THE GAZETTE. RALEIGH, - - - N. C. CITY, COUNTY AND GENERAL. HENRY t. ALSTON, . . Local Editor AND CITY COLLECTOR. t3y"NOTICB. Subscribers whose time has expired, will please come forward and renew their subscriptions, or their names will be dropped, as the new management requires it. t3yMarriage and funeral notices, in ad ' vance, fifty cents. C3fStanding and transient notices, per line, five cents each insertion. RALEIQII, N. CT. FEBRUARY 6. 1897. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Mies Eula Rogers is on the sick list. Mr. Charles L Gary is on the sick list. Mrs. Julia Smith is one of our new sub scribers this week. "When you are in the city don't forget S. C. Pool's new shoe store. " Bro. Geo. A. Mial spent Sunday in Durham doing religious work. Mr. Malissa Williamson, who has been sick quite a while, is improving. Miss Louisa Jones favored us with a cash renewal this week. Thanks. Prof. II. E. Hagats, of Freemont, was on the streets of cur city last week. Misses Dora and Martha Whi taker sub . scribed for the Gazette a few days ago. Mr. Charley Gary, who has been very ill for the past two weeks, is reported bet ter. Look for B. W. TJpchurch at 15 E. Har gett street, when you want fresh groce ries. Mis. C. A. "Walker has been confined at home on account of sickness for over a week. Prof. W. E. Merritt, of Dudley, sent us a cash subscription for Miss Addie J Best, of Clinton. Miss Eugenia Hill has accepted a po sition as teacher in the Waketield School with Rev. D. 8. Saulter. Mr. Flesher. a student of Shaw Uni verity, is devoted to the First Baptist Church. What is the attraction Mr. B.- wypchurch remembered us with cash this week. Mr. TJpchurch says it pays to advertise in the Gazette. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Emmerson came to the city last Friday. Mrs. Emmerson will remain here with relatievs a few weeks. Rev. L. R. Jeffries, formerly pastor of tbeShiloh Baptist Church, of Greens boro, died on December 28, 1896, at Jeffries, Va. Mr. J. F. Haywood was a pleasant vis itor at the Gazette office Saturday of last week. He didn't forget to renew his subscription. Senator "W. B. Henderson was a pleas ant caller at our office one day last week. He went to Grensboro last Siturday even ing on business. Mr. W. H. Ray, Superintendent of the Poor Houte, was here and called on us one day last week. Mr. Ray is a strong friend to the Gazette. The act to create a dispensary in Hen derson is attracting much attention and bringing many of the citizens thereof be fore the legislative committees. Many members of the General Assem bly went home last Saturday to epend Sunday with their familie. They all re turned to their duties on Monday. Messrs Peter Harris and Fletcher Lock hart, who are two of Wake County's best farmers and highly respected citizens, was here on business a few days ago. Mr. Allen L. Young, of Wake Forest, was in the city last week, and called at our office. Ha is teaching free School at Roleaville, and reports a good school. We are sorry to note the death of Mr. Hawk Taylor. He died last week and was buried at Mt. Hope cemetery. Mr. Taylor was for many years a successful hackman. Dr. E. E. Smith, of the State Normal, Fayetteville, and Prof. A. L. Sumner, of the State Normal, Golisboro, were in the city last week, looking after the edu cational interest. . ' Mr. John Hinton and Mies Sallie New ell were joined together in holy matri mony Thursday night of last week at the residence of Mr! and Mrs. Newell. Rev. J. J. Worlds officiated. We wish to correct the mistake made in the Gazette last week by the printer in regard to Mr. N. H. Mann calling at the Gazette office. The correction is that " Mr." N. H. Mann called, and not "Mrs." N. H. Mann. The bill introduced by Mr. Young es tablishing a training school will not abol ish any of the 8tate normal schools. Read the bill in another column. The bill will be discussed before the Joint Educational Committee of the General Assembly on next Tuesday. When you come to Raleigh, ask the hackman to convey you to Hotel Flor ence, on So. Fayetteville street. Polite waiters, first class fare everything pleas ant for the guest. You will find the Lt. Governor there and a number of other leading politicians. The annual meeting of the Emancipa tion Association will be held in the Hall of the House of Representatives in the city of Raleigh on next Wednesday night, February 10; h, 1897. All delegates and charter members will please take notice .and govern themselves accordiogly. Mrs. Chloe Otey died at the home of foer son in Raleigh, Friday morning of last week, at 11 A. M. Funeral exercises at the Congregational Church, Saturday morning. Kev. R. H. W. Leak officiating, assisted by Revs. King, Howell and Cur tis. We extend sympathy to the be reaved ones. -' Mr. Hines Herndon, of Henderson, passed through the city this week en route to Goldsboro, whither he was going after the body of Mrs. Betsy Johnson, who died at the Eastern Hospital there on Wednesday of last week, in her 85th year. Mrs. Johnson was the grandmother of Mrs. Lizzie J. Sanders. We are sorry to note the death of Mr. Dudbam Alston, formerly of this city. He died at his home in Sanford, Fla., at the ripe age of 90 years. He was a de vout Christian. Mr. Alston leaves a son and daughter. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Stephen Clanton, of Raleigh, and to Mr. Charles Alston, who resides in Sanford, Fla. Peace to his ashes. Messrs. C. D. Waddell, S. A. Blount and F. W. Battle, are spoken of as being among the most competent and efficient clerks employed by the Legiblature. " A certain State official, who is in the posi tion to know, said the other day that these three gentlemen's journal reports are turned into the Secretary's office in better shape than any other It would be wpII for Mr. Swinson, the Chief Enroll- W Clerk, to know this, and hereafter observe negro efficiency more closely. The marriage of Mr. W. K. Conley to TiflR Pauline Bemery was solemnized at the Presbyterian Church Wednesday of last week. waiters were air. n,a ward Serita and M'ss Blonnie Wdliam- -rtn. of Louis bu re: Mr. Harry Rix and Miss Maggie Cotton. The ushers were Messrs. William Roacher, Wil"iam Nich ia Phil. Haywor.d and OdCar Smith Mies Maggie Crowder furnished the guests with delightful music. Reception 911 j. M. The affair was. a brilliant one. Up to-date. Mr. Andrew Davis has added his name to pur subscription list. Miss Marv McSwain, who is teaching at Gilbert, N. C, was here last Wednes day, and called on us. Bishop J. W. Hood preached a very practical sermon for the students of the A. & M. College at Greensboro last Sun day. Hon. Valentine Howe, of Wilmington, was here this week. His business here was to hold an executive meeting of the Firemen's Association of the North Car olina Volunteers. We would like to see CoL James E. Boyd appointed toa place in President McKinley's Cabinet. Col. Boyd is the peer of any Repub lean in his State, and the entire South. Col. J. S. Carr has offered the "Ucco- neechee Medal" to the most proficient student in the Agricultural Department of the A. & M. College for the colored race, and Mr. J. F. Foote, Jr., has ollerea a corresponding medal for the Mechani cal Department. Bishop Hood will prob ably offer a similar meaai to me most Eroficient student of the Engineering lepartment. Hargett Street's Champion. He stated this week in conversation with the proprietor of a restaurant that one dozan buiscuits, two pounds of beef at Bak. a cake of old-fashioned corn bread. four quarts of soup, one half dozen boiled eggs, six large cups of coff?e, with desert in nronortion. was not sufficient for his dinner. ' lion. J. S. Leary an Applicant for Post master at Charlotte. Hon. J. S. 'Leary, of Charlotte. N. C. is in this city. Mr. Leary, we are inform ed. is an auDlicant for Pos' master at Charlotte. He is an old line Republican. Is active and influential. Ha is one of the original Russell and McKinley advocates i i i j - fi : l ana aia gouu aiiu riuuieut wkkc m hid earrmaieru of the 8.748 votes cast for Mo- Kinlev and Russell in Mecklenburg Co. At least 8,648 of them were cast by colored mtn in the administration could not do a better or more fictine thins: than to re cognize, in the distribution of patronage, so capable a representative of the pirty and race. Old Folks' Home Report. Under the management of the officers of the Old Folks' Home there are very encouraging signs. The work has gone steadfastly on. The financial agent, Rev, J. C. Barker, has traveled Wake County through, soliciting funds for tne noma Many have given gladly, and yet there are many whose' love for the care of -the aged should inspire tileta-tO-give gener ously. The report shows lhat the agent has left no place that he has not used the best effort to set before the people the great need of the Home and the contem plated reformatory for the criminal youth of our land. Our white friends have given liberally and the idea seems to meet their general approval. Below is a sum mary of the amounts given : J. H. A. Bland $50 00 Fletcher Lockhart 50 Julius Biidgers ..' 5 Thomas Yea'es 5 Mrs. Serena McHenry 25 S Hinton 25 Mrs. James Baker Henry Ellington Norman Allen ................. George Montgomery ... . Williams Grove Sunday School. 50 5 10 10 16 52 12 61 56 5 75 56 10 50 73 8 00 00 65 25 10 25 10 10 00 00 50 00 Good Samaritan Sunday School. G.Kid Simaritan Church .. Wake Biptist Grove S. S. Friendship chapel........ 1 uasn received . St. Matthews Sunday School New Providence 1 Cash received Mrs. Moses Thompson...... Mount Pleasant 1 Handy Leach.. . ..... Rev. j. E. King 1 Richard MoCullers 1 Oak City Baptist Church 1 J R. Medlin William Ivory Edward Lane F. P. Paschal Cash received ....... Hon. H. H. Knight 1 Hon. Hal. W. Ajer 1 Cash - S imuel Harris . . . - 1 Method club 3 50 Cash received . . 50 Cash received.... .. 55 T. B. Crowder 1 00 E.I gar Haywood .......... - 100 J. hn Pullr-n 1 00 John Rnshaw - 25 James Baker 5 00 First Baptist S. S. of Oberlin 20 Dr. Templeton -- 50 Rev. H. Pair 1 00 General Pov..i 20 Ruben H. Smith . 1 00 Hon, D. H. Young 5 00 Hon. J. H. Youne - 5 00 Roscoe L. Pettiford 50 J. F. Goodwin 1 00 Ton v Burns.... 25 M. E. Sunday School of Oberlin .. 25 White Oak Church 5 Robert M. Horton.. 50 The officers have made the first pay ment on the site and will take possession and commence to repair and arrange as fast as they can get funds to furtner tne work. It is needless t say that the gen tlemen who have the woik in band are of the highest type and the people will . , - 1 - 1 matte no mistaxe in puitiDg means iuiu the hands of these grand men to carry on this much-needed enterprise We hope for them that the mere mention of this needed institution will gather to it friends and find a generous response in the hearts of all people. Death of Col. C II. Bancs. Shaw University. Raleigh, N. C, Jan, 19, 1897. Whereas, the sad intelligence of the death of Col. C. H. Bams, for many years the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Shaw University, has been received with deep sorrow by the Fac ulty and students ; and, whereas, in his death we feel keenly the loss of a dear friend, a wise counsellor and noble bene factor, who has so many times come to the rescue of Shaw University when financially embarrassed, and who has manifested a deep interest in all the departments of the institution; be it Resolved, That we extend our heart felt sympathy to the bereaved family and immediate friends, and pray that the strong arm of our Heavenly Father may sustain them in this hour of trial ; that we will ever strive to imitate the noble example of our brother and friend in giving his life for the betterment of humanity; be it further Resolved, Thattbese resolutions be published in the Raleigh Tribune, The Gazette and the Shaw University Sen tinel, and a copy forwarded to the fam ily of the deceased. Faculty op Shaw University. Calendars and Coupons. many beautiful calendars and So many beautiful calendars ana en tertaining novelties have been issued by the proprietors of Hood's Sarsaparilla that we are hardly surprised to receive this season not only one of the very prettiest designs in calendars, but with it coupons which entitle the recipient to attractive novelties. Every one whq gets a Hood's Sarsaparilla calendar for ley secures something that will prove enteresting and valuable as well as a beautiful specimen of the lithographer's art. The- calendar is accompanied this season by an amus injr little book on "The Weather." Ask your druggist for Hood's Coupon Calen dar, or send 6 cents in stamps for one to C. I. uood Z Co., Lowell, Mass. A Reception and Banquet Given on Fri day Evening of Law Wees, m iionor of Hon. J as. II. Tonng, by the Repub lican Ladies of the Northern and South ern Division of West Ealelgh Town ship. On Friday evening of last week the Re publican ladies, of West Raleigh, gave a very pleasant reception ana banquet in honor of Hon. James H. Young. About 9:30 the crowd had all assembled. The house was called to order by Mrs. Mattie Hutchings, President of the Club. Kev Birker offered prayer. Mr. J. Broker Hutchings introduced Mr. Ivey, who act ed as spokesman for the ladies of the club. Mr. Ivey made a nice lime iai m mu praise of Hon. James H. Young and wel coming the guests, etc. Mrs. Hutchings read the address, pre pared by the ladies of the club. Mr. Ivey read the program. tona.jonn i. nuw, N. S. Rawls, James H. Arrington, A. R. Middleton and Jas. H. Young being pres ent, were called on for speeches where upon each of them resp jnaea witn ncu and short addresses. Hon. Rawls created much amusement for the guests by dis playing a most wondeiful memory oy calling by neart tne ron oi ins memuen of a session of a legislature of which he nrnn n. mpmhpr Rome vears ago. TVani' th bad weather auite a l&rg crowd turned out. Friendly lana nau was crowded. Among those present were Hons. John T. Ho e, Jas. M. Arrington, N. S. Rawls. A. R. Middleton hnd Jas. H. Ynuni?! Prof. W. F. Debnam, Thomas Yates. W.' S. Mitchell; Mrs. Curie Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Havwood. Mrs. Armi utead White, Mrs. LucindaWhitaker.Mrs. Niinn. Mrs. El wards. Mrs. N. Smith, Mrs. Tiilly Piillv. Mrs. F. Battle. TIrs. Jne Alafcon. Mrs. Ora Flitre. Mr. and Mrs. S.m Riddiek and daughter. Mrs. H. Dur ham. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter, Mra. Mary Williams, Mrs. Jasper Norwood, Mr. Cha. Lockhart. L. M. Maon, Nor- Jeffreys, Rev Hall; Rev. B. P. Pe terson, Miss Maud Youog, Master J immie Dihnam. Mr. and Mrs. J. Booker Hut- rh intra Ry. Wm. Eilerbee. Jas. S Mor can. Canrain John Flagg, Prof. W. M. Graves. Mr. and Mrs. John S ars, Harry H Debnam, S. J. Webb, Mrs. N. A. Blake Rflv. JoseDh Perry. Rev. T. O. Fuiler, Roy. Barker. John Alston. Willis Thorn trn Mrs. Durham. Henrv Andrews, P, Rnhorifl. Mr. and Mrs. Mallory, Mrs. Ro' berson. Misses Anna AIh'oo, Lizzie Walk er. Rebecca Andrews, Mrs. Elizi Elling ton, A. A. Jones. Rev. McDonald, R jv. C Johnson. Mies Barker. Lemuel Hinton Thos. Williams. Sr.. and others. Before the eating began, Mrs. N. A, Blake was asked to make a few remarks. which she did. In her tpeech she called J. H. Young a "Motes." The readiness of BuuDer being announced Rev". Peterson-was requested by the Pre sident, to grace the table. All the stran ciu nrincinallv dined at the first table, About 175 people were fed. The table was set four times. Everything good to Pt that rnuld be had was set before the guests and was enj iyed very much The Hall was nicely decorated, reriece oraer was had, and the Republican ladies of West Raleigh deserve much credit for the way their grand affair was managed. The giving of this supper is a token for what they believe to be true Republician ism. Officers of t ie Club are as follows; Mesdame Mattie Hutchings, President; Delia Hall, Vice Piesident; Rosa Morgan, Secretary, and Mollie Sears, Treasurer. W. S. M. Eastern Snap Shots. Well! What's up? They do say that some sly moves are on foot for 1898 al ready. Wait for the time. Rev. A. A. Crooke, the up-to-date pas tor of the A. M. E Z. Church at Beaufort, N. C, is succeeding admirably, and large crowds attend every service. Rev. Homer P. Walker, the earnest, energetic, painstaking pastor of St. Paul A. M. E. Z. Church, is doing excellently well thus far and bids fare to add new life to the work. God epeed his efforts. Mrs. O. E. Austin, of Tarboro, N. C, and Mrs. Henry Eppes, of Wilmington, N. C, are very sick with la grippe. Henry S:evens an excellent citizen, was shot down by one Lee. a white man, because said Stevens testified in a justice court against his (Lee's) sun. Lee is in -Henry Anthony is no more in this life. Mr. Wright Harrison the Co. Chum 'un."wa8 in the "Boro" last Saturday to attend an executive committee meet- ing. They do say ne nas oioou in u eyes about one of his "Pals." But no quorum hunt present. Whoop-ee I Prof. Harry Howell would make an ex cellent district superintendent for this BQCtiOO Rev. C. C. Somerville, the Institute conductor for the east, is mfeting with very great success. The Institute at'Au laoder, Bertie Cout ty, was addressed by two white Baptist ministers, lhe Bap tist denomination w doing a great wors for the Negro ministry of the country districts if they will avail themselves of it. . . We read with pleasure the address of Dr. J. L. M. Curry before the Ueneral Aesembly. He ppoke truths, however much it hurt? . He has done a great work for Negro education, as an agent for the Peabody fund. No sensible race-man will turn up his nose to a friend. Dr. Laflerty. oi Kicnmona, saia some very hard things against the Negro not long since, and Hon. John H. 8mythe re plied in his most vigorous style. But ahl Dr. Lafferty said some things which are too true about the masses. A netition in favor of Edgecombe County Hospital was very, freely signed by both races last wees. Mr. Harry Smith, the "Jay Gould" of Pineville. is very sick with pneumonia. M 83 P. P. Newton is connnea to ner room with la grippe. We hope for her a speedy recovery. The puolic ecnoois are cecommg over crowded. , D st rict Mipervision will spur up the lazy teach r, or, to be nice, progressive peda- eoeue. It will ba (wnat the Doys cam a baby-waker to drones in the profesekn. - . tt t . t m "i 1 Hon. ueo. l. w nue ana iamiiy nave returned from their visit to the City of Elms. ' Miss Delia White is developing into a model school m'am. Do you hear, Miss Addie B. ? She has near sixty pupils. Mr. John R. Birlow is conducting a very successful school near Rocky Mount. He is anxious to return to Kitti ell. ' The many friends of Mr and Mrs. John C. Dancey sympathize with them in the loss of ore of their jewels. Rest in peace. Miss Edna C. Mitchell is among the graded school corps, vice Mis. J. G. Hy man pro tempore. Ten of eleven members of the General Assembly belonging to the Negro race, and about fifty of the white Republicans, endorse that sterling race leader, Hon. John H. Hannon, for Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia. . " Mrs. Culley nee Miss El'a Dudley is re siding in the " Boro." Well, Chairman Fountain is the center of attraction in this ' Boro." He is re garded as chief lieutenant t f Butler. He was very anxious to defeat Senator Jeter C. Pritchard, but the Mayor couldn't fool the McCaskey Populists. The Negroes of Edgecombe are indebted toW. E.Foun tain for the party victory. We don't think so, 'twas Negro men that landed him. Mrs. Geo. C. Caine is on the sick list. The many friends of Counsellor A. R. Bridgers, Esq , formerly of Edgecombe, but now of WinHton, N. C,, are delighted to see him in their homes and looking the picture of health. La grippe has the lady. Miss Cora Howard is teaching near Lawrence. N. C. Success to her. Rev. SoDjmervilie delivered an excel- nt sermon at tne St. Paul Mics'onary Baotist Church, My grace is sufficient M was his text, and to the followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, who pass through many trying ordeals, is invigorating. The sarmon has been of great good. El der Mattbewson was present during its delivery. God grant that the entire Christian ministry may get down to earn est preaching of the Gospel of the Son of God. If the State printing is given out, why not let the Raleigh Gazette get the plum ? ts services have been invaluable to 'tne victors in the recent contest. Esse Quam videri. Arrival of Prominent Republicans this weeKinineutr. Ex-S'ate Senator Fortune, Editor C. E. Palmer, Hon. J. S. Leary, Lawyer Quick, W. F. Young, Haywood Reavis. J. Y. Eaton. Sheriff Smith and son, of Hen derson, Prof. J. M. Beckwith, Prof. J. B. Dudley, Colonel T. VB. Keogh, Hon. V. Howe, Captain Taylor, S. A L., CD Turner. Rev. L. T. Christmas Goes to Charles ton, West Va. After serving Central Baptist Church for eleven years Rev., L. T. Christmas resigned the pastoral charge of this church and accepted a church in Charles ton, West Virginia. When Kev. Christ mas took charge of Central cnurcn in Wilmington the congregation was few in number ana without a house oi wor ship except a small wooden building that was used as a place for service. Bro. Christmas soon proved himself to be a zealous Christian and a faithful pastor. In the place of the old .wooden structure was soon erected a beautiful brick edifice at a ciwt of about fifteen thousand dollars. Great credit is due this faithful and untiring brother for bis earnest work to secure money to pay this debt. At the time he left the church we are informed that only a small amount remained unpaid on the church. The j church as it now stands, on the corner of 7thand Red Croea stieets.refl-KSts great credit upon that most faithful pas'or arid upon the city. His works will ever live in the memories of the goodpeople of this city. We wish him and his good wife much success in their new field of labor. v Marriage Bells. Editor of the Gazette: Mr. Pompey Pender and Miss Mattie M. Spear, of Castle Hayne, were married on the night of the 21st, ult. Kev. J. Patterson officiated. The following were among the invited guests: Mrs. Walker Durdett, Miss Sarah Butler, Miss S. Mc Re, of Wilmington, Mr. T. Ross, of Middle Sound, Mr. T. Mercey, of Abu ton, Misi Mary Simpson, and Rev. S. C. Larkins, of Long Creek. The bride and groom received the fol lowing presents: A set of knives and forks by Mr. Wiley Wright; a cake and one fancy quilt by Mrs. M. Newkirk; a half dozen spoons by Mrs. A. E. Akens, one cup and saucer by Mr. G. McPherson; one spoon-holder and a salt-cellar by Miss Mary Simpwn; Miss S McRae, one pin cushion , Miss Joeie Spear, one cake, one butter dish, one pitcher, two pepper boxes and handkerchief ; Mrs. C. B jney, . i - i i one cake; Mrs. ta. newxirx, one case; Mrs. Harriet Green, a silk handkerchief; Mrs. Rose Howe, two towels and hand kerchiefs; Mr. Chas. Moore, a cup and saucer; Miss Bella Steward, one towel; Mrs', Eliza Foy, one cake; Mrs. E. Sbarp less, one. cke; Mrs. Mary J. Sbarpiess, one cake; Mrs. Johnnie Shering, one cake; Mrs. Ida Cowans, one cake; Mrs. Bettie Dixon, one butter-dish, onesugar diah, one cream-pitcher, one spoon holder; Mrs. Winnie Canady, one cake and three plates; a china plate, cup and saucer by Mr. T. Murcey. This was a erand affair and everybody seemed to enjoy it, except Mr. . Take it eaey, liud. . And still they go! un the night or tne 27th ult. Miss Annie Holmes was mar ried to Mr. Wayne Devaughn. It was a grand affair and we wish them success in life. Mr. C. Hufham and Mr. Lotus Jones, Jr., are on the sick list. Mr. Harry Dunn and Mrs. David Malloy are im proving. The school taught by Rev. W. B. F. Kornegay, W. Jones and Mrs. A. E. Jones has a hundred and fifty pupils. Mr. J. B. J.hnson, of -Wtllard, is vis iting his fri-nds at Rocky Point, x The Gazette is a welcome visitor to our home. Yours, VW. B. F. KOBNEGAT. NOTICE. By virtue of the power contained in Art. 2. sec. 12, of the Constitution of North Carolina, notice is hereby given that an application will be made at this term of the General Assembly to incor porate State Grand Lodge, No. 7, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. All per- - a . . a. t 1 sons concerned will govern memseives accordingly. (Signed) S. H. Vick, S. G. M. J. H. Rhodes, D. G. S. Jan. 9, 1597 4t. NOTICE. APEX, N. C , Jan. 25, 1897. The Trustees of Apex Normal and Collegiate Institute will petition the present Legislature of North Carolina to incorporate the above named institution. P. B. Price, Chairman. fer6 4w J. FETOLh 00., Wholesale and Retail GROCERS, 222 Fayetteville Street, BALEIGH, N. C. The Largest and Best Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries in the City. Quality the Best Prices the Lowest. Fresh Norfolk Oysters, SERVED IN EVERY STYLE TRY A. .BROWN, 113 E. Hargett St. ALSO . SOUPS, STEWS, BOASTS, And everything that can be had in a First-class Restau rant ! GIVE ME A TRIAL. A. BROWN. Notice. In compliance with Article two, section twelve of the Constitution of North Car olina, notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the General As sembly at the session to begin in January next for jja passage of a law amending the charter of the City of Raleigh. This Notember 26th, 1890. ' Many cmzEzra. NEW SHOE -IN -FINE -FOOTWEAR. Men's Russia Calf. $1.98, $2.50 and $3.00. Mn's Vici Tans, $3 50, $4.00 and $5.00. Men's Titan Calf, $5 00 and $6.00 Men's Black Calf, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Men's Kangaroo and Cordevan, $4.00 and $5.00. Men's Patent Leather, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00. .Men's Bnff and Satin Calf, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Ladies' Dongola Kid, $1.00 to $1 75. Ladies' Fine Kid in Lace and Button, $3 to $4. Ladies' Patent-Leather Boots, $5.00. BEST LINE OF BOY'S MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IN RALEIGH. S. C. POOL, STREET. HISTORY OF THE NEGRO I S T O B Y FREDERICK IS YET ALIVE! N. H. MAN, of Baltimore, Md., Is Agent for the State' of North Carolina for all books pertaining to the colored race, viz. : The History of Frederick Douglass, Afro-American Press, Oar Baptist Ministers and Schools, : Story of Methodism, Gleanings of Popular Authors, Heart 0' Cloes, Bibles and Encyclopaedias. Every man's library is incomplete without one of these vol umes. They treat upon the progress of the negro race what it has done and is doing. Now id your time to obtain a complete library. Don't let this opportunity go by. All orders promptly attended to. Give me a call. 0 P T H E N E G R 0 0 R A T 0 R BOX 222. NOTICE. Latta Unsversity will be closed during the Christmas holidays for all the session for the purpose of rebuilding the budd ings that were consumed by fire last May, and also additional buildings. The Uni versity is located in the village of Ooer lin, N. C, one and one-half miles west of the capitol building in the city. The lo cation is the very best for a school, being out of the busy city, but within easy reach by means of the electric streetcars. It is enough to say, that there bas not been a single case of serious illness since the establishment of the school. Each dormitory is heated by stoves and hearths, so every necessary comfort is pecured. The terms are very reasonable $7 50 per month. Those desiring to reduce their expenses by work will be taken at the lowest possible rates: young men $6 40 per month ; young women (5.40 per month; day students $1 per month. A email incidental fee will be charged. The school will reopen on the 7th day of October, 1897. Our purpose is to make it one of the largest schools in the South for the race. Law and Medicine will be added. The institution is wholly non sectarian in its religious instruction or influence. Yet earnest attention will be riven to Bible study, applying its truths to daily life and conduct, that a thorough Christian character may be obtained. It is open to all students of either sex. None but competent teachers will be em ployed. For further information, address the President, Rev. IL L. Latta, D. D. I will leve for the North and. Europe the latter part of December or the first of January, and will return time enough to have buildings completed by the re openiDg of the school. The University will contain eight buildings. dec. 56 m. - BELL & PICKENS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Shippers of Fish, Shad, Oysters, . Spring Vegetables. SALT FISH A SPECIALTY. . ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. Front St Market, Wilmington, N. C JUbio STATE NORMAL , AND- INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, FRIKXLIlirOll, H. C. NEXT SESSION OPENS OCT. 5th, 1896. LOCATION. This School la located on an elevation overlooking- the city,' healthful all the year round. DEPARTMENTS. Academic, Preparatory, Primary and Iuatrlal. DORMITORIES. The dormitory for girle la under the supervision of the lady teachers. and that for boys of the male teachers. TERMS. Tuition, free. Board, lodging and washing, 45 per session of eight months. For caUlogne and farther Information, address Rev. JOHN A. SAYA6E, D. D., President, FBANJKLINTON, N. C. n Academy STORE These Styles come in all the New Toes, and are 25 to 40 per cent less than same goods can be bought elsewhere. S-B- NORRIS, MANAGER. I da ORATOR.. DOUGLASS F B E D E B I C E D O TJ G L A S RALEIGH, N. C. .......FREDERICK DOUGLASS JAMES S. LANIER, - Attorney at Law, WINSTON. N. C. . WAITINQFOE YQUI MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. HATS. Etc. have never been sold so cheap as yon caa get them right now of CROSS & LINEHAN, 210 Fayttterills St. BALEIGH. N. C. aMember ol the General Assembly will do well to rire us a call. APEX NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, APEX, NORTH CAROLINA. Fall term begins October 1st. Beauti ful and healthful location. About five minutes' walk east of depot. Excellent water. School of high grade for boih sexes. Good discipline, full courses of study normal, theological and colle giate. Special attention to instrumental and vocal music'. A corps of competent teachers has been selected. Terms: Tui tion $1.50 per month in advance. Gjod board can be procured from (5 to $8 per month. For further information address the Principal, W. H. Morris, B. D., Apex, N. C. A. J. BRANCH, HENDERSON, N. C, Contractor and Builder ALL WORK GUARANTEED. REFERENCES.- D. 8. Smith, I. T. Will lama, '. V. W. Hardy, Greenville, N. C Furniture Repair Shop. MATTRESS MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Makes Folding beds and . Sideboards. PERFECT WORK GUARANTEED. R. S. JACKSON, 506 East First Street, Chaklottk, N. C auglS Sm This is Convenient. ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM -THE STATE CAPITOL. "When you want first-class. Board and Lodging, call at 108 Eaet Hargett Street. We keen warm meals at all hours. Polite waiters, rooms we'urrjlBhed. Every thing will be pleasantojrjhe guests at a low priue. - , Mrs. ELIZABETH GRIFFITH, Prep., 108 E. Hargett Street. tSPQiva us a triaL THE PROPER THING TO DO Especially in buying Food ' is to deal with a responsible concern, one that you are sure will sell you nothing that Is not good; whose prices are reasonable, and stock always fresh and up to date. The above description, with all due modesty, we think fits our establishment. We have food for the Epicure, for the Dyspeptic, food for all classes and con ditions. Polite and intelligent salesmen to show and sell you: aooommodatinir porters and drivers to deliver to you. All goods warranted and promptly de livered. The finest Flour, Butter, Coffee and Tea our epecialties. I W.C.STR0IIACH&S0I1S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL EESCER1 Telephone No. 15. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE! ., Cor. WitmiBBtoa aid t!arket Streets (cjf posits Market.) - Tns Globe Clotulnq House is Ral eigh's new enterprise, which is daily com ing into prominenoe winning the favor of the great economic purchasing public, from the fact you can buy first-claM goods from there at prices to suit the times clothing, hats, shoes, etc. and our people appreciating this feature have begun to give them their patronage. In stock will be Ulster Storm-coat, Overcoats and Suitings in the latest and most improved styles, made from foreign and dometlo goods for Men, Youths and Child ran, which are being offered at prices which cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Take advantage of the special inducements in prices this week; call and compare both goods and price of this store with others and coqvince yourself of the fact that you can $ave fifty cents on tht dollar by buying from them. Manager. FOE REPAIRING Sewing MacMces.Cracs, tardlc:s,c., WEITB OK CALL Olf J. D. CRUDUP, No. its K. Harg-eett BU, SLauctov, K. C ALL" WORK CTJAKANTEKD. St. Augustine's School, E1LE1CH. 1. C. Colleirmte Department under graduate of Oberlin, Mary ville and Yale Colleges. Normal aii Preparatory Dsparteeits under careful teachers. TERMS: $7 per aionth (iBctdesUI Fe $2 per year). Most students pay $b ill USlI and $2 in work. Students may work their way and go to school at night. Training School for Nurses. Board and tuition free. Trade School. Instruction in build ing, plastering, cooking and dressmak ing. Board and tuition free. . ' Rev. A. B. HUNTER, ' Principal. The AgricQltnral i Mechanical College, Greensboro, N. C, Offers a thoroughly practical course of instruction and industrial training to the Colored Youth of the State. unsnrpassefl Facilities., .... low i eras. Each County entitled to one or more Free Tuition Students. For further information or catalogue, apply to Jas. B. Dudley, President Sept. 19, 4 mot. DURHAM CITY DINING HALL, Is where you will find a commodious dining-hall, No. 117 Peabody street, where you can at all hours bo served with a well-prepared meal and lodging at low est prices. I can also furnish the putJi with fine and firtt-cUuts oyster, Fil vate families can send in their orders aud they will be promptly attended to. J. 8. McAlustek, Rrru No. 119 PmhrtdT 8U OLD RELIABLE HOUSE! Those desiring Gocd Board and Lodg ing at reasonable rates, will find the asm by calling at the "Dunston House," No. 804, corner Martin and Harrington Sv., near Union dpot, Kaleigb, N. C. Mrs A. E. Dtjkston, Proprietrem. BARBElt HALOOX. When in need of a Hair Cut or a Share call on Uartman & Counsel, the Ber bers, of Wilmington, N. C. They ars flrst-chww and polite to every particular. You will find them at 821 N. 4th Street. When in the city call on them. "0 - I