h n w ji ji: .'I n !.jy';jK THE VYUXIY QaIlTTE Bates of Ad vertUlDK. Ont sqoara, od lDtrtlo I M Oas square, on moots... JM Od squara, two montbi. ....... 8 CO On square, thr month I W One qnar, tlx months. ....... 100 One square, on jwi ......... I W CSTLiberal oontraota nade for Urgsr aavertltmntt. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. A WEEKLY KEWSPATM rtTBUSHIS BT tf. YOUNQ. Editor and Prop. A. J. ROGERS and J. D. PAIR Gfiiral Trawling Agents. NO. 1, VOL, X. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1899. nniLTr Ten 4 H y Jr 4, fi i& -Ji -J.La -1.1 . LL 4 nam bub an. The Sausage-Maker Laughed When the Verdict Was Pronounced. HE GETS LIFE IMPRISONMENT, Motion for New Trial Entered His Lawyers Do Not think the State Will Convict Ilim the Second Time. Chicago, (pedal'i. Adolph L. Luet gori wa on the night of the 9th con victed of t ha murder of his wife, and was.centeneed to imprisonment in the penitentiary for the term of his natural Hi'. Luetgert received the verdict wiih a laugh. It va3 10:3o when the word was sent to the courtroom by the jury that they had agreed upon a verdict and were waiting; to bring it into court. Quickly as possible after the jury had sent word of an agreement Judge Gary hastened to 'he court room. The news of the verdict spread like lightning to the fitioetaud in a few minutes the court rjoni was jammed with newspapermen, Policemen, witnesses, who had given cvi leaco in the trial, and curious spec tators At 11:13 Judge Gary enttred tho room and at the same instant Luet gdt and his guards came in through the door leading from the jail to the jenr of the court house. The prisoner was calm, to all appea: anes, and did not seem nervous m a;iy degree, Not oiio of the jurors glanced toward the pi soaer, who tried vainly to catch fan eye of some of the men Avho had do te: mined hi3 fate. , u.tge Gary wheeledj .sharply in his cu:iir as the jury entered, and watched thrui silently as they filed into their seis. Then he spoke in his usual calm, even tone: "Gentlemen, have you fireed upon a verdict?" ' We have, " waa fciie reply. "Mr. Cierk, read the verdict," said Judge Gary in the same tone. Clork Knopf stepped forward, took the verdict aiuf then read with a tremor of excitement jn his voice: "We, the jury, find th'e defendant guilty, as charged in the indictment, and fix his ' pinishmeut at imprisonment for life. " There was a hush and all eyes turnod on Luetgert, lie laughed, aud laughed in a manner that showed plainly that hi; did not think tho verdict a Berious matter, comparatively Breaking. The srund of Clerk Knopf's voice had not died away when Attorney Harmon was on his feet with a request that the jury bo polled. This wa3 done, each juror nrirming tli9 verdict. Then Mr. Har liion made a motion for a new trial, which was entered, aud will be argued v. ithin a few daj s. Luetgert was led back to jail in ap parently good epirits, glad for one thing, that his long suspense was ended at last, and comforted by the assurances of his lawyers that he will pet a new tiial, and that the State willnot be able to convict a second time. After the announcement of the verdict and the polling of the jury, Luetgert was im mediately surrounded by a crowd of re porters and friends eager to hear his first words. At first he refused to say anything. At length he yielded enough to say that tne verdict was a surprise to him. "I don't see how the evidence justi fies such a verdict," he contined, "but cue thing is sure; the Supreme Court will give me a new trial, and I shall be acquitted. " T rom the time when the prisoner was led in to receive the verdict till the bailiff's conducted him back to his cell, his faco Bhowed not one tremor of any emotion. He smiled repeatedly, even when the verdict was read by the clerk, r.nd others who gathered around him. After arriving at the jail he retired as usual, apparently undisturbed by the adverse verdict, The jury reached a verdict in the first ballot. They retired at 4:50 and took their first ballot at 5:10. It was unani mous for convibtion. Some little time was consumed in arriving at the pun ishment to be inflicted, but this was settled by 8:30, and then tho jury sat pround in their room until 10 o'clock, when they announced their verdict. Pistol Duel InNewbern, N. C. A special from Raleigh to the Char lotte (N. O.) Observer says: "Newbern had an unpleasant social sensation on the night of the 8th. James Duffy, son of Dr. Samuel Dufly, shot Thomas Hill, Jr., son of Dr. Thomas Hill, of Golds boro. The shooting occurred in the rear of Dr. Duffy's premises. There was a woman in the case. There was an interchange of shots between Duffy and Hill, each firing three. Hill was hit in the ankle each time. Wounded as h'i was, he took off his coat and cov ered the woman's head and concealed her identity, and then took her to a nearbv house. A special train was sent to Goidsboro after his father and took him to Newbern. Hill was taken to Goidsboro." church Corner-Stone Robbed, A Winston (N. C. ) special to the Char lotte Observer says: "Cherry Hill Lu theran church has stood near Jerusa lem, in Davie county, for many years and on Monday night last it was visited by one or more parties who were evi dently looking after old relics. They dug down under the corner of the church building until the corner-stone fell out, when they rifled it of its con tents. " Big Fire in Pittsburg, Pa. At Pittsburg, Pa. , fire destroyed the six-story cold storage plant of the Cbauteuqua Lake Ice Company, with about $1, 000, 000 worth of all kinds of merchandise. Walls were blown ont by the explosiong of whiskey, and six people are reported killed. Devoted to Good Roads. At St. Louis, the entire session of the first day of the Natioual Assembly of the League of American Wheelmen was devoted to the discussion of good roads. A number of papers on the various branches of highway improve ments were read by delegates promi nently engaged in the work. Chair .man Otto Dorner, of Milwaukee, pre sided over the meeting, and in his opening address stated that reports were coming in from all over the coun try, and that farmer had entered into the good roads movement with a zeal. FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Proceedings of Both tho Senate and House Day By Day. j the"senate. ' SothDay. In tho Senate Frye, of'. Maine, chairman of the committee on j cemmerce, reported a House bill, j authorizing the Secretary of the i Treasury either to purchase or have : constructed a suitable revenue cutter, j for use on the Yukon river, Alaska, at j a cost not to exceed $40,000. It was j passed. In the executive session Sena- i tor Teller, of Colorado, occupied about four hours in discussing the Hawaiian annexath n treaty. Heed denied that he had changed his mind. 30th Day. In the Senate strong Cuban resolutions were introduced. Cannon wanted the United, States to serve notice on Spain to withdraw her forces from Cuba and give that Repub lie liberty. Mason's resolution calls upon the President to notify Spain that the war must at once cease, and that the United States declare and maintain peace on the Island. Allen wanted the belligerency of the insur gents recognized. 87th Dat. For more than three hours the Senate chamber rang with eloquent appeals in behalf of the Cuban insurgents. Cannon, of Utah, and Mason, of IIIino:s, being the principal speakers. Mason in his remarks, urged the President to take immediate action, and Cannon spoke in support of his resolution introduced the day before to give Spain until March 4th to stop the war. Hale made a cool-headed speech and had the resolution referred, butler, of North Carolina, presented an amendment to the constitution, en abling Congress to levy and collect an income tax. 88th Dat. During the entire ses sion of tho Senate, the Indian appro priation bill was under discussion. The reading of the bill was completed, and all of the committee's amendments of a minor character were attached to the measure. Allen, of Nebraska, en livened the proceedings a few minutes before adjournment by making nn at tack upon Speaker Reed. Gen. Wil liam Booth, of London, England, founder of the Salvation Army offici ated as chaplain at the opening session today. Mr. and Mrs. Booth Tucker, the son-in-law and daughter of General Booth, were in the gallery during the prayer. Previous to the meeting of the Senate the entire party hold a briel reception in the Vice-President's room. 39th Dat. The Senate passed the Indian appropriation bill, after being amended somewhat bv Pettigrew, of South Dakota. The bill carries nearly $8,000,000. Allen, of Nebraska, intro duced a resolution directing the com mittee on foreign relations to inquire whether the vacht Buccaneer, owned bv Wra. B. Hearst, has been seized and is being held pv the Spanish gov arnment. The resolution was to. agreed THE HOUSE. 39th Dat. The House had un der consideration the bill mak ing appropriations for fortifications and coast defences. Little interest seemed to be manifested in the pro ceedings, less than one-half of the members being present during the ses sion. The bill was passed carrying $4, 144,912 against 80,517,141 last year. 40th Dat. In the House there was rrore debate on the question of prosper ity. The military academy appropria tion bill was passed. The bill carries 8453,540, being $20,032 less than the amount carried by the current law. 41stDat. The House entered upon the consideration of the Aldrich-Plow-mau contested election case, from the fourth Alabama district. The majority of the committee reported in favor ol seating the Republican contestant, or the ground of conspiracy, an allegation vigorously denied by tho minority. Mr. riowman's plurality, on the face oi the returns, was 2,937, The majority revised the figures so as to give Aldrict a plurality of 342. During the earlj part of the session the Senate amend ments to the agricultural bill wero dis agreed to, and the bill wa3 cent to con ference. 42r Dat. The House by a vote ol 143 to 112 unceated Plowman (Dem. ) of Alabama, and gave the seat to Aldrich (Rep.) A special deficiency appropria tion bill was passed carrying $200. 00C for the payment of jurors' fees in the United States Courts, and $175,000 for witness fees. During the debate on the contested election case of Plowman vs. Aldrich, Linney said the negroes in the South were steadfast in their loyalty to the Republican ticket. "As well expect to Via able to shoot off the horns of the moon with a pop-gun," said he, "as tc make a Southern negro voluntarily vote the Democratic ticket." 43d Dat. The House was in a very bad temper, and the whole session was consumed in filibustering against twe bills of minor importance, and the othei to make Rockport, Me., a subport oi entry. Neither got further than en grossment aed third reading. Poll ;ali followed roll call all day long, and par tisan feeling reached a high pitch. Fin ally, when it became evident that nc progress could be made with tho bills presented, an adjournment was taken until Monday. Vegetarians T'ound a Hospital. Vegetarianism has taken a stand in England which entitles it to respect from people who are not entire believ ers In the doctrine. The restaurants of the vegetarians are clean and they provide a menu of reasonable variety. One of the latest steps in the line of the -work has been the founding of a vegetarian hospital, which a writer in the London Daily Chronicle describes. It was started in 1895, though little was said about it at the time, as tho founders did not wish to advertise it until they were sure of its becoming successful. It was to be for nonvege tarlans, It being understood that vege tarians are never ill. Consequently there was some prejudice to overcome. It was also thought that there might be difficulty in putting an invalid ac customed to eating meat suddenly up on a vegetable diet. But no trouble was found, patients did as well as could be desired, and. the result has been altogether very satisfactory. The hospital authorities believe that the general Increase of cancer Is due to ex cess In meat eating. Pine baths and' massage treatment, with plenty of fresh air, are included In the hospital regimen. New York Times. ENRIQUE DUPUY m .vfti fr -1! mm Mi ii I a lit- i ot'tsx.' " i - & - t was urn vpvrtnh pmmmii (Spanish Minister to the United States who ha resinad beeausft of the publication oi v a letter in which he criticised. President ITcKInley.) THE" Ii A Notable Celebration by the Mar quette Club at Chicago. EX-PRES. HARRISON SPEAKS. In Ilia Speech lie Said That Europe Did Not Know Lincoln and the South Hated Ilim. The anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln was generally ob served on the 12th. At Chicago there was a notable celebration by the Mar quette Club, ex-President Harrison being the speaker of the occasion at the Auditorium Hotel. He said in part: "In the broad, common-sen3e way in which ha did small things he was larger than any situation in which life had placed him. Europe did not know him. To the South and to not a few in the Northern Statei, he was an un couth Tester, an ambitious upstart, a reckless disturber. He wa3 hated at the South, not only for his principles, but for himself. The son of the cava lier, the man who felt it to be a stain, despised this son of the people, this child of toil. "Ho was distinguished from the abolition leaders by the fairness and kindliness with which he judged the South and the slave-holders, lie was opposed to human slavery, not because some masters were cruel, but upon reasons that kindness to the slave did not answer. "All men' included the black man. Liberty is the law of nature. The human enactment cannot pass the limits of the State; God's law embraces creation. "Mr. Lincoln loved the 'plain peo pie,' of whose ranks he came; but not with a olass love. He never pandered to ignorance or sought applause by ap peals to prejudice. The equality of man in rights and burdens; jus tice to all, a government by all the people for all the people, was his thought no favoritism in enactment or administration the general good. "He had the love of the masses and he won it fairly; not by art or trick. He could therefore admonish and re strain with authority. He was a man who spoke to all men and was heard. Would there were more such! There is great need of men now who can be heard both in the directors' meeting and in the labor assembly. "Qualities of heart and mind com bined to make a man who has won the love of mankind. He is loved. He etands like a great lighthouse to show the way of duty to all his countrymen and to send afar a beam of courage to those who beat against the winds. W e do him reverence. We ble3s tonight the memory of Lincoln. " At New York Addison F, Andrews, eon of the lata Euf us F. Andrews, who was surveyor of the port of New York under Abraham Lincoln, presented to the New York Press Club the pen with which Abraham Lincoln signed the proclamation of emancipation. At the thirty-third annual banquet of the Lincoln Association of Jersey City, N. J. Senator John W. Daniel, of Virginia, responded to ;he toast, "Abra ham Lincoln from the Southern stand point. " Died from Vaccination. James Herbert Martin, eon of Os borne F. Martin, of Shelby, N. O., died Feb. 10th, at 11 a. m., with spasms from vaccination. The child was one vear six months and ten days old. Charlotte (N. C.) Observer, Ensign Breckinridge Drowned. A cablegram .has been received at Washington from Consul-General Lee, at Havana, which says; "Ensign J. Ii. Breokinridge, of the Cashing, was washed overboard and drowsed a few hours before the ar rival of the vessel at this port. The body was recovered, and I am ar ranging to ha vo it embalmed and sent home." His remains will be interred at Lex ington. Ky.. kia home. BIRTHDAY i mnm ii DUL DE LOME. ii 1 1 mml k -i - m ' ' WORLD OF BUSINESS. A Much More Cheerful Tone to the Southern Situation. Bradstreet's commercial review for tho trnst week savs in part: "What might be regarded a3 a minor feature in the business situation, though at the same time conveying much to the in terests involved i3 a quite general im provement in the Central West and the South, where tho spring trade is re ported opening in good shape. Less favorable features of the week are the Blowne33 of spring trade in dry goods to develop at New York and other east ern centre? oxcept Boston, and the mild weather in the Northwest rendering it likely that retailers stocks carried over will be larger than earlier expected. Although the advance in cotton has been claimed to be too rapid, it has un doubtedly imparted a much more cheerful tone to the Southern business situation and the situation with iron and steel has done much to add to the confidenco with which the trade out lyok for 1893 is regarded. "Business failures continue to make favorable comparisons with previous weeks and years, the total for the week just ended numbering 278, against yol in the corresponding week of 1807. "Exports of wheat fall slightly below la?.t week's reduced total, aggregating for the week 3,410.504 bushels, against 3,03-3,000 bushels last week, and 2,031, 000 bushels in the corresponding week of 18D7. "Corn exports show a gain, amount ing a3 they do to 4,508,000 bushels, against 4,104,000 bushels last week, and 4,lGy,000 bushels in this week a year ago. "Bank clearings continue to point to an immense business doing in the country at large, in a total aggregating for the week 31,434,000,000, less than 2 per cent. Bmaller than last week." TAKING OP TESTIMONY ENDED. President Spencer, of the Southern, Declines to Answer Questions. At Salisbury, N. C, the hearing of the case of the State of North Caro lina against the Southern Railway in the North Carolina Railroad lease was resumed before Special MasterJCraig on the 11th. President Spencer, of the Southern, was examined regarding the earnings, exnenaes and other details of the sys tem: but declined to state the amount of his salary or those of the other gen eral officers. This ends the taking of testimony. It will be sent to Judge Simonton, of the Circuit Court, for his decision as to whether there was a fraud in the making to the Southern Railway of tho lease for ninetv-nine years of the North Carolina Railroad, which belongs to the State. Sunday Rac ing Defeated. At St. Louis, Mo. , after three days of work, the national assembly of the T.oomifl of American Wheelmen the all-important question of local option in th matter of Sunday racing was aain defeated. An amendment pro vfding that State divisions be granted tiArirhtto determine for themselves whether or not Sunday bicycle races are to be permitted was introduced but defeated by six votes. Battlefield Park Bill Approved. The Governor of Virginia has ap proved the bill incorporating the Bat tlefleld Tark Association, of Freder icksburg and vicinity. Against Home Quarantine. The net result of the three days' ses- mn and extended deliberation ol the quarantine convention at Mobile, Ala, is a square aeciarauou m iui national and uniform quarantine system that will make impossible another such disgraceful exhibition as maikedthe last yellow fever epidemic in the South ern States. A Hotel Chartered. The Swanannoa Hotel Company of Asheville, N. C, Capital S7.000. . has been chartered. OKMIK SOUTHERN LABOR. I Southern Confederacy of Labor Is Now Being Agitated. WHAT EDITOR L0VERING SAYS. New Organization Is Being Discussed by Labor Men Throughout the South. The plan suggested by A. F. Lovering, editor of The Tocsin, to farm a South ern cr n: Jeracy oi iaoor, or come or- cc n! deracy of xiz'.--t nat will be to the iouth .... . what tho American Federation of Labor is to the North, is meeting with gieat favor among the working men and the labor organizations of the South. The American Federation of Labor does not give the relief to the Southern working man that it should, and there are manv reasons why the working men of the South want to be out of that or ganization and in one of their own. The main reason for the discontent is found in the following extract taken from the articles of agreoment of the American Federation of Labor: "We reaffirm as one of the cardinal principles of the trade union movement, that the working people must unite and organize irrespective of creed, color, sex, nationality or politics." The word "color" is what causes the trouble. The greatest trouble that the working man in the South has is hav ing to compete with cheap colored labor, and while it is the very thing they are fighting, it is useless, they say, for them to belong to an organiza tion that takes the negro in and gives him the same protection that it does the whites. This is the main trouble and the trade unions of the South claim that the American Federation of Labor does not help them in other ways. The Ameri can Federation takes in their money as dues, but when they have occasion to call on the federation for help they do not get it, they eay. The interests of tho Southern working man and his Northern brother are not the Rame and for this reason it is thought best to have an organization in tho South that will be to the South what the American Federation of Labor is to the North. The idea originated with Mr. Lover ing and through the columns of his pa per he has suggested tho idea of having a convention of labor organizations o. the South to be held m Atlanta to dis cuss the clan and organize. Letters. have been received from labor organi zations all over the South in which the plan is heartily endorsed and the writers signify their willingness to take rart in such a convention. It has not been decided yet when the cuT.M?n will be held, as arrange- meLU are pending with the railroads. but it is thought now that it will be called for the middle of March. The idea in forming the new organization is not to take the labor unions out of the American Federation unless they so desire and it is not to be hostile to that organization. Labor unions may belong to both, but it is hardly likely that they will afliiiate with tne Amen can Federation after they are members of the proposed organization. Atlanta (Oa.) Constitution. ADVERTISING THE SOUTH. How tho Southern Ituilway Is Ex ploiting Advantages of This Section. At the Congregationalist Church, Washington, D. C, there was deliver ed by Rev. A. G. Rogers, of Reading, Pa., a locture entitled "In ature,8 Paradise," illustrated by some 200 col ored views of scenery and cities of the South on ihe line of the Southern Rail way. His treatment of "matures rara dise," particularly Western North Carolina, known as "The Land of the Sky," illustrated a scene of our country which he described as beautiful in natural grandeur, and being rapidly developed by enterprise and industry seldom equalled in our history. This method of placing the South as a place of resort for health and pleasure at all seasons, as well as business oppor tunity, and familiarizing one section of country with the other is an enterprise of the Southern Railway. Pensions In Virginia. In the Virginia House Capt. Parks in troduced a bill, the objoct of which is to eliminate from the pension list such Lames as should not bo upon it. The bill changes the present law so that all applications for pensions shall first pass through the county courts, where each applicant shall make out a written form and be examined by two reputable phy sicians. All pensions now granted shall be null and yoid, and those wishing to be pensioned shall go through the pro cess provided in this act Flour Kate War On. The Illinois Central has finally taken a hand in the flour rate war. It is an nounced that a reduction in the rata from Chicago to NewOrleaDS of 4 cents will take place at once. The low rates affect practically every point in the East, Southeast and South and indirect 1 v the Southwest. Never before has flour been carried so cheap. Greatest Grain Crib In the World. Young Joseph Leiter, the king of the wheat deals, will, so it was said, erect the largest elevator of the world, in Kansas Citv. Mo. It will be com pleted in time to handle next year's crop. . ' The Murphy Resolution. Passed A resolution concerning United States Senator Murphy for his recent vote on the Teller resolution hs beeu adopted 1 - the New York Assembly. The vote v-a 79 ayes and 63 nays. Pittsburg's Awful Fire. Eleven people d sad, 20 missing and 19 injured, and a property loss of $1, 600,000, with aboutSl, 000, 000 insurance, is the awful record of the big fire at Pittsburg, Pa. . . - SNAP SHOTS AT THE NEWS. Tlio South. Bv a decisive vote in the Virginia House the bill to re-establish the whip ping post was defeated. J. W. Rice wa3 arrested at Roanes, Va., charged with counterfeiting 5 cent nickels. President Andrews, of Brown Uni versity, will deliver the commencement address at Wake Forest College, May oi The North Carolina penitentiary will put in cultivation 300 acres of rice land near Wilmington. Arthur Garvey, of Rocky Mount, N. C. , had his jugular vein severed by falling through a pane of glabs at Rich mond, Va. He blod to death from tho wound. At Camden, S. C, the jury in the ca or ti. liaie otepnonson, l i. . 1 - f ........ .t 1 r .4a cuaiu, cu me cumyu ui uuui. -. Jesse W. Arrants, a 15-vear old girl, lass September, resulted in a mistnai, and StephcuKon was admitted to bail in the sum of $3,000. The Atlanta (Ga.) Federation of Trades condemn the movement lor a Southern Confederacy of Labor. Ono of the principal reasons given is that it will result in renewing the billcrnc? and hatred caused by the late war aid will divide the country iuto factions. Seven councilmen were fent to jail at Covinciou, Ky., for contempt of court. John W. Carroll, one of the w ealthiest tobucco manufacturers in this country, died at his home in Lynchburg, Va. Near Wadesboro. N. C. a colored girl, six years old, was burned to death. Savannah. Ga.. has recently ex perienced a disastrous fire amounting to $23,000. r.inston. N. C raises ft.30. 000 neces sary to eecure the building of a cotton mill. West Virginia is now producing more high-grade petroleum than any other State in the Union. Postmaster J. II. Tolk was murdered and his store at Goodwin, Ga., robbed by unknown assassins. In the Virginia Legislature a bill has been passed incorporating the 1 red ricksburg Battlefield Park Associa tion. At Lexington. Ky.. a crowded stair way gave way, resulting in me injury of ten colored persons, one or two of whom are expected to die. In revenge for being ordered to cca6e his visits to hi daughter, Peter PiefTer was ehot and lulled by John Schoiieia, at Louisville, Ky. Two well-diners at Lexington. N. C, were entombed by the bricks of the side giving way, and died beiore res cuers could reach them. A special from Chattanooga, Tenn., says that there are 1,000 cases of 6mall- Sox in Northern Georgia, Tennessee, orth Carolina, South Kentucky and Virginia. Firebugs ars getting in their work at W.UmiL.toa, N. C. A few days since three dwellings and ono storehoua went up in flames. The Louisiana Constitutional conven tion, at New Orleans, will amend the suffrage laws and disfranchise many negroes. The Virginia State Senate, after cut ting down the appropriation from $150,- 000 to 100,000 ordered to its engross ment the bill providing for enlarging the cell accommodations of the peni tentiary. The money is.to come out of future earnings of the prison. Col. Thomas E. Moore, of Bourbon county, Ky., has challenged Desha Breckenrulge, 6on ol col. . . , i Breckenridge, to a duel. ANashtngton special fays: Ihe ma jority report in the contested election case of Thorp vs. Epesfrom the Fourth Virginia district, hied In the lioupe, re verses Epes' plurality of 2,021, and gives Thorp a plurality of 812. The re turns from nineteen rejectea precincm in Petersburg and Lunenburg county, where it is alleged the returns were suc cessfully impeached, precincts at which Democrats were judges or election, in creased Thorp's plurality in the pre cincts carried by him to V,l'.7, The North. State Senator Robert J. Hanby, of Delaware, is dead. Members of the Ohio Legislature are investigating Toledo as a site for the State Centennial in 1903. George Jeffrey, a veteran soldier of Chicago, 111., who inherited 820,000, has strangely disappeared. The New l'ork board of health's esti mate of the population of the consoli dated city gives a total of 3,438,890. The milling industry of the North west is vigorously pushing the bill to punish adulterations of flour. Booker T. Washington, of Alabama, was one of the speakers at the meeting of the Armstrong Association, at New York, on the lth. This association i for furthering negro industrial educa tion and promoting the work of Hamp ton Institute. Ex-President Cleveland was expected, but did not attend. The United States' now ranks fifth among the naval powers of the earth. Miscellaneous. The steamer "Teese" sailed from Vio toria, B. C, on the Dth with 100 min ers for Klondike. Warrants have been issued at Guth rie, O. T., for seventy-three members of the mob who lynched tho two Sem inole Indians recently. The United States is said to have had over 40,000,000 hog3 at the begin ning of the year 1897. Iowa alone hav ing nearly 4,000,000. The extensive milling industry of the Northwest is organizing to secure fa vorable action on the "pure flour" bill introduced by Pearce, of Missouri. At Hot Springs, Ark., Jack Ever hasdt knocked out Eddie Donnelly in the sixth round. It has been decided to send ten com panies of troops to Dvea and Skaguay, Alaska, immediately for the purpose of preserving oraer ana protecting me ana property, Washington Jottings. The United States House committee on labor has reported favorably the bill providing for a commission to inquire , into labor, agriculture, etc i A Washington special says Senator Butler has had Hon. H. G. EwartV nomination to be judge of the Western district of North Carolina postponed. THE ilATHtETa. . j iiMTrn's CCTTOS ASALTKIS. Secretary Hester's analysis of ih cotton movement for the tire month of tho season from Sept. lit to .'an. fclst, inclusive, shows that compared with the corresponding movement ol l$r, Texas, including the Indian Ter ritorv, has brought into sight this Reas on, in round figures, 2 )8,81 bate leaj, whilo other Gulf States, which iaclado Arkansas, Louisiana, Misiippi, 1 en nesee, Missouri and Oklahoma, have maiketed .ll,20 bales more, and the group of Atlautio States, which include North and fcouth Carolina, Georgia. vwi1a AUl.ft'Tiii and Viraiuia. know ar inciease of 202,154 bales. In other w r s. all of the Mates outride of Texas and indiau Territory hrvo increased over the big crop year 881,780, against a decrease for Texas and Indian lom toy of 2'.8,823, leaving a net increase in the total crop marketed 022,037. i;:w 7C-r!t ott.'n rfTVWRi. New Vork. --Cotton quiet. Middling upland, (-C,; Middling Gulf 0 5-lJ. Futures closed steady. Opening. Closing. 5 81 r, 8d f.OO r oj 6 0(1 5 OH U 03 0 04 0 03 0 07 February.., Ti8l March April May.. fi t: 0 01 C OS ti 00 (i 00 0 OS Oil tluuo July. ........ August , September October. November December. January MTCnrOOT, C OTTON MAHUET. Liverpool. Middling Futures eloped steady. February 3 15 k 15 h February and March. M arch aud April Avril and Mftv a is id May and Juno o iO(u .luuoaud July... 3 li b July and August 17($1S August and September 3 18 b September and October 3 18($1U October and November 3 10 s November and December 3 10(&2J December and January January and February oTnr.n cotton markets. t Charleston. Cotton firm; middling 5 5-lit. Wilmington. Cotton firm; mid- dling .3 7-10. , ..... Savaunah. Cotton steady; middling 5 r-io. Norfolk. Cotton steady; middling. Memphis. Cotton firm; middling oi. Augusta. Cotton firm; middling 5?. Baltimore. Cotton nominal; mid- l'n? ''4- , . , Now Orleans Cotton slealy; mid dling rj. Columbia Market quiet; gooodmid dling i 3-1C. thai lotto Market steady; good mid dling 3.40. BALTIMORR mODtrrK MAIIKKT. Baltimore. Flour dull; Western superfine 2.803.20; do extra $3.4')V)) 4. 10; do family ?M.40&4. 70; w inter wheat patents 4.8jt4. 10; spring do $3.0(W) 0.30; spring wheat straights 4.'J0C 5.0. . Wheat-Easier; siot, month ' Up 07? ; March 8l08j; May W!j ?(,'.); steamer No. 2 red South ern wheat by sample 03t08J; do on grade 041-8. Corn Easy; spotand month, 33j(ft33i; March 3333 ; steamer mixed 32 J(322; Southern whitejeorn 2&3JJ; do yellow 3234. Oats-Firm; No. 2 white 20130; No. 2 mixed 2. MAVAL STOriRS. New York RoBin quiet. Turpentine fteady. Charleston Turpentine firm at 83 bid. EoMn firm and unchanged. Havannn'u. Turpentine firm at 82J. Rofin firm and unchanged. Wilmington. Rosin firm at 1.20(T& 1.23. turpentine steady at 82(333. Crude turpentiuo nothing doing; prices unchanged. Tur steady. COTTON KrXI) OIL.. New York - Cotton Rood oil prime crude 1.(419; yellow 23. firm. C. F. & Y. V. IE. It. Vane. Judge Purncll has written his opiu ion in the Cape Fear and Yadkin Val ley Railroad case and mailed it to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. It orders a dual salo of the road that is, a sale as a whole or in parts. It is not a reversal of Judgo Simontou's de cision, but a modification, and is in cornplianco with the terms of the mort gage It is taid the Baltimore bond holders will appeal from it to the Uni ted States Supreme Court Charlotte (N. C. ) Observer. Shows a Hrnllhy Increase. At Southern trade centers, business, as reported by tho Chattanooga (Tenn.) Tradesman's many correspondents shows a health' increase, with indica tions favorable for etill greater improve meu( when the spring taon opens. Pennsylvania Judge Threatened. At Wilkesbarre, Pa. , on tho 8th, be fore the trial of .Sheriff Martin Pod his deputes wai resumed Judo Woodv fctated that he had received an anoiX, mous letter saying that if he did notdo certain things something would hap pen, and a threat was made. The judge said: "The ruan who wroto this will probably hear what I have to say, and I want to tell him that he is a scoundrel and a coward, and that no such dishon orable means will in any way affect my judgment. Cowardico and personal fear are not a characteristic of tho race from which I come." Educational Event. Elaborate preparations are beini completed at Chattanooga, Tenn., fee the reception and entertainment of the department of superintendence of tbe National Educational Association, to meet in that city Feb. 22, 23 and To Protect Renters. The Bell Telephone Company bars filed with the North Carolina railroad commission a $-,0'X) bond to protect the telephono renters in cae tbe lower, rate ordered by the commission holds. 7