THE GAZETTE. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 3 AXES H. YOUUG,.... Editor and Proprietor. J D PAD3 Agents. subscription rates: One year, - - - - $1.50 Six months, - -75 Three months - - - - 50 Entered at the Post-office for transmission through the United States mails as matter coming nnder second-class rates. - t3f All communications intended for pub lication must reach the office by Tuesday morning. Anonymous letters will receive no attention. df Address all communications to The Gazette, Raleigh, N. C. RALEIGH, N. C, JULY 3, 1897. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER A FALSIFIER. To say that the News and Observer? a would-be slanderer of the State and its people, or to say that it is a fairly efficient liar, would only be to echo the sentiments and opinions of hosts of people who have, for the last year or two, thought it worth while to make any comment at all on that paper.. We hardly think it worth the space, but now and then it may be well to show the people some evidence of their emi nently correct opinion of that paper, and ' for that purpose alone we are giving some time and space to that most roundly con temptible journal this week. Elsewhere we give a report of the pro ceedings of the Board of Trustees of the A. and M. College last week. It shows for itself. But with its usual disposition so do something little and say something mean, the News and Observer seeks to dis tort everything and leave false impression on anybody who may be so hare-brained and gander-headed as to have any confi dence in it. Thank the Lord! we feel warranted in saying that there are mighty few, if indeed any, people of that kind in this State. Here are some of the "choice" head lines and comments of the News and Ob server on the matter: "THE LOOTERS GET IN THEIR WORK.'' "The A. and M. College Parcelled Out Among the Wreckers." " The State has received a blow from which it will not soon recover. Its in dustrial development and educational ad vancement have been set back almost a decade." " This Brutus stab has come from the Governor of the State and the Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege. The latter institution has been looted and the Experiment Station de stroyed to make places for political hench men. Good men scholars and scien tists have been displaced by incompe tents and nincompoops." "In this nefarious work these men were backed up on one side by a lot of ignoramuses who know no law in the matter save the will of those whose tools they are; on the other side by a Governor whose only desire is to make political jobs for those upon whose backs he hopes to ride into the United States Senate." Such base drivelling as this in the face of open fact, if it had any effect at all, aroused the contempt of everybody in- expressing it. But the thunder-clap of rebuke and denunciation " was from the faculty of the college itself. It is grace fully worded, but it does not require a strong vision for anybody to see that it is a statement to the effect that the News and Observer is a scurrile falsifier and that its vaporings are unworthy of con fidence. Here it is as printed in the News and Observer: A CARD. To the Editor: The article in yesterday's issue of your paper making the sweeping charge that the Trustees of the Agricul tural and Mechanical College had ' loot ed" that institution is, we think, unjust to that body, unfair to us, and so -far from the facts that, if uncontro verted, it must do the college great harm. While they had the power to change every offi cer of the institution, it so far from "parceling the college out among the, wreckers," changed in the faculty proper the head of ' only one department, and this we are assured was done solely to effect a consolidation of the agricultural work if the college and of the Experi ment Station, and thereby to save in this department about seventeen hundred dollars by assigning to one of the profes sors the work hitherto divided between two. The only change in the faculty was in the adjunct-profes3orship of mathe matics, and the addition of one teacher to the official force. While we, of course, cannot but deeply regret parting from men who have been pleasantly and closely associated with us, and whom we respect and esteem' most highly, we, the undersigned members of the old faculty, feel, in justice to our selves, to the Board of Trustees, to the institution that we have served so long, impelled to deny that it has been " loot ed, nor can we be expected to admit with entire good grace that " the institu tion has been turned over to incompe tents and nincompoops." We assure the people of our State, and especially the friends of technical educa tion, that there is no cause to lose confi dence in the institution, nor in its com petency to do the great work for which it was founded. Respectfully, Alexander Q. Holliday, President. . W. F. Masset, Professor Horticulture and Botany. W. A. Withers, Professor of Chemistry. D. H. Hill, Professor of English. W. C. RlDDICK, Professor Mathematics and Civil Engi neering. Nathaniel R. Craiohill, Professor Mechanical Engineering. J. C. Gresham, Captain Seventh Calvary, Professor of Military Science and Tactics. The Caucasian. WE JOIN THE 1IRGERS. The Colored American, in its issue of last week, says: "The colored citizens of the District are urging Speaker Thos. B. Reed, by petition, to appoint Hon. Geo. H. White, of North Carolina, a member of the District Committee. Since the colored people of the District constitute about one-third of the population and have no voice whatever in the affairs here, it is but just and right that Mr. White be appointed. Our intelligence, our wealth and our number entitle us to this small recognition, and weiiave faith in Mr. Reed. Mr. White is the choice of the colored people. This is Speaker Reed's opportunity." The request is a just one, and as -Congressman White will fill the bill in all respects, we earnestly urge his appoint ment and hope that Speaker Reed may heed the request of his petitioners. ITS FOOLISHNESS FROM A BUSI NESS STANDPOINT. Aside from the low and. inexpressibly contemptible purpose of the News and Observer to misrepresent the work of the Board of Trustees of the A. and M. Col lege, the News and Observer acted the fool from a purely business standpoint. That journal gets much of its support from the city of Raleigh why, God only knows and the commonest sort of decency ought to prevent it from attempting to injure anything or any institution that inures to the benefit of the town. No respectable journal published anywhere can find any pleasure in seeking to send out such re ports as would, if believed, prejudice the public against the town in which it is published. It would, in case of necessity, regret to publish any actual misfortune and would make a royal fight on any journal that would cast slurs upon it. If we have the figures right, and we think we have, the amount of money re ceived by the Agricultural College and the Experiment Station from the State and National governments is about $55, 000. Most, if not all of this money is paid out right here in our midst for the con duct of the college and station, and those who receive it naturally sgend it in the channels of trade. There were two hun dred and forty-seven students enrolled during the past year and more than two hundred in constant attendance. Now let us suppose that each of these students spent an .average of five dollars per month each a very low estimate. This would make $1,000 per month and fothe nine months of the school vear would make $9,000, a total expenditure and circuit lion of at least $64,000 per year from this institution alone. This is worth something in the way of business, to say nothing of other things. And yet, if the scurrile News and Ob server can have its statements accepted, the college has been "wrecked," "looted," "parceled out", as spoils and made unfit for anybody to come to. Ic is a thiog to be shunned and anybody would simply be disgraced by attending it. Gadzooks I what patience the business men of the town must have to endure such vicious and would-be obstructive business policy as this ! ! Not that it is going to be the least effective, for not a man in the State will believe what the News and Observer has said about it but jutst think of the unutterable foolishness and meanness of even saying such things. Great Scott! No wonder the people are disgusted be yond expression. The Caucasian. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITION AL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That whenever as many as twelve electors of any county (one-half of whom shall be freeholders) shall make an affidavit before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of the County, that they have carefully examined into thej busi ness affairs of the County Commissioners elected by the people, and they have as certained that the Board of Commission ers have unlawfullyand wilfully, or be ing incompetent, haVe unlawfully and wilfully mismanaged the business affairs of the county; or have unlawfully and corruptly misappropriated or caused to be misappropriated, or misapplied any part of the funds of the county then, upon filing such affidavit with the Judge of the District, or the Judge presiding therein, it shall be the duty of such J udge to issue a citation to said Board of Com missioners requiring them to appear be fore him at such time and place as he may name, after having given them ten days' notice thereof, stating the particu lar act or acts constituting the breach of duty complained of, which shall be fully set forth in said affidavit, and answer the charges therein made Sec. 2. That if such Judge Bhall be sat isfied, after hearing the charges, answers, a vlv &MmJmiimm6Yth at the charges made as aforesaid are true, then it ehall be his duty to appoint two honest and discreet electors and citizens of said county, who shall be of a political party different from that of a majority of the said Board of Commissioners, who shall, from their appointment and qualification by taking the oath required for County Commissioners, be members of said Board of Commissioners in every respect as fully as if elected by the people, and Ehall continue in office until the election and qualification of their successors of said Board of County Commissioners. Sec. 3, That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That this act shall be in force from after its ratification. In the General Assembly read three time and ratified thU oh day of March, 1897. North Carolina's Teachers' Association. This grand and auspicious meeting as sembled in the city of Raleigh the 15th instant, and was called to order by the president, Prof. A. B. Vincent, who, by his tireless efforts and ceaseless energy, and also push of the secretary, brought together the largest and most intelligent gathering of teachers and educators yet in the history of the convention. The welcome address by Mr. Meserve, Presi dent of Shaw University, was a charm; also those of Profs. Hawkins, Capehart, Pearson, Hon. James H. Young and Mrs. Eppes. "Wednesday morning, the 16th, the President delivered before the Asso ciation his annual address, which was a most excellent production, giving the history of education, its purpose, and what must be the inevitable result of those who neglect this great force. Great stress was placed by the speaker upon moral, physical and intellectual educa tion, and a generul outline of policy to be pursued by the Association was given oy him. The address was evidently a gem of rich thought, and its style .of de livery and diction was also charming, and tilled our sOuls with new aspirations, new thoughts, and new anxieties. It was the conceded opinion of many that the address was far in advance of anything of the kind yet had. Geography, by Logan D. Howell, Super intendent of the Raleigh Graded Schools, was interesting to the Association. The easy and practical way in which he pre sented the subject captivated the Asso ciation. Many thanks are due Professor Howell for his excellent work. Prof. Vick, of Wilson, with those who followed him, did themselves great credit upon the discussion: How can the Asso ciation be made more effective for the best interest of Negro education ? The address by Mr. J. W. Bailey upon North Carolina's needs was a fine one, and we are sorry it could not be heard by all the people in the State. Dr. Mclverlj address reached the cli max and put on the capstone. It set plainly before the Association public ed ucation, and told it that the State must educate both races or neither. Primary Arithmetic, by Prof. D. P. Allen, of the Whiten Normal School at Lumber ton, was prsented on a high plane. His presentation of the method was much spoken of, and many were heard to say that Prof. Allen " knows how to get there every time." Many said they thought Prof. Allen is one of our finest teachers. The subject of Reading, by Prof. C. N. Hunter, and his teacher Miss Mary Love with their class, was a subject of interest, and every teacher would do well to adopt their practical way of teaching reading. Dr. Scrugg'a lecture on School Sanita tion was out of eight it was so good and yet so practical. It gave such whole some advice to the Association with ref erence to keeping good health. Certainly much credit is due Dr. Scruggs for the masterly wav in which he bandied his subject. - Manual Training and Drawing, by Prof. Pearson, of Durham Graded Schools, was also a work of merit, and the work of his pupils, which he put out in the As sociation, was sure test of his fitness to execute that part of the program assigned to him. The conference of presidents of high schools, academies and colleges, over which Rev. A. B. Hunter presided, did some very effective work, which no doubt will result in great good to our institu tions and be of much benefit to educa tion in the State. The discussion: How can our pupils be made more efficient in English ? in which Prof. J. W. Byrd, Principal of the Smith field Preparatory School, was leader, was well presented. Prof. Byrd did not read a paper on the snbject, but, after making a few brief remarks touching the proper teaching of English in the most effective and progressive way, proceeded to give his method of teaching beginners in English by black-board illustrations, and his easy, progressive and attractive way of presenting the subject of English to his pupils shows him to be -at once a teach of power, possess? jg no mean at tainments and thoroughly conversant with the subject in hand. The Associa tion was much impressed with the method Prof. Byrd gave as the first essential, true fitness on the part of the teacher; second, he must properly instruct and correct the mistakes of his pupils in the beginning. Prof. Byrd was followed "on this sub ject by Prof. Wilson of Kittrell Institute, and Prof. Hagans, of Goldsboro. These gentlemen read able and scholarly pro ductions on this subject, and to more thoroughly convince you of their depth of research, comprehensive thought, you have but to think of these gentlemen. The paper upon the Classics, by Prof. Crittenden, of St. Augustine School, was a rare treat to the Association, and showed unusual ability, deep research, broadness of mind, a deep and comprehensive knowl e Jge of the classics and how they may be profitably utilized by the educator. The paper by Rev. O. Fadumaon "How to cultivate a love for reading," was a masterpiece on that subject. . Everybody, especially teachers, should have heard this paper. Rev. Faduma is a gentleman of broad culture and large experience. Kindergarten, by Mrs. A. B. Hunter, of St. Augustine, was excellent, and though her little pupils being in a strange place, surrounded on all sides by strange faces, yet great skill and development might be observed. Mrs. Hunter deserves very much credit for her work, and it shows further, that she knows what to do with little fotks in the school-room. School Government, by Mr. 'Meserve, President of Shaw University, was prac tical and to the point, and if there was any teacher in the Association who had not a proper conception of school gov ernment, certainly he cannot say so now since hearing President Meserve. The annual concert was surely up to date in every feature. The recitations showed thoroughness of preparation and the music was charming to the ear. The paper and remarks on the snbject: "How early and to what extent should the study of literature be introduced into our Bchools ?" by Prof. Tucker, of Albion Academy, was not wanting in excellence, and it might be seen at once that he was master of the work before him. Prof. P. W. Moore, Principal of the State Normal School, Elizabeth City, made impromptu remarks on the same subject, which were very good and show ed him to be a teacher keeping abreast with the times, and that he is not easily left in the literaryfield. Civil Government, by Prof. E. A. John son, was skilfully an i profoundly handled and the discussion of the eubiiwtylil4 did credit to this able .representative of the race, and evidences the fact that the high estimate put upon his legal ability is not misapplied. . The election of officers produced a lit tle storm, but the hurricane passed over and there was a great calm. Sunday morning the teachers attended Sunday-school and church at different churches in the city. At four o'clock the Association assem bled in the University Chapel to hear the annual sermon preached by Rev. C. C. Summerville. The sermon was a soul stirring one and highly delighted the As sociation. The music on the occasion was also excellent, showing culture and refinement. Text: "Then shall the right eous shine forth as the sun," etc. Permit me to say that Profs. A. B. Vin cent and A. J. Griffin are entitled to the most profound gratitude from the teach ers and friends of education in North Carolina, because we believe more prac tical good has been -accomplished in this Association for the teachers than ever before. It was said by those able to judge, than the plan and policy of the Association showed more constructive ability than that of any previous session, and the character of the work done by it was of more practical value to the teach ers Chan anything yet had. May Profes sors Vincent and Griffin ever be remem bered by the teachers and friends of edu cation lor the advanced steps as long as good thoughts and noble deeds are re membered, and have a sacred place in the hearts of a loyal and generous hearted people. Permit me to say, that my feeble pen is unable to give a full description of this grand and intelligent body of educators, and of the intelligent and impartial man ner in which it was presided over by its worthy president, Prof. A. B. Vincent. A Teacher. 1 Wonder. "Why people will wonder why the Negro does not go into business when he has nothing to go into business on." Newbern, N. C, June 22, 1897. Editor Gazette: The above appeared in the Colored American's last isfcue. By your permission I will give the young man some light on the subject since I started and commenced business on ten cents. A brainy man does not need any money to start business on. His needed capital is a brainy head, a pair of willing hands, and an honest heart; that young man who is possessed with these prerequisites has a capital to open up business on, for the Bank of England is behind him. Isaac H. Smith. Call for Parents' Conference. A Parents' Conference will be held in Raleigh, N. C, on July 28, 29, 30 at Blount Street Baptist Church. Beloved pastors, fathers and mothers, and all who are interested in making home happy, are invited to come. Remember that this Conference is for all denominations and all sexes. Every human heart should be interest ed in whatever tends to make home the best, the purest and the happiest spot on earth. Mrs. Alice Patterson, Mrs. C. H. Kino.' President. Secretary. Notice. Rocky Mount, N. C, June 26, '97. The New Era Institute will hold an in stitute at Harrellsville, Hertford county, on the 13th 15 ih of July. It is antici pated that this will be one of the grand est meetings we have held. The lectures will all be given under the plan for the fourth session. Blackboard synopsis is a special feature. Dr. Pegues and Rev. C. S. Brown have been invited to lecture. C. C. SOMERVTLLE, District Missionary. Paper Read by Mrs. Charles M. Eppes, f.Tarboro Graded' Schools, Before the N. C. State Teachers' Association Subject: How Can the Association be Made More Effective for the Best Interests of the Negro Education ? This is a matter well worth our deep thought and careful consideration. It touches the very life of our progress. One of the best methods that presents it self to our mind is unity of aim and pur pose. The constituents of this Associa tion must be a unit to be effective. In union there is strength. If ever there was a time and place where union was needed, now is the time and this is the place. Every consecrated negro educa tor from Cherokee to Currituck must be united in their efforts to sustain each other in the noble work of 'character building, for that is what education means. Each of the other professions have their associations, and they are ef fective, possibly more so than ours is, for the -evident reason that they are more united. To make this Association more effective we must be more united, more unselfish, more loyal to each other and the cause we represent. The poor over worked, underpaid negro public school teachers are, perhaps, the most abused persons in-the community. They are the prey of the human vulture that produces nothing himself, but lives upon what God and human ingenuity have produced. Nothing seems to fatten on anything of a disparaging nature which may be said of the teacher. And, strange to say, this ani mal appears to be indigenous to any soil and any community. But he cannot ma terially harm the person nor the cause if we are really associated. Let the Asso ciation mean a oneness of purpcse, and it will follow the dawn as the dark, that effective ends will result. How can this unity be consummated? Start out on a new scale. Let the As sociation select one person, who shall be empowered to organize county Associa tions, and thus carry to county teachers the inspiration of the progressive teach ers of North Carolina. The time has come when this organization should get statistics from the counties through regu lar accredited delegates. It would be an inspiration to higher and nobler endeav ors couldwe know the number of pupils annually attending our universities and normal schools from the different coun ties. Organize the district teachers and urge them to meet the State gatherings. In this you will prevent a few from con trolling the affairs of the Association. If results are to be efftctive, we must go to the teachers of the State and get their sympathy and material aid. Give us the facts that bring to us suc cess in the work of training the children of the State and directing them to loftier ideas and aims. In conclusion, let me say that this uni fication in school work might well be kept up by not allowing denominational and political influence to warp our citi zenship along educational lines. There never can be any real progress so long as these enter to dominate our public schools. A blighting frost has recently passed over the State in some sections in the se lection of the enemies of local taxation as well as the enemies of negro education to man our public school system. Organ ize, not simply to eend some ambitious soul to the front, but rather to make the world better. Unite to pluck up a thorn and plant a rose whenever you can. Unite to lift. the mas es out of the slough of despair and inaction to a nobler life, a higher aim. Unite to enthrone the Hero of Calvary in the hearts and lives of coming ages then will the millenium dawn on the effects of this Association. ''I Beware I BSaSEoitor of the Gazette: Allow pie spacA fa fee oera-aaoa of yoor paper to say a word on the title or heading above. When one in traveling sees the word " Beware I" We immediately wishes to know what is to be noticed or what is the danger. Beware of imitations, beware of frauds, beware of bad company; worst of all, be ware of the wine-glass, beware of intoxi cating liquors. That great evil that is destroying both soul and body of men. " Wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived there by is not wise." In olden times when there came a fam ine or pestilence or a great wind destroy ing the property or lives of the people, it was thought to be the work of a great dragon and men would arm themselves and go out in search of him. Yearly this was looked for and mil lions of dollars worth of property and thousands of lives were destroyed. To-day there is a great evil in the land and it is destroying the lives and property of our countrymen, the most persistent, the most overpowering enemy of. the working classes is intoxicating liquor. " It biteth like an adder and stingeth like a serpent." It is the anarchist of the centuries and has boycotted and is boycotting the body, mind and soul of men and American la bor. It is annually swindling industry out of a part of its earnings. It holds out its flaming invitations to men of all trades on their way to work, and at noon and on his way home at eventide; and, when Saturday or pay-day comes, it snatches a large part of the wages that might do his family good, and sacrifices it among the saloon-keepers. Where are the billions and billions of dollars that has been paid to the working classes? One billion, Bay, gone for house rent, etc., the others gone or wasted at the gambling table, wasted in intoxica ting liquors.. Look at the hundreds and thousands of men that intoxicating li quors is pouring its vitriolic and damnable liquid down the throats of men whiie they are stiking daily for higher wages. There should be a universal strike that if kept up would be the relief of the work ing classes, and would be the saving of the souls of men. Our county spends a year $1,500,050,000 for drink. Oh, workingman, think of the wages thrown away for whiskey, and think that instead having to depend on your labor, you might be independent. Young men, leave off this evil, when preparing for a ball or are to entertain your lady friends, and depend on your manly vigor to carry you and assist you all of this bringing you to want and poverty and shame, and will at the end cause you to fill a drunkard's grave. There are those people that are kept in poverty, because 01 their own fault. They chew and smoke up their wages. Strong drink, it destroys the tender feelings that a man has for his family, it takes away his care for himself, self-respect is gone, part of his nature is destroyed, but he cannot help it, he cannot stop. The Philistines have bound him hand and foot and shorn his locks, and have put out his eyes, and are making him grind in the mill of great horror. Oh, it's a sad thing to feel and know that he is a captive to this evil. Oh, how many homes have -been broken up by this evil ? No owe but God knows. Lastly, now the unfortunate does not only suffer the loss of property, but an eternal loss of the soul; if we are not for given here, in the world to come our bad passions and appetites will go along with us and make our torment there in eter nity. Where is the rum to come from? Oh, if a fiend could come to earth and carry back on the tips of its wings, one drop of rum and let it tduch the tongue of .one of the lost, he would spring to his feet. And cry, "That is rum I that is rum 1" And it would wake up the echoes of the damned. "Look not upon the wine when it is red, when it moveth itself aright in the cup." Oh, that the world and the Christian army would arm themselves to fight against this destroyer of body, mind and soul of men. Oh, beware of the day of judgment and wrath, when the books shall be open ed and all the drunkards come up to hear their doom. Father, teach your boy to leave it off. to abstain from this dangerous habit of drink. And may the day hasten on, when men will begin to reform. Think of the destruction of this evil, and look at the souls that it is carrying captive to death and destruction, and you would kneel down and pray to God to wipe this evil from the land. Yours for Christ and the cause of Tem perance. C. C. MClNTIRE. The sixteenth annual session .of the State Teachers' Association, just closed at Shaw University, was without question the best and most profitable session yet held in all its history. The large number of talented and versatile body of the beat teachers, the high order of conducting the deliberations, the numerous subjects presented by experts, and the many prac tical class exercises in fundamental prin ciples.make this a memorable session, and settles the question of ability to accom plish anything attempted by the intelli gent, conscientious and courageous man hocd and womanhood of which North Carolina stands in the forefront of all States. The broad constructive ability of this year's administration, the work cov ered by the various committees, from school sanitation, summer Normal up to College work, evidenced a new era in the educational work of the State for the fu ture. ' There was a conspicuous absence of the noisy clap-trap politician, who has disturbed the previous sessions from time to time. It may be that this disturbing element will henceforth take up headquarters in the "Lighting-bug Convention," as the North Carolina Colored Teachers' Asso ciation has become too enlightened for a display of such tactics. A summer school, a college bureau of information and sta tistics, a campaign committee on local taxation, a trustee board of summer nor mal are some of the new things origina ted by the Association. The executive commitiee of the Association are Hon. J. C. Dancy, Profs. G. E. Davis, A. J. Grif fin, C. S. Brown, L. E. Fairly, S. H. Vick, II. H. Falkner. Committee on Local Taxation for the forthcoming August election: Profs. N. C. Bruce, J. R. Har kins, J. C. Dancv, W. B. Crittenden, A. G. Davis, A. B. Vincent, Rev. R. H. W. Leak, Mr. Epps. Dr. E. E. 8mith, C. N. Hunter, Dr. A. W. Pegues. Trustees of Summer School: Profs. C. G. O'Kellv, A. B. Vincent, Hon. J. C. Dancy, P. W. Moore, G. C. Shaw, J. D. Chavis, Mrs. C. S. Brown, Miss Cora Person. These are some of the important measures brought into existence. Those who were active and influential in the leadership not only of the Associa tion, but among the people everywhere were, the President, A. B. Vincent, Hon. J. C. Dancy, J. R. Uarkins, J. A. Whitted, Dr. N. F. Roberts, A. Griffin; Secretary: N. C. Bruce, C. G. O'Kelly, R. H. W. Leak, A. W. Pegues, W. G. Pearson, Prof. Wilson of Kittrell, T. O. Fuller, Hon. E. E. Smith,. Mrs. E. E. Smith, L. Fairly, A. J. Davis, P. W. Moore, J. A. Sivage, L. B. Capehart, C. N. Hunter, P. F. Maloy, C. C. Somerville, C. S. Brown, I. W. Hoi Jen, J. P. Williams, Profs. But ler and Williams and H. H. Falkner of Greensboro, Mrs. S. S. Atkins and Profs. Atkins and Crittenden, H. E. Hogans, Rev. O. Faduma, Mrs. CVS. Brown, Mies Cora Pearson, Miss Ruffin; Assis'ant Sec retary: Mrs. C. M. Enps.Mrs. G. C. Shaw, Mouses iruem ore, Robert E. Fitzgerald of Durham, Misses barber and Ciarrisia Williams of Wilson, the Miss Loves, Up perman and Mrs. Branch of Raleign, Prof. J. W. Byrd of Smithfield, Misses Lewis of Tarbjro and Oxford, Prof. D. P. Allen of Lumberton, Mrs. Fitls of Winston and others. A Teacher. For the Gazette. Smithfield, N. C, June 14, 1897. The commencement exercises of the Columbian High School at this place, taught by Mr. W. G. Sanders, were very creditable. List Friday morning, the 11th inst., the exercises were opened for examina tion of the different branches of study aud proved vejy satisfactory. At 1 o'clock p. m. the principal .en joyed dinner at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.,W. H. Brown. At 3 o'clock p. m. a vast crowd of spectators, white and colored, assembled at the base-ball ground to witness the match game of ball between Wilson and Smithfield. The game was very inter esting, and hotly contested. Smithfield won by a narrow margin. At night the church was filled to over flowing to witness the closing exercises. The proficiency of the examination ex ercises in the day and the high order of the speeches and declamations at night, showed that the teacher had been very faithful in the discharge of his duties, and deserves the confidence of the com munity as a competent instructor. The salutatory by Miss Eliza B. Wood, was gracefully Bpoken and received ap plause. The solos, by Miss Lillie B. Smith and Miss Sarah Sanders, were considered ex cellent and well rendered. Master Charles W. Smith delivered an oration and was highly complimented. The declamations by the small children were applauded to the highest. Their manners and deportment on the rostrum elicited the highest praise. The duets and dialogues were of the highest order of excellence. Miss Olivia O. Bryant delivered the valedictory. It was a very commend able effort and received a round of ap plause. At the conclusion of the reading of the valedictory Mr. E. R. Whitley came to the front and in very appropriate re marks introduced Mr. J. M. Beckwith, who delivered the annual address. Mr. Beckwith was greeted with great ap plause. In the course of his remarks he paid an eloquent tribute to the courage of the Negro on the field of battle when his country called him to duty, and of loyalty and patriotism in times of peace. The speech. was well received and ap plauded. At the conclusion of Mr. Beckwith's remarks Mies Olivia Bryant presented him with a basket of very beautiful flow ers, then as a further token of esteem the juvenile class marched upin line and each presented him a beautiful bouquet. The exercises were closed with a grand march in which the young ladies of the town participated. Miss Geneva L. Beckwith presided at the organ. There were many visitors from Wilson to witness the closing exercises. Mrs. Joseph Scott and daughter, from Golds boro, was also present. An Eye-Witness. Mrs. Rosa Caldwell, the aunt of Mr. John H. Rhodes, died at his residence in this city on last Tnursday morning after a long illness. She was a lady of many rare virtues and was beloved by all who knew her. In her death St. Paul Church, of which she was a member, loses a faith ful and zealous worker. Ur funeral was preached by Rev. R. H. W. Leak at the Christian Church. Peace to her ashes and sympathy for the bereaved. Commencement Exercises of Livingstone College--A. M. and College-KJttrell Institute- Sblloh Institute Wake Baptist Missionary Union Decoration Day at Salisbury, N. C. x This has well been called the literary age. Men (and we mean mankind) every where, North and South, East and West, are catching the spirit of the age, and with hearts inflamed with ambition and a determination to know more about the things which surround them, t'lereby be coming more like God Himself, they are marching onward, hand in hand, remov I ing impediments discovering and prose cuting new enterprises. The idea that a man succeeds in life by being identified with a certain race of people, is very fast sinking into oblivion. The Universities, Colleges and Semi naries, which have been provided for the young men and young women of the col ored race, have done their work so effi ciently until it does not take an eye of great faith to realize that the colored young men and women will compare fa vorable with those of any race. The-results of such institutions justify the state ment that man succeeds in the world, by industry, intelligence and fhtergity. It has been our pleasure to attend an oratorical prize contest. The contestants were Misses Laura Mc Bee, Helen Thompson, Ida Houston, Gracie Gilliam, Mattie Lofton and Emma Williams, Miss Helen Thompson won the first prize and Miss Emma Williams received the second prize. Rev. R. S. Rives, D. D., delivered a very able address before the Union. Among the many good and wise things said by Dr. Rives, were: " Women have been the mothers of all great institutions." He also said that the American women has gone ahead of her sisters in other parts of the world, and that he thought the women could do the country far more good at the cradle and around the fire side at home, preparing the minds of the boys and girls for the duties and responsi bilities, which they must meet as citizens of their grand country of ours, than they could at the ballot-box. To much cannot be said in the way of commendation of the Woman's Chris tain Temperance Union, which is doing such a great work in our country to destroy forever the Demon, the Deceiver, the great Enemy of right and Morality Strong drink. A. AND M. COLLEGE, GREENSBORO, N. C. Commencement exercises took place May 23-27. Bishop Hood preached the annual sermon and Rev. E. J. Gregg de livered the annual address. Rev. P. P. Claxton, A. M., addressed the Y. M. C. A., on Monday p. m., May 24th. The Y.M. C. A., like Y.W. C. T. U., is destined to do a great work in tho salva tion of the young people of our country. We were present, Tuesday night. May 25th, the programme for the evening was a Declamation and Recitation Prize Con test. There were twelve contestants. It was not announced who the victorious ones were. They all spoke well. It demons trated very clearly that there were great powers hidden in the young men and women, which needs only to be revealed by worthy, energetic and able teachers. The A. and M. College is to be -commended for its very excellent music. One who sits and listens to it, may at times imagine himself in the " far beyond " en joying the music of that beautiful region with its inhabitants all immortal. Mr. P. E. Robinson, of Raleigh, N. C, and Miss U. II. Short, of Greensboro, N. O, are especially commended for the ex cellent manner in which they rendered music during the commencement. While we were in town, Prof. J. D. Chavis, Mecsrs. U. II. Graham and J.W. Emerson and Rev. S. H. Weatherspoon J Mr. E. W. Hate he tt is doing a first clasj tailor business at the Piedmont House, SCO South Elm street. Prof. W. O. Spaulding is conducting a fine art studio in Greensooro. Ilia work is giving satisfactiou. It shows that he has an excellent talent. KITTRELL INSTITUTE, KITTRELL, N. C. We were just a few minutes too late for the commencement exercises of the Institute. But, as Mr. Geo. Taylor, the ex clerk in the Gazette office, had been at tending the Institute, we asked him to re port the exercises to our paper. However, we were made to feel pretty good by receiving some money for the Gazette from Prof. J. R. Hawkins and Mr, J. U. Thorp. Mr. Thorp is a strong candidate for the Kittrell postoffice. He has our best wishes for success. We also had the pleasure of a warm hand shake with the following distin guished divines: Itevs. J. C. Bar ham, J. W. Telfair, J. S. Deary, G. W. Pearson, C. R. Sanders, P. W. Wortham, P. J. Jor dan, W. II. Capehart, C. H. King, J. B. McGee, E. Hearse, A. Strong and R. II. W. Leak. Kittrell Institute Is somewhat ahead of the surrounding institutions insomuch that it has a nice brass band, which ren ders splendid music. SHILOH institute, warrenton, n. c. Commencement exercises, May 27-28: The exercises, in every way, were very good such as reflect much credit upon the teachers ana the institution. Mr. Julius Watson, a former student, was present, and spoke some very encour aging words, concerning the school. Mr. J. A. Levister, of Wake Forest, N. C, was present also during the commencement exercises. On the night of the 28th, he made a short but instructive and scholar ly speech, which was enjoyed and appre ciated by all who had the pleasure of lis tening to it. Misses Lula N. and Cora Thornton, who have been attending school at Hartshorn Memorial College, Richmond, Virginia, arrived home time enough to take in the commencement of the Institute. Mr. W. J. Pritchard runs a jewelry shop on the Main street in Warrenton. Mr. Pritchard is the only colored jeweler in town, and one of the few in th State. Messrs. Joseph Somerville, R. H. Alex ander, John Branch, C. D. Curtis, J. A. Johnson, Miss Mary J. Ward and Rev. Isaac Alston placed some cash in our hands for the Gazette, while Miss India A. Faulkner, Mis. Fannie A. Davis, Rev. M. I. Somerville, Messrs. Taylor Perry, J. E. Harris, R, L. Stanback, Joe R. Davis and Ned Kearney, Jr., gave us their sub scriptions. t the wake baptist missionary union. The union met at St. Matthew's church May 29-30. The meeting was well attend ed Saturday and Sunday. Very interest ing subjects were discussed during the H. Pair, the pastor of the church, delivered the welcome address, and Rev. J. J. Worlds preached the missionary sermon. Bro. Ornal Flemming presided in his usual grace and dignity. While we were there, we were request ed to place the names of Messrs. B. F. Hopkins and T. S. Stokes, among those of our subscribers. DECORATION DAY AT SALISBURY, N. C., MAY 31. It is reported that more people go to Salisbury on Decoration day than to any other place in the State on similar occa sion. Salisbury was thronged with thousands of people on Monday, May 3 let. There were tnree large excursions in town, one from States ville, N. C, and one from Greensboro and another from Charlotte, N. C. Each excursion had a brass band. The bands furnished music for the occa sion. The proceesion marched to the National cemetery and , after some patriotic speech es, the people proceeded to tho courts house, where the regular t xcrcinl 1 were carried out. . I After devotional exercises La wytr Hen derson, the president of the dayi, Intro iiioxi lYr dlii.uduaDockerv.who deliver. ed the annual address in a very able man ner. ! Hon. J. C. Dancy conducted the col lection. x ' "The muffled drum's sad roll bai I eat. The soldier's last lattoo. No more on life's tiarade shall mn t. That brave and fallen few." "On fame's eternal camping grouiuL Their silent tents are spread And glory guards with solemn roenda The bivouac of the dead." Prof. E. Moore and Mr. G. A. lUr'igham gave us some cash. We were also pleased to meet Mrs. J. C. Dancy, who dtsired, that we 6hould call to spend somti time with Hon. Dancy and herself, but, as our stay in Salisbury, was so short, vve did not have the pleasure of doing bo. ' The citizens are very glad to h.ive the Hon. J. C. Dancy with them agair 'after a pleasant visit North. J. D. Pair, , mmm ' , Eastern Snap Shots and Association Echoes. Well! the teachers who attended the association at Raleigh last week art) loud in their praise of President Meserve, of Shaw University, and the citizens of Raleigh, for the effoits put forth for the entertainment of the teachers. . - Rev. C. C. Somerville preached k spir itual sermon at St. Paul M. B. Church last Sibbath. He preached a very able sermon last week at the Association. While in Raleigh last week we visited Fertilizer Inspector Young's office and the Governor's office, and we are pleased to note the fact that Private Secretary Alexander is the right man in the right place. In the Association report last" week some names were left out in naming the Executive Committee. It was becaumt we were not close to the Secretary's books. This writer does not belong to the hide-bound crowd. We will do even justice to any one, whether he thinks as we do or not. We are not conctitad, either. Do you hear? Young man, if you would win in the battle of life the efforts put forth roust Devour own, the "stand still" amount to little. You must face the criticisms of the world at once and win your own laurels, trusting in God and doing the right. The success of the North Carolina State Teachers' Association was due in a Very large measure to Prof. A. B. Vincent, Institute Conductor, aided by Prof. A. J. Griflin, whose affability won him Many friends. The president did excellent service by making the members feci that they were to run the Association. , Miss Lucy W. Cooper, of Windt', N. C, is still moving ahead, and with pluck and push she stands in the front ratik of our progresbive ladies. Rev. Sutton, P. E. of the Washington district, passed through Goldbboro last Monday en route for Hendoraon. Dr. E. E. Smith parsed Rocky Mmrit on Saturday last en route for Wan ton where be was to preach on SundaC find on Tuesday he is to bo in Raleigh M at tend the "Campaign Committee." ' I "Local Taxation" should be the M uch word from now on to the 10th of Aogust. Victory should be perched on the banner of our public school system. No colored man can fail to support Ibis important question. Denominational and poliical conditions should not for one moment bo entertained. . . . j Mr. C, M. Erpes is on the sick lint. t Prof. Wm. h. Fonville hat ten loted asbistant principallo Dr. E. E. SmitMfor the Slate Normal at Goldsboro. iW k Mrs. George II. White and hul id vituted Utfiiimore on the 20th and l- mington, Delaware, on the 28th. 1 1 Rev. R. II. W. Leak rather hadM of our young ladies and men in af T 1 a r rtn Si ilfiitli mrtrrttnrr A 1 1 -( r ' Association. They were wondering K they should say, if called uponi 1 Barlow acquitted him&clf well. I Y Thfl "narrow rrm: rAr-td " nlwnt' 1 to find the omissions of their fell It's to be hoped that the it women who are in earnest abl nHranppiniinl aVinntil tua tiri inrl a J' i a victory in August. Our cilizoiH Graded School districts ehouldx our people in the country districti Hie day has come when one n for the present and live for the ti President J. B. Dudley, of theV has been on the sick list, but valescent. t Congressman G. II. White pres Princeville Graded and the St. E. Parochial schools, through tl cipals, Mr. John C. Jones and U Perry, with a very large map of tl States, showing the physical a: the political features of the sam ESSE vjuam m m REIDSVILLIj N. Dear Gazette: For the last montl a half the members and congref atu the Baptist church here have hep themselves in the right way. We built a nice parsonage near th cln that will compare with any colored j eonage in the state, lhouirh tbe poi are getting but very little for tbeir la here, yet at the same time they saw that this house was needed to be built, so they gave their money freely. In the time we have been building nearly $300 has been raised. The pastor and family moved in the parsonage last week, and they like their new home very well indeed. After a grand rally in the Sunday-school of $15 last Sunday,- the pastor baptized four happy souls. The work in church and Sunday-school is very fine. ours, in the work of tho Lord, Geo. W. Mooke. Jacksonville, N. C.,; June 15. Whereas, the Rev. C. C. ftamerville, of Rocky Mount, N. C, the Ittptist Dia trict MiHRionary Minister on jlluiue and Foreign Missions, having lectured on Die subject of Home and Foreign Minions in our town, and having made tuch an lui predhion. concernine the rural diHtf 1 Africa being in such a deplorable condi tion j it is therefore Jtesolved, We tender to him our con gratulation and high appreciation of his address by a riding vote of appreciation and singing one verse of "There shall he Showers of BleBsinng." Mrs. N. N. IICMrimnv, Prof. M. B. Covington, Prof. N. N. Uumpukky, Committee on Jtcsolvtum. X TLANTIO ANi NOKTH CAROLINA f-i. KA1LKOAD TIME TAbLK. IlT KfFKCT BPWnAT. NoVRtt BKR 1ft, WH. GOING EAHT. 601 NU WJ2MT Piui'ng'r Dally Ex. Bunday. ii raa'nir'r Iai)y STATIONS. K.X. nunaay. 1 Arrive I Lea ve. Arrive Lnave. A. m. 11 m s m 82 A. M. Goldnboro A. M. ft ai 87 A. M. Klnnion Newbern VI ore head City Trail a 4 connect with VV llttlltlKbon den train bound North. Iwnvl r. m . p. w. 42 tm 6 60 6 M 7 28 7 83 r. n. p. m. 11:35 a, ra., and with Richmond and Ianvllie train Went, leaving Ooldhboro at 8 n. in., and with Wllmlnrton, Newbern and Noriolk at Newbern lor W'llmlDgton and Intermedial polnta. - Train 8 connect with Richmond and Dnn- VV.'J tw.,,n,.arr.lTlni1 - od"tam 8 p.,d with Wilmington and Weldon train from lha North at 8:05 p. m. No. 1 train aim connect with Wilmington Newbern and Norfolk lor WllnHiirUm MJ LaiermeUlate point, H. I iulLL, ot 8prt&Uadat( 1

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