Pi? El Hi M V II SUM - t -r : , - ? --..' -- vv . ; " TUB OH?EUVEK, UnsntD WitfKJOHHACMI,. RHEUMATICS AM) iiiflamations i ured. IT IS A FACT, 11 1 lid cm 1 e ti-'jo-( 'i.ilai. 1 Ithi uuiaUc I' his . VUlvu; .. iv, initigtea, m a tow- miosis, : h- use of Dr. Pikurf. K- ha z'i.lnti Rheumatic Saive n vjlu;it,c f'- its J1.v v ;iut surpass! in the cuie .uisi'S.Spratns. Burns St aids bro. ', H-eats sore Nipples md other v: hi d it II imin.ii ions. A more v:i- u.:,ivl.!aMitfvcr be'!i 'tlt'icl li i bxes. at ml'' doiiar. wi'li riutt-d tiirerfion and cerifi-ie f its uti.ity ii uf2;T w n a? 3 Mi be furnis '.ed t tun:nissj'u cnii lJ2 p-i rch ied .talb-rul de letion. At r.ariot'ii. t r the Southern A IV v hoxs of this ;uv!u:dd f r sal ;if ' h --tot t i!i o p vrK. Ami' 17. J23 -6m. Stale of North Carolina, Anson i untt. C )u-t oi t ieu .mi; 'lii.irter Sessions. . i i : erm, 1823. a r.'i-i Knox r.. Joiv; li' gers Un.iuul A.'.tc mem levied ;u .iaiid lying o: Mill .reek, bounded oy Vincejit Par sj.is a:il otliers. 1 r ;;p(je -i jn,; fo satisfaction of i, Cq'ji, fli.tl h lefe dent, '.hi Rogers, i no' an i'diabitant t this -ita'e Tirorefore ordered, "u: p t 1 1 c a'iim be m-ule in the irji;na Oj-erver md Favetteviile jd.et'e, tor t;ree .Mon?hs, t hat the eiefdant co:t e forward on or be jretiic nest IVr-n ot mis Court, o be hld at 'the Court liiuse in IWadcsborouy-h. on t e .-cond Mon- my 'n July nex1, 'o replevy and lead, otherwiDe Judjrement final pill So entei'ed ain' hun WILLI M DiSVlUKES Clk. 16'h, April1823 47 State of North-Carolina, MOORE COUNTY, .Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions. February I erm, 1823. RoderickMcduley J , . , . -J I I Mnmo I A Wifiam Sioon. tachment, L-Aied on 22:" Arrpq of TanrL on waters of Drowning Creek, near or adjoining Angus Camp bell's Lands. S-. H 'HIS Suit is published that the f Defendant ;nav have notice hereof, so that he m.iv appear and defend if he thinks proper. CORN. DO WD. Clk. 42:3 m. Ilarnum Beach & Co. "AV JUST RECEIVED, 15 Packages SADIES' & GENTLE M ENS' uvvr & snots. Xde particularly for Retailing. ALSO, 14 Ooz. Hlk. Culoured oceo 10 Hoz. Hair Seives 10 Boxes Cotton Cards, vlchare offered at Wholesale Ca,, ,0WCr than u&ual1 tbr us Al1 ebts contracted with jp;a'ler lh,s oiice, will be consi erpcl ,' mtarest after 30 ys. JJ 37tr TB WAGRHS FThV Ai- ,. " utKWND CI.17..TT, 'F CltVIDnn. . ' e 1 efnioc-,i . ' II- U4P v 10 meet t the Court , ,n F ajetfevii! e, on thefi.,t light. Une a early candle Ypfhe President JH AUt thews. Sec1 v. 1) 4 V1D ANBIilRSON, Jr. . ? v 1 r . w m 11 iii mmm m mm im mmm mm warn i m : JVIarble C utter, -IIVVIJG purchased the Stork of' V; Swectlat d attd taker, the stand la ly occupied 'y liim, wii supply thtrse who Want with Monuments, Tomb tables Head-stones, And any other article in the line which may be wanted. Also. Bwil : in Stone of very dfiscriptioii of the best Free Stone &. of the count ry stone. TiiewotkTrillbedoiie in the best manner ;nd oi,iimlt ate terms. Hay Street Fayetteville, N- C. N ew ilstublishuient. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING ESTABLISHED THE Coppersmith's Business, in all is various branch0, awl hav ing th best of Workmen employ ed, will keep monaotly onha'id a his Shop on Haytet, near the Brick Row, STILLS Of Various Sizes and StiUs will be paired at the shortest notice, at my Factory as above Cash wi'l be given for old Copper and Pewter. John VS. Dobbin. March 4. 1823 -4m. MADE $ MEiNDKD In the best manner, and at the: shortest notice, two doors West of Mrs. Perry " on Old treet, to which place the subscriber has re moved his Copper-Smith Shop. Ypplication made at the store of Maj. Ayer, or at the Post Office will be attended f n. JQHV MACRAE. Saddle Horse for sale. handsome chesuut sorrel Hovsjt fwitti Sad- Jle a nf1 B-idle if requir ed), seven years Jd, and ab' Ui fifteen hands hih ; is warrant et fti-u-.d, and only sold because, the owtn.r is about 'eaving thU state. App y to Mr. Gerrgc tVi'Neill, rat the B 01k U. States, to Jp David Walken April 17. 46:tf 1 1 1 State of North Carolina, Cumberland County- uanl, 1823. i'RDEREl), That ill fu re the O-Ui-.t will pay no Witness s.r.i.-jLLi TSf V 'A . Tickets in State cascb. issuedfrm the Superior or County t. oun,ne the Clerk. of dd CouitshB certify upon such Ticktts th jt the county is property thurgcable with the same'-' ' Front the Minutes. JuHN AHMblONG Ck March 12 41 Sm MANSION r TTE FTLLE. JfORTti-CJIR OLWJL rTHE Subscriber hailing leaded this Ks aidisbmeot, lately ir. the vcrupaii .H. cy of Cap t. Talier, is now in readiiess to SccomptiodaV Tfveile s and Boarders. He tenders his wannest thanks to the public nd the citizens of F yetteville, for the fornier'patronage and (rierfdly nipport which be has re ceived, and in solicit in a continuance of these favors, assure them, tfia't ev ery : xertionjinll be made, ard due attention bestowed m onfer to rbe c in forr and pleasure of travellers and hoarders! HisJRooms are nuiiirousJ being ! ew, clean and large, are well adapted fur 'comfort and iVaHh, oprn ing tipo i a garden whivh piesents a fiiw prospect; superadded, are thecom f 'i ts of ease and retm nient, which may be enjoyed in spacious Parlours by travelling: families. This Mtuation, standing on one of the, most elevate. 4 streets, is healthy ; attended with the advantage and convenience arising Irani the important and extensive busi t ess transacted on that street, which will make it the interest of Country .Merchants' and Planters to call it is constancy supplied by means . aqueducts, with pure water, issuing from one of the best fountains in the state. - His B R will be conantly supplied with the best and choicest Liquors, his Table with the best the country and market affords ; his stables shall he attended by fHhhfuVsteady and honest Ostlers Other advantages are attendant upon this Establishment, rarely to oe excelled in any other Public House THE llTSiUA HOTEL, . Is the only Stage Office for the following Stages : Tiie Line for Washington City7 arrives every Morning at one o'clock A. M. and departs at haJf past 7. C7 'The Accommodation Stage for Norfolk, leaves the Mansion Hotel every Monday and Friday morning, at 4 A. AL and jreturns on Sunday and Thursday evenings, at half past 7 The Wilmington Stage arrives and departs on the same dcys and houis as the ugusta Siage. SClf The Augusta Stnge arrives at 8 o'clock. F. M. on Tuesday, Thurs day p. rid Satimlay. and departs on Mohday, Wednesday aud Friday at a bout 5 o'clock, A. M. " DILLON JORDAN. The Editors of the Charleston Courier and4Augusta Advt.rther, are rt quested to insert the ib've advertisement one month and forwai d their bills lor payment Fayetteville, May 22, 1823. 5Ltf. FLii iMK MOTEL. H T ikg .nt- new, three st ry Brick House, built by Col. J. Clark, on the rising giouudot lLy street, a lirtlc ubovt ihr Mansi- n Hott !, calculated for all use oi Lint n.ioment, nqw the pnmei ty oi Mr. Wm. L. Au Neill, ha be. 11 latc sy tkr by the subscribe r ana wilJ be open f. ihe recep.io; 1 cdmp.-mv oi? the 25iii of May next. Ld:es ani Genth - nu n ' ravelhntr, a su otluu s, arc ieape '..nds in t'.v tn beaflh) part of th mwn. with delightful water brough by Hie aqueouct lton one of he fines touo.rym m the countiy Tik room 4.1 e lrve and any. wiu- fire. places in almost dl the lodging rooms. ine Beds ttiiii Mattrasscs rt ot the- ihsc qu.iit, ?nd will b-. kept in tin neatest manner, with go-d, I dihlul servants equal, if not superior to any in he sta e ; and very Ucntion will be paid to rentier thtJr&tay agreeable, by their Obt. suivt. ' , t P. T. Taber. T7" I-j addition to the above accommodation, a BATHING ROOM will be prc put e'i for Hot 01 Cold Bathing The Mansion Hotel Will be kept open . s usual, ijl thfe Oih M;.y next, when a removal to the dove metnioneri new house will take place. Goo : htat hng; Proven Jer &r. for hirsts. 4 .: ' N. B. The Accommodation Mage. for Norfolk leaves the Mansion Hotel pn jVoiifjyy ai d Fn. ay tnnrnmgs ;-t 4 'clock i ticV returns on Suday and fhursday tv nings. tu halt pas 7. The Charleston Mail Stagtleaes every tlu rd:iy at 4 a. m-and u turns which p ace the sta;c bocks art kepi i-' v.r, . ;,n: 7. 1S23. Of Mortgaged Premises. 1 N obediein e to a Decree of the Court ol Equity of the Com ty of Cumberland,' made pnhg lerm, 1823, 111 a certain cause, in said court pending, wherein Jame R. Ki"ff an(: anothet nrecoii ptainants, and Abne F. Boweil is defetniaiu, Isliail expose to sa e and ell by PuohA action, ut the Court loue in Faytttevdle, at H t 'clock, A. Yi.ot Monday the 7th July nexscertaiuLotson Ha street, Fay tteville, 00 the south side ihere of neat the Town Houe, the Tene ments thereon mw 'occupied as shops bi stort s oy Messrs. G. W- M'D. nald, Joseph A rev, Charles Clurk and iNe viu M;Ltxruu The Lot will be divided into tw. or moe piecf or pare-, plan whereof will shortly "bt- lodges at the store of Mr. Ncvm M'Leran. for t e ihsj ec tion of iutennng purchasers. Titles will be mude to the purchasers by the Cierkand Master and by Abner F. iiowejl, ami possession will b gi ven on ihe terms of sale being pre viously co;i phod with. Tzrmi of Sale, Six and twelve months credit, purchasers' giving ond with approved security, and mortgage .of the premies to the Clerk and Master, and his suceessois in of ficC JOHN HOGG, C. & M E. CLERK & MAM ER OFFICE, Cumberland County, Sc. 6th May, 1822. 49-idoS FOK b ALK aTTHISOFFJCE m th' state. Villon Jordan. tfuUv mvitedto call and see. Ii tne mtermeoiaie uays at o a m. ; at py r 1 . i . 45 1 1' State of Morth Carolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Court ot Pie s and Quant r Sessions, Marot Term, 1823. Duncan Smiti ) Original At- vs. Robert Raifod. ) tachmjsnt, Levi d on a ut-jro man nameu JailL and ou n- hundred ar.d twenty-two acres cf La id on Cross Creek, joining John BlacksAlso, eiffbty acres 011 vr ivrar lh head of the Wjdker Urarvcl), subject to former levies. i T appt anng to the satisfaction of thi Court, that the defendant Robert Railed, has reuiovcd him self out of the State, so that the W dinaty process of law. cannot be served on him The re fore, ordered by the Court, thatthre budgment ot conaemnaaon on. tne properry ieied on, subjet t to the plalotifps fi.ial judgment when obtained -and that publication be made in the Ca rolina Observer and Fayetteville Gazette, for three months, that de fendant come forward, on or before the next session of this court to be neld at the Court H use in Fayette vide, on the first Monday in June next, then and there to replevy and p:ead, otherwise Judgment will be made final against him. . Test " '. ' JOHN ARMSTRONG, Glk. Mlrch 10. 1823. i.:. .41 , 3m NOTICE. the Stockholders of the Cape-Fear tiTintuuii yuiupany win oe noiaen iu the Town of FavrtAvUi0 day" the secd day of June next. ROBT. STRANGE, Prcs't. J 1138,182. 4VjSit, 1 1 he Annual Meeting off Gaelic Jk State ofJfoili Caiplipa, ANSON COUNTY. Court of PUa & Quirt erXemvn, APRIL TERM- 1823. Samuel Knox 'v&j 4wr.11 liogtrs. --Original Attachment, levied 6rV IVact of: Land lying on Millcrfek, jolninfVincent Par sons, t3iHstophe)r-McRae & others con taining 1396 Acres. ', . T -ppeariiigto the SHtisfaction of i he C ourt, that the tie fe'r. ant John Rogers, is not ah inhabitant of this tate, it js tlieffcfort ordered by the i u t," that there be Judgment of Ccmotrmnation on rthe. property le vied o: subject to the pldintifPh final t ju'tgrnrnt when obtained ; and that publication be rade in the Carolina Observer and Fr yetteville Gc Zette, for three months. that the deftn iant come forward on or before the next session of this Court, to be hr id at the Court-house iv Wadesborongh, on the second Monday in Joiy liext, then and hrre ,to replevy and plead) otherwise judgment will be m:de fi nal against him. V W. DISMUKF.S. ak. 49:3m. Clarendon Bridge. rglHE Stockholders of this Bridge JL would inform the public that great alterations in the floors and o ther parts of it hve been n;ade, and are making so as to render it perfect ly saf , even sn the darkest nights, to cross it without tights, there being a timber on eacjliiide to keep the wheels oC-cairLvges in their proper place, ond whifli-will also keep the highest ioadsfjfO i u catching against the timbers olraces of the Bridge. Reports jYirtg'been circulated pre judicial to this Bridge, from inter ested and improper motives, it be- comes necessary to slate to the pub !c, that such reports aie without a iy euod foundation . whatever, that ore thahthlee years use expo sure to severe -gales fits lies and, at iffe cent 'times uncommou weights ujxjn it, testify most" conclusively . hat its stability and safety are equal o that of any wooren Bridge in the united States, and the very be st,at tention shall constantly be paid t keep it so, f . . The Toll Keeper will make yearly contracts with any and all persons wishing it at a very low rate. The distance from Raleigh to F'iy etteviile, on the east side of the river, and over this Bridge, is but three and fliree quarter miles more than by M'Nedi's Ferry, as ascertained iy a late surveyof 4he rokd t and it is presumed that the Bridge and the ad vantages of a more firm and less san dy soil will be greatlyin favor of -this road. No light or fire.in any manner, is permitted, in any case, or undef anv pretence whatever, to be carried upon the Bridge, under a penalty of twenty dollars. Ithiel Town, "Su peri iuendant. May 8, 1823. 49:4 w For bale, THAT Valuable & com modious " House and Lot On Maiden Lane, iu the Town of Fayetteville, formerly the proper ty of Abner F Howell, and now in the occupancy , of 'Charles JB. Jones, Esq.- Also, PEW No. 21, on the ground floor of St, John's Church and PEW No. 30on the ground floor of the Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville. "4 John Armstrong. Jan.fi 4, 1823. , 33 tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THAT Dwclliuff House, and Lot containing three acres, or thereby, situated on the snath side of Person street, nearly half Way to Campbleton. and formerly the property of Robert Raifor d, Esq. is now lor sale. For terms apply to LARK1N NEW BY, , or JOHN ARMSTRONG. 9i1i Jnn. 823. 32 tf The Bible Society H AVE on hand, a quantity of German jBibles. For hale at very moderate pncei,or ior gratuitous distribution to such as cannoCafiurd to buy. . . , , JOHN MACRAE, JLbrrian. March 21, 183$. 4 M jnrrr JllAli CO-EABITNlfiRSMlP. m H E subscribers have formeil -.h h . J connection in business, undei; f the'firro of Fitzharris j? Gallon And jiay e taken the iVew Bricks stored ,00 Person sireet,Nrie door eastf of-? Messrs. Williams & Co. where tV ; ,vT s VIII CI HI 'hi Wholesale arid BetaiLi FOR CASH tqEPT the poLLOwiNcrcwona-. Extra Black; Blue and Cloths Snner do do Colou redVvl'i 4 do ' dot Extra do ' ;-do-. ,Catsimere;-4'rfvj Blue and Mtit artraUiJ'' l-f 6?SwM Valencia, Tulinett & Silk V estingf White and Coloured Marseilles' da Silk and Worsted Ladies' Plaids Caroline . do Tanaij As do Bomhazettes, Assorted' ' -WMh jn ... r .1. i? - ' i : t . t. Red, White and Green Flannels ; C. , White Gauze 1 do Blankets, assorted y An assortment of Calicoes arid Gjt nains t Irisli Linens and Long Lawns Irish Sheetings Thread . Cambricks . I Jackonet and Mull Muslins Book and Cambtick do , Biapk Sarsnet3 and iSinc- ews ; A Jtrcii utt uu j s i " Green, White & PinfcFlorence Silfcir Black Figured? Grbsvenol; clo f Black Figured Denaples Vdof Stripe Silks, a'ssoit d c -" ' -Black Canton and Band anna Hd kHu- Company .Silk do ndot 'I Black and White SUk Lace Veils "f: Elegant worked do-- da -Cm Muli Mull and Leno ; db ' . AI uslin apd Thread Lace insertion a ; ) i , Silk and Cotton-Laces' -' : CMU. lllack, Marareeu, Blue andlactSft 1 Kushih ! - ''v;.), do : do ' 'do:, do"GnrTp5'- Silk and Tabby Velvets, assorted -tm 'i $ j- lours . ' ' Crape Robes Blck, Blue, Green and While Italia ' Crapes-. vi-Jt. ' Nankeen Crapefassorted '...i Ltfdies' and; Gentlemehs'.BIack anoV Black Velvet Ribboi assorted No& - ! ' fancy ItibbonsyassOTle yf Green -aurefe''4ti.. ': h'r rM(A:lf-i i; wv nitO;diic;Jlofte ;r Y&.f'ik?i'f do coloured Worsted do do do Whitercol-f ton do aii. ussorimcni 01, LamDa4 wool -tuq Ladies and Gentlenierjs' f Black'aud White Silk Gloves v - 2: ,do Fleeced Kid, Black & White do " uo DiacK ana coloured weaver do Gentlemens' Beaver & Buckskin iio ' do Silk, Wor&ted. Lamhswoul iitid ' cotton Half Hpse -if . .. t . Tortoise Shell and ; Ivory Combs J et Waist Buckles- and man v other Articles, whichtbgetlier with thcWj4f expected -firom New;fckioftW feJ days, wilt mak their attprtiifc'n Groceries. 1 f. v Madeira Sherry Tenerifie, Malaga '. - ana ron Winn . v . .... yt; Jamaica RhmTand FrenchT Brandy Lump aud Loaf- Sugars ' f : 2-Gun-Powder. Ioinrtxl nnd nnM S; ? 1 ; .Teas - ... . ' ''hyt Chocolate and .Green Coffees if 4 Soft Shell Almonds and Muscateti l Ruisons - " - Pepper, Spice and R;ce Ghger fj-Tf . London MustaJJfhtinegs bC.QaUiSifiI: rF Powrd Shot, assorted, &c;;5fe dttjlrWnitieinore M'tfofc. Cotton aiid 1 A ? i Wool Cards r&a wl 4 VARI HariVware and iJutlCTi, Wrought and Cut hails, assorted. 5 Sweede's Iron, assorted sixes; t " Fitzhan-is,' K--. Alexander Gallop. fv ?. Fayetteville, N: C Jan. I, 182-3Jtf i) ill ou Jordan BEGS leave ta inform the Citi zeus of Fayetteviliti, aiidh pttdiic, that he has received the, iH fx pointmen t of Auctiot eei , and haa r taken the snireaud waj bouses la ; ly occupied by James McKay, ilg on Green street He w hi feel WatC- lul tor a snare or puoix. p POia I ... r .rv i - mi V. "; '''' - A"- v'"1 5-1 . .4. . -ii -r;i 1