Sr.- - ;i .TT-'" 4- i-- , if ; THE OBSEUVER, CBUSBW WEKKtT. BT JOBS MlCflAE, TKB.MS, THHEE DOLLARS a year, pasableiriad. AiiVEKTTSEMENTS inserted of fa rdti afnxtv cents a square for the Jirst inser tion, and thirty cents for each subsequent one. Cheap Goods. f$ fjMIE Subscriber informs his cus. g tomers and tlie public generally, tliat in addition to bis former stock, he' has received fresh supplies from New York, amongst which are the fu' ..ttingGOODS. As he calculates oi'sdling for Cashonhj, they are of iercd at unusually low prices : Super black, blue and colored Cloths, C:sinets, assorted colours, White, red, yellow & green Flannels, Pliiip and figured Uoinbazetts, assort ed colours, I)..mb..zines, do. do". , White & coloured Valencia Yestings, ),tio ditto Marseilles, ; 6 4 and 4-4 Cambric Gsnghams, 1'ain-y Cambric Prints, a variety, 4 4 and 7-8 Ii ish Linens, assorted, ? 3 4 and 4-4 Cotton Shirtings, Thread Cambric and Thread Cam bric Handkerchiefs, Tin ead and Bobbinett Laces, Plain and fi Tared Cotton Cambricks, J.iroiiL'tt, Book and Mll Nluslins, Filmed do do. Black Satin Sincbews and Sarsnet, FiTined Silk atd Canton Crapes, Civipe Shawls and Scarfs, Merino llkffs. and fancy Silk do. Si;k Umhrellas and Parasols, Corded Velvets, assorted, Silk Velvet and Plush, Hemp and llussia Shirtings ancf Os naburgs, Blue Linens and Cotton Cassimeres, Ulnte and coloured Drillings, j Seersucker, Imitation do. - Ladies Legborn Straw & Chip Flats, Llegant setts of Ribands, . . '1 Ceuiemen'snabt and Leghorn Hats J Ueaver aid Silk Uloves, 5-4 uron Checks, Suoerior Bed lv 5-4, 4-4 and 3 4 Am. Br. Sheetimrs J 4,4-4 ana 'iirrmirs SCP 1 be above Ooods, together with many others too tedious to enu- merate, having ail neen bought for Cash, and principally at Auction in tlieCitv of New-York, will be sold lw, either by wholesale or retail. t.iuuuy Merchants are invited to cull and examine them. John MacArn.X May 29, 1823. 52:tf. RHEUJIATISMS AND Inflamatinns f!nrprl , K IT !, A TACT, THAT Hheumatis ins of ordina X rv kind. ui cured, ui.l Kheamatic. Pains "ways mitigMed, m a few hours, me use ol Ur. dints Anti-Rheumatic Salve. Tho' nst valuable for its efficacy in eumatMns,this St 5alve is proba. not sun passed m the cure of n- uisosprains, Burns, Scalds bra breasts Sure Ninnies, and other external infl ,mmations. Amoreva- wie b,,my Medicine, it is pre f'e.i,nas never been offeredSold (in rinvi.- ;.' p''inh:d d 01 Us U t iU I y -Druffgists wilr Htl P ' 11 ue tUrntshed Oil COmmiseion iino;, 7 "ut'a' u" I EDWARDS, Agent, widneaton, tor the Southern states - .cw uoxes ot this invaluable -u.cme, lor sale ar.the store of op stark:. ravotieviUe. April if, i823-.6m. 1 r, lv V Loano' der of the countv I 1! UCT' Un .,. ?,. urn')erland, June term. dav- 'ti. o'.'1 Proceed to sell, On Satur- cPiivrK 1 uuv nexx, at Tn U "et "?L0' Jf!i Murchi?o, Esq. - V 1 I .III.. - n V A McUn'T j Cormerly khowr r.i Ullle Kim-, rformrlv pes hrinn,r'' 'J . .uuowins ne- v x . , t.sq. df-rt . ta- i , wife u- ,u uick, ana i cln oVsiv Sn' Pan and old FJra, ,rv I 'w' WlU required before .. v- i. : iii:ic. nnn phv on a approv- deli. PAL. McLF. AV V 4:3w? ftasrs fsH. an.,?;: "xJ U..en anl ,:cevF!.1"r . s store and at the PaWer 'HATS; THE SUBSCRIBER, HAS just teceypd 30 cases Hats, com prising a lirge and. conYpletet assort ment, which Twill be sold lo w, for casi ; 2 cases of wbich'arlbs, with .gi een iin derside of thie bimf tbr' sumrner wear. Also, a general assortment of groceries, among which are Old Cogniac Brandy, Jamaica , Rum Holland Gin Wines, fyc. fyc. Enquire at his old struidon Green-street. ANSON BAILL i . . f Jlho on hand, 20 Barrels best Double ALE. Enquire as above. A. B. June 12. 2-.8v. : CHEAP WHOLESALE W livvig&leaiciue Stove. Dki W: II. MAFFITT, Co. NFORM thei,rfriends and the ' public generally, that they have now opened an extensive assort- tnent oT'Drugsland Medicine's, nn, ported irom some ot the first houses tn. the United States, hich they will diSndse of to Phvsiciuhsrarid Merchants, on more liberal teruf s, ... I J -'.. T than they can meet with South of New York or Philadelphia Familv ' Prpsrrintion. nronnrpd 4 aitusuat, with the 'greatest care of Wr nd o-P.mii Mili, mo f.;i wise Medicine Chests, designed for 1 the use of Families residue in the couritrt, constantly for sale. ' N. B. A large supply of Oils, Co- jors, and Dve Stiitls ; Haiter's ma- trials antiCoach Tiimmingli ilai Jy expected. - ly ex pec ' MaV 15. 50! f.; . Marbl e "Cutter, HAVIG.purchased the Stock ot A. owectland and taken the stand lately occupied by him, will supply those wno want wun i . - jLieaa-stones. , - iicau-siuues, Li": AnA anv nthpr nrtirU in thi. -Un'dt w ii iiiii in " yc naiurui trKLDU. DUlia- I nig pionc oi crvoiy ucaOTptoii, i the best Free Stone & of the country: stone. ' .i.he work will oe donein the best mariner and on n.ode rate terms'.' May -Streets Fayetteville N. C.v In the best .manner, and at the shortest notice two, door West of Mrs. Perry's, on Old street, to which place- the subscriber has re moved ,? his Copper-Snnth Shtip. Applications : made at the store of J- Ayery or at the Post Utnce, - mm . . e. ,3C 5 iTHBtjnt Briefcoitse hxt by, Col. I, CI f Jl;'' "on;iKe'. rising. roudrdbTirstret:t a littt4bove ihr MansionH alr plated for a H Use of Entertainment, now tht property oCMr. Wn. L. iVicNeiH, has Ijeeh-lately taken by the subscriber and will bc opeivor; the: rectptiqtv of company orttlu 25th of M neitr Ladies and Gentle-' rntn travelling, and othes, arc resp;eun;wtAviiredt0 , caltand see.;It stands n tje rhe s healthy part of thV towtj, witlvtielighlful water broujht . j3y the -aqueduct fiom one of the finest foumain?un the country 5 The room re lare and airy, with fire places in almost all thfe lodging rooms. Tlje; Becis and Mattrasses are of the bes' qualify, aniwill br kspt in tht neatest manner, with good, futihful serva(s.ual, ifnot .superior to any in he saie ; and every attention will be paid ti r;ncier their stay agreeable, by their Obt. seivt. -v - "i - .0' ' ,i'ik Pi T. Taber." tZT" In addition to the above accommodations, a B ATHING ROOM will be prc-parec! for Hot or Cold Bathing. lite Mansion Hof&l Will be kept open as usual, till the 20th May next, When a removal tQ the above mentioned new house will take place. Goo i stabling Provender for h' rs s . v N.',B. The Accommodation Stage fur Norfolk leaves the Mansion Hotel on Monday and Fri ay m'iningst 4 o'clock ;nd returns tn Suday and Thursday evenings, at half past 7. The Charleston Mail Stag leaves every other day at 4 a m. and returns the intermediate days at Cam. ; at which place the stjg books ar kept F-.yettevilh-, Apr'nT, 1833. MAN SIONHOTEL, FM'ETTPVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. THE Subscriber haing leased this Establishment, lately iv the occupan cy of Capt. Taber, is now in readiness to accommodate TiavelleiS and Boarders. He tenders his wannest thanks to the public and the citizens of Fuyetteville, for the formerpatronnge and friendl support Vvhirh hehagre ceived, and in soliciting a continuance of these favors, assures them, that ev ery exertion shnll be made, and due attention bestowed in order to the com fort ajjdvpleasure 'of travellers and boarders : His Rooms are numerous, being new, clean and large, are well adapted for comfort and health, open ing upon a garden which presents a fine prospect ; superadded, are the com forts of ease and retirement, which may travelling' families. I his situation, standing on one of the most elevate. d streets, ishealthy attended (with the' advantage and convenience arising from th important and extensive bus:i ess transacted on that street, which willmake it the interest of Country Merchants anii PJanters to call it is constantly supplied by means of aqueducts, witti pure water, issuing from. one of theHbest fountains in the state. w'tn ,tnc! oest an( choicest L'quors, his market afT rds ; his stables shah he attended bv faithful, steady and honest "stleFt - Utln.r advantages are attendant upon this .stablistnnent, rarely. to oe exceuea m any oiuei rutuc iiuuse m mis staie. ' THE MAN Si Is the only Stage Office The Mail Line for Washington City, A. M. and departs at half past 7-v gC7"The Accommodation Stage for every Monday and Friday njbriiing, at Thursday evenings, at half past 7 The AViln.mgton Stage arrives hours as the ugiibta Stage. , IC? The Auerusta Stage arrives at day and Saturday, land departs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a. bout 5 o clock, A. M. 1 DILLON JORDAN. The Editors of the Charleston Courier and Augu&ta Advertiser, are re quested iuscrtthe above adveitisemetu one month and forward their bills for payment. Fayetteville, May 22, 1823. - ' s . EQUITY SALES Of Mortgaged Premises. N obedience to a Decree of the s J. Court of Equity of the County of Cumberland made Spiing Term. 1823, in a certain cause, in said court pending, wherein James R. King and anotherare complainants, and Abue F. Bowell is defendant, I shall expose to sale arid seirbv Public A action, ot i,k nA h;l F.vtiiip. ;t UlNAl, A.flLl'.-, Hlti'Huv Ttli1 JU1V next, Ceriaut J-iUls on xj aiicci, . r avejteviiie, on me souui muc mcje- ot near the lown House, tire, feneit raentstftereoM now occupied as shops orsloeWMesses. G. W; M'Dcnald ., .Iloseph" Arey , Charles Clark and JNe- ; The Lot will be divided into two or moie pieces or. parcels, plautw hereof -will shortly be lodged at the store of Mr. Ni vi n APLeran. for the inspec tion of intendiag?purchaers. Titles wiirie rriadel to the ipui chasers byr the. Clerk and Aasjter; and by Abner F, Bowell, ano possession win o gi vtn on the terms'of sate beiuir pre- 'vio'usly contplie'dwith; ' . Terms of Sale,- Sixand twelve months credit, purchasers giving borid with approved security, and l ipor1ttage of the premises tothClei k and5iasterand his successors in oi- r'' JOHN HOGG, C. cV'M. E CLERK & MASTERS OFFICE, Cumberland CountyVSc. 6th May, 1825. X-.' ' . 49-ldos-: Bauk Ueds, i FOR b ALK TTHISOFFICE t; "if' Clark, otel," by P T. T. 45 f be enjoyed in spacious Parlours by mis 13 k win oe constantly suppneo Table with the best the country arid Dillon Jordan. -ti xV: HO TEL. " ' 'v ibi' tlie fullowinsr Staees : arrives every iMorniim at one o'clock Norfolk, leaves the Mansion Hotel 4 A.M. and returns on Sunday and and departs on the same davs and 8 o'clock, P. M. on Tuesday, Thurs -fianaway. Y man JERRY, eloped on the lbt al March phe has an 'excellent luntenance, verv ready in his &u? swer, and with considerable assur ante ; he is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inch es high, yellow complected! has a hum on his left arm, a high forehead, and a head inclined to be bald: he hiid when he left, a variety oi cloth ing, a suit ofwhite Plains, and some homespun clothes, the color not re-, collected. , Hem ay attempt to pass for a free man wbere he is not know n,v as he is artful; I purchased hiajrof Mr., Stead man, in Chatlum'Coun- ty!; and It; is. likely he may bt lurk ing about in ttiai neighborliood. K? Any . person apprehending said fellow, shall be entitled to a RE : WARD OF 1 HIRTY DOLLARS, if delivered to ine, and all-reasonable-expences:paid ; otherwise, if deliver ed iu.fny convenient goal, and i in, mediate iuformatiou given, TWEN TY TX)LLARb. Any information will be directed to Cherawl Jerry is a Blacksmith by trade. Charles J. Lide. Marlboro' District, b. C. ASi e April 28, 1823. 5 ? Tor ae9 TL HE tenement on the south side of Person street, formerly occupied by "Messrs. Jroadoot Cdcfiran, well calculated for a wholesale, or retail grocery with warehouse, etc. and good stand for business. For terms, ap- o JOHN M. DOBBIN. State of North Carolina, . .. '.: Anson County. -; ; 4 , Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. f April Term, 1823. -,r Samuel Knox tw. John U'gers Original r Attachment, levied on uand lying on &$11 Creek, bounded by Vincent. Par- f sOnV and ot ners "j - . . ea.rioff to tn satisiacrion oi JL'tbis d C burt r'th a'Krh r d e fe n dent, Johrf Rogers; is. not ; an inhabitant of this aeTheh?fore ordered. That publication 'be -made in the Carolina Observer and Fayetteville Gazette, for tnree inon ths, t ha t J he defendant coir e forward, on" or b,e.,' fore the net Term ot tnis Curt. to be he lu at the Courtlpuse ;'in Vydesborough on the st-conp Mon day in July next (6 rejJevy and plead, otherwise Judglrheut final wilt be entered a gainst. himv ' 4 WILLIAM DfSMUKES Clk 16 h, Aprill823 ''ylrCAT, ABU A K IipSlK G ; - Has Just Receii ed; " r Cases Men's Leghorn Hats. 7 12 Cases Straw Bonnets, 1 Black. .-and "white Leghorn do. 20 Lb. Bonnet Wire,' 42 NestsjBndb xes, 10 do Packing do. - ALSO, A handsome assortment of whicb are ofiered at Wholesale and Retail, Low for CASH. . : May 15 50:if New Establishment. "THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING ESTABLISHED THE Coppersmith Business, in ail its yarius4)ranch8, and hav ing the best of Workmen employ ed, will keep constantly on hand at his -Shop on 5 Hay -street, near the Buck. Row, , STILLS Of Various SizeSj and Stihs will be repaired at the sndrfest notice, at my Factory as aboe j Cash wi'l be given for old Copper and Pewter. ' . ' .: , John M..Do!)liin. March 24, 1823. 43-4m. AND Commission Tiusiusss . FTP HE -Subscri ;er having been ap JL pointed one of the Auctioneers, forA the Town of Fayettevilie, has tken that large and commodious Store, on Hav-Street, recently occu- oied bv Messrs. Levy, & Co. where -HE OFFERS FOR SALE il(Sfwis. M JMoJasses, 7 I ddj tusebvada Sugar. d run Jamaica riuin, j lPipes Holland din; " ldotogniac Brandy, , 20.Bbls. Sugar, " '' 18' do. New England Rum, 0asl'Ct Nails, 4 3 rd6yFresh Raisins, Boxes Cotton ards. tiOl do 8 by loWindow Glass, ; 90 do 10 by ik jdq do 10 do Assoited Gjasi Ware, 12 do Patent Bfancs ; ;,. ToeetheP with an assortment ul Dry try r. si-.. rw. x- ., , v E. VV. Wiilkings. May 1. 48:tf. ' - , The AsaAem in Titts- 1aorou Sstill in operation, under the superin- tendance of the Rev. Nathaniel H llarVlau- l he 2d sesao will commenct on the Kth of July next. There is ais an excellent female school in"tbe same village under the ' charge of Miss Mar McKenzie. Board can be obtained a from 6 to 8 dollars per month.' It is un necessary to make any mention of tb. healthiness of ; the place, as it is we ! known to be as much so as any. situatioi in the state. i JOSEPH SMALL, Sedy. Pittsboro.' Chatham county, ,: . , Afv thV materials lor this work are . nearly-collected, and -wl, soon be, . arranged, I wish, before cimmitting : the press, to ascertain the nun b'er of co-, pies subscribed for. For obvious reasons I have resplved, that ,the number ot5 coi." pies to b printed shall riot : greatly ex-V : ceed the number, previously v engaged Postmasters and other persons ho Winff subscription-papers for 'the work, t . wilt V,r n,l;iai ma -hv fflTntnllhiMtii to me, through tbe meaium or tire maiy as speedily- as they conveniently can, the: number of siibscribers they have obtained. COLIN JVHVER: :EhiprUi' I N. B. Editors? of riewspapers, friehdjy to the propagation of evangelical tmtb,' will promote the cause of , litewtuilarul religion, by giv n- this recfuest 'an nser their respective papers. -'4f-.; . r3t., . , '-- 'C. MctJ : -' - Uhitk d - Statks or America, T District 'cfp;li or America, T District cf i , Una District. PuPf'F': ? iKorth-CuroEna BE IT KEMEMliEIiEDtthatonihe7tb; daV of March, in thefortv-eiphth vVa?: I ; . J O T J " -, 7 of the Independence of the United Mates?. of America. A. D 1823, the Hev. Colin,:, r. M I ver, of the said Dist rict, has deposit edf ' in this office the title of a book, the right ., whereof he claims as proprietor,, in ? he words following, viz: 1 he Southern 1 freacner, a collection ot Sermons irni V.'. -the manuscripts of several eminent mm.S42. ters of the gospel, residing in the bouthii a " ern States, carefully selected from 4 the , original manuscripts wlth the consent and;,.-'7 approbation of their respt ctive authors, by the Ke v. Colin M'lver. In conformity V ; to the act of the Congress of the United Sta es, entitled j" an act for the encour age r, en of learning, by securing theco-' , . pies of maps, charts, and books, to the ! autliors and proprietors of .sucb- copies ' . during the times therein mentioned,,t anu , . also an acrentitled anact upplementary ; . to an act entitled an act for the encourage- ' ' meat of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors : ,. .and proprietors ot such copies, dun i g5 1 the times therein mentioned, and exterd- v ; ing the, benefits thereof to the arts of de. ) signing, engraving, and etching historical , and other prints In witness whereof, ; Carteton WiiKEH, clerk of the said Dis- ' trict, hath hereunto annexed1 his hand, and affixed his seal, the date above men tioned. ; CARLETON WALKER. Interesting PublicatioiVsi J JUST received and for sale at the Vost Office,'. v : V . Vi'; Major Long's Expedition '(with engrar- Krookes'. Gazetteersi823 Gombee?s Phrenology. Carey's new Atlas. , v White on Cattle Medicine. Sporting Anecdotes. f' Jamieson's Logic. ' " Peverel of the Pe..k. vv- Percv Anecdotes. Seventy-six. Moore's Loves of the Angels. Rejected, Address s. .. ' Irvuig's CatecHisn of antiquitie, che mistry, biography, &c. &c. - V t ? June 19. 1823. 3:5t.; RANAW AY from the suDseriber,iplan-'3 tation in Chatham county, about the ' ' ' nrsi ot April last, a. negro man named - V GEORGE. He is of ratbersiT.all stature, Al'X very black, and of a pleasing ci,uiitenaee.v , '," He is about twenty-one or, two years oK : age. He was purchased last spring at the : . , sale of George Luther's ProDertv. and I expect is lurkirg in the. neighbor hoed of ; his former owner, upon Cape Fear river, or has gone to the county ot. Gates, where he was raised and where Mr. Luther got , him by Ins wife. I wilt give the above re- ward, and all reasonable charges, to who ever will apprehend and deliver George to me ; and 1 will give a reward of fifty dol lars, upon the conviction of1 any , pYrsdntC who has been guilty of harboring, siipi" porting or employing him since die rati away, or who shall have given him a for-, 1 ired or faLe nass. i '""X,, - 1 a J. A. liAMLKUN. RiveKJune 15,1823. tf:1 Deep if The Editor of the btar at ; Haleighp : ai;atne Lclenton Gazette, wi'I publish this K 5 adverUsement four- times, . and .seruf .their accounts to tlie Observer, Othce for pay n.M.nt. XI ARNUM; BEAClrSc t o fiitve just e- ceiTeatm wauion 10 neir termer , Ock, a large" and fresh supply ibf iBeots X--; , id Shoes of all descriptions, wbicbAthey' X:'X ner tor prices lower uun usuaj, tor casu . r. rroduce. Also, ' i ! 4 j 10 Boxes real Whiemo:re's Cards 50 lgz, Morocco? Hats J ' ! : 10 cases Si raw Bonnets ! . 50 pr. Nankeen, -white Linen and strip ed Pantaloons ; ... 30 Short Jackets r X X ' ' 10 doz. Hair Seives " - 5- - 50 boxes Windsor Soap ' . 20 rea tus Writing la)er" .r 100 dtz. Ladies Hair Combs. -They also continue to manuficture La- -: Ues Boots and oboes, of difldreut de&cnp. ions. t s June 4, 1823. ! : T-V V LIGHT handsome northern built GIG 1 . wini Harness. Applv at Uiet'ore f C. Sc.!J. Mallett, Uay street.; j . Jitne 26, 1823. j ; 42. : ' T . . ' 1 " i " ' 3S"uttc. A LL those indebted to the iubscrier. V will come forwardaii settle" the aiiio ttb L. Filzharrit, who Tint r'.ischares. June tb, 163. authorized to- 'A, ; "X ' y ' it ( . ;'Jc26 iax I will De atieuueu 10 a c I 1 1 i vt I i n June 12. 2;tf. June 13, lo2J. 2Aw. I .1 r -""Hi. ,i ".I V "

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