J The "Weekly Gazette: RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one Insertion . - $ .50 One square, one month, - 1.00 One square, two months, - 2.00 One square, three months, - 2 5(1 One square, six months, - 5 01 One square, one year, - - 9.(d 3f"Liberal contracts made for Wrger aiTfitiements. he Weekly Gazette.; A "Weekly Newspaper PUBLISHED BT JAMES H. YOUNG, - Editob. W. S. MITCHELL, Associate Editor and Business Manager. VOL, V. RALEIGH, N. C SATURDAY, DEC. 16, 1893. NO. 43. jl JoLJl12 X ' f VI K 1 1 I It is worth while now and then tt pause and consider, soliloquizes Fos ter Coatea in Frank Leslie's. 'New York contains within its borders more Hebrews than there are in Jerusalem, more Irishmen than there are in Dub lin, more Germans than there are in Hamburg, and more Italians than there are in Rome. LT Nicaragua has enacted laws that bears very hard on the alien, notes the Ban Francisco Examiner. ; The under lying idea seems to be to hare the alien furnish the money for a govern ment' "devoted mostly to his own op pression. "When Nicaragua shall hare acquired the largest standing army in the world and the largest navy it may be able to execute these laws. In the meantime much satisfaction - may be derived from contemplating the fact that such august enactments adorn iand glorify the statute books. The Adjutant General of the United States, in his recent report, expresses himself quite strongly against the In-, dian as a, soldier. He makes a good scout, and that is about the best that can be gotten out of him. Says the report : The Indian is not very adap table to discipline at best, and to sta tion him as a soldier near the reserva tion isiruitful of discontent, because he will compare the restraints of mili tary life with the freedom and indo lence of his brethren on the reserva tion. A lack of knowledge of the Eng lish language, a strong repugnance to work, illiteracy and no familiarity with athletic sports are also against the In dians' development as an arm of the regular army. It is said that the introduction of physical training into the public school? of Boston has been followed by most beneficial results. It has now been tried long enough to be able to predi cate something about its effects. In 1890 the Swedish educational system of gymnast t " 'BWodnced. and since then the pupils have been com pelled to go through certain exercises every day. At the opening in Sep tember of the present school year com parisons were made between the bear ing and physique of the scholars to day and their appearance of three years ago. It was the unanimous opinion of; the teachers that their charges had become much more grace ful in carriage, stronger and more ro bust. In the high school there has never before been a brighter and healthier lot of boys. The system in vogue is thorough. Each teacher re ceives a lesson iu the exercises every two weeks, and the scholars devote fif teen minutes a day to ."physical cul ture." Various cities in Germany have es tablished municipal eating houses as a means for minimizing begging and to relieve the worthy poor of the neces sity of accepting food given in charity. Oar Consul at Chemnitz, James C. Monaghan, in a report to the State De partment, gives a most favorable ac count of an institution of this kind in that city, as the result of a visit. "The food is substantial," he declares. "To b hard-working .man. with appetite sharpened by exercise, the dinner is excellent. The meats, vegetables, etc., are properly cleaned and prepared be fore they are cooked. Everything is kept clean, and smells sweet and whole some. The people, who look hearty, gather in large rooms Jon benches placed by long tables. Besides the dinner, the midday meal, supper is served to those who wish it. " From the list of the food given, observes the Boston Herald, it appears to be sub stantial and excellent in kind and variety, and that the institution is ap preciated is evidenced by the fact that last year 435,360 dinners were sold The food is sold by the portion, and an ample dinner never costs more than ten cents. The establishment is so practically managed that it yields something of a profit to the city : the expenditures last year were $15, 557.28, and the receipts were $17,501.68, leav ing a balance of $1911.40. At our municipal lodging house here in Bos ton, meals and lodging are paid for in work. Our custom of giving out free Soup at the police stations through the winter has little to commend it. ' It is demoralizing and encourages vagrancy fcnd pauperism. The bounty often goes to unworthy recipients, and instances have been related of keepers of cheap boarding houses obtaining supplies for (their tables regularly in this way. On the other hand, many who may really peed the food are too sensitive to re ceive it in charity. It would be much iettr to sell the soup at cost, together 3h bread ana pernaps oiner simpie of food, The .Agricultural capital of Europe has doubled since 1810; that of the United States haa increased over six fold. ' . THE TEN PER CENT. TUX. 4 Bill for Its Conditional Repeal Prepared by ihe Finance Committee and Appro? ; tdby the President. Washington, D. C A bill to repeal the 10 per cent, tax on State Bank circulation has been framed by the sub committee to which the. full committee on banking and currency referred all measures relating to this question. The bill framed will be reported to the full committee for final action before it is reported to the House. It does not repeal the tax unconditionally, but provides that issues of currency shall be under the direction of the Con troller of the Currency, and shall be imited in amount. The Comntroller's supervision will prevent the issue of currency. which is not amply secured, "and thus prevent wildcat issue. It ie understood that the bill haa the ap ' proval of the President, . -who deeires repeal if it is surrounded with proper safeguards , The Jewish Orphans. The Hebrew Orphan Asylum at Ai lanta, Ga., established by the B'na' Brith, receives all the orphan childrer for." the , 5th district, comprised oi Georgia, the two Carolinas, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Its ca pacity is sixty children, and the limit is always reached. There are numer ous applications that cannot be favor ably acted upon for the lack of room for the applicants. The home is sup ported by assessments upon the mem bers and by voluntary contributions. The annual cost of running the Atlan ta home is above $11,000, and the as cessments alone, without voluntary aid, would not be sufficient to cover this expense. The home has been in operation now about four and a half years, and even in that short time in calculable good has been done. It has had the full limit of inmates during nearly all of that time, and they have been given the instruction and train ing necessary to fit them for good and useful lives. The . minimum age for admission is 3 years, and the children are kept until they are 16. After they reach the latter age it is the intention of the home to put them in some worthy calling where they can earn a good living. - Brooklyn's Three Hundrea. The St. Augustine's Trotestant Epis copal Church, colored, of Brooklyn, had silhouettes in chorus last Sunday, having discarded its old quartette choir and introduced a new cho'r of men, women and boys in surplices, i uuTuen au$ boys wear white gowns, which reach to the knees, over black, tight fitting, nndergowns which reach to the feet. The women, in addition to -the white ., gowns with flowing sleeves, wear a black mortar-board hat, adorned with a black tassel. The Rev. Felham Williams, the rector, is a bright, young South Carolinian, who is very popular. The congregation numbers about 300 persons. Quite a number of the flock are of the upper crust of the race in Brooklyn. Georgia and South Carolina Cares. An Atlanta photographer has com pleted a series of flash light photos of the Saltpeter Cove in Georgia. The pictures were finished in six days, wherees it required thirty years to make the same number of pictures of Mammoth Cave. Near Elloree, in Orangeburg county, S. O, are several limestone caves which a partial explo ration shows to be worthy of the pho tographer's attention. The same lime stone formation crops out at the Eutaw Springs and "The Rocks" plantation and in other parts of Berkeley county and the same ridge of rock is said to underlie a portion of Charleston har bor. Proceedings of the Virginia Legislature. Richmond, Va. In the Legislature a communication was handed in from the Governor, without recommenda tion, in regard to an alleged contribu tion from Virginia to the Spartan burg, S. C.i" monument fund. Also from the Governor a petition from the State of North Carolina for the pay ment of a balance due for running the boundary line, and a petition from the Secretary of the United States Treasury for a copy of the laws of Vir ginia on the subject of the establish ment, etc., of state banks. j Quite a Family. (Greenville, S. C, News.) A well to-do farmer who lives about fifteen miles below here . in this county was in town a few days ago pur chasing some articles, and remarked incidentally that they were made nec essary by the arrival of his nineteenth child. He is fifty-two years old, and has been married twice. His first wife had two children, while his second is the mother of seventeen. Of the total number of nineteen, seventeen are liv ing, and there are several' grandchil dren. A Rich Merchant Runs Off With a Country School Teacher. - Spabtanbubo, S. C. Maj. J. A. Lee, a rich merchant of this city aged 76 years,: run away with and married Miss Corrie Anderson, a pretty young country school teacher. When his son and partner, Boyce Lee, heard of the marriage he fell down prostrated with grief. The shock was great and it was necessary to call in doctors to relieve him from the prostation. The Tillman Homestead Burned. . The old homestead of ex-Congressman George D. Tillman, brother of the Governor, at Clarks Hill, Edge field county, SV O, was destroyed Tuesday night. The insurance poli cies expired reataitly and were not re- neeJ: , The foes is about $7,000. X JIM DAY'S CANINE SCOUTS. A Moonshiner Whose Dogs Warned Him dt the Presence- of Officers. The most noted Moonshiner in West Virginia, and perhaps in Kentucky and North Carolina-Jim Day has at last been captured. The Government officers have been trying to arrest Day for over fifteen years, but failed on every occasion. Day, who is a -tall, muscular, shrewd-looking fellow, has been running illicit stills for over fifteen years. "During this time he had sometimes as many as a dozen stills running at one time: The stills were located in ' the depths of the primitive forests or in coves or caves in the mountain sides, a long distance from roadways and traits. The stills were always located near some prom inent height or at" a point from which a guard or spy constantly on the alert could overlook all approach es and advise bis companions of the vicinity of suspicious-looking strang ers. In fifteen years only two of Day's stills have been captured and destroy ed. On each of these occasions Day and his men all made their escape. Time and again revenue officers have attempted to waylay and ambush Day. They found roads and trails over which it was known he would be forced to travel, and then they placed squads in ambush, and frequently sent out others to come up in his rear, but on every occasion, although Day had been seen or traced along the road, . he always slipped through their fingers without a scratch. At last the secret of his success in evading the officers became known. Day had a nnmber of ' thoroughbred dogs which he had trained to . scent out revenue officere or strangers and to notify him of their presence long before they could come in sight. When travelling over the routes or trails leading to and from any of his stills two of Day's dogs always trotted along in front several hundred yards, taking opposite sides of the road. Two would fall back in the rear, and would ad vance like a scout on each side. In case of an ambuscade the dogs in f ronr would scent the presence of the deputy marshals before they got ' within 100 yards of them. They would then re turn quickly to their' master and in form him by their actions of the pres ence of the enemy. Day would then take to the woods to the right or left, with a dog in advance, and pass around an ambuscade without being seen. . In case pursuers should come up behind, Day's dogs, which had been trailing along, would quickly hear or scent them, and then would hurry forward to thpir master, who, knowing by their actions how close the enemy was, could easily evade them. With such guards it was almost use less for the officers to undertake to capture Day. They often gave up the search in disgust, to start out a month or two later reinvigorated and en couraged by rumors or reports of spies, to fail again and again. Day could be heard of in McDowell county one day, and the next some one from Tazewell county, in Virginia fifty miles away, would report that he had been seen in that section. He proved to be an ignis fatuus to the officers, and, although they could hear of a dozen stills run ning in as many places in the mountains, the officers in the entire fifteen years were successful only in capturing two of his stills. He ran stills in West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina, and for several years posses from each of the three above-named States were scouring the mountainous country in search of this dangerous moonshiner. At last, only a day or two ago, it was learned that Day and one of his sons were visiting friends in Bath county, Virginia. The West Virginia Marshall, Capt. Vinson, learned of his whereabouts, and with the assistance of the offioers he located him and sur rounded the house after night. Day surrendered without a fight, which was a surprise to the officers. Day himself says he is tired of the life, and that as he has made quite a fortune he will now "take his medicine" and quit the business for good. .As he has great influence over the moonshiners of West Virginia and North Carolina, his arrest without a shot having been fired, looks as though some sort of an ar rangement or compromise had been effected with this shrewd leader of moonshiners. Be that as it may, Jim Day doubtless could do more toward inducing his body of fearless moonshine companions to give up their illicit business and to settle down and become good, law-abiding citizens than any man iu the State. Some such pacific means, in all pro bability, may be used with Day as were adopted with the notorious Mul lens gang of moonshiners when old Tom Mullens surrendered. In that instance Mullens was paroled and al lowed to return to his home with the understanding that he not only quit the business himself, but that he should try to induce his eld companions to do the same. Mullens went home, and in a very short time every moonshiner in that section had surrendered his still and quit the- business. GEORGIA TO HAVE STATE BANKS. Her Lower House Anticipates the Repeal of the Ten Per tent. Tax. " Atlanta, Ga. The Georgia House of Representatives passed a bill pro viding for the establishment of a sys tem of State banks and the issuance of currency by the same, in, anticipation of the repeal of the ten per cent, state bank tax by Congress. The Senate will doubtless concur. The bill establishes the necessary precautions and regulations concern ing the issue of notes, and received the support of all but two Democrats. Both, however, favor state banks, but thought it untimely to act in advance of Congress, j The People's party rep resentatives opposed the measure. PITHY NEWS ITEMS. The uh veiling of the statue of Mary Washington, mother of the Father of bis Country, took place at Lynchburg, Va., last Saturday. Clark, the murderer of Rev. J. R. Moffett, a Baptiet preacher at Dan ville, Va., has been refused a new trial by the Supreme Court. There was a $7000 fire at Clinton, N. C, Friday. I According to the Pittsburg Dispatch the toothache tree is a South Carolinian. It was noticed in 1739. The Southern Female University was burned to the ground at Birmingham, Ala. One girl wa?; fatally burned while going back after her engagement ring. Five hundred tons of cannel co'd were shipped from Norfolk to Lond jn last week. During 1893 435 buildings were erected in Roanoke, notwithstanding the dull times. An effort is being made to arrange a permanent exhibit of Virginia's re Sources at Richmond. It is believed Such a combination will be of much advantage from an advertising stand point alone. Col. A. S. Buford, pres ident of the Virginia World's Fair board, and Henry W. Wood, president of the State Agricultural and Mechanical Society, are interested. VIRGINIA ELECTIONS. Declaration of the Official Vote for the Gov ernor and Lieutenant-Governor. Richmond, Va. The vote cast for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor at the elections held Nov. 7. was canvass ed before the legislature with the fol lowing result: For governor, O'Ferrall 127,949,, Coke 81,239, Miller 6,962, scattering, 16. For lieutenant-governor, Kent 128,526, Beverly 78,916, Tyler 6,658. The returns were not received from Scott county for lieuten ant governor. O'Ferrall's vote was 1,400. The Democratic members of the leg islature assembled in caucus at the capitol and nominated Gen. Eppa Hun ton for the United States' Senate for the short term by acclamation. The body immediately proceeded to the nomination of a senator for the long term. Result of the first ballot: Mar tin 55, Lee 16, Goode 15, Conrad 2, .Mcjnqpy 3,-Iqcker 1- St'iiuud bttfc lot: Martin 57, Lee 19, Goode 14, Con rad 2, McKinneyl. Third ballot: Mar tin 60, Lee 51, Goode 11, Conrad 2, McKinneyJ. Fourth ballot: Martin 59, Lee, 50; Goode 12, McKinney 1. Fifth ballot: Martin 60, Lee 52, Goode 12. Sixth ballot: Martin 66, Lee 56, McKinney 1, Hunton 1. Necessary to a choice, 63. Thomas S. Martin hav ing received more than the vote re quired was declared the nominee, and it was made unanimous The hall and lobby rang with cheers from the friends of the succesbful candidate; the caucus then adjourned. The defeat by Thos Martin of Gen. Fitzhngh Lee for the Democratic nomination for United States Senator ship was a surprise to the Ex-Governor's friends. These have for days been asserting that he was certain to win. Not five minutes befor the Dem ocratic caucus assembled one of Gen. Lee's managers, a prominent Federal office-holder, asserted that his can didate would win with hands down. Nearly every prominent Government office-holder in Virginia, as well as those expecting such places, were for the general. Martin, who defeated the ex -cavalry commander, is a plain man of about 45. He has never held an office and is comparatively little known in the State, and for that reason is opposed by certain elements. Martin is a practical politican and organizer. A STARTLING MESSAGE. Gov. McKinney s Plan to Cut Down Criminal Expenses. Richmond, Va. At the beginning of one of the most important sessions of the Virginia legislature Thursday, Gov. McKinney submitted a message, showing the astounding fact that the criminal expenses of the Btate had in creased from $78,000 in 1860 to $149, 000 in 1870, and to $321,000 in 1893. To check this he recommends fixed salaries for prosecuting attorneys, pay ment of costs by parties , who bring needless prosecutions,, and enlarged jurrisdiction of justices. The most important feature of the message is a propositon to revolution ize the oyster interests by renting the state oyster grounds, 'amounting to abont one million acres, at $1 per acre. The Governor approves' the , actio'"' i iif .. il T 5 oi xne military in queuing me iwu oke riot and deprecates lynch law, The state's revenue has been increased $50,000 without change of rate in tax ation. .' Another Health Resort. Advices from North Wilkesboro, N. G. state that plans have been perfect ed for organizing a company to con vert What" is known as "Smoak Springs" into a health resort. The springs ' are about six miles from Wilkesboro, and contain many medi cinal properties. The plan is to erect a hotel, build a boulevard on the mountain summit and make the place attractive in other ways. The company is to be called the Brushy Mountain Iron & Lithia Springs Co. A Fayetterille Bank Closed. The Fayetteville, N. C, branch of the Co-operati.ve Bank of the Caroli nas, was closed by Sheriff Smith, of Cumberland county, by order of State Treasurer Tate, upon statements as to the bank's condition made bjr - Bank Examiner Dowd. : PAYING THE SUGAR BOUNTY. Commissioner Miller Estimates That It Will Take $ 1 1,000: 000 to Do It. Washington, D. 0. The Internal Revenue Bureau of the Treasury De partment is beginning to receive claims for sugar bounty on this year's crop, and first payments have been made at the Treasury. The sugar season began in September, and one firm has already filed claims for 15,000,000 pounds of beet sugar, a considerably increased production over that of last season. The Louisana sugar season began in October. Commissioner Miller esti mates that it will require $11,000,000 to pay 4his season's bounty. So far $400,000 have been paid. General Southern Immigration. ''' A charter has been granted at . Alex andria, Va., to the National Immigra tion and Colonization Association, having for its purpose to endeavor to induce foreign immigrants to settle in the Southern States. The capital stock is placed at $500,000, and Wm. T. Riggs, of Washington, D. C, is pres ident; P. Donan, of Mississippi, vice- fresidint, and J. W. Rarlett, of Wash ngton, secretary. A Colored Clerical Crook. New Tobk. The Rev. Benjamin Gaston, a colored minister, who is charged with defrauding a number of colored people by receiving money from them for the alleged purpose of sending them to Liberia, this morn ing waived extradition papers when brought to the district attorney's of fice." He is wanted in Georgia. De tectives will take him back to Georgia. Some Fine Fire-Works at Wilmington. Wilmington, N. C The festivities of Wilmington's Welcome Week closed with cloudless skies and delightful temperature. Bicycle races occupied the afternoon, and at night 15,000 people witnessed the most magnificent display of fire-works ever seen in the State. Clouds overspread the city durin g the displ ay , bu t this only h j gh t ened the effect. - The North Carolina Conference. Wilmington, N. C. In the second day's session of the Eastern North Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church, South, it was decided to memorialize the next general confer ence of the Church to transfer to the .Nnttli Cnrplif" ""nfrrm'it Hint "jjnirT of ihe territory of the Virginia con ference which lies this side of the Vir ginia line. A Half Million Failure iif New York. New Yobk. N. J. Sciiloes & Co., wholesale dealers in and manufactur ers of boys' clothing, at 653 and 655 Broadway, assigned to Simon Wolf, giving 27 preferences, the only amount mentioned being the Importers' and Traders' bank for $20,000. The liabilities- are between $550,000 and $500,000. Two months ago they claimed assetts of $1,200,000 in Btock and accounts. Intensely Cold Weather North. Washington, D, C. Intensely cok' wenther prevails all over Iho country north of Waehington. It is seriously embarrassing the Lehigh Vail iy Rai -read Company in ita contention with itc tlviking employees. At St. Johns liorp', Vt , the thermometer registered 22 below zero Tuesday morning. An Advanced Colored Farmer. As a sample of what industrious col ored people can do in the South, Louis Patton, a colared farmer of Bradley county, Ark., has been award ed three premiums at fairs in Mem phis, Tenn., and Shreveport, La., within the last two years for specimen bales of short-staple cotton. A Very Active Woman. Mrs. Jennie Atchley, - of Texas, hae eight hundred colonies of bees, devoted entirely to queen rearing. She is the most extensive breeder of queen bees in the world. She is 38 years oTd and has eight children, with whose help she does all the work in her apiary. Contracts Awarded for the Twin Cunboats. Washington, D. C. Secretary Her bert awarded the contract for two of the three gunboats for the construc tion of which Jbids were recently open ed, to the Newport News Ship and Dry Dock Co., cf Newport News, Va., at its bid of $280,000 for each vessel. Verdict Against the City for f 5,000. . New ObijEans, La. The yerdict in the case of the Italian Abagnatto vs. the city of New Orleans, was open- Ud a4,ihe jury gave the plaintiff $5,- les. Northern Capital. Among the improvements at Colum bus, N. C. , are several . erected by Frank Stearns, of Berea, O., who has inv. ted heavily in real estate in that locality. Wolves in Maine. It has been long since any wolves were reported in Maine, but the latest news is that a few havo got across the border. Word comes from Spencer Pond that one was shot near there the other day. A woman at a camp about twelve miles from Spencer having ven tured some ' distance from, the camp was chased by a wolf clear up to her own door, and believes she heard two or three more of the beasts cot far be hind. On her arrival a man at the camp snatched a gun, rushed out and shot the beast before he had time to retreat to the woods. Lewiston Jour nal. . - Uy the force ot a wave at Bishop's Rock lighthouse,' the bell was torn from its fastenings, although situated 100 f$et above high water mark. HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS. KEEP A SET Or STRAINERS. , . There is nothing that makes so much difference between ordinary and delicate cooking as a set of strainers. It is important to own a collection. There should be one of very fine wire for sifting soda, spices, etc., and for staining custards and jellies. There should . be others with meshes from oce-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch in diameter;4 also a squash strainer and a colander. Extension wire etrainers Are convenient. Keep also a supply of strainer cloths, made from coarse crash or cheese cloth. New York Telegram. THE IRONING OUTFIT. Whenever it is possible it is well to keep a separate closet for articles per taining to ironing. Keep the irons, starch, bluing, holders, boards, sheet, blanket and other articles pertaining to ironing in this closet, which should be warm and dry and shut off from the dust. If the ironing-boards are kept in a closet in general nse, it is best to put them in bags of bed-ticking or some other heavy cotton, and hang them up where they will be free from dust and dirt. If they nre kept in a closet reserved for the ironing material they need not be covered. Tuba and ironing-boards should be kept in a cold place, and there is no objection to a little dampness. New York World. HOW TO BAKE BREAD. Half the failures with housekeepers in making good bread, are due to their ignorance as to the proper condition of the oven for baking. For, no matter how perfectly the pponge may rise or how well it is worked, if put in a cool oven it will be porous and tough, and liable to ferment and become sour. When bread is ready to bake, the oven should be very hot, as the heat will cause it to rise at once almost double its former size. . A good test for the inexperienced is to sprinkle a little flour on the bottom of the oven ; if it browns immediately the bread can be safely set in. If bread is allowed to rise too much before setting in the oven it ' is apt to fall and rise again, by which it will become coarse. This can be prevented by working the bread done, adding fresh flour and molding in the pans ; the flour will keep the bread from 4onjiRgrMt-mrghtawithout it. After a crust is formed on the bread, the oven should be allowed to moderate a little, and be kept at a regular heat until the bread is done. When taken from the pans the loaves bhould be placed, uncovered, in such a position as will expose the surface to the air. This will prevent the crust from being bard, as well as permit the rapid es cape of gas involved in the process ol fermentation. Ladies' Home Compan ion. RECIPES. Tound Cake One pound of flour, one pound of 6ugar, lj pounds of but ter, ten eggs, ono nutmeg grated, one wineglass of rose water. Beat the butter and sugar together ; when it is perfectly light stir in the eggs, which must have been whisked to a thick froth ; add the flour, then the nutmeg and rosewater. Butter your pan, line it with paper, which should be well buttered, and pour in the mixture. Bake it for three hours in a moderate oven. When the edges of the cak appear to shrink from the sides of the Dan the cake will bo done. Fried. Cakes To make nice fried oakes which are free from grease, the following is excellent : One and one half teacupfuls each of sugar and sour milk, two well beaten eggs, four table spoonfuls of melted butter, a pinch of salt, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little water. Flavor with nutmeg. Mix all together and add enough flour to roll without sticking. Fry one-half lard and one-half tallow. To prepare the tallow, boil it in water until melted. Let it cool and remove the tallow. French Rolls Take one-half pint of scalded milk and one yeast cake. Al low this to cool, then add one-half tablespoonful . of butter (melted) and the same of lard, a tablespoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt and a quart of sifted flour. Mix, and let this stand over night in a warm place. Knead hard in the morning, then roll it out about an inch thick. Spread this over with butter, and cut as if for biscuit, fold together, put them in a pan and let them rise again. They must be very light each time. Jiake as you would biscuits. Unless you have late breakfast it is difficult to serve these on time, but they are very nice for dinner, and can be warmed over for breakfast. If desired for dinner, set the sponge about 9 s. m. Macaroni a la XJreme Break one- half pound of pipe macaroni into inch pieces, wash them thoroughly, and place in a farina boiler, with hot wa ter enough to cover the whole. After swelling out add one tablespoonful of salt, boil ten minutes and then drain off the water. Pour a large cup of sweet milk over it, and let it cook un til tender. While the above is cook ing heat one cup of milk in a pipkin or porcelain-lined kettle until it boils. Thicken this with one teospoonfal of flour p-'""" sly dissolved in cold wa- f f ter;e tablespoonful of butler and lrto. egg. Mix all thoroughly together, and cook a few minutes un i it thickens, then dish up the maca roni, pour the sauce over it and Berve, English is spoken by 90,000,000 of people ; Russian, by 75,000.000; Ger man, 56,000,000; French, 40,00), 000; Spanish, 38,000,000 ; Italian, 20,000, 000; Portuguese, 14,000,000, and Scandinavian, 9,000,000, To Utilize Sea Cnrrentf. A Greek engineer, who was educated in the United States, has conceived a plan for lighting the city of Constan tinople, and all the Bosphorus from Cavak, as far as the historic village of San Stefano, by means of three very powerful machines to be erected ontuo three points of tho Bosphorus whore the current has an extraordinary force, that is to say, at Arnaout-Keui, Cen dilly and at Serai-Bournou, at the fen try of the coast port of the sea of Mar mora. The project has appeared to bo so practical and realizable that a com pany of capitalists has been formed, the necessary funds subscribed, ana a demand of a concession has been ad dressed to the Turkish Government. The latter, on the other hand, has taken the project into serious consideration, and, without losing time, has nominated a commission ad boo to examine the de tails and draw up an official detailed report. Why They Disliked Him. Kir William Frazer records a sug gestive story about a keeper at the Zoological Gardens. He had been em ployed on account of his supposed fondness for animals, but Mas toon found to have incurred the enmity oi hi charo-ps. Their enmity waa not shown at once, but presently became universal and Btrongly pronouncen. It was Buspected that while outwardly treatincr them with kindness ho must secretly hurt or annoy them. He de nied having done anytning oi me sorr, and his general manner seemed to bear out his protestations. A watch was set upon mm, witn a curious reuiut. It appeared that ho , never spoke to tho animals, and for that reason aloue. his presence was intolerable io them. Youth s Companion. Cleaning Buildings by Sandblast. The exterior of buildings are now cleaned by the sandblast instead of tho hose. The front is covered with stag ing, and the blast is applied by a sys tem of pines and nozzles carried by the workmen. The stream of fine and issuing from a nozzle removes a layer 1-61 inches thick from the surface of the stone, and a square foot of surfaco can be cleaned in ten minutes. Tho sand can be employed over again. New York Dispatch. FIFTY-TEPD OONaKESS. The Senate. 2d. Dav. Aftor some routino morning business Mr. Hoar Introduced a rerolutloa calling on the President for copies ol th n structiona4o Minister Willi nod AlrcirAl.lrr win touching Hawaii. It went ov-r at Mr. Bherman'i suggestion. lou of Mr. Mor gan'! absence Mr. Dolpb, rn the couns ot some remarks on the subject ot Hawaii, rx- I rossed his surprise at the portion oi tho 'resldenfp meraago referring to It. Mr. Dolpb eto&od bis speech at 3 p. m., when tb resolutions ot the House on the death ot Representative Charles O'Neill, ot 1'enDffj-l-vnnla, were presented, and the Bmiate, out of respect to Mr. O'Neill's momory adjourned. 8d Day. Mr. Voorhoes introduced two tills, one declaring a pension a vested right, regulating suspension of pensions ana granting appeals to the Supreme Court ot iheDiblrict of Columbia; the other dettnlni? sundry crimes against the United Htatcs iu the administration ot the pension laws Mr. Manderson Introduced a Mil to amend the Internal revenue laws- -Mr. Cullom offered a resolution accenting from Illinois the statue of General Hhiotds, and proceeded to address the Senate, eulogiz ing Oeneral Shields. Mr. Cullom was fol lowed by Mr. Vest and Mr. Davla Mr. Hoar's resolution calling for information re lative to Hawaii was laid before the Senate, and the author proceeded to attack the coursti puraued by the Administration, after much debate it was passed. , 4th Dat. Mr. Hill gave notloe that ho would move to take up for consideration the bill to repeal the Federal Election Laws re ported from the Committee on the Judi ciary. Mr. Hoar gave notice that when the subject was before the Senate ho should move to refer the bill reported by Mr. Hill to the Committee on Privileges and Elec tions. Mr. Jones offered a resolution call ing upon the Secretary of the Treasury for a statement of the amount of money paid from any source slnoo January 1, 1873, to the Untted States Dlptrict Attorney for the Southern District of New York (other ' than payments on account of salary) as compensation for examining the titles to . lands and as compensation in prize causos, 1 and the authority for such payments. , 5tb:Dat. In the morning hour a motion by Mr. Kllgore to take up for consideration the bill admitting Utah Territory as a Statn, produced two roll calls for the purpose of. securing a quorum, when the motion fell by, reason ot the hour expiring The Bank ruptcy bill was defeated by a vote of 112 to 111. The House. " -2d Dat. After the journal had been read and approved, a large number ot executive documents were laid before tho House and referred. These Included annual reports of bvroau chiefs and heads of departments. A letter was re ceived from Governor Altgeld, of! Illinois, announcing the completion of a statue to General Shields, which had been! placed in statuary hall, and invltod the members to attend Its unveiling. -When the morning hour expired, Mr. Oaten moved to take up the Bankruptcy bill, and the mo tion prevailed. It was determined that gen eral debate should be limited to six and one half hours. Mr. Terry spoke against the bill, and when be had concluded the He-so "" adjourned. - , 3d Dat. A resolution providing for a committee of three Senators and three Repre sentatives to Investigate the rank, pay and all other matters relating to the personnel ot employes In the navy, led to a protracted ' dlaouHBlon. Mr. Grosvenor offered a resolution giving the names of 1900 Ohio pensioners dropped from the rolls, and asking for a reason and other Information from the Sec retary of tho Interior. -At 1.80 the apo dal order wa taken up, being a reso lution to accept from the State of Illinois a statue ot General James Shields, and . assign it a place In Statuary Hall. Mr. Springer explained the circumstances under which the statue bad been prepared and gave a biographical sketch of General Shields. After the delivery of eulogies as a further mark of respect- the Houso ad journed. 4th Dat General debate on the Bank ruptcy bill was concluded, Mr. Bailey sum ming up m opposition and Mr. Oates npuak ing for the measure. A resolution grant ing the use of tho Monument ground and public reservations to the Execu tive Committee of the Knights ot rythln for the annual encampment of that order, to le held next August, was adopted. A re solution was adopted authorizing tho em ployment of several additional clerks iii1 laborers and assistant doorkeepers, la order to bring the Capitol force up to a standard of proper efaclencTt . -v - 4 I