HE GAZETTE,. Va LKIOI I, L- - " N. C. tl 1 V. COUNTY AND GENERAL. vESLEy" T. , WILLI 'VMS, . . Local Editor AND CITY COLLECTOR. SoriCE. Subscribers whose time has please come forward and renew ptions, or their names will be e1, as the new management requires it. j to) Marriage and funeral notices, in ad- ,1,,Lt., fifty cents. st.mdine ana transient notices, per cents each insertion. II :.' rive ,: l KIWI, N. C, DECEMBER 4, 1897. AllOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW. iv, n't forget Anderson's ad. in this issue. Agent J. D. Pair epent Thanksgiving I i;iv in the city of Richmond. Mr. J. T. Barber is the progressive prin . pul of Brooks' Academy of James City. y. c. Miss Daisy Jones, of Charlotte, N. C, school in Wake Ccunty thia Mrs. Bishop James A Handy attended ; he Conference here th uiisumu. Uev. W. A. P trgat s has been returned to the A. M. E. Z. Church of this city for year 1SU8. Mr. J. L. Kelly, of the Agricultural Department, handed us the cost of the Gazette this week. Mr. J. J. Jones, one of Raleigh's po litest hackmen, handed us the cash for his renewal this week. , Miss Nana Page, of M llbrook, N. C en t et ed t he S rate Normal School at Ft ank iinton, N. (.'., last week. Rev. J. M. Henderson, of Hi. kory, N. C, was in the ciy last week attending the A. M. E. Conft-rence. Don't forget that ft B. W. Uncburch's you can g jt large Norfolk oysters and gioceries of every description. Our progressive townsman, Capt J. E. Pogue, is having a neat little cottage erected on East Cabarrus street. Miss Mary McSwtdn fc the city last Saturday for Gilbert, N. C, where on Monday she began teaching school. Mr A. L. Bank, an enterprising farm er, dropped in to tee us last week and handed us the cash for his renewal. Mr. Chas. A. Dunnton, one of Raleigh's expert t n-oriahnt, took a flying trip from the city Monday of this week. Mr. C. II. Mayes is now engeed in teaching echo l at Mo'iah, N. C. He eavs that he canm t do without the Gazette. Dr. II. II. Mitchell, of Norfolk, Va., preached an able and soul-Ktirring f-ermon at the First Baptist Church last Sunday night. The order of True Reformer of Wil mington, are preparing for a grand an nual sermon to this order on January 1, 1898. The Littleton Baptist School, of which Mr W. II. Wrwi. k is principal, is steadily euccee'ii.g. The attendance is much larger than it was last year this time. Miss Carrie L. Haywood, of Garner, who has been afending Etey Seminary, has returned and has begun her winter school. Prof. M. R. King, of Wrendale, one of the progressive teachers of Edgecombe couny, favored us with a cash renewal la-t week. Thanks. Messrs. J. R. Ferrall & Co., the leading grocers of the city and men ol great bu-ioess capacities, favored us with a renewal this week, Mrs. Cahin W. Duns'on, formerly of Raleigh but now of Durham, was in the city la-tt we?k stopping with her daugh ters on South Eist street. Thanks to Mr. David Fy, of New Berne, for tin subs 3 iptions of Messrs. Jacob Long and Wi liam Mourning; also the renewal of Mr. John T. Perry. The pages of BransonV Almanac, show ing all the courts, also the county fficers, oIua iha SratP r.ffi.-ers. make the Almanac worth many times the 10 cents charged for it. Branson's Agricultural Almanac for ly$ has some new items of much value every year, and is thus kept fresh and in teres ing to the people in all sections of the Stite. Mr. E Imond Matthews, one of Wake's earnest Republicans and a man whose integrity and push is not to be surpassed, was in tne city and gave us the cash for his renewal. Our former classmate, Mr. J. S. Ar-ring-r,n, accompanied by our schoolmate, Mr S S. Davis, while in the city as dele gates to the Y. M. C. A. Convention, called in to see us. Hon. J. V. McFarland. the popular sheriff of Rutherford County, came down to the city last week to bring a prisoner to the penitentiary. He gave us a sub scription while here. Misses Sadie and Lillian Fitzgerald, of Durham, were here last week, t e hostess of Miss L. M. Jordan, on S mth Ea-t street. They left fr their home in Dur-ha-n Monday of this week. Branson's Agricultural Almanac has several valuable pges prepared by Dr. I). Reid Parker, Director of Farmer s In stitutes. Tnese farm Maxims are good to be kept in every family for daily use. Branson's Almanac, page 9, gives all the denominations of our State, white and colored, number of preachers, num ber of churches, and number of members of each one, white and colored the only official record. Next Sunday night, D member 5, there will be a delightful concert at the Congregate- al Church, ur-der the auspices of Miss Patde Love and Miss Addie Whit aker. All are cordially invited to enjoy this occasion. Prof. A. B. Vincent will hold a New Era Institute at Spiingfield church Da cember 17 to 18 Dr. J. W. Carter. Rev. John E White, Dr. A W Pegues, Rev. B. W. Spiimm, Rev. George Perry and Kev. J. J. Worlds will give lectures. While in the city attending the Y. M. C. Conference last week, Prof. J H. M. Butler, of the A. and M. College, Gnens boro, made a pleasant visit to the office of the Gazette. We are always glad to welcome prommsnt educators like Prof. Butler in our city. J. W. Crudup will leave Monday, De cember 6th, for Frankliutnn, Louisburg, Sping Hope arid Wilson, N. C. tuning, repairing and selling organ. He is the bent tuner and repairer iu Rtleigh. Look out for him. He will be riding a Victor wheel. See ad. elsewhere in this paper. The address of welcome delivered be fore the Conference here last Thursday by Prof. J. II. B anch, principal of the Ooerlin graded school, was oue of his f-t tfforts. It was eloquent and i-chol arlv, and those who had the pleasure of hearing the address said it was 1 ighly edifying. "While in Richmond last week we were leased to meet several friends whom we hal often sepn in North Carolina, viz: Ir. E. R. J. fferson. Misses Cora and Lula Tnornt n of Hartshorn College and Mr. 1 N. Hollie of the Theological Seminary. While in the city we were the guestof Mr. and Mrs. , who spared no paina in making our visit a pleasant one. Prof. John R. Htwkinj, ore of the foremost educators of the negro race Ta r nJh city laat week attending the A. M. E. Conference. While in Wilmington it was our treas ure, fis it always ha been, to meet rmr friend. Mr. J. H. Wilson, who is a most. courteous and int ll gent gentleman. He is in tne employ cf M -ssra. Sprunt & Son as uoison graaer. and his many years of experience in this business makes him an expert in this line. Mr. Wilson says the Gazette is quite a favorite of his, and bids the paper much success. The Thanksgiving reception at the Odd Fellow's hall last Thursday night was the grandest affair of the occasion. As the sweet strains of music fell upon the tars of the participants they glided swif ily over the floor. The merry makers enjoy td themselves extremely, and never were there a more gentlemanly set of young men gotten togtthtr. The hall was indeed brilliantly decorated, so much so that the merry-makers could only imagine themselves in a world of bliss and happiness. Mr. George B. Willis, formerly of New- bern but now of New York, sends us a renewal and writes us a good letter, in which he pays his respects to the " Dem- roatio Aid Society " which was organ ized here (luring the wet k of the Colored fair. His letter would make good read ing for our readers as he reviews condi tious for the'paet thirty years, but he says it is not for publication. He speaks in warm praise of the Gazette. He wa in the Lrgislature of our State in 1870-"71. He expects to move back to our State in the early spring. During our two week's stay in the city of Wilmington, looking after the Ga zette, it was our pleasure to meet Hon. D. B. Sut'on, who repret-ented the county of .New Hanover in the last Legislatuie, He gave us a hearty and cordial greeting, Mr. Sutton has recently been re-elect d City Attorney, as we learn, to the entire satisfaction of New Hanover Republicans Mr. Sutton is a young lawyer with t bright future before him, and a gentle man. we believe, who has an honesty of purpose. He is a strong Republican and a fluent speaker. Prof. II. C. Crosby, one of the best known educators in our State, died on last Mondav meht in this city of con sumption after a long illness. He was a corci.4tent member of the church and a faithful member of Widow Son l odge of Masons. His funeral ws preached at the Chapel of Sluw University and he was burned with Masonic honors Gnnd M ster Yoiin, at the request of Worship ful Master D bnam, fficiating. A more extended account will appear later. On November 9th, at Ingold, N. C, Mes-rs. P. J. Sherard and W. J. Faison, of Enterprise Lodge, No. 3948, Clinton, N. C, set. up Shining Light Lodge, No. 4274, G. U. O. F., with 40 memb-w. Mr. Ad lphus West, P. M. F.; Robt L. Peter s -n, N. F.; Tobias B ykiu, P. N. G ; Mar shall R- iiis.m. N G.; Levi D. R binson, V. G ; Lewis Robinson, W. G.; James B. Undrwood, Advocate; Isaac N. R bin s n. W. C; James M. Newkirk. E S ; Ellis Wright. Guardian; Abb W. High smith. P. S-; Bit ey Peterson, Warden; E. C. Boy kin, R. S to N. G.; John E. Bvvkin, L. S. to N G.: Joe Wiight, R. S. t . V. G.; Eddie B. Smith, L. S. to V. G. This lodge promises to be one of the strongest in the Stale. Mrs. Mirerva Abbott departed this life Tuesday, November 23, 1897. She was born iu Eienton.N C , atiout 98 years ago, and has I eeu a Christian more than riftv years, and a memtier f St. Paul's A. Ml E. Courh atRleigh.N C, thirty live ears. In 1875 fhe w nt North and attached herself in the old B thel Church at that time in Sullivan street, a'd in 1882 she rt-turned to Rah igh. In 1887 she again returned to New York to live with her son, P. E. Abbott. In June, '97, she returned to Method. N. C, to her daugh ter's, Mrs. Peggie Blunt, where the end came. She was one of those old time Christians who never forgot her obliga tions to God. Her last words were, that she was jt:st waiting for the word to cross over Jordan. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Peggie Blunt; one son. P. E. Abbott, of New York; eight grand, and nine gieat grand children to mourn their loss. The funeral was conductd by Rev. Isaac Boyd fr .m John 11.25-26. The in terment was at Cary. Peace to ht r ashes. Emancipation Meeting. A meeting of the citizens of the city of Raleierii and Wake County is hereby calleu to meet at thf Court House in the ciivo Rtleierh on Monday evening. De cember 6ih. at 8 o'clock to take sb p 1 ok inn to a proper observance of the 35th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Emancipation. Let there be a full turnout, as it is de sired thtt this ba an occasion worthy of the ereat deed which it'is designed to commemorate. James H. Youno, C. N. Hunter, President. Secretary. Business Enterprises. Wilmington is cne among the many cities that have colo ed men of business tact. Hon. A. J. Walker has opened a nice grocery store on the correr of 4th and Nixon streets, and is doing a good business. He carries a line of stapl and fancy grocerbs. and handles only the best of goods, and bis trade is growing every day. H-s polite and courteous wife, Mrs. Walker, manages the busi neps, and I am sure she will try to please yo l in her line of trade. Messrs. E. M. Green and G C. BarneU, two well-known business gentlemen, have a leading grocery house on the corner of 7,h and Nunn tfreets. The imm tiers of this progressive firm are gentlemen who know every detail of the grocery busi ness and who study to please thdr many patrons by supplying them promptly with just what they want in the line of choice edibles. Masonic Grand Lodge. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge cf Free and Accepted Ancient Masons for th" Stae of North Can lina will meft t Wilson onTuesdav. December 14th, 1897. A letter from Mr. W. II Fitzgerald, Com missioner to Grand Secretary Stevens, says: "The Atlantic Coast Line, South ern flailway, Seaboard Air Line, Atlantic & Danvillf, 1 ape Fear and Yadkin Val ley, Ohio River and Charleston Railroad will sell round-trip tickets from all points in the StUe, including Norfolk, Suffolk and Dinville, Virginia; tickets to be sold December 12th to 16th, inclusive, good until December 25fh." For round trio f.om Asheville, $13 55; Charlotte, $9 45; Dinville. 88 10; Durham, $4 00; Fayette ville, $3.65; Forest City, $12 65; Greens boro, $6 30; Henderson, $5.00; M ores b.ro. $12.35; Norfolk, $( 60: Ra'eigh, 2 75; .-helbv, $12.05; Suffolk, $6.00; Wei don. $2.75; Wilmington, $5 05; Winston, $7 45. In order that there may be no confusion about securing tickets at this r- dured rate we advise those intending to attend the Grand Lodge to go at once to tee the local ticket agent and find out if he has been instructed by the proper au thorities to sell said tickets; if not, get him to take the matter up at once with said authorities. Tested Eggs, Irish Potatoes Winesap, Johnson and Pippin Apples at whole sale. W. 8. Barnes & Co. Tbe Conference at Wilmington. The 29th Annual Session of the North Carolina A. M. E. Conference assembled in Mt. Olive Church, November 18th to 23fd. This Christian body was called to order by Rr Rev. BUhnn James A. Handy, D. D. Rev. E J. Ore ear was elected Secretary of Conference. Tlo Conference was composed of a large num- Der oi ministers and men whose faces gave expression of very great intelligence, and men consecrated to the work of the Christian ministry. Bishop Handy is an excellent presiding officer; his rulings on all points are calm and deliberate. The various reports showed an increase along all the lines of all the works of this de nomination. Prof. C. G. O'Kelly, prin cipal of the Kiitrell Institute, and Prof. John R Hawkins, Secretary of the Edu cational Department of the Methodist Church, were present and presented very forcably the educational work. The next annual session will be held in Warrenton. The f ollowing appointments were made for 1898: WILMINGTON DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, Rev. W. H. Capehart. St. Stephens, Rev. I S. Lee. Mt. Olive, Rev. A. Stroud. Fayetteville, R-v. G. W. Gibbs. Navassa, R-iv. E. Hurst. Bladen, Rev. B. A. Moore. Rowland, Rav. I. W. Battey. Fair Bluff, Rev. G. G. McGee. S .uth Port, Rev. J. W. Murphy. Wilmington Cir., Rv. W. H. Bishop. Fayetteville Mia., Rev. O H. Beattey. New Light, Rev. A. A. Blocker. ROCKY POINT DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, Rev. E. J. Gregg. Mt. Zion, Rev. J. W. Telfair. Rocky Point, Rev. J. H. Robbins. Scotts Hill, Rev. F. G. Greenlea. Shaw Branch, R v. Wiley Fleming. Richlands, Rev. J. W. Sanders. Rock Fith, Rev. T. J. Deberry. IGnansville, Rev. Wesley Bess. French Creek, Rev. W. S. Shepherd. Burgaw. Rev. Henry Epps. Spring Branch, Rev. Geo. W. Wash ington. Willard Mis., Rev. J. C. Sloan. NEWBERN DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, Rev. James Dean. Newbern. Rev. K. C. Holt. Kinston, Rev. J. L. Hall. Warrer ton. Rv. J B. McGee. Washington, Rev. J. J. Robinson. Brinkleyville, Rev. R R. Nichols. Creekville, Rev. Robert Lucas. Smithfild, Rev. O. L W. Smith. Selma, Rev. William Morehead. W.Lon Mi'ls, Rv. H. 0"Kelly. Kenly, Rrv. H. H. Harris. Spring Hope. Rv. J. E. C. Birham. Nashville, Rev. C. R. Snders. Ringwoort. Rtv. W. A. Scott. Halifax, Rev. C. V. Richardson. Weldon, Rev. W. T. 51 nroe. Murfreesboro, Rev. C. E. McKoy. Rich Square, Rev. J. D. Shepherd. Elizabrth City, Rev. A. P. Bender. Newbern Mis., Rv. H. W. Bell. Four Oaks Mis., Rev. J. C. Cole. Goldsboro, Rev. R. C. Curtis. Red Front. Save money by buving j'our fhh and oysters from Britton Pearce. Phone 229 C. Call and get prices, NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of II. C. Crosby, debased, with his will annexed, notice is hereby given to all persons in leb ed to the deceased to come forward and pay the same at once, and all persons having claims against tne property oi ae- ceased to pre&ent the same to me on or before the 1st day or uecemoer, leas, otherwise said claims will be plead in bar of their recovery. CjEsar Johnson, Executor ot H. C. Crosby. Dfcember 1, 1897. 6t STOP! LISTEN!! He is a Negro that has Found a Barrel of Gold! Sherman S. Furr, of 511 South 7th Street, Wilmington, N. C, has found what he has been looking for for ten years, an herb that makes the hair grow, t-tops it from breakirg off and falling out. It will also make your hair straight and beautiful. It removes dandruff, cleans the scalp, and removf s tetter. I am receivirg orders from all parts of the country. This remedy has proven to be the best on earth to make fine hair. Pr ce, pr box, $1; samples 25 and 50 cents. Prompt attention to all orders. Send money by express or money order. -J Ti o -nT O. H. Anderson & Co., Cash Grocers. Large size hams, 9c. Small s:ze hams, 10c. Good green coffee, 10c. Best cream cheese, 12Ac. White meat, 6c. Oatmeal, 4c. Gold Dust, 4c. pkg. Laundry soap, 3c. 3 lbs. prunes for 25c. White bears, 8c. qt.; or 2 for 15c. Star Lye, 8c. A 5c. -box lye for 4c. Best mince meat made, 10c. Maccaroni, 8c. pkg. Give us a trial order, and you will come again. C. H. ANDERSON & CO., Harqett Street. FRESH FISH AT LOW PRICE. Fish dealers and others wishing bar gsins in fresh fish can get thun cheap by writirg to David Foy, New Berne. Orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Oct. 16-3m Furnitnre Repair Shop. MATTRESS MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Makes Folding-beds and Sideboards. PERFECT WORK GUARANTEED. R. S. JACKSON, 608 Eaat Fint Street, Chaklottk, N. C. auglS m St Augastiiie's School, RALEIGH, N. C. Next Session begins Thursday, Sept. 30, 1897. COLLEGIATE. NORMAL. INDUSTRIAL. Students pay $5 a month in cash and $2 in work. (Incidental Fee, $3 a year). A limited number of students may work all day and attend school at night. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. If sufficiently advanced in English studies, young women may be received as nurses without charge, for an eighteen months course of instruction under tbe physicians of St. Agnes Hospital. For catalogue or information, address Rev. A. B. HUNTER, Raleigh, N. C. Biddle University, CHARLOTTE, N. O., Consists of four Schools Theological, Collegiate, Normal and Preparatory, and Industrial, and offers Eight Courses of study. Exclusively for males. Buildings heated by steam and well lighted, and as well appointed for their purposes as any in the South Atlantic States. Community moral and intelligent Location healthful. Faculty able and experienced. Opportunities for students to aid them selves by work. Scholarships available. Next term begins October 6th. For information and catalogs, address Rev. D. J. SANDERS, D.D., Pres., CHARLOTTE, X. C. til u sic School OF KITTRELL INSTITUTE KITTRELL, N. C. FACULTY : C. G. O'KELLY. A. M.. Dean. Mrs Lillian M. Hawkins. Principal. J. W. Wilson. A. M., Choral Master. W. A. Hammond, Conductor of Orchestra. Miss Corinne L. Gibson, A. B., Teacher. Miss Lula A. Norris, Assistant Teacher. This Sch.iol offers superior training in the higher branches of music. Branches Taught: Violin, Piano, Or gan, Delsane Culture, Music History, Harmony, and Orchestration. Boarding pupils in the Music School are under the discipline of the Institute. Three terms of nine weeks each. For further information write Mrs. LILLIAN M. HAWKINS, Principal of Music School, or C. G. O'KELLY, Dean of Faculty, Box 55, KITTRELL, N. C. School opens October 1st, 1897. Tie Slater Mistrial Acaaemy, AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. FACULTf FOR NEXT YEAR: S. G. Atkins, A. M., President; Thos. R. Debnam, A. B., W. B. Crittenden, A. B., U. H. Hall, M. D., Miss Nellie F. V. Edwards. J. H. Michael. S. J. Crews, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Matron; Jas. C Banks. Registrar. N. B. A Critic Teacher, a Teacher in Shoemaking and a Teacher in Sewing will be added. Normal; Industrial; Academic. Most Healthful Location. Offers superior training in its Normal and Industrial Departments. Boarding pupils become a part of the Academy home. Discipline firm but natural, and special attention is given to the care or tne gins. With the commodious new brick build- in 2 now coin e ud the Institution will give the best accommodations. Expenses $7.00 per month with op portunity for many to help themselves bv manual labor. Some books furnished without charge. EThe Next Session Opens October 1ST, 1897. For further information send for Cata logue or write to the President. S. G. ATKINS, Box 283, Winston, N. C. july3-6m NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of Nancy Ford, deceased, with her will annexed, notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to the deceased to come forward and pay the same at once, and all persons havinc claims aerainst the property of deceased to present the same to me on or before the 15th of July, 1898. otherwise said claims will be plead in bar of their recovery. LEWIS BEMERY, Executor of Nancy Ford. August 14 4t. ATTENTION WASHERWOMEN! And all others who use Soap. SOAP! SOAP! SOAP! The best, the very best, quality of Soap. We offer you eight cakes for 25 cents, four cakes for 14 cents, two cakes for 7 cents, one cake for 4 cents. This soap is equal in quality and quantity to any 5 cent soap on the market. Give it a trial and you will buy no other. Gold Dust Powder in 5c. packages, 6 for 25 cents. Pearline same price as Gold Dust. We have a general line of Groceries which we are offering at low prices. Our salesmen, porters and drivers are always polite, and we guarantee every thing we sell. All goods promptly delivered. W.C.STROHACH&SONS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. Opening o The . . . . Swellest Line . . . in Town. We are daily receiving our New Fall Line of Shoes, consist ing of all the NEW STYLES, NEW COLORS, NEW TOES. We are displaying decidedly the Cheapest and Nobbiest Line of Shoes ever shown in the City. Every pair STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE in style and quality. Oxford Ties at cost S. C. POOL, lE wnen You fgs CAll uxkiv. l'A!?y3 Need Furniture ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., RALEIGH, N. C. Headquarters of North Carolina School Books, Sunday School Supplies, Law Books, Miscellaneous Books, and Stationery. Our Stock is always full, and orders given prompt attention. Very truly yours, ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. t Catalogues and samples of stationery furnished on application. UP WITH AT The Glolbe Clothing House, COR. WILMINGTON STREET and JUST RECEIVED One of the largest and Winter Clothing for Men, Boys and Children. SHOES For Men, Women, and Children. Gents' Furnishings. Hats and Trunks. Words fail to describe this wonderful array of merchandise. It must simply be seen to be appreciated. At no stage of our career were we so well able to quote such low prices as now. Having bought before the Dingley tariff bill went into opera tion, it is readily understood why we can tors. This is unquestionably the store for A word to the wiae is sufficient. Goods guaranteed as represented, or money cheerfully refunded. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. THE GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, Cor. Wilmington Street and Exchange Place. (Reached from the Market.) Albion Acad J STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, FRAELIHTON, N. C. NEXT SESSION OPENS OCT. 4th, 1897. LOCATION. This School is located on an elevation overlooking the city, healthful all the year round. DEPARTMENTS. Academic, Preparatory, Primary and Industrial. DORMITORIES. The dormitory for girls is under the supervision of the lady teachers, and that for boys of the male teachers. TERMS. Tuition, free. Board, lodging and washing, $45 per session of eight months. For catalogue and further Information, address Rev. JOHN A. SAVAGE, D. ., President, FRANKLINTON. N. C. FITZSIMMONS ! We only ask you to come and be con vinced. There is nothing more aston ishing than to see how prompt we are in delivering goods bought of us. Our groceries are absolutely fresh. Best Flour, Meat, Meal, Lard, Coffee, Sugar, Butter, Eg(?8, Cheese, Tea, Break fast Strips, Gold Dust, Rice, best Lnundry Soap, Corned Beef, good Cedar Buckets. A complete line of Confectioneries, Candy, Nuts, and all kinds of Cakes. FINE TOBACCO AND SNUFF. Special bargains in OAK AND PINE WOOD. All promptly delivered. Don't fail to call. WE LEAD AND OTHERS FOLLOW. J. L. ALSTON, Co a. McDowell and South Sts. Fa Sh 130 Fayetteville Street. on royall & borden. 0UR stock IS LARGE, OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEAT. OuenatNiirht! tS kvauti 9 VI lU WW I lUCOf nil THE TIW1ES EXCHANGE PLACE, (0pp. Market.) and finest Stocks of Fall sell goods cheaper now than our competi economical buyers to do their buying. Just Completed 1 1 TIIE STAR ICE CREAM PARLORS have just been completed; three separate parlors, neatly furnished and lighted by electricity. Many lovely pictures adorn tbe richly painted walls, which are painted in green, yellow, red, sky-blue and other colors, all bier. ding in harmony, making this the most attractive plaeo of its kind in the city. Ltdies' separate parlors. A parlor for ladies and gentlemen. Visitors to our city receive our best at tention. Waiters polite and ever ready to serve you in stj le, and at any time. Call and be convinced. If you wish to have cream for Sunday please send in your order on Saturday. Wholesale and Retail. STAR ICE CREAM PARLORS, P. J. JEFFREYS, Proprietor, 209 West South Street. DURHAM CITY DINING HALL, Is where you will find a commodious dining-hall, . No. 117 Peabody street, where you can at all hours be served with a well-prepared meal and lodging at low est prices. I can also furnish the public with fine and Bret-class oysters. Fii vate families can send in their orders and they will be promptly attended to. J. S. McAllister, m. No. 119 Peabody Rt. A. J. BRANCH, HENDERSON, N. C, Contractor and Builder ALL WORK GUARANTEED. REFERENCES: D. 8. Smith, J. T. WiUUms, b. W. Hardy, OreenTille, N. C 3 l.00l. Before Leaping, and Examine the Following Price-List: Good Molasses, 20c gal. Country-made Syrup. 85c gal. Fine Golden Crown Syrup, 85c gal. Two 5 cent Boxes Bluing, 5c wood ureen Collee, 12Jc lb. lietter Uollee, I7c lb. Nice Mullets, 3Jc lb. Good Laundry Soap, 4c bar. First Quality Table Peaches, 10c can. Three-pound Can Tomatoes, 8c can. Three-hoop Jumper Buckets, 20c uest cream uneese, 1 5c lb. Large 10c Bottle of Machine Oil, 5c Grits, 2c lb. Fine Shoe Leather 25c and 80c. Gold Dust, 20c package. uimp chimneys, 4c, oc, and do each. Powder. 25c lb. All kinds of Tinware at Lowest Prices. Gun Powder and Shot always on hand. lieei. I'orlc, and Sausage at all times. EZrAXme and be convinced. W. L SAHDERFORD. Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Etc. S. E. Cor. Blount and Smlthfleld 8ts. All (Mb or SnnJayMools WIIIC71 WANT SINQINQ CLASSES TAUGHT FOR Twelve or Twenty-four Lesson Terms Will do well to correspond with Prof. A. R. GREEN, M ortiti s ville, N. C. North Carolina Republican Head quarters in Washington. At 419 12th Street. N. W.. you will find the North Carolina Ilrpuhlicftn Head quarters, where jou will be liable to keep in lull touch witn the new administra tion. Information will be pent in five times a day for the benefit of the club. Any one wishing quarters during the In auguration, or at any time, can apply to A. L. SATTEIv WHITE, President. -FOR REPAIRING- Sewing Machices.Orgaiis, Accordlons.&c. WUTt OWL CALL OR J. D. CRUDUP, No. 1 06 Wilmington SU, Raleiob, It. C ALL WORK GUARANTEED. JAMES S. LANIER, Attorney at Law, WINSTON, N. C. WAITING FOE YOUI MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, CENTS' FURNISH I NO GOODS, HATS, Etc. have never been sold so cheap aa yon caa get them right now of CROSS & LINEHAN, 210 faettenllt St., RALEIGH, N. C. -Memben ol tbe General Assembly will do well to frlvc us a call. -FOR- French Fried Potatoes, TRY jAlo BROWN, 113 E. Hargett St. ALSO SOUPS, STEWS, BOASTS, And everything that can bo had in a First-class Restau rant! GIVE ME A TRIAL. A. BROWN. YUKON... FIND A Klondyke Here. So there is no use of hunting for' a chance to get gold elsewhere. "A dol. Jar gavel is a dollar made," whether gold or silver. We can Bate you dollars if you give us your patronage. We have a nice line of Groceries, Con feci ions, and Country Produce. Try us. RALPH RAY & CO., 440 N. Salisbury Street, opposite First Daptist Church, (col.) Sept. 11 4 1. HARDER SALOON. When in need of a Hair Cut or a 8hare call on Hartman & Counsel, the Bar bers, of Wilmington, N. C. They axe first-clans and polite In every particular. You will find them at 821 N. 4th Street. When in the city call on them.