A Nonsensical Notion. Borne folks actually believe that tset Can cnre VJn diseases through their stotnechB. It's absurd n its face absurd on the face of the man who fcelieves, too, bocaune bis disease stays right there. Stays there till he lines Tetterine. It's the only safe and, Certain cure for Tetter, Ring worm, Eczema tnd other itchy irritation. Good for randrut too. At drug stores, M vt$, ot by mail frsri J. t. Shuptrtne, Savannah, Uu. Mr W. II. Wllliman, a Prosfe Traveling Man, of Greenville, ! efons iu nariottc UDserver, writes: Gueesvillb, S. C, Vav 24, 181)7. EDITOIl (HAKI.OTtE OBSERVER : F i T 6 years ago, last February, registered as a Jat!ent at the Keely Institute, Grefcnsboro, N. C. I had drank for ten years, I remained there five weeks. The treatment tfoWpMelv restored me. J have had no deeiYe to drink jince, and, I personally know more thau one hundred, nien Who have had the same expe rience at the UrevU-horo Kreley, and have never tasted any kind of intoxicants since. I write this because 1 consider it a duty as well &s pleasure. "' Waterloo Orean .are noted for nneqnn.ll. fled quality of tone and durability. lias lest, pumplnft orean m.tde. Styles In Blpck Walnut and Quarterad Oak 1 hn bent, is the cheapest. Address John B.'Wright, Greens-J Fits permanently cnresl. No Acs or nemtee res9 after first day's nlse of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, $StVAl bottle and treatise free Da. K. IL Kjunk, Ltd., SOI Arch St..Pb.ilaPa. Mrs. WJrsIotv's Soothln? Syrup for children teetaioj, softens the gums, reducing inflamma tion, allays pain, cure wind colic. 25c.a bottle. ' We have not been without Plso's Cure for Consumption for 20 years. Lizzie FiERaiiU Camp fct,, llarrisburg. Pa., May 4, law. E. B.A ftlthall & Co., Druggists, Horse Cave, f! fsKl i HEt.UJJ ctarrh Cure cures every tone that takts it." ..Sid by DruiriMsts, 75c. Summer Resorts Reached via S. A. L. The Pasienger foepar ment of the Sea hoard Air Line, has just issued an attractive, Interesting and valunhle Summer Excursion Hook, descriptive of the .Seaside and Moun tain Homes ami licsnris located on and reached via that linm. Parties contemplating bummer trip or vacation, will do well to examine -.ine a copy t which can be secured , upon application to any Ticket Agent, br by addressing T. J. Anderson, Gen e. al Passenger Agent. Portsmouth, Va, -""profit 30 to JiOO Per Cent. The sewing" machine one of the great est blessings in the way of machines ever offered tbe public, sold for years at sixty dollars in the United States The same machine, however, to be shipped to a foreign land, could be purchased below twenty dollars. After the, patents run out the price fell rapid ly until now sewing machines are sold for twenty-five dollars and often below twenty dollars. The sewing machine manufacturers becstno immensely rich, from their profits of several hun dred per cent. It has been estima ted that typewriting machines cost less than twenty dollars "to build, while they sell for from fifty dollars to one hundred dollars each. It is generally understood that an agreement exists whereby these high prices are maintained. Business men are compelled to pay from three hun dred to five hundred per cent, profit or go without the machines. Are there any other machines which yield such profits as the sewing machine did for years, and the typewriting ma chine has aud does, except it be the bi cycle? . GAINED IN STRENGTH Wm Confined to the Bed Most of the Time-Tha Remedy. "1 was much run down in health and had to keep my bod the greater part of the time. I had no appetite and did not rast well nights. I began taking Hood's SaMa parilla and my appetite returned and I gaiAcd strength rapidly, and soon felt like a. new man. I attribute my escape from Illness of any kind the past winter to tak ing Hood s Sarsaparilla." Abel Miers, Arthur, New York. Get Hood's. Hootrs mis LIZABETH COLLEGE. FOR WOMEN. r CHARLOTTE, N. C. EQITATj to the best 'X.'ollegcs for men with every feature of a ! high grade College for women added. A FACULTY OF 15 SPECIALISTS From schools f lnte: national reputa i tlon, as Yalo. Johns Hopkins, Amherst. Univers ty of Virginia. Her in,New Eng land Conservatory, Pari?, &c. THREE COURSES Leading to degrees. GROUP SYSTEM with electlvi s. MUSIC CONSERVATORY With course leading to diploma. Pipe i Organ, Piano.Violin, Guitar, Banjo.Man dol:n. Vocal. ART CONSERVATORY Full course to dip omtu-all varieties. FULL COMMERCIAL Coursa Teacher from Eastman. A REFINED HOME With every modern convenience. CLIMATE Similar to that of Asbeville. COLLEGE BUILDING, 172 ft, frontage,l3 ft. deep. 4 stories hiprh, , bulit of pressed brick, tire proof, with ; every modern appliance. Catalogue sent free on application. Address, REV. O. B. KING, President, ' Charlotte, N. C. WE HAVE loo ORGANS jco TO SACRIFICE. TTe offer one of thepe In every county at a Special Bargain to tho flret buyer. Write and Ret our catalogue and I Special Offer. Either Cash or Installment. Our organs are endorsed bv the leading organists in me united states. Have you ever seen a Piano Style Organ? We build them. Address, M. P. M0LLER, Ilagerstown, Md. S. N. U. No. 26 '97. Sweetness Put a pill in tho pulpit if you want prootioal preaching: for the physical man ; then put the pill in tho pillory if it does not practise what it preaches. Thero'3 a whole gospel in Ayer's Sugar Coated PUI3; a "gospel of sweetness and light." People used, to value their "physic, as they did their religion, by its bitterness. The more bittsr tho doso the better the doctor. We've got over that. Vo take 'sugar in ours" gospel or physio now-a-days. It's possible to please and to purge at the same time. There may be power in a pleasant pill. That is the gospel of . Ayer's Cathartic Pills. More pill particulars In Ayer's Curebook. ioo pages. Sent free. J. C Aycr Co., kowell, Mass. WATTS MAY BE.IMPEACIIED. A Strong Bill of Indictment Brought Against the Adjutant General. Adjtttanfc (General Watts, tor tlreSouVb. Carolina taailitia, oh the 28th of May, precipitated fc fight between a battalion of infantry and the students of the South Carolina Cf llegfc by ordering the troops to clear the diamond while tb students were playinj a gtoe bl ball. Charges were pferrfed against General Watts t Governor Ellerbe by the col tegfc authorities. He ordered a court of injuiry to investigate the chargtB. The court on the 24th completed its work and reported' its findings and recom mendations to the Governor. Th& cqutU in its findings, said: "In taking- and rBtaininifir a Position amidst a crowd of turbulent students at or near third base, thereby approaching upon tne lawiui territory of the base ball players, and uielessly. interfering with their game, when ample and suit able grounds were available near by General Watts showed Beribus lack of judgment and disregard for the rights of others. for the purpose of clearing the field was an assumption of authority that was unwise, unnecessary and unwarrant ed.' The Adjutant General of South Caro lina is a constitutional officer, elected by the people, and hence not subject to court martial, as in othar States. This being the case, the court of inquiry recommended that the Governor lay the whole matter before the General As sembly for it to impeach General Watts. The court f urth.r recommended that "the Governor and coa.mLnder in chief publish a general order reprimanding General J. Gary Wats for serious lack of judgment anddisregwid of the rights of others on the occasion of the distur bance on the athletic grounds of the Kooth Carolina College, at Columbia, on May 8th, A. D., 1.S97." Governor Ellerbe the matter un djr advisement. Tht, dismissal from the sovi?e of Priyte Fishburn, who broke rakc and rrejaced a student with his gun is recommended. CORN, COTTON AND WHEAT. The Weathci Bureau'. Report of tha Crop Condition the Past Week. The Weather Bureau in its report ol crop conditions of the week ended July -1st, says: Except over the central Rocky Mountain region and in Califor nia, where it is unseasonably cool, the week ending June 21st has been gener ally very favorable for the growth and cultivation of crops. Portions of Mis souri, Arkansas, southern Texas and Florida, however, need rain. Corn has had a good growth, all re ports from the central valley indicating a marked improvement. In the )ako tas, however, the crop continues back ward, with uneven stands, and in por tions of the Southern States, where the early planting is nearing maturity, rain is needed. Corn is being laid by as far North as the southern portions of Kan sas and Missouri. Cotton has made good growth during the week gonerally throughout the cot ton belt, the interior of Florida and Southern Texas being the only sections in which the crop has not ma le satis factory progress. Ihe reports indicate a marked improvement over the central portion of the cotton belt and in north ern Texts. Southward of the Northern boundary of Tennessee, the bulk of the winter wheat crop has been harvested, and some threshing has been done in North Carolina and Texas. Harvest ing in Kansas is nearly completed and will begin this week in Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Maryland. In Ten nessee the finest crop for many years is now ia shock. The weather conditions of the past week have been very favor able to the crop. STAMP REQU1RE3IENTS. Number Needed Will Make One String 54,703 Miles Long. Assistant Secretary Vanderlip has ad rise the director of the bureau of en graving and printing of the probable requirements of the postoffice depart ment for stamps during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898. These estimates, based upon the number used the pre vious years, are as follows: Ordinary stamps, 3,444,167,000; news paper stamps, 0,402,000; postage due stamps, 21,108,000. Of the ordinary stamps two and a half millions are of the 2-cent denomination, and five mil lions are of the 10-cent special delivery series. : As compared with the requirements for the present year, these estimates are an increase oi about 205,000,000 in the number of ordinary stamps, an in- ! crease of 770,000 in the special delivery, I an increase of 962,000 in the newspaper and periodicals and a decrease of 832,- ! 000 in the postage due series. SAT UP AT JIEJtJWN FUNERAL. Coflln's Occupant Comes to Life and Frightens Mourners. Miss Clarissa Pnrking had a narrow jscape from being buried alive at New port News, Va. The young woman had been ill with an ailment like paralyais which baffled the physicians. She ap parently died. The funeral service! were in progress. The eermon had been delivered, the prayer said, and a quartet was chanting the laBt hyrnu when a female member of the quartet shrieked and fell to the floor in a faint. It was then noticed that the oocupant oi the coffin was sitting np. All accounts report that this - year's hay crop will be extraordinarily larse and Light. FIFTYkFlFTlI CONGRESS Report of the Proceedings front Day to Dayi -SENATE. Jitne 21st. The Senate made giant strides on the tariff bill, covering fifty six pages, and establishing, a record for progress during thi3 tariff debate. The last two schedules of the dutiable list, covering paper and manufactured sun dries, were completed, with the excep tion of the paragraphs on hides, gloves, coal and some lesser articles. , Early in the day the wool and silk Schedules went DVeh . with an agreement that wool woiild be taken up oh the 22d. The to bacco (schedule, and the internal reve nue portions of the bill, as well as many isolated paragraphs, passed over, re main to be considered. The progress today was so marked, however, that there is a feeling that the end is not far off. Jcne 22nd. In the Senate, after a rather extended debate, the reduction on the duty "of first-class wools was agreed to at 10 cents per pound and on second-class avooIs, 11 cents, which is between the House and Senate rates in each case. The rates on third-class wools went over. A joint resolution was agreed to appropriating $700,000 for the immediate repair of dry dock No. 8, at the New York navy yard. Jcne 23d. After a contest lasting throughout the day.the Senate com pleted the paragraphs of the wool schedule relating to raw wool, and ad vanced into the features relating to manufactured woolen good. The day Avas devoted largely to a discussion of the eflect of tariff rates on the price of wool, and the speeches were on tech nical lines, in the main. Quay made a strong effort to have the House ad valorem rates on third-class wool adopted, but he was defeated, 19 to 41. The committee rates were then agreed to, viz: 4 cents per pound on third-class wool valued at 10 cents or less per pound 7, and 7 cents per pound on third-class wool valued at above 10 cents per pound. The schedule was completed up to paragraph 364, relating to cloths, knit fabrics, etc. June 24th. A stubborn contest over the duties on manufactured woolen goods occupied the attention of the Senate. It was a day of constant roll calls and cross-fire debate on the effect of tho duties in advancing rates. Many amendments were proposed to reduce the rates, but these were rejected by decisive majorities. Less than five pages were disposed of during the day. carrying tho Senate through paragraj h 370, to the first of the paragraphs relat ing to carpets. DuriDg the dav Caf- fery. of Louisville, spoke at -length against the protective system and severely arraigned those l)emocratic Senators who had voted for duties on wool and other raw materials. Resolu tions of deep regret were passed on the death of Representative Cooke of Illi nois and a committee of five Senators was named as a funeral escort. June 2tii. The Senate completed the wool schedule, the silk schedule and tho tobacco schedule of the tariff bill, and with this accomplished, the tariff leaders had the satisfaction of knowing that all schedules of the bill and the free list had been gone over once. There now remains only to go through the bill a second time, passing on the items passed over. These are very numerous and important, includ ing hides, gloves, coal, tea aud beer. After that the internal revenue features of tho bill will be all that remain. The tobacco schedule went through with lit tle friction after the committee had ad vanced tlfe duty slightly on wrapper and leaf tobacco. .It se 26rii. An abrupt and startling halt in the tariff debate occurred in the Senate at 2:30 o'clock, when in the midst of a passionate speech, Senator 1'ettigrew, of South Dakota, was stricken Avith paralysis of the vocal chord, which brought his vehement speech to a close Avith a sentence half uttered. The Senator was not phjsical!y incapacitated, except in the sudden loss of the poAver of speech. He left the chamber soon afterward, and was taken home by his friends. The debate proceeded, but no further advance in the tariff bill was made, and this incident Jed to adjournment at 3 o'clock. The Senate started on its sec ond passage through the bill, the pur pose being to dispose of all the items proviously passed over. The paragraphs considered were in the chemical and earthenware schedule, and failed to elicit more than technical debates, ex cept in the unfortunate instance termi nating with Mr. I'ettigrew's affliction. HOUSE. June 21st. The House Avas in ses sion only a short time. During the Ression a bill was adopted to approuri ate $100, 000 for the repair of dry dock Jo. y, at the JNew lork navy vard Latimer (Uem.), of South Carolina, asked unanimous consent to have con sidered a bill declaring a State capable of entirely controlling the liquor traffic, but this Avas objected to by htone (llep. ) of Pennsylvania, and the House adjoured without action on the bill. June 24th. In the " House after the reading of the journal, the Speaker an nounced the reception of an invitation from the President of the Belgian Chamber of Deputies to the members of the House to attend the mternation al parliamentary conference in favor of arbitratian which commences August 6th. Foss, of Illinois, in behalf of the delegation, then announced the ead news of the death of his colleague. Mr. Cook. He gave notice that at some fu ture time he would ask the House to pay tribute to the character and public services of Mr. Cook. The customary resolutions were adopted and acorn mittee to attend tha funeral was ap pointed. Then as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, the House adjourned until the 28th. HALT AMD HUNGRY. The Princess of Wales Feeds Tens oi Thousands. London, June 2o. (By Cable). The Princess of Wales' jubilee dinner to the poor on the 24th was very success ful. About 3,000 denisons of the Blums were sumptously eutertained at the various centres. The Princesfi, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, Princess Victoria of Wales and Trince and Princess Charles of Denmark, visited the principal places where the feasts were given. The places visited by the royal party were the People's palace in the East End of London, the Central Hall, Holborn, and Wesleyan school,house at Clerkenwell. At the People's palace the royal visitors were received by the Lord Mayor, Sir George Fauded Phillips and the Lady Mayoress. The guests there consisted of a thousand ragged children. After the national anthem had been sung the the children were served with a good feast of roast beef, potatoes, pies, tarts, blanck-mange, jellies, apples, oranges and ice cream. The fare at the other places was the same. - awn - The New York World prints a cut of "the most powerful suspect In Tur key,' and under it the words "Izzet Bey.". Judgfeg frm the cut, we infer that It Isn't. flREfAEH 8 TOURHfllil I The First North darwinian Killed irt the Wan THIRTY DRINKS IN 40 MINUTES. Wagons Being Made at the Peniten tiary Alliance Shoe Factory Other North State gqiilbsh President McNeill, of the State Fire men's Association, has issued the fol lowing program of the State Firemen's Tournament, which will be held id Fayetteville, August 3d, 4th and 5th: Tuesday, Aug 3d. 11 a. m. Con vention called to order, prayer, address of welcome, response regular order of business. Wednesday. 9 a. m. ' Street parade. 11 a. m. Engine contest. 2 p. m. Hand reel races. 4 p. m. Grab reel races, d p. m. vuick stream ana ins tance. 1 Thursday. 8 a. m. 'Championship" reel team races. 9:30 a. m. Horse hose wagon contest. 11 :30 a. m. -Hook and ladder contests. 2 p. m. Inter state contests; hand reel, races; hose wagrra races; foot races. In the association races the pickea teams from Asheville. . Charlotte, Con cord, Salisbury, Greensboro, Durham, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Wilson, jvinsion, New Berne, Wilmington, Monroe, Winston-Salem, Fayetteville and prob ably others will compete. In the inter-state contests, Sumter, Florence, Anderson, Columbia, Green ville and other South Carolina depart ments will enter with those from this State. Virginia companies will also be invited. North Carolina Association rules are to govern all contests. No company is allowed to enter races that fails to take part in parade Wednesday. The Greenville Reflector says Henry Wyatt Avas not a native of North Caro lina, but was born in the city of Rich mond, Va. His father, John Wyatt, came to Greenville from Richmond some years before the war, and engaged in work at the coach shops of James Nelson, then located on the corner of Pitt and Third streets. Finding that he could get permanent worE, he sent back to Richmond after his son Henry, then a littlejboy about four years old. The two went to live with a woman known as Miss Cloudy, who had a house on Pitt street, the place now owned by Daniel Foreman's children. Henry Wyatt grew up in Greenville and was nearly grown when the war came on. When companies . were be ing organized here he wanted to join one of them, but his father objected be cause of his age. Young Wyatt then ran away and went to Tarboro, where he joined a company This is the history of Henry Wyatt as told us by the people who knew him well. His father died at the Pitt county poor house some years ago. Winston correspondent, of the Char lotte Observer, says: "Mr. W. E. Youne, of Sutherlin, Va., aged about 40 years, died from convulsions, pro duced by strong drink in the office of his phvsician, Dr. Farrington, in this city. The deceased came to Winston and was employed by contractors to superintend the construction of a large dam across the Yadkin river. He had been drinking nearly ever since he ar rived. He owns the large Buffalo farm near Sutherlin, and is said to be the proprietor of the Star tobacco ware house in Danville. He told his physi cian that he took thirty drinks of whis key in forty minutes and would die. " State Treasurer Worth, so well known as an Allianceman, says regarding the Alliance shoe factory at Hillsboro, that it will not begin work until after the annual meeting of the State Alliance in August. It was decided two or three months ago to beuin jvdrk as soon as a suitable man could be secured to man age the plant. Such a man was not found. Charlotte Observer. The penitentiory authorities are now planting their newly purchased farm at Castle Haynes and will have 200 acres in corn, besides peas and peanuts, intending to raise all the supplies need ed there. As many convicts as are necessary will be employad to fully de velop the phosphate mines. The great piles of shell rock will be removed and sold. The Teachers' Assembly which met at Morehead City last week was a de cided success in every particular. Able addresses . were delivered by distin guished educators on various subjects. Prof. A. Graham, of Charlotte, was elected president, and Prof. W. H. Ragsdale, of Greenville, first vice president. Chas. J. Parker succeeded himself as secretary and treasurer. Some excellent wagons are now being made at the penitentiary and sent to the farms. This will be quite a branch of business there. So will the making of shoes, which in future will be made for all the convicts. Up to a few years ago many shoes were made there. In all cases where a registered whis key distillery is seized for irregulari ties, the storekeeper and gnager is in the future to be indicted jointly with the distiller, for it is held that there can be no fraud unless the storekeeper and guager is a party to it. The Southern Railway's great shops at Spencer, two miles from Salisbury, are to be largely increased in size and to the present 400 employees 200 are to be added. . . A monument was unveiled at Newton Julv 2d, in memory of Matthias Bar ringer, Philip Fry and others, who lost their lives in defense of the western frontier of this State during the Revo lutionary war. State Treasurer Worth says that over half the sheriffs in the State will at tend the Sheriffs' Institute at Morehead r;-r. -" Seven convicts escaped from the Castle Hayne, or rather at the State Phosphate mines, last week.. It appears that the first of the farmers' institutes this years is to beheld in Guilford county, July 7 and 8. The Durham Paper Box Company will. increase its plant and make boxes for all the hosiery factories in the State. Concord recently voted against issu ing $40,000 for the purchase of a water works system." The Rowan Knitting Mills, sold un der order of court, have been bought by a syndicate of Salisbury people. -A VETERAN'S WIFE kfteoieA Tfltll Heart Dlseas ant Given Vp td Die Saved In m Won gfi derfttl WT4 ProrA t Frets, Utica, N. It. There Is no one better known or respected in the village of Brookfleld, Madison Co., New York, than Mrs. John Fiflk, the wife of an old realdcuf and veteran df ihe war of the Itebllldn. ia April oi this year, Mrs: tlsk lay at death's door from neuralgia and heart disease, the family physician having reedmmended her to settle all her worldly affairs, as She was liable td be taken at any minute, and Inquiring friends expected at each visit to hear that she had passed away. Bat Mrs. Fisk, to the surprise of her neighbors and physlolaos, suddenly began td mend, and now she Is as strong and healthy a Woman Of her advanced age (76 years) as oan be found, and really does not appear nearly as old as she is. The follow ing Is her own story of how she was cured. "I consider it Is a duty to myself and the community to tell of my extraordinary re covery from what was thought by my pby sioians, my husband and friends to be a fatal Illness. I had long been suffering from neuralgia in its worst form, enduring agonies that only those who have under gone sttoh torments know, until my heart became so affected funtlonally and or ganically, that the doctor said I was liable at any time to pass away. He had done all in his power for me. and I thank him much for his kindness and attention, and believe him to be a good, faithful physician. I was not disposed to die, however, if I could help It, and he having done all he could, I felt at liberty to use any other means that held out a chance of life, and determined to try a remedy that had been recommended by a friend who had been at death's door from rheumatism and heart disease, but who now la In good health. "Whatever doubt I may have had as to this remedy's efficacy in a dissimilar dis ease, to that from wbieh he had suffered, was dispelled on reading In the Frets of a case Identical with my own being cured, with the name and address of the person who had been so benefited. Bo my husband who now was anxious that I should at once take the treatment, purchased for me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I took them according to directions, and within a very short time the pains began, to disappear, my heart's actions became normal, and four weeks ago I ceased taking them, as I am entirely cured, and able to do my house work as well as when I was a young woman. "I had always, until I tried Dr. Williams Pink Pills, looked with suspicion on all ad vertised proprietary medicines, but now m. ideas have undergone a wondrous change in that direction, for under God's all wise Providence, 'Pink rills have renovated me, and apparently given me a new lease of life. "This is no secret in this locality, and I hope this certificate may be the means of other sufferers in distant places securing the same benefits that I have received. "Clabixda Fisk." Pink Pills -are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.50, and may be- had of all druggists, or direct by mall from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. Triumphs in Surgery. Cleansing of the wound itself was al most a surgical heresy a few years ago. Fouled bandages w ere the rule, and the thicker and more abundant the dis charges the more "laudable" they were considered to be. Hence in the older works on surgery the so-called "lauda ble" pus was ns much a sigu of safety as it is now of danger. Cleanliness of instruments, now a prime considera tion, was then entirely ignored. Often times the same Instruments would be used at different times upon the dead as well as the living bpdy, and n cele brated operator of that day was accus tomed to hold his knife between his teeth when his hands were temporarily employed in the wound. If n cut heal ed rapidly it was a rarity sufficiently great to court fact. The former result was rather an accident of cleanliness than the deliberate acknowledgment of what should have, been the rule. Con sequently the most careful surgeons those who possessed instinctive habits of neatness and cleanliness were the most successful. Send for 1'iioe List! It is all that we ask and it will cot but a postal to do it. All we ask is to rat your eye for a minute on detail and prices. The goods will tell themselves. You know as well as we that the John P. Lovell Arms Co. (of which the indefatlg able Col. Ben S Lovell, known all over the world. Is treasurer and acting head) has made and for a half century maintained its great reputation by the m a r 11 t m , rm rf Col. Bkj S. Lovetx, sterling ko1. It Is 1 ivu-uiveii Arms v,o. 8t ni the world's head quarters for guns, rifles and revolvers, fluking tackle, skates and sporting goods of every de scription and i no less the headquarters for the hidiest grade bicycles. The company was the moving spirit in formLng the combination of the four loading manufacturers in this ountry, the "Hig Four," so-called, to hold up 1 ne graoe ana noia aown tne price oi wneeis. Those who were handling the thousand and one wheels the manufacturers were ashamed to father "kicked." The profit on the cheap wneeis was very large, rsux tney kickcu to no purpose, and today a cyclist may ride a first 'lass guaranteed wheel at the price It has be fore cost to ride one made like the famous i-azors,"to sell." For this boon the public owes the Liovell Arms Co. thanks. A rataloirue of our regular bicycle stock and a special list of wneeis issued by tne Big rour (Jomoination will be mailed free on application to the John P. Lovell Arms Co., 131 Broad street, Boston, Mass. Honors for a' Horee. ! Tho famous charger, Copenhagen, on which the Duke of Wellington was mounted at the battle of Waterloo, died in 1830, and was buried with mili tary honors. : . This . world-renowned horse was the grandson of the famous rce horse Eclipse, was bred by lield Marshal Lord Grosvenor, and pur chased by th6 Duke for $2,000 f rctn the Marduls of Londonderry. Ills color was a dark chestnut, and he stood 15 hands high. He spent the last, years of his life In a paddock at Sttratiifleld- eaye, where he died in 1836, the grave being under the shadow of a Turkish oak. A memorial stone to Crimean Boh, a fine horse belonging to theElev dnth Hussars, is erected at the Cahir Barracks, Tipperary, Ireland. The anl mal went through the Crimean war, and died at the age of 34. Sharply Reproved. Every gossip needs a mentor, and once in a while the need Is supplied. A woman well known for the free dom of her tongue remarked with an air of satisfaction: MI always "try to make "as many friends as possible." "Of course," said Miss Cayenne; "If one had no friends, how could one dis cuss their private affairs?" Washing ton Star. The Philadelphia Record thinks "con ductors on smoking cars should help ladles to alight." Certainly, when tht y "go out." Anemia, t'a. Actual borimn. No text book, biiort tun. Chop board- 8od f or OMalocw. k' FREAK PEAR. - Natnre Wa Evidently la Joculat Mood Wad 6he Moulded It. This Is about the most curious speci men of its kind ever noted. It is a pretty hard pear, with an amu&lni "portrait' on one side. Tbe lady who photograph-' ed it declared that the pear was AhKnlntelv n n - f .'' tnnrYtoA hnrwl Ik A g f ii i i eiutto a t A vrvti a 1 wTr rtod nru narently been V? . ffA lt placed ' beneath USVl lees to acentuate pear with btjmah the expression of cocsten akci. sleek complacency that marks Its broad "face." Forehead,' eyes, nose, cheeks mouth and chin ate all defined In a really marvellous manner. Easily Baited After All. A stage manager well known in the small towns for his ambitious demands In regard to scenery and stage effects, yet who was equally satisfied with the most meager provision, said one morn ing to the lessee of a wooden,booth: "In the first act I shall require a regi ment of soldiers on the right, a posse of policemen on the left and a crowd of peasants on the bridges in the center. Now, how many supers -have you?" "Two, sir." To which he composedly rpjilledi "That will do beautifully." CoLBiw.8.LoTEM. nUUl UUl Ut&UlUl Utuva uv vuw Treaa. Lorell Arms Co Lovell Diamond 5100. Lovell Excel S60. Lion and Lioness S50. Lovell Excel S50. Simmons Special S20.5O Lovell Excel S40. We have the largest line of Bicycle Sundries, Bicycle and Gymna sium Suits and Athletic Goods of all kinds. Write us what you want and we'll send you full information. If a dealer, mention it. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., 131 Broad St., Boston. Headquarter, for Gun., Rifles and Iteyolvers. Flahlnff Tackle, bkaf. and 0 Sporting Goods of Etery Inscription. rSEND FOR OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED OATALOOUE. Ir: It 'w ymifi -jivM 1- d't - A GUARANTEE THAT'S GOOD ! I w. t. 4.f.Mr4M4 fX fH:Yi-mf- and Art. croud of the stones I ft n(U4b vi ,wn"v...i., r I they tell of relief from many forms of misery. But the experience of another person may not dc yours A .a iMiii u liitiM. uujy uuuu a '7 -. t n i . T7 :1 J :r- im ,.,tli,,4 in aU turn SIV. Iv-ivr C a era rrt tinder a i puarantee to core or money refunded. I precaution, sent by mail for price, 5 REMEDY CU., Uiicago, Montreal, or AXL DRUGGISTS. Your own V6i WW - - LaWIWWWI.MWWIMWWWMWWWI.WWMMWIIIlllilMIWWlW"''l'llllllH K fillip &l till Lsa W L&Ei 2 .IS J .wii..V. TASTELESS a n IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICOcts. GAT.ATTA, Ii.ia, Nor. 10, 1893. Paris Medicine Co., SI. Ixmtn, Mo. Gentlemen: Wo sold Inst year, TOO bottles o GROVE S TASTELKS3 CHILL. TONIC and bavr botigbt lhre fcrosa already this year. In all oar e pertence of 14 yen re. In Ui drug bitumens, tanvt never sold sn article that gare aurh unlrersal satli taction as your TodIo. Xoure truly, abmey, carb 4 Co Who opened that bottle of rwinRtaFs- Rcotbeer? N Of The popping of a Sj Hires is a sicmal of '. eood health and dIm ! 6ure. A sound the old folks like to hear 1 the children can't resist it. V la composed of the very Ingredients the system requires. Aiding tha digestion, anothlnir the nerves. Dorifrlnir tlio blxd. A temper ance drink fop tmrw ance people. Uadc oeIt by Tb. Chartn k. HiHm C.. PhUa. A packan Bttat S calloas. Bo d .reryvber. Ml 1 1 H i A WiiVut ii i t .7 r1 VJ' i .TIT ' 1 aaiee uoutl. Use I 1 Hi tlmO fisAA . I. all i Y T ri trm..L'l ItS PS El TO'tNlE Rootbeer . v" I I 53 I Hi- 1 . Ko.lL-rollW Folic! Otk -Draper Chiffonier, 3 Inches hiKh, KH Inches long, 19 Inches deep. It is well constructed .nd has food locks on each drawer. 8 pedal pHca, (Order promptly mica). .. $3.39 Our success is not accidental. It Is the reward of 49 years of honorable business. Our experience in tho Fur niture and Carprt business Is yours for tbe asking. Our Imrncuix Illustra ted ctaln(riie of Furniture, Oil t loths, Iluby Car rt aires, Ketrlgerators, lieddinir, "prions. Hieel Hails, etc.. Is I'rro to nil who write for It, and we pay all rot ajro. If you nsk your local dealers' advice you will not sntid for our cata logue, as he will loio a customer. If you consult your pookft-lioolt snd want double value for your dollars, you will deal with the manufacturers, bond your name on a postal now. JuliusHines&Son BALTIMORE, MD, ARPR rnn m 1 Mt .nt hrtr knowl"1t ''X Anti-Js th warlmi fiirn fur the drink hlitt . Writ Hiio CLrmlcal Co.. M lirilwy. ' . 1. JTuU information (In plain wrapper) itmi)d fr. 8. N. U. No. 26. '97. Ciyjpv for Price List of our - Special Line of Low Priced and Second-hand Wheels. Four of th leading bicycle manufacturer, of whl h the John T. Lovell Arms Co. are the moving spirit", high grade wheels at next to nothing prices. Bee tbo list, it tells the story. rnnm Ann Dfldnl-jr QfnrV Wp Offer witn xne same preparation. CUR 10c, 255. CONSTIPATION. ' oruirintre in cure, if ttvA according to di- I You tike no chances when you buy cur I 10c, 25c or 50c address STERLING I ixew x or or wncn you purcoasc unocr Druggists- guarantee. a LIODELL COMPANY CHARLOTTE, H. C. MANTTFACTTREBS OF F.NCINES, BOILERS, ' SAW MILLS, PULLEYS. HANGERS, COUPLINGS, SHAFTING. PRESSES For Cotton, yarn and warpn, cloth, and special purpose. CINS AND CIN ELEVATOR SYSTEMS DEALERS IN BfZ' r,umPp. ran-, and Blowers, IMtlnfc and Supplies forBtoam Tlauts, t-aw kills au3 Ginneries. Platform Scales, Corrujratel Btcel IJooflnR, JOHII FARRIOR, WflTCHMAKCIt AND Inspector of it 1t It it kit it i SOUTflERn flfJD S. ft. L. WrtTCftES. Wo. 4 South Tryon Ptreet, Chnrlotle. K a Klamondn, N atches. Clocks. Jewelry and Ppectaclea, Silver and Plated Ware, Wed. ding and VUiUnK Cards Engraved. MAIL ORDERS SOI.ICITr.il. THE CHARLOTTE-BROKERAGE CO. hells Machinery or all kinds, liicyclea, Wka Lamp and Hundrlea, Tonrs, Kt'., 1 ypn. writers and Klbbons. Wagonn and Impll pents cheaper than any ol imr ho ie on eartli. bend for esttinates on anything you want. 23 S. Tryon Street, (Jharlott, N. O. HIS OWN DOCTOR. M LLLIk. " Valuable ilk Tor the Household, teaohln n ,th ly-llilnKulne(l a tauaoi and Means of fri jentlnic uoh DImmwc. ann the Blm plt hemedtos which will al leviate or core. "JL1'"' I'tp'usely niutrat1. ' The Hook la wrlium In nlaln jvery-day Kngllao, and Is free rrom tbetecbolcal term, wblch render moat lioctor hooka so alueloa to the RennraJlty of ilora. Tills Hook Is la. tended to be ol Service In tbe J'aiMlly, and li ao worded as to be readily understood by all ONLY 00 ets. POST PAID. J!P?Tak.a. --. hook eon- jaln so much InforriiaUon Itela rf - a -t 1 J un'UTJT' " Complete Analysuof ahl'iTli 25 prlA,nlnf o Court, ttoo aud Hearing of Hiii,v t i.l.Tl!t5e,.h vr,ln Valuable n3ipea and 1're.wiptloua. Es rlanatlon.nr Mm... .....i .r UrreotUM of Ordinary Horbauto BOOK PUB. mfS HE, U l.eeaai d St., N. V.clfy 134 "Atrsa A J.. Ml mm n or 3 1 m i?m jA ax Err sot.

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