rl -A ''rV V-.-r yy ti,-"5--a'.r V'-'-,--' ".--:: V . ' L i i 'i ' -r i '' , '1 i"mn - ' : .' ' ' i i i ' - i 1 1 n- - a ;t i-r" v '-tV;;Sti 111 :.' i,f c.fr; - .cl . I r ? . : tAA. yy. U V - -J.. H i I V. Ki t :;r.V ; I PHILADELPHIA, 'Feb. ?. F F t c i; A -L v vW'rts ofa IctfVr-frbm capt Mutriy. - O.vboard tb?;Montgzuma .January ',tV;r M799, io . 1 -v- 77' - lcagEiriVot 3ua. , - 1.' .1 K 'l aonvlycu on the ttlj Ucci, ana maac ihii ' -idti VNv! ;;,'kRf ? I ycrily;elievepur fevt 'cjulzerik have ' given the';. French here a if riousjTnght ; they kiiojy tlie quality.of or.r vctiels, and ! riicy kiiovv ouriiuiultry; . ' l weiiae h6t iyered as good a poVtc thjt ot' ' i Vo Vaift our wLiuward ttatitiii. but wc had fuch rial)nd;btcr2 winds, fagel-c thn craized uplcirurcly by St Martin ': ftf . ' r.rtholomews:' St." Jfiuila-. , a4 ihur rUlin iif 1flaa. uW to ' ' fcc!,. but feVoint' into pum .1 end deof Guiidalmjpe,' aAdTaw'no'l ' snc careuJef btd of him, 'tia,-aud a " the welt fi " thinz but'a fcvDancs and Swedes, which T." tve chaTed arid boarded;" We i!icn payid: . . about tiie,re and .jofiTjlis". li.onh-ii in the very trad we had " beVore fcen 10 - many pri vat eersrwithout feiiCga"jy-;vef.;' fci whatever, but one" -Aincricaw ' fenooner . by which rI'rXvr6teT to "you a lifis,; which w4s,J indevd, the tiVV-;' 0 bft oi-' ' port unity i havt. had of ivia-you': any inteilience aboot us; and t:te - CyaVme iiuup oj warjcnai.was in niuiua, wacu ' - -vc wc re "there .. u W c run tnto the t r B a y s v jnd fearched in eyerf dircitionjW tiietn, '-. .but without eifeft." Not hiding it of im '. portahe'e to rendairi. there an -longer ;; we beat up '9 windward of Antina, ; as : far as the long, of 55 Agrees, " and there" 1 . cruised forten day jIwfcd and -Ward--' cd feveral AmericJt) veTels, bound to -lif- ftrentjllaiids, ; . likew tfe had -fouie- chafesaiter ;twopHva , . boarded,., a rtd turned '" 6a t to be Britjfh X rfrorhTAntigua, none of which had feen any French vetfels, or their prlicsir-thn ---we tt ood fort her down to the Ftjathvard , : to the whktward o Martinique j off which illand we felt ici with ad rft i ral y HarV'ey J ; in the Prince of Wales ol 98 . gun wei e - recognized 4iy our iionalsywhichVin niy- formerletter, I intbrmed yotl 1 had wrote iw j;iui rtuuur, . ncgave tne a pome in--titatioi to go bn board of him, .which-j did, and mt with a very, friam'.ly rccep- 't ion. He informed 'me, hcJ had fil lly complied with . the requeit -raatle him, 'and. that he had diltribaeed the fignals to i" men gt war on tne lraium, wiucn tiitm irrpJrt,' whicii I flrrr my feline have contributed in; efieiVihI ? ' --Alter t& the Jtdnjira), w tt'ood back itf the norh?rd, aj!c5,-rri-;ice'd o" -efcada for :d eri!"nd; ilm d'lEicilI with a jDaniiiifnip itom Hatrbarl;, bound .toSt. '1 dwmas, had tuo upon iharlatitude witliiAic feci; ant tliiaTj but one; Asneri- that he has A1latr.co a furious , injury in Im malts, and thnks they canwof. be ; fc to exKUiinc Ihcin, -and vvtihavc.dttrmii -ed to lecure'them as well as pcliblcV,-fo ; as to enable us to keep put ss long- as we ' join the twofriffatcs.v aAd crur.?a ilayvtiil Cap WiliiatnSt is ready, aaJ : hope'liy that triie the! ' '.' p ro v t frirt" rials' may arrive as I lillwant a fi,nall; A'p ' ply ij I flidl thep take off a large couvoy no w col 1 cdic he re 1 1 werti y-ia 1 uow le ing a:yo tf)lXititifAtjQW -Antioa,--' X?tij Mbleraf;;3nd St; aUinoplier;i ; the 6th, whn Ireercd to tlwoiefwar'? " iu cu;nr more iifimcuta icy:-ni- 'mc u.V f raffigiieCl m?i and hoping there : allHp. meet s, J t he v clfclit o rde red to join 'me frotn CKarV; , .. leliom jliv the afterutpn, lailingdowA ; ; the -Nor'rh hdf o.f ihe Wafid of 'l ortuda's. 'i? ; V "we ditcoyercd , a v Woo p BcurgJJ taT fici f ; wiiidw ard , e x peii 6 tfl rom t he ji tua t fott '' ' cud proceed with them to a.fale lat.- Af ter hat, l fliall return to cruife among the Seui h rn i1ljnd4pr a whiltka y i'ltg -, the .Commodore on this ftatidn as am ih-i foV incil .he; mvk uHb'f r ui(e Ji I r e.!2J2 S CAftcr lVavc Vricdhaf ftatiorrVI fs--iumcrii will be tine to lock towards " A-- rnc r i ca a .t find' y mt Ji.avtf' I'nr .jh'jp'i" -v heie 1 ntrad ewtrailctt' i r that l.e was 'aii-American homeward-bbun'l v and;wulin to -tVanfmit you intelligence) J' of a.l beic? Ve.Hrwe made fail and brought lim too.-1 It proved the i floop Ceres of ' WafrenvmiiotandV; m;.fter. : i le yi rom Bhimore loaded by Johri ; M. f'adon & Co. with coo barrels ot' : ; -z r ... . . . : oih 'thicc t "Jab, l '1. P. X have 'ilfdnv reafoijs " to be-' j lie'yc,' that' ii ahy of our cdijrntryrnen 'turf j ,'t-tf (iuaJaluupe a'iW Cayenne); to- bc taVeh j they being iprniihcd w ith a prof er cjuii- uriigji ;, wlvfcn carneo t tney leave tneir y1! .Xi J-.;vtiicibchindv,ahd then kt off for, Ame- can. l(1d(ed.wehave,a moU liuWg - ti;e C.f having .nade. their e(V, time thc..e.. - - cape,' and. foon o back with' another I ; 1 ,)ever -coumed. np.m fo' much b;:d fef M- . difto,eh., : Lrp'il nor u: tun hatie h1! Hivfi i hit ri rf " . - weather, aVwe have bad, :'npv-w-'tliis fta--- tipn i Vehave fcaicely had tvvoiolloW- ing days good fettled weather foir near a p..mli but a coitltaht fuccelTi'o.r of ; hahl fi'jfl and rain, frequently blowing lo ha rd; : w e cou 11 fca tcejy carry --a-rag-f -jcanvaf5,3hidi lias lever ly tried bih -; tiir vtilels and crews ;vaiM altKo 7cur peoj)e have been genera lly able, to lUn'd ihe detkr Act 1 li; ti'm-u 'o! t hem.. very i much inclined to be un the Oc clor'i 1U .. " , , -iYlA-rN.iVl r; Lctfer3 from r Capt; Tingeyj :,.?.. G arges, at St. Thomas, - 2 7th - ' , Jan. J ;9ji -S 5th o:noMiMG6. ; Capt WJIlji'ni , beiiig.itfil Jfcfful -his mails j his iwj'-S irw; ii"i rccs fvc. be-J ing in"a bad cehdi ( tonj a rd n ; t " a hie to Oiry the fail wc -arc oftv-n obliged to pre is in a cliafe; mid the' wc3ii;cr liill tcmp;llucAsj in fquajlsj which, ; as X ell as from the abiblute need fTtcTre&rrxnts that our crews both ftarun' heed-bi'i uy- ' c 1 e weli)eciall v t " hat ir bee iv -cofU - T . . ' -. o . . , ....... 1 .1 .... . im board ever hnce the.2c ofeptemDcr,. ,u";c ,JJi ro.w ioni we gave, cnace, r I had fhc honor tp2ddtefs you the 26th lJSecetaber by tVe fliip Ciuries of'Boiiou,, Z cojiy. of Ahicln .No. 1. i lierevi(h en- - CiOied. I he weather continuing line, and ! - pjrtigrcilir.g.'o'o our ccurfej' oii tne mord- t ig oJ ue joih, we, gave chace to, and 'fe Ji1 I.iUPi e r tvia i ct ea t a iii r lAwnr s,' .ot and tru:H Baltimore, lor bt, "ViMcet ts and on thTicl inilar.t inade the 1 land ol 'Flifpar.iolaj at or near . Old Cape Fraav.oii Steering along the coaft, at lioon of the ,3d, we hail palled Mbhlc Chnlt o,-a id A'n-i he -a f te rnoon , being :oh 1 a lew.ieaaues 1 6 windward oi' the bar, tMur ot Aew;Cae ' Francois jjir-i ifco-- t f ...... J .1 . r 1 - . . i ' . 1 JL"aitoeaie,avingeivtJLo ." , " . ; . - '-Thg-irainnriirrfrsTt.Tr4 h .u ;..!.;. v vvui uab ii4iM w Uvtitb'i aim an r , , , ., , "T''"' -"known hy theni and; by mod; of their Javes inejrom a great deal oi -trouble and ; aflxicry; 'I-f 'The admiral oTered me every friendly "alfiltance we might . ftand .in" need of, and feemed glad rha t Amerida and Great. Bri:' bin ftood upon fuch fair teriiis. and woii- 1 1 .told him it proceeded fro n thdienity of rarg'OveTnmentj' ever IncTineirTS3elacea. ' ble )neafu:cs.-r-thar out executive had al- " ;, ways boeti firm,: b4t kept the door of con-; Z filiation open as, long as the re .was ja. lha- -ull doVJif hope,' in avoiding the bit , alter-native- tlut l believed welliould have. 7 betrf earlier "with our eocrgct.fc meafures, 1 1 dceih it necclfary Jo give them a ,,'jcw days reiaitatidn'iii jHrtj to-hearten them hp ;,ijor have.I been oyt oj thclhipj ever. fice I '-It ft Annapolis; but lor a le w hours tat Morfblk ; wc tlierefofCj alter having " juit boarded .1 govr ;.imcrttbrjg'cl 14 g'utis who gave usji:e;famfe.a'cbmu?j..pt liu'et-, ing with no Frenchman, cn thc4 tb.tionj J: till niglit rcinlered cur :. falling In with uicm very uncertain, wn tne morning ot the 4'h, however we ..werje near them, atW'ivon:-e!fcovcrcdihe,n;"ta'be two Bri-r tlfti'Uiiof Battlcfiiipsj anda floop of ' :; VT ar? y''y , y'y. :'"-,: Z.'y r T' filter n-tciving liid anfivering the pii. yuie nguals 01 t,iut nag; ' lwctu&n board 7 iMcatTw the W fide bF DomnZo', 7 bf; h":tainnEr: kramith;.! for'information to direiftpuritfture. move-' T-rticuiariy- r.ft pyjitely rccjueileg there oannanJe r or ti c luad roni trom who'.n ments, and to etsquird toiaii opportunity bf rend inji this let terr ?-'':""";'V:r;'": ' 7 My boat has juil arrfyed withl tItia-.,L saleable intelhgeme of the arfival ot the ".. "United "States," in PfinceKupel'i'fc,bayj We therefore fet all fail to join her, . , y tlcivcU tiie molt ii iendly aod n;;:riccd - at ieaion,r withal 4nfor'mlrTgof-ifCiP thfe particular Order of tne Admiral . is 1 r i t11,4 fike r, k r alike cgi rd to 01r 4 . ... ... .t.i : . 1 . ' aim piivuie, to every cap tain in his flcCl. -"7" ' but that"wc had hard materials and obfii :"" nate parties to work upou."T Mc en'cjai red i where I had cruized 'generally! told j5iWm ; part ieula ry .mycd iiFe 'rcuUxoii tes,.'J "rjwhichhs faid were very proKkr," and a. ' greed . -with . nje-'. tha ' he : thought lew of . their cruisers were put," as he hid m)S - f " of, his m i p wat ch i ng t he mo t ion s ; of -1 he French flaps in BalTeterre. ' -. ; J.y:--. : 7 :r' Tlius; hir,' you may alTu're the public. v Jof thfc hih eftinution we ftand upon in , ;-Jz - bis iquartetofithe globe ,( and -rwbateyer truizef 8 you fend this way may be1-' jure 1 ; of a polite reception, and that our com. ' ; ' ' n :.. e .11 .,'.-."' merce nanus upon a jnoieiavouraoic HiU-r -, "ationi1 than it has hitherto done; at lead ; iVio thefe fas, for we -ltave chafed arid - ' -iwaidfid alnqoft every yciS;l we have feen;"-; -:7-';T:;7:'rtr',':v--- r-;;.r.i I . ... y j u.arce to be.: underitood js : other than Wc arrived hefe on the p'h. where ' I fpuiuanccu tl i (Von rTyrTii .1 r J RT,,1 .jfil met with my old irierid couvuPdore fjar ry," in the Uhioed btatesj jand the Wafh. irKton, Captain Fletcher. : The next daf . they failed to craife a icv days otf Ga.i. J ,.il'niv ' ' rT'TrT"""'!'".""'" '"."TT'!',".V " 'y iFrom the convcrfation ; I have had with "' cbmmodpre ilarry, i am happy to hnd I have anticipated a part of your inftrucYionsl to him, rz fctting 'the (i'nals, laying a : train for the exchange of piifouers, arid,' J "In mectirigyour rptan 'tor .Tdepoht of pro'vi-"" fions in fmne convenient place ; this place .1 conceive the molt eligible of any. in the windward idands. The Varrifon officer emdelighlcTwTitTi tfie plan, and (how every civility, and this day I have fmiih. , cd all my bufine fs of wooding and water .'. ing, and in putting my lhip' in' complete forderfoT,fea,-ardto-mprrow'r the -whole of thejtji 10 dine on board with me, haying pafljid this day vyi th them, ;p rin. ' cipally with i view of bringing about ; a friendly : and ;happy'- communication "fsr lipfc.wh6: may tome after me;- On the ' j ith,' I fliall leave this werAJi?YOiif fw Capiain bnith haiinsr alfo ih'timated rived, on 'a Uation, pre ioccy pied' and (o tiOieiy mvcueu by them, it .. would.-', be . pieaiing to iiiin,-' ud he allured alfo that it would be muciifo to the Adm:" if I would write to the latter at "Jamaica- offering a.fo to be thVbcarc frorat iealttrror ward : ray coirmiunications; Conceivinj . ftp unpeopf h,ty in -this,' -1 a-ddreiled the- . fcJmiralf a copy of which you have hrre wulu'sij. 2. .aad -which' 1 -twjje""iKnot ynTect trie dilappTpSation 'oTThPFfefidciill or yoifrfclf. . . . ., V I alfo. undcrl! nod' frorii Capt. Smith;' :;ant j'hc pther twPcap:ains whp Ww'rc JwL: . Board the Hannibal at the' time, that an aim jit total ..ftagn itiolto the Frca'ch . pri- vatciring hiJ 'takn place; in conference 5 or ,o ncavy pcna.ry tur tneir Ue.uyiour lu v big b-jn dscjvc JrthirVe fyr fe w ' 'were, able or wdlin to co hpl- withpa-id that nx mjre thi i o;ie in tkVM'r'of thj priz imtic.tt? Fr;ai!vv-cif;U : "trj' o this -XcjvJ ii 't, b i trrjtag :riittic li.iifs'f k hs:3 t.igsj." I c 3 1 ; i u i if t 'j c ' ii ,f 2cm itt; till l :hrf c. f auih) "floarpfQiT.clwinej and Piit'.; for Baraccu ",in. the illand'cf Ctiba 'J' - (and confined to the raptaih) where alio ' ' ; he declared he.was boundj 'f infidtd that 'he had oyetruir his'port and was beatint i""--'-. ' orf Key ' Nl a I a y w h iclf he p re t ended f td ; " take for the itfc of Torttfias, for I clctaih. ed hiin on board during the night, arid in the,"'morrTir Tent for Ins T mate '"and log 7p; bojk, but their bjnefs was too yycjlp.re-: concerted ; . the Matter, X piatC .and, tog '. bo4c- were jn unifo'it, and all his papers ; lear-hiid regular, for hU purpofes,-----. Z . ' J I'o doajjr remained with me of his being; ; ; '-.U bound fi:'t. Cape Francois; ifut as 1 coukl 1 - obtain riu'ight to fubftantiate. proof there- .. oiV-a t -nu'Ks on the morning cf the tit, trn dl milled him, caufing' him . to itcer for. . " B Jracouj where, ,1' had ihtenHei to fee-: -hrm put in, but foon after two fail ap--pearing in the S.'vVV. quarter; Ijuitted:'l him and gave, chace, apptoachi'n thehii1-- L.1 by figual Idifcovcredahem-to-te-twcVr-Britifh f rigates; on the 8th I fell in with 7 another o;t' the Plattbrm,-'in lucceedinjj-7-days others and in IHort during my ftay tliere, fcarce ati hoGir puffed btswhiitiH. 1 wo, or -more xricuii cruncrs were 111. 'light.-, : , -:- -:'::; 7 Oil the 1 bth the trade wind began id -blow with more yioieiiee'than it had herel v ' tol'ore done aird the lhip havingr"iio'hten2 cu connacrauiy oy tr,e cxpenaitureot wa. ieraniLprovilions,- provxd loo. lender-td ' '.' bear a prefs of ail. ' '.y-r'r- '.';' 1 had-not been without apprehtnuod 7 and expectation of thlS previous to lea v- ' ' ing Philadelphia j add indeed it had been v iharc than once intimated by capt.! Date.: . -. Kurihy endeavours to obtain a fufHciehc ... quantity of fliinglc baila it) ; had ..been, ren'i ; y ,.... Pered abortive, unlets I had been (lete-;; mined to let otter mateiial buQnefsrr re- ,.. , .9 - - -maim -in wmc it is evidetit, 'thi fhipuuldaTrta - ljwil re' by - the ' icc.-'"":,;'-''i '' .7"T" . :' ' V On the morning of'the 19 th the wea- thet proved mild, We Hood "out fp the uor'th .Vitrdol Cape Nicholas, cteTpinin 2 to try jg-ijn for Henefage or forne of the' Keys i but " about hoon- tlie wind IpringJng jp from the, Ni .Nf V; vveatiiiied the ifle of 'l ortudas by the wind.; jt jult y ec 1 xd 'gfcfj tj-fir ut !to 4- '5; , IIwealrieHiBe anu on uie morning 01 me 19111 we were -ihlwiththollaiKl-of PtoRico,-a few deagues to the leeward of the J, iity 'and haibour of bti Johns; The! .w)nd riow refamcd " its;Tiftraf direction - Ifoin the E. N. and beirg' doubtful ' of the reception 1 might meet at Porto.' -Kico, as aiip Wing totally unacquainted ' with its coalt or harbtif, i determined tP! ; endeavour for this port,' and fucceeded in -getting in on the evening 'of. the 24th iiarly on 25th I wited wlio politely requeued I would obtain . whatever I rrnght bfi lo ncjrdof: . : On the coift of Po;t6 iUcb We 6w arid Jhajdfeverab were enabled to bring loo', belonged to this porYahd we're trading under Danilli . colours to and fi oin different -ports of I Iif; - rvirt-lV "" -,,' ---;. ', ! - rfoUiidrRcreTlcTeTal American veffcr and one French" privateer fchborie r of 1 "r Pmh ' bfhichjioweyerijt baye . he tlut there are vjfry few now in thefe feas j thtXh6oner is commanded by an lrilb lhan named Williams, an4 failed from' UlJ '" yt&crday on acruiirfi , ". 'JyLy, ' ' - - ' '-:.'- y--y;y y -rri . '': M''1- Q'Zy "A -V, - --. -- ---.: -'A

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