i - '? ?!T i-" " - '" - .-. timber 1 v ..W - . " ; C, J ts C : Ml i V THE OBSERVED, B1TSHKD WEIKIT BT JOHK MACRAE, liEE DOHLARS o year, payable in ad. tjnee, No s ibscription will be received fo bs than twelve monxns ; anu wiy.uu Iriber omitting to give notice of his Ash to discontinue at the expiration ot le vear will be considered as desiring :!nrp When arrearaeres are jco acn jnti irred, no paper will De aisconunucu 1 s.ich are paid, except at tne op- thp Editor. VPUTTSEMENTS inserted at the rate fstxtv cents a square for the first inser- on, i?t thirty cents jor eacn suva, ve. ' . , Every advertisement unaccompanied ith instructions, wm De conmiucu arel. until specially ordered to oe topped; and no advertisement, irom distance, will De insencu um een paid Tor, or its payment assumed y some person in this town or its vici- ity. Selling Off at Cost, THE ENTlkE STOCK OF ELt)N'GING TO THE SUBSCRIBER, CONSISTING OF ut and Plain Glass Tumblers wine and Jelly Glasses Decanters, Quarts and Pints ttnhers, Plates, Dishes, Salt Stands hina Teapots. SugarDishes, Cream Pots, Bowls, Tea and Coffee Cups and Saucers, &c. &c. XVith a Very Complete Assortment of Earthen Vare5 fuiia jie tor iuu unu cuuiiiry irauc. Anv person wishing to engage in Ln . I 1 J" . . 1 . . , J Ithe abovebLrsitulss, iray meet with a Bargain, nJr,. purchasing the whole Stock. Country Merchants wishing to purchase will do well to call and ex amine the Croods. Packing warranted to go safe. Wm. Tams. '. Kg All those who are indebted to the subscriber, are requested to co re foiWrd and settje their ac- M,rch 13. 41 3 m Kail Way, at Camp belt on. WILLbe sold at Public Auction, on Thursday, the 24th day of April next, at 3 o'clock P. M. at the Town Hnuse, The Lot 5 Warehouse, together with ali the improvements for tlje contemplated Rail Way at tached thereto, situated south of the Bridge at Campbelton, being the pro perty of the late Abrra.jStevens, dec. ALSO, Pew No, 1 1 in the Pres- bytniaH Church, be!oneine'boye. Six and twelve months credit 'Will be (given, and approved security re quired. J. BIRDSALL, ExV March 13. 41 tdos Ellis' Mills. fV HE well known Saw and Grist -i Mills beloniriner -to the sub5 scr:ber, having undergone a tho- rough repair, are agiin in complete ,C3 ' ' operation. The access to these is easy: and the Pronrietor begs leave to inform the public, that he will shortly have on hand a ery extensive variety of the best L6m: brought to his and dressed in the best manner: "tics ouu 11 uv uu nu and on account of the pressure of the times, the dues shall be charged n!y one twelfth instead of one one .truth, as heretofore. JOHNELL1S; Ellis' Mills, March 19. 1823. For Sale, THAT Valuable .bcom? modi o us . . n j t On ln-.ri i a m - , Fave J. -I? rane' "! ,h5T ", win oe soiu on as uvor- lowest terms, for cash, or approv able ,rm as can be obtained in anjr ed no,es at Bankttayf- Hi iv ifTu 'tV ri " , I present them" wuhin the time limu-oi- Aner F. Boweil, and now ed Dv law; otherwise thev IviU 'be 3 JOnne TTtH7 1VT -r " the emiind flnni. nr ftt -Tnrl.i'c nurrh, andPEW No. 30. on the 8rund floor of the Presbyterian I'utcn in h ann(..,:Mn . John Armstrong. Jan. 14, 1823. 33 tf Run Away FROM the snbscriber, on the night of the 40th inst. a mu latto woman; named Sylvia, about five feet five or six inches high, thick lips, rather slow of speech, and fine voice, aged about thirty year9 had on a hlue striped home spun frock. " Also, her" son about nine or ten years old named Henry, a very light Mulatto with grey ey es, and remarkable white teeth had on a dark homespun woollen coat, balck and white striped pantaloons and good shoes. - x A ge n e ro u r e w a r d wilt be1 given andall reasonable expenses paid, to any personwho will deliver thenV' to me or secure them in Jail so that I get them agajn. ' JOHN PUGSLEY. Brier creek, Jefferson county, Georgia, March 17. ? N. B Perhaps she,may have been taken oft bv some viUfMor villainy if so, One HundredDollars will be given to apprehend and secure ihem (with the nes:roe? so that they may be brought to justice. Sylvia wjll no doubt make tor Mew- bern, North Carolina, from which place she was brought in 1815, by a Mr. Bryant who kept a public house in or near Newbern. iHrP. 0 New Establishment. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVINO established the CoppersmittfmBusiness, in all its various branches, and hav ing 1 he best of Workelimploy ed, willfeep constantly, pn hand at his Shop on Hay-street, near the Brick Row, STILLS Of Various Sizes, and StilU will be repaired at the shortest notice, at my Factory as above. Gash will be given for old Cpper and Pewter. John :VI. Dobbin. March 54, 1823. 43-4m. Groceries, c. THE Subscriber has on hand a Large and General Assortment of ; Swede and Russia Iron, And intends keeping a constant, supply of that article. ALSO, PJmo HrPn r,nflVP ir , a. 7 MuSCOVadO Wgar, Turks Island ialt. , a u t - i ier oims. om maR'a Ituttli &C. ; ' ' All of which may be hac! on the 1 . 1 ' ' .- !?e,ffl fftage to Callandjudge Mr themselves. " j Jbi Stedman. Fayetteville, 15th Jan. 1823. IKiU T 1 acyly Notice. ' fip HE subscribers living qtialifi ; jL ed as administrators' on ' the estate of Catharine Viiliams, dec at the Countv Court of Pleasiand Quarter Sessions held for the couuty of Sampson, 41 .February Term 1823, do hereby notify all persons havufg cUimsVgJ),)st said StiVto I . -- - v . -i - ... . . I . .... . . . - . , . ; f rlrt wJpII ft tY.t '.mmprllat I naytnenor hev will find their I notcsadd accounts in the M rids of inn nmrr tir co prttnn. , an officer ffr collection. . S Wm MAXWELL, CHAS. BUTLER, Febraarr' 25 1823. Admrs 45 3t i $$h COPARTNERSHIP. jrlHJE subscribers have formed a J..rpi$ectlpp.1d business under the firm of - , . Fiteharris & Gallon, And have taken the New Brick store on Person, street, one door east of Messrs, i Williams & Co. where theV. offer at - A Wholesale and Retail, FOR CASH ORACCEPTAN THE FOLLOWING jBO(DA4 'ry. Extra Black, Blue and Colonred Cloths Supgr do do do do Extra do do Cassimeres Blue and Mixt Sattinetts - Valebcia, Toilitiett & Silk Vestmcs White and Coloured Marleilles do Silk and Worsted Ladies' Plaids - Caroline do do Tartan Tartan Cloaks Bombazettes, Assorted ,4 Green BockingtBaizes Red, White and Green Flannels White Gauze . do Blankets, assorted An assortment of Calicoes and Ging hams Irish Linens and Long Lawns Irish Sheetings Thread Cmnbricks tV Jackonet andMiill Mjuslins Book and Cambrick do B' ck Sarsnets and Sincliews iLrreen oo nri Green, White & Pink Florence Silks Black Figured Grosvenot do Black Figured Denaples do Stripe Silks, assorted Black Canton and Bandanna Hdkffs. Company Silk do do Black and White Silk Lace Veils Lleganf worked do do Caps Mull Mull and Leno do Muslin and Thread Lace insertion Silk and Cotton Laces Black, Marareen, Blue and Lilack Plushm gs do do do do bilkaud laboy v elvets, assorted Co- lours Clack, Blue and Coloured Canton Crape Robes Black, Blue, Green and White Italian Crapes . ; Nankeen Crapes, assorted Black Velvet Ribbons, assorted Nos. Fancy Ribbons, assorted Qteen Gauze toadies' and Gentlemens' Black and White Slk Hose do do Black and coloured Worsted do do do , White cot ton do An assortment of Lambs Wool do Ladies' and Gentlemens Black aiid V. bite Silk Gloves do Fleeced Kid, Black & White do do - Black and Coloured Beaver do Gentlemens Beaver & Buckskin do do Silk, Worsted, LarnbWoul and cotton Hulf Hose Tortoise Shell aud Ivory Combs Jet Waist Buckles apd many other Articles, , which, together with those expected from New York, in a few 'days, will make their assortment qf Goods complete. Groceries. Madeira, Sherry, Teneriffey Malaga W- ITT' " ano fort wines Jamaica Rum and. French Brandy Lump and Loaf Sugars , GuniPowdeiImperial and Hyson 16213 Chocolate and Green Cwffee Soft Shell Almonds and Muscate Raispns, i: , v. Peiiper, Spice and JR4ce Ginger , Lou.do 'Jfustttmegjs. & .assia 1 1 i Powder and onot, assorted. &c. i .aiuWVlhitt.einprfc & Go's Cotton and Wool Cards . : ATAB1ETY OF Wrought and Cut nails, assorted. Sweede's Iron, assorted sizes. I Lawrence., iliarris, FapttevilleN. G, Jap. 1, 1823.-31t lOnccvmrnodatingTermi. ', 1 House" and Lot n Cool Spring '-' i urn -r street, lately occupied , by Mr. Bev, eriy Rose. t ? ; X House and Lot on North street lately decapied bv Mr. t)ameI Tivis; Houses and Lot on Maiden Lane iti V fortner residence VJT the!sutscri- ber. JOHNMURCHISON. "April 9rS2S Por Sale or Lease, A VALUABLE PLANTATION, IjnnrTITHIN two miles and a half YY of Fayeueville on the East sideof CapetFear river, pn the stage road leading to Raleigh, There i on the premiseisi an excellent Saw apd Grist Mill, both of which have iwrV ; extensive custom. There is tsfjCbtjrejnises, a good Dweil InBoWeamf'Ki.chen, with Out RouwsvV' Tie Mills are nearly new ndiihgoocTJrderi The situation js d'neof tie "lost pleasant and reality in thedWy. Atiy person wishinp; to purchase, will pleaseiapply to ' Tilling hast, Esq. miFayetteville, or to X James Terrell, Agent fT- Archibald Terrell. 5, 1823. 45 3t e STILLS MADE $ MENDED In the best manner, and at the shortest notircytwo rloofs West of ,of the commencernent of thdDraw Mrs. Perry on Old street!' to ifig and also of its completion, which place the subscriber v:Tli;KETS can be had of the Ma- mnved his Conner-Smith Sfiori. nagers, at the Office of the Carolina Applications made at the, store of Mai. Ayer, or at the Poit Office, will be attended to. JOHN MACRAE. March 20, 1823. 42 tf Barnum Beach & Co. KAVE JUST RFXE1VED, 15 Packages DIES' & GENTLEMENS' Made particularly Jor 'Retailing, ALSO, 14 Doz. Blk:'& Coloured Morocco 10 Doz. Hair Seives f O Boxes Cotton Cards, Which are offered at Wholesale and 'Retail, lower than usual, for Ca'sh. 05 All debts contracted with us, after this notice, will be consi dered on interest after 30 days. Feb: 13, 1823: 37tf Notice rjHE subscriber having qualified JL as administrator on the estate of Malcom Buie. dee'd. at the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county of Cumberland. Decern- ner lerm, ia, nereoy notines 'VF . T Vs -,tri HIS "Suit is published that the said estate to present them for pay- v v- u Bnj; hient within the time limited by law or thev will be barred of a recovery or tney win pe oarreq or a recovery, and those indebted to the estate by note or otherwise, are required to come forward and make immediate pay meht to Mr. A n gus Tay lor, w ho is duty authorised to settle the same and grant discharges therefor." Neill Buie, Adm'r. Favetteville. Aoril 4, 1823 45 6 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.. THAT Dwelling House, and Lot cpbtaininfiT thnre acres, or thereby, sifffited on the south side of Person street, nearly h$lt way to- CaWbleton. and formerly the nrnnpriv nf Rohert Raiford. Esa.' I ,T J , '..- for sale. For terms apply is now to LARKIN NEWBY, or JOHN ARMSTRONG. 9th .Tn. 1823. tC '" The BiWeSociely H AVE nil nrti- nnonifv nf r t r, - - --o-li X5aclic,ojSpernian Bibles, For sale at very, moderate prices, or for gratjiHjouxjljrihntidD to such as cannot afford to buy . -r; -' V; , JOHNytfACRAE, , - ; '.. I Librarian, March 21, 1823. 42 tf ? y wtthorft of the State of . N. Carolina-. Masoriib Lbtterv For the repairs of St. John's Lodge, No. " i 4IU. rlewbern. ' 'SCHEME; 4 I Prize of g 5,000 is $5,000 1 of 2,000 is 2,000 1,000 is 2,000 500 is 2,000 -100 is 1,000 50 is- 1,000 20 Js; 2,000 5 is "10,000 2 ' 4 10 20 -100 2000 of of of of of of 21S8 Prtzes, 2862 Blanks. $25,000 t - 5000 Tickets, at $5 - $25,000 This Lottery will be drawn in the old aod popular way fcCT ALL THE ORIZES FLOATING from the commencement of the drawing. Prizes payable sixty days ajter the comfileUoti of the 'drawing ; subject o a deduction of Twelve per cent- Prjzes not demetHjed within ;13 months from the djpf the last days drftwing, will be1 v forfeitedtto the vvnei. nn orhciataistofi'seyel ral drawings wilrbQrw. -ditio each of the places whtttiickets may be vended by the authority of the managers, and also published in the Carblipa Sentinel, printed in this place. - r j. Notice will be given in one of the Newspapers printed in Raleigh, Fayetteville, Wirrnington 8c Wash- ington and the Sentinel in this place, scnim ana at me uook store 01 Mr. HaU in this place. Letters aaaressea 10 euner or ine managers, with the cash enclosed and postage paidy will be promptly attended to. JAMES C. COLE, ) NATIPl. SMITH, I WM. S. WFBB. I s T. A. PASTEUR, for? LEWISFOSCUE, J t. sPAttftow .y, Newbern, March 1823 45 4t tlamtf. State of North Carolina, Cumberland County. . March Term 1823. T RDERED, That in future the X-r Court Will pay . no Witness Tickets in State cases, issued from the Superior or County Court, unless the Clerk of said Court shall certify upon such Tickets, that the county is properly chargeable with the sac From the Minutes. JOHN ARMSTONG, Clk March 12 '.." 41 3m State of North-Carolina, ' MOORE COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. February Term, 1823. RoderickMcJuley V 0rigma, Aj miliaZsfioon. , Leviedwn 225 Acres of Land, on the waters of Drowning Creekj near or adjoining Angus Caning belFs Lands. i c i .u v . -J --.-ua threof so bat he may appear and , f,, .rh tfl5nfc- nrnn,P . defend if he thinks proper. CORN. DO WD, Clk. " : ' 42:Snr. State of North (;aroiina, CUMTJE BLAND qOUNTT Court of Pleas and, Quarter Sessions, , March Term, . .KiKi. "r" Origiitai At Duncan smith, j Levied in the hands of John McTeUJ, esq v arid summoned him as Garnlibee. T appearing to the satisfaction of this CourLT that the defendant, HDuncan Smith, has removed him: sell put ot tne&tate, so mat tne or- f$fi:Pc&t? t?'cjnot' d upon him Therefore, or- ) bT the Court; : that, there be iudcntient!of condemnatidn oh the monies in the hands of the Gamishr ee, subject to the plaintiiPs final judgment wheiCbtaineoahii' that publication be made in the Carolina Observer and Fayetteville Gazette, for three months, that the defendant come forward on o? be fore-the next sessior'of this Court, to be held at the Court 'House in Fayetteville, on the first Monday nrJune;nx,t, then and there to replevy and plead, oth erwise Judgment will be made final against him. : Test, : - -ft JOHNyVR13TQKO, Clk. Aiarcn 10,182. v 4i am State of North Garolinal CUMBERLAND COUKTr'f ' ;f Court orPlea rd Quarter Sessions ii; Mrcb Tenri, 1 83. Charles D. Jones : - vs. - OaiGfNAt: At- Charles Thovifiicn) TVi Levied in the bandi if Fancis King and .-" v summoned him as Garnishee. -C- Iappearingto the satisKciioVoff the Court, that the lefendant?S v Charles Thompson has removed himself out of tle State, sp haheg' ordinary prbceWof law csxwovbf served upon himThbrre, 6r dered by the. , CcurtVlhat tnTec judgent of condemnation on the monies in the handsV.ftht Gamrsfii ee, stfject to the pldintifiTs final JI Judgment when obta in t d ahd If hat fv publication be made iiihe Carolinai Observer and Fayetteville GazeUeJt for three months, that defei-4 n t l : come forward,on or before the neit Wi acssiui; ui tins vuun, iu ueu.. i: the Court House in Fayetteville, on tht first Monday in June next, then and there to replevy and pleari, :oth- - R? erwise Jucgmem will be made final, against him. Test, 1 JOHN ARMS1RONG, Clki March 10, 1 823. 40 3m tate of North Carolina, CUMBEItLAND COUNTYiA-tti Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, f" March Ternwl823 ' - .-. - . C v.- . Duncan Smith Okiginai? AW f 'Robert RatfordJy tachmekt, ' Levied on negro man named Jacob r and o? one hundr. d a;d t wenty.two ' acres of Land on Cio&s Cretk, jpniiig ; V Jphn Black's Also, eighty aci ts' on 1. " . , or- near the head of the- Wfciker. " 'i 3 llranctt, subject to former l-vica. , . . - 1 appearing- to the satisfaction of . this Court, i hat the defendant I ? Robert Rliford; has removed him T , self out of the StateKso that the or-"f.-dinary process of lawi cannot be t i i served on him Therefore, ordered by the Court, th atth re be judgment y of condemnation, on the pi opertyv; Vs ; levied oiiS subject to the plaintiff's it buai judgment when obtained and that publication be made in t he Ce ; rolina Observer and Fayetteville 4 Gazette, lor three months, that de- fendant come forw ard, on or before t he next session of this court to be neld at the Court House irf .Fay ette- ville, on the first Monday in June next,-then and lre.., to replevy and piead, otherwise Judgment will be 1, made final against him. ? r Test. - , JOHN A R M STRONG;, Cflc. March 10.: 1823. ! j41 3m ' 1) a VlBrNDEKSON,Jr 7 ilarble Gutter ; h m -yX a tQslf WM - I ' ' m Jt wi,",1,llll,l"'ri"ir'1',r ' -'"'.. i r-i t : HAVING pufchaseihevStdck 'i of A. Sweetlabd and taken the stand lately occupied by him wiil,r supply those who ?ant with ' v.v,'- - . , . ' ? ' - v , Mohutrients, Tomb4ahles f A-; - 1 Head-stonespo And'any other article in 'the line which may be wanted ?Al'so Bjjild- ; irig Stone jof je very decriptiont,6f the best Free Stave & of the country stone.- The work will rje done ih the best manner and oil nolerate tefms. Hay Street, Fayetteril 2V C. State bf:NorthCarQhr)h - . SAMPSON COUNTY, -"'r" : Court of Plas and Quartt TsMotfj,--,' Ik N Attacbmekt w?s!ieGu!ar"-. ; ly returned ;o .this. Court, f'nl i titled, lAindy JUeex MaridolpH J? ;: Latimer : Lev iedjpon ccjtidn Coni . ? and Fodder of iftdwtvt WnERKUPONttaf '. Ordrtcd by i the Coiirt, that iubficatjon be rriaJe in the Fayetteville ObifyerIHJX , ri weeks, for thDjt'fetfltd;code 1 forward and - repkvV'and plead by -next Courtfp)fCTO -entered up giisjjvirn 20. ; -'4jfi;- - 5' -1