- ' - k t ' . '" r "S ' -f.v I'; ' v i mm f .1 UK: I '1 1. & jit .. n .i m m a t n --r ? w v. . r -v.t .. a mmmam 1 '" ' IJ " ' mforiu thc-ttepiitJUQh of.ttojl. urjcafipefs on that accditj" owing to ' :.-- '"'-'V '.'tif'; ,ci!i)Src the.ilidepritVoin tUitadcin ; !' thW .'force. .-The iittleww'iii of ;rH.X': . . . w1 1..X'r--ii, ?'Penjaiiy; toft .ami iknal.reiiiaioHy oil Ijnuci Ji?iallWeEtaken &feiHonoVi by the Aufirians, fo that the;:. now the limits of the two armies. On tbeihtKheretfeii iiuutci.'4ii.avM, uciwccn cfciicHiz ana the batieTfce aVivl liefire ot" theTFreneh V -A letter trrtni marihll Suivarrnw. I .rrt;V..v,- i.i f rr-.V vu-..; i..' eVeigioV; April 1 8 IKitesthit they lhaif retire Iiq the Vowiiilnep fceFlach had repaffedt'neViaafte f 5trlbiirTiVuruer o wait thrre ir '-"f"gP toefch daalpoiitionst rltramftslferMieg m HollanA bv -hianhall was fcreparinji to follow them T ay: be made to tbeuii ; : ' - .fli menV - ntirt nriini Wti Y leaving rn. Kray witft arwpr -r-. Boni7rT oftbout twenty thoyfand, meti to invent . , ' . Df gliY-, ihol't: twopljces. r:iVia1rlhallSuwa'rrow's vr- .AWii, Ta uaq uecu puijiea asiar asre nibuo, and gen. Klcpan's ro Uije-netglV memjaesuaiiiaxiaa? iUing gjaverhn'ent i Mive and decided . 2I.0CG men, has been fbrnitU.- , . -----Jt'--i-" " ;"T 1 . r Ham bTjji g h ivi ay i -: - ML )rin; anyUsnhderable. body 61 the enfe- trians dare-hot witbiiioreis 'prcciticiii, are np'fcifcieq Ureoth-: 3y occdUtjts received jn the ertiri ' ; to make a"ny: 0-rious m ack ir SwitV -3 of the fame day, it appears tha thee- zerland-i-'l lielyngttljey tielay, the 4 nemy '5re einploved in th'rowinir im infini-i.- Mitll.rt!, k t.L, w.ru-'!.-. ' .1 The fquadrpc'; v hkh i'ailed frotfi yreilj tafries25eWrtrobj3jjO be;3i? fiFkeUtiiMler-tlrde'r 6t.Ge'6era 1 ; nemy utre einpioyea in throwing up more Mallena is fm i ;fvi... wn,r,u-tWw . - . -sill, - . r . . ' . : .1 r -. ... j ... iiniuvii i,jv. w entrench ajesat dl ; arid Cilia., j , and the greater; addition -Joes the di- uu. wfi m.m-. on urrow, w itu a pu- ; rectory wike to ' his. arm vr of ail the ldy of between fortyfive and fifty thou fand men Was to have mat the d eh h he. 19th: tb.Mrnta Chia o on' the 1 'Chiefa , iti order to occupy Brefi;it, ' ainl 41 ti. v.. ..ji.au 1 .... .u j .. u . a.i . da5. ;' ' :'"- ' ' " Jrvtlroaine. . It ts ctHnpoicd of oie Ihio .of i:n guns, iUrt otii id- towf 807 j and-ieyerilTcDrveite.- i'heir -.crews, are more ih .n conllete," and . all the failori hafe received tbretr'nioiubi piy jiT adiranccJ ' . 'i he Jhips aie victualled ; : ,.-' 1 His ro'val Htehrlefs the Afchd uke Si ll .ij .Lr 11 ill : vii.il ics 11.1a icjjui icu me uiiiuvy tnur pur troops that hey ablen this viile;j; for five tuonths. . The Captains i tceij ofthe totrei i'he.-reiiHwceinehts'-ved ir'cni the min.iier a icketr which ivhich the Attnduke receives -are; not "i was to hp opened only in the prefedce mTTie laine proportion, which makesB Pi thtir heral ftafF, upon a Ugoalgi ; uie-appj-eheniiveji mid I have already ven by. the admiral's, Ihipjtirin'g a gui, fatd, , that thi pViiice ; - oiay: tnccinvithziThe gnn amrif peaf ?rc . great oiiltacles, -and tHat he will put oif - night of ie iCtti ult. . J he packet di the execution of hiwlpi rhar reefed thflu to lail. anH thpv-inirneilia'r- ttcdlars relative tojhe t in order tb tely put.tofea with a favouraWelvvbdl llauleu. - , , -; ' prelerye hertr, Jliall cblige M,.iretia -j . bhips L'Ocean, Brpuilh'C, com. -' As tile enetiiy ftill retained jioflefiton to fend him 30,000 thofen iiien. 1 big mander, ejptaia Be va;s 1 arguni; 1340: of the'towu of SchaflhaCileii and . the peVido5' cannot be far ddtant,'- for Mail-' ni'e:i-.Lt:!;:ntpublican, liermenger fiihlirU of Conttatice, called Paterhau. U:l; s already itjrrounded, and the Idem. 1 10,12 13 Le ferriblf jtcdourt, len, both limited on the HikHc bank Frhrh are rrtlrintr rh-l,!i: Jadcin:id,4i -lIhvincMe.-L'H.1 W thC- Khine:'" 'Vftb' ah"ann-!reht'"vTev" P ' u'i i,Lj -u. J... 1. r t.i . :! -'M .r. Vl..f ifr. V! T 1 to aflemble therf, and pa, titu'arly LdHi, and thole of the Audrriris at Goi. Schafthabien, ' number of troops fo, oil the fViizioV ' I ' 'and to make, an ' advantageous attack i He garriioh i,f Mantuaisconipdlid from both points upon the corns of hp .lUieutenaiitgenbrapco rititr, chief dediv.. 1 io, 1069. L'In. compatible, JDordelin. cap. de vaia $of- 50-Le formidable; 1 xc, Houatd, ciiitf de div. 8o, 898- LeZiele Dufay, idem, 7 4, 7) La jUonlluution,. Ler- t. " ! Ltey , jJem.,,7 4 7j 8 Ls - Cif alpine,- uei"gevin, cap. tie vais. 74, 742- j which waspotted in the neighboufne-od, Lthecth, there has been' nothing but , . his royal hignels direited that the ene- ft:tbie engagements df advanced polls: Le VVatW Gburdon. idem. 74700 trdttt thele two cUrt m Kit-nan e I Le Batave. Dti'rier chiet tJe uiv. pi ogrefs-into the duchy t of Ferara, 74, 7o li; Gaulois, Simeoh, cap. de. ami to increafe hisHrmy by a" great.mt.ii. Vais, 7,4 756Le Hedoutable, Nio'n-- - iit r of Ihl urgeVits'rAvhV Hock;td j)itr ' 'tepulcrjrideijji ?rj 4f Le'GeniniaX" hivltaildardb. L;l he ii)bsb'iUiits.pf the pesi-of.iierj 74 70 Le : .-, f .it-it Vl4iwn . 11 r': ...r liMnnpnn!; KfvanirtLi'l: upm. -. 7 ; xowimaUdoi tbejrroSuab cunt-ofiJiiiealtliJeu firflcl late. " yytOjepiieptit fity?and has been fa fe- . "i: er"eK;vatfacked,b ,a L.rjematic-'''feve'-' - r: ' ;tht.hif ifeJhae-Jn "darrand ;-,r'7;-'. ;:: (... iuihisfoffurttis.tht prihd J. Jriii -si : i v r 'P1? ivopm - Tuyeh uirndepartmentJ 2iMajaertleni L ted as being, jn teenerai infurrtwionV werelent 'mihTtown-ta-Bre(ti un..V tier an eicori of, 400: fold ers: M bout the.elbows with Vmall chains, each abotxt 2 eet long. W - v.c -?vf:'?i- -Suwarrow. on recelvihip:. a prefeni of a horfe from theemperer tf rancis,an- ' i.Wf rcu,, 1 wm man:ie my gratituup for this gift) by fending you ; rite key! LoRDBRlDPORt's FLEEti : " 7 Rt: bon. Brid- , , . , A Domett Prince. 3fc Neptune St. George Glbry; " 3 R.aJ.firC.' ...k. toti ..i.. 1 .f. 98 Captain V ilieti - g S. Edwardi 4 r 1 r aaumares Ee prdmlpee " lb ChaiteVterlinjj Ajix 80 Hon. ..A. F; ' . -. '' . Cochrane J... -ITlmpetueux Achilles ? 8-irErPellevP- points, and ttiit their Nations Ihould be occupied by bur troops. -v t rln cq;ifequcnce of this arbhgement iicuitii4Mv jtu. cuuiu iaueiiuuiii was charged to order lieutenant gen. cou it Bailiet to advance aeainil Shaffhaulen with a conliderable body bf light iiifaH iry and cavalry, fupportctj byJbur bat.'; J tahons 01 the - line and Tome relerve artillery. - 'He-obeyed thefe orders ": terf .tdry of Mint u 1, tllejirelcianele, j ptitjuenosjKlyangal idem.. ; 4, . 743 in the Bcriahial'c(ifalul the : Cremdufefe. - ; iu general tetufy the tiioit favourable dilpolitibns towardrthe'AuilriansI r they call upon themwith loifd cries; fly ' to Will ds theUl'aS (ct K tllM annMr- ! nd JumnidtiedUhe enem to-abaridon- -ahu"begin-al ready to break out i'vo iri, the towrl in the courleofhalf an hour, ru'rVeclions at feveral nointr.- litters and to retire to the left bank of the ri- Italy allure usthat general Mac' Ver. The officer who commanded- in , doiiald is evacuati.ic the kimrdom oi . . .. - . o 7' SchalFhaolen fought to gain time by ne . gociat'ionwith a view to drawn unto Naples with tlie ureateli fpecd, in or- ; gociation,-with a view to drawn unto- "der to avoid bem plafceil'-WtweeiiTwo- traIT, , "P'. 74- - 7 i 3 Le ,,-Jeari ; . ' J himfelf a reinforcement but Heuten-v ; fircs ; and he hasno""great tinie left : 'Baih;kjun, C'ptam'.;'(ileas.;..4Jt ; 'jj ant gen. count Bailiet, aware of thee. -for faying the wf feck ot his army, which 737- ' 'rrr ,,. ,1 nemy's objeft-, ordered his artillery, is noW reduced to fc, 000 men, as very ' FR ;L 0 A; T S. LeJ!i'our.ikuUer?idlfetyfapde'Vais X At 760 Le J. Koufieau, Bigor, iUctri . 74;. 1 o Le DixT Acfut," Ber. geuet, icleiil. 74, 739 ievonu on, loliand, idem. s 74, ' 76o-La Conventioji, Bczzcpl idem. 747 744 Le I'jraniiicidij. Alleniand, . chief de div. 7,1 , 660 Le Cepfeur. Fayc", i de i'.v 7 47 807 Le Fbugucit Befcbiid idem'; 74, 7,.0-Le ' Mont Blanc, Mtil ..1 r....;. . - 1.0 r . t . 7io jug :,. jean; - 1 '-i ' I '". Whicn he haa polled to great advantage nuracrous bbdiet ot mlurKents are. col f w lire .upou. ujc o. luge auu gaic Luic Tegbttweeti Laples aaditomend- :4- G. ;M. aJlomainetIIiacailley--4,4T Dragon Rerpwn Superb v; Magnifictnt r Ruilell ..' 'Mars 74 Captatii George Murray 1 ' Cjeo. Campbeii .74- A. Bertie- -74 J. -Sutton; 74-,i50wai5r Rear iu.. iiun. G. Berkeley, 711 Capt;Mouaobi Sixteen fail of the lintfi ' v The Venerable, of 74 euns. , capt. fir C. Fairfax, failed t;b join before J the w?,1: of the failing of the enemy :arrlvca. Slice - - which the Atlas ; Formmable t6wnrnnd without further delay he atT , thev have aireadv taken noffelliun of le. 1 La"CreoTe;Goureive; tatked ihe enerny iH theioWnr ; L'a Bravoure, Labourdou A letter trdm a commillary ot. the "-'y , , . ; , 3" Ramilies "RoDuif : aturn, 'Canada Denance TBclbna , Cafct. J. JoncJ 5! TJiorni oorougn V withstanding a very obftinate refiflance, he drove them acrols the H nine, the bridge orer which they burnt in their retreat. ; 1SL . v, ; The euenry loft upnn -this occation feveral htindi ed men lulled and woun ded and one hundred taken prifoners feventeen nieces of cannon, and arms of various delci iptions were , takeii-- Our lfs does not amount tomoreinau ib men.";T .. .. V V" RASTADT, April a6. a The laft note of the French plenipo, Tcnnesoii their taking; leave, con. Archduke's armv. which 1 have i ult LaCotarde.Croife. , .36 fcen, Hates that the French foldiers are La Fraternjie, Bcfiiard, ' l) verjmuch 'Nelc!C!I great number; on account of the m!1 Ul ' : (f treatment which they; receive, frotn La Byrceati, -Bcurran 3 ' thcif officers j. that they are b want of Lni'acjtique, Louvet, t every thing in Switzerland.: On that La biehe,"Kirnel, , . ? very day on 'which he wrote, the l otn, La ecouverte, Foliar;, 29 dragponsv all wtheni jnpingd -had come up to him : leveral bwus had ' alfo painfd by, to. join their worthy ; countryman,' ueh. notze, u no has 37 . ready more than 26,060 aien under his command ? " ' . : 'C - , t 1 . j "9 ''.1 iWps.pnhe.B'ne. ; J-.fngates, ... . iiuti,:.. -r'2 corvettes, - i i'gallcsw 35 300' 169 I Jo 49 5: eludes, after a: latemeiit of van ;lt is imppfTible tb tnow exadly what ces, with the follow ingcxprclhons : - I -js palTing in the interior of Switzerland, Fiiiallvit is. in cenlequence r commotions ctnainlv prevail there. vhat has been juU ftatcd, tbat the uti-'l but the French gave themfelvee liure . '"V Toialgeheral 35 veffcls LbtoON,May 7 :., . Priva: letters by the mail -report, ,74 R. Grindall-v 74 George Counters 74 .Hon. iM. De k . Couifey. r LfiT. Se1ombA- 74 'T R; Shivers 7Sii;l7ft."ihffmjp .:: -T fon ' ' Hare failed from Plymotuh. , And " . . II!.. JJl til - iv ice aum. on ioyal Sovereign 1 00 A Gardner y- Rear fataitil .Whitlhcd ; '::,. Capt. r 5irR'.'Stracha J. Alms Queen Charlotte ud aptam Repulfe 74 64 1 Ak ahoulta Cj.iljfbin pitJwadr-inak.w iftg.in.the, whole thirty fail ot . the hhii . lititot which are; jh;ee-deckers f 11: Vfi. afcjpt enabled ,tp conimuntcaty -to our readers any . fati$laory intellf. gence frpm Lord Bridport. Hii fqua." tjron failed, from Plymouth on Monday,; fleering weft ward, 'Conljfting of the Pjieen Charlotte; ot i 10 guns,- 'fbut .' IV'H- ,' ,. if- . A'- T--i- T t : i 1