THE GAZETTE. CITY, COUNTY AN I) GENERAL. WtSLEV T. WILLUMS, . . Local Editor AND CITY COLLECTOR. -"Notice. - -Subscribers whose time has lit'lf Will ICl" Will!. W.T..IVI illlVl ICliCW tht .r subscriptions, or thetr names will be ped, as the new mamgenien: requires it. ...:n ... ,,1 ..,i ,. ai arrive a ml funeral notices, in ad- Aiicf. fifty cents. "Staniiitig ;iml transient ri;:, five cents ercli insertion. rotices, per li VLERUI, N. C. NOVEMBER 20, 187. ABOUT PLoPLK YOU KNOW. Miss Com A Pair, rpened school at Dry Well, N. C., this wek. Mr. 1'. A. High, of GolcUboro, made a li . nig trip to our city Usa Thursday. Mr. Lenoard Jonf s, of Charlotte, was in i be ci y last wetk to attend th Fair. M ss N nny Scott, of Kittrell. N. C, is in the city visiting relatives and friends. lit. v. AVilliim Williams returned home la.t we k from an extended Northern Don't forget the t ig game of foot ball ( n Thanktgivii.g Letwetii Shaw and Si. Augustine. Mrs. Lucy Rhone and Mrs. Mary J. Cros;-on gave us a ilea.-ai.t call last Tut s duy afternoon. Mr. "W. G. Otey, who l as been con fined to his room for seveial days, is out and at his p ist. Mi-s S phia Smith had quite a nice ex- I ma or iiarid-tiiaue wcik at the fair w i k before last. Mr. A. J. Garner is now teaching -i u,)oi at vi ova, JN. t., w litre he lia a l.ii ge attend. nce. Our old f i iend, Elijah Lane, of Wil mingun, is i n the t-ick list,. We h jpe t'i r his ?) eedy itcovei y. Traveling Aent J D. Pair has takjn the 3ind im gre in M is nary, and also the degrtts ot M s' ic SbiLie. The women, God blet-s th-m, did their share towards making a tine exhbit for the North Carolina Industrial Associa tion. Mr. A. J. Rogers, general traveling agent, left this wet k to spend a wt ek in Wilmington in the int. rest of Tllli GA ZETTE. Mo. S .ltie Thompson, who has been from ti e city several we k, was wel comed back in lur family circle last week. Major A. M. Clark, of S uthern Pines, and ore i f the hadii g Republic .i s of Moore county, ciders The Gazette sent to him. President MrKinley pnd Governrr R'is sei have is-ued proc'amatiot s naming Thursday, Nuvuuur 25th, as the day of Thanktgiviig. Mr. Archie Johnson, of War re a on. has receiiily opened a gr eery store on Mam s reet. lie soliei s the patronage of his fiiends ami t he public. Mr. D. W. Montgomery has accepted the pi ineipalsh'p at the graded school at Hiackf burg, S. C, and lias entered upon Lis uuiies. Success to him. Mr. Wel-e. Gotham, the lately mide groom, ba.- betn confined t 1 is ro- m for several days. To our delight, the young iiusoaud is out and again at h s p jst. Remember that on Wilmington street you will rir.d Mrs. Martha Johnson's ii:6t-clas restaurant, where you can gt mea.s in first cl iss style and at all hours. The writers who are sending us com mu: icatii ns must exercise a little pan, as cur columns are very much crowded at present. You shall all have a luarmg. Mrs. T. ni"ie Howell, an l her sister, Mt.-s Ailie Ule,wt-re in tie ciiy last wttk. Hie; ait" both teaching row, the loimerrnar Baiks and the latter near Wakefield. Mecsrs. T. S. Stt kes and his son. OIlie, and G. F. LLpkins gave us a call last week. Tney are ail prosperous eitizei s of Nash county, ai.d brought s 'nie cot ton to our maiket. The Builingion Fair was (p iti a soc cers last week. A laige r, umber came down liom Greensboro with the Greens bo: o bra?s band, which turnished inutic during the week. Ti e marriage of Mr. Johnny Ivey to Mi s Buroline R.idgers at Milt Brook last werk was a very pretty one. A great number f friends were present to wil litss the ceremony. Mr. II. L. C'hiistmns had the misfor tune to lose lus house by fire last '1 uesday morning about 3 o'cock. The family had a l.ariow escape fn ui the Hanus. Much of furni.ure was destroy id. Mr. Walter II. Hyll, who represents the LLcnouig, Vrt., Beneficial Eoclow mt n. Company in Gr ensooro, attended tt e Burlington Fair iast week. While tbtit be gave us his tuoscription. When in Greensboro you cai always be nicely entertained an i properly pi o vid. d tor at Ue House, j .st acr .-s troiu tue depo', of which Mi . Z. R. Kulliii is now manager and proprie tor. Dr. M. D. Bjwen, w ho has been on the sick iim l r some time, is now well, and has resumed Ins cuties, both at Shaw Umveisity and at the Colored Depart ment ot ihe Deaf and Dumo and Blind Iiioiiiution. Miss Carne Brooks, after spending sev eral days in our midst, returned to her home in Cbauel H.ll, N. C, Monday of tuis wek. Wnile in the city she was the guest ot Mr. an t Mrs. Ge . Fiemii g, on South iimintori strtt t. Thanks to Capt. W. B. Kendrick. the active and ir girs.dve agent of the Uni versity Punlisuing Company, for a cop of the supj lenient to Muiy's Manual of Geograpny witb a map of the Klondike, and much other valuable ai.d interesting lnfoimatioli therein. The brick work of the Coleman's Cot ton Mib is nt aily finished. Tney hope to benady to put in the machinery early mxtspiing. Tne leading colored men coi tinuw to take stock in the mdl. If it piovts a suotesH, as no dount it will, it win be the liiet cotton mid in ihe South owned and lun by colored people. Among cur new subscribers and re newals tins wetk, and for which we can not exprtss our gratitude too fie- ly, ap pear the names of Messrs. W. M. Ptr won, Neil A. Denning, G-oige Pi chlorrt, Samuel S. Watts, W. W. H.ll, S. C. .Joins, 'llios. llockady, E. D. blae, Rev. A. A. Jonts, C. W. JcWctt hL(i Georfee W. Harris. Wednesday night. November 3rd, the L. L. Ciub of East R leih assembled in the spacious, but biibiantly and well il lumined Odd Fellows' Hall, where they and lady friends passed an evening Hi society. The ciowu of merry-makers -i jo)ed ihemstlv. sextrtinely,and could liav,. rem autd there forever, hying and ' r. aUnng the atmosphere of thtir lovers. Wecciuiuiy congiatulaie the promoted, loin hope to meet them again in the same anacuy. Wnen the hour came to pait, the inerrj-makeis, who had enj yrd 4 ' tJieiiintlves so imintnbely, hated to It ave paiuce of amusement, but worst of ail to suy goodbye to those with whom i hey had spent such a pleasant evening jn society. During F.r wPek Mr. T. II. Ilinton and Mr. F. J Shaw, of Gclishoro, at tended the Fir, aud visited friends in the City of 0ks. Governor Russ-Jl ppoke in high praise 'he exhibition of the North Carolina Industrial Asocisirn. He was well pleised with the Fair. Mr. Simnel S. Watts, who has b?en in Lyn-hbu-ff, Va., s'nee the clcsing of theCd rni Deaf and Dumb srd Bind InsM utehas returned, an i wi'l resume h;s duties at the aove named institu tion. President Thomas Dnnald-on. Secre tary L aknrd Treasurer C. W. IL over were all re elected by acclamation at the stockholder's meeting of the No th Car olina Industrial Association Thursday niht ( f Fair week. Mr. Levi B lothe. father in law of Mr. J. J. Scotr. died Tuesday, November . ,h, being 86 v ears of hs II had b en a member (f 'he B'iptist church twenty five years. He was well known and a highly respected citizen of Goldsboro. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mrs. Pat.y Taborn to Mr. W..M. Pur kins, on Thursday evening-. November 25i h. Ft 8 o'clock, in Sbiloh Pnsbyterian church, G ddsboro. Su;plimentry to Hi.' marriage will be given a reception at M isom'c Hall. Miss Charlotte Rhone, on of New Berne's beautiful m l charming society young ladies, attended the Fair here last we,jk. Miss Rhone i very ertrtaining, aid madp many friends in Raleigh dur ing her stiy, and all who have met her are sorry to have her leave our city. Shiloh Institute is in a very flourishing cor.di ion now, uncer the management of its very effici nt entrge ic principal, the Rev. Mr. T. O. Fuller. Tha school already has more than three times as many boarding students as it hjd the whole of last term, and they still com1. Mr. C. C. Roach, one of New Berne's successful busiress men, spent Fair wek in our cuy. and his j vial go' d nature made all who met him proud of bis prt?s erc Mr. Roach is xtr-nieiy courteous and obliging, and we exnnd to liim a hearty welcome to our city at any and all tunes. C;irds are out announcing that Miss Lizzie Simpson wi 1 re manhd to Mr. Cyrus Hnrier on Wednesday evening, N'ovetnber 24th, fit tie residence of Mr. and Mis. Brown, at 4U0 Seventh Averue, New York, by Kev. J. M. Herders n. We extend our congratulations in ad va"iice. When you can get a dozn elegant photographs for on!y 25 cents it is cer tainly a nig run for a little quarter, ami that is being done at Dtv.s' new gallery on Fay t eide street, opp site Williams I o 'k stoie. Twtlve elegant photographs only a quarUr. Of course it is only for a few data, and photogiapbs not made of children in the afternoon. In the death of Dr. George W. Black nail, which occurred last Wednesd y mortiing at 5 o'ch ck, this t iry li ses one of its best and fort most cdizens, and the people geneiflly a kii d and benevolent friend. He was kind-hearted and gener ois. and did many charitable acts for those who needed his assistance. He al wav s gave willingly goo i advice to those who sought it at his hands. We extend our sympathy to the bereave 1 ones. Hon. J hn R. Smi h. Superintendent of the penitentiary, Ins o.d re 1 THE Ga zette s-nt to each of ihe State farms for the bi nefit of the prisoners. This is an advance st p an 1 shows Capt. Smi h to be a humane man. Now, let the lit ter Demcc.'atic prers howl about this nutter if it wants t. Superintendent Smith a!so stooped the washing for Ral eigh families that use to be done by c n- icis at the penitentiary under Dem cra tic rule. Fiee labor rejoices at this tt.-p. The mentioning of th pleisant things about the Fair w uld be incomplete wi. tr out a word about the excellent music furnish' d by the Greensloro Cornet Band, wh ch did all in its power to make the cc sion an tnjoyalle one. They performed their ardu us task without a murmur pnd to the entire satisfaction of th- Fair au horities, an 1 to the great de light of the peoj le who greatly en j iyed their line music. Io is a band of gentlemen, and good musicians as well, nd Greensboro 6hould be proud of them. For some cause or other cer'ain t'eket agents of ihe Stav ard Air Line rsfu-ed to give colored clergymen holding per uiiti first class tickets, but an order has betn lsMied by the proper offic-rs of that system dbecing agems to sell to clergy men with these permits tickets f tit her class, regHrrJl-ss of race or color. This is as it sh' u;d be, and the matter was reseda d as soon as the at ention of the officials was called to it. We understand that the clergjmen have never le-n troubled al ng the lines of the other roads in our Scate in this particular. Mr. Benjamin Hy'er. an o d and re sj ec ed citizen, committed suicide by dmwni. g in the pool at the ro -k qu ury in the Eastern parr, of oar ci-y list Mon day m n.ii g. F r aixut thirty years he had been a huckster incur market, and was favorably known by all our citi zens. He was a quiet, upright man, and treati d will die greaiest c ur esy and kind ies. It is thought that busints cares, as w 11 as p.aor health, caused him to commit the rash act. He was a sober and industrious man, and attended strictly to his own business. He leaves a wife and eight children, most of whom are gr -wn, to mourn his ! ss. II- was buried on Wed nesday ii oimng after the arrival of the absent membeis of the family whoresid elsc-wheie. We extend our rympathy to the bereaved onts. On Last Wednesdiy n'ght the Euka Ciub of the Fourth Ward gave a brilliant entertainment at the true Reformer's Hall. The murdc was superb, dancing fantastic, so much so that th - moments glid. d away so sp e iily tht we could scarcely realize that we shmild ever pait. VVt could have tnjojed those moments of happiness forever. The re freshments, which were served by a couit'ious and polite committee, was un to date in every sjnse of the word. We surely commend the Euka Club uc.on having one of the grandest balls of the season. The time soon came for this merry throi g to part, and with pore hearts they glided swiftly over the fl -or as ihe orchestia nlay.d "Home Sweet lit me," whispering softly into the ears of their paitners, I wou'd that these moments would last turever. Turner's North Carolina Almanac and Annual State Record, 61st Ed tiou. pub lish d i y Jamrs H. Enniss, Ral -igh, N. C, is on our table. Turner's Almanac is an old an ts:ahhshed S ale Insiitudon, and because of its reliabilitv, is popularly btyhd the ' Old Reliable." It is the standard or local astronomical t me by which to set our clocks and watches, al so as to ad officers of our Sfate govern ment. Salaiies, etc., lublic Works, Pen bl, Chaiiibble and Educational Institu tiocs, Courts, membeis of Congress, Judg'S, Solicitors, e:c. It contains als. many interesting facia, and statistics of North Carolina, valuable for reference, and an Annual State Ilt cord of the mi st important even's that l ave occuned dur ing the year lb'Jl, prominent aud official peis'.;ns who have died during ihn year, w ith household and medical receipts for the family, etc. It is a very useful pub lication, and commends itselt to all our people. Price ouly 10 cents, and for sale oy inei chants, posimtsters, druggists, etc., over the State, or by the publisher, J. H. Enniss, Raleigh, N. C. The Charlotte Light Infantry, which is Company B of the North Carolina State Guard, has been pronounced ty the inspecting officer as one among the best drilled comparing ia the fetate. This crack Company, under com mand of Col. C. S. L. A. Taylor, with ex Corporal M. C.Taylor, orueily; W. P. btdl, 1st lieutenant ; j. C. Graham, 2ndiieurenant : Z. Alexander, adjutant; Frank French, sergeant major ; H. M. Motz, 1st 6eigeaut, and numbering 43 m-n, was ordered in camp by Governor Daniel L. Russel during tne colored Fair last week, and as this was the tirsi time the soldier bo s had been iu camp in four yars they enj iyed it greatly, and at tue tarn. tiiUecaLtuted tbecit zensoi'R leitvh and the visilois to the Fair by their gentlemanly conduct and boldieny bear ing ud drilling. Charlotte may well be proud of this gallant conpany, for it will refl et ci eaii upon thb picgressive town wherever th-y may go. Capt. Taylor, being chief marshal of the Fair, had his company to take part in the pa rade each day, to the great delight of the Fair authorities and ine citizens gen erally. Ihe Govern r being absent irom the city un il late Thursday afternoon couid ne t visit the camp, which w0s in the Fair grounds, until Friday, when ac companied by Majors Hayes of ihe U. S. Army and J. E. Alexander, S. S. Batche lor and E. G. Hai rell of the State Guaid and all in full uniform, and the other State tiiceis visited the camp aud made a thorough inspection thereof, and watch ed witn inteitst the dri ling by the com pany until they were each satisfied that this company and its skillful couiniiinuer are adepts in ihe evolutions of military tactics. The Gjveinor and military de partment showed this company eveiy consiotratio'i due them as members of the State Guard. Ti e stockholders of the Industrial Association, by vote, thanked Governor Russell for ordering the company here during their lair. Tne tents of the oihcers and privates were supplied with every convenience while m camp. The department of the company, a individuals, was all th could be desired, and they will always find a hearty welcome, eitner as soliiers or citizens, in the Cuy "of Oaks. Shaw University Is My Cry V-i-c t-o r-y ! S-h-a w ! Shaw ! That in this years 'Variety Shaw has an eleven capable of maintaining h' r pre eminence on the foot ball field, was ex emplified in the two games played No vember 4th and 5th. Tne former, St. Augustine vs. S!iaw, resulting in a victory for Shaw, IS to 0 ; the latter, Greens oro Pastime A. A. vs. Shaw, resulting in a victory for Shaw, 21 to 0. Shaw, in these games, gave fine ex hibiti ins of what poits dash, vim, superior brawn, and bkill play in win ning a vicu ry. The signals were qu;ckly given by Capt. Love, the p!as run IT smoothly, and so furious ami ir-esiftahle were Shaw's attacks upon her opp menti line that, whether a St. Augusiine hne or a Greensboro line, it was fairly lifted up, earned and swept backwards, ev--n be hind its goal. In both games, Shaw sored a touch-down in three minutes af ter play. Her line held well tnd never was her goal in danger. Some of the featur. s of the game were fresd ni from roughness and hack ng, Campbell's, Garland's and Lave's louch downs in the gtme agamt St. Augus tine, and Miil's s-eveim-five yard run on a oouole pass in the game against Gieen-s boro. The part playrd by the rooters was most exhilarating, and lr -m all parts of the field might be heard a rooter echoing and re-echoing Chief ILwtJ silver-toned notes v i c-t-o r y. At pres-ent the 'Varsity is resting up, a?;d only now and then a player may be seen as with the conquering step, the mien of au Alexinder, he walks restless ly across the campus, often sighing dtep ly for more elevens to conquer. SHAW'S LINE UP. Garland c Cimplell rg M.tohell r t Jon s re H tmlin 1 g B anch 1 t Poliard 1 e Scoit q b Mills rhb Bjstic 1 h b Love f b (Capt.) S itterwhite Taylor Hackney Fletcher Touch-downs Love 3, Mills 1, Camp be 1 1, Bostic 1, Pollard 1, Garland 1. The attention f the Democrats who are pluming th m elves on making "gains" in tne recent election is respect fully called to the fact that one result of that election is to absolutely assure the Republicans of easy control of the S-n- Me in the next Core-es8. Ohio returns Mark Htnna, Marv'and retires Gorm in ana 6ends a R -publican. New Jeis y as sures a Republican in the pi a e of Sena tor Smith. Democrat, North Dakota will send a Republican to succeed R ach, Wisconsin will send a R nu? lican to suc ceed Mitchell. California w ill send a Re publican succest-or to White, Democr.-t, West, Virginia w illrenl ce Faulkner with a R. pubhean, and the G. O. P. will again c mrol the Senate by a gocd round ma- jjriry as it dot-s in the House. I. H. ROGERS, GROCER, 108 and 110 E. Hargett Street. The Cheapest Groceries and the Best to be Had. ME A T, MEAL, FLOUR and LARD at rock bottom prices. TOILET AND WASHING SOAPS. A fine line of Cigars sc Tobaccos Call on us and be convinced that we carry the best and cheapest line of Gro ceries in town. I. H. ROGERS, 103 and 110 E. Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. FRESH FISH AT LOW PRICE. Fish dealers and others wishing bar gain in f reh fi-h can get th' m cheap by writir g to David Foy, New Berne. Orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Oct. 16-3m OF SUMMONS TION. BY PUBUCA- NORTII CAROLINA Wake County. In Superior Court, April Term, 1897. Octavitjs Mitchell, Plaintiff, vs. John Mitchell, Defendant. The defendant above will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake Countv for divorce and to declare null and vo'd the marriage had between the plaintiff and defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next Civil Term of Wake Superior Court, to be held on the 25th day of October, 1897, at the Court-house in said County of Wake, in the State of North Carolina, and answer or demur to th1 complaint in paid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said com plaint. D. H. YOUNG, C. S. C. M. A. Bledsoe, Attorney for Plaintiff. August 15 6w. St Augustine's School, RALEIGH, N. C. Next Session begins Thursday, Sept. 30, 1897. COLLEGIATE. NORMAL. INDUSTRIAL. Students pay $5 a month in cash and $2 in work. (Incidental Fee, $3 a year). A limited number of students may work all day and attend school at night. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. If eufficien'ly advanced in English studies, young women may be received as nurses without charge, for an eighteen months' course of instruction under the phvsicians of St. Agnes Hopital. For catalogue or information, address Rev. A. B. HUNTER, Raleigh, N. C. Biddle University, CHARLOTTE, N. C , Consists of four School Theological, Collegiate, Normal and Preparatory, and Industrial. and offers Eight Courses of study. Exclusively for males. Baildings heated by steam and well lighted, and as well appointed for their purposes as any in the South Atlantic States. Community moral and intelligent. Location healthful. Faculty able and experienced. Opportunities for students to aid them selves bv work. Scholarships available. Next term begins October 6th. For information and catalogs, address Rev. D. J. SANDERS, D.D., Pres., CIIA 11 LO TTE, X. C. EVhisic School OF KITTRELL INSTITUTE KITTRELL, N. C. FACULTY : C. G. O'Kelly. A. M.. Dean. Mrs. Lillian M. Hawkins, Principal. J. W. Wilson. A. M., Choral Master. W. A. Hammond, Conductor of Orchestra. Miss Cokinne L. Gibson, A. B., Teacher. Miss Lula A. Norris, Assistant Teacher. This Sch'Kil offers superior training in the higher branches of music. Branches Taught: Violin, Piano, Or gan, Drlsarie Culture, Music History, Harmony, and Orchestral ion. Boarding pupils in the Music School are under the discipline of the Institute. Three terms of nine weeks each. For further information wr'te Mrs. LILLIAN M. HAWKINS, Principal of Music School, or C. G. O'KELLY, Dean of Faculty, Box 55, Kittrell, N. C. School opens October 1st, 1897. The Slater Mmtrial Acaleny, AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. FACT LT If FOR JiEXT YEAR: S. G. Atkins, A. M., President; Thos. R. Deunam. A. B., W. B. Crittenden, A. B., H. II. Hall, M. D.,Miss Nellie F. V. Edwards. J. H. Michael. S. J. Crews, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Matron; Jas. C Banks, Registrar. N. B. A Critic Teacher, a Teacher in Sh emaking and a Teacher in Sewing will be added. Normal; Industrial; Academic. Most Healthful Location. Offers superior training in its Normal and Industrial Departments. B arding pupils become a part of the Academy home. Discipline firm but natural, and special attention is gv-n to the care of the girls. With the commodious new brick budd ing now going up the Institution will give the btst accommodations. Expenses $7.00 per month with op portunity for many to help themaelvts by manual labor. Some books furnished without charge. CfTHE Next Session Opens October 1st. 1897. For further information send for Cata logue or write to the President. S. G. ATKINS, Box 283, Winston, N. C. july3-6m Furniture Repair Shop. MATTRESS MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Makes Folding-beds and Sideboards. PERFECT WORK GUARANTEED. R. S. JACKSON, 508 East First Street, Charlottk, N. C. auglS 8m NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of Nancy Ford, deceased, witn ner win annexeu, notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to the deceased to come forward and pay the game at once, and all persons having claims against the property of dfceast d to present the same to me on or before the 15th of July, 1898. oiherwit-e aai.i claims will ulnd in bar of their recovery. LEWIS BEMERY, Executor of Nancy Ford. 'August 14 4t. SERVICE i. p6nin The. . . . Swellest Line . . in Town. We are daily receiving our New Fall Line of Shoes, consist ing of all the NEW STYLES, NEW COLORS, NEW TOES. We are displaying decidedly the Cheapest and Nobbiest Line of Shoes ever shown in the City. Every pair STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE in style and quality. Oxford Ties at cost. S. C. POOL. r-j-i in S When You fMM Need B Furniture ALFRED WILLIAMS & RALEIGH, N. C. Headquarters of North Carolina School Books, Sunday School Supplies, Law Books, Miscellaneous Books, and Stationery. Our Stock is always full, and orders given prompt attention. Very truly yours, ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. Catalogues and Bamples of stationery furnished on application. UP WITH The Globe Clothing House, COR. WILMINGTON STREET and EXCHANGE PLACE, (Opp. Market.) JUST RECEIVED One of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Boys and Children. SHOES For Men, Women and Children. Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Trunks. Words fail to describe this wonderful array of merchandise. It must simply be seen to be appreciated. At no etage of our career were we so well able to quote such low prices as now. Having bought before the Dingley tariff bill went into opera tion, it is readily understood why we can sell goods cheaper now than our competi tors. Thi3 ia unquestionably the store for economical buyers to do their buying. A word to the wise is sufficient. Goods guarr-nteed as represented, or money cheerfully refunded. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. THE GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, Cor. Wilmington Street and Exchange STATE NORMAL INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, FRML1NI0N, N. C. NEXT SESSION OPENS OCT. 4th, 1897. LOCATION. This School is located on an elevation overlooking the city, healthful all the year round. ' DEPARTMENTS. Academic, Preparatory, Primary and Industrial. DORMITORIES. The dormitory for girls is under the supervision of the lady teachers, and that for boys of the male teachers. TERMS. Tuition, free. Board, lodging and washing, S45 per session of eight months. For catalogue and further information, address Rev. JOHN A. SAVA6E, D. 0., President, FRANKLINTON, N. C. FITZSIMMONS ! We only ask you to come and be con vinced. There is nothing more aston ishing than to see how prompt we are in delivering goods bought of ua. Our groceries are absolutely fresh. Best Flour, Meat, Meal, Lird, Coffee, Sugir, Butter, Egs, Cheese, Tea, Break fast Strips. Gold Dust, Rice, best Lnundry Soap, Corned Beef, good Cedar Buckets. A complete line of Confectioneries, Candy, Nuts, and all kinds of Cakes. FINE TOBACCO AND SNUFF. Special bargains in OAK AND PINE WOOD. All promptly delivered. Don't fail to call. WE LEAD AND OTHERS FOLLOW. J. L. ALSTON, Co a. McDowell and South Sts. Albion Academy utlOBS 13 D Fayetteville Street. 321 nu onvAii jp Dnonrn OUR STOCK IS LARGE, OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEAT. Open at Night! ROYflliLt & BORDEN. BSI CO., THE TIIV1ES Place. (Reached from Ihe Market.) Just Completed 1 1 TUE STAR ICE CREAM PARLORS have just been completed; three separate parlors, nea lv furnished and lighted by electricity. Many Lively pictures ad rn the richly painted walls,which are painted in green, yellow, rd sky-blue and other colors, all bier ding in harmony, making this the most attractive place of its kind In the city. Lidies' separate parlors. A parlor for ladies and gentlerm-n. Visitors to our city receive our best at tention. Waiters polite and tver reaily to serve vou in style, and at any time. Call and be convinced. If you wish to have cream for Sunday please send in your order on Saturday. Wholesale and Retail. STAR ICE CREAM PARLOUS, P. J. JEFFREYS, Proprietor, 209 West South Street. DURHAM CITY DINING HALL, Is where you will find a commodious dining-hall, No. 117 Peabody street, where you can at all hours be served with a well-prepared meal and lodging at low est prices. I can also furnish the pvblic with fine aDd first-class oysters. Fii vate families can send in their orders aud they will be promptly attend ed to. J. S. McAllister, fira. No. 119 Peabody St. A. J. BRANCH, HENDERSON, N. C, Contractor and Builder ALL WORK GUARANTEED. REFERENCES.- D. S, Smith, J. T. WHlim, D. W. Hardy, Greurule, N. C 1.001. Before Leaping;, and Examine the Following Price-List: Good Molasses, 20c gal. Country made Syrup. 35c gal. Fine Golden Crown Sjrup. H5c gal. Two 5 cent Boxes Bluing, 6c. Uood Ureen Coffee, 12Jc lb. lietter u. iree. 171c lb. Nice Mullets, 3Jc lb. Good Laundry Soap, 4c bar. First Quality Table Peachen, 10c can. Three-pound Can Tomat e. 8c can. Three hoop Jumper Buckets, 20c liest cream Cheese, 15c lb. Large 10c Bottle of Machine Oil, 5c (Jrits, 2c lb. Fine Shoe Leather 25c and 30c. Gold Dust, 20c package. bamn Chimneys, 4c, 5c, and 6c each. Powder, 25c lb. All kinds of Tinware at Lowest Prices. (Jun Powder and Shot always on hand. Beef. Pork, and Hausage at all times. tSTCome and be convinced. W. L SANDERFORD, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Etc. S. E. Cor. Blount and Smithfield Sts. All Ctate or SMayMools which WANT SINQINQ CLASSES TAUGHT rOR Twelve or Twenty-four Lesson Terms Will do well to correspond with Prof. A. R. GREEN, MORRISVILLE, N. C. North Carolina Republican Head quarters in Washington. At 419 12th Street, N. W.. you will find the North Carolina Republican Head quarters, where J ou will be liable to keep in full touch with the new administra tion. Information will be sent in five times a day for the benefit of the club. Any one wishing quarters during the In auguration, or at snv time, can apply to A. L. SATTERWIIITE, President. 5 J : L - j. II v c. i m FOtt REPAIRING Sewing MacMnes.Organs, Accordlons,&c, WRITS OK CALL Olf J. D. CRUDUP, No. 106 Wilmington St., Ralbiob, N. C. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. JAMES S. LANIER, Attorney at Law, WINSTON. N. C. WAITIHOFOR YOUI MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, NATS. Etc. have never been sold so cheap as yon cam get them right now of CROSS & LINEHAN, 210 Fayettevillt St.. RALEIGH. M. C. y-Membert ot the General Aaaembl will do well to irie us calL -JTOIEi- French Fried Potatoes. TRY BROWN, 113 E. Hargett St. ALSO SOUPS, STEWS, ROASTS, And everything that can be had in a First-class Restau rant! (3IVE ME A TRIAL. A. BROWN. YUKON... FIND A Klondyke Here. So there is no ue of hunting for a chance to get gold elsewhere. "A dol lar navel is a dollar rnHd-," whether gold or silver. We can are you dollars if you nive us your patronage. We have m nice line of CJrocerie, Cm feclions, and Country Produce. Try us. RALPH RAY & CO., 440 N. Salisbury Street, opposite First It tpliat Church, (col.) Sept. 11 4 1. HARDER SALOON. When in need of a Hair Cut or a Shave call on IIaktman & Counsel, the Bar bers, of Wilmington, N. C. Tbey are first-class and polite in every particular. You will find them at 821 N. ith Street. When in the city call on them. J n