AC WB E R .V, (NoirkXAkotiwI :) Printid J O HN S.PAS:TUR: 1 - IS F R I D A Y, S SE P T. M B E'R 16 .1 Sod. I Shun. 129. Vol. III.) 1 V. i ! i: - kefir- i I j: 1 w n Ml? l.iU'ate Forejgneiys.' . CONSUL ATE. ; J jrrete 0 the tybjuly. .' The ConlLuVof the Republic, us to give a particular proof of the fa- tistactiori ot tne French gene ral of'divitlon -Victor," commanding the left wing of the army in the battle of Marengo, who conducted himfeilj with equal bravery and intelligence, decree as .follows : - . . The MinUier at War lb all ca be prefented to :Vitor a fore',on lhr.ll be infcribciitie ioiiowm.wbrcJs : 1 Battle of 'Marengo',' commanded in perfoVi by the chief Conful Given y tne government of the republic to gen eral Victor." ; 1 ' - - . (Signed)' ! -BUONAPARTE.; . H. B; JviAii A 1 , oYc, ?;wr. life ro which nefs, dignity and honor. , Savona"and Ceva are occupied by the French army. The chief. CpriTul arrived here to" day-i he rsUhtedt thecitadel, vh)ch4ve jnr fpecled, and having furveyed it,- innne. diately departed, j VVe found there im -menfe magazines'.; in one alone : are more than So co-pair of bl inkets for ' the hofoiralsl The cttadtl of Turin is lu- peib, it contains more .than 600'picces of cannon ; it is calculated jthat; the sr. tillery of all .the place s furrendered by the. convention of. the. 7th,' prianal a": mount"' to "more than. 2000 ueces : and the gunpowder found '.in them;, to two millions of pounds, , ' 'V. , - 1- - .: : - Bulletin of Ibe Ai my qf-Frcrvp.-1 . Paris, 1 6 Msfidir, (July 5:-J 1 ; " Gen.: Moreau, Commamier in Chief of tlie Army of.the Rhine, feated the Aultrnn Armies iu tne oattie SiS,,IariecH h .ve in fur 1 t.Nedsri6fl-V. proit. f.A-...,U-M r.,n,.:e5. Vair rf. &! hhn vvnrre gen. ar.w ardanne J '- r . r ' ; - PARIS, July 8. . j , The Americans who are in Paris met O'l the 4th of I hiswjnth to celebrate the anniverfary rf the jmlepndeiice (3f the "United - btates.; At this meeting many - toatts; were given in honor of our"rnvin( dble armies, and the fpeedy re-eabliil - menriof good harmony between the two republics.'.-! J ) . - ' . i, ; - The Americans vijped with jmuch emotion general la Fayette, wht was .' prefenc, and who lb powerfully contri buted to the eablifliment ofchcirjiride pendence. ; Theyj Ihevved him the moll iinpreluve macUe or reipect ana attacn- I "in 'per fan. The enemy wer nven btr. yond Jngolltadt on the, pin ivielUJor, Vlu.-.e 28. "The'reialt of thefe ditfer. ent aditMis was 'the taking ot, Munich, whence! the Elector of -Bavaria has been obliged! to' fly, with all hs Court, the victmi of his-avidity, which has induced I him to betray his inteVeft;;, and thole B nis-countr, lor ioms uimiu-uj w.u Enplilli Irid - etven turn m the Jorm or y fublidyi-r-Lamurcd'Avearerevnrit gre- naditThf the lieptibnc; iooght in ,tne JpreincUt ranks of chVgrcnadieri of the 49U1, anJ vai killecl. : . 1 . unpreluve ; : i uisnt. . ""C'eiTcfir s. For-rhefe two days pait, the report has been in circlulaiion, that Cariit was be employed on a very i:nportaa;t mif. ' lion. It is now1 itated that he is t pro ceed to Vienna.1 j We'have no (mrhority to induce us to accredit this report Journal du commerce. ' ? . . . - - IJaly IV , ! The Duke of Wirtembcrg is in def. P?air,, he isnotleyeii yctdifpofed to make ip e. Nloreau xittnajuled that he fliould recall hjs troops from the Austrian almy, and pay! the three .millioni that his owes to the republ.c lince the fourth year. It is faid that he has rtjvcttjd this propofd. , Citizens Porcy; LeLOurbe's aiu-tre-cainp, muvcu iiv; um, wv.vt. mv. colours -tukeii from the enemy. Uc the pillage of the Danube: ! j It is faid that now armies are ipi me diately to be formed H cover the 'flanks ahd to lupport the rears of. thole Uhich aUvance triumphanv ; phd generals, dar. liigs of victofy, are even named who al e, as it is faid to(take the command of 'them. V " ', - ;i '! ;- General Marmont, icomnander of the artillery of the army 'if Italy,' is return eutorans.l k , ..The c'udevan't chevalier de!o!gny, Has been arretted 'and lodged in thetemr pie, as. minitter of Louis XVI11. tor the .cX pjolice of Paris 1 ' i'r I . .ARMY of ITALY. 'ft j' , ' Turin,. June i6 & 1 I The army of Refeifve, and thaij of . Vj j taly,form no longer but one & the Tame I .) Under the name. of the Army of Italy. $ Gen. Maflena is conunander in chief of the whole. Gen. BeKiier.bas arrived at Turin, to organize the Goveriiment of Pfedinonf j. Gen. Suchet took pel. fefiipn of all the fortifications on the 4th tbe whole of the artillery we left j'there remains, together with fome piecps be, ioncinp to the Auftrians. 1 The Ejnghfli were only able to carry off ten pieces riJep.roos. to reft go ;af flJ"ge2 7k A f i ai it .is ?faM ,4r eea tcdl IohWithreteive imerelting-details" rcK; dr Krnr; Several other generals are- nrftvuo n-Jr tri-srehes and battlciar-NeU' Uikevc He -deu:ou roi!,! nhd ' Nordlinnen.1 and the .uMKraV hwir tempts made by the enemy to bring us ' foiicited hureda..: , , , - trn'vtir.n frt! art riiilfiirP'.' Milder I ' ; - '-' - ' ' : ROYEREDO. f nnesA. Afte'r-'th.e. at-miitice had been cone'. r. dec) in Italy, Gen-.-Mejas announced it ' i: !t , t f J: 11.11 '.T."- r I i It. . vm'j been concjuoea, an acis oi noi a pretence of the Convention entered in j- - i r w.nicn ilablifti 1 fore law. A true copy. (S'yncdj .to by tile 'Armies .of .Iwly j and vvmiui iiavr ?')cii iucui nine iv v fflves in Bavaria. l'hi and Of n. Decaen fet onciwith ius'divi- fion by forced marches; for Iviiiiiich, which he entered yellerday rnornihg Health and fraternity. ; ' ! J . " (Signed) MOREAU. UAitiVOl . ' i ' . T'dt-prJthic ' Diff'aicb ffo Pert, hah, ij IVJeljiaorXjuiyip General Tilly lo tic Mhiifitr at iVur. . 4 1 ht' Engliih cfFi-ctedfa lamiing at Beauvcii- w.d ISarbatre,' in' the -depart ir.ehV'oy La VenUce:; our troopviffmie. diiitely 'inarched agatuft thein, and .forced thcmXio ie.embiil; his dilenlb.uka'-" lion wit them two. Hundred meri t.aken Drifojei. ' . j . i , . t - ;f,v were only able to carry on ten pieces which were: ftationed upon the Mole, t I J he Auitrian troops' wnicn iormeu mc grnloa of Genoa, marched out on the 4th and 5th, at four in the "morning, M. de Hoheczollerfi, who commanded in Genoa, conducted himfelf with open. E Copv s, a letter from the GerirrfliaGhie r.f tt A'rmv of' the Jlhin?. JhcrMt. :r. A'; 7unt 29). " The enemy'vcHizen "Miuider, y-iiV ing to prevent our penetrating bv K:.i.: had coiicentratedhis army at Nenbtrji. As in his retreat he had a in ireh-a.hcad of usi ?as we had three defiles to pa's,; the. Vernitz, the Danube, and the Lech, and as: the re-eitablilhiMcr a bridge on th- n WT .... latter took op near. 11 hours, gene ral movement was retarded ; liowever, the corps of gen. Lf cnurbe. was. able to p-fs on the 26th in the evening. - On tlie 8;h, hepuihed forward into Bavaria the diyifion of General GuJin Poet molt, and that of gen. -Montrichard to Newbury,..: The Utter found at Ober haufen a vry coiifiderable corps of ihe inemvl.! commanded by cen. Kray in perfoii',! which commenied a very oblti- nJie oauie. oencrai ucium uv. . iw 1 an initani to the fpot, where: our troops were "forced to give way before three times t the number, and" fuftained the combat until the arrival of the brigade of General Grandfean, which had palled. the Lech; and proceeded to lupport the divition of Montrichard, which itili maintained itfelf .with great valour. A battafioir of the 14th light, two of the 46th b'f the line, land two of the 57th, had .attacked. the enemy whh an intrepi dity of which .'there are few "examples. The enemy were defeated notwithstand ing their great force, and retreated du ring the night towards Ingolltadt, by the two banks of the Danube, af ter ha. ving burned the - bridge of Neuburg :The brave Chief of the 46th, Forti, ano.tlie firft Grenadier of the Republic, Latour d'Auvergne, who combated in the ranks of the firit company of that corps; I were killed, as well as two other capta'iris. All the troops performed pnv digies.! The 841, the 37th, the 19th, and, a' battallion of the icth Hht, form, ing tte divilion of Montrichard. with. Itood the effort of the w hole Aiitt rian ar my till the ! arrival of reinforcements. The Aultrian Generals faid at Neuburg, when rthey retired, 4f This army is in vincible;; the French never fought fb well.". There were alfp fome charges oficavalry by the 4th and 9th hulTaTs, anil the challeurs of the 1 ith, yiho dif- ; -:':! o'EFs.yuNri--- i r VIENNA,, "luu'e ,.: HU iif'-prTirtnn'n cc:ufie i rived here froi general WftL-s, vtthdifpauhes io thelAulic council of war, and .anoiher fnin ydinirallord Keith, to the Euhlh aij'4ffador Jord-Mintoi" 1 ; i V it'e learn tht alter ao extremely fu ri6k and obiliiiaic br.itie' fcughvou ,the ' 1 411 of June, uffan Alexandria,' io vh3ci otii troopa displayed ihcredib'ic brave nTand our, artil 'c'rv and ; cavalry dici y ry great-exec 11 1 nm. among the enemy; ci?C : f -gh t r .ctKiis'j y .- -en i art l ior tn ours" -irriiumbers,' mi armi-ncc was concluded by;d Melas, whiJi waits the ratitki t ion . pt or court. ;Ve are anxious to know' wheiJier the con-, d'.tions . cf .this! ionveniioii, which we underlain! to - be, j tlu: general Mela's lhall. evacuate: ihe i for U fifes weft ot Italy audi withdraw to the v'iunity of Mantui, to prcferve a communication with the hereditary -States will be ratified, whether the armuiic v ill extend to the army bv German), ;nd whehtr it will be! toilU'Wq oy i,e. ociatiop for peace. ! , Couriers have been fe'nt off by mofi of the foreign miniiters i-efidiiighere with intelligence to their respective courts, of the! Trbvilionar"-aiinilpce; concluded in Italy, . N ; The report that count Cobenzel had already let oiit for Italy, to totptnence negociations for peace, is unfounded. j. he, accounts from general iVjelas, publilhed in the court gazette of this day, only come down to the 8th of June, & are dated from Aiti. f According to dif patches from Field-Marfiial Lieutenant Nukalfo which, dated frbnij Cullelluccio, the 17 th of June, major general Nico. letti, in a'faliy from the citadel of Milan, had taken. 2 pieces of cainion apd fome provilion ifom the enemy , An airault made by the enemy on PizzgheiOne was unfuccefslul ; the brave icominandant niajor Taiibenheim, having repqlfed the enemy with contlderable lofs. General Kray in difp.Uches to rhe I9th"bf June, mentions that theFrench iiad palTed the Danube, and.tliat, he was makino- difpofuions to compel them to repafsit. In an action .on the Lech; oh' the 13th the Prince ofjLichtenltein jvas. wounded and taken prifoner. . We entertain hopes of peace, and the more as the4 recruitinjg which had been commenced, has beeiv intermitted. According to the lateft accounts from Italy, the French general bf Idivifion Vauboisivho commands at Malta, has raadspropo&is for the evacuation of that iffandj ; Juiy y. r J U bpears certain, that the Archduke to ceale fjr the prefent morjint. l'he noils ; reiuain at - their prefent ttitions,' and prcferye tranquility. - At" the -advanced pons nowever, meqtmgs of privates or-ofRcers with the e eny vvill not be fu'fiered, and of courfe ai'4r0ttliions'of lrienumip anu ramiiurity are not diiited; , . 'A., 'A ts Ei J AS, Getier at of Ca Airy atikeiFviri-ifta. 'June '16,' Public prints, lav : 'V'Thc imperidiher peace "will create aRepubl c m Italy, bf vv greater extent thin tsie.Ciiulpine'l The K iig of Naples has app'nted the Ppncc iiehno''te hislamh,;) dr at ietei fllura. ., tor "which city ne ns aireuy let put.;f tlie Diih?of'i Mlvmdr.'i'bt.e has ben! ap J he the . ITeatfltuattc 'on ran -v inn iter, with hcl on boaralol whk 1 - .. ': a ies; arrive 0 at iejinorn r'ope;. -The-v im the idth viltant wa a flup of the Vme of Admiral Nt Hn's iquadroh. . ENGLAND. r- ' ; :LON'bbN, jr.y ; : . . : I I OU! vV. O E C O M M 6 K s . mefTaoe frorii his Majelty.i relative to U13 ; nv " . 1.' , . v George1. R His :Vltijtut f jrethis h ule thinks it proper to lay bs. 1 he copy t a 'u e t wfh c!i has r been' ligned'- at Vienna j -beiweeh ni '.lalUty's 'Minitter at t.i it loun'and mo Muiitter Plempctentijiy .of the einpcror, )f Germany ,! i duly authorised for that purpofe. His Majedy -has mil- e red a rt-' tv nrf nnrrd 2tid tranlmitted tb Vienna . ro be exchaniitrd in due form iwith thit of the Empenlr ; b :.t on account of the nrefpitr Lidvanced beribd of the year, his Majcfty has tlloiight it belt not 1 clelay communicating to rarliament the en. trajremencs thus entered into, ahl, 1)5, -j .l 1 .,r J.i ecommeiius 11 loiina.- iw.v-"j tuut;i fuch mealures as may be jnecuf ry, in order to enable his "Majefty to fuitil them. His Majefty doubts not that he jiial fee in the conduct:1 of ''thisron- iunclure an additional example of faith, firmriefs and determination ( have unitormy actuated the coanc this country V and he is pcrluaded his Parliament'' w'ill concur with hi thinUine. that, bv furnilhing ih'eritfanj of proleeuting the war with vigour, jih-y belt promotej ,the attainment. of ppce, on grounds cptififtent with the fcuriry and honor of this country, (and witH the fafety and fndependence of Europe, ry . 1 - ! c. r. "' . Referred to the committee cf Supply; The "Chancellor of the Exchclquer then brought! up the following cony of the convention enterej into between h?s Bfitannic Majelty and tne emperor 01 Geriiiany, which was ordered to be oil the table, and is as follow$ . v CONVEN riON: j . Between his Mjjefty and- the mp:rr of the Romans jigned at Vienna, June 20 His Majelty, the Emperor of thq Bo. rmns King, bf Hungary arid Bohemia, tain, have jadged that it was confofma ble to the iutereft of the crowns, apd ro that hichs is of th'ac . n in t

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