-mm ri: : p 1 , J, YtAwviie VII.)4 1' ' Tattevpje Xorttrfcattna; .June 19, TIIR OBSERVER, -SHID W-EKLY 1fOHX UOLLAItS a year, payable in ad- r:'.'....VrcjvvTS inserted at the rate J" . . . first, i.nxi r. rt ,.?- .." " y . , - - ' ;;' cents for each suoseoucnt ,:, iwv '"Y - . "C0.PAKTNJfiH8fUP- ' - , Ii'L subscribers Itave formetl a ' 2 connection in business under ; .. iir.ii of Fitzharris & Gallop, aA have "taken the New Brick store on Person street, one door east o WiUiams & Cu. where they Wholesale and Eetail, FOu CASH uR ACCEPTANCES, THK r0LL0WIHGG0(D5. rvt,a lilack, Blue and Coiojed Q,ner da do do do j-,rj (i,) do Cassimeres r.; Mrxt SitiuettS .1 V-r.'-.H-in, Toilinett & Silk Vesting V : ;e and Coloured jlaeillcs dfey I and Worsted "Ladies' Plaids r-unVr.p. do. T::rtaR Tartan Cloaks :-.:hoz -ttes, Assorted (Jrt-iMi C ..rkinj.? n..izfs :(!, WSiite anJ Green Flannels Vv'iiite i;a:ze - v do Iil.iiiuets, assorted Au assortment ul'CtTifcd OlVg iiioiiS .Iris' 1 Linens and Lqng- Lnwns In-!) Sheetings ' In. ail C;:nil)i'icks Jj.chonet nnd Muil-iMusi::s IJouk and Cambriek do ' Bi..ck Sarsntts. and 3inc'trs Green do do Green, W'iita &.Pjak Ffbrence Silks lifack Figured Grosvenot do N Bi.tck L'Jg uredeoaples do ISirif.e Silks, assort d ' Black CaiUon and Baiiffanna Hdkffs. Comjiciny Silk- do,.., dtie i-ia-k and Wiiite Si lb t?ace Veils EiV-ai.f worked' do do Caps M.W Ma!! and Leno. do iiiblin and Thread Lace insertion Silk and Cotton iLaces Black, jMarareeii, Blue and Lilack Pluslnugs do do do Silk and Tabby Velvets, assorted cd 1 k;!ne and Coloured Cakou Crape Robes Cln-k, Ciue; Ureen and White Italian Cianci 'V fJs .Naakeeti Crapes, assorted " . ck Velvet P.ibUona, ;siorted;iVQ$ -a'cy Hibbotis i!"?o:-!itfl - , ' -A E-:es' and OemIe:n&ns,s,Biach and 15 uo . Elacklfe cu'oured Worsted .dttl l? do, i . Whitf cot- t 10:1 do Ai. ivsortmcnt of Linjb3 vo(il do L:;:':i's' and Gemie.-iinns' Rl-.r-L- ,1 'iteSilk Cloves j 'teceu Kid, Black & Whitedtf Liuck aiid Coloured Beaver So -:.tirtmeos, Beaver & rfluckskiir do ( 10 S:!!-, Worsted, Larn'bswQul and ' unoise Shell and Ivox-v tL.mh Jt - s abtBucklesand my pthec t'-es, which, together ith those ;ra, ahen.y Tenehffe, Malaga wder-lnrfti "'and Hyson -o:ate and ' Niu':i Almonds 'aud Muscatil . )(,! V..i A variety qf wavfc and CuUevy'' "raaiIit ...a .. . f , 11,(1 Cut nails, assorted. - - "on, assorted sues. Lawrence Fitzhhitifi. v Alexander Gallop. Jah. 1, l823.-31tf Not! il7 ?.1:S in--tl to the subs subscriber, e same with V -. U',V,tu;;a seU'e te same with' Jj t,.;,."upl.'s,'' ,,; is authorizdyto grant , ,-ar.a uaUihger Ki' v is;ard, Nutrrlegs Sc Cassia i ,;;,V,,CI' a''d Sliot, assorted, &c. 'It'l' . 1 TV. I' rf.-. JO HPH 4 K-J&nt, netfife slots Jl. on the risinc .criii'ttftVtf H lVt 1 1..J r 't w -r y. . .. -..- cuH - uidicu i ox a n use o iLnteitaipment, nowtht property ol Mr, Wm. vi.vr n i , . -v ' . . . : .. r J., L. McNeilL lias been lattiv take&bv the subscriber and w 1 heotn for iMtu ittivruaig, ami ouiei's ajrie expert luny irrviteuto call and aeeiff J stands in tm. s- helfBy 3anltb water bronSift by the aqueduct ftbm oiof iuntain tftfthe country Tlie room:$ .re lart;e and airy; with fitkfi&ciftal most all the lodc-ine rooms. The fieds'aud .Mattrusst-s are of the leateVt matiner-, with ,goid, i fgithful 1 the state ; and eyery question will l.y their -.Ubt'ser IC? In -agdition; to the above' accdmodatiun'B ATHING ROOM' ' wililie pi cpared fot Hptor Cold Bathing-t The Mct'lisidiCIloi el Will be kep! open as usunf, lill the the aqove uicntiorrejyf new bouse will "Go6i stabling, Provender. Stc. for N.'B. Tire Accomnit.'dation St:'e:e on Monday and FrhVv mornings s.i 4 i nrpnay t-vt nms, at naitjpast 7:. 1 henMi ieston iviaii Mtf leaves every ofher tLty at -4 a. m. and frttufns tht intermediate aya at 6 a' m. ; at wbfeb p ace thestaRc books arktpt by Me P T T. F'y-Tyil). , April 7, 1853. ' 4: if MiiN8ICi)N.IIO FmETTEVlLIJi, JOmmCJiROLU-A. & 5SV? .i-Bftiber hainglf used t!dsJEs-tablih ment, lately in the oceupan Mipt. Taher, is ifow in rea$uiess t(aGc.oiiim.od.t'-T sveile s and ers.Heendisfiis warmest tRankslo the nubltcuHl the citizens of J r .iVeUevdle, for the t(iriiier patronage and Friendly support which he has re ceived, and branching a .cunrirtuauce ottjhese? favors,fSsurjas tiieni,that ev ery txenioH siiall bemade, and due attention igstfu e(3" lb order to the coin rt ahd plqajj-ecravellenf.aiul boarders: His Rooms are numerous, travelfinir faniifiesiThis sftnutraVr, standing bii! one of the most elevate 4 street, is healthy attenderf with' i the advantage and c.jurvrnierle arisin g fm thf iniportaut and extensive bus' ess tra3tted on that street, which will make. il the interest of COuntiy Merchants and Pianters to tali:-it :st constantly supped by means; of aqueducts, with pure vvtiuinfroui one op.th best fountains it 1 the state. with th'e be."t and, choicest Lupioru. bis Table with the host the country anil market, affords : hiUtbies shall be attended by faithful, steady and h.mest Osjlers Other advantsees are attendant um)ii this Establishment, rarely w caiciicu iu aiY UMicrfx uumu iiuuscin iujs stair. .. TKEI MAN SlKSffH O TE L, i the only Ti)FFifear tl JTuilvi n tagps rV e m. Lme for sSfihgjtn -Cjty7 arrivpAiollimg atone o'clock , M. aiKjL:.neb?rts at hair bast 7. tl"-h.a;odation'"Stage fo eviv iMotidavnna rriuaYunornini',2at Tiir.sfevieYigs, at halfast 7W& arrives hou rkHMifie uVtsta Sia$e. w IrThevVufeustaStage arrive,ai S o'clock, PvMvon Tuesday; uVsL daytlS'ttirrdciv, and departs' ori'iVJondavy VVedneidav alSd Friday at -a A bolTc)cl, A. M. .;' v m The Editors of the tJharleHtorV Coufier and lAugustaldnerjre- questedto -insert thefobtive ad yertisehQeut one mouth' anaforwmd thefcb)jlf j Fayettwillc, May 12 1823. ' 1 i . N o ence 10 a decree jpisnie )i L Qynrt of Eqtty of the Coipty of Oiferautiade Spring Term4 Co 1823111 a ceriajhiCauSe iriisaid court!- I . . 2 . 3r "T " . t r '"L . -i rl n-penHJviirjuiMmjievt'., rvmg auo d Abney. 1 exDOse Xif iale and sellb Piilbnc Aiqtin?l the Court'Houic viti ,1 ayiettsyille, nt Jnfy next,fcertam Lftsif)tiHa street, Fa y t t tevitlev th Kdiith'side t here "bf near. tbe"TownHousej the Tene ments tfHveoulnow occpned as shops or store hy Messrs. G. W, M'Dbitald, Joseph A' rev Charles Clark and Nt kKv n iM 'derail. TheXjot will be divided jfitb two or niorjgitJe-or,rjceis,' plan wheretd ilisli6r.tleili)(iiKed 3t the store of Mit$&Wsrzn , or th e inspec Taioji gi tuHeinrr3urelasers. 'Jtles rliH)e luajjjurciiasera by tih Cierlclind apd Mm r vLfrweuy tio joes3an will oetegi ven on ibetems4of saleljeing pre- v 10 tmv coi.Mpi 1 ed wi t irr - mquius eu,, puriasers giving jonfevitiirapproved securitnd a mortgage oi the preiiJiea to Ui Jhjk UHJ iUUMbf t jWHI3 4UW.CSSHM U W- hce. w ' ; aOHN HOGGC. & IV!. E. C&i? & MASTEIiS OFFICE, J CuaioVrland (Jouaty, Sc.-6thMyf 1822. f: 4f-tdos lira BAaiik Deeds, T EL BrfciHousef built by Col. X Chirk. - h IimI- rvKnu i Ki- AT. t ' , , '. 7 nes' quality, and will bv .ktpn U& servants equal, if not superior tooiy be paidto render their suty acrrecable, ' Oib May nextvhen a removal to take place. 'Mr': hrst-s. ! "' fov Norfolk TeaVes the Pilnnsirm Hotel pglock nid returns m hudav and TEI 9 His BAR v. ill be. eonstrj'htlv supplied : Dillon Jordan. MSV! N6ffo Ik, lea ves the iM;ms:on Hotel 4. xi.ivi. anu returns on cimaay ana ' '$0- anddeparts on the same days and ! ' "'51 ifty Dolhtrs Reward OR TEN FOR EACH' SLAVE, 1 iy. il. muumoe-, one Diag$ lei- lo vv, roun. shoiildered. ifamed Caesar, his wifeffeqer, and her child named Peony Jane, , a boy named Sandy, and 'taUfTeUow3iiamV!dSi mon, ali went otiw trout r ayeuevuie, vVttb 4a cbpyuof their ' mdsf 1111 who were emancipated byXtuMrtdias, ti tir-.i- t-..i:. .11 o sjJkliS.'Jllf- tka Hi w of tbe State QNctfllf I&rblW na Tlte-above reward will be giv en to afpefsou whoWflf deliver saidlaves tPi ayetteVjlleor secAire theiatirKany jaiLsb that I gei?tliem ; :tQLtex. CampbellrExV. : May 26, 1823 1. r j-i. c .-ii w l ::.l ; T " 'V- . letSMPEJ MENDED fc lrithe bent matsner, anu ai inp hortesi notice, two doors West of Mrs! . Perry on Oftl relti- to hich pUce the bubsenbrfr has re? nioved, his Gopper-Shmli Shnp. Annliv atiofis made at the store of. Maj. .Cver, or at me rosi yuree, ...:n r?r utionil(d tfi. ; 11 be attended to. cheap wholesale; --..t-ras it ir. IV. H. MAFtlTT, Co. IFNFORM uifiir trier.ds and the -fl public gcneralAr, tiiar they have now opened an exterisive afortt,j ment of l)i uirs and Medici ie iins ported from stone of il.e firt houses m tbe United bta'.efc'vv hicl'they vi'd nispose of to Pnysicjiin and .Merchants, on tnoru liberal tjeruis, liian they can meet wiib South of New Yok or Philadelphia p; . Fatuily; Prescriptions, prepafetl as usual, ifvith the a eatest care, of UfUre and genuine ledicirife Iike v?je Mcdi- iue Ciiests, design ttltor the use ol t1 a mi I ics . re si d "g 10 the :uurttry, constantljfor sat?e N. 15. A large supply of Oils, Co Iocs, and Dfe Mull's ; H.-ttter'sinfia S!f ai ' teriaU, and Coach li imtni !v expected. IMaty. 15. TJ. .. V man JERRY, eloped on the 1 si ;ci March; he luis an excellent auritenauce. yeryreadv in his dsn- swer, and wffLScoiderabre assuiv. ante.;, he iragojijliet 5 or jutnrn es hrghjtgleuajjplected hjS a ourn on biaieft arm, a high lorenead, ud aJjeSd inclined vto bjetpald ; be badftV' j) he leit, Jitiety bf cloth iogfiyit of vvhiteains, and some loinespun clothes,:-'the cnUhr not re i.olieoted .He. may attempt to pass ii afi ee o.an whete hu is uqi lujOwn, ss he is artf il. I pu rehired hi :i of 1 ISi Steadumu. in Chathyml Couu y, at'd it is hk -Iy he niay Lit.- lurk og about 111 thai uei hborticid. Any v person apprehending said elKKvV -shall be entitled 10 a RL VVAttD OF T'HIRTY HOLLARS, d'dehered to me, and all reauu tble x pence's p tid ; otherwise, if deb vtr d in any convenient gonl, and ?diate information given, TWEN- ? PY DuUfi. : Any inioinaU0n will be directed fo Cheraw.' Jeny is a Blacksmith by trade Clftifles J.Xitle&M Marlboro' I dsti-iot, Si C if-f . . '4 --.L:, - Marble Gutter, j HAVlNCi purchased .Uietofli of A . Sweetland and taken tbeJtapd lat(jy -occupied Khn, "wiil inpie-wao wan! wr rr , '.f ?H6uu55ent9, Tomb tables 4'Head-stones, And;afiy, otji'er article in the lu, which maVbe wanted. Also Buit!- ing StoSVf.'bf every description,, off -fPoL-e. 'The work will be done in the '1 i-i- ' A ? : 10tteJlQSEWJta 2ad - die airMJdJeJif requii. td),lfevcn years f Id, ud abottfillTeeu hajwds hih j is warrant ej s' y- d. andjbtjy sold herati&e the pwiif-r is aboV4eaviiElg this staVe. Wppfy nj -ilrtlGeorJe i'Neill, or at the Baiik C ates. to ' - v - David Vsitker. A3iril 17. a6:- f - . m . huriiess. i erais Liberal. Enquire at this office. If SI I '! ; IS u" AAVF.LL broke and -sWong northern bred gig ffOlSE. Also, an easy S ULJ(EYt with (Cushions and second band - '- - CaseTVen's Legh.orn Hats, 12 Cases Straw Bonnets, v1 1 Black and uiiite Leghorn do. 20 LoTB'-nuet Wire v Nt - Bah.?lboxes, - 10 do. P.'.ckrtjjr do. w ; ALSO, A h.ndsviiiueassoflnient of Goods, whicli aredfered at Wholesale ahd Retail. Low for CASH. I liyJlS' 50: if p5Blstablislimetit. "; ft ' 'jmedicipf, lsalettheClofo;M tPIE SUBSCIlIlFl ' .impure, A ircniitte 'HAVING ESTABCisS'EiTHB; -J,;. rf r.,. ... ! ConiiersmitJils BumrtSsp in all itslVaiidus branch0.?, and hav-? ing the best of Workmen enip!o -el, wili keep constantly or hand at hisShop on Hay-streefneac the iSyrepart the shortest nottCFy; at- mrvF4ctcry as f Cash vvi'lTbe girti'Tpr o!fc Cupper anil Tewter. . if, Jultn M. DoWntL Maf(h 24, 1823. f 43-4W. AND, ".rv '. rHC Subscri -er having been ap JL .pointed one'bf.the Auctioneers, for the Town of FayetteviLey has t. ken 'that; large, and commodious SJre; on Hayrtreefc recently occb pied b MersIXevy, & Co. where HE OFFERS FOR SALE -' f. Hbdsof Molasses, - do luscyadajSbgary .Pnn JauiaicaTlum, !gfpe HoUanrMjin tdo. ('ogiiftac Brandy, 20 Bi)ls. Su4nr, . ' 18.1b. New Lneland Rum, vtl6 -iHsks CuNaits, W 3 do- Fresh ;llaiins, IT v ' Boxes Cotton Cares. 120 (jo 8:ly?.uridow Glass, ;;u k do : iu ny i2Qt no 10 -,Ldo -Assorted .Ujass Ware, ir;- l2a,duJP3tent Tdgether wftli aassorluieit of Dry jt--r -.iff. - Goods and. Cutlery. , -i..c. 71 '"E. AW;Villt:iiffgsi I 'May 1 48:tf. Stateof North Caraiinti, SitrnuerKnrri?s. John It ogers, Original v -f fyliis: orf Mill creek; joiliiner Vincent ar- .'Sort;.. n tK n;afant; n 3 ,the wlourt, tbauhedrfenartt J hn Rpvt; rs is, abt an fbhSbttant of ihhy Couii, thatithete be JutJinent of 1 1 Condt mnaUon on t life property le- vied. fetev tto tb aiiUSO'.' iir.al judgment whex su .ffjariid that f,ubl icatiou 'i n'i: e in iheJC rolina the? C ourt-hbtis&i W ' u n$ije seiidd Mvnday j f. Jo v next? ihvivmd hcif to replex y ;o d p i a.M tlierwite jusiVrent wii he iridic fi nal against fiim. W. J)IMUjll S C lk. -4r- 49.3-o. , r . . lr fa UK tenement on the south Aside af-Pc-ison street, tjrm'erly Hffri occt i 'i e d by Messrs. i."; oudfuU & Cvchrun ucl! calculated ior a winiosak-, pr retail grocv.iv. vyith warehoiise, fcc.sfnJ Wrood stand for o aslness For tern";s, a;- gly.to ' JOHN M. DOBBIN. VW5U7" -ra; m,vUtttl to restore perfect ilgi lf ,. r lorthcee nrjt . tiftjtevt: hhmt ho4yveivefa fWirtin it i cojrot forwiir ncbrJf-ot ' ex fis prcjrhurlVgttid iMKlCtuVei wf BHETJMAriSat S ; Inflationsiired: I- IT 1.S A TACT, WH AT ftheumatismi ol ordina ; P ry kind caSi be al POsUmfI- f jj1 iibfy cured,kandiUuetJrn 1 ? 3i A 1 a ill. r itn rll ' . always luiMsaicu'-' a "w v by the userof 43r. PieiiretHv JJttAiJ .riio most vllaable. pipits efficacy irt Rheumatisms, thiSaire' is pcoba b v not surpassed id the cure of , ; ! Brii&cs. S'prainA. nfim'rald8 bi;or , v Ken,nieasts,fure iNippies,.auu omci etermrl in flafc ma ubh.'--A morevsL-;; luable Family. Medicine, jit is pre-jf su. ned, has c0Vei been orlered, :.Sbld"; in tin boxes, at one dollar, 'witl pi inied directions amf cptlficaie-, of iiWu,'ili'v O uirgisU will at W;, 1 present be fifrnished on commission r . 1 i-i ii .1. or xan oe parciiasea at a iiuera;uc-5 duj'ilon. . m "I -'K;; U. EDWARDS, n: . At Charlestorr, for thei Southern States' ';' T ':0:&' A few boxes of this myaluable t State of North Carolina Anson County. j ,.; ' . 1 f -y . Court of Tleas and Quarter Sessions M.fV April rnii-182K Samuel Knox vs. John Kc irsOrlffinal j . AAtachment, levied on La'lidlyiit.xb'iip :-:MHl Creek, bounded by Vincent ;lrJff:r:? :: ,' sons and others. 1 ' It anpe;trins$tptth satisfaction Lis Cbui tyhat the dcfende'nfv John ..Hogc r.s$ibt aiM inhabitant n ilr ta'e Therefore ordered, , v u&iicalMm be made ill Cthelf: CaroRn Oo iKer ..ntl Fayettevillv Oazetteot tti'jnoiitfis,"'that Ihe T(4rtfiriertext 1 crux ol lni.s Court, tobe bll the t t ui llmse m 4Uef'ouglu on ti e 4con(fMon- V dayijif July next, tiiTlevy! antt plead, otheiyvie Jdttnyjit fiual i will be Hnrereu gainsthrm! i I ' C v?r .WILLI AM DI SlUKESClfc ) Apiilt823 ' : ;'::&-Jfc THE Subscriber bastnadv :c r a Large and- General Asuint a A fdWin 1 ids .old Jamaica' AUfrhicli niay be. liar on the v bvt fVttefffi for claidibrpprov- . "-"I ed iioiesB4ik; a i 60 f day-4- X pbrchaslrs niay he accoininndated 1 in jqvahtity, and will ihniJU il; to'lL their ad vaut agbay janu j Sayetieville,5t1i Janri82l hii r Vtu it-idifgi'fe3Mct 1 Vi bo u t ' ro'iMepfc , WjH voit. rp.il IS celebrneVI Spiiflg sittUi? JL". ed in tlmjnteMrecferivN Rajeigh, Noih-Car5 pThrrwail terali lioiJ! noWy. distaueis equal 10 UVin HiO'l static f ,rs ipa vi;iiliousi rid&' ,n avfi aii.U ioig?:. Tl;;anyls- bf tlnmi?ie1l !'; h- eltTiiruf tircou- r v t . ; i u .L p foin S; ; It?, I Jg nos5 aj:a nJ a .f I j)rtu n of Iron. , . The. p$o;n:etir f this eEtabfish- ,1, went lias prcvitied cn ( ry; rtii-?, hoth foreign md il.ii.etir, to render," : L...ise whocaP iip'i: j:oi c(.ji!fuiahf ' ' and ran accouiiio.'.,a' al6utme hnn- iSdted persoi ; "bistablc 4&J' he well'. pr(v:Tiec vini toilet, aispi t Ait iiiive v plbturage,4vjth. an exj5eif:enced nost 7 J ler. ' " ' ' J ' ' ' ' John peetl. -, ; " N. B. 1 1 is cliarges shalfbe ixiode- rate. - r J'f FOR SALE Tl'ttlS OFFICE i VJOHN MACUAE. 1 1 H Mecklenburg, 1 1S25.1 June 12. June 12. o.. r in i - - t I

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