Tlie August Oriole. Avery handsome' half-tone likeness nf J. W. Thomas, the principal pro moter and president ot the Tennessee, Exposition adorns the frontpage of the August Oriole, published by the Balti more Steam Packet Company, lne pamo number also contains protraits ol Mr. T. J. Dashiells and Mr. VVin. Kandallagentof the company at Nor folk and Portsmouth who have been in the service of the Old Bay Line for nearlv a half century. The center niece"is a very fine illustration of V ir ginift Beach, 'Virginia's noted summer resort on the Atlantic Coast. L.lon a Affected by Weather. A peculiarity noticed by the keepers out at the Zoo is that bad weather af fects lions just as it does human be ings. A rainy day will make them limp mid listless, and a glimpse of sunshine makes them happy as crickets. Bad weather, however, does not prevent trein remembering when meal time is at hand, and they are as restless as young kittens till their food is forth roming. - Purely f T.ocul Disease. rVzcmii is ft local divasc .and needs lX"al tioatineut. 'J'Do Initnicd, iliaoiiftecl sklu must il.hfid :iiul hc.'Uud. No "so to j i iii srll ..uli ul n your ?toni;u:li Jnstbecauso of x.n iicliiii,- truiitlon. Tottevino is tlio only . .T)k', silo ai.-.l roitatu euro for letter, fco- z-ryia, I.mwoi m ami oiacr smu h"""'"- "v a ajri. !.-, or l,y mall for SO cents Ui stainim. J. T. Slnijitiluo, Sawmnali, G:. Fits permanently cured. Ko fits or nervous n ess after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, atrial bottle and treatise i reo Dh. K. Ji. Kline, Lta., 931 Arch St.,Fliila.,la. Pino's Cnre Is n wonderful Cough medicine- Mr- W I'ickfut, Van Siclen and lUaUc A'rci.', Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 30, Mrs. Window's Soothing Pyrup for children tectiiiPv', softens the gum s, reel nc.jnjr inflamma tion, allays rain, cures wind colic. J.'0c.a bottle. State or Ohio, City or Toledo, I M I.rcAB County, Frank .1. Chekkt makes oath that he is tne b nior partner of the firm of F. .J. ( MitNr.Y v fr.. do! business i n the City of f oledo.County and State u foresaid, and that said firm will i;av the sum of oxe ni'NDiiKD dollars for each and every case of catahuh that cannot be cured by the use of Wall's Catarrh Cukk. Frank J. Cheney. 1 Sworn to before me and subscribed in my i presence, this lith day of December, - BE A Ij 'r A. D. 18. A. V Gleason 'i v ) Notary Fubivc. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts dir. ctly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, tree. F. J. ( ithsby CO., Toledo, O. H..ld by Drosist, 7.5c. IlaU'd Family Pills are the best. Yukon and Klondike Gold Fields. Parties intending to vl-it t'ie Klondike Gold Fields or invest in stock companies operating in that country, are ad ised to get the C ana dian Government Alaskan Boundary Com missioner. Prof. Ozilvie's. Import on the Yu kon and Kli.n.iika Gold Fields, before doinR SO. This is the off-rial report made lat sprint; which so astounded the Canadian Government that they did not publish it till Prof. Ofdlvie confirmed it personally on his arrival in Otta wa. The report is very extensive, abounding In Photogravures and Maps and giving the most reliable information as to routes, climate, unit tlm indescribable wealth awaiting the miners. Sent, posture paid, on receipt of tflc In stamps, bytlie Toronto Newspaper Union I'uhliMher. 44 liav St., Toronto, Canada. ' Say nothing; it is the only way to avoid being misquoted. f A Boston paper says tnat "a message cast into the sea in midocean by a New York man in a bottle has been picketi, up near France." But what became of j tne New ioik man in a ootue; Sf, Send vour son to the FISHBURNE MILITARY SCHOOL, Waynesboro, Va,, If you wish him to have pood instruction, kud treatment, good in fluences, and to be ia the best of climate:?. Write for Catalogue, f When writing please mention this paper Ku-1 The YOUNG Plantation Cotton Id Mill in itt' turn i The result obtained from tho use of our nm chine has been en vcr y (sat'sfartorv that we enter upon our THIRD SEASON with n f relink of great confidence. Mr niiichine-t aro durnhle and thoroughly ffectivo. The ground kernels are left in a fin condition for distributing is a fertilizer. The hulls nr valuable food for cattle. Rtriptive pnmplib-t with testimonials from prominent cotton planters throughout the Southern States, together with sample of product from o ir machiue, will be forwarded on application. Cotton Statsi Mkery Co,, aakama. Mention this pnper when you write. sTn. V. No. 31 '07. (IR. W. H. WAKEFIELD, W w3 Can 1) i consulted in his office in Sf J CIIAKLOTTK, N. C. No. ."09 North Tryon Street, On any week day except Wednesday. Hid i practice ia limited to diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. ARDS ran be saved with out their knowledge by Anti-Jng the marvelous cure for Mie drink babit. Write Kenova Chemical Co.. 6tf Broadwcy, N. . Full Information (In plain wrapper) mailed free. THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH SCHOOL Teaches telegraphy thoroughly, and starts its Graduates in the railway jft r,S!cL service. Only exclusive Telegraph "iCc school in the South. Established i.'Z.'rji.l -:... u i Limit: vedia. oiAiceii uunuteti auu- 'Tt-A: i cLcuKrn atnuuL, aeaoia.ueorgia. - . ... GANGERS CURED AT HOME; . UT.J.E. UAlilUii &C0.. iko Buildlne. Cincinnati. Ohlu. C1 KT RICH Quickly. Send for Book'Inventions J'Wantetl." Edgar Tate & Co., 345 Broadway, N.V. UUKtS WHtRE ALL USE FAILS. Best louKh Syrup. Tastes Gocxl. Use In tluio. Sold nr clruiiBlHts aii Pistols and Pestles. The duelling pistol now occupies its proper place, in tho museum of the collector cf relics of barbarism. The pistol ought to havo beside it the pestle that turned out pilis like bullets, to be shot like bullets at tho target of the liver. But the pestle is still in evidence, and will be, probably, until everybody has tested tho virtue of Ayer's sugar coated pills. They treat tho liver a3 a friend, not as an enemy. Instead of driving it they coax it. They aro compounded on the theory that tho liver does its work thoroughly and faithfully under obstructing conditions, and if the obstructions are removed, the liver will do its daily duty. When your liver want3 help, get "tho pill that will," Ayer's Cathartic Pills TRUMPET CALLS. ' r f ' -, Cam's Horn Sounds a "Warning Note - to the Unredeemed. - HE wish to shine makes men fools. A The devil's head Is longer than his tail. Don't try to Im part ideas by your feeling3. The man who can tell all he knows of rcllKlon knows very little. The profit on whisky is conspic uously advertised in the clothing of the saloon-keeper's wife. You cannot fool God with a pinch of cloves. A little sin has as much death In It as a big one. The' gurgling of the faucet Is the dev il's delight. Make a call too short, rather than be yawned out. The was is not over because we have lost a battle. Whoever knows God well wants to know him better. Some would rather face a cannon than their own evils. Prayer is always easy, when we kneel on praying ground. The man who knows how to live well will not have to learn how to die well. Our prayers for guidance will not be heard, unless we are willing to be led. The devil has to fight hard for all he gets in every home where Christ is king. In the robin redbreast speaks the same Christ, who came to "seek and eave." Nature ia God's; botany and geology are man'?: so religion is divine, theol ogy human. The man weighs little on the Lord's side who is not throwing an ounce of weight against the saloon. The prohibition that gives society the children who never saw a drunkard can't be such a big failure. The Creator expends so much force In sunsets and apple blossoms that there must be some great use in mere beauty. If you want to know the spring, open your heart, so, also, if you would know Christ. Knowledge bloats; love devel ops. God nver made the world for an npothecaiy shop or a chemical labora tory, but for a temple; the final word of nature Is spiritual. . . LAUOR LEADERS TO MEET, If They Accomplish Their Object a General Strike "Will be Inaugurated. A special from Columbus, O., of the 20th, savs the National Executive Board of the Unitc-il Mine Workers adjourned today, after having issued a call for a conference of organized labor to be held in St. Louis on August 20th. The board reiected the proposition of the Piltsburj? operators for a conference to arbitrate the wage dispute in that dis trict, claiming that such action would be prejudicial to the interests of tho miners at l;ug The board is ready U consider overtures for the arbitratioA of the issues of the great strike only wheu overtures (one from all the operators in the competitive dis trict, which includes Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia and Pennsyl vania. Tho success or failure of the strike hanga upon the St. Louis conference, the call for which, has been endorsed by Samuel (iompeips, president of the American Federation of Labor, and J. I'. Sovereign, general master workman of the Knights of Labor. They main tain that the iiirht now being waged by tho miners is one of common inter est to organized labor throughout the country. At tho St. Louis conference all labor oTgnni4itions will bo asked to ioin issues with ihe miners. The fail ure to secure a general suspension in West Virginia has greatly interfered with tho prospects of success, as the coal supplied from that and the few iso lated districts is meeting the limited de mand. The only hope of cutting oft" this supply appears to lie in the refusal of organized btbor in the ordinary channels of tralfic and business to han dle or use this coal. If the object of the St. Louis conference is accomplished, the strike will bo extended to near ly every branch of labor in the coun try. NECROKS C OXniCMN THE CRIME. Convcatlon Denounces Assaults I'pon Women. The Baptist Sunday school conven- l tion (colored) in session at Danville Vn.f adopted resolutions strongly con- (lemning outrageous assaults on wo- I ri t ' i i men. me resolutions not only express emphatic condemnation of the crime, but pledge "our co-operation with our : white brethren for the extermination of crime, disorder and lynch law," and 'commends the efforts of preachers and i! teachers to stamp out the same, "dis claiming any sympathy whatever with , those of our race or any other race who commit assaults against women, black ( or whito, or aid in any way mobs or nch law. K5S- it I Most Optimistic View of the Busi ness Situation. WEEK OF ENCOURAGEMENT. rhe Coal 3IIners' Strike Likely to Be Endsd Soon The Phenomenal Strength of Wheat. Messrs. R. G. Dun & Co. 's Weekly Review of Trade, for the week ending August 21st, says, in part: Not for sev eral years have the telegraphic reports from various cities in all parts of tho country been so encouraging or shown as uniform improvement as thi3 week. The markets are galled crazy by some, but fairly represent the people, whose confidence in the future is strong and increasing. Nothing appears to check it. Rumors of injury to crops are not sufficiently supported to have much in fluence. The one temporary hindrance is the strike of the bituminous coal miners, which interferes as yet little with industries, and teems hkel to terminate within a week. The demand for money improves, taking from New York to the interior about half a mil lion more than was received during the week, and offerings of commercial ioans are much larger, including consider able iron and steel paper, and the course of foreign exchange ii generally interpreted a3 an indication that special imports cannot be longer de layed. The greatest gain has been agricul turally. Corn has advanced a little iu price, but is moving very largely, so that the last year's surplus may soon be marketed unless the new crop turns out better than many now expect. Cot ton declined an eighth because of an estimate promising the largest crop ever grown, but the gooda market is decidedly improving, and eomo of the large mills, after a few weeks of sus pension have resumed work. Other farm products are doing well also, but wheat has advanced about 11 ij cents for the week on actur.l transactions, with heavy purchases for export. The official estimate of the yield is entirely disregarded, except as an admission that the crop will bo larger than that ot last j'ear, and it is commonly assumed that the yield will be WO.WO, 00U bus-h- els, or more, though recent reports ol injurr, indicating the possibility ol somewhat small outcome, have helped the advance in prices. It is well to no tice that corn reports continue ciort than double last year's also, in three weeks H, 51(5,5-14 bushel?, against 1,1K, 241 last year. The iron and steel industry is push ing forward in spite of the still unset tied strike of bituminous coal miners, and the enormous purchases of ere at Cleveland, and also of billets at Pitts bur", snow ho utmost confidence it the future. The oid difficulty remains in the boo and shoe industry, dealers being un willing to buy largely at the pric which manufacture! b now ask, though, during the past week the only chaugi has been a slight advance on calf boots The market for hides at Chicago i again much stronger, prices having ad vanced with very narrow transactions and buj-ers pre holding ott'in the belie that prices have reached the top. In the woolen business a constant in crease appears in the number ot estab lishments at work, and the demtind fo goods has much increased. I allures for the week Lave been 21. in the United States, against L'so Ja. year, and 30 in Canada, against 7 las year. SORROW FOR JOHN P. I.OVELIj A General Expression of Sympath: Ocneral expression ol ynp:i Called Out by Ills Death. Seldom has there been such a genera expression of syrapath- over the loss o one whose life ha been devoted to busi ness pursuits as has been called fort! by the recent death at Cottage City jtfass. , of that venerable landmark o the business world, the late John 1' Lovell, founder aud president of th John P. Lovell Arms Com pauy, of Bos ton. Almost rumberless int's.K:iges an letters of condolence, on the death o his honored father have been receive by Colonel Benjamin H. Lovell treasurer of the Lovell Arm; Company. The wide scope covered bj these communications is in it self-evidence cf the great regard ii which he was held by the leaders in bus iness and public life. Ihese expression! of sympathy have not been confiued tc rew Lngland, but thev hate conn from every prominent business centn of the North, East, West aud South ii fact, from every portion of the Union because the name of John P. Lowell and the corporation created by him have been for more than a half centun the synonym of honest dealing am business integrity. Even from England from firms with whom Mr. Lowoll hac enjoyed the pleasantiest business rela tions lor more tnan litty yeiis, Colone Lowell has received messages of sym pathy. Non-inflammable Clothing;. A London doctor has discovered tha garments treated with a solution con taming : per cent eacn ot alum an( phosphate of ammonia are absolutely non-innammabie, ami ho recommend tnat an cniuiren s ciotning ue s treated. Michael Drfeats Starbuck. At the great bicycle race at Mauhattei Beach. New York, Jimmv Michael. th Welsh rider, easily defeated J. 1 . Star buck, of Philadelphia, ina33-mile race Time, 6G minutes. Southern's New Order The Winston (N. C.) Journal learns that the Southern railway has postec an order that no employe shall be relative of the official under whom h is working, and that all promotions shall be based upon actual merit. Refused to Eat and Died. Mrs. Lena Collingsworth, of Clai borne county, Tenn. , refused to ea because her husband left her, and i. dead after a fifty-eight-day fast. National Uoards of Health. The national conference of the Seate boards of health in Nashville, Tenn., Dr. W. L. McMurray discussed the question submitted by the board of health of South Carolina, respecting the placing of jails and prisons under di rect supervisions of Stata boards of health. The following officers were elected: Dr. Benjamin Lee, of Penn sylvania, president; Dr. Hurty, of In diana, secretary; Dr. Pelletiere, of Quebec, treasurer. A motion recom mending Detroit to the executive com mittee as the next place of meeting was I 1 NEWS ITEMS. Chief of Police Connolly, ot Atlanta, s dead. Original package agencies are spring ing up all over South Carolina. Tho council of Roanoke. Va., has ibolished 'nickel-in-the-slot" machines u that city. Senator McLaurin is much better, but a still unable to enter the canvass in South Carolina. The erection of a twentv-ton cotton seed oil mill will be commenced at La- vonia, Ga., at once. Wm. Harvey Allen, a young white man out of work in Richmond, V a. , attempted, to commit suicide. The North Carolina State convention Df the Veterinary Medical Association will be held at Charlotte Sept. 7th and ?th. Tho small-rox in Birmineham, Ala., nas thus far been confined entirely to Hie nro quarter, and there have been few deaths. It is said that between forty and fifty students of Georgia University will spend the summer in Caba fight ing for the insurgents. At Hendersonville, N. C, Mrs. Ben F. Hood shoots and badly wounds her husband, and then kills herself. Jeal ousy was the cause. Charles Cooner. an official of the Jo- siah Morris bank, of Montgomery, Ala., was shocked by a live electric wire, which resulted in his death. All the prisoners, including Mur derer Edwin Brown, have escaped from the Pitch county jail at Harrisville, W. Va. General Bradley T. Johnson is out in a letter opposing the movement to have the Grand Army of the Republic meet in Richmond, Va., in 1899. Mrs. E. H. Edwards, a woman mer chant of Graniteville, S. C, dropped dead in front of the Fifth Avenue Hotel New York. It is reported at Atlanta, Ga., that a locomotive at the government works at Tybeo Island, near Savannah, fell through the trestle and several persons were killed. The hearing as to the question ol fraud in the case of the North Carolina railroad before Special Master Kerr Craig has been postponed until Sept. :th. Nearly all the Sound Monev Demo cratic leaders of Virginia announce that they will not support Tyler for Gov ernor. If a Sound Monoy Democrat ia not nominated later they will tako no part in the election. Estimates place the tobacco crop of Florida this j-ear as the largest in tho history of the State. It will be worth Feveral hundred thousand dollars. Much of the planting was experimental; but no report of failure has yet come in. A numerously signed petition has been addressed to Governor McLaurin, of Mississippi, asking him to appoint Hon. Patrick Henry, of Vicksburg, a silver Democrat, to the vacancy in the Senate, caused by the death of Senator George. All About the North. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, is to takf part iu tho Ohio campaign. A crusade against the coloring of im itation butter is about to be started al Chicago. Tho I linois republican Club, cl Washington, disgusted with McKin ley's patronage policy, will disband. One hundred candidates for naval eauetship will report for examinational Annapolis on September 1. At Palam, Ark., in a race riot, three men were killed, one fatally wounded and two others badly injured. At Eagle Biver, Wis., fire destroyed the Gerry Lumber Company's yard. with 10,000,000 feet of lumber. Less, 6100,000; some insurance. At Cedar Rapids. Ia. , the Republican State convention nominated for Gov ernor Hon. L. M. Shaw, of Crawford county. At Baltimore, Peter Monahan. 7-1 j-earsold, was hedged for, the murder of his wife. The crime was committed cn May 2oth, 1897. A freight train on the Lake Erie and Western Railroad crashed into a passen ger train at Lima, O., wounding thirty excursionists. The boiler of a saw mill opposite Mound City, 111., inKentuckv, explod ed, killing the owner, Capt. Hawkins, of Kewanee, UL, and slightly injuring 15 persons. The National convention of the Y. C. P. U. opened on the night of the 18th at Indianapolis, Ind., with 4,000 people in attendance. Tho principal address was delivered by Evangelist M. B. Wil liams, of Atlanta, Ga , on "The Bible, the Word of God." At rittsburg, Fa., James Elbert ar rested as a suspicions character and supposed to be an anarchist, created great excitement at No. 3 police station house by slashing five policemen with a razor. Miscellaneous. The Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F. has decided to bar saloon-keepers from membership. David G. Swain, U. S. A., retired judge advocate general, died in Wash ington, aged 63, of Bright's disease. The death of Sir Isaac Holden, the inventor of the Iucifer match, is an nounced irom England. Steel girders have been put in the White House to support the office seek ers who crowd about the President's of fice door. A committee of the National Associa tion of Credit Men will devise a standard form of statement which shall i .i . . . to viuu any applicant for credit that if found untrue any State court will hold him for fraud. A special to tho Raleigh (N. C.) News and Observer tells of another case of rape in this State, This time it is a white man, Henry Jackson. His vic tim is a respectable young woman, Miss ?ilffefS0dg,e3'i niecithe present sheriff of Beaufort county. All llags used in the United States navy are made by women at the Brook lyn navy yard. In the gieat sewin room from 20 to 30 women are assem bled daily to work on the flags. United States Senator, Wm. M Stewart, of Nevada, telegraphs the At lanta (Ga.) Constitution, branding the statement attributed to him in th newspaper dispatches that ho had ad vised his friends in tne West to drop the silver issue on the ground of return oi prosperity or on any other ground, I Congress Urged to Appoint a Curren cy Commission Brown President for North Carolina. At Detroit, Mich., on the 19th, the hventy-third annual convention of the imerican Bankers' Association came to in end at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Ac cording to precedent, First Vice-Presi-lent Joseph C. Hendrix, of New York, received a large majority of the votes ;ast for first vice-president, although the nominating committee had recom mended F. A. Tracy, of Illinois, for the honor. Joseph C. Hendrix, of New York jity, was elected president of the asso jiatiou without a dissenting vote. The members' of the executive com mittee elected are: J. G. Cannon, New York; P. Hunt ington, Ohio; li. J. Lowrie, Georgia; J. B. Findlay, Pennsylvania; J. C. Sands, West Virginia. The list of members of the executive ;ouncil named by the delegates of the rarious associations are; F. G. Bige low, Wisconsin; J. P. Branch, Vir ginia; D. W. Garrett, Missouri; A. W. 'Jampbell, Mississippi; J. C. Hunter, Minnesota. Joseph G. Brown, of Raleigh, was jhosen vice-presiient of the American Bankers' Association for North Caro lina. Brown's speech was much com plimented. A resolution was adopted by the con rention urging Congress promptly to provide for a competent, non-partisan mrrency commission, to the end that lound financial legislation may be jpeedily secured. The executiyo council re-elected Sec retary James R. Branch to serve an 5ther j-ear. At the same time the coun ;il voted to raise the secretary's salary to $5,000 a j-ear, thi3 move being made to retain Mr. Branch, who had received u inviting offer from a metropolitan bank. Walker Hill, of St. Louis, was elected treasurer to succeed William H. Porter, of New York. Alvah Tiow- bridsre. of the latter city, was re-elected chairman of the executive council. Regret of tho death of the lateWm.P. 3t. John, of New York city, was ex pressed in a resolution. After which R. H. Pullen, of New i'oik, presented the retiring president with a handsome gavel, the installation of officers took place and the convention adjourned, sine die. rOPULlSTS IN IOWA. PcfTer Makes a Speech; Says There is to Ho No Democratic Alliance. The Iowa middle-of-the-road Popu lists held a convention on the 19th at Des Moines and the following State ticket was nominated: Governor, Charles A. Lloyd, Muscatine county; Lieutenant Governor, D. L. Terkins, Lyons; Judge Supreme Court, J. A. Loneburg, Wapollo Superintendent of Instruction, Wm. Elain, Marion; Rail road Commissioner, L. II. Griffith, Leo. The platform adopted reaffirms the St. Louis and Omaha platforms; de clares for direct legislation; for a suffi cient amount of sound and flexible money; for the issuance of money to State, county, township and municipal governments, the principal to bo paid back to the government at 2 per cent, per annum without interest; the eaid money to bo a full legal tender; the Temple amendment is endorsed; the reduction of freight, passenger and ex press rates, of salaries of public officers is demanded, and the deduction of mortgage indebtedness from assessed valuations is urged. A protest signed by J. Belangee, chairman of the Populists who have combined with the Democrats for free silver, was sent to the convention to day, but was denied consideration. The protest called upon all Populists to join with the free silver Democrats this year in an effort to advance one of the theories of tho Populists. Ihe feature of th9 convention was tho address of ex-Senator Peffer, de claring himself a middle-of-the-roader, and saying that there is no more Dem ocratic alliance. A KACE IUOT IN TEXAS. Negroes and Whites Arrayed Against Each Other at Leonard, Texas. Earl Meadows, a young white man, was killed by a negro under peculiar circumstances at Leonard, Texas, a few days ago. The whites held a meeting and warned all the negroes to leave. All left but one, and he was severely whipped by a whito man. It appears that the negroes had not gone very far, and the whipping infuriated them to such an extent that they procured arms and are now said to be marching upon the town. Two wagon loads of negroes left Clinton on the afternoon of the 19th, en route for Leonard and squads have left Ladonia and Bonham to join tho Clinton party. The night watch of the town has been double, arms havo been gathered and ammunition cen tered at necessary points to defend the tOWD. TESTING THE MORTARS. The Coast Dcfeuse on Sullivan's Is land Ilclng Made Impregnable. One of the mortar batteries in the new fort being erected on Sullivan's Island, near Charleston, . v., was tested on the 19th with satisfactory results. Each of the four mortars were fired once and then they were fired together. The firing was mainly for the purpose of testing the foundation upon which the battery rests. The target was sta tioned on Morris Island beach, four and one-half miles distant. It was semi officially stated that the test was satis factory to the officers in charge. To Marry Schlatter. It is positively announced that Mrs. Margaret Ferrris, widow of the builder of the famous wheel that was the wonder of the World's Fair at Chicago, is to be married in Pittsburg, Pa., to Francis Schlatter, the so-called "di vine healer," of Canton. Watches Advance In Price. The Elgin Watch Company, of Elgin, 111., have advanced the prices of theit watch movements 10 per cent. On the better grades and the cheaper grades have been advanced from 50 to 75 cents each. A Lynching Scar Chicago. Shortly after noon on the ICth an un known man attempted to assault Mrs Pauline Fenske, the wife of a German farmer living in Schilloh Tatk, a eu burb of Chicago, aud was shot to death by the enraged husband and a posse of farmers. A Alurderer Kscnpes Jail. Albert Voiers, one of the notorious .Lewis gang of murdererers, under Fen teuce to bo hanged, broke lail at Fav etteville, W. Va. Tho sher iff aiyi posse BANKERS ADJOURN, TEXAS LADIES Don't Lie. . Qultman,Tex. .writes: hiXGt i nfV;f intf from Dycpensla na Sick Dead- M. A. Slmwoni Liver Medicine. It'curod ny Husband of Constipation, our little Girl of Neryoua ncs, and our Son of Ca tarrh of the KoweU. It cured iira, newmuu Painful Menstruation, "i carried Mrs. Fields ly rcuulatcB th Liver, travcliftn'l liowcls, nnd leaves no If ffit 7?Ji? both "ilock Drannht-and 1 "Zcil hVs I . ve r Itrgulator" did not leave my bowels In sjcU pol condition. I fo.ind more of package, and it reqnlrcd half the quan tity for a doBo,anilbadrather pay 25 cts per Paokago for it than use "ZfctUfl S OS f'lilack Draught" as ff free gift. Bad Tasts in tho Moulh. Digestion ia tho grand proccsa b y whlca nature repairs tho wasted lisnc9 ol the, body, which, when tho individual is in health ia performed with great faithful ncss and regularity, and without giving riflO to flDV dUagrccaldo ecnsatiors. lndigoslion ia adiueaflc which consints of a deviation from thl3 ordinary mode of healtn and in tho deuciciicy or vitialod character ot those secretions which are essential to the convoroion of food into blood. Ihe heat cor tective for thiscomplaint i3 Ur. M. A. inoos Liver Medicine a fewdoseSOI WUCO Will remove the offensive taste. will never be without Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Modiclnc. It cured mo of Chronic Constipation and Torpidity of Liver afterscveral physiciansand many Patent Medicines had failed. I took three times as much "Black Draught" as the directions said take, a it y,a i.,,f nttlo effect on me, and I don t taluk It bad niucn eirengiu. Backaches Common Co Mothers - Tho buoy mother sometimes feels an !n cbilitv to perform her accustomed duties, fho feels inactive, weary and depressed. Ilor back, oh, how it aches I When ehe eits down aho f oela as though eho must get right up, and when eho stands, that eho must Bit dov7n. Tho truth is, tho capacity of her ner vous eysteni ha3 been overworked, it has become exhausted and thcro is a breaking down. What she needs is a course of Ir. fticjnioos Squaw Vine Wino to icstoro healthy functional activity and givo tOirt Bad vitality to her nervous eystcin. coHrtF.spONnKjrcF invited. Old Dominion Iron Ac all Wki, It Ichmond, Va " "ir t ii , TASTELESS PB L IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 cts. Gai.atia. Ills.. Nov. IS. 1S33. Parish! edlclno Co., w. Ix)l.,Iilo. Ciort lemon : Wo mild Inst yenr. COO bottles of OKOVE S TASTBt.KSM ClIILJ TONIC and bT bnucbt llire ftros already this year. In all our ex perience of It yenrs, in tho drug biiHinens. bnve never sold nn nrtlele that gnra euch universal ulls- taction as your Tumc. lours truly. AUMr.URB a t o- UA1E CN YOUR HIICEEN STOVE BY a NEW PROCESS a few minutes whl-?i stH about l. ami M-llsforiSl ier Kalliin. Alto ManleKitar mnde from same. "I wiint t thank you for Ihe M;iilk 8) run reeliw hleli 1 find I- excellent, t ean recomn.eml It hlch'y lo any anil every one." Rev. Sam I'. .tone,, Onrtersvllle, Oa. Send $1 pof tal order and pet reetpe r J and 1 wl'l add cyclopedia of Jii.imi recipes cov erlni; a I dejiartnieiiK. lUmmir.a for Agents. .1. . II. . MorrtHionn. i rnn. rv OSBORNE'O ? AsinMSi IU, Aetaal balns Noteit V koosi. bbort tuna. Cbasp board- 8nd for cstaloan. POULTRYeaEAD THESE PeJICCS ,t..c m". 1 grl-mi. I.Vlfl Inner mil 9 '1 liSTDl'J&l-Uv Other widths in proportion. NETTING mIsm Dow Wlra WorktCa., Uulivllla, Ky. BOYS "YOUNG MEN Head In this paper I be advertisement of DAVIS 1T1 1 LIT A IIY tit'HOOL. r m G H r ) M J9J9 MERE IT IS! Want to learn all about a Horse? How to pick out a gooil one? Know imperfections unci eo guard ogainst fraud? Detect diteaeo and effect a cure when same ia possible? Tell tho age by the teeth? What to call tbo different parts of the animal? How to fchoo a lloreo properly? All this and otlx r valuable information can be obtained by reading our 100-TAGK ILLUS TRATED HORSE COOK, which we will forward, pottpaid, on receipt of only 25 Cents in Stamps. Book Publishing House, ia4Leonard Street, - - New York Clt.v, papers and books which yoi doa't fully un lerstan 1, aa l which you wou 4 like to look up It you had some compact book which would kIv the in. formation la a fow Itnoi? not bo obliged to lianJlD a twtaty-joual rncyclopalla costing 25 or aa. r a. f in Btamps eut to BOOK Pl3 LISHINC HOUSE, 1 34 Leon" I j w" ard Street, N, Y, City will furnish you, postpaid, with Just such "tv aF a book, containing C20 pages, woll Illustrated, with complete handy Index. Do you know who Croosus was. aud where h lived? Whotul't the Pyramids, and when' ThRt sound travels 1125 feet per secon'J What Is the lonReat river In the world? That Marco Polo inventel the compass ia 120 V una wno aiarco xoiq wasr unar me noraian Knot was The book contains Ihoutaul 50 or txpianntions of Jnst Ihnnt. TPai.i tt about. Suu ft at WHEAT'S IJIG JUJ!I Scnsutionnl Advance at Kverj' Market In the World, Kxccpt Paris. A special dated on tho 20th from Chi caaro sav wheat tcored a sensational advance today at every market ia the world with the exception of Pans. Dur int? the regular (session of tho Chicaco board of trade September wheat gaiued rl and December 0j. On the curb after the regular hours another advance of : cents was made, September selling freely at DO cent?. On (Im Xw York exchfinco Senium. ber wheat for cash reached $l.()f. At the Pittsburg and Minneapolis ex changes wheat reached $1.00; St. Louis also reached tho fame price. At Sim Prancinco December wheat reached $1.00. The dispalhcs further fay that tho London market is in sympathy with ours, but the French market in unre- BtmtiniiA nii.l nniifTVct(il. nnd flint tlw bulls are not yet Fatisfied with their present victory, uui preuicisi.xiwueMt. A tnntfr Htmrnlfttor is tllOllclit, in 1m leading tho bulls, and sumo believe it is josepu ijeiiei, u. wu-huowu capi talist and car-builder. No fcuch excite ment in tho cereal market has exited since Partridge plunged tho market ilown to fi? cents. In Epitc of ihe decision of ;i Cliir.iro Judge rejecting I lie X r.i.vr, ns evident that marvelous discovery i to lip m to other Ubos than those of tracing lets In burgbirs ami buttons In lvvs, ii is iuupummi iv um me rays lor T!i purpose of detccllng fraudulent -ol masters.'' It I paid that by thf'r means experts will be able to o?pi whether Raphaels and Kubens are be Ing mamifactill cd to-day lu b.-v-t etreets. LIOOELL COMPANY CHARLOTTE, II. C. MANUFACirntns of ENGINES, BOILERS, 6 AW MILLS, PULLEYS, HANGERS. COUPLINGS, BH AFT J NO, PRESSES For Cotton, yarn and warpi, cloth, ai i rpeclal purposes. CINS AND CIN ELEVATOR SYSTEfVS DZALEM IX SHTcf, Tumpp, Faus, and Eloworp. Dllln(?, and Supplies forBtcam Plants, Baw MUlt ami Gluniricp. Platform Sculfn, Corrugated Steel Ilooflnir. EVEPY r.lAN HIS OWN DOCTOR, By J. Hamilton Aycrn, A. M..M.U. Ttils Is a moi Vahmiile iiiKik for the llousdicM, n.h im li im tue Nll)-iisi in'iiPiitHJ fymptomsor Uir.ereiit I.i.ei)rH, tk Causot an -1 1 aim of l'rt Ttcdiin inch 1'i f i c, mi'l .In tiljnplvrt Kenie:-: wliif'j will l-h-vl,u or cure. MB l'sw;-s, rofii-rW H'lmustril. The lliult Is m-rllteii In Inlu CTrr-liiy Kntill-tli. nn l Is liee trom the ti-cfnilcHl Uriits rjlcfi rrn.Irr nint lieli Il.Kiki so valueless tit the f;euiul't) ( reatcrs. 'I'lils Itouli la rotlrcl lo be ol M ine In lliO I' Ntllilv. . Iil 1 4 M ulle. ks to te readily uilerioid by nil oM,ruii. t'osTiwun Tot;e Stnrt)) Taken. Not only tlocs this Imok con tain so much Informit. on Krla tlvt -O Dir.iv, I ut very itoikt ly islre, a e 01,1; I -;r A i' .y i i,f STorylhliij rtulniii; to hv,,I H.e I'id huv ,on ami l'.enr( r llealtby familu-,to;clh wlih Vaiunltl, rU'.-'id-s aii I i'rc-T'il ions, fc llanatlonsor I'lacltee, jitoct iiHofOi'di'inry HiTl,.to fowri ki. Im.kx. iiiiou ri M.-iiixr, 134 l.cuiiui d Hi., N. . ( Iiy ers asi- Kri'iu;r. S. N. U. No. 31 "97. mum unit iiummi m mm iiiitiir.iiiiiiiiimiiliiHli; r 1 s V f.i E ISKDlflHGVTOBACCO! Made from thi Purest, Plpest and HweeUst leaf 5 : imwn In th lioldrn iw-lt of North Carolina, tig S t aretta DookaooBWItUeacuaoai. pouch. j ALL FOR 10 CENTS. A Pleasant. Cool and Delightful Smoke. S Lvon A Co. Toaacco WosKt, Dumm, H. C. 3 SlMMMIIIMIIIIIIHUIII.IIIII.IIIIIIMIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIHII" (I Ma 1. m I 1 1 T'YOU and reft-rences ir. como acro rprf8ilfni such rtiatters as you wonder o. 1. ....... f.. the ten t ote tirlrn or . JS?SiSii22?B25 -d iHne'3 J absolutely aquolifiedly f alee I V IV aemaed to hang wita Ytfiwa. zr.

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