1 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. THE. WEEKLY GAZETTE.. I q Rates of Advertising, u Oneaqnare, one lr.ertloa......t BO (I One square, on mouth 1 00 K One square, two montfcs . & 00 ; One square, thra months . ,,,, 8 60 1 Oneaqunre, tlx mo&lLa B 00 f j One aquare, on year , (00 u C7Llteral contract tnada for larger u advertlstmenta, vJ A WEEKLY 1JEW8PAPE' P YOUNG, Editor and Prop, a. J. Huucna ana j. it. PAln Central Traveling Agents.- : it 1r.3t.31. 'r?vt' ;cji Ji - I VOL. IX. EX-VICE PRES. SIEVENSOJj Will Deliver the Principal Address 1 at the Unveiling OF THE MONUMENT TO THE Signers of tho Mecklenburg Dcclara tiou of ridependence, at Charlotte N. C., May 20th. The Charlotte, (N. C) Observer says Xearly two weeks ago Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, late Vice-President of the United States, was written a letter in which he was invited to de liver the principal address upon the oc casion of the unveiling at Charlotte, oc the 20th of May next, of the monument to the signers of tho Mecklenburg Dec laration of Independence. At that time Mr. Stevenson had not returned from Europe where he has been for some months - a a member of tho in ternational bimetallic commission, but it was forwarded from hi3 home at Bloomington to Philadelphia, where he i3 spending a little time with his son- in law and family, and a few daj-s ago a reply to it was received. he distin guished writer says, among other things: "I appreciate more fully than words can express the compliment paid me by this invitatiou, and I accept it with much pleasure, only regrettins: that I am so pooily qualified to do justice to the great occasion. The information of this invitation and its acceptance will be received by the public with the keenest gratifica tion. Mr. Stevenson enjoys a singular popularity in North Carolina, as throughout the countrv. and we do not believe that the selection of any other gentleman aa tho orator for the great unveiling dav would have been so uni versallv applauded as this selection will be. In addition to Mr. Stevenson's popularity, however, there i3 an appro priateness in the choice in the fact that ha ia of North Carolina lineage and very deeply attached to tho State. His name will be the means of drawm to Charlotte on the next 20th of May an immense multitude, and he will de liver an address which will be worthy of the dav and of his own remt tation. The monument committee has been extremely fortunate and deserves thanks and congratulations. Certainly the initial steps looking to the great celebration of the next year havo been judiciously taken. HUNG AT GREENSBORO. The SheriiTAskcd," Are You Ready?" Ryan xns-vered, "Let Her Go." At Greensboro, N. C, Robert Sonly Ryaa wa3 hanged in the jail in the presence of eighty people. He kept his neryeto the last. He said to the sheriff who was binding him, "Don't get nervous, Jce. '' The sheriff replied, "I won't. " He stepped on the trap and eaid he would give the word. The sheriff asked, "Are you ready?" Ryan answered in a firm voice, "Let her go. " The drop fell five and a half feet, dis locating his neck. The doctors pro nounced life extinct in twelve minutes. FRENCH TARIFF RETALIATION. The Increased Duties on Hogs and Hog Products. The action of the French Chamber of Deputies in passing a Governme-nt bill increasing the duties on hogs, hog pro ducts, lard, etc., i3 regarded as retalia tory in effect against the United States. The figures of the Foreign Bureau of the Agricultural Department show that the American shipments to France on Ihe one article of lard reached 31,773, i .2 pounds last year. . The Wilsons Ousted.. At Ilaleigh, N. C, the Supreme Zlourt, Justice Douglas delivering the jpinion, filed an opinion in the case of Jaldwell against Wilson, involving the :itle to the Railroad Commission chair manship. The decision' is just as was jxpected. There is no doubt that the dovernor and Caldwell knew two days ?.go what the decision would be. The Dpinion is of immense length. The principal feature of it refers to the re fusal of Judge Robinson to submit any ssues to the" jury. The court says this refusal was proper, as there were no dis puted facts before the court. Charlotte ;N. C.) Observer. Extra Session Tennessee Legislature. Governor Taylor has called an extra lession'of the Tennessee Legislature to neet Jan. 17th. Tho subjects to be lealt with will be the election of a L'nited States Senator, extending the ity limits of Memphis and the cigar itund tax. McMillan end Turley are ihe candidates for the Senate. Georgia's Co"nvlct System. Gov. Atkinson has appointed J. S. Turner, the present principal keeper of ihe penitentiary; Jacob L. Beach, of Brunswick, and Gen. Clement A. van3, of Atlanta, commissioners to m uigurate the new convict system pro ided for by the recent Legislature, do has also signed the measure which )Ccomes a law and the old system abol shed. Blizzmu 1.1 .sew York. On the 23d a blizzard raged in Wy ming county, forty miles south of Ho mester, N. Y. Nearly four feet of mow has fallen during the last 24 hours, ind tho storm continues with no sign )f abatement. -Roads aro blocked and ai mers are shut in their houses. The Bluo Ridge, fifteen miles from Elkin, s". C, was covered with snow. I3I Bank Failure. At Philadelphia, Pa., the ChestDut street National Bank closed its doors n Dec. 23rd, and was closely followed ry the Chestnut Street Trust and Sav ngs Fund Company. They had de posits of 3. 000, 000. Mr. Singerly, resident of the companies lost a mil ion dollars in paper mill operations. I he Philadelphia Record newspaper is bought to bo involved also in the inauci&l crash. M'KIXLEY APPEALS FOR CUI2A. Aska tho American People to Help the Furnished Tho following appeal to the American people has been issued by tho Govern ment for the aid of tho suffering people iii Cuba: ' "Department of State, Washington, D. C, Dec. 21, 1S97. By direction of the President, the public is informed that in deference to the earnest desire of the Government to contribute by ef fective action toward the relief of the suffering people of the Island of Cuba, arrangements have been perfected by which charitable contributions, in money or in kind, can be sent to the island by the benevolently-disposed people of the United States. 'Monev. provisions. e.lnt.hin- mfld- icines and the like articles of prime ne cessity can be forwarded to General ltzhufjh Lee. tho Consul General of the United States at Havana, and all articles now dutiable bv law. so con signed, will bo admitted into Cuba free of duty. The Consul General has been instructed to receive tho same and to co-operate with the local authorities and the charitable boards for the dis tribution of such relief among the des titute and needy people of Cuba. "j.'he President is confident that tho people of tho United States, who have on many occasions in the past respond ed most generously to the crv for bread from people stricken by famine or sore calamity, and who have beheld no less generous action on the part of foreign communities when their own country men have suffered from fire and tiood, will heed the appeal for aid which comes from the destitute at their own threshold, and especially at this season of good will and rejoicing, give of their abundance to this humane end. A CANNON EXPLODES. Twenty Boys, on a Christinas Frolic, Badly Injured. At Asheville, N. C, half a hundred or more boys of the West End went to a hill just west of town, intending to celebrate Christmas by firing a cannon. When the cannon had been fired once, Joseph Finch picked up a can of pow der, intending to reload the cannon without its having been swabbed. As soon as the powder struck the hot erne, the cannon exploded, hurling the boys thirty or forty feet. A terrible scene followed. The boj-s' clothes caught fire, and the suffering victim?, with faces blackened and eyes blinded, ran aimless about the hill, falling and rising, only to falling again, because unable to see m which dnoc tion they were running. Thebo3"swho were not hurt ran to their aid and ex tinguisfled the burning clothes, but for which several must have been burned fatally. In several instances the boys clothes were either burned or torn .en tirely off by the explosion. Pieces of clothing were aftenvards found hang ing in trees fifty feet away. A house near by was improvised into a hospital. and the patients were soon attended by physicians. All told, tweuty men and boys were hurt more or less seriousl, It is iearecl the injuries ot some may result fatally, but, if they should several will probably loso their sight. THE COLISEUM live, eye At Chicago la Which Bryan Was Nominated in Ruins. The Chicago Coliseum, in which one of the most extraordinary scenes ever witnessed in American politicsthe nomination of William J. Brvan as the Democratic candidate for the Presi dencyhas been totally destroyed by fire and probably four people were vic tims of the flames. 1 he coliseum cost oo.uuu, and was twice as large as the Madison Square Garden, in New York. It had a floor space of seven acres, including tho grand gallery floors, was 770 feet lon( by 300 wide, and contained S.SOO.OOO pounds of steel, 1,200 feet of lumber and 3,000,000 bricks. - The structure was erected in the winter of 1894. North Carolina on Wheels. The above is an exact representation of the car "North Carolina on Wheels," which is cow out on a o-years' journey to advertise tho resources of North Car olina from Cherokee to Currituck, There is nothing in it that didn't come from North Carolina. The car is built on the most approved plan. It is the finest car ever turned out by Jackson & Sharpe, of Wilmington, UeL.the build ers, costing $18,000. The painting on the exterior cost 1,800. FINAL INSTRUCTIONS. The Mission of Bishop Warren South America. in Bishop Warren of the Methodist Fnisconal church, who is to make a missionary tour of several South Amer lean countries, has just received final instructions from New York City, con frainsthe work which he is to do. ttfiflides holding conferences, he will take formal possession of 5200,000 worth of property which has just been dona ted to his Church. Bishop Warren will leave Denver, Col., on the 14th, sailing from New York. Condemns Oleomargarine. The Nebraska Dairymen's Associa tion has condemned the use of .oleomar garine m State institutions. Ray Contest. Dr. Evans' Will. The will of Dr. Thos. W. Evans, the American dentist, which srives the bulk his lars-e e6tat to . the "l nomas w. W. Evans Museum and Institute, of TiiftrtAlnhift " will wobablv be con tested by relatives who are dissatisfied with its provisions, at Paris, France. Dr. Evans made thirty bequests to mambflra of his family, but they ag gregated only $250,000, the remainder of his property, estimated to be worth millions of dollars, haying been be queathed to the new museum and institute. RALEIGH, i mm Declaration of Principles Adopted at the Memphis Meeting. WANT STATE ORGANIZATIONS. Stokes Bill Endorsed Want the Acreage of Cotton Reduced No Initiation Feo Charged. The following are the declaration of principles as adopted at the convention of the American Cotton Growers' Pro tective Association, in session at Mem phis, Tenn., on thes20th of December: "Believing that the best thing thi3 meeting can accomplish will bo a per manent organization of American cot ton growers, your committee respect fully report as follows: "irst, we reaffirm the principles announced by the association at its meeting in Memphis in January, 18DG. Second, we respectfully submit the following constitution and declaration of principles, and urge their adoption as the basis of a permanent organi zation to be extended to all of tho States aud counties in the cotton coun trv: "Article 1. The name of this associa tion shall bo tho American Cotton Growers' Protective Association. "Article 2. Tho object of this associ ation shall be to educate tho cotton growers of America as to their rights and duties and to devise ways and means for the improvement of their con ditiou. Article 3. We adopt the principles announced bv the association at its meeting at Jackson, Miss., January 9 and 10, lyjo, and Memphis, lenn., in January, 189(i. In order to carry them out, we shall btrive, by the thorough organization of all ths cotton growin States, counties and districts to unite all cotton growers in an earnest effort to reduce the acreage of cotton each year to such a point as jvill insure a fair average price to every grower. This or ganization shall take no part in na tional. State or local politics, and will permit no persons to U3e it for personal advancement or purely political pur poses. lhis association shall aim, above all, to teach the American cotton grow ers "First, to reduce the cost of produc tion of cotton "3econd, to practice the principles of thrift and economy which shall enable him to escape debt and make his cotton a real money crop. "Third, to make all his own supplies at home, to the end that the cror, when produced, may be all his own. , "Jtourthto hold his crop each year until he can sell it to the best advan tage. "Fifth, to build factories for manu facturing cotton goods near cotton fields, so that he may receive the largest returns from each annual crop and that the home markets may be built up for all other farm pro" ducts. 'Article 4. This association shall elect a vice president from each of the cotton States, who shall be the presi dent for his State. It shall be the duty of the State president to effect a thor ough organization of all the cotton growers in their States, -counties and districts. To this end the State presi dents shall call to their assistance the' commissioners of agriculture, the professors of agriculture and the direc tors of agricultural experiment stations of their respective States, using as far as possible existing-organizations and farmers whose aims are not antagonistic to this association. 'ArticleO. The president of the State associations shall constitute the exe cutive committee of this association of which the president of this association shall be ex-otncio chairman. It shall be tho duty of said committee . to assist the president in promoting the work and objects of the asaociation to adviso. the presidents with regard to the work in their State and to direct the opera tions of the secretary of the association. This committee shall also prepare the constitutions and by-laws of the States to b9 submitted to it at its next regular meeting, and it is authorized to prepare, publish and disseminate literature in the advocacy of the objects of the asso ciation. In order to do this, the execu tive committe is authorized to raise, by subscription or otherwise, as it may deem best, sufficient funds to pay the expenso of this publication and distri bution and a reasonable salary to the secretary of the association. All vacan cies on the executive committeeshall be filled by tho president, nnd his ap pointees shall be acting presidents for their respective States until the next meeting of the association. "Article 6. The secretary of the na tional association shall be secretary of the executive committee, shall work under its direction and receive euch compensation as it allows. He shall be elected by the executive com mittee and shall hold office for one year. "Article?. The executive committee is authorized to elect a treasurer to hold office for one year and to re port to it and through it to the asso ciation. . "Article 8. There shall be no initia tion fees from the members of the asso ciation and no other officer except its secretary shall, receive a salary. The State association shall decide as to the compensation to be paid their own officers and shall determine the means to be used in raising funds. The as sociation suggests to them the advisa bility of making a levy of one cent for each acre of cotton put in each year by each member, the funds so raised to be exDended for promotion the objects rfthe association within eacn btate or county "where it is raised and shall be determined by the local associa- tl(Representative Stakes' anti-option bill, which he has introduced in Con gress, was indorsed. Four Killed by an Explosion. On the Bear Creek logging road, at Repton,AU., a locomotive exploded, killing the engineer, oon the fireman, Ja.t.c i;nrrer; uu nv .Tnhn Johnson ana uenry SEkS;. - The explosion w caused by defective fluaa N. C. SATURDAY, TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH. The South. Miners at Dayton, Tenn may go out on a general strike. North Carolina has now about twenty negro postmasters. . Walker county, Ala., coal operators announce an advanco in rates. James E. Hobbs. at Wheeling. W. Va. , aged 104 years is dead. A whipping post bill has been intro duced in the Virginia Legislature. The bank, postofSce and other build ings were burned in Franklin, Tenn. Representative McMillin will enter the contest for the Tennessee senator ship. Fire at St. Louis, Mo., destroyed property worth a half million; fully in sured. he negro cotton mill at Columbia, S. C , says the Sta-v, '. ipoeta to be in operation in a very short time. John Anderson has been convicted at Norfolk of tho murder of the mate of the schooner Olive Pecker. Capt. W.. A. Carrigan, a prominent merchant, ' bpnker and capitalist, of Society Hill, S. C, is dead. Aged 72 years. Tho Lexington, Ky., military has been ordered to hold themselves in readiness to protect toll gate raiders in that pection. The Chickamauga (Tenn.) Park Com mission has closed a deal for sixteen acres on Lookout mountain, including Hooker Brttlefield. The story of David Lee, colored, of Yicksburg, Miss., claiming that mem bers of his family were killed by White Caphas proven to be false. The plaintiffs in the North Carolina Railroad lease caso notifies ' special Master Craig that they will offer their evidence before him et Salisbury, N. C. , Jan. 6 and 7. Newt Whitten, a white maried man living ct Tunnell Hill, Ga., shot and killed a young woman named Annie Van Zandt, as tho result of a quarrel over a photograph. Rev. W. G. Vardcll, a useful minis ter of the'Presbytevian church in South Carolina, died at Davidson College, N. C. His remains was taken to Sum lnerville, S. C. , for interment. J. Ritchie Smith, of Petersburg, Ya. , a traveling man well-known in North and South Carolina, committed suicide near Wilson, N. C. , by shooting him self. No reason is assigned for tho act. At Atlanta, Ga., Miss Ada Elam, one of :thebest known young j women in that State, attempted to end" her life by tak ing morphine, because she was not the successful applicant for the position of assistant State librarian. The North. to the Yale Law School during Gift; the current j-ear will aggrregate hO, 000. Mayor Quincy, (Dem.) of Boston, Mass., has been re elected by a plural ity of over 4,000. Tho city council of Indianapolis, Ind. . has passed a curfew ordinance. An ef-, fort will be made to defeat it on a re consideration. The cut in wages of the Fall River (Mass.) Cotton Mill operatives will be 11 1-9 per cent, and will go into effect on Jan. 3d. A stage in which were thirty-six men and women was Btruck by a train near Passaic, N. J., and twenty were seri ously hurt. At Grand Forks, N. D.,the Hotel Da kota was burned; there were about 150 persons in the building, most of whom got out by the fire escapes. A special from Fosloria, O., says the Harter, the largest winter wheat mill in the country, has been destroyed by fire. The loss is estimated at $150,000. At Jersey City, N. J. , the tanks in the works of the Acetylene company exploded, killing a number of work men and injuring many more. Many buildings were wrecked. Joe Gedney, wanted at Baton Rouge, La. , for murder, has been discovered in the penitentiary at Canyon City, Col. , where he is known as J ones. His term will expire Jan. 4 next. At Newark, N. J., Julius A. Brose, discount clerk of the State Banking Company, has been arrested on the charge of having embezzled 7,200. He admitted hi3 guilt, but would not tell how he spent the money. Miscellaneous. This government must pay England S464.000 damages for seizures in Behring Sea. A postal note system similar to tnat of the United States will go into opera tion in Canada July 1, 1898. Bishop Galloway deplores lynchings and the Methodist Conference in Mis sissippi will declare against them. Ex-President Cleveland's duck hunt engagement in South Carolina, near Georgetown, ia closed and he has re turned to his home. Louisville, (Ky.) will have the larg est tobacco factory in the world when the National Tobacco works makes its addition. The Senate committe on census has appointed Senator Carter to report favorably the bill introduced at the last session of Congress to provide for the twelve census. The American Sugar Growers' Society has prepared a petition to Congress against Hawaiian annexation on the ground that it would injure the beet sugar industry. Texas experienced one of the worst sleet storms last week in her history. Several hundred miles of territory was affected. Gov. Leedy, of Kansas, has planned a canal from Montana to Texas to con trol Mississippi floods. There is a movement on foot in Maryland lo protect the song birds. Washington. No appointment will be made by the President during' the holiday recess of Congress except in case of emer gency. Miss Leila Herbert, daughter of ex Secretary of the Navy Herbert, of Ala bama, committed suicide by jumping from a third-story window in Washing ton, JANUARY 1, lc9S. DISEASE AMONG CATTLE. Quarantine Regulations of Agricul tural Department, Secretary Wilson has issued a circu lar to railroads and transportation com panies notify them that a cont&gioua and infectious disease known as a splen etic or southern fever exists among caV t!o in a region south of a line beginning at tho southwest corner of California, thence east, south and southwesterly along the boundary of California, southerly along the western line of Arizona, thence along tho the South ern boundaries of Arizona and New Mexico, northerly to Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and Tennessee to Virginia, and along the northern boundary of Virginia to the Atlantic ocean. From January 15 to November 15 of each year no cattle are to be transported from south of this line to any portion of tho United States north of thii lino, except by rail or boat for immediate slaughter. In the course of transporta tion they shall be fed and watered separately from other cattle, and on reaching their destination, before slaughter, shall be isolated. Cars car rying such cattle shall be placarded. All cars, boats, pens, etc., in which the cattle have been, shall be disinfected. Notice is also given - that cattle in fected with southern cattle tick dis seminate Texas fever, and when originating outside of the district men tioned shall be considered and treated as infectious cattle. The above is the general quarantine i line fixed by the agricultural depart- incut, but by special orders Secretary i Wilson haa accepted the quarantine ! lines for California. Texas. Oklahoma. Tennessee, Virginia and North Caro lina fixed by those States and they are adopted by the department for the period beginning January 15, 1S99, and ending November 15, 1898. Those lines in each instance certain territory enclosed in the general order. VANCE MONUMENT. Will Bo Granite, 7a Feet High, With the Single Word "Yance" at the Base. At Asheville, N. C, last Wednesday the corner stone of a monument to be erected to the memory of the lato Sena tor Zebulon Baird Vance, was laid on tho public square, with Masonic ccro- monics. A large number of spectators from Asheville and the surrounding country were present. The oration was delivered by Rev. Dr. R. R. Swope. rector of All Snnla Vmrli Ttilfm nrn Owing to the inclement weather, part of the ceremony was held ia the court houso. The monument will be of gran ite, 72 feet high,- bein a plain shaft, with the single word "Vance" at the i t : t r l I uiiu. iiuiiiiutsiii -uusuua weio ieseub i from all parts of tho State. All the money necessary to tho erection of the monument has been subscribed. Arti i clcs placed in a box in the corner-stone i included the muster roll of Vance's old ; company, the Rough and Ready Guards. ELECTION JUDGKS TO THE PEN. - Their Sentence Resulted In a Riot in the Court Room. John J. Hanrahan and Patrick Fer ris, judges of election in the seventh ward at the last municipal election in Chicago 111., havo been convicted of falsifying election returns and sen tenced to the penitentiary. Albert J. Purvis, an election clerk, who was on trial w ith them, was acquitted. Both Hanrahan and Ferris had many friends in the courtroom, ana when tne ver diet was announced there was almost a riot. Mrs. Hanrahan, wife of the con vie ted ni an; became hysterical and her female friends added their vocal powers to hers as she sent up shriek after fahriok. The male friends of Hanrahan and Feiris cursed the jury vigorously and made vicious threats against As sistant State's Attorney Barnes who had procccuted the case. A STRIKE IN PROSPECT. The Fall River Operatives Will Op pose a Reduction of Wage. The Fall River, Mass., cotton manu facturers are confronted with the pros pect of a strike, as many of the opera lives are determinad to oppose a ro duction of wages. A section of the un ion officials aud members favor a strike at seven mills cn Jan. 3. The mills which they suggest are the Union, Sagamore, Border City, Shove, Dnr fee. Chaco and American. These mills employ about 11,000 operatives Another plan of action proposes a strike at all the mills on March 1. Cracker Companies Combine. A dispatch from Pittsburg, Ta,, says three cracker companies of the United States is to combine and make a pow erful trust. The capitalization of the big combine will be, it is said, $55,000,- 000. The avowed object is to increase foreign trade in biscuits. Varnish Co-npany's Plant Burned. Tho Southern Varnish Company's plant m the southern portion of Greens boro, N. C, has been totally destroyed by fire. The building was situated so far from the city water Bupply that the fire department could render no assist ance in saving it. The loss will reach nearly 8,000 dollars, less insurance of S3, 500. Dingley Tarlft to Stand. , The Dingley tariff law will not be' changed in any of its customs features at the present seF&ion of Congress. A general understanding to thiseflect has been reached among the Republican members of the Ways and Means Com mittee, who feel that it is most desir able to avoid what is generally known as tariff tinkering. Samuel Gompers Re-Elected. The Federation of Labor in session at Nashville, Tenn., elected the follow ing officers: President, Samuel Gom pers; first vice-president, P. J. Mc Guire; second vice-president, James Duncan; third vice-president, Robert Askew; fourth vice-president, M. M. Garland; treasurer, Geo. B. Lemon; erUrv. Frank Morrison: tarMatim committeeman, Andrew Furnseth, of - ; - o San Francisco. Kansas City was se lected as the ge?t place of rAeeting, Students Turned Away From School) for Want of Funds, THE WORK IN THE SOUTH, The Church Work In the South In cludes 221 Churches, 133 Mlloni and 11,317 Members. The American Missionary Associa tion has made publio its fifty-first an nual report It shows that during th last few months hundreds of studenti have been turned away from the school for want o! funds. The educational work inclndes six higher institutions Williamsburg Academy, Kentucky; Grand View Academy, Tennessee; fc-alada Seminary, North Carolina; Bending Oaks Academy, Alabama, for the Southern Highlanders; Santca Normal and Training School, Nebraska, for the Indians and 108 other normal, industrial, graded and primary schools. Eighteen new churches ox rcTcrai hundred members have been organ ized in the South and West Interesting movements havo taken place on thi plantations of several Southern States. Some of the older churches havo come forward into solf-BUpport and nianj' ol tho new churches present striking il lustrations of self-donial and couragi under difficulties. Tho Indian out-station missions prcbably now reacli twenty tribes in 11 vo different States. The American Missionary AHUcciatiou missions in their varied forms are paid to stand in unyielding protect against pagaui?m, superstition, oppression aud immorality in the darkest regions oi tho land. Tho Church work in tho Soutn in cludes 224 churches, 133 missions aud 11.217 members. The work among the Indians includes 17 churches. t)7l mem bers, 23 schools, 80 missionaries and teacher?, 532 pupils, 2G missionary out stations and two missionaries in Alaska. Tho work among fho Chinese containi 20 schools, 32 teachers, 1,084 pupil, IW6 missionaries, 241 churches and 12.2SS church members. The receipts frous tho different sources for tho year were $401,371.03: COTTON GROWERS AT MEMPHIS Farmers Required to Meet First Mon day In Feb. lo Organize. At Memphis. Tenn., last Mondaj the American Cotton Growers Protec tive Association was called to order al 10 o'clock by President Hector D. Lane, of Athens, Ala. Many delegates wen present, including prominent planter! from Arkansas. Tennessee, Texas, Ala baiua, Louisiana, Georgia and Mikms eippi. Immediately after the delegate! were called to order, President Lan delivered an address in which he ex plained that the convention had becu called to improve, if possible, tho de moralized condition of the cotton in dustry from the growers standpoint At the night meeting of the conven tion the committee on resolutions pre sented a report urging tho formation ol a permanent organization of Amcricac cotton growers. The report wat adopted. A resolution was passed 6uggetinc that the farmers in every country ic each State meet on the first Monday ol February and proceed to organize. The following offers were elected President, Hector D. Lane, of Alabama, secretary, Richard Cheatham, of Mem phis. The convention tuen adjourned, sine die, subject to the call of the president CARE FOR THE G HAVES. Organization of a Confederate Ceme tery Association Suggested. A representative of the Nashville (Tenn.) American in an interviews! Tullahoma with Gov. Robert L. Taylor suggested that there should bo organ ized for the whole South a Confederate Cemetery Association to raise funds and supervise the care of conieueratecemo teries, many of which are reported to be neglected. Gov. Taylor suggested further thot a branch of the association should be formed in each Southern State and that general headquarters for the association be established at some city centrally located. Gov. Taylor pledged himself to place his services at tho disposal of such an association and would deliver a number of lectures for its benefit The plan will be presented to the annual reunion of Confederate Veterans at Atlanta next year. To Preach Without Compensation. Dr. James Farrar, pastor of the First Reformed church, Brooklyn, N. Y. ,1ias determined as soon as matters can be adjusted, to give his life to the preach ing of the Gospel without pay. The salary which he relinquishes is ?3,000 o year. THE AMOSKEAG REDUCES. Us Cut of 10 Per Cent. In Wages Will Affect 0,000 Employes. The directors of the Amot-keag Man ufacturing Company, of Manchester, N. H., at a meeting held at tho Boston office of the company, voted to reduce the wages of its employes about 10 per cent, on Jan. 1. The Amoskeag plant is one of the largest engaged in the manufacture of cotton in tho country and employs between 8,000 and !,000. Labor Organization Trade Marks. The Virginia State Senate has passed the House a bill to protect labels and trade marks of labor organizatiuas, with an amendment making theintenttode ceive necessary to convictions in cvei of goods sold under counterfeit labels. Holiday Kates. The Southern Railway, the through sir route, reaching all points South, will sell reduced rate tickets at all stations Dec. 22 to 2 , and Dec CO to Jan. 1, inclusive, good to return until Jan. 4, 18D8. Ticket will be sold to students presenting certificates signed ! by superintendents, principals or presi ! dents of schools or colleges, Dec. ICtb tt2jth, good returning until Jan. 4th. f55fl?r format.on apply to any agent oi me nonmern liai wav. any agent of the or write It L. Vernon. Trav. Paf A?t, 11 V. 0. 8. Tryon street. Charlotte. NO. 15. NORTH STATE NUGGETS. No smallpox in Charlotte as reported. An auditorium cotiug$l0,C03 is tobi) built at tho Agricultural collego. The grand lodgo of negro Maous re elected James 11. Youu.', of Kalcigu, Grand Master. Mr ?. T. Pearson, of Durham, will after" January 1st. become Congress man W. F. btrowd's private secretary. The largest salary paid lo any Molhu dUt preacher in North Carolina in 030, paid by Central church, A&bcviil. to Rev. C. W. Byi d. State Treasurer Worth decides that tobacco warehousemen are coiuniisaiou mcrchaut and liable lo tho tax wf 1 per cent, on their commiRtiocs. Mr. A Chatham, of Llkia, pathc-red this year 050 bushels of com from twelve acres of bottom land, aaaciflgo cf fifty four bushels per aero. Tbc S'tttioDal Protective- Ax.-orutiot met at Elizabeihtovu; uajy iifj;roejt attended and Xhcy fubsenbea freely lo the Colcniau cottvju factoiy. So far this State ban bce:i very luck in escaping tho iua!ipox. It ifi re marked that North Carolina suffer less from this disease tlnn any other htato. The mountain fires did cou-idnublo damage to tho new Walhalla road ut Highlands, Macon county, by the bn n ing of hreahtworks and bridge, rays the Press. Tho Charlotto Observer my that out of 10,000 name on tho tax books, 7,(00 have beeu checked olT, and there will be no delinquent liht ma le out and handed to tho judge. Tho Morganton Iltrald f.athe Wal deimal school receully Cfdubhebod at Va'deso, Burke county, i a crutifj ing success. Tho uitmbcrthip now von tists of about .'0 YnMenMnn aud 12 native children. Tho new auditorium for Trinity Col lege is to be called tho "('raven Memo rial ball," in honor of Dr. Baxlrr Craven, one of North Carolina's noted educators. The building will &cat be tween 1,000 snd 1,200 people. Tho deed for St, Mary's school, at Raleigh, to the l'rotostaut Hpixeopal church iu North Carolina is r.igned by the heirs of the lato Vunl C. Cameron'. The amount to be paid is ! j0,O'M, one third cash, tho balance ia tventy years. Messrs. W. A. Whitehead A- Son, merchant brokers, of Wilmington, l.au just closed a contract for 1,P0,(K)J pounds of rice, to bo shipped Nor lb. This one of tho largest cash liausar. tions over made in tho Capo Fear sec tion. JuJgo Fulton writes Governor Rus sell's piivate secretary that hf did not oharge tho grand jury at Charlotte that delinquent tax-i ayers wero liublo to imprisonment He fcays ho made a remark to the sheriff in a jocular way after tho grand jury Lad left the room. The suit brought by the board cf commissioners of Mecklenburg county against the Bell Tclephouo Company for erecting poles along tho public highway, claiming they wom un tb struction, resulted in favor of tho com missioners in the .Superior Com tut Charlotto la&t week. It is probable thut the court will take an appeal. Much surprise 1ms been cxproMul that while tho prkc of f.rt-cljh bl :ydcs has fallen fror.i -ICO to ?53 ct $73 tho pilco of typewriters ic::iatEi tho tauc. In first hand a $100 typo writer still coMs $100. Tha quoula: possesses prnetlr.nl luiaoft, liccauM thcro ought to bo a corresponding de crcaco la the price of article j i;unu facturod under similar circumstance Actually the eamo machinery U vsrC is producing a larg portion of tbi framework, tbo wire parts and kome i the movements of both machine Within a year or two tspcwrltcr mat, ufacturles havo been turned Into bi cycle factories with but little expend As the blcyclu demand fell ofT nnd tin typewriter demand Increased the fats lories wero changed back to tho orlgl rial plan. Tho fame mlrht bo wld 1 tho price of watch movements, 1h C03t of which ronxlllules the pr1nelp:il cost of a watch. Tho machinery In Watch factory can 1 adapted nt llttl tot to the manufacture of cither II cycles or typewriter. Th cct ol vatch movements bna dcreaicil t;t that one of the bet of watches can bi lKught now for on -half what It would have cost tea yeius ago. An lutein. gent person ex phi tin why the price ! the writing machines Is n high pom os ever, tr not higher, an to equal grades. It I the everlasting trust nud combination of Intercut among manu facturers that keep tip the prlcw t typewriters. The trust markets nil ths standard machines and control tin trade. The trust must pay eiiurmom dividend.. That Is why the cost of typewriter Is maintained nt the toj notch of prleop, notwithstanding tin great reduction In tho cost cf manu facture. NORTH CAROLINA SOL'UIS. TLo Baptist State Mission Board bai elected -John K. Ray, president, it JohnC. Scarborough, rusirued. Tho official reports ihuv that the Sat Jose fruit scale has been extirpated froir the nurseries. State Treasurer Wcrth tajs thut ex tremely few Stato bonds have couio it this year for redemption. The poniteutiary will have truck ani rtrawberry farms on quite a largo scali on the Castle Haynes property which i! has recently purchased. Tho Board of Agriculture decides not to interfere with the present law re garding percentages of phosphoric acid and ammonia in commercial fcrtilizcri registered. Reports to tho Adjutant General thow an increaso of about k'OO in th strength of the infantry regiruenti of tho Stat Guard during the year. The First Regiment gains 41, th Fourth, CO. .Technical Tcrm, "May I print M on j-our check?' 1 asked. She nodded lir sweet permission. Bo he went to press and I rthur i'neas , I priated a large edition. National Advertiser. ;:! .1 'I ' . I " .1 'I . I ' I 'I ; ; -If