''IT. Tflft' OBSERVER, T,ED WEEKU Bt JOBS M.1CBAE, ' rRr DOLLARS ayear,paSableinad. t 'nce: n-vr-r.5 invited at the rate for the Jrf9t tn'. r- one. f RHEUMATISMS Inflamatis Cured. -b-H a T lihettuiatiwns ot orclma I rv kind- can be almost infaL Pains ways Mligtl&l, in a few hours, tin- 3 tiiiti RheUmatic Salve: Tho' use oi u.-. riEKKE -ij i ttf.'S ,ost vluab;c for its, tncv in bcunvitisms, litis "Salr.e- isVptoba v not surpasses-! imike 'cure ol Guises, Sprains Butf, Scald bro. zn Breast. sareaHipplcs, aiJpthcr e-ugl iti4:n;Uiris. A mote a- f:o:ii'rs,:nc- il is P'e awed, Ha never been offered SuM j tin boxes, ;.t o:ie -dollar, with rutted cirection and xertificaies f its utility. Druggists will at, resent be furnished on commission-t- -can be pjixhased at a liberal de- At Chr.rlefjbn, for the Southern States. " A few boxes of this invaluable iedi iue, for sale at the store of 0. P. STARK. ;LTCttK8Tepril'ir, 1823-6m. S tap f cirt kCaroliua, '"ffhA&H County? C5rt of Fieas and Quarter Sessions. 4 pr.l Term, 1823. ' ja.nucl Knox xs. John li gers Original Attachment, levied on Land lying on Mill Crock, bounded by Vincent I'ar 5t'U and others. I t appearing to iUp satisfaction of S. 'I, is Court, that the defendent, i in Rogers, is not an inhabitant )f tl.is sta'e Therefore ordered, Huit publication bo made in the 'arolina Observer and Favetteville iszetteor three months; that ?he ietWdaui cbrre forward on ot be, ore the next Term cl tnis Court, o bp held t tbc.ourt House in V'a(je borough, on t1e fcond Mon lay in July nextto replevy and otherwiip-Judgement final rviil be ctriM eiigflinst him. WILLIAM DlMUKES Clk 6 Aprjl!823 4f State oT North-Carolina, 1 MOORE COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. February I rmt lf&3. vs ( Original At miliam S:con. cteent fiCvicd on 22a Atrire of Land.on the waters cf DrownifV' Creeks near or adjoining Angirs Camgi oeirs Lands. v; THIS Suit is published that the Defendant mav have notice thereof, so that he m,iy appear and defend if he thinks proper. CORN.DOVVDlk. 42:3m. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, 15 Packages aDIES' h GENTLEMENS "lade particularly for Hetailing. ALSO, 44 Loz.ftlk. Coloured Morocco 10 T)qZ. Hair Scives 10 Bxes Cotton Cards, Winch are offered at Wholesale aid .etail, lower than usual, for Cash. ft? All debts contracted with aiiw this notice, will be consi red on interest after 30 days. 13, 1823' 37tf Notice. fV ""tnership, heretofore xfmc !h tvxeen the subscribers, at yvHv.iie , N .C. imder the firm of f FnV:, & Co is this day dis- EOlVt dby mutul consent. The bu- '!of this firm will be settled by Clr of the Subscribers. John H. Frink. . , Francis Kin. 'h': ?. C. April 2R, 1823. 483t. DAVID ANDERSON, J J . - i,. r. 5 - VJlkJ ,' i v.J irjtf7 " '-51 fciJ M ft , its Marble Cutter, HVJPS purchased the fc Stock of 4 weetland and taken the stand latelyccupied by him, will supply those w.no wam.WUh onut)ijei)tsiTttml -tables Head-stones, And any other article in the line which may be wanted. Also, Build ing Stone of every description, of the best Free Stone k of tho country Stone. Tile work will be done in the "best manner and on n.odtrate terms. Hay-Street, Fayetteville, N C. 0 ew Establishment. THE StBSCRIBER HAVIXO ESTABLISHED THE Coppersmith's Business, in all its various branches, and hav ing the best of Workmen employ ed, will keep constantly on hand at his Shop on Hay-street, near the Brick Row, STILLS Of Various Sizes, and Stills will be repaired at the shortest HOjtecj at my Factory as. 1Cashwin be given for old Copper and Pewter. Jolm Dobbin. March 24, 1823. 45-4m SLMLL8 sip yyjy---rvvy iSailUllB BeUCjb & CoJln thefest manntand at the cLnrrpst mvtice. Mrs. Perry's, on Old street, to which placefthe subscriber has re moved his Copper-Smith Shop. w" ' -?iv oors wesi or Anniications made at the. store of Maj. Ayer, or at me rosi umce, will be attended to. JOHN MACR E. Saddle Horse for sale. A' handsome chesuut .sorrel House (with Sad dle a nr4 B idle if requir. cd), seven year t ld, and about htteen nanas nmn ; is yr arrant- ed soupI, and only sold because the awner is about leaving this stil-e. App?y to Mr. George M'Neill, or at the Bank V. states, to David Walkers April IT. 46;tf. State of Nortt Carolina, Cumberland Cffftyuary. & MarcEerii1823. TliRDERED, That in future the JSSA lx Court Will pay no Witness Tickets in State cases, issued from the Superior or County Court, unless the Clerk ofsaid Court sho.ll certify upon sucK Ticktts, that the county is properly, chargeable ifHh, the same. ' ; , ,From the minutes. JOHN AUMSTONdJt March 12 41 3m 4 THAT elegant, new, three story Brick Hoiise, built, by Col. J.'Clar, on the rsing ground of Hay -street, a little above thr- Mansion Hotel, calculated for-a House of Entertainment, now! the property of Mr. Wm. L. McNeilljrrhas been lately taken by the subscriber and will be open for the reception of company on the 25th of May next; Ladies and Gentle men travelling, arid.othtrs, are respectfully In vitedto call and see. It stands in the mosi healthy part of the town with delightful water brought by the aqueduct from one of the finest fountains in the country The room re large and airy, with fire places in almost alfabe lodging rooms. The Beds and Mattrasses are of the best quality, and will be kept in the neatest manner, with good, faithful servants, equal, if not superior taany iiyhe state ; and every attention will be paid to render their stay agreeable bjltheir Obt. servt. s f. i. laoer IC? In additionto the above accommodationBATHING ROOM win De preparea ror not or iJold iSamine - . j The Mansion Hotel Will be kept open as usual, till the Oth May next, when a removal to the above mentioned new house will take place. Good stabling, Provender &c. for hordes N. B. The Accommodation Stage for Norfolk leaves the Mansion Hotel on Monday and-Frinay mornings 5l Thursday evenings, at half past 7. The Charleston Mail Stageleaves every other day at 4 a. m. and return the which placo the stage books are kept FHyettevillf, Anri!7, 1823. LETTER LOST. A States last at it was directed to G. & R. Waite. The BUfc; LETTER containing One Thousand Dolfors, in Bills of the Unitet ' Brand' Bank, at .Chai leston, Mas Mailed on lie 5th of February Chailes-ton, for New-York, and has never since been heard of Letter B. No. 9, payable B. 64. do. A. 667, do. lv . 299, do. B. 48, do. D. 515, do. E. 746, do. B. 410, do. G. 1212, do. M. 1609, do. B. 57, do. P. 2076 do. F 1487, do. B. 770, do. E. 1331, do. T. 451, do. . L. 1639, do. Q. 211 8, do. L. 1951, do. D. 626, Jo. R. 422, do. R. 156, do. K. 3380, do. P K. 3379, do. K. 3378, do. K. 3400, do I. 3400, do, m. 3399, do" ; L. 3399, do K. 3399, do C. 3601, - U. S. B. C. 158, do C. 3250, do F. 347, Baltinore3 6 One Hundred. DuWaTB TWwaxd Wpe given to any person, who wifl described Letter and contents, so asjt the Post-Masters at Kafeign, rayetmle Cliarleston and fetersDurg. Aprii 24,- NOTICE. TflHE Subscriber was appointed at -t our last Probate Court, stand ard Keeper for the County of Cum berland, and gives notice that he keepsirft office back of the shop occupied by John Murcbison, on Gillespie street ; he also notifies all persons using weights and measures, within tlje 'limits , of the county of Cumberland, to bring the same to him for examination and adjustment, as directed by the act of assembly of 1818. All persons neglecting to comply with the requisites of said act of assembly, will be prosecuted as therein directed, without discrimina tion. Isaac Newbury. Favetteville, April 15, 1823 46tf. Notice. TflHE subscriber having qualified A as administrator oh the estate of Malcom Buie, dee'd. at the Court of Pleas and Quaiter Sessions for the county of Cumberland- Decem ber Term, 1822, hereby notifies all persons having demands against said estate to present them f r pay ment within the irpe limited by law or ihey will be barred of a recovery; and those indebted to the estate by note or otherwise, are required to come forward and make immediate payment to Jtft. Angus Taylor, who i&duly authorised tosettleyhe same and grant discharges therefor. yeill Buie, Adm'r. Fayeiteville, April 4, 1823. 45 TEL 4 'clock and returns on Suday andi intermediate days at 0 A. m. : at by P. ;TT. following is tho description of the Faber, 1st Felwuary J17- $100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ' 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 . 10 10 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ' do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. - ';sf to Jos. Johnson 7th Dec. 1820. to J C. Faber, 1st Feb. 1817. to Petfer Bacot, 12th Nov. 1821. to J. Johnson, 15th Dec. 1820. to J. C. Faber, 1st Feb. 1817. to J. Johnson, I9h Jaiil820. to J. C Faber, 1st FelS!? do do. 9. do ' do. o.. to P. Bacot, 6th MarchY;i8l9-. to.1. C. Faber, 1st Feb. 18l7j to J. Johnson, 2d Jan. 1821, do. do. do. to J.C. Fubr, 1st Feb. 1817 to P. Bacot, 6th March, 1819, do. do. do". fc Jos. Johnson, 1st Feb. 1820, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do J. Peal,PhiInd. 6th March, 1821, do do 17th do 1S20, do do 2d do 1821, 5 5 giooo Iead"totiie discovery of the above - maJpSe recovered, by applying to v. HOUSE AND LOT 1 FOR SALE. THAT Dwelling House, and Lot containing three acres, or thereby; situated on the sooth of Person street, nearly half way to Campbleton: and formerly the properly of Robert Kaiford, Lsq is now for sale. For termsapply to LAKKlfM IN Jt: VVJ3X , or JOHN ARMSTRONG. 9th Jan. 1623. 32flKf For Sale, THAT valuable and well known PLANTATION late the resi dence of Gen't. Rowland, 13 miles south of Lumberton, ou the main stage road to Charleston The sit uation is healthy and pleasant the quantity of Land estimated at one thousand acres the Farm is large and in ood order, and the houses in comfortable repair. As af $tand for & House of Entertainment, it is con sidered equa.1 to any in the South ern Stales. Persons disposed to purchare will apply to either of ithe. Subscribers t L'i-i'rivi Mi. 1 wno arc puiy auuiuriseaio sen ana exec u te ti ties. , A pS ffrifif the pur chase money wti) be required at the time qi closing tne contract, anu ample security required for the ba lance V JOHN W. POWELL, and 1J4MACALP1N,, . i Attorneys for Alex. Rowland. Lumberton, AprU 18, 182$. 8w?T; CO.PAllTNERShitJ. THE! subscriber,liave formed a connection in business under the firm of M" Fitzhartis & Gallop, And have taken the New Brick stote on Person street, daTdoor east of Messrs, Williams & Co. where they offer at Wholesale and Be tail, FOR CASH OR ACCEPTANCES, JfHE tdIiOWlNO GOOD 3 -Extra - vBIack". Blue and Coloured poths '.'f1- . - j Stiver do v do do do; fektra 'do do fr Cassi meres Blue and Mixt Sattinetts Valencia, Toilinett & Silk Vesting? White and Coloured Marseilles do; 3Uk and Worsted; Ladies' Plaids ; Caroline do Tartan . do Tartan Cloaks Bombazettes, Assorted - ' jtrreen liocking liaizes , ..i nea, wniteano oreen rianni White Gauze do Til I 1 I ianKets, assoneu ' An assortment of Calicoes andGing hams i Irish Linens and Long Luwns ' insn oneetmgs ; Thread. Cambricks Jackonet ad Mull Muslins- Book and Cambrick do ; Black Sarsnets and Sincriews v Green do di K'" Green, White & Pink Florence Silks ciacK r.igurea ijrosvenax do oiacK t igurea lenapies qo Stripe Silks, asset t. d Black Canton and Bandanna Hdkffs. Company Silk " do do Black and White Silk Lace 'Veils Elegant worked do do Caps Mull Mull and Leno do Muslin and Thread Lace insertion Silk and4 Cotton Laces Clack, Marareen, Blue and Lilack l"ushtngs do do do do Gimns Silk and Tabby 'Velvets, assorted co lours - Black, Blue1 ad Coloured Canton Crape Robes Black, Blue, Grih and White Jtahan Crapes'. ' ; ' Nankeen Crapes J assorted Black Velvet Ribbons, assorted Nos. Fancy Ribbons, a&sorted , tireen Uauze Ladies' and Gendemens Black anrf White Silk Hose ; do da Black and coloured Worsted do do doj White cot ton do An assortment of) Lambs Wool do Ladies' and Gentlemens' Black auff White Silk Gloies do Fleeced KioBlack &AVhite do no Black.and Coiourr iDIiaver' do Gentlemens' Beaver & Buckskin do do Silk. Worsteds Lambswoul and cotton Half Hose) Tortoise ShU Jet Waist BuckJes4and marfJotf Articles, which, together wiri those, expected . fror Ne York, in a few days, will make thejr assortment of Uoods complete. ' . V f- Groceries. . " - Madeira; Sherry, Tenerifle, Malaga and Port Wines Jamaica Runiand French Brandy Lump and Loaf Sugars Gun-Powder, Imperial and Hyson Chocolate and Green Coffee Soft Shell Almonds and Muscatel Raisons ' -Pepper, Spice and Race Ginger London Mustard, Nutmegs c Cassia FFF Powder and SHou assorted. &c. Saml. Whittemore & Co's Cottonand it uoi varus . - 2 rt Wrought and Cut nails, assorted. Sweede's Iron,. assorted sizes. f Lawrence Fitzharris. Alexander Gallop. Fayetteville,N. C.Jan. 1, 1 823.-1 tf j: ArchiiilMPBrjde Loaned RusseVCjUodern Europe9 in 5 vols, with a 6th vol. hi conti nuation, to some person. He re quests the holder to return them to him, or ta JoKry-D. Eccles, Esq He aliothlnks "his name is marked orf theThuniredth'pag of tome, of the volumes. May 1.-748 3fp. K KRuxi Away inlROM the subscriber, , on ;tlie JO nieht of the ldth JnL & miii ' latto woman nataeH yivtaraUouC five feet 1 five, w inchf.higlft thick lips, rather si oAof speech, and fine voice, aaed about, thirty- years had on a hluo stfijtd haxn-frti snun frock. Also, her son about 1 nine or ten years old paroedjlienr ; cv.r.iy a, very light Mulatto; with rey eves, r : and lemirkahle ;;white -Jeeth- bad , -f -rwi on a. dark homesnuri woollen-.cati'fJx; TfiticCand wliite Mined Vpanuiloorib ,A7f'4 good ftcf.v.y a generous rwaruwi yc giy e f , and all reasonable expenses ,paW,J to anv nersonVf ho wili delivertliew to me or secure Jhemjn :aU'" Vo'iihat' -' 1 get them again. ' .' 'v - 1 JOHN PUGSLEY. ' Brier creek, Jeffenon county,' Georgia, N. B. Perhapsshe mr "have been ia&cu uu uv oiMc14iittiiLn ?iiam. r it so, Una tiumireu uotiars avu v; be given t6 apprehend and securo them (vith the negroej') so,that yf thev may be brouirht to iusticeZ M Sylvia vHlf no doubt make for NeVV bern, North Carolina, frora y nicbi ' pisxer'she was brought in 1815; by a. f MrBjrjant who kepf a public .house in or nearNewbernr J P . THE Siibsrriber has on hanct a Large and General Assortment ' Swede and Russia Iron;; ' Groceries m And intendsieiBping a cbraant;:..i; supplofthat-ajrticf; r- PiinnA Grpirh rihfree. Titles Island 8alt, Hhds. oldaai Rum, inc. 5c. - ; All of which mayjbeiiad on tlit Jowest terjei, foashi orapproy. ;? ed notes at iink. at bu aoys purchasers may be accommoaaiea 111 quantity, and will fina it to;, tbe:,a4vaJage toaH judgo fortIieiae.fei;4if r '4.1. Court of Picas ar-Mef!Se&a'ris,v": Payettevill Jtjs' tftit -r&C ' in .Statfe ofeBflWo'4? Duncanrfipitth. 'X- Levied in 1heliandJpHB McNer and sumrnpied hiA lia Oarri' . ; I IT appear! ngioth aatUr c 4 this Courts thsteuVr,r H mKv Duncan Smith, has?emovei,Jiimirl:; self out pf the State! so that the or dinary process of lziy: cannot .- be served up l him 1 heftjiore,. or dered b .the Court,1 thar-there be 1 judgment off condem nation on ' the monies in the hands ot tne tai nibh- r eej subject to? the i plaintifTs flr.al i publication be made in the "Carol ita Observer and Fayette Gazehc! for three months, that the defcrjdan t come forward, on ,o before the r.ext session of thisi Cotirt to" be hejd l the Court House hi Fuycttevhle, oh the firsvMonday jn'jJune n'JXt, then arid there to replevy and plead, bth erwise Judgment wiilhe maae final against him. ? f;TtV:, JOHN AMSTONGCiki March 10, 1825; y ' 41 '3m V, Ellis' Mills; 1 r(NAR FAYETTLVILLD-i d tTlHE. Subscriber having rrnted ; I i V ujffii'ftr, twelf e month?, the ' welH ; known HAW and GRIST MIKES 1 belongi iig to Mr. John .Ellis; a nd the- j: same having , u nd ergon, a 'borough v fv; repair; hopes to recj5rjre.it libeml por- 1 tiori of public patronage.7Th cess to those; Mills is ,ei vta WtCl'the' f proprietor Jpegji leave tptinlfiferliisf 1 friends, mat bevriii f hortly have on hand Lumber of e ve ry de c n p t ion which wilrbe sold on as. reasonable terms as can be obtained in a.y par; of the county, file would a!s stale that such grain as may be brp'tght tof tlie Mill shall-be ground with des patch and in the best mariner: Or ders aent to eii Jicr of tiie Mill wjH be ttendcfl o immediately andev- eiy care taKeivtogte4atiaci!ou J- ; - - fit -t-'iti -1 .V-.- A 1 '. "t it. ' 1 1 " ill U - ' I V 1 1 I 1 1 ! t ' .-V mi 'T , 4.1 11' i: 3 . r . ! f "if :