4te ' ' -4 i .. It. ' V S'i ii"- 'wcgSsagxeyfaaU j'toaALjwawgw' airt6.&fc jAyift .SwgacS&aca I- i I i'u" K .i I I ...... Jf jt .'i: hi JTTfc .lr V . . I 1 . jfV -v. ... I lyw f x t . I X I .: n v :'MA)STi;..;' Teirr r cV-AH re!ij:U-i rfcctv U;;iU . enjoy the full arid liicc excrc! ..of te-.r r'lirs. ' tfl,, ajwtiiijoniil t.vjt Jwv d ivr. r-re:vj l,i;h( yon tr.tt-p4.1tef curr.enr'ol inburc . ' rjvcdrhtTy- rum .&?Ufil(e$"ui Ml J 'day's i for'C-hr' i;ovcrv,rri Tif, iu :btj? to A J "... . ' . . "'--...,' ,; ... vnatitiegrce o. crca.t to n tay , ti.tn;. I?, ;:-..Ll 'V'u''f:1 r-r'fj!!. frMin rvrtVi thpmnr'p iri!M"ti "F.-a'h; ;ii vii tit err up t c d "T c s of i h c rtioltf. , jfecietiohateand iliiFj vc benevolence to h,t :XM$ pf ojple ;U5 .. y .;; : . P v: .VVc renevv to votir mft sraciotn-. N4-- : -J" .'; ; j M' v. jefly our alluninc of our )oy ulry m you if ::tl .'. dUfilcslou. nJ tanhriH .itt.itiimcm o :..'our : nruul '."excellent cciilUmiofi,' and ,v ' ot'.'' our ;'reac0nels? to oard and defend If rf-- f ;i v "r1 j . iii'es your Majeily 'sriioit : v. uui.iuauie ;ijre?; jpot gairuune auaaaous a t N .lAnrs 'of ( Fbr;e:gu . Enemies, slid V y-fec ret ;;inachmat5ons .of' pwntfiticrre -drfi.. iont; " .- :-.-. . . v: v .; ' - to win c h m i.M A i f.st v (vas f la sr.D A 7- .TOM AKE TUB FOLLOW 1 NC GAACtOUS v O'te-lidhle bah -jirhaAm- j' t - 4 1 1 tof-jiv rio'n is juit xcce w'cd a r;f V 0(Ite' tf - th '; -Nitfrcan tile 'i A-. lWriftf , cift Ik- ififf TpVi ioiie Vv ar7 '.vrjiVifvvtr tixaqueiiid -; . . JV-;b'n wfl(rt Irpqi ;u. . , .: 1 piitjfiic Ar ilcli afoot?' - ;' ; " '"7r .' CarXe! troai 45; i .:' io Art. 6. Cordidcrtn'-' the difti'; ';tVaFem-r-ihat.;'ihree loarutVo! Geucr i. f?r$'-whicli Ihejty of ..ManliciaK Has luf- ai Mcini, s arniy are uken---th;.t J-Mo- Italy b ;; iiv'poiiciiion .-uf;.." the "...French, -'i-hcle circU'r. l .mces'. VitlV levrnVofhef dated April 3.0 ! - ifcai!-'- boafVI, jmd re uirncck :i.:A;td(tr oi'VnJvr .;; lidch vith r liiar ano' brtni jit in by 'he Uuifeij S ; "j'le )lSTciiiity'i " arid; 7 K r L,0n Wedntiyvthe; U. Stv, ITvreTriiertrhir !l3n.if yctie,; cf 4' sons' ami UD .vjn, of 6o men. hicJiJheaJ cuntm-ed th f '. received 43V this-arrivavi-il -ppe'tir.-in" TSTxf iti i ik.ne fu'.rtil'eJ th'is d1Mve-n faccrt.ii-mle AtirtnHcrtiTTnnrrow- jijo-TicV btlortinnff to "the Elrtlol aml tc J T n r a. - ..." . . . . Tilnft a receiirt-to nreve'ut tr;u:J. Mf,- j "Vbonleaux, '.fyr 'his lriefiu- in ByitonT arier insturertonirtief rion, t t 'arVx.!esof.thViTeleyuapuJau;dn j 'be. to u lid-tMf'.i'Hc.emlv c-ipci-us-d H? decree! in favJr of the Ti'VcTjwll bat. the 'Jrc.fty will colours) and at ' three o'clock' ' ' public.' ; ' , ' v -:' ' ; ' 'Wcoi'iiiidilgiiei P. Mv: on 1 uciay, iav rhe' above lJrU r o'ck t ' -ac!3sa N-iy, ;our aiu inuil go :, to' Anierita v.KiVV.'fiiK.V July - v;itri) bf r;uitiedl before ; the j-in'tercoMi fe Tsciraft tif ttittterpvin'.i sr.Tf' (W tw-y v? '' petel, we do noL expeit any I '-By': Ncws.)lr6ih PnHs. yeOerday, .h ..y'fi-:., '!,I'V; JEnterpriz, ivas'. dl fvappeai s the INeociatium wert" iii m fji-; j under B-fTcf rre, -GnadaloTv i ;LhJrc, Cmk ;vt ton, June . v i , ' ,' loyal addrefs, an d Jor your aiFeiition.ue . r pgaruUtions : o nay pixvitiei?tt tl ' ; , , livei'ance from the cttatk which was Ute " Vrv. iy.wadie upon niyifet-'-.;''';';' ; . ' .This frefli proof of thb un'for'in nt. v '-K taihinent, of iny faithful. City of London . ' fomy perfon ftgovcrnment, & thearni ;$wt7fxpTrtliwtf jrur xeaV-for-t he'; "dercr':e f-;lji. 'y ;yvpf:.4ur;.cxcellent;'.couftitu 'V- the at temps either of its Foreign or ;r?.-'.. KDomeiUc Eneimes, afford nie the high. ; . clt fitiifactlon. ; ; :.: '.' T heJSpeaker reported to thtfhpufe his Majclly's anlNver to their addrefj of yeaerday.'.. . :. " '' . ' 41 f,fy lordmd Genth-metf, , : i HECEl Vb uith jncrcaQ-d fatis. iaiTi&every freHv ; variable' ?ttachnieit of which your coik : Vluft - has afforded me fo niany pr(ofsv- . 'j .', 'rhe 11 caiJy loyalty 'and aticcliou of my ! people, animata all tny endeavours for r- r-tlreirwcunrej -and t aai conhcient-thaf for that protection which has been vouch. 'ilfU ajcd..to. meand my fami'.y; :, than by per- ih happ?neIsou2whc Inter ett . rrbvidetice his "'ToyianucU to uiy fff charge. V i i;r- vtrdllfeJ .'tiieiiWiivne'Sihofci)ff(i. ihe German .troobs ibtionetl on the op , joute oanKS or inc icir, - v ; ; ; At i o'tlockin the afitrnpon, fnc'foh' J'. '4' '- - ..' 1 . .4.. !-. I ' y. , jo vvjn'r capitulation was toutiwuca.uc ; '' t veen tne r rencu gmciai u, im ' J': tlieImrVonkV?ttd the city ; 1 1 , i8-o , , br." M.rH ';vi$ ,'Cu.rmvUrJ to OoVlr-. th? rJk.$A If a -y Lit, a u ly ft he articles" ;-.of capitulation beT 'fge"tTrhriTraVthe..;t l.fttcr "was r ri 1 1 i 1 1 rtl t uarclilcm f and 'V'uli.diiikhity 'h an efcorr ro let him and his tn':n l'!te out cl "ihe by, Duf injr theliee, '3vyje,s c?piirj:iQSit) 'othrfceTeifeh'1a7kfrT5ditlvprovM'ions and oih?r !t)re, i'or the ul'of the Jorr, uit as they had arrived. , . ' " " Since Gen. 1?ovles' pot! pofieflipn cf StTMai-kT ths irrdTans':ire flecking to his ltandani frorn every q irter-even t he prince of til's tovvn iui.i n ej'urely af ter tiy: Colon hal gone to the talks fit the '.Took a wbai thes, il.irred deNvn to the iuifchief' tinaker, vvith maify oiher! of the ndlaes, '. Gu'ftetahsv &c ' " i he ( olb.iel arrived here the night Before; bif JVouV theirp j vvfeaf chees ; have promifed to ho'd their warriors in rcaitmefs to go v. it h -him at his call , ' fc. aid him:V!irr all their! hiiht Mn reifoi. ing-'pt3te to the nation, --rcducing'ftl'w?. SemTnoles .and 'others to obrdieri ce, ' Sc expelling'ortr.k?Trc'vei'y. nifchief inAer that comes into their how. perhaps later. : Brasulv and W iiies are vcry.plf nty and cheap. i he (hip Difpatch, Wi'.harn Breck, arrived at BoiVm lait ThurfJay from th(riV VVr:(alt and Caiiton. j jo A ys t from the latter place. This'is tlie third tucceinve time this ihip h'as'circumnavi Bo1,-. les nexsMg i U lufpecled fo he againit Penfacob, as he h.is itom got tior only a uro.ig force, but plentypf pro. viiions and otjier ItoresiS , 'X&ilB&j Cor AwcriMt Ljfpeaouje 'ut the Hvan- gated the globe,, which' is. more than' a. i iy other vefl'cl ever kno w n. . Extr'aft.df a liter iro n Cept. WtUdm Copir oj thcUmted 'Start's flip lUlti viv e, to thg Secretary of the Navy, " On the a i tt inlt. 1 caotured the French fnip M m.uel, with- i cargo of ugarand d)tviooJ ar.u have-fen c 'her. Ipr Mortolk. . ;. '. On the it 5th I recaptured the Ame. 1 .rfn utiut'ucr, ju.iy ivoouinioi rtnoae 1 llanu, and 1 ent her for tt, Kitts, where-- Hie arrived 1 .fe." A letter from captain Tafris, of the hn5 ivLry dajed Sr. Croix, June 24, : ay s, vv;tmp:4aaut ujvjin ccuee, c. fro-n-TVatavia has , been recently taken, and carried into Cayenne :, v ' . . FRENCH pfiy ATEEllS . -The ' American , conful Vive notice tht he.has jhiLeYenin2 received advie'e- (tiycxpi-efs) - that the frntlv privateer LaiiFortune ;Kas" arrived at Matanias. 4Killihri.merinpme OlLcAtesandonethe.fchooiier: Choice, c"aptain, :(5rahamV fvoai. this rf.-V,'V J. MORTON. V 3: Ihvcnna. 'iQtfj Jun: 1 800." v. " 1 ; Tifls Wn'mg ' arr iyci! ' the ' S&'rV T A Jefter from an o.'fice'r on board the frigate' Philadelphia,- captain Decatur, tinnouncc the recapture'-uf a vato'abie A. mericaii" vctlcl.- '-'.":, fr "Capti Codleyrarf K'etf yefterday rohV his failing, t he CV 5 . triaat e Conlt el- iJjti&v hd jimto vatter, and he Melt her m chale ot a French' brig, "of 14 guns.' ' . , y.y '-f .; Xfff f The Dvmlh letters of , rnaVque: " Hiips Fannv, anii-Nilu, part ot the SuVini ceqtsr fleet, foundered- at fea,' while beating between there and: St. Kitts, r haVinj on' boaid valuable cargoes. The crews were lavcuijy tue vatcer tome out, running before tire wnd,. ancl about 4 thelatcer fired a (imci ; u at her, when an. enjrigemeiK comrnenci '" et.;Tbcp iyateei folding itJmpolTi. :: ' Bid to tfaijSe kept . up a Very heavy lire ' of mufei y (her guns being ofh'ttle ufe . ' ; in her then, iiiuation) oiv the L;.ttr? prize, and (truck to her," after receiving - two rouuds of grape from her .'ut which ' Hie had 5 men killed, and the Capt. and . 1 3 a 0 u n d ed 'L I ic Ei) t eip r ize. bad-1 iiian killed, and 2 wounded.. ; c This morning a re,cpri?red ng!i(h : Schr... and an American l3rig: (tlie, for- ; meriroin-ine. Jatter.lxiuni for'Phii ; dclpjiia,) were ,cnt in by the LJnite ? ; .l States ; bhip KTrimack; v-. .;f;:fy It is Mflth great laiisfaclion we an y i noaiict the arrival" of our lonz ' "wiHv-d :yi forJ-on den.. fleet, as by the Ujtaw'i5j Frigate John Adams (arrived here this v V ;Y '. j.'. .. ' 1 ' i . ' '.A , ;l iuiijjngj wc it-aru inat ainip was Ipuken witb yetterday bound for Tamaica. the captr of which informed captain trots ' that he bad left the London fleet at Biirvt' badoes-We may therefore daily Iqofc f jl out tor the, veffels bound to' tliis illand. ;2 ) TheTfhTte?rateTFn phia, Stephen Decatur, E!q. cominap; Jy der,: arrived he fcTon Siind.ty; An coin piny with a fchooner jhe had captured; ; oame day the Unued b rates Cup V apfco;- i ! enrynG?iktesT; Eiq&ithiL Florida -armed brig ladened -wi'Oi "-it arnveu. v - : - v.- --.: .:..'- '.- July 25. . . cytMci bfU 'iitcr frcm af nil-mart ? l-LivertiiQl Jvhti frieni in VUladelphl n. fr tlii - lfmr rwif . -9 - HA rX''X'.: :'-::'.-.-P Mire tmfcriiint new; by: Cdpidiita- Capt Stahwood --further tfr rm - .uat uu o-iy-iie iauea tra tholomews ' (.the 14U1 ini Hi r rench, wmch . ltated. iult received information i . rre, Gtiadaloupe, of the'aj a French corvette, d' Q M UK.:.Jtna tDt ine n as follows: ;., 'That American Co W ... -4- t, . '

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