V v. Ij KES5SEESS.5ZHRSHZ5H2S5E5 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. 5 -s a nrv wr m nr r n a TVBB n lUtet of AdverUilntf. Dna qatr, on lnfrtloa,.... W 3&t square, on month.. 1 00 ?na aqutre, two mcntba..tt fi 09 Dno square, ibraf wontta...,. 9 (0 On square, ill inohltl. J y0 One square, on yf .... V v 9LlUraJ n.trcu mad for Urg r TTTBLISHED BT ,Wf S tf. rfliMG, editor and Prop, A. J. ROGERS and J. D. PAIR Qenaral Traveling Agents. aafartlaamaita. K2S2SBH2 VOL, IX. RALEIGH; N. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1899. NO. 48. bfloaaaia S3 nn XT TP 11 "... . V i. Mooresville, N, C, Office Safe Cracked and $154 Stolen. NO CLUE TO THE ROBBERY. The Kobbery is Supposed to Have Beeii Committed by Professional Safe-Crckers. The postoffico at Mooresville, N. C, was robbed Wednesday night of last week. The back door of the small building in which, the office is located was prized opeu with a crowbar, which bad been obtained at tho railroad sta tiou, a short distance from the office, and ail entrance thus effected. After the burglars entered they be gan operations at once on the safe. A hole twelve inches deep was bored through tho top of the safe, and dyna mite put therein. Tho safe was moved from the wall and the fuse lighted. Tho door was blown completely froni the hinses, several panes of class in the front windows wero knocked out, and pictures thrown from the wall. Although the robbery was committed in tho heart of the town, within a stone's throw of tho Johnson Hotel, o'llv a few heard tiro explosion, aud those that did did not think there was anvthinc wrong. Tho burglars got away with about S1"j4 in money and stamps. 1'avhght disclosed the robbery, and threw the town into a state of excite ment. Mr. Eobt, S. Terupleton is postmaster at Mooresville. As soon as ho learned of tho robbery-about G o'clock he wired Postmaster Mullen at Charlotte asking for instructions as to what course to pursue. Mr, Mullen wired him to notify the department at Washington nt once. Thd mavor of Mooresville also tele graphed to Chief Orr for bloodhounds but none could be gotten. The hounds at the convict camp are not sufficiently trninpd to be nut on the scent. Tho robbery is supposed to have been committed bv professional saie-cracu. er8. Charlotte (X. C.) Observer. NEW YORK LEGISLATURE. r.m ornnr Tiiiick's S iirrcstIon9 as to the Labor Problem. The Legislature oi the Estaiooiew York met and organized on the oth. The Senate, with a membership of 50, has a Ilepublican majority of 20. The assembly, with 10 names on tho roll, is Republican bv S. In both houses the Republican caucus nominees w ere elected without any unusual incident. The speaker of the" assembly is J. M. E. )' iradv. who presided during the ses fcion of i-S 1)7. In hi3 messago to tho legislature Governor Black made three sugges tions in connection with the labor prcblem: . 1. That immigration be checked. 2. That a fair rate of wage3 be paid laborers. :3. That in opposing strikes by armed men some method should bo adopted which would not at lirst discharge oil firearms produce these fatal, tragic re sults which have caused a recent event to be universally deplored. MEMPHIS GOES IX DEPEND NT llic Entire Democratic Ticket De feated By a Small Majority. Tas. J. Williams, independent Dera. of Memphis, Tenn., has been elected mayor over Hon. Lucas Clapp, the present incumbent, by a majority of about ."500 votes. The entire independ ent ticket was also carried by reduced majorities. The campaign ha3 been an r.Tfii t in or mi n il dboth sides claimed tho v';fr.vv"nti to tho last hour. The elec tion was quiet and orderly, and a heavy vote was polled. Ilanna Has Gained Two Votes. A special from Columbus. O., of the Oth. says: Conservative estimates to night place tho legislative vote at 75 to 70 against Ilanna. Tho workers of tho -Vnntor claim 71 votes, and assurances of the two necessary additional votes, nnd nnqsil.lv four more. The opposi tion insists that Hauna will never havo 70 votes on joint ballot, and that they have gained two votes. nisfistrous Nitro-Glyccrlno Explosion An explosion of 1,500 quarts of nitro- rlvperine near Booth, an oil town few miles east of Toledo. O , killed an '-. .n 0v,r.r.tpv named Stephen Wilson, and wiped out cf existence a team of nr,uwncon. A piece of Wii- a-A, nnd the head of one horse 1. oil at was found. Considerable damage was done to property in tho vi cinity, but no ono else was injured. A Crazy .Man's Awful Deed. Bristol. Tenn.. special to the Nash villo (Tenn.) Banner, says: "In a fit , c ,r,;t,- A lATunder Carter, a white ui juau. ij , . . o-tizen of Grccnvillo. killed his wife und' 13-year-old daughter, Montie, while they flept, and then shot and killed himself. Carter brained his wife and daughter with an axe. Ho is said to have been mentally unbalanced for Eome time. " Another Express Iiobbery. The American Express Company, at New York, has been robbed of $10,582, and Clark Braden, Jr., a trusted em ploye, is missing. Central officers and private detectives are hunting for him. (iets $4,000 Damages. The second trial of the suit brought a-uinst the street riaiway uom TP.ny, of Winston, N. C, byT. J. Wil f on, Kfecretary and treasurer of the city, f the, killing of his 7-year-old son by a tivtt cur two years ago, was concluded i , j. 1 t-AlnvTiinn" n. VfiT- ty the jury last ween. iub .--diet for ?4,0C0 in favor of the plaintiff. 'i Lo defendants will appeal to the Su 1 l-u-me Court again. The first jury gave Mr. Wilson S3, 000, mm T01D IN A PARAGRAPH. The South, Atlanta, Ga., last year used $2,000, 000 in building. Fire at Washington, Ga., destroyed $60,000 worth of property. Insurance, $40,000. A mob lynched James Jones, colored, near Macon, Miss., for setting fire to the house of a woman. Thirty-six buildings in Farmyille, Va. , have been burned, causing a loss ol $150,000; insurance $49,000. E. II. Miller, a prominent tobacco manufacturer at Danville, Va., has made an assignment; liabilities $50, 000. The President has named Owen L. W. Smith, of North Carolina, to be minister resident and consul general of the United States to Liberia. The Virgin Cotton Mill, at Hunters- villo, is running day and night. A number of new factorv houses are being built. Charlotte (N.'CU Observer. - The Lynchites or sanctified band who appear to have settled at South port, N. C, are sending their mission aries into adjoining territory. Trouble is looked for. Governor Tyler of Virginia, has an nounced the appointment of Col. Wm. Naile, of Culpepor, to be Adjutant General of the State, to succeed General Charles Anderson. Governor Charles A. Culberson, of Texas, has announced himself a candi date for the United States Senate to succeed Roger Q. Mills, whose term will expire this year. At Russelville, Ky., two boys named Robert Evans and George Duncan, be- camo involved in a quarrel, which re Fulted in Evans stabbing Duncan to death with a pocket-knife. Green Fennell and his wife, living near Jasper, Fla., left their two chil dren, aged 2 and 6 years, at home alone. Tho clothes of the young sr taking fire, the older went to the rescue and both were burned to death. At Ashevillo, N. C, several boys were in a room fooling with a pistol. One of the boys, Wainscot, started to ehow his revolver to Willie Hampton, and while extracting a cartridge from it one shell exploded, the bullet striking Hampton iu the eye aud killing him instantlj-. At Huntington, W. Va., Carter Shifflette has been arrested for passing old city orders w hich mysteriously di: - appeared from the vauJta at tne city hall. Fifteen thousand dollars worth have been raid a second time. Shifflette savs ho came by the orders honestly. The aggregate amount of the missing orders is $140,000. The biggest fire in the history of Commerce, Texas, occurred on the Sd, in which the entire east side of the town was swept away. The fire broke out in the Presley building at midnight and spread rapidly, lne postomce, Odd Fellows building and a number of Etores wero consumed. Loss, $100,- 000. The Confederate veterans of Meck lenburg county, North Carolina, have begun prepartions for the 20th of May celebration at Charlotte, that occasion being the dedication of the monument to the signers of the Declaration of In dependence. The Charlotte Typo graphical Union, composed of about forty members, will be represented in the parade, as well as other organiza tions and societies. The North. A whipping post for the correction of bad bovs has been set up in Evansville, Ind. The Maryland Republican has split, and there will be no fusion with Demo crats. Business organizations throughout the country will hold a national conven tion at Buflalo, JN. I., on Jan i. The New York Legislature proposes to regulate the practice of mesmerism and h3rpnotism in that State. At Jamestown. N. Y.. 100 men have been thrown out of work by the burn ing of the Straight Manufacturing Company's plant. Wm. C. Oakley, of Chicago, has been appointed by" Comptroller Dawes national bank examiner to succeed jos. Talbert, resigned. Mrs. Nellie Peterkin. of New Y'ork, has been convicted at Boston, Mass., of manslaughter for causing the death of Mrs. Catherine F. Murphy Wm. T. Buckley, who. until Jan. 1st, was a member of tho dry goods firm of Dunham. Hucklev & Co.. of New York, committed suicide by shooting himself in a boathouse adjoining his residence. Arllfti E. StevenBon. former Vice- President of tho United States, has accepted the position of Western coun- Bel Ol Liio iwi iii aui" -ww- pany of New York, with a membership in the board oi directors. "Rurslars entered the residence of W, W Jneobs. 12 Waverlv Place, Chicago, 111 , -and carried away mining stock valued at about $10,000, besides a col loinn nf rare coins, musical instru- ments, rare books, jewelry, silverware and clothing, Miscellaneous The number of deaths from yellow fever in Cuba is diminishing. Tlnlihera attempted to hold up a train on the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf railroad, but they made a "wind haul." Spain will send 5,000 troops to Cuba at the end of this month and- further troops, up to 14,000, will be sent to.the island if needed. TomAa Kiiklev. the Benton! County Tnl Treasurer, who was found dead in his office, committed suicide because his accounts were short. A locomotive exploded on the Cin cinnati Southern Railway, causing the .intii nr the. engineer and firemen and the train being wrecked, A cablegram from London says Gen eral Both, of the Salvation Army, has sailed for America. His object in com ing to the United States is to assist in organizing great additions to the army. Washington Jottings. Rural free delivery postoffices are soon to have carriers who will receive cash and obtain money orders for pa trons aud receipt for and deliver regis tered mail. , nn Affont nf the new tariff has been ' to almost stamp out imports of beet-root Bu?ar. - 1 The First Use of the Roentgen Rays in Surgery in the South. About eight weeks ago the 5-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Harris, of Harrisburg, N O. , swallowed a brass thimble child's size and the snape cf a tailor's thimble, open and sharp at both ends, which caused the child great agony, and it had wasted away until it was a mere skeleton. The parents had Dr. Henry Louis Smith, of Davidson College, N. C, to apply the X-ray, which resulted in locating tne thimble. A consultation was held and it was decided to take the child to the Charlotte Medical and Sur gical Institute, Charlotte, N. C, which was did at once, and on the 8th Di. Smith made the application of the Roentgen rays to the body at the hos pital. The childs clothing was not re moved as the rays easily penetrate any number of cloth. The fluoroscope re vealed the object plainly, and all tho physicians present examined the body and agreed as to the location of the thimble. The thimble was found to be located to the left of the backbone, and at the bi-furcation the trochia, about three inches below what is known as the "Adam's apple" in the throat. Drs. J. P. McCombs, R. L. Gibbon, C. A. Misenheimer. W. H. Wakefield, J. R. Irwin, of Charlotte: Dr. S. M. Hendron, of Croft; Dr. J, C. Black, of Harrisbure: Dr. Henrv Louis Smith, of Davidson; Rev. J. W. Stagg and others were present when the Roentgen ravs were turned on the body. Dr. C. A. Misenheimer handled the surgeon's knife and he was assisted in the operation by Dr. R. L. Gibbon and Dr. Irwin. Tho first stroke of the knife struck the thimble, and it could almost bo touched bv the fineer. But it had i been there for eight weeks and the flesh had crown around the edges and held it firmlv in place. The surgeon worke some minutes before the thimble could be dislodged, and then it had to be turned completely around and drawn out the larco end foremost. The thimble was out and the opera tion completed in an hour and a half, The child rallied in a short while and asked for some water, one seemed greatly relieved and not many minutes later wanted her dinner brought to her, She is resting easy and unless some un foreseen relapse occurs will soon com pletely. THE STATE OF TRADE. The Year Opens With Quiet Confl dence in all Branti.?s of Business. Bradstreet's review of the state o trade for the past week is as fohows The year opens with a quiet confidence pervading nearly all of the branches of business. Encouraging activity in the iron trade, resumption of work by many thousands of industrial employees in the Western glass iudustrj largely re duced the volume of business faifuroa as compared with corresponding periods in preceding years, and tho general out look is certain! v not interior to any previous year at this time. The distribution or trade has been lather slow pending stock-taking and the return of salesmen to the field. While the volume of distributive busi ness is no larger, tne industrial activity is a special feature, unconfined to any one section, but specially notable in the est. Resumption of woik after the holi days has been general and encouraging in that section. Autumn weather in the Northwest checks distribution, but collections are reported good. Haled of Southern iron large, lne Louisiana Sugar crop returns are very satisfactory. Nine-tenths of the Jrlonda orange crop was gathered before the last freeze. Cotton is steady on good export de mand. Wool has opened up actively at some Eastern markets, and lower prices for cotton goods have stimulated some de mand. The wajre reductions at New England cotton mills is verv generally accepted The lewelrv trade is encouraged by the small number of failures in that line. Preparations for active Alaskan trade are being made oh the Pacific coast, and reported in California. Prices have shown few important changes, and steadiness in the leading feature. Therf is a slight gain in the number of failures reported this week over last, the total aggregating 333 rgainst 207 last week, but a heavy fall ing oft from 1807, when the total was 48. Death Rather Than Dishonor. At Florence, S. C, for some tim mail has been taken from the lock . I in x u b tlio iuoiuiiic, uoiuiaoici McKenzie stationed himself in the office to catch tho rogue or rogues, and so about 10 o'clock on the night of the 7th, after the mail was distributed, a white man named Andrew Welch came in. unlocked one of the boxes and reached around and took a letter be longing to Johnsons & Wells, which had a small check in it, as was after wards ascertained. Mr. McKenzie came out aDd caught Welch and carried him in Dr. Covington s drug store, where Welch pulled his pistol, but Mr. McKenzie got the drop on him, so he turned his pistol and shot himself through the pit of the stomach. He died in about one hour. He preferred death to disgrace. Smallpox In South Carolina. The number of cases of smallpox at fireenville. S. 0., has increased to -n,.ntv. There are at this time eighteen ftaG3 in the pest house. Two that have had tho disease have been discharged as cured. A case is reported to have appeared in Spartanburg. The dreaded disease is also reported on the coast at a small village named Sheldon, in Beau fort county. Protests Against At Washington, Reducing Wages, on the 7th, Secre tary Long gave a hearing to a large delegation of people from Norfolk, Va., who sought to prevent the threatened cut in the wages of the navy yard em ploye sthere. There were Representa tive Young and Mr. Fair less, George Wise, ex-Representative Libbey, and a number of workmen from the navy yard. After hearing the protests of these persons Secretary Long directed that the order reducing wages be sus pended until he had an opportunity to flirty iaiflfl-tigatf? tha mattery'- - X KAY SAVE LIFE. ABER RENOUNCED RELIGION The Strange Will of an Aged New Yorker and Officer of the Church. CHRISTIANITY, SO CALLED, He Says, Is Not the Religion or Christ It Puts an Unknown, Imag inary Being In the Place of Nature. One of the most remarkable wills ever filed in the office of the surrogate of New York is that of Henry More house Taber, offered for probate on the 4th. In spite of the ff.t that Mr. Taber was president and treasurer of the board of trustees of the First Presbyterian church, in the opening clauses of h:s will he denounces all religion as shaw, and as having its origin in superstition. He requested that no services be held over his body and that he be cremated. Mr. laber died on Christmas eve, at the age of 73 years. Two children, Sid ney Richmond Taber aud Mary Taber, survive the testator, and to them the eutire estate, valued at over $1,000,000, is feiven absolutely. The will is in the hand-writing of the testator, and con tains the following: "Believing that all religions, including Christianity, are superstitions; that the basio doctrines ol the Christian religion, the fall of man, is utterly and absolutely false, and that its opposite, the rise of man from the lower orders, is a scientific fact; that beliefs in (so-called) miracles are hallucinations of the brain, and without existence; that the chief char acteristic of what is termed 'the ord of God' are injustice, cruelty, untruth fulness and obscenity; that the ef fect of orthodox Christian teachings is to encourage ignorance, selfishness, narrow mindedness, acrimociousness, intolerance, wrong aud mental slavery; that Christianity, so-called, is not the religion of Christ; that supplants ethical culture and true morality with meaningless theology and unbelievable dogmos; that it puts an unknown (ana probably unknowable) imaginary be ing in the place of nature; that it gives a name of personality to evil an eauallv unknown an imaginary being; that it so works upon the credulity of its adherents as to invite in them a fear of that most horrible of doctrines, eternal punishment, (I 6ay, believing all these) I, in all kindness and in all earnestness, request that over my re- niuins there bo no religious services of any kind, nature, or descriptiou what ever. "I also request that my body bo cremated at Fresh Pond or other cre matory, and that my ashes be left there.'" THE FREEZE IN FLORIDA. Orange Trees Only Temporarily Hurt. Strawberries and Tobacco Cooked. The cold weather of January 1st and 2d did considerable temporary damage to vegetables, but none of a permanent character, in Florida. Orange trees will in some cases lose their foilage and where they were in exposed places in the northern border of the orange belt will lose a part of their tender growth. Owing to the fact, however, that the sap was down, the trees them selves were able to resist unscathed even lower temperature. Reports from the pineapple belt of the coast indicate that the damage to pineapples was trifling. The fall crop of tobacco in all parts of the State was injured badly. Blooms on strawberries were killed. Early strawberries in the northern section were frozen on the vines and the vines themselves set back fully six weeks. The tenderest garden crops in all sec tions as far South as Tampa, where, lacking protection by forests, streams or lakes, were badly injured, but ex posed gardens did not represent more than half the area in truck, growers having learned by experience the wis dom of selecting well protected spots. THE COURT STUMPED. A Salvation Arniy Thief Presents a Schedule of Ills Crimes. A. P. Revis, a member of the Salva tion Army in Redlands, who was ar rested for wholesale thievery, appeared before the Superior Court at San Ber nardino, Cal., with a Bible in one hand and a tabulated statement of his thefts, committed since 1888, in the other. He pleaded guilty to tho crime charged, and also insisted that punish ment be administered for each theft committed as per schedule, which ap peared by the score. In that way only, lie said, he could atone to a just God. The defendant presented so novel a case, without any attorney to advise him, that the court refused to pass sentence without further consideration and continued the time for sentence. Tho Federal Finances. The monthly statement of the public debt, issued on the 3d, shows that at the close of business on Dec. 31, 1897, the debt, less cash in he Treasury, amounted to S929.lll.5bi, a decrease for the month of 810, 114,899. This de crease in the debt is due principally to an increase in tne case, wmcu is ac counted for by the salo of tho Union Pacifio railroad. Sankey for the Holy Land. Ira D. Sankey is again about to sail to Jerusalem, Egypt and the Holy Land, and will be accompanied by Mrs Sankey and their oldest son. This trip is undertaken principally on account of MrB. Sankey, who has not been well for some time. Southern Coal Fields. The Ensrlish svndicate, which has re cently been breaking into the Kentucky and Tennessee coal regions with a view to buying all of tho mines, has made a proposition to the mine owners which mftv be accepted. The deal involves the expenditure of $3,000,000. Embezzler Thought Dead Is Yet Alive. W. J. Pope, who it is charged embez zled SG0.000 from the First Nationa Bank of Louisville, Ky., and who was thought dead, is alive in fcjacraroanto. Cab ABOUT COTTON. Is Is Said This Year's Crop Will Ap proximate 9,930,014 Bales. Latham, Alexander & Co., have is sued a statement of the cotton situation In which they state that the total visible mpply of cotton in the world is 33,322 bales more than last year, 189,943 bales ess than in 18CC, and 561,995 baless ess than in 1895. The exports this year ire 843.891 bales more than last year. ,615,895 bales more than in 1896, ana 271,276 bales more than in 1895. The Stock in United States ports is 20,874 bales less than last vear. 153.871 bales more than in 1896, and 24,607 bales less nan in 189o. The total amount of cotton that has come into sight from September 1st to January 1st (four months) for the cot ton years mentioned below is as loi- ows: 1898. 7.260.033: 1897. G.398.192; 1896, 4,944,220; 1895, 0,994,673. The imount, therefore, that has come into sight this vear to January 1st is 861,841 bales more than last j-ear, 2,rflo,8is bales more than 1896, and 265,360 bales more than in 1895. The receipts to January 1st are 861,841 bales greater than those of last year, when the crop proved to bo 8.757,964, and with a corresponding gain until the snd of the season on 2.359.772 bales, which were the receipts from January 1st to September 1st, the total crop would approximate 9,930,014 bales. KLONDIKE RELIEF EXPEDITION Proposals for Transporting Supplies Opened Pack Train Soon to Move Vancouver Barracks, Washington. Special.) Captain D. L. Brainerd, in charge of tho government Klondike relief expedition has opened proposals 'or furnishing supplies to be delivered it the head of Lyan canal, Feb. 17. A larere number of proposals were re- 3eivod from Pacific coast points and elsewhere. The award hasnot been k train for the mado. I The government pack expedition assembled here, is now com plete, with the exception of four addi tioual packers. It consists of 101 mules, 9 horses and 17 packers, iu charge of Lieut. C. H. Preston and J. A. Rvan. of the Ninth Calvary. An snnn tha snnnlipB Tmrfhased bv Mai Jacobs a few davs aero, are received, Captain Eidridge, and 50 selected men of Company 11, iourteenth infantry, will be ready to proceed to Alaska. Wanted to Sec the President. The rolice officers at the Whke House arrested a crank last week. He was a middle-aged German, named Lined Jacob ived in New Clements, who said he 1 York. He has haunted the White House for the past few days, endeavoring to va - a ii ii : .1 a. TT - .1 ootain acoess to me rres.ueui. "' uressed a letter to tne xresmem, uuu ue i called and announced that God had ent him: that he bore the mark on his r xir en , iiiot ini.et boo tliA l'rnsi-1 dent. When he was denied he became boisterous. He will bo examined as to his sanitj-. $20,000 for Mrs. Luctgert. rolice Inspector Schaack, of Chicago, has made a verbal offer of 820,000 in approved real estate to any person pro ducins Mrs. Luetgert. dead or alive. Attorney Harmon, of the defense, has complained that he is only preventing from producing Mrs. Luetgeit by a lack of funds, and Inspector hchaack, it is said, chose this method ol rejoin der, lie aUo hopes to thus put a quietus on the reports from various parts of the country that Mrs. Luetgert has been discovered. Embargo on Tobacco Exports Raised. Tho following telegram has been re" ceived by the Secretary of State from our minister to Spain, announcing th revocation of the embargo on exports of tobacco from Cuba: "Tobacco can be exported on paying tax of 12 resoa rer 100 kilos. All manufactured tobac co except picaduro, is free of export duty. Santiago de Cuba is excepted from the new order. The importation of tobacco from all ports into Cuba is prohibited. " Cigarettes Made Him Rob a Bank. Calhoun Calkins, son of rich parenti and formerly a young society leader, ii on trial in tne uriminai toun-t ai. Joseph, Mo. , on the charge of burglary and larceny. He broke into the real estate oflxce of John li. Ziedier, on tm night of September 3d, and rifled th safe. When the polica arrested him hi admitted the crime. The defense ii that.he was made insane by the exces sive use ol cigarettes. Perpetual Motion Discovered. At Logansport, Ind. , S. B. Nickum, an inventor who has been experiment ing for seven years, says he has per. fected perpetual motion. His machine is sealed in a globe and will last as lorg as the globe remains intact, he says. A Long Distance Telephone Talk. It is believed the long distance tele phono record has been broken at Galla tin, Tenn., when John H. Conner, representative of tho Bell Company, talked with the operator in Norfolk, Va. The circuit used rassed tbrougt Nashville, Evansville, Terro Haute, Indianapolis, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Washington and Richmond to Norfolk, making fully 1,500 miles. Money Order Postolllcos. About 1,100 rostoflices throughou the country were assigned to the money order class on the 3d. This makes ap proximately 25,000 postoffices at which monev orders may bo obtained oi cashed. ' A New Silk Manufactory A movement has been started at New port News, Va., towards the establish mnt of a manufactory for making the raw material of silk, as it arrives in this country, into silk yarn. It is proposed to invest 875,000 and to employ abou 150 expert operatives. Murdered Sister and Mother. William Foley, on trial at Liberty TTn . for the murder of hia mother anil Bister, was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, Jrriday. ireb. Sntifi in the Food. Sand is no substitute for gravel, and the mixing of sand in the poultry food is useless. When coarse grit is swal lowed by the fowl it is voided before it becomes as fine as sand. Grit pro vides the mechanical appliances for grinding the food in the gizzard. It really cuts the food, hence tho sharper the edges tho more it is preferred by poultry. When grit becomes worn until round and smooth it is passed on as useless. In usiuc crit. there- fore, endeavor to secure that which is hard and sharp. Sand is of no alue whatever ns grit. Nnt-bemineTreco. Tho chestnut, black walnut, butter- . ... - nut, shellbark, hickory aud Japan walnut may all be grown in your vi cinity. There are no varieties oticred of the butternut and black walnut and Japan walnut, aud yet some improve ment on the ordinary form can be had by planting only nuts from trees beat-ins choice fruits. Of the chest nuts there are many varieties, some of which had originated from our native chestnuts, and others from the Euro- " pean and. Japanese forms. Seedlings from our best native sorts have gen erally proven most profitable in culti vation, though the nuts may not bo as large as the grafted kinds. Among the best of the foreign kinds, aud per haps of all named sorts, is the Par agon chestnut. Ihcre arc several va rieties of tho shellbark hickory, but they are propagated with so much un certainty that they aro very difficult to obtain. Among tho best is 11 ale s paper-shell hickory, which has been rro!i!?atcd in a small way. The chestnut undoubtedly promises better returns in cultivation than any other of our cultivated nuts. Farm News, Totatoe. KotHn In CtUr, . . , , rr.ttincr There is a great deal of rotting among potatoes, aud yours rot prob- iiblv all the worse becauso kept in a cellar where the tempcroture is sure to be too warm, says the Boston Cul tivator to a correspondent in Pawlet, Vt. The bulk of the crop where many potatoes are grown should be stored in pits, and some lime sprinkled over them as they are put in. Hie lime dries the moisture and prevents the spread of rot should it begin. We think that rot in potatoes is due to a deficiency of carbon in the tuber ow ing either to disease of the vino and leaves or their destruction by the po tato beetle. The sap goes from root to leaf, where, if the leaf be whole and healthy, it is filled with carbon from the carbonic acid gas which tho leaf has absorbed from the air, and this is what makes the starch of tho tuber. if the sap is not charged with carbon bv the leaves, it makes the potato watery aud waxy. It is then easily 41io i-iMiin nf tllP KllnrpS which ill flUV iu i . v. v . - i - - - lam m-ndneed in abundance aud which cause rot. There ; or Iia iintntnp will not rot. But lime spread over them production of better and more whole corrects the deficiencies of the potato some pork, it n certainly of tho lust so far as it can reach its juices. Jt is possibly this as much as its drying ef fects which checks the spread of rot. Poor Fnot Mak Poor Munnrr. There are a few points of prime ini- .-n..4 n n in 4llA llVl 111 11 O 1 lt Tl (if 1111111- iiunaiivu iuw ... v.-.... w . ures, and the experience ot scientinc investigators is free to all who care to i w T,,Af 1,t. 1ia nuality of tho manure will depend - . m . a m - 'Mill. ii r iii i.uv v i'v- "-- - - upon the character ol the iecd. i oor food makes poor manure and vice versa. There is no magic in nature, phe is a very strict accountant, and just to give for value received. But it often will happen that the feed given to stock does not cost either in pro portion to its feeding value nor in pro- portion to the value of manure pro- duced. A relatively poor feed in these respects may be high in price, nrliilft that feed which is rich may be bought low. Few would believe that a ton of good clover hay is a more val uable feed for some stock and produces more valuable manure than a ton of corn. And yet the experimenters so teach. The elements of prime importance in manure are nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, and if the feed con tains these constituents in good meas ure the excrements will contain them to almost the same extent. For it is quite well settled that from (53 to 'JO per cent, of these constituents aro re covered in the excrements. Hence, if we feed stuff that is rich in these elements the manures resulting will also be rich. Readers of the Epito mist doubtless know that tho follow ing common foods contain these ele ments in large measure and in the order mentioned: Cotton cake, lin seed meal, peas, beans, bran, oats, clover hay, and these feeds will give the richest mauures. It is not claimed that these feed stuffs are better than corn for fattening purposes, but first that they yield the richest manures and second that they supply tho ele ments especially necessary for all growing stock. Hence, it is good policy sometimes to sell corn and buy bran. There are seasons of the year when bran ic &fcljV iu car Ivts, as low as timothy hay, while the bran is almost twice an valuable for feed and manure as the hay. SometiiutK mo can sell timothy bay and clover hny to advantage. A little dear kuowlelgo and thought are an important to tho farmer as to the banker. Of Hoouritie whose safety i undoubted it need but a little in the life and iucome 'f the paper t determine which th banker will buy. And why tdiould not a farmer buy and s-ll with much intelligence ns a bunker? The Epi tomit. Onl-ilnor lo uring "f .'wl"'. There are great advantages in rain 1 iug ewinrt in open hU or lb-Id over that of in pens or other close confine ment. Pure air and the exorcise thnt can here be taken, help to make pure blood, which in the course of naturo builds tip healthy bodies. However, pigs thus reared with a free run and plenty or exercise woum hot uo p likely to utiow so wen at me lane, mm . ..... i . i would likely be paci over ny noui judges and people, simply because it I. . t'.;i 1 1 ... 4 has become the prevailing idea that only the great, gross, h'lpless pig is the model of improvement. Of courso such pies are well adapted to fill laid cans, but not so likely the larder with good, helthy pork or baron. Pigs which arc reared iu open pas tures arc most likely to be well de- velopcd, any way, much nioio so tnnn those reared inclose confinement; they have good appetites, promoted by mm. m III y V fresh air, and exercise. hence they will eat a great variety of food, and bettor digest it than when confined in pons. Also a great saving is made by it, for they will consume all the reused fruits, roots, aud all kinds of vege tables, and thescr serve to stimnlato their appetites and inako them glow. By extending tho root patch, and planting the lodder corn thinner, so that souio corn will form on it, and by having a little clover lot from which to cut soiling feed, the number of pig innv bo lnoitortionallv increased. And a very great advantage whorn it can be had, is a clover fi jhl for the pigs t. j i j . . . . run on, both as n matter ol nennu ana economy, as they will keep in goon condition, and grow rapidly thereon, with but little other food. Where they can be had, there should be three pastures or range.- for hugs, one for the dry sow a and storo hogv one for the sows which are Buckling pigs, and one for tho young pigs when weaned. With such arrangement the most economic management nuy bd had. Dry sows aud shoals or store pigs need but little, if any otlier food than the pasture affords -especially if of clover while the sow's suckling pigs require pasture and aome feeding, and the pigs when three or four weeks old aso need extra food. There should also be had a pen into which tho pigs could slip, that they may bo fed to themsehes. The extra or third pas ture mentioned, if connected with tho one in which the suckling sows run, is the place to feed the sneUinR pigs, and if older pigs run in hr re, open should be built to feed them in; thou when weaning time cornea they will be accustomed to the place, and it will be an easv matter to shut tlietn into t . . this pasture for extra feeding. Altogether for the in.prrm ineut m the condition and health of tiwine, tht importance to keep them as much as possible out on the broad, airy pas tures. It does not take m any genera tions of confinement and lack of suc culent food, with excessive fatness as is produced from corn feeding, to lnpnk down and destiov tint vilsl en- i ... '11 " "J " i of swine, as is attested where confine- nient andhiL'h feeding has byen the rule. J. T. Baird. Poultry . Tut the growth on tho chicks before freezing weather comes, for then It will take more feed and the chicks will stop growing. The duck is what we call a "water fowl," and yet Mr. Rankin, the noted poultrymau of the cast, raised duck witb only enough water for drinking purposes. Do not feed heavy ono day and light the next, but give the poultry just as much as they need and no more; and give it to them at regular times each day. Keep as many fowls on the farm a you can properly care for. There is no danger of the murket becoming overstocked aud having to sell poultry and eggs below the cost of raiding. To keep fowls free from vermin and disease needs onstaut attention and a good deal of dirty and disagrccablo work. But you cannot expert to suc ceed unless you give theni this atten tion. Floorless houses, well sanded, per mits tho hen to "kill time," and to secure exercise, by scratching, and if tho foundations are well built with stone no refuge is afforded for rata aud insects. Warm, substantial henhouses that do not have to bn artificially bested mean a saving in feed and an increaso in eggs. Houses thnt aro neither wind nor weather proof are a source of continual loss. Fowls lose their natural hardiness and xigor when win tered in artificially heated house. Build them a warm as boards, lath, plaster and paper can make them, and if possible located iu a thelteicd pot, h I . t i .1 . f ' I 1 i. 1. i y i A. V I V

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