yiliinyYou fay, ;'.many of- ( .Tthc mod able7 and 'nlightctlcd headad- ::ire,tra?cfi' ! J.conftdcred. ai pnilnropllcrs; politician and,; i -le'dtlie worftj ..lih vje'e, difcord vand un- nave gpytjrneo ov lallehood, petidy;and t force j 'and have Iain tfie certain' foVndal the Jeaft previoui aication o cxhauft -the country. Americans V bcnotecriti cd, berlot divided by, the1 'black ' petfijr ol French proniife$,--Let ua ftand ftrmly1 thcr; If we, then fall it will be.; wiU f .1 - .1 'j'L-ll . M.. 1 , 1 (' ziory, ancr wc iau tiKe.Avncn, DC aid contempt of the human lacei ' Palace lots in tiic town of Nerbern ; That the falc of faid loti will, corn- ramcc on the; 1 2d.day: ofarcjTar- n i ..- . r . i rjoon. ; ijonas witn appro va iccumy will be required of one thjrcVthii purchafe money, at the end of one '?at and the rc fiduic. at the end of t wo yea ri . : . . J. C JllYAN, . VH..1Q1NT0N, T9 January, u Cf all kinds for falc attliis OfliW. -- L I , i ' ... t --' J., . .,- .. ;'-