Is V ir' Aew I'aper lor Stamps. ArTarisemenis have been made by the Treasury Department -with the New York and Pennsylvania Company, the present contractors for the paper upon which internal revenue stamps are printed, by wh!ch all paper hereafter to bo manufactured by the company for the internal revenue office shall con tain a uniform water mark. The sheets upon which stamps are to be printed will hereafter, when held up the long way, contain a" water marking which shall read from left to right across the width of the sheet as follows: "U. S. MS." An Illinois jury returned a verdict of J?."4,"() the other day In favor of a young widow who sued for breach of promise to marry, and a special cor respondent says that "the large amount named creates general surprise, as the largest personal damage verdict In the past in this county was $5,000 for in juries resulting in death." The infer ence plainly is that trifling with a pretty widow's affections is a crime about eleven times worse than death. REV. HUGHES HKFWORTH, He Will Examine and Report on the Armenian Outrages. In behalf of the New York Herald Eer. Dr. George Hughes Hepworth will examine and report on the alleged Armenian outrages. He is one of the most eminent clergymen of the coun try, as well as a leading journalist. He has already left Constantinople with an able assistant and, under the firman of the Sultan will investigate the condi tions of the Armenians of the empire. The result of the investigation will be publishad in a series of letters which Mutual Interest. "So that young man wants to marry you?" said Mabel's father. "Yes," was the reply. "Do you know what his salary is?" "Xo. But it's an awfully strange co Incidence." "What do you mean?" "Herbert asked me the very same question about you." "Washington Btar. Tho West End. There is one good explanation of the fact that great cities almost invariably grow towards the west. As regards Europe, the prevailing winds are from the west and southwest, so that these portions of the towns are brighter, cleaner, and healthier than the eastern. any There Are Few Like Iler. "Madge has more courage than Cirl I know." "How does she Bhow It?" "She sticks the stamp on tho envelope before she writes the address." Odds and Ends. will be awaited with the keenest inter est by the people of the civilized world. Dr. Hepworth began his ministerial career as a Unitarian, filling several pul pits in New England. He went to New York, where in 1872 he left tho Unita rians and organized a Presbyterian congregation. In 1887 he resigned from Ihe ministry, though not from the church, and entered journalism. He has contributed much which is popular to literature. Ill I IHE DISPEB TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH Ur S. Supreme Court Sets March 7th as the Time to HEAR ALL OF THE CASES. Legislature Will Have to Tackle tho Great Dispensary Question Without its Aid A Great Surprise. Dews on Land and JSca. Dews are less abundant on islands thau on ships in midocean. Seamen ran, therefore, tell when they are near Ing land by reason of the smaller de posit of dew on the vessel. Tcople around a drug store ought to know something about They never use them. medicines. Cure Corn With rhysie. Might as well try that as to attempt the cure of Tetter, Eczema, Ringworm and other rutanerais affections with blood medicine. Tot Serine is the only absolutely safe ani cer tain remedy. With it cure is sure. It's an ointment. 50 cents at druggists or by mail for 5(tc. in stamps from J. T. Shuptrine, Sa vannah, (J a. There is more Catarrh in this section of tho country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable. For a preat many vears doctors pronounced it a local disease arid prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven caUrrh to be a Cnimf itnt innol Hi&naao V, .... f ........ I constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, 1 manufactured by F. J. Cheney fe Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops td a teaspoonfnl. It acts flirectlv on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. I hey offer one hundred dollars for any case Jt fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials. Address F.J. Cheney& C'o.,Tolcdo, O, Sold bv Drutficirits, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Ex-President Harrison pays taxes in In dianapolis on one hundred and Ave thou sand dollars' worth of property, which is about twenty-five thousand dollars less than ex-President Cleveland's tax valuation. An Honest Man Found. Eev. L. J. Keith, of Vincennes, Ind., has written a letter to the Commission er of Pensions at Washington, abso lutely refusing a pension from the gov ernment and has made full restitution of all the money received by him, amounting in the aggregate to 84J5.8tJ. Mr. Keith was first lieutenant, Com pany B, Twentieth Indiana Eegiment He served four years and six months in the civil war. In returning the money to the government he says the pension allowed him was not well based. To Cure a Cold Jn One Day. Take Laxativo Uromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money it it fail3 to euro. Ah 25c General Simon Uolivar Buckner, who ma for Vice-President on the gold Democrat ticket in 1800, has published an appeal to gold Democrats to maintain their organisation. The Tar Heel Reps. Squeal. It is agreed among the Republican North Carolina members of the delega tion that if Congress carries out the President's civil service policy, out lined in his message, that North Caro lina will not elect a Eepublican to the next Congress. Speaking of the mes sage in general, Democrats say that it means a Eepublican retreat, and the election of a Democratio Congress in 1898 and a Democratio President in 1900. To Test Antl-Lynchlhg Law. The Charleston (3. C.) News an Courier says the provision in the Statt Constitution giving $2,000 damages to the dependents, or "legal representa tives," of the victim of lynching, it is reported, will soon be tested in Orange burg county, an attorney having been employed to sue the county for such damages on account of the lynching at Stilton a year ago, of the negro Erown, who was hanged and shot to death for alleged barn burning. The South Carolina Legislature, when it meets in January, will have to tackle the dispensary question without the aid of the United States Supreme Court Attorney General Barber has received a telegram stating that the court had set the time for the hearing of th Vandercook and other dispensary cases March 7. This was a erievous diaannointmAnl to Mr. Barber as it will be to the mem bers of tho legislature who had fcniWI that the court would decide one way or the other as to the merits of the case so that proper legislation could be taken thereon. In view of the general agreement among counsel and the rjerson&l re quest of J udge Simonton that the court advance the case, it was confidently believed that the learned r.onrt wnnlrl do SO. About the onlv thin? the TflorislfttnrA can do is to pass prohibition or re en-, act the dispensary law with some mod ifications and await the decision which may not come until late next summer. in the meantime the original Dackncre stores will have a picnic unless the Legislature attempts to jut a high li cense on them, and in that case more litigation may be expected. The following is the paper the at torney general submitted to the court asking that the case be advanced and an early decision rendered. These two cases involve substantially the same questions, and by agreement of counsel the court is asked to hear them together. Both grow out of the same transaction. The issue is the validity of so much of a certain act of the general assembly of South Carolina, commonly known as tho dispensary law, as prohibits non-resident manu facturers and dealers from importing into.tho State of South Carolina spirit uous and intoxicating liquors, the' pro duct of other States and foreign countries, and storing and sell ing the same within the said State in original packages " by or through agents appointed for such purpose. These suits are brought against officers of the State in consequence of the seiz ure by them pursuant to said act of cer tain liquors shipped into the State for sale, and it is of great public import ance that the question bo determined by this honorable court as speedily as it ispracticable. The attorney-general of South Caro lina, therefore, respectfully moves tho court to advrnce the cases on the docket and set them down for argument on The South. Grandfather Mountain in North Caro lina is covered with snow. Senator McLaurin, of South Caro lina, is said to be suffering with typhoid iever. Col. John D. Cameron, a veteran newspaper man, died at Asheville, JN. U. The Pastors' Association of Alexan clria, Va.. has taken a decided stand against Sunday funerals. At Greensboro. N. C. on the 23d, R S. Eyan will be hanged for the taking ox the life of his wife. Postmaster Eapier at Mobile, Ala. reiuses to yield his office to his succes sor, asserting that his term has not ex pired. Dr. A. J. DeEosset. of Wilmington, N. C, one of the State's oldest and most prominent citizens, is dead. Aged 91. The stockholders of the National Bank of Asheville, N. C , has adopted a plan for the voluntary liquidation of the banks affairs. In the Virginia State Assembly the bill providing for a suspension cf the law under which delinquent lands are sold lor back taxes passed both houses. Steps are being taken to hold a great military carnival in Atlanta on, July zza and 2I!d of next year, when the Con federate reunion takes takes place in that city. The Atlanta (Ga.) -Constitution says Hon. Thomas E. Watson, leader of the I'opuiist party, will under no circum stances carry the Populist flag in the race for governor next year. Albert J ohnson, the oldest locomotive engineer in the United States, died at Italeigh, N. C, aged 88. He was a na tive of Petersburg, Va., and began run ning an engine in 183G. Myuatt Leach was hanged at Clinton, Anderson county, Tenn. , for the murder of J. D. Heck, superintendent of the Eoyal Coal and Coke Company, of Coal Creek, on February 17th, last. The reports of the State solicitors of South Carolina show that during the last twelve months there have been 200 murders or homicides in that State, against about half that number last year. CUT AtEally Hill in Marry county, Tenn., Will Fitzgerald shot "and killed his father-in-law, Jeff Lanaman, with a shotgun, and then shot himself six times with a pistol. Thomas F. Stearnes, former cashier of the defunct Traders' Bank, at Lynchburg, Va.. has been acquitted of the charge of making false report to the State Auditor. At Atlanta, Ga., Clark Smith, a crazy negro, was snot and lulled by l'atrol man ji. Li. Arthur. act of striking the otlicer when he opened fire upon the lunatic, hitting him three times and killing him almost instantly. The North. The Lieutenant Governor of gets $800 a year; the lieutenant ernor of Pennsylvania gets $5,500. Ihe Hon. Chas. Floischman. Southern Cheap Labor is Said to Be Responsible! WILL BE ABOUT tl PER CENT. It Will Not Cause a Striko as Opera tives Understand tho Situation. Favorable to the South. the some early date convenient to the court, In this connectioon it is respectfully millionaire distiller of Cincinnati', O. suggested that the General Assembly has been stricken with paralysis. ui couiu v.aroiina win convene in resr- F its permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first (lay's uso of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Serial bottle and treatise free Dr. R. H. kr.ixE, Lt 1..931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. We think Pi so's Cure for Consumption ir, the only medicine for Coughs. .TenxieI'inck aud, Springfield ills., Oct. 1, 1H. Charles L. Ilolstein, of Indianapolis, who has been mentioned for United States Sen ntor from Indiana, is a poet and lives with James Whitcomb Kiley. Chew Star Tobacco The Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. Best. Gamaliel Bradford, who wants to bo Governor of Massaohusetts, i3 now Govern or of the Society of Mayflower Descendants. Ryan Tlead Guilty. At Greensboro, N. C. , Eobort 3. Ey ad (SonlyEyan), the wife murderer, was arraigned before Judge Spencer B. Ad ams in the Guilford Superior Court and plead guilty to the indictment of mur der. He refused the seryices of coun sel, as insisted upon by the judge, saying he was guilty of the crim"e and ready to pay the penalty with his life. nlar session on tho second Tuesday in January next, and a spoedy decision from this honorablo court will be of trreat value to the State as a guide to legislative action during that ses sion. Opposing counsel concur in this mo tion, of which fact proof appears from tho stipulation here appended. Print ed copies of the transcript of record in both cases have been forwarded to op posing counsel by the clerk of this court as provided in said stipulation. Wat. A. Bauber. CRUELTY TO A LUNATIC. Death Certificate Frauds. E. B. Coombs and George II. Nason, coroners of Kings county, New York, have been indicted by tho grand jury in Brooklyn on the charge of presenting fraudulent bills against the city. The amount of bills i3 31,088. They were also charged with grand larceny for ob taining this money. Mrs. inslow's Soothing Syrup forcbildren teething, softens tho gums, reducing inflami tion.allays pain,cures wind colic, 25c. a bottle. Was ervous Troubled with Her Stomach Could Not Sleep-Hood's CUred. "About a year ago I was troubled with my stomach ntul could not eat. I was nervou3 and could not sleep at night. I grew very thin. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and am now well and strong and owe it ail to Ilood'a Sarsaparilla." Mae Peters, 90 South Union Street Rochester, N. Y. Itemember Hood's Sarsaparilla Ib tho best The One Truo Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills are the favorate cathartic. y. N. U. No. 50 '97. ' LllRtS WHUlf All CICC Ai o Best CouKh byrup. Tastes Good. TJeo in iiiiiB. noid ny t Uvea Mm. Wages Advanced In Pennsylvania. Seven hundred blast furnace em ployes at Sharon and Sharpsvillo, Pa. , have been given ou advance in wages of 10 to 20 per cent. The advance was made without any solicitation on the part of the men. Every furnace in Ala homing and Shenaneo Valleys, it is claimed, has advanced prices. Rryan's Opinion of the Message. Mr. Bryan expressed himself as fol lows on tho President's message: "The message indicates an intention on the part of of the President to aid in turn ing the issue of paper money over to the national banks and in the mean time a purpose to give gold a further superiority over silver as money." Gang of Outlaws Jailed. At Muskogee, I. T., the members of the Jennings gang of outlaws -wero lodged in jail. AI. and Frank Jennings are graduates of the University of Vir ginia. They come of a hiehly respecta ble family. Their father is a probate judge of Woodford county, Oklahoma V t 4 A 4 4 A -Kg MT mm sp VFI A. -A X A A, A d 13 For asthma, bronchitis, croup, or whooping cough, there no remedy so sure ana so safe as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This- standard remedy for coughs, colds, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, is now put up in half sue bottles at half price, 50c. V c hierrv IL atk, t oral Tt. dWk mitm JT A Li Chained for Klovi-ii Vears to an Iron liar and Kept Naked and In Filth. Humane Agent O'Brien, of Pennsyl vania, has just unearthed one of the most shocking capes cf maltreatment of tho insane ever recorded in western Pennsylvania, at Cline's Hollow, West moreland county. The officer has ascer tained that Franklin Pearse Cline, now 4: years of ago, has been chained for tho past eleven years to an iron bar with a chain -which will not permit him to move in any direction more than six or eight feet. He is a raving mauiac and during his long period of incarceration has been kent constantly in a state of nudity. Agent O'Brien says Clino was kept in a small out house, constructed especially for him. When ho culled to see him the room was in a filthy condition and there was not a vestago of anything for the suflercr to lay upon. The State board of lunacy has been notified and is now investigating the case. It is thought that the Westmore land couuty authorities will be asked to tako charge of the man as tho estate is amply able to pay all necessary ex penses. , A Fatal Holler Kxploslon. The boiler in tho power house of tho Citizens' Electric Light and Power Company in Portsmouth, Va.. exploded, killing Fireman Benjamin De nnie and fatally wounding Joe Smith. James Clark, engineer, es caped with slight bruises. The boilei room was shattered and the end blown out of the engine room. Tho boiler was blown a hundred yards. To Supply Chinese Merchants. Tho Indian Head Cotton Mills has just been completed at Cordora, Ala. , at a cost of $600,000, and which will begin operations within thirty days, closed a deal tor the sale of their entire output for five years, consisting of sheeting and coarse cloths in China. Tho Railroads Get Two Vears. The Inter-State Commerce Commis sion has decided to extend for two years the period within which railroads must comply with the act of Congress requiring all railroads to be equipped with safety appliances for the protec tion of the employes and passengers. Judge Buck Suicides. Judge Horace E. Buck, associate justice of the Supreme Court of Mon tana, shot himself through the right eye. which resulted in his death. paralys Anson will retire from the manage ment of the Chicago baseball club. Tom Burns will probably succeed him. Ex-Gov. Waito has left Colorado and will locate in Decatur county, Iowa. lie will work there on a colonization scheme. Miss Maggie Kirkpatrick, of Phila delphia, who is said to carry $0,000 in government bonds on her person, is missing. At Auburn, X. Y., Charles Burgess was electrocuted at the prison for the murder of Henry V. Whitlock, of this county, in August, 18i).. Commander Booth-Tucker Is inter esting Chicago (111.) businessmen in his scheme for farm colonios for city poor. Adolph L. Luetgert, of Chicago, on his Fecoud trial for wife-murder, has issued an appeal to the public forfunds with which to defray the cost of his trial. At Woonsocket, R. I. the Bay Cotton Company's Mill has shut down for an indefinite period. . because of the un fatisfactory condition of the market. The mill employs S00 hands. Fire in the carpet house of James and John Dobson Burn's manufacturing plant, at Philadelphia, Pa., caused n loss of half a million. The losses cov ered by insurance. Miscellaneous. Belgium has an output of 22,000,000 pounds oi oleomargarine per annum. Thirty-one divorce caseswill come up the Circuit Court at Lexington, Ky. Missouri farmers are slaying thou sands of rabbits for the poor of St. Louis on Christmas. The Government will allow Indirn; on reservations in Northern Minnesota to cut and sell fallen timber. The entire wire industries of Ihe United States are shortly to be consoli dated into a trust with a capital of So0 -000,000. J. 1. Morgan, it is said, is engineering the project. While frenzied with liqnor Charles Denneler, of Kansas City, Mo., shot his wife and kilkdliseif. The Guatemala currency, it is stated, will be re-established on a metallic basis on January 1, 1808. Paul Alexander Johnstone, th mind reader, says he is going to take a trip around the world blindfolded. Neill Brothers, of Loud a revised estimate of the present cotton crop by Henry M. Neill, of New Orleans. Mr. Neill s expectations are now that the crop will reach 11,000,000 Liuica ui mure. bailie Jacicson, a cervant in a familv uu mo., aiuea ner newly uu'u am tueu cut ner own inroat. Wilhelmin. Oueen of th Vatim. lands, will take the oath of accession to me mrone on September 9, 1893, in the new church at Amsterdam. Emperor William has ordered the number Cf volunteers for the China ex pedition to be increased to 1,000 men. The Senate committe on census has appointed Senator Carter to report favorably the bill introduced at the last esioa of Congress to provide for the twelve census. Fall Biver, Mass. (Special). Every body is waiting for the presentation of the new schedule of wages which the mill men's committee has been given authority to put into eflect. The gen eral belief is that the cut-down will be about 11 per cent, though this cannot be definitely stated. Business men complain that the decision of the mill men will have a baneful eflect on tho holiday trade. A cut-down of 11 per cent, would mean a reduction of about $20,000 a week to tho operators in this city. Matthew Hart, secretary of the Weavers Union, at New Dedford, Etated that the conditions iu this city are so different that a cut would not bo likely to occur here. "In New Bedford," said Mr. Hart, "there is such a varieiy of eroods that it is impossible to establish anv stand ard of wages. " He believes that a shut-down in Fall Biver ought to be agreed upon, as the contemplated reduction in wages will simply mean a cheaper production of goods, and the mills will keep on piling up a big production at full speed to be sold at cheaper pnce3. "Ihe market will still bo overstock ed, he continued, "and when the manufacturers trv to restore nriees in the market they will have a hard fight with the jobbers, while the emnloves -" 1 1 1 T ... - - win navo to ngnt the manulacturers to get their wasres restored." Although Boston is the center of the cotton mill business of New Enrrland. the men connected with the trade would have little to sav concerning the action of the Fall Biver manufacturers its vot ing to reduce wasres besinnincr Jan. 1. The treasurer of one of the It all Biver . Ml .... . mins, wno was willing to discuss the matter at some length, said he regard ed this cut as tho beginning of a serious time, not only for the Fall Biver print mills, but for all the cotton mills, hnth there and throughout the State and to r a certain extent throughout Now F.n Smith was in the J land. The kev to the whole situation. he said, is the relative cheapness of bouthern labor, which could not bo better shown than by the fact that it costs a mill in Georgia or North Caro lina 3 cents to produce a pound of material and in .ew Eucland. C cents With this fact in mind, it is evident that the cut of 10 per cent, is not going to help matters much and the only thing that will do any good at present w in De a radical cut of, sai-, 20 to 25 percent. This would inevitably bring a strike. With a cut of 10 or 11 per cent he says, there would bo little likelihood of a Btrike, as the operatives are well acquainted with the conditions and know that a reduction of somo kind in necessary. Eveu this would still leave a difference of about 2i per cent, in the cost of labor in favor of the Southers mills too great a difference to strugglo against successfully. In the first place, says this treasurer, the Southern mills have natural advan tage; they have cheaper cotton acJ less burdensome taxation. Some of the big mills in Fall Biver, for instance, have a yearly payment of $10,000, $1V 000 and even S20,000 in taxes to i.aLe, whereas in Georgia and North Ca.o iina the mills are in many instances ex empted from taxation for ten or twelve years. It is in labor, however, that the great difference lies. According to the official quotations, labor in tho South is as good as it is here, aud taken as a wholo is about per cent cheaper. Another great advantage the Southern mills have is in not being hampered by legislation. In Massachusetts the hours of laborers are limited to C8 a week, while in tho South they aro unlimited. The only hope for the New England mill, accordiug to tho speaker, i either in the improvement of the print cloth market or in a general evening up of conditions between tho North 'and the South. No. 203. Thisquar ternwwed oak wrltlnff desk it pol ished like a piano. It has a 0-lncn beveled flate erlass a top and a dep drawer below. Ar tistld . French lef alao finished la mahogany. 53.95 1 our spec ial price for this tlO desk. (Mail orders filled promptly ) Wo will mail anyone, ire or all charges, our now lia poire Special Cata logue, containing Furniture, Drapcriea, Lamps, Stove, Crockery. Mirrore, Pictures, Dcddioa-, Refrigerators. Baby Carriages, eto. Tula ia the rooat com plete book over published, and we pay all postage. Our lithographed Carpet Ca'alogue, showing carpets la colors, la also yours tor tho asking. If carpet samples are wanted, mail us Bo. In atamns. There Is no reason whv you should pay your local dealer CO per cent, profit when you can buy from the mill. Drop a line now to the moneysaveis. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md, Please mention this paper. Ohio gov- Tho German Woman. In Germany to-day no woman can control property; 6he rannot even con trol her own actions; whatever of val ue she has acquired in any way be longs to her father, her husband or her son, and the law requires her to obey their orders. Japan is the only other country on earth that pretends to bo civilized where the rights of women are so restricted. When a womau marries in Germany all her property passes into the ownership of her hus band forever. He has the legal right to use or dispose of It in any manner ho chooses regardless of her wishes or protests. If they are divorced the property remains with him. When she assents to the marriage vow she for feits independence and confers upon him absolute Jurisdiction over her inlud, body and estate. He can compel her to work or do anything else that Is lawful for women to do, and she has no relief or protection except In public opinion. Some of the American heir esses who have married German bar ons have learned of this law to their sorrow, and others who may have an opportunity to assist In supporting the German army and restoring ancestral estates should look Into the matter very carefully before they appoint tho wedding day. Chicago Record. language. Tho Cingalese have twelve words for lady, according to the rank and position of the person they wish to designate. They have also eight different modes of saying "thou" and "you," as determin ed by the social position of the person addressed. In Slam there are eight different ways of saying "I" and "we," influenced by the circumstances of the master addressing the servant, or the servant the master. The names of the commonest things among certain sav ages are modified by the sex of the per son speaking. So that the female would employ a different word or different form thereof from the male in speak ing of "men," "moon." "sun," "law." The llurons use a different word for in animate and inanimate thing. If :hey spoke of "seeing a stone," and of ".seeing a man," the word "teeing" In Ihe two sentences would be different. fl MAGNIFICENT ARRF" n eaSOeees,.... 8 of sQVERCnATS. T7777777 1 tin i "'ir in. it-ill lw t.ii rnnr .nt. All .....n . '.' .. -r ' . .i . . .. . .... ..'..." "l 'l fWXl ii mil 4 n ii-i in. i i,-i i;i i himhtii 1'. i), ED. MELLON, fnci"r it M llni t sh. .t,in prompt iitto:.tim. CHARLOTTE, N. C, When In the City Don't Fall tt, Full CARPETS, PIANOS AND ' ORGANS. Tim largivt i t thu tw- Cur.ii;,,.,, Spedil i;d;icllonf thU Mutit'j, Vrit Hpe.-ial lYicc. E. M. ANDREWS. CHARLOTTE, H. C, Suits the Tailor. Felix Faure's tailors made a good tiling out of the St. Petersburg visit. It rainod every hour of the President's stay in Ru?s!a, and consequently li! eight dress suits and twelve eilk hats were n'.l ruined. When the recoil ion nt Dunkirk was given M. Fnure on his return home he had to wear a "pressed .suit," but that did not so much matter. for there again It also rained In tor rents. As he always Is the pink of ele gance, this continued annoyance must have bt'cn as hard to bear ns for some iioe lady out in a downpour, minus au umbrella and no uioner for a cab. in Seaboard Gets the C F. & Y. V. It is aunounced that tho Cap Fear sod Yadkin Valley T.ailroad has passed to the Seaboard aud F.oanoke, and that the property will hereafter hi operated Qnder a perpetual lease by the Seaboard Air Lino system. Tho basis of the deal is said to bo a guarantee to the bond -holders and an agreement to operate the lino for 7.3 per cent, of tho gross receipt, the balance to go to tho stockholders.- Georgia's Convict Lease II11I. After wrangling over the convict Icaso bill for nearly two months the Georgia House passed the measure by a vote of 89 to 32. The bill will go to the Senate immediately, where it will no doubt rass. The measure is that the Stale shall have entire supervision over mis demeanor convicts, and a central farm be erected for all women, infirm and juvenilo convicts, and that fill ablo bodied convicts be leased out. Ilcvlval or Old Jewelry. The old style Jewelry Is coming Into fashion again. Women nre haunting the old curio shops, trying to find the beautiful old cameos like those worn by their mothers and grandmothers years ago. The old-fashioned settlnsr Is rarely changed, the quaintly carved aud twisted gold being considered ex tremely beautiful, Tho old broochci and rings are especially sought for, aud bring remarkable prices when found. The man who whistles seldom swears; it is the people who are com pelled to listen to blui that do tho swearing. Traddles Don't bother yourself try ing to invent a flylngjnachine, old man. If you want to make a hit Invent a kicking machine. The Inventor What would I do with it? Traddles Why, set It up where it will catch the crowd on the way home from the races. Town Topics. Doctor If you must know, ma'am, your husband won't live twenty-four hours longer. "Goodness gracious!" ejaculated the broken-hearted but economical woman, "and here you've gone and prescribed medicin enough for five days." Tit-Bits. Cultivation Implies something to cul tivate. Wre plant the seed in favor able soil if we would reap a harvest. We train the muscle that already has some strength if we would make iin athlete. We foster an aptitude for using tools if we would make a good mechan ic. In like manner, If we would culti vate the moral nature, we must seek for the be3t Instincts that are already active, and nourish and develop them. A hauquet w;i- tuJi rei to j Peary in .London, after w'ifo'i !i on ma arciic explorations t the Uco leal Society. m:..v. i j 1 eljiv.s .Hiil- IJutton Factory Ilurnrd. The pearl button factory at Deposit, N. Y., has been burned. Tho loss is $15,000. A hundred men ere thrown out of employment. Valuation of Hail road Property. The Manufacturers' Record fives the loliowing valuation of railroad property in four Southern States: Virginia. 2 - vi mnes aro vaiuetl at g-iy, 071,227. Kentucky, 3,040 miles aro valued ut 48,420,870. Tennessee 3,044 miles aro valued at $08,000,000. North Carolina 3,701 miles are valued at 25,347,780. Wants the Tax 70 Cents. Senator Tritchard, of North Carolina has introduced a bill reducing tho tax on distilled spirits in bond to 70 cents per gallon. How lo Wash Willi Core. Hard water, ftrong lye, or Inferior laundry fonp are responsible for the yellow clothes esn in many households. To wavh properly, f.ll a tub t:carly full of hot water, put the w'.iitc clothes in first, rub with Ivory Soap, M-.ild, r'.nc and starch. When dry, uprlnklo and fold down over night and Iron carefully, El.lZA U. 1'AItKF.Il. GOLD-BREAKERS In 8 to 12 hours. C3G. the;cold-breakerco., fcOUril CAItDLINA. WILL CURE VOUrt COLO fl BOX nt DniKglstsor A1KF.N, - Lynched By One Man, William Ellis, a prominent farmer living near Evergreen, Ala., took n negro named Cook King to a swamp Jw,LiDT - a tr8e- aad "hot Mm to death. Intimacy with Ellis' daughter is tho alleged crime K er Confronted With Famine. The San Francisco (CaM Cu ceives a letter from Dawson City; it says the gold seekers are eonfrnn'.i with famine; British police officers will RE a" rrHesanTdiviae T.JOSEPH'S LIVER REGULATOR tiik m;srox tin: maimckt. All Dm? ;it and Merchant. Mnf'd by . Ul-:itTI,l; Ac C;. Chattanooga. Trim nPiP.MORPHIKE.WHISKEU'O- II ca nr. 1 olvnrro oul KnufT.IMnpIn llahlta rTirT'V ,uv"J:yw" 411 y ' mmE I It Mi. A r.Mh I . My bvk. c nealnl a full irir.r. nation. mail!. frw. I). J, foKl iiv tlooni 4 l.nhrlla DulHlng. rhlcnt". III. IR R A If PR'S ""-Mt Veei-Ublfl BLOOD I. DHrVCn 0 LIVER CUKE. unVau"n f.r Kheumatlrm, Scrofula, Syphilis. l'n. ttipation fc Indigestion. Manui ttirivl lir LOOKOUT MEDIUMS CO., Greenville, Tenn. II u?o I'AY .MOIIIJ. lOOOnl.ln. i ii. U?od to contain 2 train of duk miini..'..,i. ... cts by mall or for 1. Put up 100 in a paokair. Sc'd.1 ATENTS IN'Vr.NT Imrfnm honwhcld artiri. etc V rita I- S I'atcnt I.Rrvrr, Wnrdrr 1 WnMi I ff circular aud advii xo Property. It r pre. rvi wraith, f an b Unl.l 1 . . . ITi:NT improvement In to Is. tiur lementa MAN, I'.tcnt i.R,rv;rvV nr;i-vftr.tiirr. ad vita. Low feea. 7TX OSBORNE'S snaia. .'n. Artoal bu,(., SV Saortfioa. Chaan hoa?d. An buu me Nola.l 8and for catalogue. EVERY MAN HIS OWN JOCTOR! Hy 4. Ilnmltton yrr, . M.. M.n. I m a iii.i.i Viiltiiii.if i;,Hiic f (or the I'mi. :i i, !i n , a i, f""l the i.t.iIj-.II iivniniiMl tyiiiiitoiiis of .In . ii t.i 1 1 ,!. Hi.- 'ai!.'i mi I .V. a 'in ,i ... VCIItll tur-ll 111 IM flint ;. Kiinpio I Pi-nidlivi; w lili.'i m lllul-u- Inlc or cure. SUi "h;ck, I r .fll ( Iv IlIlnM .ltp I. Tin- :hi iii m i l ti n i , (.itiin rT)i!ii.v Kivimn, i.ii.i ,n in., frotii Kir tis-lmViil t.-ii-m wlilfli rrluliT liiosl IXM-lor IIHl( Ml rnlu li- to i in- irt I ti v ol ronl.T. Thi l:U In In. X-ikIciI IoIm-oI fn v-- In lilt I'll III i I V, ll'l l Ml Hlll'lcl i totx- n il lil t mull r. km, I , OS I, V M , tn. I'OSTPA 1 1. ronln-'p si .iin m Not mily iIih-o IIiJn It. 'I (-jm. inhi .j miii'ii iiilonmitiiiii i :!- tlVf ..) IllM'.'lHC. hill VI-1 I I'llla l-. lyitlvr h t'onii'i. li. An.ilv.i. .if ,'J, r-vrryilmia 4riiiliiini to ,hi i. 12. ni, .iinrr.n ;c u'i I it.,- j'i-u Iik- -Kv Immi nu t l:i-ni-iii t i,t llfmihv M - KamiipK,toctti with .1 uniii. Itp.i'i 1111 1 l'iv-4 r.,,.iui. t.. I laiuiti'iimor lioinn.i nl r, n.. Correct tispo't 'nliiiiiri lh-i ij,,vi (VOII'I I H l.H , IIOO Iv l'i it. iitiixr. 114 1 ....I V i . '. .. hi ILT 1LV teg ;-oi'.-i Fruit Trees and Vines become hardier, and their products bet ter colored and better flavored when, liberally treated with fertilizers containing at least 10 actual rotas nOCn An illustrated book which tclli I IXLU what Potash is, mm. should be used, and liow il f Rent free lo all applicants. Send your add rest. GEKMAN V.AU WOHK', .'- VJ ft . Ne VufU. ' TEXAS HEROES SPEAK fUlKLY, Fsn Antonio. Tcr.. write.: In Wi. I Iia4 I lironlo Iivarnlrrv ,nnd lVrlodlcul Con- aupntinn. r. M.A. Muinioti I,tvrr Mcd) rlnecttml roc tlirn.oriil 1 fcavo roiecl my Duurh It, MiM Julie Hull, whose picture I ?nd,on It. fcomo Dealer try to forco Zdiln'a l:oru lator" on tnr, but 1 al 'woyercturnlU Profuse Menstruation. Dootli'npr Is alwaye nn unnorlngnnit ftorno tinies a vcryd.ineronsdiKortler. When lit) incnatrnnldisch&rgo M natural. It In 00 grmd oaltliattyniixiriff with tho Tarln&l aecrc. tiona It Is prevenu:'! from coaffulaUnr, wLi! In this di.irnfef clot oro often formed. here there Is a tendency to costivrneen. Uxntlre doses of Ir. M. A.Slmniotia Urcr rtrrMcine abould bo taken, ftnd t eiro tono andatrenfrth tothepclvlo ortrsns lr.fclm. none Squnw VIn Vln elionld bo ohcI continuous! for weeks, to eflect a pcrou beat euro. 1 W- tw Dublin. Tex.. wrltM! Ir. M. A.HImmooi I.lvc-r PlrtUcine, biul pavod many liven in this malarial coun try. It prevents Itil 1'ius IMttlnrlal In termlltent J"er find Conccatlon. It tborouRtily tleanses my ayxtcm without any pain, trbllo tho y?.,Wv ".cinne iciftiiator' H'iJk m- an.l nineV Irnpt, I used caused great Uneaa!ne In IkiwpIi and Rrlped. I think It a far ahead of tbtia ai noonday li ahead of midnight - JPptnful Mer?truation is canned by disordered iicrvous cystein, Vitiated blood, titer) do derangements, dis Placement of womb, expensive memlrua lion, and . often completely Incapacitate tnflerlnRWomen for anythlnir except unfler Injr untold arocT. Torrdicf of painnpply clothe wet with hot water to back and bijw. Jor permanentenro take ono tnblc.poonful Dr. klmmoDo Sqnw Vln Wlno brforo each meal for three dars before and dirlng tbe monthly period, and each nicbtdnrinn the period tako a ricaa of lr. M. A. hlm done LlverriPcileino.nn lcnro la certain. Keep lonrKyee Open. Fome men for StTiIli?3rw?.Jcrn r0 rtiB to deceive the S, rrcraratioa called "Murk Mma;. ae M. A. iS. I. l(. lh statement II false, libera is none rtnine without tl- eSonlctur0 fiaa Aulcvm cf lr. II, u. uuntanaRincitromf2tot50. Re-t TOiveri. u cif . Iin. Knket n,r. ' fcelnee. Tentt, Sportino Goods ot all kind. r l"mf ior B pane catalogue c ave 26 nor cent 4iow. m.uki ALEX.LSEMPLC & CO. icoisvutt, ll. a ' . - L7 I fnfmflnf ii i always sold under a Kuarant-. tn rur all j v r, mm 1)11 1 It M .,.H.M. ciiToar.'H 'rnsr It t. slso'Vn;: no'eker lh oW", croup. conab. and Is Krlrr Jn tii i,M'in!r n'nn remedy. No cure MoiS! i.a hy I11 '""""l nd ceneral LiiriIL2 I CO., UltKEMBOHU, N. C Fits it B N. U. No. 50.-37. Orl rm4r llhww!. Snl f..f a FKf C iJef -,trA l-t II iw.k lorltlf. I'rwtairrfw. 1U S. ri ltKKl. lilf-airo. Ilia. 7 i

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