rfi i . SEWN THE GREAT DIVINE'S ELOQUENT 'f mm 1 1 ii m - . I i ! I S abject: Practical Charity The Benevo lance of Dorcas Kxtolled Ilerj Work j Contrasted With Present! Day Methods -mm Woman God's Handmaiden. WASHINGTON. DJ C.-Dr J Tal mage, -ho is still traveling ia Northern i Europe, baa forwarded tne loilowmg report ot a sermon in i which he utters heloful Words to all whi are engaged in alleviating hu man distresses. and shawa how such, work will be crowned at t the last text,! Acta ix, Ana au me wjuowu swwu oy mm weeping and showing !him the coats and garment: which Dorcas made while she was" with them." J f L ; !' Joppa is a most absorbing city of the Orient; Into her harbor bnce floated, the rafts of, Lebanon cedar from which the tempos of Jerusalem Werej btuldeti, Sok-j. Dion's oxen drawing the logs through the town. ; If ere " jNapoieon had 1500 j j prisoners! "massacred J 'i One .pf the most magnificent charities of Ihe centuries was started in this seaport by Dorcasj a woman with her needle embroidering her name ineffaceably; into the beneficence of the world. I see. heritting in f yondef 'home, j In the j door-; way atfd around bout .the building and in the room where she sits are the bale faces' of the poor, if She, listens to their pliant, : she pities their woe, she makes fearthents ; forf ithemr! Hheradiustsll the manufactured i articles to suit the bent form of thisj inva - lid ,woman aad to. the :!cripple that (comes crawling on Jhis : bands and; knees. ! fche gives a coat to this pne she gives sandals to that one. With the gifts she mingles prayers and tears and Christian encourage ment.; Then ighe goes out to be greeted on the street corners by those whom she has blessed, and all through the street- the cry is heard, "Dorcas is coming!"; The sick look up gratefully in her face as she puts ter hand i on! the burning brow, and the lost and the. abandoned: start up with hope as they hear j her gentle voice, as though an angel had addressed them, and as she eoea out the lane eves half put i out' with &in i think thev see I a halo i of liehti about her brow arid. a trail of! glory in her path way. That night a half paid shipwright i climbs the hill and reaches home and sees his little boy well clad and says, "Where did these- clothes come' from?" And they 'tell him; "Dorcas haw been here." In an other place :a! woman ia trimming a amp; .Dorcas bought the oil.. In another place a family that had not been at table for many a weekare gathered now, for Dorcas But there is a sudden pause in that worn-; an's ministry; They say: "Where is Dor cas ? Why,fwi haven't; seen her for many ;a uay. nere is uorcas : , Ana one' ot these poor fceople eoesi.up and knocks at the door anq finds the. mystery solved. All through ;th haunts, of wretchedness' the news comes "Dorcas islsick!" No bulletin flashing from the palace gate telling the stages pf a king's disease is "more anxiously waited" for than the news from this j bene factress. ' Alas, for Joppa there is wailing, wailing! ;( That voice which has uttered so many cheerful words is: hushed; that hand which has made so many garments for the poor is cold and still; the star whici had , poured , light into the midnight of iwiretch-s -ednesa is dimmed by the blading mists that go up from the river olf: death. In 'every forsaken place in that pawn1, wher ever there lis a sick child and no balm,1 wherever these is hunger and no bread, wherever j there is guilt .and no xommisera . tion, wherever there in a broken heart and yno comfort, f there are despairing looks .-and : streaming eyes and frantic gesticula- tions as they cry, "Dorcas is dead!" - l: They send; for the apoatle Peter J who happens to be in the suburbs of the place, -.; stopping wit h a tanner Of the name bf Si- mon. Peter urges his -crowd abound the door presence of the dead. way through the and stands in thej What demons tra- .tion of grief; all about him! J Here stand W of the; noor people, who ? show: the! garments which this ' poor woman1 1 had made for them. Their grief cannot be apj easedi. The apostle Peter wants Lto per-; orm a miracle. He will not do it amid the excited crowd, so he orders that the whole room- be; cleared. flhe apostle stands with the dead. Oh,! it is a serious ! merit, vou know, when you are alone nowi mo-" with a lifeless bddy! The apostle gets dorn on his knees and prays, and then he comes to ! the lifeless form of this one all ready for ! the sepulcher; and in the strength of Hira who is the resurre:tion be cries: "Tabitha, arise'. w There is a stir in the fountains of lffe, the heart f utters, the nerves thrill, the! cheek flushes, the eye opens, she; sits : v e see uf. this subject Dorcas, the , disci . nlej Dorcas ! the benefactress, ! Dorcas I the , lamented, Dorcas the resurrected. I J I J h - If I had tnot seen that word disciple' in my text; i iwould ha e known this woman was a Christian. Such music as that never came from; a heart n-hich is not chorded and strung by divine, prace. JBefore I show you the needlework cf this woman I want to show you her- regenerated heart, the source of af pure life and of all Christian 'charities. Swish that the wives and moth-rs-and d.Ughtedi andr- sisters, of) 'all the .-earth would imitate Dorcas n her disciple t&hip. i Before you cros .the threshold of ithe hospital, before Woiu enter uion the 'temptations and trials: of i to-morrow, I charge you in the name 'of God and by the turmoil and tumult of the judgment day, O woman, that you attend to.the first, last and greatest duty 6f your life the seeking for God: and being at S peace with ; Him! When tie j, trumpet shall sound there will le an ; uproar, and a wreck of mountain and continent, and no 'human arm can help you. Amic the rising j of the dead ,and amid iHf , bailing f yonderj sea atd amid thei livejj leaping thunders; of j the flying heavens j calm and -I placid . will be every woman's heart who hath put her trust in Christt-calm notwithstanding all the . tu- muu,- as iioougi tnc inre m tne neavens were only the sildincs! of an autumnal, sun- set. a though the lawful voices of the sky were but ia group o f friends bursting inTOUgt jj a1 j gaieway at evn urae wnn laughtetf ajoa shoutincv "Boreas the-! discif .1.1. . ii . J ' .' i! :... pie: Would uod l that eyery jviary ana every iMar ha would this day sit down at the feet of Jesus! I j j i .. "!:' Further, rwe see Dorcas, the benefactress. History. h4 told the story of the crown; vpit'poei has sung of t fee sword; the pas toral poet, ijith his ven full of the redo lence o .cloiver tons and a-rvistle with the silU' -of !hdcom.;i hm .fiag jth prkisesof the plovH p tell youUhe praises) of the rieedle.-f I FlTsm the fig i leaf robe prepared iu th jrfkn of Edvn t6 the last ; stitch taken . on ;Uie .garment if or j the roor the needle lvas; vTouht j wonders of kindness. -jreneroity 3 innd benefacMon. It adorned the cirdlc 16 f the hislr priest, it fashioned the curjtains I in ; the ancient talwrnacle, it rushiohec! iefci'e chariots iof j ving Solomon, it proyidedfthe rpbea of Qtieett Elizabeth, ano in high places j and j in low places; by the! fire jpf: the pioneer's back log and ur der the fl4h of the -chandelier every where it has clothed nakedness, it has Dr.TAtf.UGE 1 -.Lin .-.lUf ' r- -. ! -: h it !. . i 'u i - : f ii :.i : -v tilt i i: H I :- Dreacbed the eosoel. it haa overcome hosts of ; penury i and want with the war cry of "Stitch, stitch,, stitch! : The operatives have found a livelihood by it, and through it the mansions of the i employer; arecon- structed. i ' . I Amid the Greatest triumphs in all aces and lands I set down the conquests of the needle. 1 admit its crimes; I admit its crueltiesw It' has had more martyrs thah the fire; it has punctured the eye; it has pierced the : side; it has struck weakness tntothe lungs; it has 'sent madness into the brain; it has filled the potter's field; it has pitched whole armies of the suffer ing into crime" and wretchedness and woe. JKut now tnat l am taiKing oi uprcas ana her ministries to the poor I . shall speak only ,' of the charities of the needle. This woman was a representative of all those who make garments for the destitute, who knit socks for the barefooted, who prepare bandaces for the 1 lacerated, who nx up boxes of clothing for missionaries, who go into the asylums of I the suffering: and desti tute beannr: that gospel which is sight lor the blind and hearine for the deaf, and ' which makes the latne man leap like a hart and brings the dead to, life, immortal health bounding in kheir. pulses. , j , . j ; What a contrast! between the practical benevolence of this woman andi a great deal lof the chanty of this day! ihia woman did not spend her time, idly plan ning how the poor of the city pt Joppa were to be relieved. She took her needle and relieved them. She was not like those persons who sympathize with! imaginary sorrows and go out in the street and laugh at the boy who has upset his basket of cold victuals, or like that charity which makes a rousing speech on the benevolent platform and goes out to kick the beggar from he step, cryinpr, '''Hush your .miser able howhne!'. Sufferers of the .world want 'not so much theory are practice; not so much tears as dollars; not so much kind wishes as loaves of bread ; not so much smiles 'as shoes; not so . much vuod bless you," as J jackets and frocks. I will put one earnest Christian man, hard-working, against 5000 mere theorists on the subject ot charity. There are a great many who have; fine ideas about, church architecture who never in their lives helped. to build a church. There are men who can give you the, history of Buddhism -and ; Mohamme danism who never sent a farthing for evaneelization. There are women who talk beautifully about the suffering of the world who never had the courage, bke Dorcas, to take the needle: and assault it. ' . I am glad that there is riot a page of the world's history which is riot a record of female benevolence. God says to all land? and people, "Come, now and hear the widow's mite rattle '.down into the poor box." The Princess of Conti sold all her jewels that ' she might help the -famine stricken. Queen j Blanche, the wife of Louis VIII. of France, hearing that there Were some persons unjustly incarcerated in; the prisons, went out amid the rabble and took a stick ' and struck the door as a signal that they might' all strike it, and down went the prison door, and 'out came the prisoners. Queen Maud, the wife of Henry I., went down amid the poor and washed their sores and administered to them cordials. Mrs. Retson, at Matagor da,: appeared on the battlefield while the missiles of death were flying around and cared for" the wounded, i Is there a man or womad who has. ever heard of the civil war in America who has hot heard of the women of the sanitary and Christian com missions or the fact that before the smoke had gone up fromj Gettysburg and South Mountain the wdmen of the north met the women of the south on the battlefield, for getting - all their animosities, while they bound up the wounded and closed the eyes of the slain? Dorcas the benefactress, i Has that Christian woman :who went away fifteen years ago nothing to do with these things? I see the flowering out pt her noble heart. I hear the echo ot her footsteps in all the songs over : sins for given, in all the prosperity of the church. The good that seemed to be buried haa come up again. Dorcas is resurrected! f i After awhile all jthese j womanly friends of Christ-will put "down their, needle for ever. After making garments for others some one will make a garment -for them; the last robe we ever weai the robe for the i grave. You will have; heard the last cry of pain. I You will have witnessed the last, orphanage. ! You Will have ; come j in worn ouf from! your last round of mercy. A I do not know where you will sleep nor what your epitaph will be, but there will be a lamp burning at that tdmb and an angel of God guarding it, .and! through all the long night no rude foot will disturb the dust. Sleep on, sleep on! ' -Soft bed. feasant shadows, Sleep on! .' '; , Asleep in Jesus! i-i i i r- i i ri- undisturbed repose! Blessed sleep 1 !: From which none ever wake to weep! 1 Then one day there will be a sky rend- tug auu a wmri oi wneeis auu me iiasa oi a pageant, armies marching, chains clank ingjf banners waving, thunders j. booming, and: that: Christian woman will arise from the dust, and she will j be ; suddenly sur roundedsurrounded by the wanderers of the street 'whom she reclaimed, surround ed by the wounded souls to whom she had 'administered! ! ! ; -f i ! 1 ' r ' ,. 1 ; Daughter of(God, so strangely -surround-! ed, what means this? i It means that re-J ward has come; that the victory is won; tha the crown is ready ; that the , banquet is spread. Shout it through all the crumb ling earth! f Sing it through all -the flying heavens! Dorcas is resurrected! M i In 1855, when some of the soldiers came back from the Crimean war to London, the, Queen of England distributed among them beautiful medals, ' called Crimean medals. Galleries were erected for the two houses of Parliament and the royal family to sit in. There was a great audience ta witness the distribution1 of the medals. A colonel who had lost both feet in the bat tie of Inkermann was pulled in on a wheel chair; others came in limping on their crutches. Then the Queen of England arose before them ! in the name of her Govern ment and uttered words of commendation to the officers and men and distributed those medals, inscribed with the foiir great battlefields Alma, Balaklava, Inkfenjicnn and Sevastopol.: As the Queen gave theso' to the wounded men and the wounded offi cers the bs.nds-.of musit. struck up f he na tional air,, and the people, with streaming eyes, joined in the song: " 1 M . .': i God save oar gracious qustn! ? .JS Lo Uye joiy noble iueen! : i GoI save the queen! j ; IN 5' . And, then . they-'shouted "'Hurza ! Huzza! Oh, it was' a proud day for i hose, retiirued warriors! Bat h brighter, : better' and glad der day will come! wheh Chrii4- shall;' g-ath Vr jthoe'Lwhp :hav: tpj.;'iiL:His. servicer:' good soldiers of .lesus'hrist. He shall rise before thera, a:ii in the presence of all the glprified of heaven He will say, "Well done, good and faithful i-crrant!" And then He will "distribute the medals of eter nal victory, not inscribed with works' of righteousness which we- have done.! but with those four great batt'efields, dear to earth ' and deat to heaven Bethlehem, Narareth, Gethu-emane and Calvary! 1 A Danish army officer is at the head o the S;amese navy. . . THE GREAT . DESTROYER. SOME; STARTLING i FACTS ABOUT the vici of Temperance. ' The Poor Man'etemplation Some Fale- '' hooda Told by the Faloonlteener Why Ills Lunch U "Free" Keaaona Why i Ton tihonld Avoid the Liar' v '"" ' : i. f '.i! J-1 , : ;;- I l'i 1 ti ' i. -.:- : : "Easy for those fenced scfjly roend from birth With the best bleintrS'of this fallen earth, A happy home; religious parent's care, r Firmy watchful training, sacraments and prayer, ' 1 .; 4 J , Pure pleasure ; that from filthy, pleasure ' '; ;!' 1 weans. ; "j -1 ":,,j; ;''fj ' ll-t :f j. Hr' ij'j !', Good education, tasts irefined, fair means, Congenial work f well jiaid) to fill ihe dy. And books to while a leisure hour away; : So circumstanced a matt through life might i . pass i HiV:' l-i'Mf !:h I' I I Without the solace of the pllttering pHassj He, whom a well-cooked dinner waifs -,.at .. home H, -i i : r. -: h May Kife through streets cf pub ic, houses roanj; ; ; .) : But the poor man, whose lot 1 1 eloom, i!::'r i 1! i is full - of .! :-iiiX His home at best one shabbr, stuffy roon. Not overstocked with fum iture or food "Come in I here,: Jack, a drop will do you . ; - good : '. !i ! . f How can j poor Jack" refuse such respi From hopeless future; and frbtn sord present? ;i : l The Ruinseller'a ties "T do not invite ariv person into my place to drinkl is a remark you frequently hear from the saloon-keeper when be ! is spoken to about selling liquors, lie. . , Tien the eTocervmah makes a fine dis- play in front of his store, whether he has the price j marked thereon ; or not. he ' is honest enough to tell v'ou he does it to in duce people to buy. That is the, truth, j . The dry goods merchant puts Sri his win dow all sorts and kinds of weanrig appar el, tor the sole purpose or attracting the ladies and selling his goods. He tells the trutn." , h ; , , r , '!; !: And so it is with all clashes jof trade, but the "rumseller." He savs he! does not invite any one in in to drink, h Let's see. First, in the sigh. "Free lunch from 10 to 12 a. m." Is it free? 1 Go in Md try o partake of it without ' buying some of his rum and see how quick he or his dressed up bartender will, tell you to get out; That is a lie! j I v'f v , : . f j'-, :" l; If. A fT ; Does he want you to eat his! free (?) lunch, or is it free? 11 Again. He hires the finest cabinet mak er to erect in his rlace what he calls fix tures, consisting of elegantly carved hard wood, often trimmed j with marble and backed with as large1 mirrors as, his room will permit of. In front of this he places hijfchlv; polished glasses all frr what Pur pose? I To ask you in;! j And in inviting you inj, does -he invite vou just tp see the fine fixeures? No. No! , But to drink hi miserable,! health -destroying, soul-damning stuff. Again he lies! j " ! ; i ' J In front of the piace you will see 'ele gant Kold and sometimes glass signs, fur nished by the wholesale whiskv man, oi the brewer, jrratis tbjthe rumseller for hi trade. : Do they have them made just tc adorn his place? . NoJ but to ihvite you in. Therefore, it is - other lie! j i ; ' The Retail im-dealer ; lies, and says he does not invite you in. ; The wholesale and brewer help him 1) lie. and take mortgages on his place to help him lie tc i the poor fools who are enticed into, his place by all this display of elemnce. I Another final lie: You drink with him. He says, "Here's to .your good health." What a He! You can't have good health if you partake of the vile stuff. Does burn ing the lining out of -your stomach bring "good ! health?" Does muddling youi brain cause "good health?" ' : ! : T: One more big lie: The rum-seller k 1 ow he cannot 'stand up and drink 'with every one, so he (some of i them) have a bottle of tea to take for whisky, orl 'clear -watei to take tor gm. and he makes you be! he is drinking the same vile stuff that leve you are pouring down your throat only -he takes his from another bottle. A big lie! Younz men. resolve now not to heln h.m to lie any more. ! Everr time i you are tempted to go into one of these lying shop say. x o, iwiu not nelp, anyone to he and ruin mankind Avoid the .liar! Presbyterian Banner. Baby Saved Him. A poor, disconsolate mother, t3 wife ol a arunaara, naa r. nome Darren) of every thing but a little blue-eyed two-year-old eifl m racrs. The father ahnoiprl L f ho one and its mother, ' and in his I quest -if ox liquor had pawned every article of furni- iure in me nouse A few weeks ago the worried mother went into a public house, where she f6und the recreant husband. The little girl in her mother's arms recoenized her father. and gave him one of those, little child smiles of recognition j which ; every father wove is. ; i. ' -! f' - ! ; ' ; i The i mother , walked over . where her drunken husband as the tears coursed down the bar stood, and iher cheeks said: V; t: '!.' j- :: :p , ; "Papa, kiss Ella and bid her I am going, to1 give her to the Drink up her value, and when s evervhintr. hnaaossorl i eood-bve : innkeeper he is gone is eone There is nothing In the house tp .eat, and I Am (miner nut tn wnrlr ' S I ! The little one cv-derstood th meaning oi tne words, XUss papa,", afs they fell from the Oniveiinir liru rf tho mnfKor knA 1 ' C l ' -" .uv.u.., she leaned forward to do as she had been told. ! "liire me lIa!" the father claimed, as he became sensible of what wife said, "I have taken my lajst drink A new nromiac. 1 strrvntr anrl Kinriinr, ex his their wedding vow, was made in the mm as corner ot tne inn, ana tne two Went home to lead a brighter iu happier life. j What Made Him I'oor An old man rapped at a door J and when nouse he said he was hungry, and begged oumciuinif ior nis- DreaKiast. ne said tie would A good meal was given him which he ate 3 t l H 1 i i nwrl 1 f'.f af reauy yerj, nungryi. i Wfien be in his hand, his thin gray hair blown by thi cirl - TTIh dm in-ia U rather a piteous expression. Said he: ; i inanK you sincerely lor tins loodl k ...! I , LUM Fit . i was hungry. And, fhi!e f (thahk vou, I want to wrn hma asmihsjt Mmlntr in'liU. TOaaiiion i am m. i ; nen i wa youn? .,: Tf, ..--. worKea bard and made monev. I ppent it in the saloons. ;I put hundreds bf dolkrs there. Now I am too old to work. I must wear rags for lotheJ and beg for a livins. The saloons drive ; me out and giv-1 me nothinsr. 1 Tjt llitrKt1 T uraa : - r- ! I - - m. , !, : ft Mill one, and would have been in that terrible storm put lor the Kindness 01 a man who let me sWn in hia shnn " : 1 : He is on!y one of many made poor by the use of strong drink. ! It is, indeed, a de- THE, SABBATH SCHOOL i ,' " " !i r: H r i f j - j" : s 'f ' ; INTERNATIONAL, LESSON! COMMENTS FOR JULY 29.! Subject: .The Transfiguration1, , X.vke lx.9 28-36 Golden Text: , Inke ta 35 Memory Teraea, 3333 Couamentary :V;;oii the XaT'a JLeeeonJ ' J:;j-j :,. i .jf 28. "About an;ght days after." Mat thew and Mark' say- :six: days'. iThere were auc full days and . the 'fractional days at the i beginning ; and the end making "about" eight.! rTheaej I sayings." The sayings of the; last lesson j Edersheim supposes the great confession occurred on the Sabbath, and the transfiguration on the night aftef : the Sabbath one week later. There is no intimation aa to how the intervening! week was spent. "Peter and John and James. j These same apos tles witnessed His agony, in the garden. He took these tnree (1) because He need ed witnesses to; prove the fact when the time came to reveal His glory to the worloT, and (2). for the burpose.of encour aing and establishing them ih the truths ot His kingdom. ; "Into a mountain." The place of the transnguration scene is un known, butit was probably Mount Her nvon, not far from Caesarea Phihppi. -This is the opinion of nearly alt modern au thorities. "To pray." It was tbe habit : of Jesus to go alone in the night to pray. Before He chose the Twelve, and after feeding the five thousand, we see Him. praying in the night: This time it was a "prayer meeting. ' : ! :!; i - ' . ? -ni :;f:- 29. "As He prayed' He was doubtless praying for strength to carry j on His Work and' for the enlightenment; of His disci ples; the transfiguration was the answer 'His countenance was altered." Matthew says. "His face did shine as the sun. It would ' appear- that the ' lizht shone, not upon Him from! without, but that it shone out of ! Him from within : it was ' one blaze or dazzling, celestial glory; it was Himself; jrlorified. "Raiment became white and dazzlinz (K. V.) Mark says: 'Exceeding: wlute as snow.T Mis lace shone with di vine majesty, and all His body was so ir radiated by it that His clothes ;couldv not conceal .His glory, and became white 'and f listening as the very tight ! (with which e covered Himself as with a garment. ; 30. "Moses and Elijah." (RJ V.) Mosea was a representative of tbe. law: he was the founder of the. Jewish dispensation. which for centuries had been preparing the ; way. for Christ; he was a type of Christ, and had': foretold " His coming (Deut. 18:15-18); and through Him had been '.; instituted ' the I" sacrifices ' which Christ fulfilled i and which explained His comins death which so i troubled the disci ples. Elijah was the representative of tne propneis. -iney naa ioreioia tine coming ana the suffering of, Christ, : and Elijah was the one who was to prepare the way of the IiOrd bv : his character and snint reappearing in John he Baptist, the fore runner Ot JeSUS. . Mi 31. f Who appeared in alorv." In like glory ' with . Jesus: with glorified bodies. "And spake of His decease' Or depar ture, or exodus from the world ; including, . no doubt, His death, Resurrection and as cension. Which 'Me was about to. ac complish (R." : V.) This conversation would enable the disciples to see the- im- SOFtance and necessity of that which waa -to them the greatest mystery the sufier- inj? ana ueatn oi ineir Diessea iiiasier. 32. "Were heavy with sleep." Ito in the night, and the time when they Ustf- auy i siept - uur nngusn veraion ..implies that they fell asleep and were awakened to see lbs glory, while the o'rigina! implies that, though heavy with sleep, they kept fully awake. "Were fully awake." (R. V.) Ji.ven though thCy may, have) been asleep at first when - He was "transfigured 4 be fore them" they were fully awake. '"Saw His glory, and the two men." The "bril liancy of their countenances and the daz zling brightness of the garments.. It. was a reality. It was not a dream, they: were fully awake. ' . ! !i I M' : "!' :;i- 33. f'As they i departed." ! Peter" must have seen that they were about ready to leave. "Peter said." ; Peter is always ready to speak, i "It is good for us to be here." Peter spoke the truth. The apos tles would be stronger and j more useful because of the divine manifestations, i It is always good for us when the f Lord ; ea pecially manifests Himself to us;. when we see His glory. I "Let us make three taber nacles." Or booths, from the bushes of the mountains; such as were made at the feast of the tabernacles. He greatly de sired fto have fthe heaVenlv: yisitanta t- main with them. . "Not j knowing whaff he said." Peter's plans were frequently in opposition to those of the Lord. He was so amazed and bewildered by the glory of the heavenly manifestations that he know not what he said. : How many times do we speak ynwweJv ; because: tot consider our words. we j do not stop 34. "While he thus spake Here' was the response to Peter's suggestion, a wise answer to a foolish prater; denying the petition m order to grant something bet ter. 1 here came a cloud, and over shadowed them." Matthew says a "bright" cloud. A cloud had frequently been the symbol of the divine presence, "They feared." . This 'glorious manifesta tion of God's presence caused them to tremble. It is very likely that the trans- which case tb i Ught . of Christ's counte nance, the dazzling brightness of a-is gar ments, and the glory of thW cloud, would have a marked effect, because of the ab sence of the solar light. "Entered into." It was first above them and i then seemed to descend over tthem and envelop them. 35. "A voice.' The voice ot God the .Father. It revealed nothing hew, but confirms the old, for it was the same voice which had been heard at his baptism. This would show to Peter and the apos tles present that they did not need to de tain Moses and j Elijah in order to add to their happiness. rhis is iIv beloved Son." Matthew adds. I fin whom I am M-11 rla cor4 " TVtt .Tftara twrif K rKam and He was more than all the hosts of heaven would be without Him. "Hear Him." He is superior even to Mosea, the gJSJt lawgiver, j Mosea thimself had made such a st.l;meati Deui 18:15. He is su perior to Elijah and the prophets, and is the Une to wnom tney pomtea. near Him; attend to His instructijohs and obey His words. - . ii; f :, I ) i; j ,- . i ' 36. "When tbe voice was past." , The disciples fell on their faces, and were sore afraid. Matthew. ;; They feared as they entered into thej cloud, but now when they heard the voice' of God, i probably a loud as thunder seff John 12:29 and full of divine majesty 'much asj 'mortal, ears were unaccustonTed; to hearj jthieV fell flatj to the : ground on j their faces, j .beina: sore afraid an .efieci whicht i manliiestations of this kind conimoniv had on the prophetji . and other: holy; men to ! whom they wee civen. It was b with Abram (Gen. J: 12); and Ezekil (Ezeki 1:2S): and Dai iel (Dan. 8: 17; 10: 8, 9); and John (Rev. 1:17); and Ii have known,' people nowa davs., when nrader the rdirect illomination of tbe Spirit, to lose their stren?th aoi fall to the ground. In this condition tee three disciples lav ? until Jesus came ar touched them and raised tnem un, an; linz their feeara. - ! , i I . GLEANINGS. :tl nii !lf::J!i:!Ml:-;i-' A Clpser Sunday Thet movement Inaugurated by thi pood ! Government LeagTie to bring bout a stricter observance bf the Sun day laws is one in the : I proper Ii direc tion. . ; i'r iif i : In late; years the dealers In cigar3, tobacco, the small grocers,i keepers, of . ice cream 'saloons, fruit dealers, con f ectloners. ! and even the barrooms! do a thriving ;s Sunday business.? jln pall these years, trulyjthe police authri ties have not be,en ignorant i of these open violations of the law. but with, a ! laxity they have allowed it to go un reported, but that the league has taken it in hand; it i3 to be hoped that tha evil wil be. abated. 1 if - Mil. fs The Sunday to counteract church and to barroom Is doing, more the Influence of the corrupt the community than nay other- source and lt dealers in liquors can not be (forced "Into comply ing with the law ,then they, should be neaviiy; nned ana tneir license revoked. in mis matter we nare certainly gone from better to worse until today Richmond has what is almost an open Sunday, i In many cities where the vio-' lation of the law is not so open as it is here, it is charged th"at the dealers pay for protection, j God forbid that it -may, be ever said that Richmond police au thorities are being paid to protect cerJ tain businesses. We do; not believe it but if the open violations of the law: are noe I checked, we believe there are": some'who will think so. Race Review. The la w passed by the Ch ckasaw In- dian Nation, providing that white men must pay $1,000 license fee to marry Chickasaw Indian girls, is now in ef fect and will be tigldly enforced, j The law also provides that white men wish ing to marry must also prove that they are of good moral, character. There is a provision in the act which ; gives I a non-citizen the rigit td marry Chicka saw Indians in Kansas or : any other State.! He can only select an allotment of' approximately 1 500 Acfes of land, one-half the amount : he might hays shared! had . he married ; under the Chickasaw laws. The measure passed to lessen the abuses of inter marriages. Since; the bill) was pased by the Chickasaw council last December, it is estimated that 1,700 i white I men took out license to marry j Indian girls in orden to escape the new tax of $1,- 000. i Mrs Fannie Barrier Will ams, n the "The Chicago Times-Herald, ! says: colored people of the South are not looking so confidently toward the; Nor them States as theyonce did for their complete j emancipation. They have those' learned, from the experiences of who have already come north, that there is a1 distressing scarcity, odd milk and honey which they dreamed of. In telligence and self-reliance are the two things that the negro needs more than a change of habitation. A:J large part of the South is his, and it Is gratifying and reassuring to see that he is 'awak ening to his power and opportunityJ The position l ot superintendent of colored schools for the District of Co lumbia : has been aboi.shed j ! by j Con gress, However Congress has created a new office to be known as Assistant Superintendent at a' salary of 12,500. The ploy new system will continue to cm- colored teachers ore(I schools. Mr. Daniel Brown, bfthe Indiana Medical Colleg has been ao- pointed in the pensary,- after Indianapolis Cltyj Dls a cotfipetitve examlna- tlon.j Dr. Brown Is aNegro, and this (honor has been on merit alone. X The $10,000 damage suit of Parker McOomb, :a colored deaf mute, against the L. and N. Railroad Company for the loss, of both legs, has ! ; been com promised ! for I: $3,000. McComb was awarded I $7,000 by a jury at Hopkins- ville, Ky., but the case was reversed by the Court of Appeals on a Itechnlcal- t d:J ;i ii -it-: ' :.. i :l 'ill H '' 1LJ The Canadian-Australian steamship 1 . ' i l i . -A company discriminated against the Ho. gan Colored minstrel company by re fusing to sell them passage on a vessel ; to Victoria. Twenty-eight suits j were I brought against the steamship compa ny, the first of which has been decided ; in favor of the plaintiff, Mr. Ernest Hogan, and judgment of $2,250 ( ren dered. ; v :', Is ; .' ;. ': " ,; An exchange says that Neeley, a white man, ha3 stolen more j money ; in Cuba In one year than all; the Negroes in America have stolen in a 100, years. . i i i : ! ii - fi :,- i h M Major Taylor, the celebrated Negro cyclist, recently purchased a $3,000 res idence by proxy In a high-toned real- ! dentlal district in Worcester, On find- ! Ing it out the white neighbors offered him $5,000 for his bargain, which Tay lor refused to accept. I He has moved in and declares Ciat he will stay there. Rerv. J. flattery a Catholic p:I3t. of Baltimore, Md., has purchased 210 acres of land near Montgomery. Ala., fpr the purpose of establishing a Cath olic school for Negrce3 in that section. The National Negro Business League which. will meet in Boston next month, i will tend to solidify the business rntcr- ests pf the race and bring a bout. a b?!p ful, sympathetic; relation between our btislnfsa men and women, which has no existence at the present; time. !.t V ! ' The negroes ol jllolSMy : Ga., , har11 de clared iaal absolute j bcottjMon! I the ncme ireet ra;iway, sundry not halt a dozen ner e beea seen on, the. cars.. )Tf N th three rear seats, resented.' j' M ;:! RACE til ior .cc ML- I : mm a gratluate I i - i : I v cr, ana no : especter oi persons. v ; i !!' i -1 - 1 E:'..i It' K 1

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