5fiSSEZ25ZHSZS5 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE II tea of AUvertUtov. 0a iqoaro, on lnsartloa $ M Oassquar. on moota. ........ 1 00 On square, two months 9 00 On quar, tnr nontbi ..... S M One square, six month. ....... 00 r .... a mi r 1 1 A WEEKLY NEW8rAPI H W JAM 5 H. YOU NO. Editor and Prep. A. J. ROOiRS and J. D. PAIR Otntraf T rafting AgMtt. C7"Llbrai contracts mad for larger advertisement. 8 VOL. IX. RALEIGH; N.C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1899. NO. 51. BillS fllB PROTEST Against the Reduction of Freight Rates on Fertilizers. WOULD REDUCE THE REVENUE Of the Southern $20,000, and the Bondholders Couldn't Earn a Fair Return on Their Investments. The Southern Railway has filed ex ceptions to tho recent order of the rail road commission reducing freight rates on car-load lots of fertilizers 1GJ per cent. The exceptions set forth, first, that the present rate is just and reasonable, find is not excessive; second, that the ruto ordered will not he a just and reas onable return for the service expected to be rendered; third, that a reduction on fertilizers, w hich constitute so largo u portion of the freight business, would impair the revenue and make it impos sible to earn a fair return on the in vestment by stockholders and bond holders; further that it would reduce the revenues of the Southern in North Carolina $-20,000 and that it is not just nnd reasonable to make this reduction w ithout a compensating rise in the rate on eorno other commodity or commodi ties. There is also an exception to the reduced rate on cotton freights on the Western North Carolina Railroad, which is covered by the first two of the exceptions above stated. The Seaboard Air Line, Norfolk fe Western and Nor folk .t Southern also joined with the Southern iu protesting against the com missioners' order reducing freight rates on fertilizers one-sixth. SNAP SH01SATIHE NEWS, The South. P Rev. A. W. Moore, editor of the Cen tenary, died in Florence, 8. O. McCune's anti-flirting bill before the Virginia Legislature has been killed. Fulton Henderson, colored, died in Kingdom, N. O., in terrible agony from hydrophobia. Two men who hare been engaged in counterfeiting 810 pieces have been ar rested in Virginia. The quarantine convention of the Southeastern and gulf States -will be held in Mobile on Feb. 9. It is announced that trains will be running through via Moxville and Mooresville, N. C., route by July 1. Judge Thos. Henry Hines, ex-chief justice of the court of appeals and one of the most distinguished citizens of Kentucky, is dead. Winston, N. C. , has a factory strike, 300 regular laborers in one tobacco fac tory having gone out by reason of a re duction of wages. Projectoseopo Manager Assailed. A srecial telegram from Davidson to the Charlotte News gives the particu lars of an occurrence there a few days since. Mr. Arthur L. Rutt, of this city, exhibited his projecto seopo and phonograph at Davidson. Onr correspondent writes: "It was evident after the second picture was shown that a warm reception was in store for Mr. Butt. Before the second was over the phonograph was suffer ing from a shower of potatoes, bricks and other garden and field products, the fourth picture, representing a love episode was greeted with a howl and volley of missils of every descrip tion. At this point ihe performance went to pieces and pandemonium reign ed. The ladies hurriedly betook them selves home. Mr. Butt, however, was so unfortunate as to be locked up in the old chapel, along with Dr. Shearer, where these gentlemen were compelled to remain until midnight, while bricks, eggs and sticks were thrown against tho doors and walls. Mr. Butt at length sallied forth. The students see ing him trying to escape gave chase. Finally he found refuge athis hotel and was not further molested." Evans Respited for 30 Days. Maxcy L. John was in Raleigh on the 2ith as one of the attorneys for John Evans, the negro convicted of rape at Rockingham, and urged the Governor to p;rant a further respite. The Council of State was called togeth er and the decision was made to grant a respite of o0 days from January 2i3th, when tho first respite ends. A member of the Council Says: "Under present conditions this will be the last execu tive action in the matter, and if, at the expiration of the respite, the people of Bcckinghata still demand Evans' exe cutiou, he will be hanged. The Gov ernor and Council of State wash their hands of his blood." Proceedings in Subroenas and the Stanly Case, a restraining order has been served on the commissioners and treasurer of Stanly county, com manding them to show cause before Judge Simontou, of the United States Circuit Court, at Greensboro, on Tues day after the first Monday in April, why an injunction should not issue against the treasurer, forbidding him froni paying out any public money un til tho hearing in the case. The pro ceeding is an old-fashioned bill in equity. Messrs, S. J. Pemberton and Cbas. Price represent tho bondhold ers, Charlotte Observer. ' - - The Timo Extended. The Agricultural Department is noti fied that the United States Department of Animal Industry extends until Feb ruary 15th, the time during which cat tle can bo shipped North from this Cl i -1 Tl, lata fi-TAfl Wfl .IftllllftrV oiatu. -ijuo " - , : , ! onrl this o.ancrht dealers wunt unable 15th. healthy cattle which they "were to ship. Important Decision, attorney General Walser decides that public school teachers are not lia ble to indictment under the revenue act for teaching without certificate or license. 200,000 rounds of Tobacco Burned. At Durham, a building belonging to Dr. W. M. Johnson, valued at 3,000, has been burned. It was occupied by the American Tobacco company ami other tenants. The American Tobacco Company lost about 200,000 pounds of leaf tobacco. The loss is covered by in surance. Analyzing Various Foods. The line of eflort of the State experi ment station, in making analysis of va rious food products on sale in this State is commended. Charlotte Observer. Farmers' Institutes. The Secretary of the Agricultural De partment says the farmers' institutes to be held in the. State this year will not begin until August. Killed In the Machinery. Near Concord, N. C, in the Cabarrus -THold mine, Lewis Peck, 21 years old, instantly killed by his clothes be in" cairght in the machinery. His left leg" was Horn entirely from his body, and bin left arm was nearly wrenched off. His body was otherwise horribly mangled. Thanked the Governor. The Chatham County Farmers' Alli ance' adopted a resolution thanking Governor Russell "for removing the Wilsons as railroad commissioners, The second trial of the wife of Gov ernor Atkinson, of West Virginia, on indictments of perjury, will not take place until the latter part of May. Dr. C. B. Heimark, of Eagleville, Tenn., has been arrested, charged with grave-robbery. Threats of lynching was made and he was taken to Nash ville for safe keeping. One of the largest warehouses of Old Hurricane Springs distillery, near Tul lahoma, Tenn., has been destroyed by fire. Nearly one thousand barrels of whiskey were also burned. Loss about $75,000. The Kentucky and Tennessee board of fire underwriters authorized a re duction of 20 to 2-3 per cent, in rates on dwellings in fourth-class towns, which includes towns without water-works or with insufficient water supply. A bill in the Virginia Legislature provides for the abolishment of circuit and county courts and the substitution of district courts. It is said the change will save 873.000 per annum, retaining the best features of the county court system. While workmen were drilling and tamping in a quarry, near Marion, Smvth couutv. Va.. an explosion oc curred, resulting in the killing of Robert McClanahan, and the probable fatal injuring of two other men, named fccott ana nutton respectively. The North. The Ewart building at Chicago was damaged bv fire to the extent of $200,000. The Fall Eiver. Mass.. mill strike ia practically ended, a compromise having been effected. A pulpit crusade against keeping open drug stores on Sunday has been started in New York. Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, 111., has ordered tho closing at midnight of saloons where women congregate. Mayor Van Wyck, of Greater New York, is oonosed to spending any more money in creating small parks in the tenement-house districts. At Mahanoy, Pa., during a terrific wind etorm incendiaries started fires in three different parts of the town. Tho loss is over $00,000. Millionaire John D. Rockefeller has laborers at work set building model roads for the Sleepy Hollow in Westchester county, N. Y., on which ho will expend $200,000. Adlai E. Stevenson, former Vice President of the United States, has accepted the position of Western coun sel of the North American Trust Com pany of New York, with a membership in the board of directors. There are 300 farmers' clubs in Michi gan, with a total membership of 20,000, and they are being urged to look sharp ly after the nominations for the State Legislature at the next election, and to Bee that they go to men who will care for the farmers' interest. Miscellaneous. The Cuban war has now been in prog ress just three years, having begun the first of February, 1803. At Hot Springs, Ark., Jack Ever hasdt knocked out Eddie Donnelly in the sixth round. John Sammons, aged 70, was bitten and stamped to death by a vicious jack in Lawrence county, Ky. The Leiler wheat combina claims to own all the surplus wheat in the coun try, amounting to 15,000,000 bushels. Joseph Leiter, who is holding 11, 000,000 bushels of wheat in Chicago, Bays he expects to get about $1. 25 for it. Steamers leaving the Pacific coast for Alaska are compelled to refuse pas sengers, so great is the rush to the gold Geld. The county of Lancashire, England, has 1,700 firms engaged in the cotton business, with 72,000,000 spindles. They Tracy bill, providing for the transportation of bicycles on trains as baggage, passed the Kentucky House and is said to be safo for passing tho Senate. The New York Life Insurance Com pany have settled the claim of Mrs. Hellmon, of Topeka, Kan., which has been in the courts for nine years, in full for $24,000, the amount of policies her husband was carrying at his death, and she has dismissed the case. After an ungrateful tramp had mur dered John Holloran's wife and burned his home, the latter shot himself, at Fort Worth, Tex. Jas. J. Corbett has 6igned articles calling for a fight with Robert Fitz simons to come off this summer. It is believed Fitzsimons will accept. President Sanford B. Dole, of Hawaii, and E. P. McKissick, of Asheville, N. ft, were among tho guests at the thir teenth annual dinner of the Gridiron Club at Washington, D. C.t on Jan. 29th. Washington Jottings. The nomination of Hon. John W, Griggs, to be Attorney General, has beenconfirmed by the Senate. The oath of office has been adminis tered in the Senate to H.D.S. Money as Senator from Mississippi, to serve for the unexpired term of the late Senator George. A bill is in the Senate requiring that cadets to West Point shall not be ap pointed unless they are bona fide resi- j dents of the districts represented by I Congressmen making the appointment. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Proceedings of Both the Senate and House Day By Day. THE SENATE. 23th Day. In tho Senate Morgan re viewed the annexation of Hawaii some what extensively. Walthall, of Mis sissippi, presented a joint resolution adopted by the Legislature of Missis sippi, urging the United States govern ment to mterveno m the Cuban war in behalf of the insurgents, "peaceably if it can, forcibly if it must." The reso lution was read and referred to the c-ommittee on foreign relations. The pension appropriation bill was up be fore the Senate at the time of adjourn ment. 'ijth Dat. The Senate was charac terized by a heated and almost acrimo nious discussion of the finanoial ques tion. For nearly four hours the Teller resolution was under consideration, the principal speeches being by Alli son, of Iowa, Berry, of Arkansas, ana Hoar, of Massachusetts, ihe sharpest colloquy w as that indulged in by the advocates and the opponents of the res olution. Teller believes in paying tho debts of the government in silver, even if is the cheapest metal. Hoar contended that the question was not one of legal power, but of honor and good faith. After a long' debate the resolution wa amended so as to pay the bonds of the United States in the highest money in the world, gold or its equivalent, 1 il . 1- . 1. 1 - ..CI.,... vw bill which followed it. The only two important changes made in the Indian bill as passed were the elimination of the provisions for the leasing of the gil sonite mineral lands of the Uncompa ghre reservation in Utah and the coal lands of the Kiowa, Commanche, Apache and Wichita reservations, both - of which went out on points of order. Mr. De Armond, Democrat, of Mis souri, criticised the Cuban policy of the administration, and with fine sarcasm ridiculed the official explanation of the visit cf the battleship Maine to Ha vana. This drew from Mr. Dolliver, Republican, of Iowa, an eloquent re ply. Mr. Grosvenor, Republican, of Ohio, as the latest evidence of j.ros peritv, called attention to the 10 cents per ton advance in the wages of coal miriArR noreed noon at Chicago. That if Aft t iV J-WYV said, anectea zuv.uw THE WORLD OF TRADE. A SHghtbut Distinctive Improvement in the Cotton Goods Situation. Bradstreet's commercial report for the past week, in part, says: "Favor able conditions in the trade situation continue to far outweigh those of an opposite character. Stormy weather i throughout a large section of the coun try has checked the movement of mer chandise into consumption, but a per ceptible increase in the demand for sea sonable goods is reported as already resulting". The last week of the month closes with increased activity in many lines; another considerable drop in the number of failures reported; large ex ports of cereals, particularly wheat, corn and flour, and perceptible! conn- IN A HOT JAIL They Were Looking for Gus Har mon, Colored, But He increase. U8 miu, flfinr.A in nrlir oil KranUf. triul AS Mr Swanson, uemocrax, oi , -.. . r- - .ni-.mitti.ri snmA remarks on o.u miners. V irrrinid ciin.tinn in the cotton industry, North and South, and attributed the depression in th& South to exclusively high tariff duties. Uon Tav The bill to rav the Book t'UOilSUiag Ksvuiimiy V:I : rr ilrml "Another favorable feature of the i week is the slight but distinct improve ment in thi cotton goods situation, in which speculative activity is awakening. Print clothhare higher and some makes of gray aud medium weight cottons are HAD BEEN TAKEN TO ASHEVIl LF. The Sheriff, to Satisfy Them, Accom panied the Mob Around the Cages and Rooms. . i r, I V 1 I. .41, C'J'W m Ifir luwounuir iiciu, lipiSCOpai i-xv ca, louum, ri,A-,.ft-a aiihtfi'.oil hv that corporation uaujUgtu uut-..--- j - . vAIICfl -. . .. -fi r .. ntorir, rr nil nuvo a"?- ne war, "iie. , Qot tak(j M Boots and shoes hold the late au- and manufacturers of heavy staved off a irotfl hill vs. nvery ai present prices, w ooi is etronc i ;.,o.6M in the House, on large sales and firm receipts abroad. WHO U1UICU IU "a i -c? by Mr. Cooper, of Texas, who was in charge of the measure. The friends of the measure proved themselves in an overwhelming majority and the opposi- Butler, of North Carolina offered an tion todaj-, finding it could hold out no amendment to the Postoffice appropria tion bill, providing for an extension of tlie experiment of rural free delivery to every fcrtate and territory in the Union, aud to as many sections of those States and territories as possible. The amend ment appropriates 250,000 to cover the expense of the proposed extension. The pension appropriation bill was passed after a number of amendments offered by Allen had ?en defeated. 27th Day. -,n the Senate the Teller resolution, providing that the govern ment miarht pay the principal and in terest of the United States bonds in silver, was under consideration for more than six hours. In the course of the debate Daniel, of Virginia, spoke in favor of the resolution, saying that there was no disposition to pay the government's obligations in discredited bullion, but in silver dollars that will buy as much as gold dollars the world over. 23th Dat. The Senate decided to vote on the Teller resolution and the pending resolutions thereto to morrow. After the agreement to vote had been reached, Mr. Daniel resumed his speech. Ho made a legal argumentin support of the rending resolution, holding that the law never contemplated giving to the government's creditors the option as to the kind of monev he was to be paid. The creditor would naturallj' pick that dollar which was the most valuable to him. but if ho did not know which he would receive he would do his utmost ! to maintain the parity of all dollars. Mr Caffery, Democrat, of Louisiana, delivered an extended speech in oppo sition to tho resolution. Mr. Cockrell supported the resolution. He discussed the question at some length, taking up and penning various financial enact ments since 1870 to show that United States bonds were properly declared to bo payable in silver. The Senate at loncer. reluctantly yielded. The vote on the bill was 188 to G7. !:n Tv. Thfira seems to be no prospect of an abatement of the politi- 1 cal debate which has been in progress , in tho House during the consideration ; of the appropriation bills. Almost tho entire session of the day was consumed I in the discussion of political topics. The controverted question as to j whether prosreiitv had arrived at- I tracted the most attention, and interest and testimony pro and con was offered throughout the day. At times con siderable acrimony was displayed, but as a rule the debate was good nahu6d, both sides seemhig to recognize that it was a struggle to score political ad vance. Only a few pages of tho District appropriation bill were disposed cf. The clerk of the Senate transmitted the Teller resolution which passed the Senate and was cheered by the Demo cratic side of the House. The resolu tion remained on the table. I Trices of met staple products are . higher ou the week; noticeable instan ; ces are those of wheat, which is past I the dollar mark again at many Western I markets. The active demand for the Klondike trade is reflected in canned j goods, stocks of which are reported very low, with prices holding tho late ad , vance. "Collections are generally reported ! fair, those indicating backwardness ; coming most generally from tho South. Cereal exports ar again heavy. "The business failures for the week are the smallest reported in the fourth week in January for five years past, numbering only 2S3, against 80S) laBt week," GRAIN ELEVATOR BURNED. A special to the Charlotte (N. O.) Observer dated the 2Cth, from Marion, says: This morning about 1 o'clock a mob of masked men surrounded the jail with guns, pistols and sledge ham mers. Four men with masked faces went to the sheriff's room and quietly woke him up and demanded Gus Har-iviii-vthe negro who attempted to as stuU Miss Minnie Cuthbertson, near Nebo, on Sunday the 10th of this month. Sheriff Nichols had been in formed by some one that a mob w as likely to como at any time after the ne gro, and he had him spirited away to Asheville jail for safe keeping. Tho sheriff told the would-be lynchers that he had left the negro in tho Acheville jail, yet they insisted on tho idier itTs accompanying them around the cages and rooms to search, which they did. After the mob had searched over the jail they seemed satisfied. They left town, firing several shots, thought to be signal shots, as part of the mob was in the suburbs of the town. It is thought there were about 75 of tue mob. Much excitement has prevailed, but all is quiet now and in this case the law should be allowed to taice course NORTH STATEJGENERAl NEWS. Compulsory Vaccination is Legal. In response to a letter from Dr. R. n. Lewis, secretary of tho North Caro lina board of health. Attorney General Walser writes him as follows: "In reply to your letter of recent dato it is my opinion that under chap ter 214 of laws 1893, it is competent for thoanthorities named in said chaptor to enforce compulsorj' vaccination. The Legislature may, in the exercise of iU constitutional authority, conier upon board of health of cities ou 1 towns the power to enact rules r.nd ordinances for the promotion of publio health and the abatement and prevention of nuisances, which shall have tho force of law with in the communities over which the jurisdiction of the respective boards ex tend. Dill. Mun: Corp. Section 808. Slaughter house cases, 10 Wall (U. n.) 80. "Health beincr the sine qua non of all personal enjoyment, it is not only tho right but tho duty of a State to pass laws for the protection of the health of the people, it is competent for the Legislature to require rholars of pub lic schools to bo vaccinated, .beol vs. Clark, 4 Cul , 2JJ. Any person not vaccinated mav bo excluded fio n the school. See statutes of Massachusetts and Maine.' us Cockrell's speech, m., on motion of the conclusion of Mr, adjourned at 0:50 p. Mr. Vest, Democrat. 20tii Day. --'The Senate, by tho de cisive voto of 47 to 32, passed th9 Teller concurrent resolution. The resolution is a practical re-affirmation of that ol Stanley Matthews, in 1878, and is as follows: "That all the bonds of the United States issued, or authorized to be issued under the said acts cf Con gress hereinbefore recited,. are payable, principal and interest, at the option of the government of the United States, in silver dollars of the coinage of tho United States, containing four hundred and twelve and one-half grains each oi standard ailvor; and that to restore to its coinage such silver coins as a legal tender in payment of said bonds, prin cipal and interest, is not in violation oi the public faith nor in derogation ol the rights of the public creditors." All efforts to amend tho resolution were voted down by majorities ranging from 5 to 20. Mr. Lodge's gold stand ard substitute was defeated by the lat ter majority. 3,000,000 Bushels of Grain Destroy edLoss, $2,000,000. The Union Eloyator, which is sit uated in East St. Louis, cad owned by the United Elevator Company, at St. Louis, Mo., has been totally burnel with the contents, about 3,000,000 bushels of grain. A greater part of this was corn. Eighty-five cars loaded with corn destined for Newport News, and owned by E. IS. White & Co., was also consumed, as the Chicago, Bur lington & Quinoy freight house, adjoiu iug the elevator. Numerous cottages to the east of the elevator were also burned. The total loss, it is estimated, will not be far from 2,000,000. Steamer to Cost $250,000. The Baltimore Steam Packet Co., which operates the Old Bay Line of Bteamers on Chesapeake Bay, has given a contract to tho Marian & Uollings worth Co. , Wilmington, Del. , for a new steamer, which will probably be the fastest on the waters of Chesapeake Bay. She will be 250 feet long, 40 feet beam, with accommodations for 300 passengers. The vessel is to be propelled by twin screws and will cost about 250,000. Her interior finish will be in hard woods and no expense will be spared to make her passenger accom modations complete in every respect. The new boat will be constructed un der the supervision of General Manager JohnR. Sherwood, of the old Bay Line, under whose direction the steamers Georgia and Alabama, among the fin est ever built in this country, were con structed. It is understood that the ideas of General Manager Sherwood have been largely embodied in the I plans of the new vessel, which will have a speed of about 20 miles an hour. THE LASH IN CONCORD. Negroes ARMOR PLATE BIDS. Were 29 In the Batch and Only One Named a Figure. In accordance with tho advertisement issued by the Navy Department re cently, proposals were opened in the office of Secretary Long, at Washing ton, D. C, last week for tho construc tion of a government armor plant for the sale to tho government of sites suit able for such a plant, and for the ma chinery and buildings necessary if the government decides to make its own armor. There were twenty-nine bids, and they covered every phase cf tho advertisement. Many of the proposals were merely oilers to donate site3 to the government conditional upon the location of the plant; a number cf others were for the supply cf machiney. There were only two bids to furnish a complete plant and only one of these named a figure. The two companies . now engaged in the manufacture of armor for the navy did not submit proposals. The Hunting ton, W. Va., chamber of commerce of fered to follow the specifications of the board and build a complete plant for sum of Stf,323,y03, including site, build ings and plant. Jt will take some time to schedule all the bids, but as soon as they can be ar ranged they will bo sent to Congress by Secretary Long for the information of that bodv in case it desires to em bark the government in the mannfac ture of armor. Virginia Brevities. LeesburEr. a Jarge barn wa the Joss including twelve twenty-four cattle and 13 OPERATIONS OF A BOGUS MASON He Has Swindled Members of the Ma sonic Fraternity the World Over. ATacoma. Wash., special says: Geo. Fleming, who has been convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary at Walla Walla, to serve two and one-half years for obtaining money under laise pre tenses, has made a confession, which, if it wero not corroborated by more tliau 100 letters frcm different Masonic lodges in the United .States and other countries, would be received with in credulity, l leming is a uogua .hhw . yet so skilfully has he applied himself that he has peen comimmeun-u grand masters on his knowledge oi .ub- cnnt'l By his own admissions ho lived for years from money borrowed under falne Titetenses lrom ,uasous m uwkuuib varying from 5f 10 to feveriu uuuuieu, or, as he torn ex-ouenu uu ioiuuic, "according to tlieir circumsxaucco uuu times." Tho total amount oi money thus obtained will probably reacL 20.000, but ho has borrowed hi much that he docs not pretend to re cite all the inbtances. He Las truvoleu all over tho world and never spout a cent for railroad or other trauc porta tion. He has so many aliases luat he cannot name them, in Paris ho claim to have met and dined with the Prince of Wales and Dudley Warner. Foi desert he borrowed 150 from tat Prince on tho strength of Masonry In Madrid ho woiked lianuis layioi for free transportation to the l.ock oi Gibraltar by the way of Cadiz. Hancock's Letter to the Governor. Robert Hancock's long expected let ter iu defence has been received by the Governor. It was sent to counsel at Ralciuh who gave it to tho Governor. The letter is long. It denies any im proper relations with Miss Abbott or that any threats were ever made, and says that bo far as Hancock knows, sho is an absolutely virtuous woman. His letter is a column in length, aud says that Miss Abbott is lit, that hhe never lived in his houfo until last October; that sho wa housekeeper until soon af ter Christmas, when, after repeated re Quests to discoutinuo certain objection able associations, ho asked her to go to her mother's home; that fdio showed temper, aud that tho suit charging se duction was soon brought; that her mother's advisers in tho matter are Hancock's political enemies; that the dropping of Miss Abbott's sifter as teacher in tho Newbem publio schools has nothing to do with thin matter; that no threat or effort was made to have Miss Abbott's father's name stricken from tho pay roll of tho government. Rcucnue of I li Boll Trie phone Co. The telephone companies doing busi ness in tho .stato are requited t- lilo re ports of business done in the Statu every three months, and on tho 2th th Southern Bell Telephone Company filed a report of business done iu tuo Stato for three mouths, ending December 31st, 18.IS. Tho following aro tho re ceipts of the company at the various places in the Stato w hero it docs busi ness for the period above mentioned: Asheville, .., 1. 12: Charlotte, $J, 752.81; Durham, $7.50; Raleigh, 2, 700. CO; Wilmington, $1,077. (; Concord $107; Winston, . 117. 72: Fiivato lines, 8175. The total amount of receipts of the Bell Compauy for tho three months mentioned are $13,41.). 4?. The Stato gets 2 per cont. of this amount, as pro vided in au act of theLcislnluro. The State's revenue is 3-08.D7. THE HOUSE. 28th Day. The House completed seven pages of the Indian appropriation bill. It was decided that no informa tion be given at present in regard tc the government's armor plate plant. Grosvenor and Simpson locked horns by an allusion made by Simpson' rela tive to an alleged interview with th President on the subject of imnigra tion. 20tk Day. Under the parliamentary fiction of discussing the Indian bill.thi House devoted almost the entire day to a political debate in which the main question was whether prosperity had come to the country as a result of the advent of the present administration. As the speeches were limited to fiv minutes each, many members partici pated, and the partisan spirit kept th interest keyed up to a high pitch. The acrimony which usually characterize! such debates was almost entirely ab sent, but, although good natured, some hard knocks were given and re ceived. 30th Day. In the House the motion to strike out the appropriation for the Carlisle Indians was defeated. The most interesting feature of the day was the debate on the question of reducing the mail carrier service in the large cities, owing to the failure of the Sen ate to attach the estimated deficiency of $16,000 to the urgent deficiency bill. This subject has been agitating the metropolitan cities ever since the order was issued for cutting down the force An .Tfl.Tirin.rv 1. A dozen representative from as many different cities, protested against the proposed reduction and , urged an immediate appropriation, when i Chairman Loud, ol tne posiomce com and Chairman Cannon, oi tno ap Resorting to Extreme Meas ures for Reform. The Condord correspondence of the Charlotte (N. C.) Observer says: Some i negro men and boys caught a white ; man in company with a negro woman, ' and, after giving the woman a round, laid tho lash on him. In their effort to suppress this evil among their race, the negroes have resorted to the whip method, regardless of consequences, and it is no w almost a nightly occur rence for some ono to be lashed. The white man referred to is not a native Southerner, and is a large property owner in this community. The rumor lacks verification, however, on the part of the man. Watson for Governor. Thomas E. Watson will be Populist candidate for Governor of Georgia. Tho Stato convention will meet on March 6, and a majority of the dele gates already elected are said to be in favor of Watson for Governor. BIcComas Elected'Senator. Judee L. E. McComas has been elected Senator from Maryland to sue ceed Gorman on the first ballot Mc Comas received 62 to Gorman's 47; Shaw 5. Pardoned a Dead Man. Governor Tyler, of Virginia, pardon ed a dead man. He had papers filled ont and sent to the penitentiary to set frea Edward Jamieson. who' was sen tenced, in August, 1897, to seven years' imprisonment for burning a stable in Fairfax county. When the papers were I presented at the penitentiary it w w mitte yl tT; ' learned that Jamieson had died of con propria uuu liuiuiumsoj wrath of the members by assuring them that there was no occasion for alarm, that the service could not possibly suf fer until June 15, before which time there would be ample opportunity to pass a deficiency appropriation. siBTbiv -Tha House finally suc- sumptionseveral hours before. Drowned Valuable Stock. A disastrous -wind and rain storm t. Kiderewar. TJ1.. unroofed houses, blew- down fences and drowned valuable stock. ceeded in passing the Indian approba tion bill, and the political debate which has been raging since Monday was transferred to the District of Columbia Some people want In order don't -want. . . go without what they to get something they Near burned, horses, sheep. Founder's Day. the birthday of Gen eral Armstrong, was celebrated at the Hampton Institute on Sunday, .the JOth. Maior C. II. Broome, chief clerk in the uavv rav ohico at Norfolk and owner of tho Norfolk baseball team last season, is dead. It is understood that Mr. J. M. Hill, the well known race track owner, ia working up interest in the establish ment of a racing circuit in Virginia, to bo conducted in a strictly legitimate wav. It is proposed to have Richmond, Norfolk and Alexandria in this circuit. Governor Tyler has been invited to attend the unveiling of a Confederate monument at Luray, in June, and the committee requests that his youngest daughter, Miss Lilly, be allowed to pull the cord that will draw aside the veil. The Governor will attend unless some unforeseen obstacle prevents, and it is nrobable that Miss Lilly will officiate at the unveiling. Palmetto Stato Pointers. Marlboro county is out of debt. Richland countv's clerk of court. Mr. R R. Arthur, is dead. He had held the position for seventeen years. On March 10. 1808. the midwinter ... - n 1 j race meet oi rue AiKen jjicyuie anu Athletic Association will be crivon on their quarter mile track in JLustic Park, Aiken, under L. A. W . sanction. It has been discovered that there ia no portrait of John C. Calhoun in the United States Senate along 6ide of other distinguished Americans. Governor Ellerbe will give his attention to the matter. At Troy two negroes were scuffling near the track while the down freight train was nassing. One of them, Sam Holmes, reeled, was struck by one of the cars and knocked under the wheels. The first wheels passed over his chest and tho next completely severed his head from his body. North Carolina Pension Law. Since 1889, whan the new pension law went into effect, the Auditor saysS764, 000 has been paid out. This is exclu sive of the regular appropriation, from the genaral fund, for disabled soldiers. Appointed Harbor Mlstrese. Miss Fay Fuller, who has just been appointed harbor mistress of Tacoma, Wash., is the only woman in the world holding such a place. She became prominent in the West a number ol years ago by being the first woman to ascend Mount Tacoma. Newbold Acquitted. W. n. Newbold the dispensary con stable charged with the murder of an inoffensive old farmer, was tried at Srartanburr. S. C. Tfea jury brought ' ia a verdictol net g stttf . Increased : outhcrn Exports. The Manufacturers' Record of last wek calls attention to the remarkable development cf the South's cxion trade, which is emphasized by a sum mary of the statistics of bi eadstult.- shipments lor tne year icj as compil ed with 180(5. The total shipments of corn, wheat, oats and flour from hvt leadingbouthcrn pons aggiega.en i.,; 938,072 bunhels against 12-,&J,tf4. bushels in IBlXi. lho loiai mcreaeo 39.077,125 bushels. Iho total va;ue oi the exports ol ail treansiuus noiu leading ports cf tho country lor iaj. -, s-.;:t i-?i ins. a iriun over 1) oi 800,900,000. At these five Southern ports the total for 1807 was $10,055,0.). against $ 7, 177, being an increase ol -ul.877.lC3. Thus of a total gam iroru the entire country of o0,900,Jt0. near ly one-half, or S31,877,1C, was iron hve Southern ports. Making a com parison by percentages, tho increas. from these five Soutdern ports mb 55 7-10 percent, against 23 5-10 pel cent for all other ports. Numher of hcliool Children. Tho report on echoed children aud public school attendance wua completed tho 20th, as far as it can be completed, as twelve counties reluso to report, this being the same number as in State Superintendent Scarborough's Ust re port. The figures in hand nay that there are, omitting these twolvo coun ties, 412,123 w hite and 211,510 colored children between the school agos of 0 and 21 aud that tho public school en rollment 131,404. last is respectively v,v.j ana The report is up to July 1st, To Amend the Virginia Flection Law In the Virginia House Mr. T. W. Berry introduced a bill to amend th election lews so that an elector, iu preparing his ballot, may require the presence of either or both of tho othei iudjres whilo tho ballot is being pre pared by one juuge, ana mey suau wn neBS tho preparation of the ballot, o see that it is prepared as the elector tna direct Coal Miners Jubilant. Tho inter-Stato joint session of bituminous coal operators and miners, which has been in session at Chicago fcr the past ten days came to an end on the 20th. The miners wero jubilant nror the results of their session, for it means to nearly 20,000 soft coal miners an advance of 10 cents per ton, and a uniform day of eight hours at uniform day wages. Banna's Son Sued for Dlvofre. A Cleveland, O., special 6ays: Daniel R. Hanna, the only son of Senator Henna, has been eued by hiswifs, Carsio May, for divorce. The decree i asked for on the ground of gross neg lect and extreme cruelty. The couple were married in 188 Grants a Permanent Injunction. A special from Asheville, N, C, to Che Charlotte Observer says the Bun combe county bond suit was heard be forejudge Norwood, at Waynesville. The suit was to test tho validity ol bonds issued by the county in aid of he Spartanburg and Ashevillo Rail ad, and was brought up by the couu ty commissioners againet Treasurer Payne. Judge Norwood decided the Sonds void and granted a permanent njunction, restraining the treasurer from paying interest on them. New Theory About tlio Smallpox. Tho darkies bavo many theories" about tho smallpox which has mani fested itself iu tho city. The latest idea advanced is that it is elephant's itch, saiil to have been contracted by tho visit of the last circus, some nr groes having used the straw on which tho elej hants lay, for beds. Somo of them said that n big doctor had come from a distance, looked at it and pro nounced it elephant's itch. Charlotte Observer. - There May Be Consolidation. It seems to bo the opinion that the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad will bo fecured by tho Seaboard Air Lino. This view in of course strength ened by the letter to tho railroad com mission frora tho Seaboard Air Line people ia regard to to a union depot at Maxton that as thero may be consoli dation a uuion depot will be unneces sary. ' Will Meet at High Point. Tho Stato Christian Endeavor Con vention will bo hold at High Point March 18th and 2Hh next. Dr. Clark, of Ronton, is president of tho United Union, and w ill bo present. Tax Not Being Paid. The Stato Auditor has received a let ter from a horso trader in Cabarrus county enclosing money for the licenso" tax and complaining that tho tax is not being collected iu tho adjoining counties. The matter will bo investi mil A1 Tho tax on horse traders is 25 for the Stato and ?10 for the county.- Raleigh Post. Dr. T. . W. Mott Deal. Dr. Mott, the oldest son of Dr. II. Y. Mott, died at the insane asylum at Ral eigh of consumption, lie had been at death's door for w eeks, and a hemor rhage carried him off. He was an as-, sietaut physician. Ho had also been an assistant physician at tho Morganton asylum. His 'body was taken to Ire dell for burial. Surety Company Licensed. Secretary of Stato Thompson has licensed tho City Trust. tafe Deposit and Surety Company, of Philadelphia, to do surety business in thi State. Mr. V. E. Waitress, of htatesville, is the general agent of tho company in this btate. The license is $200. Odds and Ends. It seems that though the railroad commission has not forbiddan the issa of passes to families of railroad cms ployc, tho Southern Railway has is sued an order cutting off these passes.

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