The machine shops of Messrs. Dewey Bros., turned out last week a locomo tive for a large lumber concern in the State of Georgia. The locomotive, which was built entirely at the above named sho»ps, was taken out on a wooden railway in the yards of the shops this morning, thoroughly tested and found to be right in every particu lar. That a locomotive can be built from the ground up right here in Goldsboro is a cause for congratula tion on the part of every citizen in cur city.—Goldsboro Argus. The newspapers from the western part of the State bring news cf great damage done by the recent rains and consequent flooded streams. Through out that whole section the rainfall was excessive, hhe wind was high and the temperature low, with a considerab.e fall of snow. In Lenoir and Caldwfe.i counties the storm was the most severe ever known for this time of the year. The Yadkin changed its course in several places and all bottom land on the creeks and riv ers will have to be re-plowed and planted. Land is much damaged, aud the roads are almost impa:.sabie for the mud. Of the thirty-nine ruling princes of Europe twenty have no direct male heir. These include, among German princes, the Kings of Saxony, Bavaria, and Wurtemberg, the Grand Dukes of Saxe Weimar, of Mecklenburg Schwer in, and of Hesse, the Dukes of Saxe Altenburg and Saxe Coburg, and the Princes of Lippe and both Schwarz- burgs. Besides these there are the Czar of Russia, the Emperor of Austria, the Kings of Italy, Spain, Belgium, and Servia, and the Prince of Liechten stein. TAX COMMISSION AT WORK. •ANINGS. It Double Daily SERViCE Between New York, Tampi, Atlanta, New Orleans and Points South and WesL IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 2-Uli, lOOi Lv. New York, P, Lv, Philadelphia, ‘ Lv. Baltimore. *' Lv. Washington, Lv. Richmond, Lv. Petersburg, I-Ti Noriiua .. Sot E.R. SOUTHWARD. Daily No. 31 12 55 pm 3 29 pm 5 45 pm C 55 pm S. A. L. 10 40 pm “ “ 1131pri Daily No. 27 ]2 10 am 3 50 am 6 22 am « 35 am 12 23 pm 1 10 pm 2 05 am 2 30 am^ 3 30 pm .8 55pm May Wiil Be a Busy Month With —Plan of Operations. The State Tax Commission, com posed cf the members of the Corpora tion Commission, is now preparing a pamphlet of instructions to the tax- liatETS of the State touching the per formance of their duty. The Cooimis- eion has been at work on these in structions for several days, but they are not yet completed. Under the new Machinery Act, sec tion 6, it is provided that the Board of State Tax Commissioners shall have and exercise general supervision over the taxlisters and assessing offl:ers of this State, and take such measures as will secure the enfiorcement of the provisions of this act, “to the end that all the properties of this State liable to assessment for taxation shall be upon the assessment rolls and assessed at their actual cash value.” This is the principal duty prescribed for the Commission, in fact its reason for being; and section 17 tells how this purpose of the law shall he carried out and the end aimed at attained. It is as follows: It shall he the duty of the Tax Com missioners at least thii'ty days pre vious to the date fixed for li&tiiig taxes to prepare a pamphlet for the instruc tion of tax assessors. Said pamphlet shall, in as plain terms as possible, ex plain the proper working of the tax laws of the S.tate, and shall call par ticular attention to any paints in the administration of the laws which have seemed to be overlooked or neglected. They shall advise the assessors of the practical working cf the laws, and ex plain any points which seem to be in tricate and upon which assessors may differ, particularly calling their atten tion to the requirement that all prop erty shall be assessed at its fair market value, and the penaities upon asse-'^ors for failure to observe this provision. Copies of said pamphlet shall he sent to the register of deeds of each county, whose duty it shall be to s§e that each assessor and taxlister is uirnished with a copy. But the commissioners are nzt to step w'itih preparing and sending out this pamphlet. They must visit every county in the State and this they will try to do between May 1st and June Is. To do this„ they will divide out the counties of the State, and beginning •on May 1st each commissioner will visit one county-seat a day, if passible, notice having first been given the tax That .r ■ It was inJ the germ I jury was f? in Euglanc adopted by nations on country, w among the gained rai of the w^ antees tq trial by establish^ with the] continuef| tinue a mission allow it suits an criminal We U' the Sup days ag gro wh( and sen Supreme cision no negil Such coming court ii figures negro ij race in| but m£ and oognitii] Ham ij Maiij groes not inJ the nil nals. negrO'^ gro stitirtr justice wise, the da men exclui may] ton,! of i ofi til rors. enth century that item of trial by the Anglo-Saxons ode of trial is [ed and prosperous f the globe. Gul ls no other, is one nations and has the great nations mntry that guar- als the right of deviate from its or be inconsistent the ruling race If there is to con- erica with the ad lUpremacy why not [ts course in all pur egarding the negro e is often at stake? nterest a decision of rt of Texas a few ng the case of a ne- ficted for homicide |0 the gallows. The Bversed the former de- punds that there were Ij^ry.” 1 and edict as this f es from a Southern try where sectionalism msly, and where the to be inferior to the not past finding out, iginning of greater lirsal justice and re- ied the humble sons of died borrowed land. :in States 'have had ne- fury, but we must admit don to population or to strength of negro crimi- I the -placing one or more jury has before it a ne- carrying out of the con- fiment or proves to he |n it would not be other- )w happy are we to see new era. For in it all and the law will not be [trusted to those who to negroes.—Charles- ssenger. Sharps and Flats. Sillicus—“It always takes two to make a quarrel.” Cynicus—“I always thought a husband and wife were one.” Wigg—“Longbow is a hard case. ’ Wagg—“I should say he is. The orjy time I ever saw him embarrassed wax once when he was caught telling the truth.” Pride is all right if you don't trip over It. The band master isn’t always a so cial leader. Lots of people borrow trouble by lending money. I do not believe Riso's Cure for Consump tion has an equal for coughs and colds — John F. Boyeb. Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb, lo, 1900. The obstreperous prisoner realizes that a policeman not only collars but cuffs. For La Grippe and Headal These disagreeable and dangerous dls-^ eases may be relieved immediately by the t mely use of Hicks’ Capudiue Headache Cure. 15c, 25c and 50cat all drug ^tores. If your druggist does not keep it send 6c for l)Ostage on trial bottle. Hicks Cuemicau Co., Raleigb, N, C. The resurrection of an old dress is due to the dyeing. St Yon Have Illieumatism dend no money, but write Dr. Shoop, Racine, AVis.. Box 148, for six bottles of Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Cure, exp. paid. If cured pay $5.60. If not, it is free. The dikes of Japan cost in the aggregate more money than those of the Netherlands. Don't drink too much water when cycling. Adams’ Pepsin Tutti Frutti is an excellent substitute. The man who has a lawn always ivants some mower. iisfers sting. rent at Tuskegee. anniversary exercises ping ceremonial division Normal and Indus- ^re held lasit week. 1 of visitors remained these exercises, by the young .the 28 iChool, uj iff, Lv. Hamlet, “ 6 30 am 8 10 pm Lv. Columbia, { “ Ar. Savannah, *‘ Ar. Jacksonville, “ Ar. Tampa, “ 8 40 arn 32 10 pm 3 50 pm 5 00 am 10 30 pm 2 20 am 6 30 am 5 00 pin No. 403 Lv. New York,N.Y.P.& N.f 7 55 am Lv. Philadelphia, 10 20 am No. 41. 8 55 pin 11 26 pm Lv. Baltimore, B. S.P.Co.. + 6 30 pm Lv. Wash’ton.N.&W.S.B. 6 30 pm Lv. Portsmouth, S. A. L. Lv. Weldon, “ Lv. Norlina “ Lv. Henderson, “ Lv. Raleigh, “ Lv. Southern Pines, “ Lv. Hamlet, “ 9 Ou pm 11 33 am 12 55 am 1 20 am 8 02 am 5 18 am 6 45 am 10 05 am 12 36 pm 2 10 pm 2 45 pni 4 27 pm 6 4'3 pm 8 05 pm Lv. Wilmington, *• 3 30 pn> Ar. Charlotte, 9 51 am 10 45 pin Lv. Chester, “ Lv. Greenwood, “ Lv. Athens, “ Ar. Atlanta, | “ 10 08 am 12 07 pm 2 19 pm 3 35 pm 11 20 pm 132 am 4 08 am 5 30 am Ar. Augusta, 0. & W. C. 5 10 pm . Ar. Macon, C. of Ga 7 20 pm 11 iO am Ar. Montgom’ry,A.&W.P. Ar. Mobile, L. & N Ar. New Orleans,L. & N. 9 2'0 pm 2 55 am 7 30 am 11 00 am 4 12 pm 8 30 pm Ar. Nashville,N.c.& St.L. 5 35 am 6 55 pin Ar. Memphis, “ 4 00 pm NORTHWARD, 8 10 am Lv. Memphis,N.C.& St.L, Dailv No. 402 1 00 pm Dailv No. 33 8 45 pm Lv. Nashville, •• 10 55 pm 9 30 am Lv. New Orleans,L. &N., Lv. Mobile L & N 7 45 pm 12 20 am Lv.’ry.A.&VV.P 6 20 am 1 30 pm Lv. Macon, C. of Ga 8 0; am 4 20 pm Lv. Augusta. 0. & W. C. 9 40 am Lv. Atlanta, J S.A.L. Ar Athens, “ Ar Greenwood, “ Ar. Chester, “ 12 00 pm 2 48 pm 4 50 pm 6 43 pm 8 00 pm 11 23 pm 2 04 am 4 25 am Lv. Charlotte, 6 30 pm 5 00 am Lv. Wilmington, •' 3 30pm Lv. Hamlet, 9 50 pm 8 10 am Lv. Southern Pines, •* Lv. Raleigh, “ Ar. Henderson, “ 10 55 pm 1 00 am 2 27 am 9 03 am 11 30 am 1 00 pm Lv. Nhrlina “ Lv. Weldon, “ Ar. Portsmouth, “ 3 10 am 4 20 am 7 00 am 2 00 pm 3 10 pm 6 50 pm Ar. Wash’ton,N.& W.S.B. 6 56 am Ar. Baltimore, B.S.P.Co. •j- 6 46 am Ar.New York.O.D.S.S.Co 11 33 pm Ar. Phila’phia, N.Y.P.&Nf 5 46 pm Ar. New York, ’• 8 40 pm 6 10 am 8 00 am No. 44 Lv. Tampa, S. A. L. Ry. 8 00 pm Lv. Jacksonville, 10 20 am Lv. Savannah “ 160 pm Lv. Columbia, § “ 6 27 pm Lv. Hamlet, “ 9 40 pm Lv. Southern Pines, “ 10 32 pm Lv. Raleigh, “ 12 28 am Lv. Henderson, “ 144 am Lv. Norlina “ 2 10 am No. 66 8 00 am 7 46 pm 11 59 pm 5 45 am 9 20 am 10 09 am 12 07 pm 1 27 pm 2 15 pm Lv. Petersburg, “ Lv. Richmond, Ar. Washington, P. E. E Ar. Baltimore. “ Ar. Philadelphia, “ “ Ar. New York, “ “ 4 09 am 4 56 am 8 45 am 10 03 am 12 27 pm 3 15 pm 4 43 pm 5 35 pm 9 30 pm 11 25 pm 2 56 am 6 30 am tained and is now an __ schedule of these tax-lister's will be made out this, week before the commissioners start upon their tour of tihe counities. It is not known yet In just what counties they will start, or what coun ties will he apportioned to the differ- em!; members of the Commission. The newly elected clerk to the Com mission, Mr. Wishart, entered upon his duties this week. The Sta^e Treasurer’s Books, Trea.surer Lacy thinks the time has ceme to change the present notoricusly antiquated system of book-keeping hitherto maintaining in the Treasurer’s office'. The experience of post Treas- ureirs and the recent stealing of Major Martin, carried on sysitematioaily but undetested for a number of years, have proved to him the necessity for a change in the method of keeping the Eitaite’s accounts and he is now pre paring a new set of books which will be ready in the early summer. The sys tem he has adopted is a modern, up- to-date one, with some alternations and improvements suggested by practi- cal experience in the office. It will he put in operation as soon as the new books are ready and lit is practicable to make the change. in thi ibitui's Chas. ,H. Park- ^hurst deprecated pre- .ounl in the North in scrimination in the mat in to industrial trales, or where it takes other iression. He was especi- n the Northerners who rong theoretical interest but bury their profes- failure to accord the ne- ortunity to make a 11a'- orth. He also deprecated of the negro by his worst In by his best specimens, oaks are judged net by the hut by those which have fullest growth. Other ere' made by "W. A. Blair, Icn-Salem, N .C.; Dr. Peter- Ipal of the Monteyille School iris; Dr. Truman ,H. Back- ackard Institute, Brooklyn, J. L. M. Curry, agent of and Peabody education Curry ridiculed the idea are not capable of being ;ated and said that no race tlie negro in the acquisl- dedge and in taking on th? civilization. IDr. es U ;-/hi hail Note.—t Daily, except Sunday. Dining Cars between New York and Rich mond and Hamlet and Savannah on Trains Nos. 31 and 44. +_Central Time § Easterly Time. [a. p.] Tar Heel Notes. The truckers report that the col weather is doing incalculable dama to truck. Mr. J. A. Montgomery, wb'e has a farm at Burgaw, was here ye terday and he states that truck in I ^ neighborhood is well nigh ruined.- Wilmington Messenger. The Sali&bury Brick co-mpany wih shortly begin the manufaciture of ‘ high grade brick on a site about twu miles from Salisibury on the Yadkir^ road. The company is ccimposed of Messrs. Mallette, H. J. Overman ai.’ J Charles W. Mowery and the machinery was purchased today from Mr • ■ rear 1 - ^ d Steele, of Statesville. The ture of brick will begin as so->n ar 'the machinery is installed.—iSalis'Dur ■■• 3 - The commencement exercisis Bingham school, Mebane, N C., take place on the 31st of May ' •./.I consist cf track athletics, dUI dipiemas, certificates, s -n prizes and medals, declario-' ■ tions and debate on the : ii ; ec solved that Expansion sih-nj.l policy of our country.” An odd and pathetic s rb’ court was the conviction ■ t- in knee pants, for operaLi distillery in Yankin c ■ names of the boys are Lu , nett Holman. They arc tenced to one year and c i the government reformator ington.—lAArinston Sentinel. Race Notes. Bst colored woman in Vir- marr'ed. She was Mrs. ^of V/illlam W. Brown, of lander of the beneficial or- Pm' Tletormers. The brlde- V -Vibi-im Smith, of Norfolk, d.',-' [.Lcounted worth more iV - .her that sees no harm sees no harm in card- 1 theatre-going. History - h^'the dance was started by and women in the past ■,-i. '';‘ue. Every Christian de- ■Uias condemned this evil count When a cheerful, brave and light-hearted woman is sud denly plunged into that perfection of misery, the blues, it is a sad picture. It is usually this -way : She has been feeling out of sorts for some time, experl encirg severe Vw>n,dache and backaahaj _sle£DS vgry poo’’^ Sometimes she is nearxy o . —- -_ i,,—+ ness, and palpitation of the heart; then that be feeling is dreadfully wearing. , -vr , Her husband soys, “Now, don’t get the blues 1 Yo^ hp all ria-ht after you have taken the doctor s medicine. But^she does not get ail right. She grows worse day by day, until all at once she realizes that a distressing female complaint is established. Her doctor has made a mistake. She loses faith : hope vanishes ; then comes the morbi^ Sformation from the doctor, who, therefore, is unable to accurately locate her particular illness. Mrs Pinkham has relieved thousands J^nl ■hist this kind of trouble, and now retains their grateful Ptters in her library as proof of the great assistance she has renderS them. Tliis same assistance awaits every sick woman in the land. Mrs. Winifred Allender’s fetter. “ Dear Mrs. Pijikham:—I feel it my duty to "^rite and tell you of the benefit I have wonderful remedies. Before taking Lydia E. Pmk ham’s Vegetabie Compound, 1 was a misery to my- STand e?ery one around me. I suffered terrible pain in my back, head, and right side, was very SSvous, w^uld cry for hours. Menses would appar sometimes in two weeks, then again not t^iree or four months. I was so tired and weak, could not sleep nights, sharp pains would dart througn my heart that would almost cause me to fall. _ ‘•Mv mother coaxed me to try Lydia E. Pmkham s VcD-etable Compound. I had no faith in it, but to pleas^her I So. The first bottle helped me so much that I continued its use _ I am weigh more than I ever did in_ my life. MRS. •WINIFRED ALLENDER, Farmington,111. uianufac- u liu.nessinnd good manners f,for much in. nis I'le. EIWM0 deposited with the National City Bank, o: ill r-,o\A tn Anv neraon who ca Owing to the fact that some saeptica] people have from time to time questioned the genuineness of the testimonial letters we are constantly pubUshmg, we have tllll,? paH rrnfpemo^n who’c^J, tha^lhe^lC; which will be paid to y p „„M:ched before obtaining the which wU before obtaining the wrke”°s“s?ecHrper&n.’-LvDiA’E. Pinkham Mkdicine Co. fragrant ClivfirRCtt.r ^ '1-vJiys 3-t a. premium. T vi e 1^0 dot bt but that Booker v:ione of Americas ' gv-de's'' cm; There is no purpose pf in.■•I' i ImU li^iU nu t‘ a. at; ■ mb' raore noble than his. im '■ w'.m hypocrisy is VQ- vshv-efc' n business and cor- pobuci, seems to pervade ar 1 ett^ aer of our land. But .. far from them all, re- i-e a .siT .ier for the sake of His life is given for the t iprossed race; for the ol a people who have : . i .mtm of the traces left 250 years of servitude. needs monev, educa- ' 1 sire.igth. These are I i,'- v-a in 'Ving an uplift to ,: ' -e t within our reach. ■A . [q , ; in possession of for the TEETH .-md BREATH lew S'lM SOZOOOIT UQBID • dew Patent Bos SOZeDOBT POWSEn . . Me Largs L10UIO and POWDEfi . ■ • ® At the Stores or by Mail, postpaid, for the Price. A Dentist’s Opinion : the B,outhwash,^nd to t^a^d i consider it the SaR ■«

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