T7T( i r.- . -i THE WEEKLY CAtllt Rate of Advertising. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE H 0a i i square, ons tuirtloa W i squire, ons moDth 1 J i nqusre, two mouths. V Ons i WIEKLT NKW8PAP11 rtrausBso bt J4ITJ H. YOUNO. Editor and Prof, A. J. ROGERS and J. D. PAIR Ctntral Trailing Agentt. VU '(Uin, l mvu. ..... - Ons qusrs, tnrss obodvob - On square, sis month........ " On auar, on yr. ....... .1 CTLlWal contracts msds for Urgsr ...... , . ..-....... . - - l t l a, , ..... . a m. VOL. IX. RALEIGH, N. C SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 189S. NO. 52. STREETS 1 8 I Judge Simonton Renders an portant Decision. I RE STATE HEWS RICHMOND AND BELl COMPANY. The City Cannot Drive the Company From Its Streets Charter Revoked and City Enjoined. At Richmond, Va. , an opinian has been handed down in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of the city of Richmond vs. the Southern Eell Telephone and Telegraph Com panv. The opinion -was delivered by Judge Simonton. Judge Siuiontou's opinion holds that the decisive questions raised are these First Hoes tho complainant come within tho protection and i3 it entitled to the privileges cootuined in the act of rnnroaR nt Tsi'.fi? (This act is con strued to hold that Btreets of a city are post roads of the United States.) SecondIf it comes within the provis ions of that act, how far has it limited and restricted itself by accepting the provisions of the ordinance of the city of Richmond? Third To what extent dns the protection of the act of 18G6 A Column of Happenings Prepared for the Family Fireside- REDUCED RATES ON CORN. Railroad Commission Notifies A. C. L. and S. A. L. Officers to Appear Before Them on Feb. 17th. Does it make the company ac centing it free of the control ot tne municipality in which it does business? Judge Simonton then discusses the question rs to whether the act of Con gress of I80O, which speaks only of tel egraph companies, is mienueu iu m c"ude telephone companies, and con dudes that they are the same and that both are entitled to the protection of the act. As to the question whether tho company limited and restricted the privileges which it enjoys under the act by accepting the ordinance of tho city of Richmond, he concludes that the council of the city, by its own act, has put an end to any contract with the companv, and but for the act of Con gress referred 'to, it would be a tres papssr'on tho streets, but that under this net it has tho right to maintain and construct lines along any of the post roads cf the United States, aud when an effort is made or threatened to deal with it as a trespasser it. can refer to v,;a r.r.f a t.- what extent the protec tion r.f hi rc of Congress goes, and whether it frees the company from any nntrnl nf the citv through whose streets it goes, Judgc Simonton holds lint it-, hhii!lba controlled by the city ordinance, and be subjected to the law ful exercise of the police powers. TViA4 renditions, regulations and re etrictions." savs the opinion, ''already preserved bv the city council, appear to be stimulated by a decree to oppress l perhaps defeat the exist ence of the complainant and so are not the lawful exercise of the ponce pow ers." , Tk T?oll TAlAiVhrmA Companv schar (r havin- ftxeired. the citv exercised its stipulated right to re'voke it, but from interfering with the pnmnanv's poles and wires. The effect of the decision is to modify the injuue- inn an ivatn prevent the city from driv ing the company from its streets, but the city is to retain her police power over it. Falling "Wires Kill Horses Boston, Mass., last week experienced the biggest snow storm in twenty-five rears. All branches of business and Htreet car travel was paralyzed. Falling M. Irilla linrA tin rl burned a 8100, 000 residence. Shipping also suffered a creat loss. In New York the mercury ,oa on Aacrr below zero and snow .a aa tan.t rlAftn. causing the Long TJnnrl roilrnnfl to bfl closed. I'blla- d Gloucester, Mass also suffered ereatly by the storm, u.ricor..! vftsftpln and thirty lives were liU'U- WUVl w w - v lost at Gloucester. A meeting of the railway commission was suddenly called and held in Raleigh last week. It largely reduced freight rates on corn in car-load lots, minimum 25,000 pounds; changing corn from class D to K, new rate to be effective Feb. 10 on all roads. The commission de cided to notify all officials of the At lantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line, who issue free passes, to produce rHGaA Uisfa nf aII passes before the rnmmission on Qt before Feb. 17. Of fiinia rf iinth those Bvstems are aiso ordered to furnish lists of all persons to whom special rates for transportation of lintel fi?ht or anv other special rates of froirrMo linvo bpen criven. The com mission amends its rule as to freight so that in case of loss, damage or over charge upon presentation of bill of lad ing there must be thirty days for pay ment of loss. COTTON MILL. SITUATION. Winston's Record Broken. Winston on the 1st broke the record. She has held as the leading curing tobacco manufacturing town 01 ine State, both by shipping more tobacco than heretofore in any one day, and also as to her monthly record. In the first instance, 123, 42i) pounds were shipped and for the month of January the record is: Number of pounds manufactured and sold, 1, pounds; cash received lor same & 113, -GG2.9U. Tho grand total for the year 1S93, at this rate, will amount to about 2.000,000 pounds of leaf tobacco in the raw state, of the value 01 aoouii,- 500,000. s.f:,tP nnntc RcDortTho Mate veoz. Tho State treasurer has issued the bank report for North Carolina, cover ing fortv-five State, sixteen private and six b&vings banks. It shows ?2,.-64,uuu capital paid in ?30 1,000 surplus, $335,000 undivided profits, 8, 788,000 deposits subject to check and loans ot S4,bi'. 000. The treasurer also makes a report of the State debt, showing it is 33,3t30,- 000 in 4 per cents and 2,730,000 in t per cents. Vaccinating at the 3IU19. The vaccinating process at the mills has upset the work no little. The re sistance of the operatives prom puna them to flee in many instances, has left idle looms aud spindles, business good at present aud the mills are run ot orders. Many of tho bands would have been dismissed but for this fact. Charlotte Observer. Both North and South Suffering From the Same Causes. In sizing up the cotton mill situation, CoL D. A. Tompkins, of Charlotte, the centra of the cotton mill belt, who has just returned from a trip to all the cotton milling sections of the country, said: 'The New England mills are suffer ing because they cannot sell their pro ducts at a profitable price. The South ern mills are underselling them be cause they must. The mills of New England and of the South both need better markets. .There are some conditions in the South more favorable than in New England fnr thA production of cheaper goods. If the competition is reduced to that point where it is a question of survival the Southern mills can probably hold out longer. Any improved condition which puts cotton in the houthern States on a satisfactory baei3 would also make a very satisfactory oondition of things in New England. "England, and Germany are sending ships here to carry away the bulk of our raw cotton to be manufactured in those countries at profitable prices. Our do mestic market will no longer take tho products of all the cotton factories in this country. This is caused by the in creasing number of factories, and by the drying up of tee domestio markets. Xne production 01 cuuuu South has reached 10, 000, 000 bales. The tendency all the time has been to make more cotton at a cheaper rrice. We need a revival of shipping interest and mnrA tnnlmiral and textile schools. A fine school has recently been established ot T.nwAlt. Mass.. and another in Phil- alAlnhio. And there is a discussion of Via anliiflft in mflPV parts of the South, With better -technical and practical knowledge both New England and the South will make better goods at cheap- nnv.k Thin nt course, will have a tendencv to extend trade, and will put us in better position to ship goods foreign countries." TEE ITT SGALPI 8 B Reported With an Amendment by Senator Tillman Regarding ISSUANCE OF FREE PASSES. All Free Passes Issued by Railroad Corporations Shall Bo Signed by Some Officer of the Corporation. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Proceedings of Both tho Senate and House Day By Day. 'US TOW'S WE. TI1F. MARUF.T9. to SECRETARY WILSON C03IING. He Will Visit North find South Caro Una and Florida. Secretary Wilson, of the Agricultural Department, will leave Washington in a week or ten days for a visit to the South, his objective points being North and South Carolina and Florida. Probablv the most of his time will Toe spent in the latter State, -wliAra Kecretarv Wilson wants to look into the question of rais insr hich erade tobacco. He believes Florida to be capable of producing to bacco almost, if not quite, equal to the If this opinion is borne out, it may re sult in the purchase and planting, un der government supervision, of foreign tobacco seed, with a view to determine just what may be accomplished tinder careful cultivation. Washington. (Special.)- The Sen ate committee on inter-State commerce on the 3d authorized a favorable report on the anti-Bcalpic hi '., with amend nta. The most important of these amendments was tho following, offered by Senator Tillman, relating to railroad passes: "That the giving of free transporta tion to pc -sons or property, except as allowed ( y section 22, of the act to regu.te commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1307, Bhall be deemed an unjust discrimination under section 2 cf said act, and shall be punished as provided m pection 10 of said act; ana in aaui- tion lo the penalties upon individuals provided in section 10, the corporations which may bo guilty of any euch of fences shall be punished by fine as in said section provided. "That all free passes issued by or in bthalf of any railroad corporation sub ject to tho provisious of said act, shall be signed by some officer of the cor poration authorized by vote 01 me ui rectors to sign the same, and every such railroad corporation eliall Keep a rec ord showing the date of every free pass, the name of the persoC to whom it is issued, the points between which the passage is granted, ana -ueiner a single trip or time pass, and, 11 tne lai- tr thA tim lor wliicn U is issueu, and this record shall at all times be open to the mtor-State commerce com missioners, or to their representatives who may be duly authorized in writing to examine the tame. CRAZY MAN WITH AN IRON BAR. One Taken From Jail and Hanged. An unknown negro, who was refused Returned From the Wild West. a rm tv of twentv negroes, who left Davie county six months ago, 6ays the Charlotte Observer, for Indiana, came back lat week and will settle in Wins ton They said they had enough of the wild West, -lhey iook preny "seedv." and it is said that tney were helped to get back. , Money for Public Schools. rrv,a citotA Superintendent of Public Instruction ha been notified mat ine following amounts in aid of the public schools had been raisea D.y specim tax ation, or by subscription: Davidson county, 3103; Mecklenburg, 3541; Ruth erford, SI, 850; ureene. soo.uv, wood, 8210; Watauga, 8100. Manly Calls a 31eeting. State Democratic Chairman Manly calls a meeting of tho State committee at Raleigh k eb. ai o f savs: "It is hoped there THOUSAND OF SIIKKP FROZEN The Hardest Winter in Wyoming for Nineteen Years. Thousands of sheep are reported to have perished from cold and starvation in western Wyoming. The cold has been intense for sixty days and old timers say that it is the hardest winter they have seen for the past nineteen years. Carbon county has 500,000 sheep and stock masters there fear the loss will amount to 2 y per cent, ijosses among cattle will not be so heavy, as owners had been preparing for several years to feed their stock during the severe weather. IIANNAS ENEMIES BALKED. Becoming Frenzied hi a liellslous Argument He Kill Three People. A special from Little Rock, Ark., of the Sd, says: Sol. F. Autrey, a farmer of Fraokiin couuty, accompanied by his family, weut early yesterday morn ing to visit his aged father and mother, living near Mulberry. Shortly after his arrival, Autrey became engaged in a religions argument with the old folks. Suddenly he grasped an iron bar, kill ed his father, mother and his ten-year-old son. and wounded his wife and three remaining children, two of whom are not expected to live. Ilia -wife and eldest daughter, al though badlv hurt, managed to notuy the neighbors. hen they reached the house they found Autrey a raving rna niftfi with hia clothing on fire. He was overpowered after a hard struggle. Antrav has been chained all day, talk- ntr inoohtfrentlv. swearing that witches are the cause o"f the act. Some doubt his insanity. THE SENATE. R(Vrn Day.- The Senate passed two of the general appropriation bills that for the army carrying 823,143,492, and that for the legislative, judicial and ex ecutive departments carrying $21,058, 520 were passed, the latter consisting of 121 pages, occupying the attention of the Senate during the greater part ol the session. Tillman presented the cre dentials of John M.McLanrin, as aSen ator from South Carolina to fill the un expired term of the late Senator Earle, the term ending March 4, 1903. The oath of office was administered to Mc Laurin by the Vice President 81st Day, -In the Senate Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, opened the de- ; bate for the annexation of Hawaii, and tho friends of the treaty are determined to press it to a ?ml vote. Senator Thurston made a motion to postpone further consideration, but was voted down. Senator Pettigrew spoke against annexation in opposition to Senator Piatt. Sixty votes is claimed sure for annexation. 32d Dat. -The Senate discussed the annexation of Hawaii. Twenty thous and dollars was appropriated for repre sentation at the Fisheries Exposition, in Norway. Cullom, of Illinois, of the appropriations committee, called up the agricultural appropriation bill. As it passed the House the measure carnea 83,300,902. As reported to the Senate the bill carried 83,512,202, an increase over the House bill of 8151,000. 33d Day. In the Senate Senator Caffery, of Louisiana, challenged the rirrht of the admission of Cor- bett to a seat as SeDator from Oregon, claiming that the Gov ernor had no right ta send him, Martin, of Virginia, presented the cre dentials of Daniel as Senator from Virginia, elected for a term of six years, beginning on March 4, 1890. The ag riculturial bill, carrying $3,527,202 passed with amendments. Piatt, of Connecticut, read a lettler from a member of the Connecticut Grange, in which the statement was made that the seeds sent out were bad. Bacon, of Georgia, thought there ought to 00 a reform in the distribution of seeds. 34th Dat. The Senate passed a bill nrovirtino- for the erection of a puhlio building at lieaumont, lcxas, at a cost not to exceed 8100,000. In the execu- lvo Fession Senator Vvhite concluded his three days' speech in opposition to the annexation of Hawaii. He review ed at length the general policies and theories of our government, declared that the question was above nil poli tics and iuat it was a step wnicn, 11 taken, could not add to our glory or in crease our wealth, or be regarded as in accordance with our honesty, ben ator Lindsay spoke to question of per sonal privilege on the resolution recent ly passed by the Kentucky Legislature, demanding his resignation. He denied that he had betrayed the trust of his constituency, and Btated that he fully represented the whole people of Ken tucky and that he wss not the agent 01 the Legislature. The Senate adjourn until Monday. 1 The American Population of African ! Descent Has Increased FROM FOUR TO SEVEN MILLIONS Will Still Go On Improving In Men tal Calibre and In Social Instincts as in the Tast. The variations cf statistics in regard I to the future of the Negro in this ooun- J try are remarkable. At the poriod of emancipation two theories were brought forward", both supported from time to time with figures -one to tho effect that, delved of the fostering and stimulating influences cf riavery, the Klk iiaoi.Ia would speedily perish ' from the earth; and tho other, that tho Negro, euffered to run at larco would increase, multiply and overrun the couutry, especially tho oith. liotu nifties of theories have kept up their 1 speculations since, although the advo ! cates of immediate extinction have re I ceived something of a setback In me generally admitted met that tue Ameri can population of African descent has increased in the last half century from four to seven millions. The common sene view of the sub ject is that an increasing proportion ol the Negro race will go on in tho future, as in the past twenty years, improving in mental caliber aud social instincts, and that tho time will come when a Ne gro of high character will command the same respect and enjoy the f ame oppor tunities for the enjoyment of the better things iu lifeiu this country that he does today in England. obody, at the present time, seriously entcnaius uj of the tensational views held by some persona fifteen years ago, that the Ne gro race is likely to crowd out the white?, by mere force of numbers, in h! area, in this country. The increase in wh te population from 18-;) to 1-U0 was 27 per cent, and the increase iu the number of colored pco pie in the same timo was only 12 per cent. Thero is no doubt that the whites will continue thus to gain rapidly on the colored population, but the idea of the ultimnte extinction cf the colored race in America is quite as baele as the notion that the colored population will some time be great enough to menace tne uominauu ui race. Kansas City Star. NTEW TOBK COTTOH FCTCM!. New York. -Cotton quiet Middling npland, ft 15-16; Middling Gulf 0 3-10. Futures closed steady. , Opening. Closing. January February. March April May June July August.... ( September, October.... I November ' December. .... 5 G9 5 07 6 72 5 C J 6 74 5 73 5 73 5 5 83 5 80 6 85 5 83 5 83 5 88 5 83 5 87 fcrvcnrooTi cottos MAnTrr.T. Liverpool. Middling 3 7-32. I ntures closed quiet lAntiarv. . i 1 11 1 1 1 ( t January and February 3 OSj&OJ 8 0809 3 08(03 3 00 b 8 10 middling middling middling middling m., ana will be a connected the State full attendance as matters the privilege of walking through a tun- convention ana other matters of impor- jael ci tne ronoin. nuu itcokiu 1 tance win to coumucicu Bail road, near Bramwcll, W. Va., shot Harry Draper, tne watenmau, a.uuu hiui instantly. A posse soon formed and captured the negro, later placing him in jail, but soon afterwards fifty men took the prisoner from the jail and lynched him, after which his body was riddled with bullets. Turley Elected Senator. At Nashville, Tenn., the Democratic caucus on the first ballot on the 1st, nominated for Senator Thomas B. Tur ley of Memphis to fill the unexpired term of Isham G. Harris. Mr. Turley was appointed by Governor Taylor ffar MArmtnr Harris' death. The bal lot stood: Turley 46; McMillin 43; Tay lor 1. Turley is an ex-Confederate, a mini silver man. and his term will not expire until March, 1901. Waffea Increased for 1,500 Miners, TVia farnaeie Mining Company, operating four of the largest iron mines Vm nncnViArt ranee. Wisconsin, ana mploy ing 1,500 men, has announced inai) 10 per cent, in the wages of the employes. From expressions of other mud owners, it is probable an in crease in wages will shortly be made by other companies. Spain May Abandon Cuba. Gen. Arolas has said that Spain can not carry on the war in Cuba beyond July, and that if bv that time the island is not pacified Spain will be obliged to abandon it fpr lack of resources. He also expresses the belief that Premier KarYAftta And Henor Moret. the minister forthe colonies, intend to abandon the island by July next "V A New Powder in Germany, It is said on good authority that the Trussian government has bought the iole rights to a new gun-powder invent ed by ilerr Otto Hempel, a druggist of Wiedo Its merit consists in being perfectly smokeless ; it leaves no resi due whatever and the weapon only re quires two-thirds of the present charge to produce the same effect, while the explosion causes but little noise. PoitoJiico icobbed. ' By blowing open the eafe at the Can ton (Mass. ) potAtoffice thieves seonred 2,000 wortholstoiUL-.. Inducing Women to Go to Utah, A Catholic priest says the people have no sort of idea of the largeness of the Mormon missionaries in the State. It i naifl the Mormons are seenin i iu duce voung women to go Raleigh Correspondent server. to Utah. Charlotte Ob- Unable to Connect the Senator With Any Bribery. A special from Columbus, O., says: Charles Steitz and George Brown, two hackmen, have been examined by the Senate committee investigating the alleged bribery charges to attempt to (show that H. H. Boyce. who is alleged to have attempted to" bribe Representa tive Otis, came to Columbia on the af ternoon of inauguration day and met Major Rathbone, one of Senator II anna's managers. The testimony failed of its purpose. CASHIER QUINLiAN CONFESSES. COST OF THE CUBAN WAR. For Two Years it Amounts to $240, 00O,00O. The cost of the Cuban war from Feb ruary 1895, to the end of 1897, is offi cially estimated at $240, 000, 000, besides the arrears due from the Cuban Treas ury. amounting to 40, 000, 000. The Imparcial complains that the commercial negotiations between Spain, Cuba and the United states are being intrusted to Senor de Lome, the Span ish minister at Washington, and urges the government to appoint experts to examine the terms for the treaty on Spain's behalf- .in. TEACHER AND CHILDREN LOST. Almost Frozen to Death When FofEJd. House Blown Down. On the Srd, a terrific snow store, pre vailed at Leachtown, W. V a. urocK Gaines, the teacher; Samuel Day, Carl Anderson ana two children named Catrill, were lost for two hours in the storm. They were nearly frozen when found. The house of Wm. Ilenthorn was blown down. Several barns were destroyed and many fences demolished. o iieiaw zero. Colony Looking for a Place to Jjcrcmte. Mr. J. A. Elliott, of C. H. Dudley & Co., insurance, has received a letter from a party in Philadelphia, wanting a hundred thousand acres of land can be had in this btate for the establishment of a Northern -colony. Charlotte Observer. After Caldwell and Pearson. The United States Supreme Court granted a rule for Railway Commis sioners Caldwell and Pearson to appear before it Feb. 21st and show cause why they should not be attached for con tempt. -, Scrap9 of News. The State Medical Society meets in Charlotte May 3-5. The State charters me HeauoasBn Mills Company, of Stanly county, cap ital $175,000. The State charters the Isbell Corun dum Company, of Clay county, capital $250,000. A gold vein has been discovered by the graders on the Durham and Charlotte Railroad in Moore county. The Freight Traffic Association, of nr,Wn asks the railway commis sion to reduce the freight rates on coal. of State licenses the X UO wa j - -r-i TVir Insurance Company of xr VnrV to do business in this lion w- f - - n.ni-tra "Rrvant was burned to death ot. T.n-riTVCTtnn bv having his clothing catch fire whjla under the influence of whiskev. rrv.a cinlrinir of part of the Isthmus of Panama is feared from the continued earthauakes. Fowler's Cotton Factory at Elizabeth City has been burned. The loss is $18, 000: insurance $12,000. Fifty persons are knocked out of emyloyment, plant will be rebuilt. Rv- II Loaned $393,000 W'lthout the Bank Directors' Consent. Cashier Quinlan has resigned "his po sition in the Chemical National Bank, New York, after confessing that he had oaned three hundred and ninety-three thousand dollars without the sanction n4 tha dirnctorB. He savs he received 1 . - ,1 no benefit personally from tne canceled ona And savs he hones tne bans win recover some of the money. Wanamaker for Governor. a nnfrnce of business men from all over the State met in Philadelphia, Pa under the auspices of tho Business Man's League, and resolved to request TVm Wanamaker to become a candi- " -r , ,. date for the liopuoncan nommunuu iu nMmnr. ftirainst the candidate favor- rl bv United States Senator Quay, Ar;T.rtnA APti-Uuav resolutions wero V adopted. . Turley Elected Senator. T-ho Tennessee Senate and House met on the 2nd in joint convention to elect a TTnitori urates senator, uuu. xuuiuuo Democrat, was elected, re- p.Aiving 41 votes, xne nepuuipuo ol fnr Hon. J. W. Baker, of Nash- TW- ville. THE HOUSE. C4th Day. The House buried the Teller resolution declaring the bonds of tho United States payable in silver, under an adverse majority of 60 votes. The Republicans were solidly arrayed in opposition, with two exceptions. Linnevfof North Carolina, who voted with the Democrats and Populists, and White, of North Carolina, who an swered "present," when his name was called. The desertions from the Dem ocratic side were McAleer, of Penn sylvania, and Elliott, of South Caro lina. Both voted with the Republicans against the opposition. Speaker Reed, though it is not customary for him to vote, had his name called, and, amid the cheers of his followers, went 011 record in opposition to the resolution. The vote was reached after five hours of debate, undor a special order adopted at the opening of the session. 35th Dat. The House is still harp ing on prosperity. The District of Columbia appropriation bill was not completed. Simpson read newspaper clippings to show that the lumber in terests in Maine were not prospering, but, Dingley, in reply, declared that the Maine papers were full of evidences of the improvement in the lumber in dustry. Mahanv, Republican, of New York, presented in open House, the protest of 10,000 German voters against the Lodge immigration bill. SGth Day. The House after three days on the District of Columbia ap propriation bill, mostly in political do votA nAciRAd the measure today, and Give Us More Race Pride. What we need as a race is more race rride. Every nationality under the sun is clannish and will stand or fall with their people. This spirit is manifest in Southern cities, among the piogressiye uiombers of our race, but in the North no such f aeling prevails. A race must work out its own salvation and carve its own name embossed in its own deeds. Our race doctors, merchants, barbers and other business and profesioued men should have the hearty support of all progressive people. They should be encouraged by people to attain the heights of other business men who have hadVears of experience in the business they follow. Not uutil we aro Fclf supporting can we hope to accomplish much. Tho Illinois Record. February and March March and April Ai ril and May M iyacd Jnue 8 10 Julyiand August. 3 11JJ13 a..ii nnd SAtitcmber . ivi mi:! October H 13 b riioiu'vi , iO-1A October and November November and December 3 14 b December and January OTHER COTTON MARKETS. Charleston. Cotton steady ; middling 5 1-4. - 1 1 Wilmington. Cotton firm; mid dling Cii. Savannah. Cotton quiet; 5 3-115. Norfolk. Cotton quiet; 'Memphis. -Cotton firm; 0 5-10. . . Augusta. Cotton steady; 5 t)-l(. , 1 Baltimore. Cotton nominal; mid- 1 cfoininbia-Market quiet; goood mid dling 5 3-10. , Charlotte Market steady; good mid dling 5.40. nAT.TiMORK moDrcn MAHUET. Baltimore. -Flour dull; 1 mrernne 2.80(:1.20; do extra a-i.w 4.10; do family M. -I'M w ' " JU' " , " patents $1.8 10; spring do Liu; spring wheat straights fcl.00C"i 5 0 " Wheat -Easier; M of, month and February li),WJl; March WlWi. May yiU7?; steamer No. iel 04'(0.'; Southern wheat by n.u rla :K)0lJ'.; do on grade U-lj ('.'.?- Corn-Dull and pumt ; spot, month and February 33H332; March MmWi atcauicr mixed r bid; Southern white ccrn :5..;.:UJ; do yellow 8:j3L Oats-Firm: No. 2 white 2033, No. 2 active 23. NAVAL STORES. Charleston Turpentine firm at 82. Rohin firm and unchanged. Savannah. Turpentine firm at 83 bi t. Rosin firm aud unchanged. Re ceipts 3,729; water white 2.4 ; window glass 2.10; N 1.95; other grades un changed. ..n ,.,i Wilmington. Turpentine firm at. J J ft;2. Robin firm at ).15ftl.0. Crude turpentine steady at 1.40(1.00. Tar steady at 1.00. Put Down Cowardly Actions. There is no questioning the fact that if we would rise in the estimation of the public wo must aim to put down all cowardly actions, frown upon every thing that has a tendency to lower uh in the estimation of the better class of people. The better element of our people fail to enjoy many privileges that would otherwise be accorded, because there are others of tho race that would abuse them. This is no argument for dis crimination, but it is a forciblo truth, and one with which we como in con tact with every day. We hope to see the day when every man will bo judged, not by what some one else is, but by what he is himself. Both the Ohio aud the Kanawha rivers 1 then took up the bill to provide for the were frozen over. The To Circulate the Bible. An Association was formed in Chica- co for the purpose of spreading the cir- oulation 01 tue diuib. iixcuujf iuc of 830.000 is in hand, and this with all subsequent capital, is to ue expwuueu in placarding dead walls, rocks, bill boards and street car signs with Bibli cal texts. Medical Marriages. Representative Chas. W. Parker, of Cuyahoga county has introduced in the Ohio legislature a bill requiring all persons applvibg for license to marry, to pass a meaicai examination, x rnuu Vainer rlinsomania. anv form of ln- , . - , . sanity, hereditary tuoercuiosiH cr cou Bnmntion or siphilis. are barred from marriage by the bill. An examining board of three physicians in etch county will be created by the bill if it becomes a law. A New York World's Fair. Senator McNulty introduced in the New York legislature a bill providing for a world's fair in New York in 1901. It provides for the issuauce of munici pal stock to the amount of two million dollars. Richmond Will Appeal. The city of Richmond, V a., will ap- i ti Supreme Court in its case cak nv 1 ; : Ttfill Telephone Company, , .u.j r.rsvT nf thA latter in the cieciueu. u - . . , 1 liooou. 1-- . tt:i.j at.ias Piirvtiit Court of Appeals. AtaA And plans were discussed U L11LUU. . . , , " .. - and which involves ine rigu ui nio vjr to eject the company. National Pet Stock Association. The National Pet Stock Association held its eecond annual meeting at Madison Square Garden, New York, on ia 3d -with the thirty-four members present. A permanent examination was Gasolene Stove Trust. manufacturers of the formed a strong trust known as the Union Vapor Stove Com pany, at Cleveland, O. for iv- Vumn. nf a nt stock snow oon in this city. This ticket was nominated for officers for the year the election to takeplace later: President, H. B- fcv age of Texas; vice-president, L. Banks Hol't of North Carolina; secretary, Jos. Lawrence, of Massachusetts; treasurer, Henry Hencon. of New York. onoet. dAfAnses of the country, lur Hemenway, Republican, of Indiana, in charge of the bill, explained its pro visions. The estimates of the War De partment for fortifications and other works of defense, armament, etc., were $13,378,571, while the amount carried by the bill was but $4,144,912, the ap propriations for continuing the policy inAntrnrated bv the Fiftieth Congress, Bince which time $39,334,253 had been spent. The bill was generally criti cized and the debate continued. 37th Day. The House epent the day ostensibly considering the fortifications appropriations bills. McClellan, (Dem.) of New York, offered an amend ment to increase the appropriation fov guns and mortar batteries from $1, 000,000 to $5,000,000. It was voted down.' An amendment ofiered by Foote (Rep.) of New lorn, to appro priate a 839,000 for Fort Montgomery, Lake Cham plain, N. Y., was voted down. In reality, the major portion of the time was consumed in the dis cussion of political topics. 88th Day. In the House a Lill was passed to amend tho act of Jan. 31, 1895, granting rights of way through the pub lic domain for tramways, canals and reservoirs so as to grant those rights for cities and privato corporations. At present the rights of way are given only for mining and irrigation purposes. The evening session was devoted to the consideration of private pension bilb'. 39th Day. The House had un der consideration the bill mak ing appropriations for fortifications and coast defences. Little interest ed to be manifested in the pro- aai! intra, less than oue-half of th Practice Good Breeding, Colored folks, we must condemn the ill-bred and badly behaved members ol our race. We must v-raouce goou breeding. It will not do to go about trying to "pick a quarrel" with either white or colored folks. We must make a laudable effort to please all with whom we come in contact If we fail, let it not be our fault Whenever we have to fall out or tight with anyone, white or colored, let him be the ag gressor. Richmond Planet - 1 Euter Into the inner Life. No people can reach the highest civ ilization until they are free, happy and prosperous. This they cannot attaitt as long as they servilely copy the glitter and outside show of civilization. If our people would reach the highest at tainments they must enter into the in ner life get down to the foundation ol all true civilization ; tnis is nr6tuiijr. The Virginia Baptist. COTTON BEEP OUj. New York -Cotton seed oil firm; primo crude 19 asked; prime summer yellow 22; off summer yellow 21 J bid; primo winter yellow 27J to 2SJ. LAST YEAR CROPS. E-tlmatrsof tho Quantity and Value of DllTcrcnt Products. The final estimates of acreage, pro duction aud value of the crops of the United States for 1897, made by the tatistician of the Department of Agri culture, are as follows: Wheat :V.l,4ti',0iK) acres, 630,149,108 bashels, V47,121 n oali, !57r, acre. 0J8. 7(55, 809 buhols, $147, 9741719 xnhie; rye 1,703,601 acres, 27, C03.324 buhe s, $12,329,647 value; bar ley 2.710,110 acres, r.r,,857,875 bushels, $" 14 139 value; buckwheat 7t7,83tl acres, '14.007,451 buhel, $0,810,183 value; potatoes 2,534,577 acres, 104, 015.904 bushels, 8U, 643,053 value, hay 42 420.770 acres, 00,004,870 tons, $401,- True Leadership. n There are but lew men wnu cnjr understand the elements oi uuo ehip. Men may be lead, but true man hood repudiates the whip and the las 1. 'those who would lead must have the Inve. respect, confidence and esteem of those whom they desire to lollow their wake. Christian Index. in The final estimate of the tobacco pro duction in the United States for 1896, made bv the Agricultural Department, place the total yield at 403,001,320 pounds, valued at S24.258 070 The area cultivated amounted to 094.74J acres. Seveu States produced ft crop valued at more than a million dollars. viz: JvenmcKy .--,. lina S.-.,4'.i(y;:54; Virginia M,013,l8l; Tennessf-o $2,404,810; Ohio $1,000,000; Pennsylvania $1,299,642; Connecticut $1,325,008. Spain's Uflatlon With the U.S. A cablegram from Madrid says: At a racent meeting of the cabinet council Jienor Uullon, the ciogn Minister announced that the relations of Spain with the United States were good, and he ex resced a hope that a commercial underbtanding would noon be arranged. Want a Duty va HIcyclrs. The bicycle manufacturers of Canada have asked the government for a spe cific duty of $9 on each bicycle iaorted from the United States, with 1 '-i,o-vision that in no rase thall it i,v ..' than the equivalent of 25 per cent, ha,' valorem. 'Ihe present tariff imposes a duty of 30 per cent, ou bicycles. Fame and Notoriety, Fame and notoriety is the avergo col ored men's standard of greatness 1 If a man possess a gift of gab and have a few set phrases, high sounding and 1111 ;ii;rriMA li is eet down as great. But time, it is hoped, will remedy this evil. Colorado un. Jottings By tho Way uwnHAl colored men in business will do much toward solving the Negro problem. Young man, quit the evening party and go to night school. Brains is what you need. tVia idleness and worthlessness of members being present during the re many ot our younjrri.. - Bion. The bill was passed carrying $4, Must Pay the Tax. Tho Supreme Court of Virginia has decided that the newspapers of Norfolk must pay the tax recently im posed by the city council, thus revok ing the opinion of Circuit Judge Pren tiss, who ruled that it was illegal, bo cuupe the city could impose no tax where the State had failed to do so. 141,512 against pn -1 -iftst vear. The stronger the butter is in the the weaker it is in the market. i tub to the progress of the race Jnlius Stevens, colored, a native and fnrmerlv school teacher at Goldsboro, N. C is Liberia. now Attorney-General ol An Agfd Couple Murdered. Virginia Dill" Friley, an old citi zen of Elliott county, agod 80 years, and his wife, about 70 years of age, were murdered at their home in Elliott county, Ky., and robbed of from $303 to $1,200. There is no clue totbumur. der. A maul was the instrument used. No one was at home except the old couple. Tho crime is shrouded in my tciy. Intense excitement ireTails in the neighborhood. If the perpetrators are discovered a lynching will lo'.low. V J

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