THE GAZETTE. . . , .. .- ' 1 - PUBLISHED WEEKLY. JAKES H. T0inrO,....Editor and Proprietor. T !: bmoSKll' TraTeUn A6nt'- SUBSCRIPTION rates: One year, - - - $L5 Six months. - - - - 75 Three months - - - 5 Entered at the Post-office for transmission through the United States mails as matter coming under second-class rates. tTAll communications intended for pub lication must reach the office by Tuesday morning. Anonymous letters will receive no attention. rS7Address all communications to The Gazette, Raleigh, N. C. RALEIGH. N. C. NOVEMBER 28, 1896. Now is the time to sul scribe for The Gazette, if you want to keep posted in all tb.9 current news of the day. With a Republican President after March 4th, a Republican Governor and anti-Demo-cra-ic Legislature soon after January 1st, . you will need The Gazette to fiud out what ia going on in all these various p.d ministrations. Every Republican should be a reader of The Gazette, as it will help him prepare to defend his party against unjust attacks by the Democratic , press. If you want to keep posted along all lines, subscribe for, pay for, and read The Gazette. COERCION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Something was raid in the late cam paign, if we rightly remember, about "coercion." Mr. Bryan, if we are not mistaken, had a great deal to say about the coercion of laboring men by their , emploj ers, dwelling with unctuous elo quence upon the distress and hard-hips ' with which the honest, hard-working masses were threatened by brutal and tyrannical capitalists, if they did not stifle . their convictions and wrong their con sciences by -voting against him and for McKinley. He seemed to be very much . exercised about it; said free institutions were going to pieces and all our liberties about to be struck down, and that the ' only way to save anything from the . wreck was for the workingmen to refuse ' to be coerced. And the only way under heaven to prove to prove to the world . that they were not coerced was to walk up to the pollsrinan-fashion, and vote for Bryan. No workingman could vote for' McKinley unless he had been coerced. - That eminent statesman, Senator Jones, ' of Arkansas, chairman of the Popocratic National Committee, took the same view of the situation, and, if possible, took it harder. Altgeld agreed with both of them, and so did Debs and Coxey and - Sovereign and the other earnest and sin cere persons who could not under s tat. d how anybody could disagree with them on so important a question, except from cowardice and coercion. And the vocif erous Sovereign has lately explained Bryan's defeat by a sort of official decla ration that two million voters were co erced into voting for McKinley. "We do not remember, however, that any of these champions of personal lib erty and foes of capitalistic oppression ever mentioned the name of a single em ployerwhohad threatened or even hinted at coercion; or of a single workingman who complained of being coerced. In the absence of anything like tangible tes timony upon the subject, it is not strange, perhaps, that outside the Popocratic Com mittee rooms and the inner circle of pa triots conducting the campaign there was no manifestation of public indignation, no uprising, no unusual excitement. On the contrary, the general impression ap peared to be that free institutions were not imperiled, that the liberty of citizens was not threatened, but that everybody, employers and employed, capitalists and laborers, would vote precisely as they pleased, uninfluenced by anything except their own political opinions and their views of civic duty. And now that it is all over, no intelligent man believes that there was ever any foundation for the loose animadversions of Bryan, the reck less assertions of Jonts, or the wild and sweeping charges of Altgeld, Sovereign and the rest. Nor does any one now doubt that their indignation was simu lated, and that they were all the time perfectly aware that they had not a soli tary fact upon which to base their false and ridiculous statements. It was a de liberate attempt on their part to impose upon public credulity. But, speaking of coercion, what's this they are doing down in the Popocratic S ate of North Carolina? The Charlotte Observer of November 15th publishes under the heading, " Negro Politicians Can't Rent Farms," the following item of local news: "The farmers in every township in Mecklenburg county are organizing to protect themselves from the influences wielded by the n?gro political leaders. They refuse to rent land to these negroes, and are putting white men in therr places. In Providence township over sixty land owners have joined the organization, and the negro leaders find it impossible to rent an acre of ground. The organi zation Is also in good working order in Steel Creek and Sharon townships." What do the gentlemen who have been howling themselves hoarse and red in the face over "coercion" call this action of the North Carolina farmeis? There is no guesswork about this; no loose state ment or empty talk. Here is a specific fact. What does it signify ? Is it coer cion? This organization of North Caro lina farmers means business political business. What have the negro politi-" ciana done except exercise their own free dom of choice in an election ? It is for this reason, solely and avowedly, that the farmers refuse to rent land to them, so that they "find it impossible to rent an acre of ground." Doesn't this involve hardship and distress for this class of workingmen? Just such hardship and distress only that it is real and actual instead of fanciful and imaginary as Bryan pumped his emotions over and - Jonea thundered his indignation about? True, it ia not an attempt to in flue tee their political action by coercion or in timidation it is too late for that but it is punishment for having exercised their liberty of choice and voted according to their convictions. Here's a field for Mr. I . . , . 1 1 J . Kryan. li ne is nonest, lei Dim go uuwu into North Carolina and preach to his followers there the doctrine of personal liberty lie prated of so constantly before the election. New- York Trtbune. ' We publish in another column the re port of the address of Dr. Curry, deliver ed before the students of Shaw Universi ty on Thursday of la3t week, as printed in the News And Observer. There are some things in the address which we approve, and some to which we desire to enter our mott solemn dissent, and none more so than the sentiment that "a man who cannot read his bal'ot, ought nt t to be allow d to put it in the box." If by that he meant to say that the people who were so unfortunate as not to be allowed to attend scho 1 prior to 1806, should not be given the right to vote, we disagree in toto with him about that matter. This is the same sentiment that was expressed by the Democratic party in 1866 in oppo sition to the plan of the Republican party to enfranchise the colored people, but wi h all of the broad views that have been claim d for Dr. Curry, we had thought that he was progressive along this line as well as other lines. If any State requires an educational qualifica tion for its voters, it should first provide adequate and available means for their education, unless it proposes to do like South Carolina make the test solely for the purpose of .disfranchising colored voters. For years the la ws of North Car olina would not allow a colored man to be given educational advantages, and now to pass a law saying that the very men, who by law, were prohibited from learning, should now be prohibited from voting because they are unlearned, would be inflicting not only a legal wrong, but a moral wrong upon that class of people. We do not believe that Dr. Curry, after seriously cons;dering this matter in all its pbeses, would advocate this disfran chisement. We cannot believe that the students applauded that particular sen tence in Dr. Curry's address. Dr. Curry seems to have stirred up a Democrat, too, in his remarks, as the following letter to the News and Observer will show: Faison, N. ft, Nov. 21, 1896. To the Editor: I am surprised that you, Dr. Bittle and others should ap prove of Dr Curry's address at Shaw University. He asks why the negroes do not go North with his friends instea'of staying Sb'Uth among his enemies? That X incendiary doctrine. The South is not an enemy to the negro. Look at the schools and asylums they have taxed themselvts to build for the negroes. Dr. Curry also pays no man should vote un less he can read the ballot. That would disfranchise a number of whi:e people. I am in favor of education, but that kind of talk is not good for North Carolina people. W. E. Hill. m mm At a meeting of the colored Republi cans of Hickory township, held with the McKinley-II .bart and Russell Club, on November 16, 1896, the following pream ble and resolutions were read and unan imously adopted : Whereas, at the last election, held on November 3d, 1896, certain men in this county P. M. Hilderbrand, A. C. Hil der brand, A. B. Hilderbrand who have been calling themselves Republicans, who for days and weeks before the elec tion did engage in going over Catawba county, trying by every means in their power to defeat good and true Republi cins who were candidates on our ticket, and for whom all good Republicans pro posed to vote, thereby endangering the success of the fusion ticket, and openly boasting of their intention to defeat the ticket; some of these men have since said that they regretted that they did not defeat the whole county ticket, thereby showing that they P. M. Hilderbrand, A. C. Hilderbrand and A. B. Hilder brand wished and worked for Demo cratic success, and n .it Republican vic tory: and whereas, Stndy A. Smith, Robert Wilfong and David Barber, col ored men of this town, did aid Demo crats and not Republicans by voting with the Democrats: therefore, Resolved by the colored Republicans of Hickory township, That we will no lon ger affiliate in conventions or in meetings of Republicans with the said P. M. Hil derbrand, A. C. Hilderbrand, A. B. Hil derbrand, Smdy A. Smith, Robert Wil fong, or David Barber, until their deeds as Republicans prove them to be Repub licans and not Democrats; we look upon any man or set of men who attempts to break up the Republic in party to which we are allied and bound, by electing Dem ocrats to office instead of true Republi cans, as foes to our party and we will no longer affilbve with such men, or recog nize them as R publicans worthy of our trust and confidence, etc. Resolved 2d, That a copy of these res olutions be furnished the Hickory Press, Hickory Mercury, Piedmont Sun, States ville, N. C, and the Raleigh Gazette, with request to publish the same. C. O. Crowell, Secretary. DR. CURRY AT SHAW UNIVERSITY. Dr. J. L M. Curry, agent of the Pea body and the Slater funds paid his an nual visit to Shaw University, the 19ch instant, and spoke during the morning to the students and a company of invited citizens. Dr. Cnrry had come direct from Hampton school, in Virginia, the first of the schools for the education of the ne gro youth, and spoke to those who called to see him of the good work being d ne there. Those of the whit s present during the morning were: Ex-Chief Justice Shepherd, Dr. James McKee, dean of the Medical College; President E. A. Alder man, Hon. R. H. Battle, Dr. H. B. Bit tie, Dr. K7P. Battle, Prof. L. D. Howell, Dr. A. W. Knox, President John E Ray, Dr. W. I. Royster, Dr. Hubert Roystpr, Hon. John 0. Scarborough, Dr. A. W. Goodwin, Rev. J. W. Carter, D. D., State Treasurer Worth, M. Bowps, Wm. Simp son, W. J. Young, J. WV Bailey, Joseph E. Pogue, W. H. Rand, Rev. Dr. Skinner and Jouepbus Daniels. Without preliminaries, President Me serve introduced Dr. Curry, who spoke with power, interest and edification. He began by stating that the Peabody fund, available for both races, of $2,000,000, and the Slater fund of $1,000,000 for the negro race alone, were the chief gifts that phi lanthropists had devoted to education, the income alone from theee two funds. It is an abomination, said the Doctor, that schools that are no more than high schools, have taken on the high-sounding name of university. It is mist unfortu nate for children to be placed under in competent teachers more so if they are ignorant and full of prejudice. I am afraid the teachers of the colored people have not been well informed in history, and if so. they hamper their instruction by prejudice At Hampton, one speaker, with a rhetorical 11 -uiiah, said it was a remarkable coincidence that Hampton school was located within a few miles of where the firtt ship, laden with 6laves, landed in this country. I ventured to remind this young man right there that the first slave ships were nut fitted out in Virginia, North Carolina or S juth C ir olina, but; that every one of them started out from either old England or new Eng land not ODe from the S juth. From the beginning of slavery, no single vessel laden witn rum, red liquor, and red hand kerchiefs were ever seat from the South to Africi. The vessel which brought negroes to this country was a great Pan dora's box. -It was worse. Hope was lef c in the real Pandora's box. The greatest curse that ever afflicted the United Slates was slavery. Tbe in troduction of African slavery was a clinging, prolific, and probably incurable cunse. Dr. Curry discussed the institu tion from the standpoint of political economy, leaving out the moral side. One of the chief elements in the curse of slavery, he declared, was that it inflicted upon the South an ignorant, stupid, un intelligent labor, the one-crop Bystem, bad roadf, poor school-houses, imperfect system of education the evils of unin ventive, unambitious labor. Manual labor in the schools was defined to be the most important intellectual phenomena of to-day. From the Univer sity up to the Kindergarten ("I mean it that way," he said, turning to President Alderman), there ought to be industrial training along with academic and scien tific. Head, heart and hand ought all to be united and developed. If tbe South was cursed with ignorant labor, what the South needs is intelligent and skilled la bor. Accuracy of judgment and eye, along with the skill to do things, will bring us elevation and prosperity. "If you will go from Weldon to Wil mington, I will venture thatyou can rind from ten to fifty people fat every depot, standing idly by whittling s'icks and c he w ing tobacco. They don't know how to do anything that requires skill. They can't even make axe helves. A short time ago I saw at a station in N mh C ir oiina a bundle of axe helves, and upon asking where they were from, I wasto'd they had been shipped from Kansas. No State has so magnificent a supply of timber, and yet you buy axe helves from Kansas, and wagons from Northern S ates. Thanks to the enterprise of the" Mills Wagon Ujmpanv, we have quit that in Wake County. Editor. We have got to get out of that. "There's another thing we have got to quit. We must not denounce folks who disagree wMi us'. Some of you are hiding yourselves behind a false name-sound money thereby intimating that those who honestly f a vorf re-silver, want un bound money." Turning to Editor Dan iels, who was present, Dr. Uurry tatd : "In my heart of hearts and my intrust conscience, I know you, my friend J. se phus, are as much in favor of 'sound money' as I am, though w e do not agrea as to the best way to get it. "The election having passed, let us see if we cannot do something for lifting up our people. Free education is ten thou sani time more important than free flil ver. I affirm that local taxation for public -schools and adequate revenues are more important than an income tax, or any other method of taxation. I'll go further: The stamp and superscription of a good, honest character is worth more than the stamp of every government that may be put on gold; the ratio of theedu cated to the illiterate than any ratio be tween gold and silver. "Spakingof illiteracy. North Carolina is too low in the scale 37.5 per cent, of the population being unable to read or write. Of all the States, Louisiana is the lowest; Si'Uth Carolina, Nr-w Mexico, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and North Carolina. "What's the use of talking jingo and getting ready to shoulder a muzket in order to liberate Armenias (for whom we are not responsible), or to help Cuba (to annex which would be evil to us) when it is impossible to arouse our own people to rid themselves o' the perils of igno rance? We have 13 000,000 voters I wish we could get into all minds the true function of citizenship. In Europe, the pword makes or prevents revolution. Here it is the ballot. Some men, who do not appreciate the duties of citizenship, eay, 'I have a Tight to vote as I please.' "I don't believe in ballot-box stuffing, coercion, falsa registration. Political wrong is like moral wrong. I don't be lieve a man can scatter arrows and fire brands of death and then sty 'I have a right to vote as I p'ease.' He votes for his wife, children, neighbors and coun ry. Sometimes with the ballot is deposited ignoiance, prejud ce or revenge. I don't believe a man has anv right to do it. doit believe A MAN WHO CANNOT READ HIS BALLOT OUGHT TO BE ALLOWED TO PUT IT IN THE BOX. (Applause among the students.) The Baptists believe in individual in terpretation of the Bible, but it does not mean that a man shall not bring to the study or tne tsinie an honest mind, and not read into it his ignorance or prejud ice oi preconceived opinions. Giving the ballot ought not to mean turning over governments to ignore nee and prejudice or the scums and outscouring of the cities and calling that a free Republic. The government of a free people means an enlightened citizenship. .No man with chains of prejudice forged on his arms is a good citizen. The most remarkable thing I know of was the emancipation of the neero. rejoice in it. I thank God that there isn't a slave from the Atlantic to the Pacfic or from the lakes to the gulf. I hear some times some talk about your folks want ing to go into hotels, theatres and the like. I will say to you : Be skilfull. If von have skill and intellicence. vnn will be respected. It is making the best of ourselves that makes tbe true man. Some white people complain that the negro has not mad progress. Individu ally, some of tbem have not. As a race, they have made extraordinary progress " I have this idea of patriotism : I love my home first, my kindred next, then my neighbor, then my State and then my country. If af cer taking them in, I have any room left, 1 11 take in Armenia. "I don't believe much in the idea of having the United States flag over our schools. 1 d like to know what the Urn ted States government has done for our public schools in Noroth Carolina to de mand that the flag should hang over them. It never gave a cent to North Carolina schools, except the A. and M. Colleges. It is a deception and a fraud to put the flag there. It is tbe State that gives you education. "I don't know but two things I'd shoulder my musket and fight for : 1. To prevent the re enslavement of the negro; 2. To ngbt a union of church and State?. " JiiVery now and then some white peo pie become frightened because they think negroes are increasing so rapidly that they will outnumber the whites after awhile. The negroes are increasing but relatively not so fast as the whites. One of the evils in the negro population is that it is congested into a small area. " I never could understand why the negro population remains so compact in tbe south instead of becoming scattered all over the Union. Tbe Northern men freed the negro. Why is it the negro does not go North to be with his friende(?) instead of staying in the South among his enemies(?). Why isn't the congestion of negro population in Ohio or Minnesota? The trend, of the negro population is to mass itself in the Southwest toward the Gulf, and instead of deflecting and going to West Virginia, Massachusetts or Con- ! necticut the population goes Southwest. The centre of the population in this' country is in Southeast Indiana. The cen tre of the negro population is Rome, Ga they go toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi river. " ine tendency or population generally is to go to the great cities. The census shows that this is nbt true of the negro. The census also shows that there is a steady increase of attendance of the ne grnea ia the public schools. inese are t-ome of the thoughts in a singularly felicitous and frank address, run of sound sense and as lull of meat as- an egg. There was that ae sertion of con viction that age lends force to in a speech, and as a conclusion an eloquent descrip tion of North Carolina, i s climate, its people, ira f uture. . The audience at times Dursst forth i a general applause. Dr. Curry was at his best. , And that is say ing, i hat no better speech could ba made by a Southern man. He is big cf brain, broad of purpose, and ha the candor and frank expression that becomes a great leader of a g'eat cause. At the conclusion or his speech, Prof. E. A. AMermam, President of the Uni versity, made a short address that, though impromptu, was an elegant in diction as it wasVigorous in the enunciation of lofty sentiment. Ex-Cnief Jus' ice Shepherd spoke words f wise admonition, and Mr. J.sephus D inn Is, who lives opposite the Uuiversi iy, spoke of the model deportment of the student body. -K lhis closed the public exercises. Dr. Curry had already made his official visit. to the class rooms and received reports upon the work done. RESOLUTIONS OF SHAW STUDENTS. . Whereas, Ve, the students of Shaw University, having distencd with great pleasure to tbe very able annual educa tional address delivered by Dr. Curry in University chapel, Nov. iy, 1896, and whereas, We feel trat we have re ceived much inspira i n, many grand and ennobling thoughts and principles irom his own experieoc and seemingly ex haust i ve store-bouse of knowledge, and Whereas, We have always felt deeply the benefit emanating from the Slater fund represented by him in his yearly visits. Be it Resolved, That we, the students, ex tend our heart-felt thanks to Dr. Curry for his timely, elegant and scholarly dis course. And be it also Resolved, That we, the students, will endeavor to carry out the principles enun ciated by Dr. Curry, especially in encour aging thrift, the securing and maintain of ideal homes am ng our tuple. News and Observer. A High and Gay Time In Lonisbnrg A Regular Jollification Celebration among the Republicans Men, Women and Children Turned Out A Perfectly Harmonious Affair Over the (fraud Re publican Yictory ou the 3d of .Novem ber. On Friday of last week the Republi cans of Franklin county celertiei the grand vie ory gained by the Republican party on the 3J day of November, both in the State and the nation. - It was cer tainly a meeting of j y. Mea, women and children were pr. sent tr m all over the county nearly 2.000. Axut 200 men in the procession were mounted and woresaahes. Trie affiirwas under the leadership of Messrs. J. F. Jordan, B. H. R dgerson, I. Green, M. Nicholson and otheis. We arrived on 1 he noon train, and was requested to represent the hon orable James II. Young, who had bsen invited and was expected to be present to deliver a speech, but vcai prevented from being present on account of having gono to Wilmington nn busnes4. We were driven from the dpot in company with Mr. J. N. Perry (who is the newly elected Coroner) to the court house green, where the large crowd was in waiting. Tne Gazette man, W. S. Mitchell, was introduced to represent Hon. J. II. Young, which be did. M- s-irs. J. F. Joi dan, M. Nicholson and I. Green followed with short sj e ches. Two brass bands furnished music for the occasion. Tne people were much disappointed in the failure of Mr. Young to arrive. We were pleased lo meet the following persons at the meeting: Messrs. J. F. Jordan, M Nicholson, I. G-een, Charles Solomi n, Tnos. Dumton, J ick Harris", R. L. DetMiam, Joe Dvi. R O. Person, Rev. A. J. Green, M, M. Nal, Commis sioner J. A. Hiwkius. Buck Perry, A. T. Rhem, Jnckson Gee Albert William son, A. 13. Slricklani. W. J. Strifkljnd, A. T. Neal, Jimes Nenl, P. W. Strick land, II. W. Wdder, B. T. Ayscue, J, N. Perry and others. We were pletsed on Saturday Messrs. R'lf us R. Harris, Cierk f the Court, Judge E. W. Timberlake. B. B. Massing burg. Capt. Harry Waitt, A. T. Nral. O. C. Williamson, Wesley Perry, B. W. Lankfcrd, Hon. W. M. Person. Hon. N. H. Macon. E. S. Portis. Mrs. R. V. Yar borough, E. N.. Dent, Handy Perry, T. E. A. Crudup and Green Ruffin. We were sorry to find Mr. W. B. Con way sick and confined to his room. Capt. Harry Waitt is still that strong friend to the Gazette that he ever was. His place of business, which is a first-class sample room, is headquarters for every b dy who is looking tor his line of go ds. Mr. R. C. Batchelor is one of the clever est young men in Louisburg. He is also conducting a fine saloon on one of tbe busie-t ntreets in the town. Rev. J. F. Jordan and B. H. Rodger son, we ara informed, were true friends to the Republican and Populist ticket, and that they did valuable campaign work. Thee two gentlemen should not be forgotten when the tine comes for distribution of patronage. Louisburg has una ergone a great change since our last visit there. We noticed that several new buildings have been builtrecently and more still being erect ed, several of them brick store houses, including a nice hotel. Louisburg is one of tbe most thriving little towns in tbe S'ate, according to her size, and she has some of the cle-verest and best citizens theje that you will find any where. The same can be truthfully said of both races. The Gazette is highly spoken of in Franklin county by nearly every one you meet. We return many thanks to all who honored us with cash renewals. During our stay in Louisburg, we were nicely taken care of liir. and Mrs. J. F. Jordan at their residence rear the town. We are under many obligations to them; also to B. H. R 'dgerson, I. Green, M. Nicholson, R.' L. Debnam and others for kindness shown. ' .W. S. Mitchell. Resolutions of Respect. . Wilson, N. C. Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from among us our much beloved friend ' and sister, Mrs. Annie Blount, the dear and faithful wife of our beloved brother Mark W. Blount, on the 14th day of October, 1896: therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of Mt. Hebron Lodge, No. 42, A. F. and A. M., extend to him and children our heart felt sympathy in their said and irretriev ab'e loss. Resolved. That we share with him in his sore affliction and misfortune, and may the Lord fly to his relief in doing for him that which. may soon rest in the judgment of the craft. Resolved, That we extend to the chil dren of the deceased our deepest sym pathy. Resolved, That we spread upon the Minutes of this Lodge these resolutions for future reference. Julius F. Freeman, Austin J. Lindsey, , -i - . Brasweix R. Winstead, Committee. THE LEGISLATURE. On Joint Ballot the Republicans Hare 71 Members, the Pop n lists 5, the" Democrats 41, with Two ia Donht. Th9 next Legislature will stand as follows: the state senate. First District (Curritack, Camden, Patqaotank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan and Currituck counties') J. L. Whtd bie, Republican, and J. F. Newsom, Pjpuhst. Second District (Tyrrell, Washington, Martin, Dre. Beaufort, Hyde and Pam lice) T. E. McCaskie, Populist, and N. B. Yeager, Republican. Tnird District (B-rtie8n3 Northamp top) J. M. Etrly, Populist. Fourth District (Halifax) E.T. Clark, Populist. Fifth District (Edgecombe) W. Lee Person, Republican. Sixth D strict (Pitt) A. J. Moye, Populist. Seventh District (Wilson. Nash aid Fraoklm) J. F. Mitchell, Ppalist, J. T. Sharp, Republican. Eighth District (Craven, Jones, Car: teret, Lenoir, Greene and Onslow G. L Hardison, Populist, and W. T. Mc Ca'tuy, Republican. Ninth Distr c; (Daplin, Wayne and Pendei) H. L. Grant, Republican, and R. G. Maxwell, Populist. Tenth District (New Hanover snd Brunswickp-Georue H. Cannon, Populist-Eleventh D'strict (Vance and War ren) W. B. Henderson, Republican. Twelfth District (Wake)-C. H. Ut ley. Populist. Thuteeuth D strict (Johnston) E S. Abell, Democrat. Fourteenth District (Sampson, Har te:t and Bladen) Geo. Butler, Popu lis, and E N Roberson, Populist. Fifteenth District (Co urn bus and Robeson) Angus Shaw, Populist, and J. D Maultsby, Republican. Sixteenth District (Cumberland) Geddy, Populist. Seventeenth District (Granville and PersoD) Dr. Wm. Merritt, Populist. E ghwenth Distr ct (Caswell, Ala mance, Orange and Durham) Capt. E. S. Parker, Democrat, and J. E Lyon, Populist. Nineteenth District (Chatham) Jno. W. Atwater, Populist. Twentieth District (Rockingham) J. A. Walker, Populism Twenty-first District (Guilford) Alf. Scales, Democrat. Twenty-second District (Randolph and Moore) D Reid Parker. Populist. Twenty third District (Rich moid, Montgomery. Anson and Union) W. H. O.dham, Populist, and Daniel Patter son, Republican. Twenty fourth District (Cabarrus acd Stanly) C D. Barririger, Ddmocrat. Twenty fifth District (Mecklenburg) Dr. J. B. Alexander, Populist. Twenty sixth District (Rowan, Dv!d son and Forsyth) S. Earnhardt, P pa list, and Jno. A. Rnmsey, Republican. Tarentv-seventh District (Iredell, Da vie and Yadkin) S F. Shore and A. C. Shirp. Republ cms. Twenty eighth District Stokes and Surr) J. A. Ashburn, R-pu'Dlican. Twettv ninth District (Omawba, Lin coln, Wilkes and AleXtdsr) R. H. W. Barber, Pjpuhst, and Milton Mc Neill. Thirtieth District (Al!gb8n7, Ahe and Watauga) J. M. Dickiuson, Ra publican. Thiruy-firstD.s'r'iCt (Oaldwell, Burke, Mi chel, McDiweil and Yance) E. F W,kefirld. Popu'iit, aud J. L. Hy att, Republican Thirty secoi.d District (Gaston, Cleve land, Ratherfoid aid P.k M H. Ju t?ce, Ddmccrat, J. A Authouy, Demo crat. Thirty third District (Bancombe, Malison and Hay wood) Georg-j H. S i a hers. Republican, and W. W. Rol Iidh. Republican. Tnnty-founh District (Henderson, Transylvania, Jac&son and Swaic) H. S Anderoi. Republican. Toirty fi th District (M-oon, Clay, Cherokee ano Gcaham) J. Frank Ray, D;mt crat. Tne representation will stand: P.pulists 24 Deuorcra's 8 Republicans -. 18 HOUSE OF REPflESENTATIVES. Al xaoder J. W. Watt?, Democrat. Alamance S. A White, Republican. Alleghany M F. Jones, Democrat. Anson T. C. Lak. Ddmocrat. Ashe Spencer Blackburn, Republi can. Beaufort H E Hodges, Populist Bertie K W. White, Republican. Bladen Sidney Me ares, Ref ublican. Brumwick W. W. Drew, Populist Buncombe V S. Lusk, Republican; W. G Candler, Repuolican. Burke John H. Pearson Democrat. Cabanu A. F. Hileman, Populist. Caldwell J. L Nelson, Democrat Camden J. E. Burges, Republican. Carteret E. C Dure in, Republican. Ce8ell C J. Yarborough, Populist. Catabi L. P. Whitener, Po. id list Chatham L L Wrenn, Republican; J. E Bryan, Populist Cherokee D. W. Dawesse, Repnbli can, Chowan Richard Elliott, Republi can. . , Clay Wm. P att. Democrat, Cleveland Dr. B. F. D.xoq, Demo crat. Columbus J. B. Schnlken," Populist Craven Kob't Hancock, Republican. Cumberlatd Thomas H. Sutton, Re publican; W. P. Weymess, Republican. Currituck W. H Gallop. Ddmocrat Daie George C. Dn els. Davidson J. R. McCreary, Repub lican. Dtvie vW. A Bailey, Republican. Daplin Maury Ward, Populist Durham , Democrat Edgecombe Jordan Dancy, Repub lican; E E Bryan. Republican. Forsytt J. L G ubbs, Republican; W. P. Ormsby, Republican. Franklin Carter Barrow, Populist Gaston White, Democrat . Gates T. H. Rountree, Populist Graham John DaptrH, Republican. Granville Krng, Populist; W. H. Crews, Republican. Guilford J T. Burch, Damocrat; B. G Cailcutt, Republican. Greene W. R. Dixon, Populist Halifax J. H. Arrington, Republi can; Scott Harris, Republican. Harnett L B. Cbapin, Republican. Haywood J. W. Ferguson, Demo crat Henderson J. B Freeman, Republi can. Hertford Stark Hare, Republican. Hyde John G Hair. 8. Iredell J. R. McLetland, Democrat; J. A. Hartness, Democrat Jackson (tie) Johnston Claude M. Smith, Dmo crat; Caarles M. Creech, Democrat Jones Frank Brawn, Popu'ist Lenoir E. P. Haas?r, Populist Lincoln L. Ar Abernethy, Populist Macon Lyla, Democrat Madison J. W. Robert, Republican. Martin C. O. Fagan, Populist McDowell W. A Conley, Democrat. Mecklenburg SjI. Reid, Democrat, W. P. Craven, Populist Mitchell L. H. Green, Republican. Moatgomery J.. A. Reynolds, Popu lut. Moore W. H. H Lawborn, Democrt Nash V. B. Carter, Populist. New Hanover John T. Howe, D. B. Sutton, Repari cans. Northamptoi V. R Rawla, Repub Onslov R. Duff r. Democrat Orange A. R Holmes, Democrat Pamlico C. M. Baboitt. Populist. Pasquotank Wm. G. Pool, Republi can. Perqnimanf J. H. Paiker, Populist. Pendei Gibbon James, Demccat. Person John S. Cnnningham, Dam ocrnt. Pitt E V. Cox, Republican; Shade Chxpman, Populist. Polk Grayson Alredge, Republican. Randolph J. J. White, Populist; J. M. Allen, Republican. Richmond Claude Dockery, Repub. lican; Y. C. Morton, Populism Robeson Duncan Mc Bride, Populist; W. J. Curry, Republican. RockiDgbxm A. E. Walters, Demo crat; T. B Foster. Populist Rowan J. H. McKetz e and Walter Murphy, Democrats. Rutherford Lindsay Pergnson, Re publican. Sampson C. H Johnson and R. M. Crumpler, Populists. Stanly Democrat. " Stokei R J. Petree, Republican. ' Surrj J. M. Brower, Republican. S wain Republ' can. Transylvania E A Aiken, Republi can. Tyrrell Dr. Abe Alexander, Repub lican.. Union Jas. Price, Populist Vanci M. M. Peaci. Republican. Wakt James H. Young, J P H. Adams, Republicans; Jas. Ferrell, Pop ulist. Warrer C A. Cook, Republican. Washingtoc L. N. C. cfpruill, Re publican. Wataugf Thos. Bingham, Republi can. Wayne -T. B. Paiker, Democrat; J. E Person, Ponnlist Wilkes J Q A. Bryan, a H. Sum mers, Republicans. Wilsoc Dr. B. T. Person, Populltt Yadkir J. C. Pmnix, Repuolican. Yancej--Democrat. This gives tbe several parties repre sentation as follows: Republicans 53 Democrats 33 Populists 34 Doubtful 2 THE VOTE IX 1892. Harrison (Rt p ) 5.176 108 Cleveland (Doui.) 5,556,918 Weaver (Pop.) 1.041,028 Rid well (Pro.)... 264,133 Wing (Social:s ) 21,164 Popular vote, Cleveland over Harrison 880,810 E'ectoral vote, Cleveland over Hurrisou 133 Electoral vote, Cleveland over Harritoa and Weaver 110 Total popular vote, 1892, in cluding scalteiiog 12,110,636 NORTH CABOLINA'S VOTE, 1892. Btlow will be found some figures whicQ will prove of interest in compar ison with tie leturns of tbe election this year: Elias Cair (Dam.) 135,519 D. M. Furcties (Kp ) 94,684 Jas. M. Ttmplt-ton (Pro ) 2,457 W. P. Exuin (Pop.) 47,840 Carr'a plurality 40,835 STATE LEGISLATURE, 1894. c it Joint Billot. 54 56 57 Democrats 8 46 Republicans ....18 38 Populists 21 86 VOTE FOB REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS, 1894. First District W. A. Branch, Dem., 13 456; H. Skinner. Pop., 16,510. Skin ner' majority, 3 054. SecoDd District H. P. Cheatham, Rp., 9 413; F. A. Wooiward, Dem, 14,721; J. Freeman, Pop., 5,314. Wood ward's plurality, 5.303 Third District O. J. Spear. Rep., 6,966; J. P. Shaw, D-m., 10,699; Cyrus Thompson, Pop., 9,705. Shaw's plu rality, 994. Fourth D strict Charles M. Cocke, Dm., 14,335; W. F. Siroud, Pjp., 18, 667. Stroud's ninj ruy, 4,332 Fifth D.strict i'homas Settle, Rep , 16 934; A. W. Graham, Dem., 14,046. Seitle'a moj irity, 2,888 Sixth D btrici-J. A. LocV hart, Dem., 13,996; Chas. H. Martin, Pop., 13,552. LocKhart's majority, 444. Sdventh District A. C. Sbu'ord, Rep. and Poo., 15,383; John S. HeLd ar son. Dim., 13,124. Suuford's ma jority, 2,259 Kighth District R Z Linney, Rep. ard Pop., 18 775; W. H. Bowr, Dem., 15,491. Linney's mnj jrity, 3 284. Nmth District R Pearson, Rp , 16 869; W. T. Crawford, Dem., 16.734 Pearon'8 majority, 135. WAITINOPOR YOU! -,. ' MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. HATS. Etc. have never been sold so cheap as you can get Lhetn right now of CROSS & LINEHAN, 210 Fayettevillo St. RALEIGH. N. C. JMembera of the General Assembly will do well to give us a clL Furniture Repair Shop. MATTRESS MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Makes Folding-beds and Sideboards. . PERFECT WORK GUARANTEED. R. S. JACKSON, 608 East First Street, Charlotte, N. C. augl5 3m A. J. BRANCH, HENDERSON, N. C, Contractor and Builder ALL WORK GUARANTEED. REFERENCES: D. 8. Smith, J. T. Willisms, D. W. Hardy, Greenville, N. C LIMIThU INS- DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE "ATLANTA SPECIAL" AN0 "S. A. L. EXPRESS." BETWEEN NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, NORFOLK and ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS, SOUTHWEST. Schedule in Effect Af ml 6, l8i6. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv New York, via Ta. H.U. I'lilladelphla, " lUiltlinore. " " Washington, " Richmond .... Lv Norfol k . via S. A.XT 1'ortnmoulh, ' Lv Weldon. vla 8. A. I. Ar Hendernon, ' . Ar DurhamVvla 8. A. L Lv lurhHm. " 1 8 'M pm 6 15 " 7 81 " 8 40 ' 12 30 am ' V 00 pm 12 05 nut 2 55 am 4 05 " II KO V UU aiu U 16 " 12 01 tiKt U alii 4 Hi" 11 5 am 1 HM IU 7 32 am 6 V0pm 1 6 65 am MM pm til 00 Mill Ar KaleiKh, via H. A. L.J Kanfnrd, ..... " Houthern Pines, " Hamlet, " WadeKboro, ' " Monroe, " 6 o4 pill 7 14 8 00 850 M52 10 40 4 M " 5 4 " 6 55 " 8 01' 8 65 HO 20 pill JO S2 pm 1168 " 100 am 132 2H " 8 38 M 4 21 " 6 20 " Ar Charlotte, via H. A. 1.-- ArChcuier, via tt. A. Li " Clinton, " ' Greenwood, " " Abbeville, " " Elberton, " " Athena, " . Winder, " Atlanta, H. A. L (Union Depot), (Cent. Time) 111 ;i am 12 at pm 1 M 2H3 8 00 400 6 10 6 53 6 45 NORTH BOUND. Lv Atlanta, via H. A. L (Central Time) " Athens, via B. A. L Klberton, " Abbeville, " " U ret n wood, " . ' llnton, " -" Chester, ' LvCtiaiioiie. vU w. A. iZ Lv Monroe, via H. A. L Hamlet, ' Houthern Pines, ' No. 402. No. 88. 1 1 45 am 8 10 prn 1140 " 12 45 am 1 47 ' 215 " a 13 " 4 4.1 ft 25 am u j;tim 8 15 " I5 " 1181 " t 4 0 pm fll 00 am 8 00 pm 2 M !rn uu " 6 00 " 6 HO ' 1!5 " 7 an " 8 20 p m to 15 pm 10 ' 1121 " KtiielKti, Ar lurhain, via a. A.Li. 7 62 Hill 6 20 mil IjV Durham, A r, vi (-, A. L Richmond . WashlriK'n, via Pa. ICR. Rait I more, " Philadelphia, M New York, " 4 fl. iim H40 " 10 4 i " 12 (X) m 2 20 pm 4M " 7 iiO hiii 11 10 12 4H nut 8 45 am Ar I'ortMiioulu, via b.A.L. " Norfolk, 6 60 ptri 6 00 ' 7 60 Nos. 403 and 402, The Atlanta Kneolal," sol Id Vetl buled Train, with Mullet Mec)H-m and Day Couches between Wanhlntftnn and Atlan ta. Parlor and Dining Cars, New York to Washington. Pullman HleetK-rs between Portsmouth and Charlotte (ojk-u at Ports mouth i M.. Con neon li at Atlanta for and from Macon, Florida, Chattanooga, Nasbvllie, Memphis, Texas, California and the Went. Noh.41 and 3S. "TheH. A. L. Kxprewi." Hoi Id Train of t'ullman Hleepers and Day Conches, between Portsmouth, Weldon and Atlanta; also New Y'ork to Weldon and Cape Charles. Connecting at AtlanUt for and trom MoiitKom ery. New Orleans, Texan, Mexico, Macon, Florida; at Portsmouth with Hay Lino ai.d coastwise steamers and rail routes to the north and eaKt. . Dally. tDaily, except Sunday. No extra fare on any train. Kor ticket, t.le xTn and Information, apply to Ticket Agent, or to II. H. LEARD, Sot Puss. Agt E. HT. JOHN, Vice-Pros, and GenlUfaiu ' V. E McBKK, Uen. Huperinlendent. H. W. H. UliOVKH, Tralllc Manaiter. T. J. ANDERSON, (Jen. Pans. Agent- Oencral Olllces ; POitl HMOUTlf, VA. w ILM1NUTON AND WEI.IK3N RAIL ROAD AND BRANCHES. AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. CONDENSED 8CHEDULE. TRAINH GOING HOUTH. (Corrected.) Leave Weldon..... II b 9 44 Ar. Rocky Mount 12 62 10 w . Leave Tarboro... . 12 ..... .. ZZZ. Lv.Rocky Mouni 1 00 10 8 5 411 12 45 Leave W ilson..... 2 U5 11 In ......... 8 15 2 12 Ieave Helrna 2 i L. FayetUsville.. 4 15 1 07 ZZ Arrive Florence- 6 8 14 H. It. A. M. Leave noldnboro . 7 (K) 3 g !itawn ,a.KDoUa " 8 ,,:t ' Ar. Wilmington 9 jjo 5 . A. M. P. M. TRAINa GOING NORTH. NoT&. ?g ?w (Corrected.) cg eg d A. M. 1, M. . Lv. Florence 8 4.1 8 Lv. Fayettevllle. 12 ai 10 83 ; . Leave Helma.. 1 ou .. ... Arrive Wilson.... i 42 12 & . " " P. M. Lv. Wilmington P 7 5 Lv. Magnolia 8 80 11 02 Lv. Ooldsboro .... jj ai 12 05 Leave Wilson 1 42 12 22 10 v 12 42 Ar.Rocky Mount 2 83 1268 Ho, I a Leave Tarboro... 12 L Lv.Rocky Mount 2 at 12 Arrive Weldon... 8 81. ....... 1 h ........ : p. I 4. M P. M tDally exceDt Mandi. 1 1 tu 1 w.... . y V.VIOUU Irain 1 on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon at 4: 10 p. m., Halifax :i.8 p. m. ; arrive Bouliaud Neck at 6:00 p. m., Greenville B:a7 p. ra., Klnston 7:55 p. m. Returning, leaves Klnioon 7:20a. m., Greenville H;22 a. m7; arriving Hallux at ll.-oo a. m., Weldon 11:20 a. rn. dally except Hunday. Trains ou Washington llranch leave Wash inn ton 8:00 a. in. and 2rtWp. m., arrive Parmnle 8:50 a. m. and 8:10 p. in., returning leave Par rnelet:50a. in. and :30 p. m., arrive Wash- Lmlday Bd 7:20 P' m'' dily exceDt Train 'leaves Tarboro, N. C., dally, 6..T0 p.m. : arrives Plymouth at 7:35 p. m. Returning, leaves Plymouth 7:30 a. in., arrives Tarboro (1:50 a. ra. Train on Midland, N. C, Branch leaves Ooldhboro daily, except. Hunday, at 7:00 a. m. : arriving Hmltblleld at 8:30 a. m. Returning, leaves Hinlthneld at U:0u a. m.; arrive at Golds' boro at 10:26 a. m. TralDS on Nashville Branch leaves Rorkv Mount at 4:30 p. ra.; arrives Nashville at 6:ui p. m.. Hprlng Hope 5:30 p. m. Returning, leaves Hprlng Hope at :oo a. in., Nashville 8:3aa. m.; arrive at Rocky Mount at U:Uo a. in. dally, except Hunday. Tra,Q ?.n .VUntou branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Hunday, at 11:10 a. w. and 8:45 p. in. Returning, leaves Clinton at 7.-00 a. in. and 3:00 p. m. , Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dally, all rail via. Richmond, also at Rocky Mount with Nor fo k and Carolina Railroad for Norfolk, and all points North via Noriolg. ' J T? itrvtv JOUN F' DIVINE, J. R. KENLY, Oen'lttupt. General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, TrafHn Mnn&R'pr. H.M. EMERHQN, Oen'lPass. Agent. A TLANTIC AND NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Iy Effect 8rjDAY, November 18, 1894. GOING EAST GOING WEHT. Pas'ng'r Daily Ex. Hunday. Pas'ng'r Daily Ex. Hunday. Arrive Leave. A. U. A. M. 11 00 9 38 9 41 8 07 8 20 0 82 0 87 A. M. A. M. 8TATI0N8. Arrive Leave.: p. x. p. M. 8 20 4 25 4 80 6 60 6 68 7 28 7 83 P. X P. M. Goldnboro ......... Kinston ........... Newbern forehead City 1 - -l n ivu w IIIUIUKVUIJ CX Wei den train bound North, leaving Goldxboro at ll:3o a. m., and with Richmond and Danville iTf.'i? est, leaving Goldkboro at 2 p. m.. and with Wilmington, Newbern and Norfolk at Newbern for Wilmington and Intermediate points. Train 8 connects with Richmond and Dan- vV.,5r',.,,n'.arr,v,D,lt Ooldsboro 8 p. m.,and with Wilmington and Weldon train from the Nortn at 8:05 p. m. No. I train also connects with Wilmington, Newbern and Norfolk for Wilmington anj ntermedlate point. h. L. DILL, i Superintendent. Train 4 Runnel, umil i i . .. C. .. ... I . . r

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