-V-'-y-l:' A.kAAA:lX,-:.y-xxi :n-f-. r ni: U-viT-'l- ; Jr,:i ' M1 V ?' t.-: HJ1 i -J i 1 f:- tj ..i?f--,x - : ;, -;; -..-jl y?:-i; I -4 AAA- !-:- i k-'kxkkx-k kf- y -yiy. ,;:;::;!. u.; : - ; - h ' ; k :"; .M -11.': l! ;ir- i :; & - K-'t! ! Vy'li Jf yi ;Hi;v -k tlpla GOOV, ri: .-i.-h-.h-n--..-: i-Mj-j; :; ..-i-.i ?-,i:f: Hi', tfe: ' kk r - Hkf k 'k ' "H- - jjf-M y u v i-v- f-1 --j:. --.hi , k:-: L. '-::-b. J' l" ; ; : ' l-! Hi '.i j':-;; . li l! '...!; If J,. : . - i - :. . if, , AA ' I- y. ! M Ir ' . . J j v " x' T x"' ''TiffyM' ftr "i! y j. !: . ;; : rj :';ri:V'. il' ir" li ' ! - 1 ' . X Tj ! '': A,: U ' " " ' 'A -' : ! I " ." i j '.j.;.-" i: j '.. 1.. ;; . , .j : ! 1 . (' .iiiif ' j !;?"-. Hm-k -Jy iy-y ijt -' u , i ; -r-J-v' i-v ify - . J,,--. ;y ! : vi j . r -.-hi - : u : i : : . ; 1. All v- : j: if, -it .-i! h a h; - ii ----- riH! u vol: l Hii-Sutriis is Se', LITTLETON, K. C, JULY 25. 1900 TheiTrue Reformer v - $ 1 1 y IMMSHSIIKD KVEItV WEDNESDAY : : r: - U , v-;r jy,:y- y.!p- ;-:-i AT .. j j y LITTLETON. C ; ' )V. F. YOUG, y : Editor and Business Mana; HON. SCOTLAND IIAIIRISS, 1 Associate Hditor, ' ' ' ' ( One year $1.00. Subhcriptions- Six months 5(r cts. ( 1 hree months 2u cts. 1 t all -communications Tkt:k IlEFpiiMiiK, Box 37, L N. C. Enturjed tt' the Poatoflicfe tleton N. C. as second class miatter WEDNESDAY, JULY .23, 1900 to The - ttleton. think bv sweetening the dose with the popular Col. they can thereby j force the Negro to Swallow a sweet and bitter morsel at the same time. Should the colored voters of Wirien county; endorse and vote for sirch men, we want to sjsk in the name of Heaven: "Vhat have they gained for. the race? Weaelk inall candor what will be tht difference- in voting for these! men or the democrats who i are favorable to the amendment? i at Lit- EMTORIAlL LOOK' OUT FOU RACE AS WELL AS PARTY the popuists nominated populist fticket at War lti.mi6rihas it that some of on the last W ednesday are bitter and y rampant in fayor of the cjonsti- "y ' - y.H-i.i,.,, S- 'r j; -:vi --. --"Vr-4 M: J - .... v : j ft itiAfi'il ! i rnutu I iriofit I- M'nic would hot concern us half so much, (were it not that! the ex- ticket Even one oi color e$ republicans j are pectedj to endorse this and vcjte for these men. since the nomination, these mep i has declared that, he is opposed to Negro si and tliat lie uoesn t see If rage how man can be s The newspaper an Unselfish Educator, i i r In a sermon in -Wilmington, N. C, recently, Rev. j Calvin S. Blackwell said:" "A news paper office Is j a school of unselfishness. No other class serves a community so well und so of ten 'for so little pay, either in cash or appreciation, livery day and night the newspaper is doing; free .work fpr the general betterment of the' comnunity. If a lawyer was called upon; by, the city aiithorities to do if or the city writing titan that wliich e:very newspaper does, free . every day; the charge would be Si50 or more. If i the neat figure and A of beautiful appearanre it coiild iei readi ly seen that she was intelligent and refined. Her : apparent iriodestv and attention to a bright little , girl who sat in the seat with her delayed our presentation for awhile, '.but in short we approached her and 'politely asked :if jwe might introduce the 4 'True ; Reform er," a copy of which she accepted, and it was hot long before her intelligent eye decided i that the "True Reformer'' was a worthy paper and should, make its visits to her home. The next moment wei saw iii her hand a pencil writing on a paper With her tiny lingers which she handed over to us and, to our delight, it was her address written in a beautiful hand," with the cash for a years subsicrsiption it l was then we learnoi that this worthy lady was Mrs. R. 11. Holmes, of Sanford, N. C, and our bow to her was one of giateful appreciations. , i Mr. White was kitr&kl sa Pclitks. NO. 47 elected chair- i valuable man a few days ago and has been, shaping, his affairs here with a view toward giving ' his whole time ( to the ensuing campaign.- Daily Record. ! The people of Eastern North Carolina will be glad to- know that Congressman White will timei to spend in nis i ; district. His mncii needed counscT and advice; pertaining to will be ' ' : x serve liRe in. spring thei N office in all matters r i. ';';:! pnrty and j people, sought, and! it will refreshing, shoivers time. His headquarters will be at his home in Tarboro. QUESTION ANSWERED. Editor .Yo T x g : - K n owing your acquaintance with Mr. Sj (t. Daniel,: deUioci atic - candi date for House of Representa tives, 1, in behalf j jot fWCdnc sday at Warrenton. WM v.iuterl ' W,nrrentonJ on last Wednesday in the interest of the , k4True Reformer," gath- where we found a large ering to hear Hon. Cy Thomp- newspaiiers werel to: cease for a ! son,;. the populist candidal for week it would be as dark l and govempr: He; spoke in oppo- anv rwhite I otherwise - , xJf such j be ! true, we likS to know, if these ' uin Is i were kept under . IB . ' ' f I I T- ' s until these men were nominat ; edj If so, we think they have -made a mistake mot to them ieovered until i I'm .-. Aix yym - i! :' , I i . ' j nominees nave oeen enc ! by , the Negro republicans, ! upon iWliose shoulders j expect ,td ride' into office ! yllose !t political : rights seek to! abridge Witli One ! while tliejy hofd out the y ' t is ! i A mi r , for their votes. 1 ; I We are informed that cliairmair of .the- pot partv, .in Warren, who nominated on this ticket for Register I of Deeds, and would senti-cover keep these orsed they but thev hand, other the enlist was I lonesome as if the pall :of an eclipse covered Ins, arid Wil mington would be to the out side' world practically as though, she were not." Ex. y jln connection with'the above facts we have to say: That when W3 think ' of t'he hard worked editors, tlieir sleepless nights in effbrtshto! serve and y y ii. 'ii ii i- .vy X'X-- X rtXYi who ! - :. ! expects tji) enjoy this f at office by the aid of Negro voles, is . an arde.nt. leader of the above sentiments to disarm the Negro of i his political rights, while he seeks to be elevated toWiee upon Ms ivote. This is jfoliti cal --lijrpocricy in, rue, i sense oi .he worcj, and a -little trick o getpSegro, and at khe same time degrade andh litimiliate truest , L 1 nice vttes IT: T 4 mAfilxA ' X :AA WW- A m "- Av i !' -mhM i'.: 1 :! ' "f ' k'y 1 -r : ' B iA him. They columns to foster up i all j Worthy to; please an ungrateful public, the l amount of grat uitious rk ctone by them in booming the! towns and cities, and lending and build enterprises, it is y apparent to usthateditors aigd publishers are poorly paid;: they get less fpr the amount of prOlit accru ing to others from their labors than any other class or indus. trv on earth. : It is often that editors are asked to accept a 2f cents 'subscription to be ninety xlays, and! should thev fail to devote a column and a half in Duffing "! jf " 4 l I. ' - i j : i l ' 1 I ! i' I1 - these liberal patrons tlie lose their dignitv, and will not paj' the amount due nor subscribe to -the paper airaiu. tion to ' the constitutional amendment and the: election law, and ! must have: made a pasting impression upon, his hearers, which we think was clearly evident from the mark ed attention and the demon : ii :' i i 1 ' I strations heard in the1 crowd. After the speaking the populist full ticket a G. ! A. t -.'I jk.yt ON THE TRAIN. ! On our trip to Henderson last Friday we saw sitting in the1 rear end oi.ttie car a very partv ! nominated with Col. Cook at its head for the House of Representatives. ; We learn that the i populist ticket of Warren will he ; endorsed by the republicans: It is predicted that this ticket! will win, as Negros and white men always work well together, when the Negros; agree not to work' in front but get .behind and do all the pushing. . ! We extend our1 sincere thanks to that ipopular young man, Mr. David Alston, for giving us a nice buggy ride from the Plains to Warrenron last ; Wednesday. We hlso thank Mr. J. H. Falkener'.for taking us fiom Warrenton to the .Plains bn the same da v. and other readers of thk Ttue Reformku ask through your thing of him. i Ml! A i i ii i In reply to mvself their mail from should examine it beor golrife out of .tie building Hit will a. 1. L i: . I : 1 . ;J . . M r ' 1 ' ' 4l taKe but a moment, and will save a deal of trouble. GRAND XCURSION. esired excursion The long from Littleton to the ! ! ! i ;.!!,' i j ! i -l I I ! .N . cities on the Atlantic almost in sightyou enjoy a santl trij) ocean can n cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, .j ! 4 i I i - ! ! H : !,; ! '..i-i:l H li I Old Point. Ocean; View Fortress! Monroe. I There won these are : i ' I sights to be seen at and building Ml: MJ -J can visit ship poits, and where you your Jtriends and have aj lovely time for iust a trillleL onlv Sl.pO from Littleton to Notfolk and return, I Don't tbrget that this1 ii ! e xcursion ix Will J- that you tell us columns some Subscriber. 4 Subscriber," we will first state, that Mr. ,S. r. Daniel is a . democrat arid exceljenLi vqUaiitlet, and is so looked upon by all the colored people of Littleton: who have had any dealings with liim.i We have known him to be honest and square" in all of hi$ dealings with us, and we verilv believe he is a Littleton at C o'clock on i the st When j the, ieople learn miin who not stoop to any thing low or dirt 3' against our people, i !l YERY iv. erson, sua lias typhoid fiever It is with sincere regret 4hat we note the severe illness .of Mrs. B. HI Builock ot He 1- been confined to her room four weeks with More than once the attending physicians have . rho not pull we are jrlact lit she could through, T but to learn that she 1 ! ' 1 - I. i is slightly I better. Mrs; Bui very estimable wo- 1 ' T ' locK is a i 5H t ma n, inuclr loved bv friends, all of rejoice to know that : ! ' :l ii ! i surely recover, y her; man v . y v whoifi would she will Bullock Cougressinan White County ! . i Chairman. Congressman Geo H. White leaves today at 0:30- p. m.f for Tarboro to take charge of, the Edgecombe county, camgaign. Mrs. is an age ut i of the rruej' Re-j former" ,'ind she has our heartfelt sympathies. A new ipostoffice rule has jusst now gone into efiect im posing a fine oil or one year's imprisoment on anyone who, througb carelessness or otherwise, akes mail not be longing to them from the office and fails to return it at. once. This applies jto newspapers as. well as letters and other valu able mail. People when taking leave 1900. that Capt. this train for Lester is the manager, of everybody ' will I'M is a guarantee . this Mi- ! vou . will nave nerfecD order andjaj gloricius time.5 EfAiillxE "CARS FOR WHITE AND COLORED. iYoiTy Vill opportunity.; S never : i r ;M AL RAILWAY SPEC I RATES, lifr- 1 Tiqkets on sale Saturdays,;;!, good to return Monday, from ! Littleton to Oceau View, Virgi- j, nia Beaclf and Old Point Com fort. i ! Threel days outing at beach for 1 $3150 the , u : 1 i i x 1 i ....!! ii a . ii 1 i cqniui rouuu nip. iiCKeis 011 sale to all points Noith and South during; the summer sea son,- Commencing. June 1st: For further information applv to.F, A. 'Fetter, S. A. L. Rafi-. way Agt., Littleton. N. C. IyTpTICE. mi 'I: '11 1 1 uere win oe an excursion ifrom 1 Warren Plains, N. C, to Delaware, Park, run by Rev, S. G. Newsom, on the. i4thi of AuguslHOO. This isagmnd" oppiortuniiy for all who wish to take a dav's recreation : witness the rrianv sicrhts to seen ati the Park, which vou can ido for iaj mere tri Heonly l.'J.j from the Plains, and cents for childreu fori! round trif). This price, is duced at nearly every ! station on the route, it being only ! 7.i cents for adults, and o s cents for children from A V eld on. For complete inforrriat excursion bills . and ready. You will never the trip. . - The bust of their on see ! make 1 regret ;:irlin Flavoring Extracts.; ; 1 Double strength at 'Fetter's Drug Store. s f A, : K r t i ili 1 y1;!i ! it i ' AX Ml!'! i i i'ii ut ! I-

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