r liAM-ill: 1 Jfec r - .:; 1 . V El 11 A i A M -- . - . , - : : elling Off at Cost, frHE ENTIRE STOCK OF liaa, 6as, &BatftVi- enNvare, .ONGING TO THE SUBSCRIBER, CONSISTING OF and Plain Glass Tumblers f and Jelly Glasses tamers, Quarts and Pints i)inao niKo. Salt Stands iDcTS. 1. wii """vw7 ha Teapots. SurjarDishes, Crenm Pots, Bowls, lea ana vouee Cups and Saucers. Sic. Sec. th a Very Complete Assortment of t Earthen Ware, table for town and country trade. ny person wishing to engage in 'above business, iray meet with a ain, by purchasing the whole ck. Country Merchants wishing to chase will do well to call and ex- ine tne uooas. rj racking warranieu 10. go saie. Wm. lams B. All those vho are iiidebted the subscriber, are requested to be forward and settle their ac- bnts. 1'irch New Establishrhenl. LETTERS ; Ft. 15. 41 3m ail Way, AtCarapbelton. .. THE SUBSCRIBER I 'tXVINO ESTABLISHED THE Coppersmith's Business, in all itsvarious branches, and hav ing, the best of Workmen employ ed, will keep constantly on hand at his Shop on Hay -street, near the Brick Row, STILLS Of Favious Sizes, and Stilis will be repaired at the shortest notice at my Factory as above Cash will be given for old Copper and Pewter. John M. Dobbin. larch 24, 1823. 43 -4m. Healthy Situations. r H the subscriber has tor sale, on B reasonable terms, several e!i gible building Lots high, healthy and convenient to never tailing Springs of excellent water nearer the business part of the town than any v vacant Lots possessing such important advantages -A plat may TILIj be sold at Public Auction, iV on Thursday, the 24th, day pril next, nt 3 o'clqck P. at Town House, f JV' The LoJ . 6) Warenouse, pether with all the improvements t ip rnnfpmi) mien" ixan v v at- r w . . , - -,- .... . fched thereto, situated south of the be seen by applying at Ur, il, Ko- dee at CamDbelton. bemjr the nro- Orison's snop. " . . ' .... I mi T ..." I . ! v . r , i ne JLits may De Jain on omny size to suit purchasers, trom one to ten acresLumber will be furnish cd for irnnrovemems upon better terms than can be obtained in the vicinity BENJ. ROBINSON Favetteville, -Viarch 2v Irty of the late Abrm. Stevens, dec. ALSO, Pew No. I I in the Pres- LteriaR Church, belongingas above. Six and twelve months credit will qiveu, and arjprored security re- Lited. J. BUIDSALL, Ex'r. March 13. I 41 tdos Ellis' Mills. 43 3t State of North Carolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1 March Term, ;82.. Thomas McKay 1 0riginal t D,0cun Smith. J Levied in the hands oi'John McNeill, esq. ana summoned mm as liurmshee. Bemaining in the Post-Office, Fayetteville, (N. C;) 1st, 1823, A :.- Walter Avery Mr. A B. I sham "Allen Lewis Avery Mrs. JNiscia Allen, 2 Ira Ames Joseph Austin Michael Burnham, 2 Duncan Black Laughlan Bethune Joseph Buie Duncan Blue Mrs; Ann A. Bay aid John Birklow Jamen JJeggs Nathaniel Bunn McKenzy Banks Mary 'Brow n Susan L. Bym C John J. Clark, 2 Duncan Colquehoun Robert Carver John Hair Mr. Hill Zebulon L. Hunt ' life J .iVIrsAnn Ingraham llf 'jiVt- Johnsoo Ebejiezer S. Jones Vi Kobert Johnson, sen. Thomas Jones George; Jones Isaac Jessup Amos Jai man Mr. Johnson Neill Johnson K James Kennedy Mrs. Barbara King Joseph King Jeremiah Kellv Daniel Kyle L John Liimsden Sumner Leonard John Larkin Buckly Lanier Mrs. FloraR. Campbell Edwin Latimer Andrew Clark Amnion Langdon Alfred Clnves Thomas O. Larkin Anthony Cobb Toney Cant M Miss MaryAiin ChapmanFrederic Moore iNiirman Cameron Peter Coriley M jlcora McAlpin Archibald McKay Danici McCormick M is s NellyMacRae Micliaet MaqRae Duncan McLeart McRae & Shepherd Neill McKetheu, 3 " N Alex. Newsoin James Newberry, 2 ' Robert Norman . O , Allen O. Quia p : Skinken Pluromer John Petty ford " Samuel Pearce Joel Prince, 2 R David Ruth John Ray Daniel K. Rhodes Hardy Royals Miss Sarah J. Robinson Win. Russell, Jun. 2 F.Randall Stephen Royal Archibald Ray : S Morris Smith STILLS iJllE well kuown Saw and Grist LL Mills belonging to the sub briber, having undergone a tho- bugii repair, are again in complete peration. 1 he access to these 1 T appearing to the satisfaction ot liils is easy ; and the rmpnetor JL this Court, that the attendants 1 a I II' .1.1 TV ".1 1 T k?s:s leave to iniorm me nuouc, mat uuncan micn, nas remove i nim- e will shortly have on hand a very self out of the State, so that the or ptensive variety of the best Lum- dinary process of ' Law cannot be i "i -.1. mm m ter. winch win ne soiu on as tavor- served upon mm ineretort, or- ,ble terms as can be obtained in any I dered by the Court, that th?re be art ot Hie county, tie would also juugment oi con emnation on tnt . a i a a r i . i i tate, that such tr- :m is leiejiitei monies in tne nanus ot ine oarni6h rouirhttohis Mills shall ue eround ee, su lect to the plaumtls final nd dressed in the best manner ; iudgmtnt when obtainedand thai nd on account of the pressure of publication t e made in the Carolina h times, the dues shall be charged uoscrvci ana raytucTiiie Lr. zeite. nlv one twMfth instead of one for three months, thatthe .efendant - tenj. uiiapman Harry Caiver David Cain Delitha Daughtry Vlrs Ann iJew John W. Downing Ja nes Denton rE Henry Elliott Charles Elems Noah Edwards S Van. Ren Eggleston Moses Edwards; 2 Seth Emmons Jesse Lddy, 3 F James FuIron,2 Thomas Fisher G Hiram Galpm Harvey Goodrich v ilhaiu G ice 11 Philemon Hodges, 2 Joules Hadlev Jonas H. H. Holland Miss Elizabeth Murphy David Smith Miss iMary Morris David D, Salmon, 2 John Murchison, MerchtJoseph B Spencer, i nomas ivieaiey Duncan Munroe Rodenck Morrison Geo. W. Morris W. B. Moss Jesse Maun, 2 Daniel Murdoch Jorui Munroe Mc John McNish . Nicholas Mclntyre Jolin IcDaniel M iss Effy McLean Il'gh ilcKachern li ctor McKenzie Malcom MeKav mw Hector McAllister John McDonald Malcom McNeill John McMillan, Esq. Neill McNeill, 2 Peter Mcintosh Catliarine McMillan Catharine McQuaig Kenneth McKenzie John Stytnan William S. Smith Capt. Joseph Simpkins Daniel Stewart Daniel Sinclai William Sagathy, 2 James Stevens John Spore Daniel Smith T Margaret Taylor Joseph Thompson Terry, Robinson & Co. Phinchas Turner Robert Whitehead Ira Warner r Nathan Williamson, 2 John Wallace Wm Woodiufi' Stephen Walker L. F. Williams Joshua Wynn Steplren VVood, 2 Elijah Windham W Warden, 6 MI)E i J5f MKNDED In the best manner and at the shorrest notice; two doors West of Mrs. Perry's,1 on Old street, to which lace the subscriber has re moved his Copper-Smith Shop. Applications made at Ore 'store of Maj. Ayer.'or at the Post Office, will be attended to. JOHN MACRAE. March 20, 1823. , 42 tf Barnuro Beach & Go. HAVE JUST tJECElVpb; ; LADIES' & GENTLEMENS Made particularly for Retdtiw, 9 a ALSO, m Miss "BingKiim?s ScViool ISS Biugham UUhankful ; for, the liberal encoorcement ' - which she .has. received,; since, she vvl has-been, keeping a private bbpl. She informs her , Frienda i and the Public in generalthat sEe.contin. ues to receive scholars and instruct them in the following branches, Viz. Itead t ng, Writings - A rithjneti c Grammar, Geography, with I the use of the Maps And GIobeSyHistory Logic, NaturaKand Moral Phil6o-Dhv.Antronbmv.Bbtanv.Chemistrv. Drawing. Painting, !c Needlework, M Her qualifications as a ; Ijeacher being well known : having Taught , six years in this. tOTD, (besides '; r 1' ong time at -A the - North) her un remitted attention as well to .the youngest, as the oldest pupils, make . ner cpnucient mat their improve! ment will be equal to the expecta tions ot the scholar's friends ' ! Her Terms continue to be the same as formerly, viz. from three to Yi dollars per qnarter.fwith the ad dition of a small tar of 25. Cents for Fire Wood, Vater, . Fayetteville. April 1823. ' - 4.". 'ii State of North Gairoiiha, ! Cumberland CouNTifr s ft- March Ten.? 1823: ' 0HDERED, Thatin'ruiureHhe Court will pay no -Wanes i t A A Tl Ttllr X? P,r.lmiiil Tickets in State cases, itSUdfrfrbriC 14 JiOZ. ISlk. 6) OlOUrea llie Superior or County Court, nrW upon such Tickttli 'tatthcouy Morocco lg Doz. Hair Scivcs 10 Boxes Cotton Cards, Which are offered at Wholesale and Retail, lower than usual, for Cash. ' (; " Ol All debts contracted wilh us, after this notice, will be consi dered on interest after 30 days. Feb: 13, 1823: 37tf State of North Carolina, IS same, v ' v:. From thetMimttes; JOHN ARMST QNG, Clk March 12 Nprth-Catbiina '- State of No: moo; Court of Pless'and Qiiartei1 Sessions February Term,. 1823J Roderick JlcAuley j" ,j i 4 H . C Oneinar At VS. I William Sfioon. GnginalU-:; .tachmtnj ; M. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. UOUrt OI fieaS anu quarter oessiojis, I -w icu aj-u auxs uiuuuj -uir i; v: t v Original At-I TACHMBNT, Groceries, jc. GREEN STREET, arara am ar "ar -rm r v arar y at THE Subscriber has on hand I UL,U S UiJ U, a Lavge and General Assortment A few doors north of the Market Square. Duncan Smith VS. , Robert Raijord, Levied on a negro man named Jacob and on one hundred and twenty-two acres of Land on Cross Creek, joining John Blacks -Also, eighty acres on or near, the head of the Walker, Branch, subject to. former h-vies. T appearing to the satisfaction ot this Court, that the defendant) Robert Raiford, has removed him self out of the Slate, so that the or dinary process" of law cannot ar at J I near oradjoiniiig Angus' Camp- bell's Lands, v s ( Vajj v HIS Suit is published that . the Defendant may have i.otide "thereof, so that he may appear and' defend if he things' proper.'' CORN; DOWD. I lk. 42:3m.- 1. mi- Tenth, as heretofore. JOHN ELLIS. KM is' MHIsa) 1823 ..!M.' Run Away come forward, on o before the next session ot this Court, to oe hel&at the Court Houe in P-jyetteviile. on the first Monday n June nxt, tlien and there to replevy and plead, oth erwise Judgment vvi:l be made final of Swede and Russia Iron, And intends keeping a constant supply of that article. ALSO, Prime Green Coffee, Muscovado -'Suifar, Turks island Salt, HARRISON, in addition u- oazeuc .1.:. j r AT. V-v renuii cuuic.iorw4jut uuruwiuc . - - - i. T. this da a new supply of The Bible Society HAVE ou.hand, aquantity.of b Gaelic j GerinaBibles, served on him Ti herefore, ordered se at ver medeiaie pi ices, or by the Court, thattht re be judgment or gratyuous distribution' to sucn as of condemnatiorr on the property cauuoM Jo buy. t . ' levied on, subject to the nlaintiff's MACK A ft,' nnai juagment wnen outaineo ana , t thit?ntih irAtinn h made in the Ca- - i ' - rolina Librarian. '42- tf - in his line, and expects to keep al wa 's oiihand. a full assortment of Observer and Fayetteville u-.. x: u r' i :, for three months, that de. .e ol IS orth Carohna Court of, Pleasajtd Qtwrter SesVionf, neld at the court rlousc in r ayette- - a n attacbmukt w I'tii!.-,?. ille on the first Monday in June Xy retui iitd. 0iVs CourT. jiu : j next, then and there to replevy and ltieaUf4i!fw pictu, Mac vuugmtui. niu m i jLaumcT?t?Lts ieo upon Qc Ham, corn - and Irouifer ot the l)tferidant. ROM the subscriber! bn the aSaTnsl him- Te6t:. A few H lids, old Jamaica all articles in the Saddle and Har ness Malunc Business: so that j . ' night of the I6(h3nait. a'tnd tto woman named Svlvia. ahuut j v. feet five or six inches high. ups, ratner sioy ot speech, nd fine voice, aged about thirty eurs had on a hlue Striped home pun frock. Also, her son about . 4. i I .ne or ien years om nfftneu ncury, Charles Jones very light Mulatto, with grey eves, vs uu icnnrivanie wnue teeta had JOHN ARMSTOXG, Ctk. March 10 182.3.' 41 3m State of "Nbrth Carolina, CUMBERLAND OUNTlf. Court uf Pleas and Quarter Sessions: MAich Term, n a dark homespun ' woollen coat. paick and white striped pantaloons jnu rood shoes. f A generous reward will be given Ad ;tl J'easonnhlp PTnpnmc niil. 'v.bb Mr jf mr y any person who will deliver them o ne or secure lhem in Jail so that get them againv ; y JOHN PUGSLEY Irier creekf Jefferson county, Georgia, 1823. RIGINAL AT4 a TACmMENT, Charles Thqstfisou Levied in the.hn:rs of Francis Kin? and ..." j : . . O . summonea rim as garnishee. If T appearing to the satisfaction of IL the Courtgj that the defendant, Chrles 1 homps ,n. has removed. himself oui 61 the btate, so that the ordinary process of law cannot he served tfpon iinTk"--Thertfore, -or deted by the-Court, that there be iudganent of 'condemnation on the mMiiM in the hands 'i.Frhf fla-rth. B Perhansshff mav havfrhppin I . iiiec.t lb the iil;iiniifr4 final l r..v-vv W7-- V ,w . - , i- , mm m m mm pken off bv some villain or villains Jiidpmentswhencrtjtdineld---fnrt that r ii SD, ne HundrAtl Hollars will I nnhlwtion be made ..vu ' - " - I " - -V- I given to r.pprehend and secure Ooserver atrld Fi.ycitevillc Gazette. . i . " f With th ntmrfnaii mix thot I fri t hrff .rftftrtl hi- th n tufuuil n w. uiougiii, in jMSVIi . I Vlliw , w ufciui r lite HvAl ma wianodoubt make for New- session ot this Court,' to !e held at en, North Carolina, from which the Court House in Favetteviif. nn ice she waa hrouo-Kt in lfit;. hv th- fi.-st Mondav in Jim ni-vt . ihin fir. brvant whokpntn nnhlir lnn&ii 1 anrl there to reD-evv nrl nlaH nth- Knm, cjc. 05c. 1 All of which may be had on the lowest terms, for cash, or approv ed notes at Bank, at 60 rlays purchasers may be accommodated in quantity,, and will find it to their advantage to call and judge j tor tnemseives. WStcdman. Fayeiteville, 15th Jan. 1823 , made final against him. Teat JOHN ARMSTRONG, Clk. March 10, J 823.' 41 3 m Vr Whereupon, it was Ordered; fcy the Court, that publicution be made in th Fay ette ville O bserverjScr sir weeks, lor the Dtfetfcfaht to come rely o 11 being satisfactorily soPrjOVlI) ANDKRSOIS Jr Iorwaru' . repleyy and? plead .by nlied and on very fevourablet V ' ? 4 next Court, or, Judgment iillv , be Coiintry Saddlers and others may A Sale of Pews. LL the Pews in the Presbyte rian Church, on which pay ment shall not have been fully made before that lime, will be sold at Pub lic Auction, on Saturday the 19th April, agrveably to the terms'of the original purchase. ! " By order of t he Board, John MacBae, Pres. April 10. 45.2 terms, tie has aisoreceiyeq some articles in the line of Coach M ak ing, such as Plaied Bands, Han- es, 'Moulding, Joints, Knobs, Liaee. &lc. &c. : and keens con- y. -i - f s tantly of his own manufacturing, Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Velices, with pvrv other article in the line. rf&L. February 201822. 38:tf. i ! 1 For Sale, THAT Valuable Si com modious House and Lot 1 Marble Cutter entered up, against hiiu.v r J AMEs HOLM ES,tb.so.c c March 20, : Ur7v; housk anij; IOll THAT Dw-llin JHouseahd Lot containing three acres, for thereby, situatedjoirthesoulh side J of Person' street, nearly halfway to .ampbleton, andrmerJy the : ) is how ibr sale. , Fog termi-applf,V ;; V ) to rkAliKlN-WW t : JOHN AKMSTRONG. V Stb Jan. f 83li -fi , J Ju f I'. - - V - 4 Jteiu f or nearNewbern. , J P." I- ; jm . rlanks otWari erwise Judgment will be made final against him. . , 7Vr, JOHN ARMSTRONG, Ctk. HAVING purchased the Stoeir of A. Sweetland and taken the stand On Maiden Lane, in tne Town r of lately ;cicupied by?hiror wia supply;l ririutFnZ? JlOUSes aMU. ljUtS io IVCUt, rayeueviiie,.iormeriy pruper-i v ...... , JLexiHing i On Actommodati - t House and Lot on street; lately occupici erly Rose. ' l House and Lot on lately occupied by Mr.Tmniel Twig- 1 House and Lot on Maiden Lane the former residence of the'suhsrri bef. JOHN MURCHISON. April 9i 1823. k 45 St lng Terms. ty of Abuer J . Howell, and now Monuments, l pmq-table Black, ii-.th dayawrett-oy Cool Spring in the occupancy ot . Shanes y Trol WfAn " ' tuai consent, ah persons iniietneoVS - V t by MrBev, Jones, Esq.-Alsb, PEW;No. 2t, ,? t. to smcyFirm, are ruestejmake ! , v on the ground flbof of StiJohh Arid any other article in the line immediate pay raetf North; street, Church and PEWWd: 30, on the whictt may be wanted. ajso, tjuua- Mqipawiioyi At A ground floor of the Presbyterian onurcn in r ayetieviue. Jolfn strong. 33 tf the best Free lStoneU, of the country stpnei Theviork wilt be done in. the best manrrerpnd on moderate terms. ' - Dniellaclo Jan. 14,' 1823. Match 10, 1823.. 40 3m Bay-Street, Fayetteville, N. C. 4t f -.v