H A L IF J X f PiUNTKD by A B R A Jl A .M H P I) G E, Joint, Pkintkr to the JStativ wIth t.; V I L L b. 2 & 1-2 Dol. per Ann, 7;' , ' M 40 A I A . V , A'P-R-t-L - 20, ,17957-" ' ; No. 144. " 'j from t;n .vnoiA-, ': ... . RE PUBLIC JN JNXfLS-tf 1794 - Beiiijro'lSuMNiAY- of the Military -Transact ions' of the French ' ' . " ' in that Year.-."'. ,o..i-f-.';'vi'-i. vil -ipo "ui.--iii-e -ot the -arrilojj of that p ace,, and evacuitcd i'J-'a. hurry, Hulll, Sas de ' .r.i; dPiniipp ne. Txel, fortreC at leaft at. (rong .iv-SJuy.. a ...fo Ardebiirg, Ouithorg, Yfcndli-k, and bet wenwo aad- 30 lcf important forU, i.t!i ali Dutch rldlidtl'a. ' -. . . . ' verians, brdcfinj-the Pntih '.'troops, to jrover t!n ir, fl sht.fucccetVefcl llrcro'aT'ijj.jhe VVaal. and burnt' mo t cowardly (aciordin to t he jeyden fir-'eetre) tlu tlo .t n bridj.. for fear of eeui'.' the S:i (Culottes iti. iJurfuit of the fa'c rili.'cd lpnuli r g-menrs of Rentirrk, nuart and Rand w'uk. ni'ak;V.fL; f l his, jbi ulgej) p;i them ail imniediafe'vifit in-thf. lU't'tiwe. 7 ' G ,L -A- N. D R E C -'Y. ., F.NF.RAL SCHF.RKK inveltel Laadre. y on the. 7th of Inly ; the trenches, were opened ..' i the. 10th. and the Aiirtrjan girrifon-of 1 500 TO.enf?n tlered 4t dift retioii o.i tlie th of the fumer mmithr -- '; r. h U-wE S N O; Y. -r- The Republicatt? appeared before this, forti efs xsn the lyth of July ; the trenche were '.ooened .'cau-thy 2t;d of the; f une month, and the pi i fipVeiiilered - oh the i4t'arpt7Aiic;fit, I'he .g;irrir'')i. .toinp'ofed oi ' . 2800 men were' made prifofiers of wac. . . ,,7 ' ' - .'-' -" ..- s' ' '. ".N'l E UP OUT in- jitprian t ladder l, Tlie garrifon furrendeied this pi ,ce to .the Ejceji' h - 1 corps, ''commanded byCene,ral Moreau oil the 1 8rb ; f.July, five t'jys afcer the.J'nHi.ii:j of. .the' trenches,. - - C A L V.ilL j n' C O R S I C A. The garrifon of fhiv retched fort,-' whim the.va-" 1'tant allies would have prudently evacuated at the fi'tl notice of the appro uh 61' an ei,ieinv latighed, during a liege oflwo jno)tlis't'tTthe ufFtirViMb?'uvrrs , of . Lord Hcmd, wuh his mydity fleet. f.v.e)tJ"av1av tlie -hordes .of confpiratbrs ,--who .dared-- to t ouie i:i-J.igh,t of the fo-rri afid refolved,' after a " bombardment of 7 fiftee 1 day ; to leave the f ind of traTtors ; they-abai)-diMietl a naVrow fpot covered with fuim, to the F ng . ,. a.'tie only prize for many millions fpen't in '.the . Mediterranean, rind returned again to the foil of li bertv. The hijlory of the lieae of this plare-as well as af. all thofe n:!dertakeni,.the allied defpotSv proves that the French- are not on'y the nw!l Hulled in fak "places, but alfo the niofl "nttrepid in defending thehiT ' - F U E; N T. ERA B I A. The rnnth of July ifffTeffarRable for the deArr.ai-3-of?jhe. Haltile, was this year celebrated by the e . - mancipation of, a whole province from the rage of; the Span'Uli inqnifition. . . ' . . After a complete viftory over the J?panifh, Genera! T Fegeviife appeared at'the e mi h en c'elie fore " Fn e ntera -bia. and fumrioiTed the place; the' feriou?-Hidalgos ciai'ncd n'') other favour than the honouc to .treat the. matter methodically.. aflombled a council f war.-Tmi! ' . refiiived-iuianimouflv to deliver, lie keys of Spain to -. the arms of the Ktpublic. " c . ' : . v-ilry-s. eras ;r, i a n. Termr;p pce.di'.y.th'e .v);inots army of the WlV ernPyreMnee . .. opened -the F,te's..of.,.St;- Seba(Ii;i.n:vthti .,': 'Spai'uih ifar.riioa feemed.o.ily rcfrtlned by, a. f'nhd ' 'de.fi re t. bvinj tr -parted, totlie (aiui ot iibVr'ty,' eveh a. prifoiiers of war. . .. . " ' ,7.-.. '' , r:-: V; E PI ' ' .' '.' Th,e pojTrfli.i:i of 'tfiis-pfQee w hich. with" Fort St jMichel 01 the oppolite bak of tlie- Met'jTc i-'cofiitnaiids 'fi'e iiavi it ion of tint Tivef b;'Jov . M itre'clitV ' a' i i" g'fc a c i : n ;3 oi-1 a t ii e t o t h e R ep n M'ca n. i Geii.;i'h(Te be .j ',1; 1 1 1 (4 ued to. nirTeifttrt r -. Veulo.-. cell v e e 1 1 the t;n trei'-.4o the- Repiibiicaiis,-o!i the 24th.. i-f, Qiluber. o,.irUtio,i th jt tieneral Laurent lhould dfure liiin. ;i!;.oii thf hononr of .the FreiKii nation-, that the &r ruosi uid no iiopes left ofleing relieVcd by tlie. allied pp ers.. . - . . ;" 7- B E E L E G A R D E. A regnlariiee. of this fort reft, . abundantly provid-; trTTiTv;eTT-tfrri inaoy, tno ittis. feated on h rock which coirinriai'fUail the' Vicmit.y.i-ai.d rendered ainiofl impregnable by the. a li.ij.'.ce (if ai t. v u d liave - colt m my. ui'rliiotis of tati te y and the lives of thmifapds f citiiens ; there 7 ior', r'M'ei.ei ai !ugon ier dctiring to fparc the b!'vod of his feliow c-tize':s, and pTe'fe: ve the-f irt titat ions ot tl.iv . ark. wliich cuiiiniand- thy road f 1 0111 France ur p 11,1 r.it ct ;ei'ohM t(.. take eT egarde7wlWiouT li i a "jriril The & arrifoii if ihi.sr'pl t e. -which w'aV 1 ne. ia r iroi. 'the,lo!Jflerate.d'lpoti-pfll lied in f ranee, lin 1 ti-dei tii'ac djcruiuii mi the', i 8th of bepttNibti. J U l 1 E R S. t. . The FnHuis Viclor;! v.cT 'the Auliriaiii on the banks of the Rtr, w nich delivered .to the German piovm ces o.i tlie ue'ft of the Rnine nlthe hands Of the Re puDicaiis7 o1jeiie(:f trie -.gates- tiiii fortrcD.uii-the 3d of October. - ' . .....::: . . .."'"', - : CI Q B E E N T Z. . The fortifications of this city, celebrated for hay-, ing been the court of ' ihe eimg:raiit inie, hajbeen vaitly augmented duiii g the courfi of the war';, but the Aullrian c'onimndcr, aw;are that he would it bit be forced to furremler this poli, chofe ratlur -io ct t. (uce it at tlie hrlt appearance of the French an") on' the 2 tit of October. 1-,, '"'.-..' " in 11 1 ' " 1 ' iu C R E V 9 ECO UV The unexptctcil capture of this ltrong hold ctit oil all Bx.mmuhicatio.i ot i?ois-le puc ' with tlie. Fngiii army in. the Betuwe...ar.d contributed lingulai iyto the; redudi6ii of the latter fortrefs. f r c u. e; r a T1k only .bu.'w irk 'o-f n-ii;i t-ayar'N f ' a iioni,i, o-e? of tHeTlolf exteijfive forti tfles'and provi(U'd '( a ro(ortHH;.te garrif n. Jrtl iJle-pF?.of.-t'h7goTW vicl.olesof;Th.e. - .rrth and ':cr'i o Nove'mber ; oo- . rip tnifli fi.lifiers furrendered 01 afoneiV .'"of ' vaV : the-: Va')tiire (f t hi " fort refsta n.n.oV? -f & .t be fpeedv reducti on ot-barct lona and the remainder 61 Catalonia. " Befides the - foreiroit!g.;fortefles. Ahe RepuMicini took, iy the. courfe of . 1 - 04. an inniit nfe 'umber.o'f cities and' tow--s f.the' fo' lowing i-sa lilt of the nioit remarkab-le. platfeW'the' ina'i'-irif.v-'bf . which bei'mr fm-l TTnTnTtr-to' .ni lormer wars, before, the art of beli-giui? iljanj hbTds was'' brought 'to .the lain ..perfection as tiow. ' CfTiei'peflplid by front ?,o to 1 50,0.00 -ihhabitaiiti, td ji inii-.iN, jHie'rt ciere, i ,-oiog ie. Anrvvern. :nuir,.Bnige. 'ToiJfmv,':; Ronne, "L'o.uv'aihl, -SlaUuei,' LViix la -OhapeUe, andotmis. . ' .' ':: . Plncei of S t ?.o.o i 'inhNtrvti, .Ti rlennnt.-Cpurtray. L mhirg; Rocnno'Hi . C ifeM- Uleve. IJm;inr,-.nalem ' Hirve. M;V A'ii ;, r. ;l.;erre,'- Uendei monde., ()- Ninve Arlhut, !enci, rnrnes,, .vienin. sittnrMe. Aid!, Ath; f.5apT Niveller' Kafers 'Lantern. 7 !nx Poat". SlfiK-'-' VV;orm. inir.e.-.-Heufden, Oiideharde, Femes, .Bin--gen, Andernach, Sic, . w... "CONQUi; r'DAND . "ilkd;. :X.'. .Despots ex- -ENXRENGHMEN i;s OF-PELtNCEN. ' .-'7 This heap 'of. redoubts 'ra'ifed by tbe 'Aulhians tij-u rhe b giniiin of 't!;e war, H tlie.mo'V advantageonv fituatioii in order to cover ?Trev e. mi1 more'p o tic.u ' larly to be" "malterof the only pr.i-r.ticahle-road vhic!. le.tds acrofi-the elector ite of. Tre es -to L.)eniburg. and from-thejice to Nainnr, w a:? . c'jr.riel bv the re -pabltcans on the, 8th of Au'en'ft : Treves wr, i'mme : diately taken pofleliloiv of and from 1 hi time d 'tr the blockade-of the f j m u s fot tret of .Liixi mbiirg;' : V A L E iX C I E T A' E: S.::. A This .fortrefs,. after-Lille th (rono;ejlvp!frp-othr '.Northern Barrier of Fr'ance." furie'ttdei ed at the firli" funimons cm the l-th of Atiuil. .'.',"'..' ...-;-'-7.7'.'.-.C .,() N- .P.E. : . V .. ,Th'e diftricti -f y-aleiiciennes a; il 'Lepnefno'v Aver? nv .(Irliverrrl.'bnt to purge tho-tntepaftment o" . the. North ' entirely from the yoke of 'AuOfk,. va repined to rCMompUrr Cuicle. the garnlon or wliuh being flieltered bHii u 1roltr Jnrt ft-ati" u. b u x e CCltted after tfie pTm of aiiltai. and irnct. "Mc br me ms ofiiii! uUt4oivsv B'vhL-ealily"h3e-tiLiiiiji' etlorts'ttf the befiegeii as lng as thir lvock of p oTT" . , fioiis -iaited ; but C jcneral Scherer c'lmmijiivcated the ' revolutionary ihcree of July 4th, to the c oiVvmandei ef Conde, and th;s llron?, IhmI was rmmcd ately fur rtndered. Ihe Anuria 1 girnlon IiivPdovnth"' : arm.s,- on the . 30th Autruit, as pnloncr-? "ol" war,'-1!-"!. in tondderation of their uirmetfiate Compliance' with. .- the hrlt ftimnibii's, th-e gifonof this place','' as w'elt as that of .'Valencienensisvere pe r mi tt'e J to '(e'tofift for thc.ir own homes." '' . ' , B.O-I i v L E - D U C 7 ; On the !4tfi of September t n e7 R e public am. appear ed before, titi 4 forirefi, w hid! -iiw o;ie of t-tie lint. e" lirongel't b 11 1 wai'ks'of the T aim u iititch Hai rn-r afon( the f t baTtklVf 't hef eie'TTTiFpr to'bi'iei'i?"!-' otT leliVc m Tlii.s fma'l, but umorfant fortrefs, feated bn a rack oiLLlie ieft baV of tliv .Rhine, the whoie" breadth of h.th it coniiii.tiids. abundantly prov'nitd whh every ,Uvry and defended by jebo men, niightJiave bra-v,f- during many iiiouths. all tlie elfoit.vof a. lei's rni "eiuous enemy "lhaiTn he Freinh, but furrenderecl a , dlsthrm titit d town'of Sp." Uar Ln the Tit"'.6i, N ?i SP 1 b er a t 1 he H i 1 1 1 1 1 ;. m 01 1 .of the-.R.t? publicans '; I tie Heiit.ii) tbf 11:11 ander, whom the Landgrave'. :' J-Vi lle C.alle Jii dert d to be tried 'bv .a court . martia.. mult have timeliifivd. lh'.it it wTrsMcie imoriant ti-, kee a place a few" montHs lomtier ;ail events hav Ut-hht Lt- rruv d"-tfi tCj '7fut ti tT w siffo-iig e ' lough to hold out agaiiiit a-leiiu.iotL.k jCae-ie-geneiattd r reuch. .. . - ' L , U 'r S7 n utch llanderu ', ) tiii- ' LaCombe St. ' Michel informed -the ('onvent'oh th-'t Genera I-. Morea ti h ad 1 11 vefted :S 1 uvi ori the - 2yt'i . 0'y"; the. ifland of Citdfui Was taken oil the juth.' and S.lnj'x furrender'ed on tlie lYith'of Atignft.1 -22 tlays after the opening of the treii(iir.w Thefudden sap. tu re of this fiirtrefs, ' eKceeiiingly ftrong bv hat 11 r? . - and art, ancj .defended -"iy' tlie-'brnve.'.Ge-h'ernl Vander -CjiJT"' lo' intimidated the rpmainder'of the.Putnh and rlnuveri' garrilbns in Fi nders, that they thought iloeXIionOur r to theTitperioiir mi itai y genius -tvt; tliv ;..,:ei.icli ; 'tacticians;' for by the-capture: of 'tjiis place, which furfeiidered on .the 7th. of October," ihe forjner fortille's ai e hemnit d ia and reiulei fcd nearly uCeltfs ; even if the Amlriaus HioiUd fmleed in . croffiftg the V. iiine, ai.d d-; ive tne Kepublitans back' to the baiiks f the .Nie'ulej Bois-le-Duc and Maellrecht will -check heii caieer, arid Brena, .Beroen op.Zooiii," Gertruy- de.ifienibei g ad VVj-hainUadt mult iiibmit. to thefate Si u.ar.v otticr toctrell.s. - "' . 7'"' '. : - - ,'" '" '.-''' R H E I N F E L S. The (trinfes cj"tW NortA and "Akfeniies. iok frnnr A.tllria. ' . ... - .-'' ; -n - ' . 2 The Dtitrhies af Brabant. T.imK'nrv' t t;i,,',. and Giielders the cdunties of FIaiders,' iNamur. anil nain-auic- : Frn'Hnllmi&s : .. -7 ,-' Dutch Fltwders, Brabint, ,'Limbiirg,"' Tue!ders . the county of Cuik-and ;the quarter: ofTN-me-:i en. ,-' -'-'- ' - .,"'. - The crpes of Italy and the Alps t'wk; in 1-94, . The Dutchy (,f Aorta,'. The-principality- of O ugl:i D.ii;t of the' uiarijuifates'of Suf iPigiero a d Sii luce j the coimtry ":F-Tende, the -South-Veft-pi'rt. of-,-Piedmont and Mo infer rat. " -- ,-The -flrrwfv thf EiilTPrziirtr.. . . ,S econqnered the department o". th if n me.' enfri'nj. fhiAal.-iM.44 -C. re-l-rtrr-and took jtlie" Ivor therffparf Catalonia. arid-.Arrngoii.''-:; ' ; ' ' Republic,' vat re. 1,5 1 if oh -tn the i'hed torvva.t d in, - the heart 'of ' Na- Re-1i'l.ted tne f.i rii'h nr-ovini-f nf ' 4 ,Tl" m-'iv ij' t ,e VeR . . ". , ' , After having redui ed the fiirinul .,' e rovTiH 'ni of So.coo fighting men to fome fngirn e buuds' of rob bers hidden. .between ttvirihes '.ajid w i-i'ds, Will. ' t" hope, have made an end to tlie cruel War of La Veil- ,-" dee before the ciofe of-4T')4.- .' : . r. MA Eh 1 h IC JI t. ' An am y of .ai.-o.ut.jo t.p. Reu bFic a ns inverted ".TaeF rn. lu (. t;ie 20. h of Sr-jut mber. 1 he brlt 'p irailc. wasopened on the 2V .f-October; nu the lorriel capit'ui att ai mi tae vtil. of'Nb'vcfnber, -'.after a .bom bjIilnieNtinf fome days; 8q"o' 'AjultrjstUS ijurrcdcrtc j'litoutrs of War. y : :r ...'.. ::;;.,..--7 , i m e -g u. e -K, ,;. T.he Euglidi engineers, ;.fter J.kTv uig viiited, ftir e c d, and .repaired the old fortihcatioas of tlie. city . prete.ided-i til it -they Wou Id. prove ltrong enough t- V net iv t he Sins . Culottes-in tlie;r further. prdgrt-f, im . holland; but hirdlv luul.t'he 'R'ejHril Scans ettablilhS:. a battery n-ar the firli mill, ou tiie -rcvaclyto Cleves; when the Bfit.lh w ere not only at a' lofs ho w t-u defetnl but how t( get nut of this bulwarfc.of ; Holland : How ' everoa ihc" ;th oi'yvctubtfr, to'Britiv ud il.;uio- h u n- t & .m" 'a...n' IS-now-in high order, and WiU rover tire e"nfi)in-'. ' fealon at . the fnliferiber.'s ildbley . teji ih:!s beli)"" ttovn(f HaWa-Sr-and three-'rlTve P.mlr)k' ferr"ytr .. lJir ITaviVs meeting houfe, mtyfrlh.igs'cu'rrencjr Vje feaf "vrwei: p fi he'mViieyt--. which to be paidjit th.-." (t ie-tf-KVrri)thrn.t'fe t he ' barge. t ill he tor t'lef-Mf) 1) 1 1 1 'ivj p it i t ei The feifa 1 to b-nil th; f; iHirMftlr l 1 1 JiLltn-'Jenthjif Aug-ulk FiyieK t- be- imdj by die hr t of January ,7re:r - bo" 'k'of.'conf.'.vill be re W ed ijt dmh irea thereof .it tlie cart) pfue r.f H fli- tow'ii, .if delivtrecj durrng the :nonh of Decern- ' her n-xc. w IJusi'MVN i fu c f t fc ur Inc ho; huh ail fe 'om blenulh, d i! inio iv tit oil He un rot bythe imported C)!i! Motne- Trap' mit of 1 1 aollo, who wa-vgot- by t!ie,miporreF horfe old e ear 11 vrgflt -Apollo's daiil was-a full b(oo-!etf .in r. '.w His grand cl onby O ie F.ye. wh-'.w.'H got bv t le.' im-. sorted li'irfe 0.!cl' lanns: Hb great grand dam by'the u nportcd horl'e phr Davey. ', , ' ' " ', Good paililrage and TSts, ,'vv.i.t.h he 'advantage oft "-'T 'irge o'it patch gratis, ai,d the 'great ell c ire im'-ig'ma-jle w 11 be taken, bat riot I'nble fo,r accidents - ' ' Two andJis'peace tov'the groom, to h.pi'il, at the table door. . :. .' . E L 1 A S FO'O "R T. Halifax, -'M irch-2, t "9;. .."". ... "' ' ' "'' , ..' --. - ' ' ' ' L I .will give Cas H for II.ilifiMin.ipe-'.l Tq' vice ' -'the quality ..to lib approfitof by rac; Jfh 'A -, -' .1?'i t?-4i,v' ft 9