I - v' - - - ' --r f - - . ; y-.- j - v - r. JZrAJUUJXm --:7-HrtirlK 'yy: rv -th nrW- T Tn-fr iOid "v.-ahe- iTreaKe:Hid Jew ye irSergea vrm"lTi? J' inp:"-fi's urcUv'a :d at ien gth recsiv e d thrconiniidl o;vnf u' iin .er,. Toft n-MHyrRufeh g" S .kjlktig bled tsJsSv: 'nintirwc had tikcii Sei-T;;gapatuin.., '. . ... r7',V'r at? a a?.''-? v?-;th mi': ra'herry jam, rote a Ie tt er -to ffftf berm- .am Th? 'r,'?;. cive a ncd to hW Vnrtrr "?t ' Y on hear we hav etakenSer irnp ja t ii r. ' w eare happy to find to this -ichry (:v:t uLan ' n g ! i ihman f o i . at' fierkigap a fa ill iw,, The rp it fcems had arsjived in' the Cam, CAota ihot iathe'thigif atSering;;paim AVy e found, in-the ttreetvof Serlrgapataiiri -4 ttTttonjwTXy dram, - - i or iiis geirai.t attack of Knapatamo J ..Gr?4' Oeo?e looked as fi.iient as old Al'ra'iani i i . i i : . . ' . - - : ' AV hen he heard we h -d laken beriii.rnpatinu. - . Or our. having taken iJeriapatani. 1- . -.ji1-1 :. ; The vjondtr rSTnewJ ffum5eriab;apg?an' ! -rt: " ' TQM TfiO RNE. P n i l. A D E L P H LA, July -.0. ktter frow a zvni-thy" TJergyr,iar, hear I?33o.me peopfeln Eneknrf icm trt'intnf!-rt-Zt. cieteat much.. I own m vfc-lf "pnrip r rtm.,iti- c u- iplife nd iiTents of the-prefent Indian warcrhaps uiausio crow over tftem, . 1 make no doubt. hnr tli-,r- 1 ' ' , , . W.idi4-WULUI camumaer oi people will leave tins country for America iri a..f(v vari ' fni-UMTrif-g ir- .tt--- ' : r0 ,!e :uP: mode of taxaticn; jManyfeem . , rein?: enacted arnoiie vou. as tipArs i kn,i Woit,7nenwthirhdenhe Atia rxr;fg be n:xcs Sr,ro4wedT-lt will never beboliihexi; rbutjrathelrincrefcctjntintiliy true one ; . AJbUrnjL'tjiUdjireadi the jire' Peo'ple have. longtesperienced the'rt.t'h'bftfuVSda ountryand-theryft)retheyr ::.r. " aucu i ne xjrraotT-or ;,iirope &re-all a'- Jarniedy alwen:aithe.o:d4yranat:Rn ana uaite to maintain lannraft . anH tr iifl-r.i- I 1., v.Ti -i.; . itr-Tr HH,hertyxinntTcrrfcnhT-hiit-t truft it of GodA Th'tM faHir ce!eJ)rated li'iLVoVi-ur.v hat IsTT: and Ihxi htf,-v,'hFf ttefTriu 1 1 hg1 hTrTrrTT them to fcom. I behevs indeed, tlwf t-,-i .....t... The -earlypartiaraJjic trucks, heidutingtiiiheetc e armv-aanUt iicHlwas ? ppolateclto the coni; and ott a tHKirrrbiirii.; v tli Ti.i k?-. After rei uiihUr i!fet;iTe itronsT lortrelM-loiir nio:;th.4 ; and'.thoUA ..1 " rx -r- , -- and AtjVerydeep.liovif, took t,hisinhittal rei by ilonn, o:i .thelx? t Jlxst Li)? ci? mtwHR flighgefg otner iTC't conTiein; in' the vea? vr-V-a.'idli 'O. ;fueflpaU)fkowarfi'e4 srnnffefiy ry to chu i Vl- l ,.,. A ;.iia.ll.W..i :jil JiilU UC A UCJf -i t fhiaps iiie.irionc d. wa a-i hlit red ind lrty -nine vearai. .oiMtigirec dTtSat-' rtimnatf BeygPiipon this" pf&h jd vTaii yvnr!il are y. t j j 1 3 ;n-tj meron pntoners has tren ionz :a jrrp .j . :k . i i : i i. foiut..vas,lii5lirJlcjire, afterJiiiwotirieiKine-n, -rf-ffTWh- ) i inn r-w i a -... , .n,- eerypiiniWe-conifortH t!;e.:irV7yr : -iTheRu: v ufactories he. cotnmeiK ( (f and ' n j'rur.sf. d. If th:. rftrr-v iiMrIeffily;.bf-X"ond -Uialtr ITSa arxvaXtv be.4i-uiAJlgL-a Irani a orfw rdu trv,- t lief e was. a jrencraL ordertroinH s 1 ftP'W 'M T eiiirWj jrhi fata n y jp?Kfexv OntcjLhtsc -lVvrtiwe 1 ic :'oWS5utlintr prcctrTili v e jvlha tfie i.ll ..a'l I RU.:r IS nnt tn hp or,mnnv;-f d i- -vChl (4df -xt eri t yho-P r in c e bore a' vy-.rderalc, h ar e.- in r liiijiighnefs halBever Xraveli AipiliiMarihz hllconve rH ttmc K 1.14 t'Wif-zsrl 'a..,...- ..,,,, ..i" ,-i..k 'r i!??? iuepiury' was equal to im iTormatiQhf-Ius r..ui:....''". . u:-. . : :i , . " , ' . "i . . - -Ltiumiw. us ii.Ji popyafrrgaxfTgi' imperial ,viv ieftv Who lias IllUf h .im-rirprl -hi Hoaflr "Apt I n rVvl ffi' tears oh receivrng the pitlanchbiy news, that i';ie had UyiD iflf'erveo I during the war under his orders. . 1 VTt 1" niTp n . Svd'r'di as the vynrld bct ojue. Tvtyce7uxari9us ihc hovrs xime is fta.teiniHvefl ni?nw teeing With the; r !riv.l v e f nf hgirln ..:u".i. .. Jiv, a;; a rv. u.niu....;,!.'.!..-.: -. jlL-i i't f.urc appear to tomh.np : ' a , -ft-oCturnai- n on r -rr gone to reft ? Iirrjide age. jilen havev afr.ureiTit'iu- -are ttenerallv purged vith.nt;hnt.rf,;, v -i'. -J91lsy orcftliniitirs ; call them which yen will.!- .There lnav-be miu-K TTtTrm n! 1 rAr.. "i" . 1 .w . . . . ' , , .Home, L'ciure.n bertylnuniphs ;. bnt tnilmph it-Aall, it muitr fooiier : or later, I am conlident : nnr'Hn f tWntr uactr-tCT-tnau Kinyuuin,. ;r,t T.Th'er that" it "yTTlT he cxtenJedlolirthe kigdotus.aHd iiates in Fr.ronc yea even throughout the whnP tvArl.?f ' n.,.i. L" circumftances are very comfortable, yet would I rn-ich gather be in America tltanjre r.nt rl.u iitjewwfiiffitatjsjia -tiiat.i)iu)y-faniily I dTTTT" "ii ere 'a Ct" I'A'vf few" V'V1' "'-y way - i.e pi'til-al,' and ;F 1'rcvHlni' . .. iiuu.ierancv rein a : 1 1 1 n it . ; m nvr n t -1, ; - k -....... '-m f-tniki r..,.. I i iff.vrt'',are teftYfelVgs.efbnfidfcriie- part oFltix rv,' ai...iii::y oe chvitit'd tlui3 : Late honrsafcci- ' L ate hours in A-,'. ' Da capo. . our luxuries ; for I am told l;v rffanvrri t- immi frr that it, is monilrndnV.to 4rekfa: rt iifrr. h'in id to d:ne-..bejpre 4jx, atuiTab'dnii.nabio to fup byore twelv or part beiurv flv-n in th.t rn'orniny ' T !ist Mi..; xny-n: r c.a .1 y e fas to .-i-a '-' it is rne ijoiner ana toi!!!!i tlii't tne batne or f 1oVc!cd j lcld-": , ,; y a5 jan' h u niVcd'.and i'ii'ty-tw o yean before that the -5arf iie named v. o 'utWfe?t eniTTI l .5s poor in iw, and" bu.il :!'Jiht(JtA'. i iig, jiu t1 te&H'Uij w c t c 1 alfu fcu.i AiUHia,! tliougli .he .was" came ojjtf-of i four in n;ake li T li d;, e d an" t? a ""earrcJ d , r , . x r,u.:r, ropi iTnv a' -vlTitwhich ice-AVnefiPAViitet va -and al t Uu fari.c: d,ay: . . (: . .' t 15 II I T-;1 Li v.hic Ms'hSBie to . i - I "f-; fry-,, tVp ret uffce4oi '.7..- 'en iv. wayy rtturi.'etl oiv c fit u at! on of Fff rlanfJ. iTcliJrav.If.d' he? utulet ne r.ec effitv frnrn time yjunciiicnaf toiiuytv r veiy luaritin; .U I- 4IU At t.lilJJ i ,V qlfeiV oOraace ' . Theoh; oEtheSgSSmie- uitd perfciiiiiTMitwUtas aaiii-d in o ur daysTAg -ThrrTfcTmerican war, it conlin c d oJ ;46 lhipa"" VS. f L 'Xl I d TlTtaI . . ft OTP. e O -1 hel P n TT ! r 1 r rr.n "n n-rr. Att-- eyrry-one-of'whom cpltthe gy'vrxiinsuturounds' rttuU;. 4U e':u:e e W' a a -tw PWw,iV; ma ..... --.n j ihe,licct of erotiii.c.s, ,or a Warmngito areanctvfarTenernrcd. ri"x HaunibaUUefi!?ed Ca(Hi : ! . . L . .. . . 1 ' ... ... - .. . .. . . . ' a fo idler happeaid3fctatdiaJsif itarved" in on p.- In it7 - . . l rCZt-1 r-s rr: . i'- . & ' i uioulV, Caved his irt'e-by trn? purchafe, while'he who ..fold it; died with htrngen -: - 'zz ;.- ri l 1 1: a n TiO'DJ R1C. K ill r'Kro:4r-of prumarharrecVct-S tHg-hmc'fmdnthfrtrrtytlT $ Aually trlielka as of . The f'') : 1 o w in ';-a? i-ec dot gt-gttll'V1 itp lar hH-iii) fliwwt wth djuljdLhonoiir.! iri,' the Prufiiau ar,my, ia a 43MJt:aV-xhe:;iior n " JTr z 1 - t j.1 able e.TijCi 01? his o;ait ever afier On a general review ' a'i : uumaanen v Rijrth' r !r-rrg:-ti!iatixjrd - - llllilL. 11,1 V. 11 1 . . , . .1 - . vu- in:rtvarr:f.T r'i- ?v ? jpt tint 7j?J1 "d7dtg'vf the QiF.ce'r; to. walk-like a oldier rcgucu i iie irrnatcu veteran ror lo long a term j. erred iiprigit -as tiie - Migrate h'mlelf V.'hat ! fays ffedcrick. :do voit dare to aufwer your Sovcrei'mfo lay - ,tl e'TTo Ukt&X'c, r.nx wit1i"th.emibgiaIt.iig" J. a. . t 1 I V . '7 toiuempt or tne L-rave-". l tc-un;uiHv er.rarcd Mo- rauea nu cr.ne ana itrucK-tne oid folcher Una- big to bear 'the diffrace, he drr vv"lir, pi ftnU frrm hisi Anci therf we 'go-up, u;; Ui), Ipif, a;:i' not withoi and mo t- Virulent v rl.T .-.i ,-vA ;.; t : . mfflefeTe:f -l1' y fcerathe,-abettors ?flfct . - ' " " j-vui-uuiJi-i ii UUl LU-. 'J.........tlpiimant . . . . A.. .. :. I T . : . . " : ir "' . ' .2 raoie:.tp ncu-contorinifts ; : for -. . -thefc adjiindar reaibn, not mentioned. I a:n ry-tand 4, . 13 your: nwainffs...fa (Vrtl.vt n - 1 ...w.-.' tne con, h tu t io n, majjgs no dj ll ijioajmo t hUfliiabW fant'. on acccilr.t of tlir refigiuii - prinefpiesyour anahnoft: invaliiab'e uaiioa ; may-4u ard ail ,' .late to the. Jat'eil period of tiin. K 1 l-J VH';.?.Jjo ,J'jubtV.fra; : a concurrence flf ciccr.mu.aaeei.-Nrt that tiir- HFWWii mi,., Tv, "I;-.... .'; , ., j tt j . ,,, j .;iu, rth we tl a ccen acUy in rwirnendjng peace to thofe tion ndjr !uahf frontier of tiie t-iiiu-d StTteTniorc : fcntlif ry, . Kni hic leenty now to li, waRtin'fo' - - ' - - ' - ' , r "' ; V m r'tcauoii w.tn the .lava'irej, but a i. yea uue ot fengtr--t;meailpur towards the-hoiliie 1 i'fl'i' ft'? ' .-. .: : TO1" moreTiun .prpabje ji,.trr:rrr u iil be fonncd ere- kimu a-nti Hirt tfre ir.trou'.: . i .. i: i i. ,1-a SSR :aonip"pejrsTiaVe- got -on 'tb.f rosd a-iiiilv down v u.'i t'Tc cemt'orta'-'c Ici!;::l::-,a. that ;u wiv;- !;cpt -ad Icrt.i' ol hours, fume ViiTifi-m'" mn f k nn',t hours. -'. " . " ..- ; . In.t!ie tillage vh?re;.i;V3i?born,'"w ' V -...rt. ' .' ... .:: - J-.....-0- , ;md leav e, revgn&e. to !:e-enttTit "a lii;-1 i-- a-rgtd 'one p:fsbi Info the a;r :viv e. -d iurair.'L,..: H e liuitar. tt yktL i r. rI"TEe"".,fjtE e r rToTToK" kwvuv aM,uit '"u:i'f-i2-t,nin(!flc lR-.Iia;-: power, mcde . TnrjTTtirp r rrvtri m tor t7,;?T! o lorn iTTfaElTy, aiuTmourn "rr,V-: -."! i.it 'T.'.'T'Trr- !.,;:." ,,-:," ... . ., , ,, . etf Fur tiiTRte ever alter ftVpto:)!bjirc regnnt'rrt'wa crci:ir:pcd',jt VarlcyYt? " i'yijiijiiiaL'kJU'.Lo.rj.i yt:it?ent-io-r.t.r,tksuij;r.d rUmtf. tver-v fa;if rtm x!ia' : . ' '.'c ui.ii:r v.i!?!. -wa.' Dorn,'. we tn.vc ir-?;rj?ri. -v-'vii.u.u i iw.u;,i;i:.::ti-:.; iimyr. every-ina;lAirctu tue. , . jutftwo-haurs in t?nt years--in rivv'e tT:nTil"Tti4S auawuow-ditJ3U.r j Tolf JltougJrhernvIy. -: . 'v; ihih. .As.-.thc covu;iptVTof 'dtnt ciit vas con-'"- - '' . t V'.': r,';.:;:.r; -' .:.--iurJt!.y "g:e;:?.-ari.r ttu:i-.c:.' ufe no klV than fcver.no-., " ;-. '. ........ ...v ...... . .iii.ii: i . i . . j . . j'j z c i j l , tin (Jtrxsriu i.ie --iuodifhtfgvj-fr li.vcd- t.!l' hFtetTnrrT dre:l- a.id, f,Kty-nii:e "-yf ars: ; au'j. fe. tn a;unCil;v;; J.' t we :vt v- f w or;! a y tpicM-s-.in'a- .' V-k; ; --.V". inc. ,,!k'.-,J,C ,15 J-ri l x;t fijIJl . M ....rrm.,.. r reporter,, ti..-u fus luUiij vms hn;.-.d u:;g-;e ;ld rfn.le; ?''. f'-Uui;,, ct.n t.:. , v tl At: ! an ,. . lent ta t i.'-.iiiv:-! ' r ? .,-,-r';!..-.' : ... A, ... . ' : 1 - '..C.ll . i'!t- of the- Rv.u 'lilby !)' ) Wet-ttTtTtre of I'lVv.Jciaas-aail of the -J-f tlj-'l't" 'Vl-!lrl -! A f.'.A.-- VI.. VI i.M v v,-v, wh.iv-acf.rt Utile hlfV'lJd; l.e Av about an hunt. re d and -f n-ryVt w b of thit e. ' Th tv IrVlli. ;Vh:5t"f4bJVcl:v5g. he could Io-jWc- P' an&a- ' . 1 ' ' - T 71 : 7. ' . ' -tt4 rr ' " " :i -r.N'nWh ; Cart. - ihMVlcvv'iii A:evberM I r-It-1- 1 h