v X . -IT-A JkJCi. JL iL JUd il 11 JLd JELd A. itld JL JL JEj .: . ' - . .ryfrfmr-& Yotae VI.) Selling Off at Cost, THE ENTIRE STOCK OF CAa, Glass, & EartVi- jBELONCiING to the subscriber, CONSISTING OF . . ni m i Cut and rJam uiass iiimuters Vine and Jelly Glasses Decanters, Quarts and Pints Pitchers, Plates, Dishes, Salt Stands China Teapots. bugarUishes, Urcam Pots, Bowls, Tea and Coffee Cups and Saucers, &c. &c. With a Very Complete Assortment of Earthen Ware, Suitable for town and country trade. Any person wishing to engage in the above business, iray meet with a Bargain, by purchasing the whole IStock. Country .'Nfercliants wisniog to ll . I ......II -ll ..) s . amine the Goods. Packi:;g warranted to go safe. I W m. lams. N. B. All those who are indebted to the subscriber, are requested to co;ne forward and settle their ac counts. Much 41 3m Eaii Way, at Carapbeltoti. WILL be sold at Public Auction, on Thursday, the 24th day of April next, r.t 3 o'clock P. M. at the Town House, The Lot S) Warehouse, together with all the improvements for the contemplated Rail Way at tached thereto, situated south of the Bridge at Campbelton, being the pro perty of the late Abrm. StevenSjdec. ALSO, ' Pew No. 1 1 in the Pres- bvterinH Church, belonging as above. ' Six nnd twelve months credit will be qiven, and approved -security re quired. J. BIRDS ALL, Ex'r. March 13. 41 tdos Ellis' Mills. HE well known Saw and Grist Mills belonging to the sub sorioc r, having undergone u tho- run r -I " . V . I epuir, are u:nu in compiuii: operation. I he access to these llifis is ea? : and the Proprietor begs leave to inform tbe public, that he will shortly have dn hand a very extensive variety of the best Lum ber, which will be sold on as -favorable terms as can be obtained in any part of the county, lie would also Mate, that such graiir iis is herealtei brought to!;is Mills, shall be ground rid dressed m the best manner : and on account or the pressure of e times, the due shall be charged only one twelfth instead of one tenth, as heretofore. JOHN ELLIS. Ellis' Mills, March 19, 1823. Run Away T71R0M the subscriber, on the JL night of the 1 6th h)M. a niu- latto wo snaii iiame.il Sylvia, about fiv feet live or six inches hijrh. thick lips, rather slow of speech, and fin- voice, aged about thirty years had on a hlcc stiiptd home fcjjun frock. Also, her son about nine or ten years old named Henry, a very light Mulatto, with grey eyes, and remnk.ihie white teeth had on a dark homespun woollen coat, balck and white striped pantaloons and good shoes. A generous reward will be given ami all reasonable expenses paidfc to any person who will ueliver them to me or secure them in Jail so that 1 get them again. JOHN PUGSLEY. ir:-r creel., Jefl'trion county, Georgia, -'urcn 17 1 e haps she may have been. Jen cit by some villain or villains :i so, One Hundred Dollars will e siveri to appreiienu and secure them (with the negroes) so that Jhey may be brought to justice ;?lva -vii! no doubt make for New rn, North Carolina, from which tl l ' 'C She Was lirnulif in 1 Stl. iw a ! ' isryar.r who kept a publ je house i , ... u, AewLsrn. J. if n ee bom Ploughs, r il S LE BY r it:irt, nirdsall' Co. - larch C jt New Establishment. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING ESTABLISHED THE Coppersmith's Business, in all its various branchs and hav ing the best of Workmen employ ed, will keep constantly on hand at his Shop on Hay-streef, near the Brick Row, STTLL.S Of Various Sizes, and Stills will be repaired at the shortest notice, at my Factory as abovc Cash wi'l be gven for old Copper and Pewter. John M. Dohhin. March 24, 1823. 43-4m. Healthy Situations. The subsi i iber . has for sale, on reasonable trm, several ef i gtble building Lots high, healthy and eonvenient to never failing Springs of excellent water nearer the business part of the town than any vacant Lots possessing such important advantages A pint may be seen by applying at Dr H Ro binson's Shop. The. Lots may be laid off of any size to suit purchasers, from one to ten acres Lumber will be furnish ed for improvement' upon better termsthan car; be obtained in the vicimly BENJ. ROBINSON Fayetteville, March 27. 43 3t State of Nortli C arolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, ltt2.-. Thomas McKay ") . J Original At vs. Duncan Smith. J Levied in the hands oi John McNeill, esq. and summoned hin as Garnishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that the (kfendant, Durjcan Smith, has removed him self ut of tbe State, so that the or dinal y process of Law cannot be served upon him Therefore, or dered by the Court,- that there be judgment of condemnation on the monies in the hands of the Garnish ee, subject to the plaintiff's final iudgment when obtained and that publication be made in the Carolina ObserverVand t ayetteville Gazette, for three months, that the defendant come forward, on o before toe next session of this Court, to ie heldat. the Court House in Fayetteviiie, on the first Monday n June njxt, then ancf there to replevy and plead, oth erwise Judgment will be made final against him. Test, JOHN AKMoTONG, Clk. March 10, iS&S..' , 41 3m State of North Carolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Court of I'leaai Jrd Qmrter Sessions aarch Term, 1 823. Charles B. Jones Original At- vs. Charles Thompson -TACiment, Levied in tJie hands of Fra cis King and suramonea Dim, as uainishee. fT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Charles Thompson, has removed himself oul of the State, so- that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him Therefore, or dered by the Court, that there be judgdent of condemnation on the monies in the hands of the Garnish ee subject to the plaintiff's final Judgment when obtained and that publication be made in the Carolina Observer ad Fayettevillc Gazette, for three months, that defendant come forward, on or before the next session of this Court, to he held at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the first Monday in June next, then and there to replevy and plead, oth erwise Ju!gmeni will be made final acrainst him. T st. " JOHN ARMS i UONG, Clk. March 10, 1823. 40 3m "v?- - : LETTERS Remaining in the Post-Office, Fayetteville, (N. C.) I April 1st, 1828. ' . -, "A Walter Avery Mr. A B. Isham Allen Lewis Avery Mrs. IMiscia Allen, 2 Ira Ames Joseph .Austin B MichaelyBurnham, 2 Duncar Black Laughlan Bethune Joseph Buie Duncan Blue Mrs. AnnA.. Bay aid John Birklow Jamefj Begrcrs Nathaniel Bonn McKenzy Banks Mai y Brown Susan L. Bvrn C John J. Clark, 2 Duncan Cnlquehoun Robert Carvt-r John H ir Mr. Hill Zebu Ion L. MrsAnn Iugraham Daniel M. Johnson Ebenezer S. Jones Robert Johnson, sen. Thorn -s Jones G'orere Jones Isaac Jessup Anion JaVman Mr- Johnson Neill Johnson K James Kennedy Mrs. Barbara King Joeph King JreiniAh Kelly Daniel Kyle L John Lumsden Sumner Leonard John Larkin Buckly Lanier Mrs. Flora R. Camnbell Edwin Latimer Andrew Clark Amnion Langdoh Alfred Chives Thomas O. Larkin Anthony Cobb Toney Cant M Miss Mary Ann ChapmanFrederic Moore ENorman'- Cameron P-ter Conley Benj. Chapman flurry Caiver David Cain D Dlitha Danghtry Mrs Ann Uew John W. Downing Janes Denton E Henry Elliott Charles Elems Noah Edwards S Van. Ren Eggleston Moses Edwards. 2 Seth Emmons Jesse Eddv, 3 F James Fulton,2 Thomas Fisher G Hiram Galpin Harvfy Goodrich William G' ice H Philemon Hodges, 2 James Had lev Jonas H. H. Holland Thorn ts Medley Duncan MuMr e Roderick Morrison Geo. W. Morris W. B. Moss Jess Marin, 2 Daniel Murdoch John Munroe Mc John McNish Nicholas Mrlntyre John McDaniel Miss Effy McLean HMgh McEarhe'-n Hector McKenzie Malcom McKar Hector McAllister John McDonald Malcom cNeill John McMillan, Esq. Neill McNeill 2 Peter Mcintosh Catharine McMillan Catharine MrQuaig Kenneth McKenzie Groceries, $-c. THE Subscriber has on hand a Large a ud General Assor raent of Swede and Russia Iron, And intends keeping a constant supply of that article. ALSO, Prime Green Coffee, Muscovado Sugar, Turks Island ait, A few Hhds. old Jamaica Hum, fjc. &)C. All of which may be had on the lowest terms, for cash, or approv ed notes at Bank, at 60 days purchasers may be accommodated in quantity, and will find it to their advantage to call and judge for themselves. E. Stedman. Fayetteville, 15th Janf 1823. (fj6 The Subscriber in tending to quit this State in the Spring, requests those who are in debted to him to make payment, and those who have demands a-gaiBSt-bim to present them. A. SWEETLAND. -Fayetteville Jan 23. 1 853. 34tf. State of North Carolina, Cumberland County. . 5 March Term 1823. ThRDERED. That the election of H-r Coroner, ajrid laying a County Tax for 1823 be postponed until the Saturday of the next Probate Court, o be held on the first Friday after the fist Monday -in April neKt at the Court House in Jb ayttteville a. Majority of the Acting Jutices being necess; ry, a punctual attend ance is requested. JOHN ARMSTRQNG Clk. March 13 1823. 41 5w. Malcom McAIpia Archibald McKay Daniel McCormick Miss Nelly MacRae Michael MacRae Duncan McLean McRae & Shepherd Neill McKetheu, 3 N Alex. Nesom Jaibes Newberry, 2 Robert Norman O Allen O. Quia P Skinken Plummer Joiin Petyfrd Samuel Pearce Joel Prince, 2 R David Ruth J. din Rny Daniel K.v Rhodes Hardy Royals Miss Sarah J. Robinson Win Ru-sell, Jun. 2 F. Randall Stephen Royal Archibald Ray S Morris Smith Miss Elizabeth Murphy David Smith Miss Mary Morris " David D. Salmon, 2 John M rchison, Mercht.Joseph B. Spencor, 2 John Sryman William S. Smith Capt. Joseph Sunpkins Daniel Stewart Daniel Sinclair William Sagathy, 2 Ja nes Stevens John Spore Daniel Smith T Nargaret Taylor Joseph Thompson Terry, R- binson & Co. Phimhas Turner W Robert Whitehead Ira Warner Nathan Williamson, 2 John Wallace Wm Woodruff Stephen Walker L F. Williams Joshua Wvnn Stephen Wood, 2 Elijah Windham W Warden, 6 John iaclVae, P. M, GREEN STREET, JIT THE OLD STAND, A few doors north of the Market S.quare. HARRISON, in addition to bis former Stock, has tbi day received from rfew-York, a new supply of in his line, and expects to keep al- u ays oi hand, a full assortment of all articles in the Saddle and Har ness Makiner. Business, so that Country Saddle and others may rely on being satisfactorily sup plied and on very favourable terms. He has also received some articles in the line of Coach Mak- incrl such as Plated Bauds. Han- dies, Moulding, Joints, Knobs Lace, &- . &c. ; and keeps con tantly of his own manufacturing, Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Velices, with every other article in the line. : ' ; February 201822. 38:tf. NOTICE. T 1HE Subsciiber is a free col or ed man. anu son.e person ,t few Uays past stole nis Pocket Bonk, containing bis papers of free doin, signed by Jbftp Taylor Clerk of the court of .Orange county should any colored jersott attempt to pass under theiaid papers, the public are hekeby cautioned and warned to have them immediately arrested as impostors. Mackiiu Kevefe, , March, 22. 43-5t Blanks of Various Kinds. For bale at this Office. : ? For Sale, THAT Valuable & com- ious ' - -V: : r-' House ahttlibt On Maiden Lanet in the Town of Fayetteville, formerly the prbper ty,of Abner . Bowell, and now jn the occupancy of Charles- B, Jones, Esq.-Also, PEW No. 21, on the ground floor of St. John's Church, and PEW No 30, on the ground floor of the Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville. John Armstrong. Jan. 14, 1823. ' ' 33 tf STILLS MADE & MEN DEO In the- best manner, anti at the shortest notice, two doofs yt est of Mrs. Perry s, on Old street, to which place the subscriber has re moved his Copper-Smith Shop. Applications made at the store of Maj. Ayer, or at the Post Office, a will be attended to. JOHN MACRAE. March 20. 1853. 42 tf The Bible Society HAVE on hand, a quantity of Gaelic &$ German Bibles, vov sale at very moderate prices, or for arauitous distribution to such as annot afford to buy. JOHN MACRAE, Librarian March 21, 1823. 42 tf Barnuro Beach & Co. . HAVE JUST RECEIVED, ' ' . 15 Packages LADIES & GENTLEMENS' BOOTS $ SHOES. Made pavticulaHy for Retailing. ALSO, 14 Doz. Blk5 Coloured Morocco 10 Boz. fi air Seives 10 Boxes Cotton Cards, Which are offered at Wholesale and Retail, lower than usual, for Cash. All debts contracted with us, alter thjs notice, will be consi dered on interest after 30 days. Feb: 13, 1823: 37tf State of North Carolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Court oi Fleas and QuartjrStssions, MiicU Term, 1823 uuncan mitn j omMit. At 4 VS. w vuvjmu j m Robert Raiord, TACaMKNT, Levied on a. uegro man named Jacob, and on one hundred: and;, twenty-two acres of Land on Cross Cretlt, Joining John Black Also, eighty, kcrtiT on or near the head of the Wlker ... Brancli, subject io foype;teyiit& . ITappearing to the satisfaction of thi Court, i hat theAlefendanti Robert Rui ford, has reraovedlihii self out of the State, so that ?lhe r dinary process of law , cannot be served on him-Therefore, ordered by the Court, that r.h re.be judgment of - condemnation oa the property j levied on, subject to the plaintiffs fiual judgment when obtained and that publication be made in the Ca rolina Observer and Fayetteville Gazette, for three months, that de fendant come forward, 'on or before the next session of this court, id be neld at the Court House in Payetle ville, on the first Monday in June next, then and there-to replevy :anfl plead, otherwise Judgment will be' made final-against him. . " .- Test . -.: JOHN ARMSTRONG, Clk. MarcH 10. 1823. ' ' . ' 41 3m TO BE. LKT, . - THE fcAs 1' AVlNG OF - fllK'-' " MiVNSION HOTEL, - VVeit caicu latcd for a Store.' j Apply to 1. T. TABER. Miss BingTaam'sScuisol ISS Bihghanx is thankful foH - the liberal y enedo raiment: which he has received . since she"! i v' has been k eepinsr a, n rivate school; She informs, her Friepds vand" ihV Public in eeneral, that , she contin4 ues 10 receive scnoiars ana instructs them in the f ol lo w i ng bran cfaiesV: viz . Read i nc. ; Wr itihar, AritlVmeti cl V grammar, ,,Geraphyi;Jwidigthe;& xife of the Mapsaml GlbbVsiftiitoirvljH phy,Antronomy,Boliny,Chitfy Drawing, Painting'; c Needlework 'J Her qualifications as a,Teachec f:i' being well kiown : havinTautjv six years ilthis font (besides '-a"f long time at the North)herta remitted attentions aswHllto?he youngest, ai the oldest pu pils, make ; (Ji?, her confident that their iniproveiSrMV nient wjll be eq;al to the expecia - f f v tions of the scholar's 'friends ; --H?i tiX XHer Terms continue to lx the Same as formerly, viz. from.three;td 7. dollarsper qnarter,with the ad. dition of a small tax of 25 Cents for Fire Wood, Waterj &c, ' : ,1, Fayetteville. April. 1823. State of North Carolina,! v CuMBEBLAnCpCNTyrU H MafjtL Term-1823. ORDERED, That in future this Court willpay np -Witness Tickets in State caseb issued from , the Superior or County CouTUunlrs.8 the Clerk of said Couit shall cert ify upon such Tickets, that the county is ' properly chargeable ;with the same- -M"r-'"'- From the Minutes 1 v 1 Jt )HN AHMSTONG ; Clk March 12 4 V Sn. State of North-Carolina, MOORE COUNTY; ;r Court of Pleas and Quarter Session February Term; J 823,7 v r ; RoderickJuley ) William Sfioon. ftachmenf, Levied'on 225 Acres of L.and,ort - the wafers f Drowning-. Creekjv" near -or adjoining Angus Camp bell's Lands. ? 5 vr-.'i f VS?. rlHlS Suit is publislied that-tha -it Defendant, maw have notice thereof, so v that he maV. appearAnd ueiena li nexuinKs pn pei. CORN. DO WD, Clk. - 42:3m.- State of N ort h " C arolina, SAMPSON COUNT'. V. ' . Court cf Pleas and QuarterSessions, February Term, 1823' AN Attachment was egular Jy returnt db t his C f t -titled, Lundyee.j Randal fih$yi' xttimer ; Levied upon e'ei tain-Coint and Fodder -of the; Dcfedanr "3 V V hereupon, it was Ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Fayetteville Obierver 'jfur: six. weeks, for the Defendant to come fo ward, and replevy land plead by next Court-or JJuigment .will. - be entered up against Jiim. l-v J AMdb HOLMES, o.s.c c. March 2Qn v " ; 40:7 v. X HOUE A ND LOT L DftU flitf ' THAT Dw liing House, iind: Lot containing- tWee?' acres, ;6r thereby, situated on the south side of Person street,' nearly haiWii v to Campbleton: anti Co rraerfvf the propeny .oi i0Dert xvaiipraj sq. is now lor sale, r or terms ar Or JOHN ARMSTRONC 9ih Jan. t823. J -32 Uf Houses to Rent; A D weUingIpuso- and Store, at i!ie6rncrgot" f VbMmL Eichange square, foot o ay-Mount; uT' - ry:. ua new aweumg npuf on Mumford street, tyithaj;ood gt ; den attached to it. . f . .. .-u-? ? ; , A comfortable Brick te- nement on North stUetviUh a large Lot, Stivbles, ! '''A'8tnaU,'burrotiiIbrtaV bit house, onHrRamay street, for-' merly occupied by ...Thorn Moorcj Brass founder.- And -C v Aerv. ,dcsii,able resi dence on the Couf llouse sqaarer. u ;JOUN MACBA'U. v , m u rrb 1 83. 4 rf ' - ("., v . .- i ; r Mil ' if ; V-;.' i : 'I V" -4 i n.vii t J, .1 w V -4 ) A - i V, 1 w -v. - h m - -?v .-,- fit T

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