r- - - , .MiPyai ' -:;-::,;;ilt THEOBSERVER, rrnTlSHED WSEKLT BT JOBS MACRAE, M u TSBMS, THHEK DOLLAU&uiear, payable in ad- AlTvRSEMENT inserted at the rate of tents d mare for the Jirst inser jon$ and' Mi cents for each subsequent one. - "," RHEUJ&UfKAIS AlsDf InflamationsCired, IT IS AACT, TH AT Rheumuii-m ot orina ry kind, can be almost iufaL libircurfid, and Riu umatic Pains always initigitfid, 'in a few liowrs, by the use of Dr. Pierre K- Ran bive's Anti Rheumatic Salve Tlio' most; valuable for its elfi. .kv tr. RhejCrmatisms, this Salve is proba blv not surpassei! in the cure of Kruises, Sprains, Burn, St aids bro. Ken Breasts, sore Nipples and other external inflammation.. A more va luable Family Medicine, it is pre sumed, has never been offered. Sold in tin boxes, at one dollar, with printed directions and certificates of its utility. Druggists wdl W present be furnished on commission orVjW bfe purchased at a liberal de- Uueiion. ' R. EDWARDS, Jgent, At Charleston, for the Southern States A few boxes of this invaluable eilicine, for sale at the store of O P. STARK. Ktv.-tteville, Apr'r 17. 1823 6m. State of North Carolina, Anson (Jr. unty. Court of Fleas ruid Q'.iarter Sessions. AprI Term, 1823. Samuel Knox vs. John Uc gers Original Attachment levied on Land lying on Mill Creek, bounded by Vincent Par sons and others. "I t appearing to the satisfaction of X ti;is Court, that the defendant, Jij'in Rogers, is not an iohahit&nt tif lids stae- Therefore ordered. Tfut publication be made in the Carolina Ooerverand Fayftteville G zete, for three months, that the defendant con e forward on or be fore, the next Term of (nis Court, to be hold at the Court House in Wudesborough', on the xond Mon day in July uext, m replevy and plead, otherwise Judgement final trill be entered against him. WILLIAM DISMUKES Cite 1 6th, Aprill823 47 -s . - p State of North-Carolina, MOORE COUNTY, . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. February Term, 1823. RoderickMcAidey J . . . vs r Original At. milium' Sioon. ) tachment, Levied on 22j Acres of Land, on the waters of Drowning Creek, near or adjoining Angus Camp bell's Lands. f HIS Suit is publishedlkat the ? Defendant :nay have notice tiureof, so that he may appear and detend if he thinks proper. CORN. DOWD, Clk. 42:3m. Bamum Beach 6c Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, 15 Packages SADIES' & GENTLEMENS' OOTS & SHOES. Made particularly for Retailing ALSO, 4 Doz. Blk. Coloured Morocco 10 Doz. Hair Seives -40 Boxes Cotton Cards, ; V Inch are offered at Wholesale Caih",elai1, ,0Wer lha USUa1, OT tt?" All debts contracted with aUer ihls notice, will be cpifst. ff'" of North Cattil i no Cumberland Cquntt 0Dnnr, March Tern 1823. HDl.RED,Thntrnfurc the Ticket J?nVV,U no Witness theSnn issued from the (MP7,0OrCo,inourt, c county chargeable with . the Stat ' A?,cVhe Minme.. , Mach pHNARTONG;('k '41 3 in D ATID ANDERSON , Jr. Marble Cutter, HAVING purchased the Stock of A. Swectlaiid and taken the stanl lately occupied y.him, wiil supply those who want with Monuments, Tomb tables Head-stones, And any other article in the line which may be wanted. Also Build ing Stone of every description, of the best Free Stone & of the country stone. The wi k will be done in the best manner arid on moderate te ins. Hay-Strtet, Fayetteville N- C. New Establishriient. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING ESTABLISHED THE Copper smithes Business in all its various branchs, and hav ins: the best of Workmen employ ed, will keep constantly on hand at his Shop on Hay-street, near the Brick How, STILLS Of Various Sizes and Stilts will be repaired at the shortest notice, at my Factory as above. Cash wi'l be given for old Copper and Pewter. John M. HoMnn. t March 24, 1823. 43 4mr -STILL'S MADE MfciNDKB In the best manner, and aUthe shortest notice, two floors VVest of Mrs. Perry's, on Old street, to which place the subscriber has re moved his Copper-Smith Shop. Applications made at the store of Maj. Ayer, or ut the Post Office, will be attended to. JOHN MACRAE AB W3 H W 1 1 1T13N ii nas jusi tteceiiej. Cases Men's Leghorn Hats, JCascs Straw Bonnets, rf 'Black and white Eeghorn do. 20 Lb. Bonnet Wire, . 42 Nests Bandboxes, , 10 do Packing do. ALSO. ' A handsome assortment of winch are offered ai Wjtiolesale and Petail, Low for CASH.'- -4 Sattiile itorse IV. r ale A nandsom' chesiiut sorrel Ho. se (with Sad dle nti B id te if requirJ d), seven years old, and abmt ntteeii handsltigh ; is warrant ed s. u.c fl, and only stdd bee ause the owner is about leaving this stace. A pply iiJr, GeorgtiM'Neill, or at the B4nk U.tHtes4o JDaud Walker. ' April IX ft 6:tf. FJIjANTEM8 MOTEIi. TfflH T tl' gnni, new, three-st -r Bnck House, huiit by Co. J. Clark, on the rising ground of H.iy -strett. a little abov. Lh Mansiun H tt !, calculated for aHuse of Entertainment, now tin property of Mr. Wm. L. AieNeill, has been lately taken bjthe sunsenber and will be l -pen for the rectpiion r.fcoinpnny on the 25h of My next. Ladies anc Gentle men i ravelling, and others, are respectfully invited to call and ict.; It stands in t m s healthy part of thv town, with delightful water brought by : lie .iqueduct from one of the finest foun:ain in the ctuiniry The roorri!i -elurueand niry. wnii fire p aces in almost all the Iwdguifjr rooms. Trie Beds ami Mattrasstrs ,rt of the best quaiitv, and wilLm kept in the neatest mitnner, with gm d, l,i IrfBl servanis equal, if noXsUpe i r to any in he state ; and very mention will be paid to render their stay agreeable, by tneir Obt. seivt. , P. T. Taber. C7 I addition to the fbove accommodations, a B ATHING ROOxM will be prepared for Hot or Cold Bathing The Mansion Hotel Will be kept open as usual, till the 0fh :May next, when a removal to the above mentioned new house will Vji'io" stahling. Provender &c for N. B The Accommodation St::ge on Monday and FriA ay mornings ; i I hursdny evenings, at halt past 7. The Charleston Mad Stage leaves every other duy at 4 a m. and leturns the intetmeoiate days at 6 A M. ; at which piace tht stugt books :ar- keptby P T T. F y e u . vl 11 A n r l 7, 1 83 " -.- 45 li' MAIN FAYE TTEFILLE, 8' '4a RseT 1 THE Subscriber having leased this Establishment, lately in the occupan cy of Capt. Taber, is now in readiness to accommodate; Travellei s a'nd Boarders. He rendeis his warmest thanks to the public and the citizens of F..yetteville, for the former patronage aud, friend) support w hich he has re ceived and m soiicitino: a continuance. of these favors, assures them, that ev ery t xertion shall be made, and due attention bestowed in order to the com fort and pleasure of travellers and boarders: His Rooms are riumerous, being new, clean and large, are well adapted for comfort and hea!t:ij op-n4 nig upon a garden whii Vt piesents a fiue prospect; superadded are tbecoiii-! f rts of ease and retire rmnt, which may be enjoyed in spacious Parlours by travelling families. Tiiis situation, standing on one of the most elevate .streets,tjp!iealrhy ; attended with the advantage and convenience arismJ fr-Jin th? important and extensive bus ess transacted on that street, wjriclj will make it the interest of Country Merchants anl Planter W.calt-it is ci siautlv upplietl by means of aqueducts, with pure water, issuing iron one of the best fountains in the state. His B AR will be constantly, supplier wiih the best and'ehoicest Liquors, his Table with the best the country and market affords ; his stables shall be atte nded by faithful, steady and honest Ostlers Or her 'iHl vantages are attendant upon this Establishment, rarely to be excelled in any other Public House in this state. T 1 1 TT THE MANSIOJS HOTEL, Ts file onlv Stage Office ibr the following Stashes: The Mar Line for Washington City, A. M. and departs at half past 7. j&?'The Accommodation Stage t very Monday and Friday morning, Thurvdav evenings, at half past . The Wilmington Stage arrives houis as the Augusta Stage. ICZpThe Augusta Stage arrives at 8 o'cloc . P. M. on Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, and departs on Monday, Wednesday antJoFriday at a- bout 5 o clock, A. M. The Editors of. the Charleston Courier and Augusta Advertiser, are re quested to insert the nboveadvertisement one month and forward their bills for pay-nent FayetteviUe, May 22. 1823. EQHl i Y &ALES Of Mortgaged Premises.! IN obedience to a Decree of the Court of Equity of the County of Cumberland, made Spring Term, 1823, in a certain citise, in said court pending, wlv rein Jame R King and another are complainants, and Abnes F. Bowell is defendant, I shall expose to sa'e'and sell by Public Auction, ut the Court Hou.-e- in Fayetteville at 1 1 o'clock, A . M- of MondaJ the 7th July next, certain Lots on Ha street, Favetteville, on theouth side there ot hear the Town House, the Tene ments thereon now occupied ss shops oi stores by M ssrs. G. W: M'Dinald, Josepi) A rev , Charles Clark and Ne viii M'Leran. . The Cot will be divided into two or moreipieces or parcels, plan whereof will shortly be lodged at the store of Mr. Ntvin M?Leran. for the inspec tion of intending purchasers. Titles ill bt. made to the purchasers by the Clerk and Master and by Abnei F. Bowell, and possession will be gi vtn on the terms of sale being pre viously complied with. Terms of Sale, Six and twelve months credit, purchasers giving bond with approved security, And a mortfface of die premises to Uie Clerk and Master? and his successors in of fice ' v Ce' JOHN HOGG, C. & M. E CLERK 8c MASTER'S OFFICE, Cumberland County, Sci 6th May, 1823. i u . - 49-'dos FOR SALE ATI aibQFFl CE take p ace. hf rs s. i for Norfolk leaves the Mansion Hotel 4 clo khci return en Suday and :ot; JVOK TH-CAROL1XJ1. arrives every Morning atone o'clock for Norfolk, leaves the Mansion Hotel at 4 A. M. and returns on Sunday and and deports on the same davs and h DILLOX JORDAN. 51.tf. State of North Carolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1823., Duncan Smith ) Oririnat. At -J vs. Robert Raiford, TACHMBNT, 'Levied oi a uecro man named Jacob and on one hundred and twenty-two acres!ff Land on Cross Creek, joining John Bucls-rAlso,' eighty acrts on or'nc-ttf . the.- head of the Walker Brarch, subject to former levies. rIT T appearing' o the satisfaction of il this Court, ilial,the; defendant Robert R ii ford,' hai rempvedL him elf out of the State, so thatj theor 4mary processffAlaw, cannptvbe served on himTieref6re$or(ered; by the Court, that tliere be judgment of condemnation on the progeny" levied on4 subject to the. plaintiff sfinal judgment when obtained-r-arid that publication be made in the Ca rolina Observer and Fayetteville Gazette, for three months, that de fendant come forward on or before the next session of this court to be neld at the Court H .use in Fay ette- V'lle, on the first Monday in June Tiext, then and thiTtpvTeplevy and , p.ead, otherwise Judgment will be made n nal against in m - Test JOHN ARMSTRONG, Clk. March 10. 1823. 41 3ra ld ja David B. Crane Co's':: f IMPORTATION Of ; Has arrived, and i open i oady for sale. - . April 23, mtf L .4tf CO-PA RTNERSlllP. m i HE subscribers have Formeifa I J connection in business under the firm of s Fitzharris fc? Gallop, And have taken the New Brick store on P. rson street,' one door east of Messrs. Williams & Co. where they offer at ; VV holesale and Retail, FOR CASH oR VCCEP i ANCES, THE FOLLOWING fcCKJDS. Extra Black, Bhie aud Coloured Cloths Super do do do do Extra do do Cassi meres Blue and MixtSactinetts Valencia, T-dlinett & Silk Vestings White and Coloured Marseilles do Silk and Worsted Ladies' Plaids Caroline do Tartan ' do Tartan Cloaks Bom bazettes, Assorted Green Becking Baizes Red, White and Green Flannels White Gauze do Blankets, assorted An assortment of Calicoes and Giug hams Irish Linens and Long Lawns Irish Sheetings Th rad'Ca m bricks Jackonet and Moll Muslins Book and Cambiick do Black Sarsnets and Sinchews Green do do Green, White & Pink Florence Silks Black Figured Grosyenot do Black Figured Denaples do Si ripe Silks, assort d Black Canton and Bandanna Hdkffs. pom5ariy Silk do do tJlack and White Silk Lace Veils Elegant worked do do Caps Mull Mull and Leno do luslin and Thread Lace insertion Silk, and .Cotton Laces Black, Marareen, Blue and Lilack Flushings . x do. do do do Gimps Silk and Tabby Velvets, assorted co lours lilack, Blue and Coloured Canton r Crape Robes Black, Blue, Green and White Italiau Crapes Nankeen Crapes, assorted Black Velvet Ribbons, assorted Nos. Fancy Ribbons, assorted Green Gauze Ladies' and Gentlemens' Black and White Silk fl use . do do Black and coloured Worsted do dft do White cot ton do An assortment of Lambs Wool do Ladies' and Gentleinelrs, Black aud W hite Silk Gloves do Fleeced Kid, Black & White do do Black and Coloured Beaver do Gentlemens' Beaver & Buckskin do do Silk, Worsted; Lambswoul and cotton Half Hose Tortoise Shell and Jory Combs Jet VVaist Buckles and many other Articles, which, together vith those expected from New York, in a few dys, will make their assortment of Goods complete. ' Groceries, Madeira, Sherry, TenerifTe, Malaga and Port Wines Jamaica Hum and French Brandy Lump and Loaf Sugars , Gun-Powder, Imperial and Hyson ?;Teas '. v . ' Chocolate and Green Coffee -Soft Shell Almonds and 'Muscatel , Raisons Pepper, Spice and Race Ginger London Mustard, Nutmegs & Cassia FFF Powder and Shot, assorted, &c. Sand. Whittemore & Co's Cotton and Wool Cards ' f: , . $C A VARIETY OF " Hardware and Cutlery, Wrought and 'Cut nails, assorted. Sweede's Iron, assorted sizes. Lawrence Fitzharris, Alexander Gallop. Fayetteville, N,C,Jan. 1. 1823.-31 tf HOUSE AJSD 'LOT FOR SALE.' THAT . Dwelling House, and Lot coutaining three acres, or thereby, situated on the south side of Person street, neatly half way to Campbleton; and formerly the property ofjtiobert Kaiiord , n. sq , OHN AKMSTRONfe n. 1823. r Z tf 9 th Jan. 1823. State of North tJarolina, i ANSON C OUNTY. " V -y '-. i Cort of PI fas & Quarter Sessions f APRIL THMb23; Samuel Knox vs. John kogeis-rpxiginal, ,; Attachment, levied on a Tract 'of Land ; lying on Mill creek, joiningVincent Vt sons, Christopher McRae L .filers, con ; ; taining 1396 Acres. .'kH$ s IT nppearing to the satisfacubm of J the Court, thatthedefendant Jobb Rogers, is not an inhahiunt of thjs state, it is therefore ordered bt fie v Court that there be JudKmentoCi-v Condemnation on the prbpcrtyIe' vied op, subiectto the plaintifl,slinal- judgment when obtained ; and .that, v : puoncation ne muuo m wc vuiuaH Observer and Fyetteville Gpzette, for three months, that the delendantC come forward n or before "the next Jv. session of this Court, to be held at the Court-house WadesborougbV ' on the second Monday in July next, then and i here to replevy and plead, , otherwise ju'lgmeut win be m(!e fi nal against hirai ?fi' W. DIMUKKS. Clk S49:3iii; State of INorth t afoiina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY :. ; Court of Pleas and Quarter' Sessions March Term, ,2-. : ' , TAomo, McKay 0i,io1NAL T; Duncan Smith. J s . Levied in (Jie hands ot John McNeill, esq., ; and sunimoned him as Garnishee, ; IT appearing to the satisfaction; of this Court, that the defendant. Duncan Smifhi has removed him-.' self out of the State, st) thatthe or dinary process of Law cannot be Lscrved upon him Therefore, or- dered by the Court, that there be -juJgme t of condemnation on the v monies in the ha,nds ol the Oarnish ee su. ject to the plaintiffs final J judgment when obtained and that publii aiion be made in the Catolina ; " Observer nd Fayetteville Gt.zefte. x : w for three months, thatthe oefendinfr come forward, on o before theintxt sesiten of this Court, tp j e ht k At the1'C.frt House in Foyetteviilein the first Mon ay m June n?xi, tmji, and here to replevy and plead, oth' erwise Judgment will be made final against him. 7Vf, 1: JOHN ARMSTONGq1; - '"4 - State of North Carolina.' ANS'i N;iC HUNTY. I? Court of Pita W Quarter Sessions MAItCH TERM; 4,03; ;." William Dismutts r. JiHu, ". Dlsn-ukes, -Original Attachment, Levied in the hands of Robert Leonard and him siim moned as Garnishee. , x 1 f . . IT appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that the deendatithas removed himself out of the state so '' that the ordinary pt ocess'of law "can not be served oo himi therefore prl dered - by .the Court. - that there; be Judgment of CdttdeitmatidD in J ibeJ-:' hands of Robert Leonariili Eiibject to the Plaintiff's finaL judgment when V obtained ; and that publication be : made in the 'Carolina Observer and;' Fayetteville Gazette, for'six weeks, that the defendant come foi w;tri on or before tf e next sessicr of this court, to bt hem at the Court-hjbuse : in VVadelborough, (in the1 Second i Monday iij Jt y next, then and'ehere Kt to replevy nd plead, otherwi'ejodg; mem will be made final against YXtsk,r'; Test, W. D1SMUKES, Cik: State of North-Carolina, CUMBERLAND COUNTY." ' , T Court ot Pleas jt d Qurt r St tfo.s March Term 1323. Charles B Jones I Original At- vs. CharUanomtuony? Levied in the hatidsfcf Kr, cia Kn.gantl. K summoned hini" as C;t nislu . : IT appearing to the satisfaction of. the Court, tliat the defendanty Ch .rles Thompson : has .Veipbved. himself out of tht. State, so inat)hc V? ord.nary process of law .cannot be i served u pon hi'm-TherefdreV or dered by the Court, ittbVref 6eV judgment ot condemnation ;on the monies in the hands 'ftb Gtrmslw ec. su ject id the : pliintifT's final Judgment when obtained ran.' that publication be made in the Cirrdin Observer and Fayetteville' Guzette, ' for three months, thut c!efei d-nt ', come forward, on or before the net ' session of this Court, Jo be-h Id at . the Court House in Fayetievitie, oo C;: the first Monday in June next, then and there to replevy and pteao , cib- . ; erwise Judermtni will be made final yoHN ARMS! RONG, Cift Mtoco jo, 1S2 K40 to It'. f 1