17 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. A WJ5EKLY NEWBrAPKR n J a r n r r j f n k A. J. KUittno ana u. u. rAW Qtntral Traviling Agent$. K PTT "17" "TT-"TF- : THE WEEKLY GAZETTE j I! V-; : : J' ' ' 'J ' 8 OniQtnr,oB Iniertloa......! M J I 1 J II tV " V 1 j . K n.qur.ont mouth 100 VOL. IX. II fll OF DEFENDANT. Tha Supreme Courts Decision in a Case for THE NON-PAYMENT OF TAXES. The Law Requires the Payment of Taxes, But Didn't Intend to Adopt Any Harsh Rule. In the case of the State against Bry ant, from Johnston, the Supreme Court has filed nu opiuion. This ia the case which really involves the legality of the revenue act which orders imprison ment for non-payment of taxes. Bryant waa indicted for failing to pay taxes November 10. Erj-ant was liable for poll and property tax. The judge held Bryant not guilty and the solicitor ap pealed. It wa3 made a test case by consent. The court says a taxpayer may ray any time before the last of No vember, at least without incurring any 1-enalty or punishment, and that sher iffs, under the provisions of section 38 of the revenue act, may levy and col lect wherever justified reasonably by the facts in the case. The law requires payment of taxes, but the court does not pee that the Legislature intended to adopt auy harsh rule. Id passing revenue laws the Legislature takes no tice of tho habits of the people and of the season in which they can pay with out sacrifice. In the case in question, it does not appear that the defendant had refused to pay or that the collector has demanded payment, or that the tax is in danger of being lost. The court therefore sustains the decision of tho judge below. Flng Must Bo Identified. The Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says: "Inasmuch as thero is so much doubt among the veterans aa to tho identity of a Fourth Rearinaent flag, said to tie in the pos Fession of Mrs. Persis F. Chase, of Now Hampshire, tho movement to have Mrs. Chase bring the flag to Charlotte and present it to the survivors of the regiment on May 20th, 1893, at the first annual reunion of the veterans, has been dropped by its originators until tho identity of the flag is clearly estab lished. If the flag can be unmistakably identified, it is believed that tho move ment referred to will ba successful. At all events, if it is theirs, the survivors of the Fourth Avill have the flag return ed to them." Loud and Earnest Complaints. The regular insurance agents are making loud and earnest complaints against the writing of "overhead insur ance" by the New England mill com panies in this State. Thousands upon thousands of dollars go out to these companies from North Carolina, yet the Stato does not receive a penny oi taxes. At the next fire in which th9re is in surance in one of these companies there will probably be some squabbling. Agents of regular companies give as a reason for not informing on these out side companies and agents that if they do so there will be an outcry on the part of the insured. An Accidental Killing. At Lower Steel Creok, in Mecklen burg county, Georsre Nee v. the 14 year-old son of Mr. W. A. Neely, was accidentally shot and killed by a young bouoi iur. ineoaore 1'egram. The Jfe gram boy is 13 years of age. Young Neely was visiting him. The boys had taKen a rne and gone out to JiUI ducks. Iherine went off while Pegram was handling it, the ball striking Neely in the breast, killing him almost instant ly. Both boys belong to prominent iamuies, in this section, and the affair is deplored indeed. Charlotte Ob server. Tho "Assignment Act" The Supreme Court reverses tho de cision of the lower courts in the case of the State against S. P. Satterfield, of Person county, principal clerk of the lower house of the Legislature, in 1895, who was 'convicted of fraud in connec tion with the passage of the "assign ment act," which the Supreme Court soon after declared invalid, the bill having been really tabled. Still Holding Cotton. The Ealeigh correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says: The major ity of the farmers are holding their cot ton. They have really marketed but little. Some are almost ashamed to let it be known how big-a crop they really did raise, after their oft-repeated asser tions that the crop was greatly reduced. Out of the Penitentiary. John R. Smith,' penitentiary super intendent, has moved his family out of the penitentiary, and now lives in Goldsboro. Big Seizure of Whiskey. At Salisbury, Revenue Officer Van derford a few days ago seized 281 gal lons of blockade whiskey. He also captured the wagons, with their living outfits and four horses. Tho owners of the whiskey made their escape. - Mu3t Have a License. The Supreme Court has decided that the law requiring all practicing phys icians to stand examinations and obtain license is constitutional and just. Some empiries made a fight against tho act, but the question is now settled. Memorial Day Address. Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn will deliver the memorial Day address in Raleigh, May 10th, on Gen. Thomas L. Cling ruan. 1 1 , Throughout the State. State Treasurer worth has recently Bold North Carolina 4 per cent, bonds at 105. v Governor Russell assigns Judge Rob inson to hold a special term of Guilford court, beginning Jan. 13th. There are in the North Carolina Methodist Conference 32 Epworth Leagues, with 1,476 members. Moees Cone will go into fruit raising -on a largo cft!e in WatAUgt pounty, U is pUatiDtf SJjQM.tMM. . ' PENSION ATTORNEYS TO GO, Commissioner Evans Making a Move In the Right Direction. Commissioner of Pensions Evans has been giving seme attention to a propo sition, whereby the services o.' pension attorneys engaged in the prosecution ol claim? before the office may be dis pensed with, and their work done by Xm5i " f Vf UmCUt PorvWoiy the m?H y'ib0 La? been discussing the matter with members of the House n iQ7aJid pensioua. but is ol I h n0PaT? t0 Utlino e detail ?Jr i? ' lhe PreseIt systems, he eajs, is wrong and should have beer lone away with long ago. Discontinu refU in""063 ?f the Barneys uld result in a great saving to both pen- U-nni l ? aua,3 10 lssuinS Pensions J ould be reduced to a minimum. Un der crovernment supervision the pen sion bureau would have direct control ot the persons appointed to look aftei the cases, whoso business it would be to see that all honest claims were promptly and intelligently presented. ii.r1!5k1?810?er notes the lact that tfW.oOO.OOO has been paid out during tho past 13 year3 to pension attornevs, bv applicants for the prosecution of their claims. WILL FOLLOW SLIT. The Maine Cotton 31111s to Cut Vges This Month. A dispatch from Lewiston, Maine, tj the New York Commercial Advertiser, says. It is conceded that tho cotton mills of Maincrwill fall into line with other New England mills, early this month, and reduce the wages of the op eratives. Wm. D. Tennell, of the Hill Mill, says of the situation: "I douTsee how we are to avoid a cut-down in the Lewiston mills. Fall River, Lowell and Manchester hare reduced wages, and we are certainly no better situated than they aro. " Validity of R. R. Bonds. A special to the Charlotte (N. C.) Observer, from Asheville, says: Tho county commissioners have brought in the Superior Court to test the validity of 89!3,000 bonds subscribed by tho county of Buncombe to the Asheville and Spartanburg Railroad. The com plaint alleges that neither the charter of 18i, granted to the Greenville and French Broad Railroad Company, which was afterwards consolidated with the Spartanburg and Asheville Railroad Company, nor auy amendments there to, authorized either company to re ceive subscriptions of stock, nor was the authority granted by the charter of 18)5 or auy of its amendments to any county in the State to subscribe to the capital stock. In 18To an election was held at which the county voted to sub scribe 8100,000. Destroying Diphtheria Germs. A Webster City, la., dispatch says: By order of the board of education the Ulvsses district schoolhouse. south cf this place, has been burned down in order to destroy diphtheria germs. Four scholars who had attended the school died from diphtheria. Last year the building was thoroughly renovated, and the rabbits that had burrowed under it were driven out, but the little aninlals returned, and physicians who were employed to examine tho place decided it would be impossible to de stroy all tho diphtheria germs by auy other plan than burning the building. Opposes the Gold Standard. The American Federation of Labor, which met in annual session at Nash ville, Teun. , a few weeks ago, passed a set of resolutions opposing the gold Btandard and denouncing Secretary Gage's financial bill, and a few days after the resolutions wero put in circu lation Mr. Gage replied in an open letter, taking exceptions to them. Now comes a reply from President Gompei s, of the Federation of Labor, in which he saj's tho American wage-earners oppose the gold standard and the sovereign powers of the government must not be surrendered to the national banks. Will Carry Supplies Free of Cost. Assistant Secretary Day has just re ceived a rest. a from the superinten dent of the W ird Line steamers in New York, in answer to his inquiry as to whether he could announce that his line would convey supplies to Cuba for the relief of the suffering people free of cost. The prompt answer was: 'Will be pleased to accept supplies for Cuban Bufferers, free' of cost. Presume they will be consigned to General Lee." A Coal 3Iine Suspends. The Blackman mine in Pennsylvania operated by the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, has suspended operations indefinably, throwing 500 men and boys out of work. Dullness in the coal trade is given as the reason for the sus pension. ' Arranging n Whiskey Pool. Leading Kentucky distillers have in augurated a movement for a pool of the big stocks of past years. It is claimed that 500,000 barrels of whiskey will be put into the pool. A common distributor will be employed. The whiskey firms at Cincinnati, St. Louis, Peoria, Chicago and other places, aro interested in the enterprise, which has not yet been perfectly arranged for op eration. A Big Shipment of Tobacco. The Blackwell Durham Tobacco Company, at Durham, N. C, recently made a shipment of 70, COO pounds of smoking tobacco. Two cars were dec orated, and were bound for California, while the rest was shipped to points in Texas. Cost of the Famine in Calcutta. A cablegram from Calcutta, India, savs: it is omciauv announced inai the recent famine cost the treasury 800,000, wLud loans to agriculturists and suspension of taxes, mainly repay able, absorbed another 4,000,000 (,$20, nnn nno. irresnective of charitable con tributions, approaching 1,750,000, Burled In a Stone Coffin, TViian tvit Potpr "Rimn. a wealth v oiti- zea of Hopkinsville, Ky., who died re cently, to to It buried in a cltt itono IB Bit m Dl! There Will Be No Starvation at Dawson City This Winter. NO SICKNESS IS REPORTED And Everyone There Is Worrying Less Over tho Food Situation Than Their Friends on the Outside. Seattle, Wash. (Special.) The steamer Alkali arrived here on Dec. 28th, bringing advices from Dawson City up to November 2uth. The Al kali's passengers included thirty per sons who left Dawson between Novem ber 22nd and 25th. All, without ex ception, say there will be no starvation at Dawsoa this winter, or next spring. When informed of the action being taken by the United States government to send it a relief expedition, they said it was unnecessary and uncalled for. Several thousand men have gone from Dawson to Fort Yukon, where there is unlimited supply of provisions. Those remaining in Dawson have three regu lar meals every day, and have enough supplies in sight to last well along into spring. No sickness is reported at Dawson and everyone there is in much better circumstances and worrying less over the food situation than their friends on the outside imagine. The Alkali's passengers brought out, it is estimated, about 3150,000 gold in dust and nuggets. All agree that the most serious short age at Dawson City is in candles aud oil. This will reduce the output of the mines as an absence of artificial light will prevent their being worked to full capacity. Edward Conrad, when asked if there is danger of starvation at Dawson City replied emphatically: "No, sir; there is not a surplus of food, but there will bo no starvation. " When asked for an opinion on the governmental expedi tion he said, "It is a htimbug, and I doubt if it can get to Dawson before tho ice breaks up. The men who came out and say that starvation lurks there are men who were there only a few weeks, get discouraged, homesick and cry starvation as an excuse for coming out." Conrad's statements so far as they related to tho improbability of starvation, were endorsed by all the other arrivals seen. All of the creeks in the Klondike district are reported as turning out well. About 300 men are camped at the mouth of Stewart river, which stream they will prospect this winter. No new gold discoveries are reported. A MI1JL. COMING SOUTH. Hosiery Company, of Rhode Island, Proposes to Try Colored Labor. A dispatch from Providence, R. T., to the New York Evening Post, says: The British Hosiery Company, at Thornton, R. I., is making prepara tions to remove part of its business to the South. A plant is to be established at Nashville, Tenn., and a number of the operatives from Thornton will soon leave for that State, where they will be used as instructors to the new and in experienced Southern colored em ployes. . The management assert that tho Southern plant will be used for cotton goods, and that the change is necessi tated by the present condition of cotton manufacturing. The" concern recently had much trouble with its employes, and decided upon a lock-put, which was enforced for a day, when an agreement was reached. THE REDUCTION ACCEPTED. The Fall River Mill Operatives Will Not Go Out on Strike Just Now. At Fall River, Mass., the operatives' conference committee unanimously adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That we accept the re duction, as it would not be good busi ness policy on our part to enter into a strike at the present time. But we in form our employers that as soon as we think there is a margin of profit suffi cient for the restoration of the present wage schedule, we shall demand it, even if we have to go to the extremity of leaving our employment by going on The Southern Will Buy It. A New York special says: Announce ment has been made by the Memphis & Charleston re-organization committee, of which A. Iselin, Jr., is chairman, that arrangements have been perfected looking to the purchase of the road by the Southern Railway Company, and the exchange of the new securities after re-organization is completed, for tho issues of the purchasing conipan'. HIS SCHEME A FAILURE. Ridiculous Attempt of a North Caro lina Negro to Extort Money. J. W. Harris, a $orth Carolina ne gro, was arraigned in the city of New York, on the charge of sending threat ening letters to Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Charles Broadway Rouss, John Wana maker and other prominent men. The letters demanded money under threat of personal violence and alleged that the writer was a member of a society formed to extort relief from million aires at any price. As no one appeared V prosecute, Harris was committed to die workhouse as a vagrant. Hon. Hannls Taylor, Orator. TTrm TTftnnis Tavlor. LL. D.. of Mobile, Ala. , has accepted the ffcviia tion from the trustees and facility oi the University of North Carolina to this litrftrv Arldresg fit the ilext VW&AVV - commencement, on June 1, 1898. Dr. Tavlor is an alumnus of the University, a distinguished author, recognized on two continents as an aumomy on 'Constitutional History of England," and minister to Spain which, during tha past four yw, baa been on of tho most trying diplomatic posts In lt bUBiic&u isms;?! - RALEIGH; N. 0.. SATURDAY, TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH. The South. Iho smallpox quarantine has been raised at Rock Hill, S. C. T. B. Vance has been appointed post master at Plumtree, N. G. a fourth- class omce. At Salisbury, N. C, J. D. L. Klutz shot and killed W. H. Huff at the con vict camp. Mrs. Lillian McElroy, of Nashville, lenn., shot and killed herself in o ho tel at Union City. Neaaly one thousand tracts of land are wnerea ior sale in Randolph county, W. V a. , for delinquent taxes. Five members of the family of Rev. j-t. Aaems, ol bylvania, Oa., were mysteriously poisoned by arsnic. Goetter Well & Co., dry goods deal ere, oi Montgomery. Ala., have as signed. Liabilities, $250,000: assets; 300,000. Icter Coleman, who murdered his wife at Old Church, Va., some months ago, ivanged Mouse Federal treasury officials in Florida are warned from the Department to look out for and prevent the proposed uuDustering expedition. Three officers and a director of tho Stock Exchange Bank of El Heno, Okla. , have been arrested charged with receiving deposits when the bank was insolvent. The schooner Samuel Hall, Wilming ton, N. C, for New York, goes ashore near the Virginia capes; tho crew aro rescued; the vessel will be a total loss. While smoking Zack Cameron, of White county, Tenn., .Mumbled and fell on his face. The pipe-stem was driven through his neck and he died in a few hours. T. D. Oliver, a member of tho Geor gia Legislature, attempted suicide at Atlanta by taking morphine. He re covered from the effects of the drug, but later contracted pneumonia and died. Governor-elect J. Hoge Tyler, of Virginia, was inaugurated as Governor of the Old Dominion, at Richmond, in the hall of the House of Delegates, on the 1st, The ceremony was very Bimple. The North. At Cincinnati, a man commits suicide, driven thereto bv his children's in?rrat- itude. Governor Lowndes, of Maryland, has withdrawn from the Senatorial contest. The New York savings banks are planning to reduce the rat9 of interest to 3 per cent. On the 1st New York lipramA thft second city of the world, with Robert Van Wyck as its mayor. Chicago. 111., for the nnst vpar rIioivs the lowest denth rate of anv citv in the country above 200,000. Father Corbv. head of tho Order of ihe Holy Cross, and chaplain of the Irish Brigade, died at South Bend, Ind. There is a L'ood outlook for about half of the miners in the Pittsburtr. Pa . coal district going out on a strike about the 15tb. The Rhode Island cotton mills have decided to reduce wages 11 per cent. The cut is said to be due to Southern competition. A dispatch from Springfield, Mass., Savs tho creditors nf tho Overman Wheel Comrany will nut it hack nn its feet in a week or ten davs. The New York Dailv Drv Gnnrls Record prints a revised estimate of the cotton crop of l8!)7-98, placing the esti mate or the crop at 10, 257,030 bales. At New Britain, Conn., the 200 em ployes of the cutlery manufacturing firm of Mason & Beckley have been no tified of a 5 per cent, increase in their wages. The suits by the New York State au thorities against the Armours for $1, 700,000 for shipping unmarked oleo margarine into the State, are about to collapse. Adlai E. Stevenson, former Vico President of the United States, has accepted the position of Western coun sel of the North American Trust Com pany of New York, with a membership in the board of directors. The San Francisco authorities have decided to bring to trial all parties ac cused of murder who have been ad judged insane and have afterwards re covered. Miscellaneous, Montana has subscribed $800 for the relief of the suffering Cubans. There is a water famine in Kansas. Dozens of towns are hauling water thirty miles. W. J. Bryan will in a few days make public his views ia detail on his Mexi can trip. England declines the proposals of our government to enter into an agreement as to sealing with the United States, Russia and Japan. The United States ermy and the Canadian police will move the relief stores to Skaguay, Alaska. By the collapse of an old warehouse building in Washington City, C. C. Hester, a brick layer was killed. British Columbia lumbermen have asked the Canadian Government to put a duty on shingles and lumber unless the United States makes them free. Five hundred Italians employed by Beckwith and Quackenbush on the ca nal improvements between Little Falls, and Mohawk, N. Y., struck for an ad vance in wages from 12 to 15 cents an hour. The Senate committe on census has appointed Senator Carter to report favorably the bill introduced at the last session of Congress to provide for the twelve census. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone's 88th birthday was celebrated throno-nonf. England by the Liberal organizations. J1D JO cujujrjxig guuu XiCtkllU. The secret service detectives are warning the business men of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia to be on the lookout for a gang of pro fessional postoffice burglars and safe crackers, who have operated very suc cessfully in the above States. There is nothing in the rumor that Secretary Clftge hfia resigned and tbo i'tsilfliHlf would not ftodut hit resteBfW tioo, nfl a Wuhiogtea ipefilil JANUARY 8, 1698. STOLE FOURTEEN .THOUSAND. I Southern Express Agent at Bruns wick, Ca., Skips Out With It. A special to the Atlanta, (Oa.) Jour nal from Brunswick says: "O. IL May her, agent for the Southern Tx. press Company, at that place, hie skipped with 3H,OO0in currency of that company. The money was shipped by Savannah bankers to the banks in Brunswick. The money is supposed to have been taken about 8 o'clock on the night of the 28th, and it is thought Mayber left the city in a tug. He stands very high in the social life of Bruns wick, and is considered one of the most polished gentlemen in the city. A Bank Failure at Rrun bwick. A special to the Journal from Bruns wick says: The Merchants & Traders' Bank, of this city, failed to open its doors 2t)th. $100,000. Some months ago there was aub capnai stoctt ol the bank is a pian to put the bank in the hands of a receiver and ever since the depositors have been withdrawing and the bank has been losing outside business to such an extent that ihey finally deter mined to close and let the liquidation proceed in the court. A majority of the stockholders are solvent, and the depositors will be paid in full, if the court expenses do not consume all the cash realized. A BAD NEGRO LYNCHED. The Killing of Two Men at Glcndora, Christmas Daj-, and the Result. Joseph Hopkins, the negrp who murdered two white men on Christ mas day at Glendora, a small inland town near Minter City, nr- ... iuiss., was captured by a posse on the James plantation, near Swan Lake. Hopkins concealed himself in a gin house, but was discovered by two negroes, who gave the alarm. Hop kins fought like a demon be fore being taken into custody, and when arrested it was found the nero had been shot in thrift n1nrPt during the melee. He was not fatally lujuieu, uowever, ana was at once tak en to the scene of his terrible crime. : it -. . . - Hopkins confessed his crime, but did not plead for mercv. and hatrtreiA lii cupiors to maee quiclc work ol him. But little time was lest in carrying out his request. A rone was nlnced ahout i . . t w . the negro's neck and he wan hancrod to a limb of a tree. Th Lorlv rmuieu wiiu ounets ana leit hansriner. : J 11 .1 ni i ii . J . Hopkins record ia a tuts Lad nnn many recent crimes being attributed to mm. TENNESSEE LEGISLATURE. Governor Taylor Calls an Extra Ses sion A Senator to Be Nominated. Governor Taylor has issued a call for the assembling of the Legislature in extra session, on the 17th. The most important matters enumerated relate to tho assessment and taxation of rnil- fijf, tolrg-aph and telephone lines. and results from the recent decision of United States Judce Clark in rrantinc those corporations an injunction re straining the State board of ennalizr.rs from putting in forca the assessments for taxation made by the railroad com mission. United States Senator will also La elected. Senator Turnev and Oom?rfes- mau McMillan are candidates. Indica tions now point to extreme legislation against railroad, telegraph and tele phone companies, with a possible clash with the Federal Courts. One Mining Strike Declared Oft. The miners' strike in tho coal fields along the lino of the Cincinnati South ern Railway, in Kentucky and Ten nessee, which began last May over a reduction of wacres of 10 tier rent., in augurated by the operatives of tho var ious mines in the territory, has been declared off by the men. The strikers have been sufieriug greatly and several times committees from the strikers have solicitod aid for their starving families. The men take a reduction in wages of 5 per cent instead of 10, as originally proposed. Twenty-flvo hun dred to 3,000 are involved. This settle ment does not include the Dayton Coal and Iron Company, where three hun dred miners are out Railroad Building In 1897. Tho figures compiled by the Raihood Gazette, of New York, show that the new railroads built in tho United States in the year 1897, amoun-ted to about 1,938 miles. These figures are partly estimated and are subject to small cor rection. Tho new railroads built in the year 18j were 1,997 miles, and in the year 1895, 1,923. California built more miles of railroad than any other State in the Union in the year just closed, namely, 191 milos, and the largest amount built by any one rail road was 269. 5. by tho Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf. A Tremendous Mortgage. At Council Bluffs, Ia., the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad filod in the register of deeds office a mortgage for S1C5.000.000 in favor of the United States Trust Company, of New York. It covers all the property of the com pany and is given for the purpose of ex tinguishing outstanding bonds of the company, amounting to S114,302,000. The recording fees will amount to 23. Hope to Be Hanged. Ed. Mason, of Norfolk, Va., deserted his wife and married a woman of the town. The latter barred him out of her liouse, when he broke In and shot her to death, no is in jau ana says he hopes to be hanged. Great Fire and an Earthquake. Port hu Prince, nayti, (By Cable) On the 2Sth of December a fire, which assumed considerable proportions on account of lack of water to supply the pumps, destroyed eight hundred houses, including a number of ware houses, a hotel, the church of St. Joseph and its parsonage. About 3,000 people were rendered homeless. There was aa earthquake also, the disturbances running from north to louth, lasting half i roinuia ana causing: slight cracks la toi hi th, JthUVmM lajiitiM These Are Dark Days for Brc. Jcr kins' Orphanage at Charleston. LEND THEM A HELPING HAND. Jesus Went About Doing Good, So Must You, My ReadersUnclasp Your Pockethooks. Sometimes I am after the heads of my readers; but today I want your hearts. And you will find out why before you get through reading this ar ticle. This morning tho Charleston (S. C.) Messenger came to me by mail. Every week it has an "Orptaa Column" writ ten by my colored friend, tho Rev. 1. J. Jenkins, president of the Colored Orphanage in which I have taken such an interest and toward tho Mipport of which the readers of the Witness have contributed so liberally in tho past. Once a year have I appealed for help for my little black orphans, and never j-et have my appeals been in vain. Ono year my friends sent them over $2,500. In the article published in the Mes scngor Brother Jenkius writes w ith a sad heart, His pen was dipped in inel anchoby. Do I blame him ? No! Read this quotation: It Is true we have bo money and no food except that which is picked up from day to day from a hand to woulh truKRK Tho North will never let the Nro ui for tbo want ot bread. Mr. Oeoro 11. Snott, of New York, would wrlto his nn and f.enoll Into pieces before ho would allow the orpbanti to perish and die. We hnve not told this peutltj man of our sad condition, becauio he alwnye calls upon his readers ouca a ynaribefoif Christmas, and we do not like to trouble him eo ofteD. . Here is another extract: It Is also a trj ius hour to ua here. Mr. J. H. Marshall, city editor of the ChRilextou News and Courier, does not know we arc In such deep trouble, for if ho did wo believe he would ring up each reader of hi paper to tho facts and sad condition of tho Orphan age. Ho would, too, we believe, Buffer almost death than to have it paid that one orphan ol tno Jenkins Urphauntfo Ui;d for waut ol bread. Darkness now prevails, and It look as if something is golnj; tj happen to th Or phanage; no money, no tood. and i.o mmy children tn'feod nnrl nlntfcn iV,l,l 1 1... coming aai bedding is scarce food is out; a stove h neeiifJ, oul so many olh'.r thiuL'j . 1. . V t . ... - r- mui x kuow not wnai to pay. How sad I felt as 1 perused the fol lowing: My own boy, Luca., Is gone. Hu was a smart boy, but God knows what He is doinj? uuu ii w none ci ray Misinesa. Lucas win my heart and sole dependence la ihn baud of uni-ju no was a member, always ready ami wining to worif. no gave hli lir for llio Or phauaire. for three vcara rdnvlii! In the fctreets with the orphan boys without a dollar as a reward. Ho did as I am dolus. KivlnR up life for the orphans of this city, lie ate n lueoiner orpnan. without 01 crimination, nnd no one could tell that ho was my bov, except tho orphans and myself. 8cven years reveal the fa -t that the Jen kins Orphanage 19 In iu puvontu year, and having enrolled over 500 children has lost but ou, ar.d that wn t ri- presMi:it's hild, who died on Saturday night nt 10 minute. to 10. Lucas was a good boy. It was only yesterday that I was epeakiug about him to a gentleman on tho cars. His father says that "hofcll asleep in.Tesus' arms, having confessed Christ long ago, and was a faithful member of his fath er's church." These aro daik days for brother Jenkins. The onlv way that I know of to make them brighter is to do my very best to help him in tho work to which he has devoted his life. Shall theso colored orphans waut for the necessities nnd comforts of lifV Not if there is a God in Heaven who is Pleased to answer the prayers of His beliovinc children. Audi know Hint there is. Not while I can get inserted in the Witness a lino from my pen. Not w hile the words of Jesus rinir in iho cars of Hin servants, saying 'Fced My lambs." Not while Christians have their 6enscs aud feel for Iho Borrows of others. .TesllS Went fllimit rlninr. rrnn.l 4. must you, my readers, aucTso must tho writer of this article. WThy it was that God nut imou ma the burden of those Colored ornhann I do not know. As 1 writo theso lines tears are chasing each other down my cheeks. 1 cannot help it. If I had tho power to write my thoughts yourhearts would be melted and your packetbooks would be unclasped. AN by do I love those roor Nerrro orphaus? Not because they aro hand some, but because they are the neglect ed of God's little ones. This summer fourteen of ihem w ein at my home on a visit At that time my neighbors handed me for them over S'JU. And at that time 1 promised Brother Jenkins that I would never foruake or forget them. Rich men, thank God, look after the interests of white orphans ; as also do the States, counties, cities, and towns. But because my little ornhnns nr black they only get about $250 from the city iu which they aro collected to gether. Some noble Southern gentle men cave helped and will still go on helping them. But for some reason the orphans look to me for ho'p; and their little black faces shall pot look in vain. I wont, this year, to be the humble instrument of havinz sent to them a Chrismas present that will prevent them from ever forgetting that in the North thero were men and women who know no South or no Went in their deeds of charity. Wrbo will be the flrbt to respond to this appeal? Who will make his or her self happy by making others hanny nt this Thanksgiving season? Who will say, "Here goes somethiug into a letter for Mr. Scott's black orphans?" What can I say more than I have said? I have been frank and in earnest in this appeal I have rolled my burden upon my readers tho best men and wotueu to whom God ever gavo a man privi lege ot writing weekly. liv faith I pee vour contributions rr. ing South. By faith I tee the white teeth of Brother Jenkins as ho opens hi? lips to utter praises for deliverance that has come. By faith I see the mcuthsol the orphans fed and f-hoes put on their feet and clothes on their bodies. And by faith I hear the approval of j-our Saviour and my Redeemer. I have founded tho MacoJon an crv for fclp n well ai I know law, Anil trill hftlptbeai," HEARTS NO. 17. i bend your donations to the "Rev I) .T. Jenkins, Colored Orphauag,' ?ij Iranklin btrcet. Charleston, S. C lou will Boon receive au ockuow. ledment. i74 B?me rcttrou 'on '0,11 lather send it to me, dirt-ct your letter w v COre 1Ncott' Wituea. of. lice. New lork," but 1 Mould much prefer that you scut direct to theOr phauago. P. H.-Lct this cfiot t on mV port lo the most successful ehurt cf my life to heln Coil a i.np .1 . i.. . . the cheerful giver. How can Jlo d River Himself. (ienrgo R. htolt in New York Weekly Wiuei U TH!-: MARKETS. NEW YORK COTTON FCTtTnr. New York. Cotton quiet. Middling upland. 515-lfi; Middling Gulf 0 3-10. l ilt urea closed steady. Opening December. ft ?'j January... ft 7f February ft 70 March ft SI April ft sd May ft ii June ft July. ; o ) Auguf-t H(U September 0 01 October 0 0 1 November Closing, l ftTli ft 71 ft 75' ft 7!) ft Hi ft8 ft M GIW 0 03 0 03 00. MVERroor. TOTTON maukkt. Li veriK)ol. Middling 37 ;;.'. Future closed barely tteady. December 3 10 s December aud January 3 (: Jauuary and February 3 0: February and March 3 0IM10 March nnd April 3 10 b April and May 3 11 b May and June 3 1213 June aud July 3 131-4 July aud August 3 15 s August uud September 3 10 s OTlIF.lt COTTON MA1-.KF.TK. Charleston. Cotton quiet ; 0 3-10. Wilmington. Cotton lirm; mid dling ft'. Savannah. Cotton quiet; middling G3-10. Norfolk. Cotton quiet; middling ft. "Memphis. Cotton steady; middling 5 ft-8. Augusta. Cotton lirm; middling 5 u-ni. Baltimore. Cotton nominal; mid ling ft. Columbia Market quiet; goood mid dling ftl. Charlotto Muiket easy; good mid dling 4.40, rAi.Ti.Monr. rnonrcR mat.kkt. Baltimore. Flour quiet; unchanged. Wheat (Juii t; spot, month nnd Jan Mftry, UHjOMH!; May :V, bi.l; Mourner No. '2 llv, !3 ('.) :t ;M; Southern wheat by sample !3i17 IH'J ; Southern wheat on grade (" '.Mi. Corn - Strong; spot and mouth 33(r 33,'; December, new or old, 33JG';33j(; steamer mixed 31 J; Southern white ami yellow corn, 'J l'" 3l. Oats Firmer; No. 2 whilu '-JDjHSO; No. 2 mixed Si c' '.'7t. i:to'.. Charleston The i icrt inai t firm. The quotations ni e: Prime ftlr-V,j Good 4 ('(ft Fair 1 j'ii) NAVAIj HTOR iw. New York. Rosin steady. Turpen tine firm at '.Hloh'M. Charleston luipenlino firm ul I'Oj. Rosin film. Savannah.- Spirits turpentine firm at 31; Romu firm. A, B, V and D 1.20; I; slid F 1.21; U !.;; II l.ftO; I 1.70; K 1.80; M l.llft; N 2.2"; wiudctT glass 2.0ft; Mater white 3.00. Wilmington. Spirits turpcntino lirra at 30.'3I. Renin Una nt 1. l.Wl. 20. Cmdo turpeutiuo firm at 1.4041.00. Tar lirm at 1.0ft. cotton si:i;i o:r New Yoik - Cotton peed oil firmer and moro active; primo crude IC'IU; f. o. b. mills 11 " IV. prime summer yellow 22; IF cumiuer yellow 21 i; primo winter yellow 27(2. Peculiarities in the l' nslon I,nv3. Speaking of the peculiarities of tha pension laws, Coiiiinisiouer Fviiuk tells tho storv of a ditin2-u?nhod officer who served through tho war and was badly wounded, but died in lwl m ithout hav ing njlied for a penKioti. Hi widow married Again audlivud with her second hueband until lx"5. He died durinir that rear. Sho remained a w idow until 1.S02. whed hhe married for tho third time, aud at the fciieucittion of her la tost nnd present huHband filed n applica tion ond has Hnco received a regular monthly pensdou, which, tin to Uiis lime, nas omoumeu to .., .,. inn pentdou is granted hor becauxo of tho services of hor fi:t husband during tho war, and No. 3 is enjoying tho beuehts. A Court House Dauirtgrd. The Greensboro, (X. C.) Record says: Ou tbo night before Christmas the court houfio at Wilkcsboro, so a irsntldmnn lcl! nn wa datiiAcftd by dynamite or homo powerful ex plosive. It was pluced under it, the explosion injuring the walls aud foundations aud breaking every plass in the buildiug. It is thought that it was the work of Christmas eelobrators, but tho utiiltv parties hnvc not vetbeen apprehended. All for JjO.oO. Fton Johnston, of Richmond, who was li red for I. board bill of S7.ft0, by Kmest Tellons, at Camden, N. J.. sac. Fellows dangerously, and wounded Mrs. Fellows and her ton. theu shot and killed himself. President toSpcak In New York. President McKinley has accepted th invitation of the National Mauufactur era' Association to attend its banquet at tho Waldorf-Astotio, in New York, on the Sdli, Senator 1 rye, of Maine, will bo ono of tho principal speak ers. Covers are to to laid for 'nog guests. The President will diucuss the economic features vi tho taiilf. Accidentally Killed. Whilo gunning near Charleston, H. C, Jcr is Allep, r.zc V, win nr&lileot' filly tbet PUI) kj!(.;l bv Jlcl(rJ Wi liAinf, cf iijcaWuifi Conn, ' - 1