t The Weekly Gazette: RATES OP ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion $ .60 One square, one month, - l.Od One square, two months, 2.00 One square, three months, 3 69 One squire, six months, - SOI One square, one jca t.( 27Libeial contracts made for Itrgfr adveithemenis. aette. 11 ft H ewspaper .1SHED BT fNG, Editor. reHELL, Associate Editor A NO. 13. VOL. VI.. RALEIGH, -N. C, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1894. Business Manager. ; ' GREAT EMANCIPATOR Dr. Derrick's Eloquent , , . Mr Lincoln: Tribute V r. t At tho Brooklyn (N. Y.) Literary Union, Everett Hall, a crowded house greeted with enthusiastic applause the Her. William B. Derrick, D. D., Mis sionary Secretary of the African Meth odist Episcopal Church, and one of ths foremost Afro-American orators of th country, when he aroso to deliver hit address on Abraham Lincoln." Hit speech was preceded by a musical pro gram. Among other things Mr. Der. rick Paid : , 'Abraham Lincoln was a 'typical American. Ho was simple in his hab its, whh no pride or pretensions, acces sible to all and with a kind work for all He was Void as well as manly, though mild in all his utterances. It was mj privilege to gaze upon ..him during his viit to Foitross Monroe, when the wai of the Rebellion was at its height. In personal appearance he stood - over sij feet high, and was of a thin and wiry build. His countenance was singularly pleasing. It bore the stamp of a kind gentle disposition. In his moral qual. ties lie was unsurpassed by any public character of his day and generation. His private worth shonoout as brightly as his public virtue. When the party of equal rights had developed strength, and the fulness of time had come for s bold declaration of its principles, tht founders of this party, in convention as Fcrublcd, discussed tho different name 1 hat were brought before them from whom to select a standard-bearer. Thej piissed by Sewird, Chase, Wade, Sum ner. Wilson, Lovejoy, Garrison anJ Greeley and selected Lincoln, in whom was discovered the fitness and ability te lead the party to victory. He was chosen to go forthand proclaim the doc trine, 'Freedom to tho slave and perpe tuity to the American, Republic.' Re card'ess of tho frowns and erroneous constructions put upon his motives bj the enemies of free speech and free la bor, he did his whole duty without fear, without favor and without affectation. 'As an orator and a statesman Mr. Lincoln's speeches were devoid of clap, trap. They wcro broad and dignified. He always treated his opponents- Nfilh ca'ni Tespect and courtesy, fronrr whicl. neither the sarcasm with which he wai attacked nor the growing warmth of th contest ever induced him to swerve. but ......... ..-- - - ot cfceak wisely views and Lincoln. fnrrrcrth. 1 Hansparent counteri J A. Doug :o as tc at consli JSIled the rfcAutuU. IrTtpiies in his ad es lb his opponents, Mr. Lincoln's mas' erly as well ns logical arguments were without the smallest infusion oi political rancor or personal vanity, for ifcttinj self, sincere to the cause which h represented, never skimming the sur face, but always grappling fairly with the whole question at issue, overflow ing with eieatness of thought and exalt eJncsi of ideas. 'Chosen to .become President in a period of the Nation's history when ths dark clouds of disloyalty and tbe iron hand f treason threatened the destruc tii n of the government, he felt that he was chosen as the exponent of a great principle, a principle upon. which the future of the Nation depended, believ ing that the hour had come that the American people could not exist, any longer half slaves and half free. Through j ears of good report and evil report when not a star appeared in the firma ment, not an ark upon tho troubled waters, the ship of State, with her flag ut half mast, lashed and washed as it was In a sea of blood, defeat following after defeut,' vengeance" with glaring eye and baro arm leading. Ihe van of conquest, Lincoln, liko tho pilot, who in obscurity of the night, tossed by the tempest, raises his eye towards heaven. coking thero for his polar star to direct jLm in his course, so Lincoln, this great apd good man, the greatest product of tie Western world, looked toward his pilar star for divine guidance, while the Nation was passing through a sea of carnage and blood, and that polar star was duty, was right, was Christ. Hav ing djrived help from above he went forward with steady hand and unfalter ing step in defense of thoso principles which were essential for the main tenance and prosperity of the govern ment. From his pen went forth in the fullness of time, the greatest document ever issued by . mortal man, declaring the freedom of 4,000,000 of human btincs. nd for that act alone the nnrijr President will occupy a place in the hnaiis and affections of these people and their children until generation? yet unborn. Yes, in the hearts of the whole American people. Still more in the hearts and afFcctlons of the friends of humanity the world over. 4 The benefits that have accrued from emancipation cannot be told by mortal tongue. The Negro was not tho only beneficiary. The- " wholo American people was emancipated from tho shackles intolerance and shame- " The whole world has felt the touch, and tbe oppresscu ui all nations' exclaim thai justice and liberty and truth met in the immortal proclamation of emnnc-ipticn. The benefit of this act is seen in the fact that the poor white man can find to-day a field in tho Southland, wbi b ' : i a - t. j . . i -jwivi iu lie uareu not cnier, mm jivui eTi he was hitherto debai red. iThe American press and pulpit have h unmuzzled. It p oclalms- freedom io American Juliciary .Scaused mnuence of the Amencar ancipalioryr 3 I ?onat liberty tnrougnout tno wunu. Alas, like M'Jm from Nebo's lonely mountains, he beheld the goodly ,land but was not allowed to enter. After four years of strife and anguish, just as . tho dawn of the new era was about to sppear and forests which once echoed to the roar of cannon -were about to 3cho with tho chirping of the bep.uliful birds, when tbe fields once covered with bayonets were just bursting into life with blades of wheat and corn, from '.he hands of the assassin went forth 'he deadly bullet, sending the spirit of he sainted Lincoln to the land where ,ho skies are cloudless and heavens are jalhed in sunshine, and tho inhabitants ire happy and peaceful. A great sin equirtd a great atonement, and Lincoln ecamo the sacrifice or. the American leoplo for the sin of centuries, when he bullet from the hand of lioolh :rashed into the brain of the great eman iipator. He is dead, and yet he i? ot lead. His monument is one which ime's finger cannot crumble. It is a baft whts-3 base rests in the affections it liberty loving people, and upon it etters of burning gold and stands in the yo flash of heaven and earth, am i rll stand there forever. Age. THE AFRO-AMERICAN. fotes Here and There Respecting the Doings of the Race. Our ministers as a rule pay too little .ttention to the general progress of the ace, the progressive minister delights n seeing his people striving upward. vaufmann Pilot. Coxcy's army is coming, but the ser ous question to this town is, when and iow will they get away? We have al eady our full quota of the unemployed wd can stand no more of them. Col ired American. The Afro-American that thinks his nterest will be cared for without rnak ng t stride in that direction first, will u badly mistaken and get left every imo. We must further our own end f we expect help from others not mem crs of the race. Omaha Enterprise. C. II . J. Taylor, , the colored orator f Kansas City, had much better success fathering in subscriptions for hi3 news paper among his Democratic friends in redalie than he has had in being con irmed to the positions to which Presi dent Cleveland has appointed him jeddlia Czett. Trcsidein CleVftlanrlT' has appointed recorder of deeds, f the Sena! i mts crcuniv j! can ee no cau3ervliiiljTud-'ii the .democrats intend tc recognize a colored Democrat they would hardlv refute to jontirm Mr. Taylor. Counsellor and herald. v. . i Talk about Southern justice I The eV.W. P. Ilatcliffe, the Populist legis ator of Mississippi, who shot Senator lackson to death, has been declared not ;uilty by a jury of his peers at Koscius to. When such rascals in high places jo free, what are the poor and friend ess to expect in the South? Tho Age. A paper published by colored men in Washington, D. C, highly eulogizes 3x-Senator, now Justice White of -.ouiaianu. Among other things it says frntice White has always been a friend md an advocate of the Negro. Pray ell us when aid where? We have known he Judge a number of years and have il ways found him in opposition to the sVgro on all questions. New Jersey Trumpet. We are harrasscd, and constantly hu miliated by a class of "smart aleck" olored people who are fond of deriding he capacity of the Negro. They take a nrfaco measurement only, and imagine hey have discovered the race's entire tepth. Leave this mistaken impression o bo encouraged by our enemies. They vill employ themselves industriously ;nough to see that it is done. Langston Jity Herald. . - The disposition to encourage and los er business enterprises among our peo ale as one of the means of solving tho ace question, is growing in favor, and ts ihlluence for good is being felt to oroe extent in almost every community. Sduration and wealth are potent factors n this great contest and may be classed is the essentials, but they do the great st gwd when they are used as the nar to an en'i. America! Capilit. The Lord tjas promised tbaf out of ivery true believer there shall flow Ivers of living water, and . yet how nuny have , an experience - that re ninds one of a very poor pump. . Adam was put out Eden for com riitting one siD, and yet there are tars and thieves who expect to be nado welcome in Heaven because helrwh-es belong to the church. Ferried Jeff Davis Across ihe Yadkin: Concord, N. C, Standard. . Oar Gladstone, Stanly county.corre spondent writes: While in Norwood township I ment H. M. Miller who put President Jefferson Davis .and family across the Yadkin river at Brown's ferry near Salisbury, on the 16th day of April, 1865. Mr. Davis gave him one dollar silver for his services I bad the dollar in my hands;-it was made in 1860. '. : , - Mr. Miller says Davis was on horse back and his wife and two daughters were - in ambulance drawn by two mules. ' They did their own driving and they were accompanied by 500 Confederate cavalrymen. '.New York lawyers are great hands" flj gaining postponements, " said a toart officer, "and when the -equity calcDd?ic of the United States Circuit ZJotirt a8 called the other day twenty """Vti J.f the twenty-eight cases called. PITHY NEWS ITEMS Bice is being planted around Con card, N. C, this spring. Mayor Sloan, of Columbia, S. C, has closed all the barrooms of the city. A savings department will be added to the Central National Bank, Colum bia, S. C. The new hosiery mill in the Wal densan colony, near Morgantoir, N. C, is about ready for operation. The Pacolet, S. C, cotton mills are adding large quantities of machinery. A 40 bavrel roller process flour mill is to be built at Candler, Haywood county, N. C. The Newbern, N. C, Naval Reserves will tire the salutes on May 22, at the unveiling of . the Confederate monu ment at Raleigh. Col. W. C. P. Breckenridge is again in Washington, D. C, and says he will will be re-elected to Congress beyond the shadow of a doubt. There is 6trong talk of building a 20,000 spindle cotton mill in Atlanta, Ga., to be called the Gate City Cotton Mill, but yet that's all that's to it. Caroline Youngblood has been con firmed as postmaster at Chester, S. C. ; C. J. Sanders, Camden, S. C. ; J. S. McKenzie, Florence, S. C. In Morven township, Anson county, N. C, a negro man was struck and killed by lightning. The United States fish commission has just put 400,000 young shad in Neuse river, N. C. The planters at Charlotte are rushing their old cotton to market to escape returning it for taxation June 1. Hardly'a bale will be left unsold. The Dixon Mfg. Co., of Snow Camp, N. C. manufacturers of woollen goods, is busily engaged in putting in an equipment of new machinery. Col. Thos. McMahon, formerly of the Greensboro Spoke and Handle Works, latterly of Richmond, Ya., died in New York Wednesday. The employees of Henrietta Mills, N. C, are religious folks. They have two Sunday schools with over 400 en rolled and several churches. The Melrose Mills, to be erected at Raleigh, N. C, is to be a hosiery yarn mill. At least that is the present inclination of the stockholders. JThe- Pearl jCottc ery-r-STTIiong, 6ys a from there. - r - ' ! correfpiiUfcu W. H. Browning, of Chicago, and W. n. Hughes, ; of Randolph, Ark., have bought a township in Crawford county, Art The property will be devoted to fruit-raising by Northern immigrants. ; At Magnolia cemetery, S. C, where 700 soldiers are buried, the service consisted of a prayer, an ode written for the occasion and an address by Colonel A. Coward, superintendent of the South Carohna Military academy. The graves were profusely decorated. . The Green Hill Cotton Mill and the Mt. Airy Woolen Mill, both at Mt. Airy, N. C, were sold at pnfjlic auc tion last Tuesday. The cotton mill was bid in by H,W. Lilley, of Fayelteville, N. C, for $10,000, and the woolen mill by J. H. Sparger for $5,900. The board of governors of the Balti more Stock Exchange have listed $500, 000 Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad first mortgage 5 per cent. 40-yeap bonds. This makes the total now listed $2,' 500,000, that being the amount of the loan. . - Washington, D. C, parties have pur chased 222 acres of land in Alexandria county, near Arlington, Va., for $75, 000. The property will be divided in to villa lots and extensive improve ments made. The Arlington Electric Railway is to be extended to the prop erty. ' -.. ' . TW Newton Cotton Mills lately purchased by Heath Bros., of Char lotte, N. C, is now being overhauled and remodeled by H. F. Smith the former Superintendent. There will also be some new machinery added, and the mill will start np about June 10th. Mr. Smith will be Superinten dent.; V Preparations are being'made to com mence work on the Tuscapan Mill Co. 'a new cotton factory to be located at Tuscapan, near Wellford, S. C. It is expected that this .mill will bo equip ped with 10,000 spindles at first, with looms to suit. -. Tho Mooresville (N. C.) Cotton Mill Co., which lately decided to make some improvements to its plant, has let contract to S. A. Lonrance and J. W. Hudson for the erection of a 100 foot addition to the present mill buildf ing Work will be commenced at once, and upon completion tbe new building win do equipped with looms. The Green Hill Woolen Mill, near Mt. Airy, N. C, which was purchased last week by Jas. n. Sparger, of Mt. Airy, has been sold again to M. J. Hawkins, of Ridgeway.N. It is probably Mr. Hawkins's intention to add more machinery to the plant and put it in operation again in 'the near future. . . " ".T '" ; A dry kiln will ba erected by a lum ber company at nickoryN.-C, of 20, 000 feet capacity and a mill house 50 x 154 feet,' A bi kiln is to be built by a lumber comp'anv at Charleston. S. C. A telephone system, is being built at xjorence, o A life saving station Is to be built on Sullivan's Island, ner Charleston, S. C. Receiver Cleveland, of the Port Royal & Western Carolina Railway, has been authorized by Judge Simon ton, at Charleston,' S. C, to build a $20,000 rteel bridge across the South Tiger river. - - M. London, the oldest lawyer in Wilmington, N. C, and one of the oldest and most distinguished in the State, died Thursday night aged 81 years. A Statesville, N. C, duck lays black eggs. A. H. Cloninger . and outfit was pulled in by tht revenue officers at Stanley Creek, N. C, for illicit distil Hng. - METHODIST CONFERENCE. Animated Debates at the Southern Meeting at Memphis. Memphis, Tenn. The General Con ference of the Methodist Church, South, continues in session here. The committee on educational re ported a voluminous report, which sue;preeted the insertion of a clause inl the Discipline which authorized the organization of a board of education. The report of the committee on tem perance was read. It suggested the use of unfermented wine when practi cable in the administration of the com munion. Dr. Yates, of North Carolina, moved that the report of the special commis sion appointed by the General Confer ence, which met at St. Louis in 1890, to revise chapters 8 and 9 of the Dis cipline be referred to a special com mittee of seven with instructions ' to revise and report. Adopted. Long debates were held on non con nectional papers. Dr. E. D. Edwards, of Virginia, of fered an amendment to that clause of the minority report tinder discussion, which added: "Discourage any paper which the Conference may deem detri mental to the connectional organ." Another flood-tide of argument was let loose upon the amendment. Dr. Hobs thought non-connectional papers were trespassers npon the territory of the connectional papers and that it was not fair or just competition. Dr. Richardson thought it was preposter ous to attempt to muzzle the press. He wanted to have free and just com petition. Dr. Palrnore strongly op posed the encouraging of non-connectional papers. Dr. Sullivan, of Mis sissippi, favored tho fostering of Con- poTTof the detegarnr. yixiu- - n a. i x. -w r i a. i . -mw ern luetoouiet onierence. vj iie mem phis Commercial on the proposed plan to re-unite the Northern and qbuthern Methodist Churches, shows liat two- thirds of the members of thq Confer ence are opposed to the nnio Distribution of So or SoJa'Beans. The N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station at Raleigh, desiring to extend the cultivation of Soy Beans, proposes to distribute a quantity ef eeyd to careful planters desiring to test their merits. The only condition is that each applicant semi lOcentsin t06tage stamps to pay cost of transpiration by mail. Enough seed will be sent to each applicant to plant 110 acre. The fir6t 400 application wi!l be filled in tbe order received. . The Station regards this as a very valuable forage plant. It is of upright growth 2 to 3 ft. high and isalegamine capable of adding nitrogen from the air to the soil in which , it grows. It is planted in hill's or drills, 2J to 3 ft. apart according to richness of soil, and 15 to 24 inches apart in the row. It can be planted any time from March to Jul', either alone or in the corn row between the corn, and 2 to 4 beans are usually planted in each hill. Soil suitable to it and the general prepara tion is the same as for corn. When planted for corn both crops can be ensilaged together, and the corn en silage will be much improved by the combination, or the plants when planted alone can be cut for forage before they get too woody. The seed are found in small pods f qnd can be saved by cutting tbe whole plant when leaves and pods have turned a golden hue.. They can easilybe beaten out when dry. If cuttiag is delayed be yond this time the pods will open and some will be lost on tho ground. It will not pay to pick the beans. It is also a good table bean,- but requires long time to cook. The Station nrges a careful trial of this crop. Barkeepers Stirred Up. Winston, N. C. Winston barkeep ers are raising a howl over the rigid ordinance passed by the aldermen. It says every person licensed to sell malt or spirituous liquors shall post in con spicuous places: "No minors allowed in here." Any saloon keeper or clerk allowing minors to enter shall be fined $25 for each, offense. - No license shall be granted any place in town where business does not fro'at on a public street. '' All back doors and entrances to barrooms must b closed. Bare must be closed at 10 p. m., and not opened before 5 a. m. j A fine of $50 is imposed for all violations. Those who allow drunken or; disorderly peo ple in saloons must py $25 for each offence. All screens, blinds and painted glass must be removes, violators being fined $50 for each offejnee. Upon con viction before the myor, minors who visit barrooms will 1 e fined $10. A similar fine shall be imposed npon all under 21 years who r iake false repre sentation regarding t ieir ages. Runs Away fjym Columbia. S. & the Callows. V. T. Jenninsrs. rnlnrorl sVi-1 .,li.J - - - w r ijnder sentence of death for mtrfler escaped from inil in the nigh, disKiiied m a woman. TAR HEELS AROUSED. industrial Progress of the Old North Stats. tCharles Hallnch in the Philadelphia Time and Chariest n Mew an-l Courier. Ten years ago the " people . of one section of North Carolina hardly knew what another section of the State pro duced. People outside didn't know, for North Carolina is a great domain, half the length of Texas, with a large part mountainous and but little traversed by railroads until recently. The inhabitants from way back were always quiet, contented and unob trusive, and carelesswithal about bus iness pursuits, and the early school geographies summed it up as one half wilderness, given to naval 6tores, and the other half water and sand beach teeming with fish. So that for many generations travellers passing cast and west merely skirted the heads of the sounds on the south or flanked the postern of the Commonwealth away up north in the Ohio River basin. Whenever the Tar Heel State was men tioned the thought.was of bears or a segregated game preserve like the Yel lowstone National Park. But that was "lang syne," as a Scotchman would say, and many of the early settlers of North Carolina were Scotch- Latterly the State has gotten a move on herself, whereby railroads now at last penetrate all but seven of its ninety-six counties. Wher ever there is a bed of ore, or a stone quarry, or deposits of coal, tramways are sure to be found. Manufactories have sprung up all over. No lees than one hundred and sixty-six cotton mills and one million spindles arein a steady whirl, and five hundred and fifty mis cellaneous factories supplement the clatter and hum. Only until her State exhibit was set up at New Orleans, ten years ago, and followed by fairs at Atlanta, Boston. Chicago and elsewhere, did the industrial world suspect that North Carolina was capable of anything but tar and fish. Progress has gone . on so quietly and unostentatiously since then that tbe whole country is amazed at tho develop ment. So insidiously did the spirit of industry invert the tleepy old tur pentine orchards and mountain rifts that tbe ancient community got awake and astir before its advanced neigh bors realized that there was any ex citement afoot. And now, in tbe lat ter day, there is no place between the two oceans equal to the "Old North Carolina" for investment. Gould, Corbin and Yanderbiit found it out soon and have promptly led the van of an immigration -from Northern-"jtrmi the North and Weal to oc jfwhe opportunities best offer,not only the mountain and Piedmont "regions, but along the neglected and sleepy seaboard. They are bringing in new indnstrics and revolutionizing old ones. Under a new system of agricul ture they have lifted the farmers' burden of debt by caustng an acre of land to produce the amount of three. Three crops a year are now raised instead of one as hitherto, and the profit of each is enlarged. In the Newbern district alone tho value of the trucking interests has reached three and three-quarter millions a year and is one-ninth of the total for the whole United States. Gold is being mined at a profit in thirty-one coun ties. Seven-eights of all -the mica used in the United States aro claimed to be produced within its limits. Its fisheries lead all others. Its whale fisheries engage tho labors of a dozen vessels from New Bedford and Pro vincetown during ,tL summer. Its oysters receive the attention of eight packing establishments. Its 'lumber output is one hundred millions of feet per annum. It has moro popular seaside and mountain resorts than any other individual State, and a greater variety of gems and precious stones. Topographically North Carolina is like Old Mexico, with its three grand climatic divisions, only that tho peaks of the mountain region are rounded and not so high by half, tho loftiest being less than 7,000 feet. And we find in both countries the same com prehensive plant life and exuberant flora. ISotanlsts aver that there are 1,900 species of flowering plants alone in North Carolina, and of course the soils are various and capable of in definite production in . any direction that horticulturists may elect. Tbe flat seaboard region, which tallies with the terra caliente of Mexico, excepting, in fervor of midsummer heats, is tbe chosen ground for the fruit gTower and truck Taiser, and it is shortly to become the teat of extensive dairy and cattle interests. Experiments already made at Newbern, Elizabeth City and other points prove what the botanists have all along declared that pasture and meadow grasses grow as luxuriantly as other plant growths, and that all that farmers need to make J their own good beef, hay, cheese, but ter and milk is to adopt those courses which common practice elsewhere de clares are proper and right. Experi ments in hay culture and beef and milk prodnction are - already well ad vanced, and the State agricultural ex periment farm "has listed twenty-six kinds of grass and clover, hich it advises to use for hay or pasturage. The upshot of all this is to demon strate what the seaboard is capable of, what the requirements are and where the gates of special opportunity are widest aiar. Cultivated lands with improvements and buildinprs can be bought anywhere along the line of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad, which traverses the eleven tide water conn- ties, at 215 to $25 an acre- Labor is cheap at 65 cents per day, or $8 to si 2 per month, and rations and is tractable and efficient if well trained and handled and promptly paid. There are plenty of churches and schools and irA 1 no beggars, tramps or toughs. Farm schools, for whites and blacks, if established in available districts, would disseminate much needed information in respect to many lines of industry which have been neglected to over looked since the war. Vine culture would prove a most profitable business if conducted on intelligent methods. Columbia's Big Duck Mill. The new cotton-mill plant at Oolum 'ia, S. C, was formally dedicated on Vpril 25, whea Hon. Aretas Blood started the power in motion. The event caused a gcat deal of interest, md was witnessed by hundreds of citizens of Columbia and neighboring cities and towns. The new mill is of brick, 400x150 feet. Spur tracks lead ip to the mill, and afford means of jetting products to the main lines of railroad. The mill will manufacture iotton ducking of all grades. One of the novelties of the mill is that the only motive power to be used in the operation of the machinery will 1e electricity which will be generated 'iy the turbine wheels, which are to be run by the power from the canal. The power house for the present will have two 1000-horse power' electric genera tors, which will communicate the power to 15 dynamos distributed throughout the building. From each of these lynamos in the building 15 shafts will 'e run, and in that way it is said that there will be a very great saving in the imount of friction and shafting. Thin s the first experiment of the kind upon such a large scale, but there is every reason why the current should work to tdvantage. What little use has been made of it shows that there is no diffi culty in commanding the power. Tbe three wires which transmit the power from the power house to the mill are run underground and enclosed in tar cases. The mill will be ready to begin full operations about June 1. The full Board of Directors follows: Aretas Blood, D. R. Sortwell,E. S. Converse, G. S. Marsh, George Wallace, Stephen Green, John 8. Jenkins, Charles K. Oliver and Robert K. Waring. At present there are 18,000 spindles in the mill, but the design ot the plant calls for 30,000, the balance to be ad ded on. The building, according to the or iginal desitrn. was intended to be a hollow square. One side of the square, which is to be 380 feet loner on each side and 104 feet detlhas been com oleted. t?f'thr wif it 41 feet on the east ? -J -t" -''"I - the north and - -- JLt root a-1 v: iLrcuK.ic! nu antra ma..L wit&lb$prcj3ectthat they hav Mf templation thep&Je erwiton of, r mills. MINERS MAKE WAR. They Use Dynamite and Blow Up Engines and Plants. Birmingham, Ala. Continued threats by striV k g miners have been made for some time against those who are now working arid against all oper ators who h.ve been trying to break the big strike by putting into the mines negro labor. At an early hour Mon day morning these threats were carried into effect. An armed mob of about two hundred supposed strikers assem bled at Horse Creek and began the de struction of mine property generally. The mob first went to Price's mines. thich have been working at the union rate, and placed dynamite in the boil ers and among the machinery as well as in the head of the elopes. This was touched off, and everything in eight was a complete wreck. The engines were torn up and the mines blocked by the explosion of the dynamite. Then the strikers went to a sidetrack, where there were several cars loaded with coal. These too were given dy namite and were torn up. Another string of cars was turned loose down a heavy grade and they were wrecked. They then proceeded the Vicot mines, where the scalehouse was oiled and fired. All this time dozens of volleys by the riotous miners were being fired and not a single person would venture out. The reason thut no people were killed is that none interfered with the misers. The mob left coming east ward, but quickly dispersed. COMMONWEALERS SENTENCED. Coxey, Brown and Jones Have a Hard Time of It. Washington, D. C. The 3 leaders of the Commonweal, Jacob Slecher Coxey, Marshal Carl Browne and Chris topher Columbus Jones, have been found guilty of violating the laws by a jury of their peers and will have to submit to a sentence hereafter to be imposed by the court for their recent demonstration on the capitol. All three of the accused were convicted on the first count of the indictment which charged them with displaying in the capitol grounds the banner of tho Coxey Good Roads Association. Jones, of Philadelphia, was acquitted of the second count which accused him of treading on the grass, but Coxey and Urowne were convicted. They secured bail in $500 each and will try to get an appeal. Two weeks may elapse dnring which the trio will be free on bail, before the motion for a new trial trial is argued and decided, The penalty, provided by Jaw is the same for each offense, viz: A fine not to exceed $100 and im prisonment in jail for not moro than 60 days or both, within the discretion of the court. Accordingly the punish ment which may be meted out to Coxey and Browne is $200 and 120 days, while Christopher Columbus Jones is subject to $100 and 60 days. In the eleventh century- both Eng lish and French dandies covered their arms with bracelets. 1 F HIS ARM WAS AMPUTATED AndHt Has Accident Policies for Over Forty Thousand Dollars. Columbia, S. C. At half past 8 o'clock Sunday morning D. R. Flen- uiken, a prominent commission mer chant and confederate veteran of this city, about fifty years old, attempted to pick up a borrowed rifle, intending to return it. Ihe hammer of the weapon struck a chair and the weapon was discharged, shattering his wrist. Amputation of the arm was necessary. Flenniken had accident insurance to the amount of $41,000 and will get one-third of that sum. He carried $17,000 regularly, but on leaving the city on a short railroad trip, Friday as was his habit, he bought an additional one-day ticket, which would have ex pired at noon last Saturday, to the amount of $21,000. The insurance is n the following companies: United States Mutual, $15,000; American of Louisville, $5,000; Travelers, $5,000; Aetna, $8,000; Standard, $8,000. About two years ago Flenniken fell under a horse car and the arm amputa ted Sunday was permanently injured. He received $1,500 accident insurance at that timo. Knights Templar Meet. The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of North Carolina met at Charlotte last week, Francis M. Moye, of Wihon, II. E. Grand Commander, presiding. The following Commandenes were represented: Plantagenet Command ery, No. 1, Wilmington; Charlotte Commandery, No. 2, Charlotte; Ral eigh Commandery, No. 4, Raleigh; Cyrene Commandery, No. 5, Aeheville; Piedmont Commandery, No. 6, Wins ton; Mount Lebanon Commandery, No. 7, Wilson; Ivanhoe Commandery, No. 8, Greensboro; St. John Com mandery, No. 10, Newbern. Population Moving Southward. Southebw Tines, N. C Dr. W. C. Wile, Danbury, Conn.; Rev. R. G. McNeal, Bridgeport, Conn.; A. W. Smith, McKeesport, Pa.; Dr. Teasley, Boston, Mass., and Dr. , Van Renwllaer, Albany, N. Y., have purchased sites and will erect dwellings to cont from $3000 to $7000 ach. Dr. E. W. Mar tin, of New York, will erect a fram clubhouse 'to cost abont $5000. Dr. Smith, of Grcerjsboro, Pa., intends building a frame sanitarium to have Hlcam heat and cost abont $6000. - ', ...... , ', -1 ' -;frr' atnon, cliiel ot tne order Good Teinpltti this State, issued an address to tho members of his order and all tionists to unite to secure an ment of prohibition laws. prrtiibi- enforce- Simmons Confirmed. Washington, D. C.Mr. F. M. Simmons was confirmed Friday after noon as Collector of Internal Revenue for Eastern North Carolina. It was expected that he would be Cither this week or early next. WASHINGTON BRIEFS. President Marion Butler, of the Farmers' Alliance, was heard before Congressman Henderson's committee Friday on the subject of government ownership of telegraphs. FIFTY-THIRD C0NQRES3- ' The Senate. OfiTfl Dat. Mr. Quay continue i his sp93c!i on the Wllsoa Tariff bill. 97th Dat. Immailateljr after the rstlnx of the Journal tho Senate prooawdel to th consld oration of the bills on th cnlead;ir. The bill to remit the penalties oa th dy namite cruiser Vesuvius was paused. Tha the Senate proceeded to ths consideration ot executive buslnans. 08th Dat. All the amendments to thi Tariff bill agreed upon by th Democrat! members of the Flnmofi Ccrrmltt wers re ported. Aftr the transaction of some un important routine busings, the remAlnJer of the day was spent In executive snsiloa. 99th Dat. The debate on tho Tariff bill continued throughout the day. Mr. Hotr spoke for two and ahalt hours In opposition to the bill. He made aa Attack which resulted In a spirited colloquy wit Mr. Gray. Mr. Quay dellrerM th sixth Installment ot his speech amtnst th' measure. The presldla officer, Mt; Faulkner, laid before the Senate the cre dentials ot John Tattoo, Jr., appointed ai Senator from Michigan In place of the lats Senator 8tookbrlde. and J. H. Gear, ap pointed to succeed Mr. Wilson, of Iown, anl tbey were road and laid on the table. , . 100th Dat. The resolution for th1 ap pointment of a soleot comontttee to Inveetl. irate the police assault upon and arret ol Coxey. Browne and Jones was called up, and Mr. Allen made an arjrument In support ot it. In reply Mr. Sherman aald that everi right had been allowed to Coxey that any. body could exercise, and that he had better sti home and take care ot his family. Mr. Mills delivered a speech In opposition to ths compromise amendments to the Tariff bill. The amendment to levy duties on poods tn bond on the date when the Tariff Mil ro- Into effect was agreed to.' and Mr. Lolge' amendment to levy commercial war on Orent Britain until that country should acquloscs In nn international agreom-snt for tht coin age of silver was defeated. 101st Dat. The Allen-Coxy resolution was dlscuwd. The Tariff debate was con tloued. Two amenlments proposed by Mr. Allison were defeated. The House. ,4 J 113th Dat. Without preliminary business the Houso procooled to tho consideration ol the Rlvur anl Hiriwr Appropriation bill under the flre-mlnute rule. It was passed. The night sessloa was devoted to the con sideration of private pansloa bills. nam Dat. The Government Trlntlng O- flee bill wis considered. The New York nnd New Jersey Bridge bill was passed. 120th Dat. The bill to purchase a sit for tbe Government Printing Offi was recom mitted with Instructions to report a bill pro viding for Its erection on tcroaai alrea lv In the possession of tho United States. Tills was agreed to by a vote of 149 to 39. The Naval Appropriation Mil for the year ending June 80, 1393, was mide the undotshe 1 busi ness on the calendar. 121st Dat. The Naval Appropriation Mil was iis-;usei in committee of tno wnoi' Mr. Walker, ot Massachusetts, making. principal speech. jf 122dDat. The House adlourp respect to the memory or Brattao, of Maryland, who,. nc-uueea. , tm " j L " WL J; 1 1 mum mi in"

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