- r- I ht VircCKLI-UAltllC. A WEEKLY KEWBPAPIX MTBLUHID BY-- JAMES H. YOUNG, Editor and Prop. A. J. ROGERS and J. D. PAIR Qwiral Traveling Agents. l THE WEEKLY GAZETTE inn Rates of Advertising Onoqnare, ens Ictcrtloa. (9 8as square, ons month......,. 1 Co ns square, two months. ft CO Qno square, tare moctti ..... fi CO One square, lx moDthj. ....... 0 00 One square, on year. ......... Cd (7'Llberal contracts a ads for larger VOL, IX. RALEIGH; N. O., SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1898. NO. -IS). THE B VI Ji 10 CUI MM IES Railway Commission Serves Notice on State Railways. . THE FERTILIZER RATES CUT. A Reduction of 1G2-3 Per Cent. Mad Cotton Kato Reduced on W. N. C. Railway. The new railroad commissioners will Carry out Governor Russell's idea of reducing passenger rates in the State. At a meeting last -week resolutions were introduced by Chairman Caldwell of the commission that notice be served on the Seaboard, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railway to Bhow cauBe why the fares for the transportation of I assengers should not be reduced. The Seaboard Air Line is summoned to show cause before the commission Jan. 25tb, the Coast Line and its branches Jan 2t3th, and the Southern and its branches Jan. 27th, why rates should not be reduced. The divisions of the Seaboard sum moned to appear before the Commis sion and show cause why passenger rates should net be reducbd are the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad; the Sea board and Roanoke; Georgia, Carolina and Northern, from Monroe, N. C. , to the South Carolina lines. The divis ions of the Atlantio Coast Line that notice will be served on are: Wilming ton and Weldon; Petersburg, Norfolk and Carolina; Wilson and Fayetteville; Tarboro Branch. The divisions of the Southern Rai'way summoned are: Western North Carolina; Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio; North Carolina; Piedmont; Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line; Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta; North Western North Carolina. The commission passed an order re acting the old rate cn cotton on the Western North Carolina and the Atlan tic, Tennessee and Ohio road. Oa September 21st the commission issued an order making a uniform rate on cotton on all roads in the State. This, in some instances, lowered the rate very much, and especially on branch reads. But it raised the rate on the Western North Carolina railroad, that road having noj specially low rate for the purpose of developing mills, etc., in Western North Carolina. Ihe action of the commission gives the snippers on the western iscnn Corolina road and O. T. t O. . an ad vantage on the shipment of cotton. A howl -frill likely come from other ship pers in the State. Commissioner Pearson said his idea was to make the reduction 15 per cent., but tnat 16j made the reduction one fcisth cf the present rate, and such re duction would make the labors of the clerk lighter. Mr. Pearson said: "Tki3 is a peculiar class of goods, and the rate should be made as light as possible. It will help the factories in this State, at Raleigh. Wilmington. Charlotte, Duiham and elsewhere, and enable them to compete with Richmond Dr. Abbott said he was always in favor of reducing the fertilizer rates. ins commission issued an order re ducing fertilizer rates in the State in car load shipments 18j the rates now in effect, tion of one-sixth, and Feb. 1st. per cent from This is areduo- will take effect Smallpox at Wilmington. Smallpox has developed at Wilming ton. This is the first genuine case of the disease reported in the State during the present epidemic, lnere is only one case, and little danger of infection from that source. Compulsory vacci cination is to be enforced at once. A b'pecial from Wilmington says the hcuae selected for tne shelter ol tne smallpox ratient. has been destroyed by fire. The negroes, cf whom there are a great many living in the vicinity, had sworn that "the diseased man should not be carried to the house, and it is olleged that they made their words good by setting hre to it. The building was in a fairly populous portion of the city, but in the opinion of the health officers, far enough removed from neighboring houses to preclude the possibility of the disease being communicated from it, Car "City of Charlotte" Mutilated. The Charlottee News says a vandal at Statesviilo mutilated the car "City of Charlotte" to the extent of 500 by scratching up both sides of the car, and completely obliterated the picture of the little negro and the watermelon on the tide of the car, which included pictures of some of the finest scenery in the State. - Prisoners Break Jail at Burnsville. A special from Asheville to the Char InttA Observer ears there was a "whole sale jail delivery on the night of the 19th. Nine persons, including one con demned murderer, were liberated. Postmasters Confirmed. The United States Senate has con firmed the appointment of the follow ing postmasters in this State: J. F. Dob3on. Goldsboro; J. W. Mullen, Charlotte, D. C. Pearson, Morganton; J. H. Ramsay, Salisbury; Ki. w. lead, Biltmore; P. H. Ly brook, Winston; J. J. Martin, Tarboro; W. P. Ormsby, Salem. Joan Graves Acquitted. A Raleigh special savs: John Graves, on trial for his life, charged with the murder of Henry Wall, at Forestville, one vear ago has been acquitted. Judge Timberlake told the jury he feared they bad made a grave mistake. The moat intelligent iurv ever in the county Bat on the case. Twin Cities New Postmaster?. The nominations for the postmaster- bhips at W inston and aaiem nave rjeen bv the United States Senate. The dinners are P. H. Lybrook, forth Winston office, and W. P. Ormsby, for the balera office. , Pencil Pointers. -iJi ft-mftrintpndfint John Rav. of the in stitution for the white blind and fo? neirro deaf-mutes and blind, says thero are uow 800 pupils proreut in the two departments. . THE WORLD OP TRADE. Manufacturing Activity a Feature in uui.n iiusu ror Alaska Begun. Bradstreet' S Commprmnl "RatIaw for fte past week says: 'Distributive trade remains rather ouiet. mild -weather throughout the countrv tendiner to check the distribution of winter goods. 'rice3 generally remain steady or tend upward. escort fn e and orders for spring tracfe," where re- mty is most manifest at the West. Where thfl flflmnnd fnr irnn ialorrra Til a eatUrO Of tfA tctiolr una tho r1nr inST Of an OTcler btr on a rnilrnitrl fnr 10(1 - 000 tons of steel rails, with smaller orders aggregating in the neighborhood u -co.uuu tons more, rig iron produc tion IS nflW f f o n nni-hroiarlanfa rflfa the furnace capacity being estimated at 1,000,000 tons a month. At the South manufacturing activity is a feature, saies or iron being very heavy. A good export demand for cotton and grain at steady prices is al3o a feature. At the x.asi a number of strikes against wage 'eductions are reported or expected in he cotton industrv. Soma woolen mills. working on heavy men's wear goods, are refusing orders, their capacity be ing fully booked. Anthracite coal pro duction, it is hoped in that trade, will be restricted sufficiently to allow of the advance of 20 to 40 cents per ton being maintained. The weather has been dis appointing at the Northwest, but an improvement in the demand developed at some centres as the week advanced. The rush to Alaska has already begun on tne .Facihc coast, f reight charters are reported lower. Export trade con tinues large, a gain of 8 per cent, oa the total export of breadstuff, cotton and mineral oils, cattle and hogs and provisions being -shown both for De cember and the calendar year." THE CAMPAIGN OF 1900. Win. J. Bryan's Intentions If He is Nominated. W. J. Bryan, in concluding a speech before the Bryan League at the Tre mont House, Chicago, 111. , during a banquet made some remarks which are interpreted as showing his intentions if he i3 nominated for the presidency in 1900. In speaking of the next presi dential election, Jlr. Bryan said : "It may be we will be strong enough to win without any outside help. But, nevertheless, 1 prefer to win with the Populists on one side and the free sil ver Republicans on the other. And we must not forget when the victory is won, that in the campaign of last year it took more courage on the part of the free silver Republicans to desert their old party, and more eelf-sacrifiee on the part of the Populists to sro outside of their organization for a presidential candidate, because he agreed with them on the paramount issue, than it did for the Democrats to support the ticket which was nominated oy their own na tional convention. " FOR A FUSION OF ALL. Jones 13 Acting for the Democratic Party, Butler for the Populists. As a result of conferences held within the last few days at Washington be tween the silver leaders of various par ties, it is understood that Chairman Jones, of the Democratic national com mittee, Chairman Butler, of tho Topu list national committee, and Chairman lowne, of the Silver national Repubh can committee, will issue a joint mani festo with a view to securing common action by the three organizations in the political contest of 189?. The draft of the document is now in the course of preparation. They will appeal to all those interested in the cause of cilver to work in union and to avoid rival organi zationa by which their common strength will be dissipated. LEFT SAFE EMPTY. Vice-President of Louisville Trust Co Steals $100,000. The Louisville (Ky.) Trust Company has been compelled to close its doors on account of the embezzlement of its funds by one of its most trusted offi cers. William Reinecke, vice-president of tho company, has disappeared, leaving the safe empty. Reinecke was manager of the concern and was trusted with all its business. The exact amount of the shortage is not known, but it is thought he secured nearly a hundred thousand dollars. Reinecke and his family have disappeared, leav ing no trace behind. The detectives have no clue as to their whereabouts. The affair has created a great sensation in financial circles. Death of Rev. E. A. Ramsey. Rev. E. A. Ramsey, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Memphis, Tenn. , and one of the best known di vines in the South is dead, aged 46 years. South Carolinian Wins His Suit. A special from New Haven, Conn., says: Judge Townsend, of the United States Court, has decided the case of Edward N. Pyatt, of South Carolina, against Horace Waldo and others, of New York, in favor of the complainant. The suit was brought to collect from the heirs of Sarah H. Waldo, deceased, the amount due on a bond made by her in her lifetime, the amount being $8,600. The statute of limitation figured in the claims of the defence. Philadelphia Has Raised $5,000. The Secretary of State has been noti fld by Mayor Warwick, of Philadel phia, that the Citizens' Permanent Re lief Committee, of that city, has collect ed $5,000 for the relief of the suffering Cubans. A Great Cotton Cargo. The British steamship Ranza cleared from Savannah, Ga.. for Bremen, Ger many, with 18,200 bales of cotton, weigh ing 8,963,855 pound6t valued at $524,-, 952. This is the largest cargo of cotton ever shipped from an Atlantic port, and is over 7,000 bales more than was ever shipped from this port on any other vessel. Hanna Gets Both Terms. Marcus A. Hanna received both the long and short terms in the U. S. Senate from the Ohio Legislature, hia job be ing fdjtetjV0& IS YEARS li. Some Items Copied by Rev. R. P. Smith From an Oid BUNCOMBE CO. ACCOUNT BOOK. In the Old Times It Took a Week's Work to Buy a Bushel of Salt-How Do You Like the Times Now? TheGastonia(N.C.)Gazette, ofarecent date, says: People talk of the eood old days of long ago when times were bet ter and money wasn't tight. How would you like to have a dose of old times as they are indicated in the prices copied below from an old account book kept 99 years ago in Buncombe county, N. C. Having an opportunity recently, Rev. R. P. Smith copied some items from such a book in kind remembrance of hi3 home paper. The old book is now owned by Mr. S. W. Davidson, of Swannanoa Valley, Buncombe county. It might have been kept by a black smith who ran a store or bv a merchant who also ran a smithy. Here are some items copied under date of March, 1i9o nearly 100 vears ago: DEBITS. To 1G pounds sugar $4 00 To 3 bushels salt 3 00 To 1 gallon whiskey 75 To 1 iron wedge 50 To laying plow 50 To 1 pair shoe soles 50 To one-half yard muslin 87$ To 1 pound powder 1 00 To 10 pounds of nails 2 00 To 1 quire paper 37 To 15 pounds sugar and 6 pounds coffee 6 00 CREDITS. By 3 days' work 1 37 J By 1 bushel corn 50 By 79 pounds beef at 3 cts 2 37 By 1 week's work 3 00 See that 16 pounds of sugar for 4.00? A.nd a bushel of salt for SI. 50? How do you like it? The price of muslin was out o'sight none was then manufac tured in this country, perhaps all im ported. Powder at a dollar a pound was too high to burn at Christmas. At 20 cents a pound people couldn't afford to hit many nails on the head. And people must have had something im portant to write and wanted to write it mighty bad when they paid 37 cents a quire for paper. In other items the con trast with today is not so mark ed, but in the old times when it took a week's work to buy a bushel of salt the contrast is strong enough to made a body faint. He who in those days could earn the salt that went in his bread ought not to have been counted a lazy fellow. VICTIMS OF TIIF TORNADO. 43 People Killed at Fort Smith 150 Houses Blown Down. The latest from Fort Smith, Ark., shows a total of forty-three lives lost in tho tornado which swept through that city. Not less than seventy others are injured, a large number of whom are seriously hurt, and several areexrected to die. The full extent of the storm may bo comprehended from the fact tbat thirty-five miles northeast of tho city a quantity of tin roof from Garri son avenue building was found. Ladies of the city are at work distri buting food and clothing to the needy. The relief committee, composed of the prominent business men find difficulty in housing the. sutler era. One hundred and fifty buildings were demolished. Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas, Little Rock, and other cities have wired readi ness to lend aid if necessary. A census of the dead, injured and property loss is being taken. The number of dead will not exceed fifty. Organized War on Hanna. A Columbus, O., special of the 13th says: Leaders on both sides are still here, preparing for another fight. The opposition to Hanna was defeated in hit election, but it proposes to fight now against his being seated for the long term. Hi3 enemies say they have not the time to interfere on the short term, but they will press the bribery charges, as such charges were pressed on Henry B. Payne, fourteen years ago, to the United States Senate. Subpoenas have been issued for Senator Hanna, Major Dick, W. D. Hollenbeck, H. H. Boyce and others to appear before the Senate committee. Libel 6uits have been brought against several Republican pa pers for damages in connection with the bribery charges, notably one by T. U Campbell, for $100,000 against the Ohio State Journal. Mississippi for Intervention In Cuba. The Mississippi Legislature adopted unanimously a rousing Cuban resolu tion offered by Senator Hardy. ' After reciting the fact that 90,000 persons have been starved to death in the province of Santa Clara since January last, and that it is the policy of Spain to exterminate the "Queen of the An tilles." it demands that the United States government shall at once inter vene, "peaceably if it can, forcibly if it must," Reduced the Bill. The supervisors of Queen's county, (N. Y.) struck the items of 8356.15 for wine, 8328.40 for cigars and S52.40 fox billiards from the hotel bill of the Thorn jurors. The net sum. of the bill was reduced from $2,049 to $904. Killed His Sweetheart and Himself. At Hurlock, Dorchester, Md. , a negro named Coleman shot and killed his sweetheart, a girl named Matthews, and badly wounded her companion, named Hughes. Coleman then went home and killed himself. Jealousy was the cause. More Legislation. The Postoffice Department will re commend to Congress legislation pro viding that postoffice clerks be required to give bond to the government and not to the postmaster, TOID IN A PARAGRAPH. The South. Mormons are making their appear ance in North Carolina in great num bers. There is a movement to change the capital of Alabama from Montgomery to Birmingham. The orange crop of Southern Cali fornia, now being harvested, is in prime condition. The Citizens' Exchange Bank has been organized in Richmond, Va., with a capital stock of $200,000. Judge Dick, of North Carolina, has gone to tho Johns Hopkins Hospital, at Baltimore, for treatment. Goyernor Taylor, of Tennessee, has announced himself as a candidate for election to the United States Senate. The Virginia Legislature has passed a bill providing that clubs must secure license to sell wines and liquorB. Mr. J. J. Newman, of Salisbury, N. C, is making efforts to organize a Rowan county settlers' associatioa. The car '"City of Charlotte'' "was slightly damaged at Marion, N. C, by a shifting freight car on the side track. Thieves enterod Morris' store, Alex ander, N. C., rolled the safe out of the building, and broke it open, stealing $76 in cash and several checks. The President has named Owen L. W. Smith, of North Carolina, to be minister resident and consul general of the United States to Liberia. The Isbell Corundum Company has been organized at ABheville, N. C, with 8250,000 capital stock, to mine the Clay county mineral, twenty miles from Murphy. There is a movement on foot to em brace in one national park the battle fields of Fredericksburg, Chancollors ville, the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House, Va., embracing 0,500 acres. At Huntington, W. Va., Carter ShifUette has been arrosted for passing old city orders which mysteriously dis appeared from the vaults at tho city hall. Fifteen thousand dollars worth have been paid a second time. Shiffiettc says he came by the orders honestly. The aggregate amount of the missing orders is $140,000. The North. Fifteen persons were injured in a rear-end collision on the Long Island Railroad, in New York. The Inland and Iron Forge Company of Chicago has started, giving employ ment to 500 men. By a gas explosion at Daleville, Ind., tho tile factory of B. F. Lefter was de stroyed and John Rinker killed. The site of a prehistoric village has been discovered near Massillon, and evidences cf cremation found. O., Adlai E. Stevenson, former ice- President of tho United States, has accepted the position of Western coun sol of the North American Trust Com pany of New York, with a membership m the board of directors. Mrs. Augusta Nack, jointly charged, with Martin Thorn, with the murder of Wm. Gulden&uppe. a bath rubber, at Woodslde, L. I., m June of last year, has been sentenced to fifteen years in the State prison at Auburn, N. Y. On February 1st 114 looms in the Manchester (N. H.,) Cotton Mills will be stopped for an indefinite time. The cause assigned is the falling off in the demand for print goods. There will also be a reduction of about 10 ror cent, in wages, affecting about 30 per cent, of the employes, on January 21th. Miscellaneous. Corbett offers Fitzsimmons $35, 000 for a fight to a finish. John Lincoln, of Bolshow, Mo., a second cousin of Abraham Lincoln, has iBkcd for a pension. Secretary Long has asked Congrees for an increase of 1,000 enlisted men in the navy and 700 apprentices. The Mexican Congress has concluded a long term contract with the Western Union Telegraph Company. The whole story of the Indian upris ing in tho Indian Territory is a fake, eaj's the Associated Press. The body of the murdered, W. H. T. Durrant, was cremated at the crema tory of Reynolds and Van Nuys, at Al dena, Cal. A delegation called on Chairman Dingley in the interest of legislation reducing the internal revenue tax on distilled spirits. The deaths from the plague at Bom bay during the past week numbered 450. There were 1,397 deaths during the same period from all causes. The estate of the late George M. Pull man, from an inventory filed in court at Chicago, was estimated to include $8,000,000 in stocks and bonds and $2, 000,000 in real estate. The central Cuban relief committee of New York, recently made a large shipment on a Ward Line steamer, consigned to Consul-General Lee, con sisting of 30,203 separate packages and in addition 500, 000 grains of quinine. Rev. Dr. John S. Zahm succeeds the late Dr. Corby as provincial of the Catholic Order of the Holy Cross in this country Ex-President Cleveland, owing to press of business, has resigned tho posi tion of trustee of the New Jersey His torical Society, but will continue to be a member of the society. The Atlantio Coast Line's New York and Florida special flyer was put in service, for the eleventh season, on the 17th. It is the fastest train running between New York and Florida. Washington Jottings. The superintendent of engraving and printing at Washington denies that the counterfeit silver certificates were made from the government plate or from an impression taken therefrom. The Postoffice Department has decid ed that postmasters cannot be required to cash pension checks. Robert P. Porter has declined a ten der of the superintendency of the next census, and Henry Gannett, of Wash ington, D. C. , may get it The nomination of E. C. Duncan for collector of internal revenue of North Carolina, has been confirmed by the United States Senate. The United States Senate has con firmed the nomination of Thomas C. Fuller, of North Carolina, to be judge QitflS Cfiurt ol ..jrrLTHS Jna-Wiauns. CUTTING WAGES. Lower Rates to Prevail In Cotton Mills of Six States. The operatives in over half a hundred cotton mills ia New England States ceased to be paid under the old sched ule of prices on the 15th. On Monday morning, the 17th, the general policy of the manufacturers to reduce wages went into effect in nearly every mill centre in the six States. Tho reduction becomes operative in the cotton mills cf New Bedford, Lowell, the Pawtucket and Blackstone Valley in Rhode Island, and in the States of Maine and New Hampshire. Ihe I all River mills with the excep tion of three corporations, cut wages in the month, as dul also the Amoskeag Company, of Manchester, and the mills in Salem and a number of smaller places." Notices were posted in the cotton mills of the Atlantio & Pacifio corpora tions at Lawrence, Ma3s., announcing that on and after Jan. 31, a reduction of 10 per cent will be made in the em ployees. The Pacific corporations em ploy about 5,500 hands and the Atlan tic about 1,200. It is thought the op eratives will accept the reduction, as the strike of about two jcars ago was unsuccessful. The Lawrence Mills are the last in New England to join in the general movement. The Everett, Pemberton and Washington Cotton Mills here have not as yet announced a reduction, but it is generally believed that they will do so soon. A epeciil fromPawtncket, R. I., says: In the Blackstone Valley, 7,000 mill operatives will work at reduced wages. The reduction is announced at from 10 per cent to 11 1 -0 per cent. The opera tives say that in some instances the re duction is more than announced. The mill hands are vigorously protesting, but they have thus far decided to con tinue at work. GENERAL BOOTH'S VISIT To This Country is to Further His Schemes to Benefit the Poor. General William Booth, the head of the Salvation Army, reached New York on the 15th, on board tho steamer St. raul, from Southampton. The general was met down the bay Commander Booth-Tucker. On the pier a large delegation of headquarters Salvationists were awaiting their chief. General Booth was given a warm reception. He stopped at Commander Booth Tucker's house in Fordham. where he remained a few days before ho left for Canada, whero he was met by his daughter, Miss Eva Booth, who is in charge of the army thtro. Ho will re main three weeks ia Canada, inspect ing the work of the army, and will then return to the United States. He will begin his American tour on February 10th, in Washington. "General Booth's idea is not alone to look over the work and progress of the Salvation Army in the United States and Canada, but in traveling through these countries he will confer with a number of citizens of the leading cities concerning his schemes for tho assist ance of the poor. General Booth will inspect and suggest improvement in tho social institutions wo have established m this country, which now have commodation for 4,000 persons." ac- FR03I THE SIXTEENTH FLOOR. Alfred Creenlcaf's Leap From the Chicago Masonic Temple. At Chicago Alfred C. Greenleaf, a bookkeeper committed suicide by jumping from the sixteenth floor of the Masonio Temple. Greenleaf had been out of employment for some time and becoming despondent decided to make away with himself. His first attempt was made in the Chamber of Commerce building, where he Mas caught in the act of jumping over the railing from the twelfth floor to the rotunda, and ejected from the building. Greenleaf then went to the Masonic Temple, ascended to the sixteenth floor, climbed upon the railing and jumped off into the rotunda. Ills body struck a marble landing ou tho third floor, shattered a slab two inches thick ana landed cn the balcony of the second floor. Tho body was reduced to a mere pulp. Greenleaf's fall was witnessed by a score of people in the rotunda. Striking Engineers Give Up. London, (By Cable) The engineers and allied trade unionists, now on strike at Glasgow have decided to abandon the struggle and give notice of their decision to the secretary of the Federated Employers. Employers held a meeting at Manchester and allowed the lockout notices recently issued to lapse. The Walls Collapsed. At Baltimore, Md., the walls of two houses being erected on Twenty-second street fell and seven men were injured, two probably fatally. The Cuban Relief Movement. A letter from Stephen E. Bartin, of the Central Cuban relief committee ol the State Department at Washington, D. C, says that the committee is re ceiving communications from Govern ors throughout the country, all indicat ing a satisfactory response to the ap peals of the Department of State, and the committee. Cold Blooded Murder. At a negro fair, near Palmira, Va., Phillip Gaines colored, shot and in' stantly killed George Green, also col ored. The murder was a cold-blooded one. Gaines escaped. A Triple Murderer Hanged. Archey Lackey, colored, the triple murderer, was hanged at King and Qneen courthouse, Virginia, on the 14th. There was a large crowd at the court house, and the sheriff and hia deputies had to produce pistols to pre vent some of those present from forc ing their way into the enclosure around the scaffold. Football Game Receipts. Princeton and Yale each got $12, 382. 71 as their pro rata share of the ro cerpts of the last Princeton-Yale foot ball game. ...--r,. ,.- FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Proceedings of Both tho Senate and House Day By Day. THE SENATE, 14tii Day. In the Senate a bill was favorably reportod from the Indian committee, prom biting railroad com panies from charging more than 3 cents a milo for passengers through Indian Territory. A resolution was introduced looking to the Alteration of the water used in tho city of Washington having been offered and referred to the Dis trict of Columbia Committee, Mr. Hale, of Maine, eaid that in no part of 'tho United States was there a city whose citizens were so abused and imposed upon as to the water supply as are the citizens of Washington. "We are con fronted with bad, foul water," said he, "so filthy, indeed, as to make it dan gerous to drink and even to take a bath." Tho Senate at 12:50 went into executive session to consider the Ha waiian annexation treaty, IotuDat. Except for a few minutes given to a controversy over some minor postoffice confirmations, tho entire time of-the executivo session of the Senate was consumed by Senator Davis, of Minnesota, in a speech in support of Hawaiian annexation. Mr. Davis is chairman of the Senato cowmittee on foreign relations, and his speech v as generally accepted as the semi-official utterance of tho majority of tho com mittee. He spoke for about two hours, and when the Senate adjourned he had net finis-bed. IGtii Dai. Senator Davis completed his speech in the executive session of the Senate on the Hawaiian treaty, and was followed by Senator Allen, of Ne braska, who spoke in opposition. Mr. Davis' speech was devoted largely to a presentation of the stategic features of annexation. Ho displayed a chart in front of the presiding officer's platform, thowing the location of Hawaii relative to this country and Asia. One of the points brought out with considerable elaboration was the probable effect on the Nicaraguan canal of the occupation of the islands by some foreign power. Chandler introduced a resolution re questing a list of tbe officers of the army be furnished tho Senate. 17th Day. In the Senate tbe pension appropriation bill was placed on tho calendar. A resolution asking the President for information about the protection of Americans in Cuba, was read by Senator Cannon. The eulogies in memory of the late Senator Isham G. Harris, of Tennessee, was postponed until after the olectioa of a Senator by the Legislature of Tennessee. No great progress was made with the Hawaiian annexation treaty. 18th Dav. In the Senate Hoar, of Massachusetts, presented tho following joint resolution, which was referred to committee cn privileges and elections "That the following articlo Lc proposed to tbe legislatures of the several States as &n amendment to the constitution of the United titate?: 'The term of ofllce of tbe Prepldent and of tho Fifty-sixth Congress ehall continue until tho 30th day ot April, in tho year 1301, at noon. The Senators whose ex'etlr.g term wouM otherwise expire on the 4th day ot March, In the year 18V3 or thereafter, thall continue in ofllco until noon cn the SOth riny of April eucceedlng each expiration, and the SOth day of April at noon shall thcrcaftt r ta substituted for tho 4th day of March, as the coma encement and termination of the ofu- clal term of tho Tresldent, View PrwiJent. Senators and Keprecntatives la Congress Nineteen bills on the pension calcn dar was passed. Butler, of North Caro lina secured tho passace of a joint reso lution for monuments to Nash and Da vidson, tho cost of each to be $3,000, The eulogies upon the late Senator Earle.of South Carolina, was postponed on account of McLaurin's illness, to eomo later day. Senate then adjourned until Monday. THE HOUSE. lSiii Day. Tho opponents of thd civil service law bad much tho best ol the debate in the House, eo far as the number of those engaging in it were frmpprnpfl Tir'lif rf )!ia fun enrnUrri were of tho opposition. The friends of tho law aro very anxious to shut oJ further debate, and in this will havd the co-operation of speaker Reed and the rules committee. good children who had never brought shame or grief to their parents. This is the biggest and best thing I know of, And wo had wit and auecdoto and conundrums all mixed up with oyster soup and turkey and "eat ceteras. " I asked Judge Aiken what kin he was to his sister's husband's mother-in-law and he gavo it up in despair. I hear that ho pondered over it all the way home and away in the night cried out "Eureka 1 Eureka!" Then Mayor Gilbert put tho seventeen elephant problem at me and I got tangled up and then I asked him how a ground squirrel dug his hole in the ground without leaving any dirt around the top and it scared him, but his wifo came to his relief and answered it. Men haven't got very much of that kind of senso and I always depend upon my wife Idoh'tliko to strain my mind. Lill Arp in Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution. 17tu dat.- The civil service debate which was inaugurated in the House a week ago, ended. It opened with a row. but ended very tamelv. There wa not even a vote on the appropria tion in the legislative, executive and judicial' appropriation bill for tbe commission upon which the debate was predicated. The Republicans, who are seekine to modify or repeal tho law, decided to let the debate como to , . . i 3 .1 i ' a Close, out n requireu me canuog voio of the Speaker to accomplish this. Thero are conflicting statements as to the situation in which the future con duct of the war against tho civil service law is left. All tho Republican oppon ents of the law agree that tho fight is to be kept up, and it is positively stated by Mr. Tearson, (Rep.) of North Caro lina, that assurances have been received from those in authority in tho House, that ar opportunity will be given in tbe future for the consideration of a bill to modify the law. But from other sources the statement cannot be con firmed. 18th Dat. Tho House discussed tho urgent deficiency bill carrying 81.741, 843. One of the items authorizing a further expenditure of 8020,000 for the Soldiers' Home at Danville, 111., for which $150,000 was appropriated in the last sundry civil bill, was used by Mr. DeArmond, of Missouri, Democrat, as a basis for a bitter personal attack upon Chairman Cannon, whose home is in Danville. He charged the chairman of the appropriation-committee of having used his iowers and position to secure tho location of tbe home at Danville. Mr. Cannon in re ylr branded Mr. DsArmond as a com- laon scold, who would have been ducked under the town pump had he lived ia the old days. He said he would stand or fall on his rocord. Tho House, by a vote of 12.1 to 71, sustained tho ap- Iropriation. There was also a lively de late over the provision in tbo bill re quiring the owners of bullion hereafter to pay the cost of transporting bullion from abf ayifcts to mints. 10th Hat. 1 he House completed tho consideration ot tbe agricultural appro priation in committee of tbo whole, There was the annual llcbt over tho question of freo seed distribution to tho arrners, but tho effort to striko out tbo appropriation of 000 failed ns us ual, the majority against it be- 130. Ono of tbo most Im portant amendments adopted pro vided for tho infection cf hore meat for export purpose in tho eauio way that the meat of cattle sad othci ani mals is now inspected. Thcro was a ivcly row over a motion to print an other edition of tbo famous "llorto Book" to cost 8105,000. Chanmau Wadsworth and members of tho appro priation committee, resisted it, but it was carried over their htais iy a nar row margin in committee vi tu wuoio. Williams, of Mississippi, (Pom.) mad an extended speech in favor of a po&tal savings bank system. 20tu Jai lho liouso spent most of the day filibustering againt-t the claim of the Mcthodiht Publishing IIoum, South, at Nashville, Tenn., fc.'.OO' for the seiuro and use of tho property dur ing the war. It was agreed that 75,000 copies of tbe "Houte Book" bepriutcd. It was also agreed to have 40,000 copies of a map of Alaska printed, showing th most feasible routes to the gold iiuld. Any debate whatever ou Cuba wuu side tracked altogether. 21 rt day. Tho IIou?o took up tho consideration cf tho army appropria tion bill. The bill. Chairman Hall, cf tho military committee, explained, carried 823,183,000, or 81,030,751 less than the estimates, $5G,74 iu excess of the law for tho current year. Tbe increase in tbe pay of tbo army was due to tho fact that the array wan nearer its maximum strength tban heretofore. A new provision iu th bill required tho payment of troops by tbo paymaster in prison. The general dobato on tbo bill was desultory, and wa not confined to tbe subject matter dealt with by tho bill. Mr. Henry, Democrat, cf Texas, took occasion to denounce Secretary Gage's fundixig nchcmo. Mr. Terry, Democrat, of Arkansas, made f omc lo marks about the protective tanfl, and Mr. Gaines, Demon at, of 'JVimesco. tonic on tho cluiiu of tho publishing house of tho Mclhodibt Episcopal Church, South. "I don't believe I quite understand jour couUutlon," Mid tbe JtHgc to mo bicvclist; "it seem that the ptir.onrr Is housc-iuovcr; th.it bo vns moving a tmall frame house at unv oi m trouble; and that you ran into r.i houpc I oau't see what offense lie bns committed." "Hut. your honor,' pro tested the bicyclist, "I ran my boll when I was half a ll-. k nw.iy. and bw paid no attention to it."-Detroit Jour nal. LOST MINE IN ARIZONA. Rich rroperty, Guarded by Crinntjlln.t IJrcatwnrl. ' The story of the discovery of an old; forgotten mine In an unfrequented lo cality In the foothills of tho Viml mountains, embellished with ronuinllc details such ns usually aeeoinpjiny legends of lost mines, fronted n lively Interest about the public resrls la Globe. L. R. GoUe, 11. Quarrels and II. fi. McClelland, on August 17, v.hlk pros pecting In the foothills eight or nlnrt miles south of Globe f.nl three and a half miles to the left of the toll toad, discovered nn old shr.ft, and near by oa tbe hill above the r'jinr; of breastworks, which had evidently boon ereetcd for defense against Indians. Tho evidence of great ngc observable In tbe decayed 6haft, almost filled with debii., nrd tho crumbling breastworks, excited th party's curiosity, and they stopped to Investigate. Tbe old ?haft was found to have been mjuIc on a well-defined ledge, from which they took proinl "log rpeclmcns of ore which totted well In copper and gold. Owing to the unsafe condition of tha old shaft, after having removed two or three feet of the dcbrK they nb.xn doned It, and having made their loca tions, they started a new Incllnohaft below the old works, from the pur face down they bad a twelve to four teen Inch streak of MiJphurct ore run ning from 13 to 50 per cent, iu copper and well In gold, cue nssay giving $42 per ton. The Incline 1 now down fif teen feet and the ore has widened to three feet. A wcll-prescrvcd tkrleton, with a bul let bole through the skull, or bearing other evidence of foul play, Is a desir able, If not an essential exhibit of ev en' such discovery, and as this was lacking, Mr. Goble Jndustrloirdy et about to supply the defiriencj, al though In justice to our informant, bo says it was tbe hope of uncovering treasure more than to make o grew tome a find, which prompted him to ex plore a mound of stones lodged In a crevice In the rocks near the breast works. After removing about Ibreo feet of rock and leaves Coble struck hfs pick Into what proved to be tho eye socket of a human skull, which caused him to momentarily s-hrlnk with horror, but summoning up courage be proceed ed with the work, and foon uncovered a complete skeleton of a m.m. Near the right hand lay a dnggcr eaten with rust, a large chunk of quartz reamed with coarse gold, and a handsome ppeelmen of onyx. What was the fntft of the human being whoxe bones had been thus rudely disturbed? Had bo been murdered by the Implacable foe of tbo white man, tbe blood-thirsty Apache, or had he peacefully laid down life's burden and been tenderly com mitted to the grave by friendly band? There Is none to answer, and th mys tery must remain unsolved. Globe, A. T., Silver Bolt. . It Is estimated that to about 2,7.00,000 persons In this country electricity con tributes a means jsfjlvjcllhood. . . K 7

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