Vol. VIL , FAYETTEVILLB, N. C. THURSDAY,5 JULY, 10;? 1823. t r v ,:CNo. 6.. I J " V J J I THE OBSERVER, WEEKLY B T JOHJT MACIIAE, prBLlSHEO TEHHS, . ' HREE DOLLARS a year, payable in ad- L AVkk'tISEMENTS inserted at the rate 0F Sixty cent " v - i- flan, A cents for, each subsequent one. . Cheap Goods, i rti UK Subscriber informs his cus I tomei s and the public generally, ,tnt in addition to his forner stock, ias received iresu supjjucs im , York, amongst which are the fjll.wiiiGOODS. As he calculates Cash onlv. thev are of- fered at unusually low.pncts s,i er black, blile and colored Cloths, C.Uiets, assorted colours, Wiiite, red, yeiiow oo giccu ridimns, HATS. CO'- f THE SUBSCRIBER, HAS just received 30 cases Hats, com prising a large an4 complete assort ment, which will behold low for cash ; 2. cases, of which are drabs with green un derside of the brim tot summer wear. Also, a general assortment ofgroceries, among which are Old Coghiac Brandy, Jamaica Rum Holland 6rtn Wines, fyc. fyC Also on Jiund ,.''.;'r-v 20 Barrels best Double ALE. Enquire as above. A. B. June 12. ' 2:8w. CHF P WHOLESALE l '''' v in iid fi nired Bombuzetts, assort- Enquire at his old stand, on Green-street. B lib zmes, do. s rJd.rl--; W ute & coloured Valencia Vestirigs, Ditto ditto Marseilles, 6 4 and 4-4 Cambric Gmghams, ; F i.-y Cambric Prints, a variety, 4 4 and ,7-8 Irish Linens, assorted, 3 4 md 4-4 Cotton Shirtings, Tmead Cambric and Thread Cam bric Handkerchief Tin-ead and Bobbinett Laces, pj uti and figured Cotton Cambricks, Jaronett, Book and Mull Muslins, firmed do do. B i k SaiinSinchews and Sarsnet, Figured Silk and Canton Crapes, Ci-aj) Shawls and Scarfs, JH-rino llkff". and fancy Silk do. Si k U-ubiellas and Parasols, Carded Velvets, assorted, Silk Velvet and Plush, Hemp and Russia Shirtings and Os inbursrs, Blue Linens and Cotton Cassitneres, White and coloured Drillings, Sei Msacker, Imitation do. Ladies L Eh eant se Cc ilemen's naptand Leghorn Hats, - v 5-4 pron Checks, Superior Bed Tids 5-4, -4 :ind 3 4 A rmliA racifl ' i.i. n ,lc 1 ne above (jrooas, together , lf r .& with -uany others too tedious to enu- vuu"7' "auujr .u, ,a,c mpritP lvliio- nil .loon hn.KTht fnr ' " " x - o-pw.y w, , v-.. " - ! I T- i-w . - x Cish. mi.l .irinrm.ilv at Anrtinn it, ,urs a,,u "J lu" 5 "Blier' ma- the Citv of New-York, will besold r4,a,s yuacii iiiuiuiiig,ui 1 'w, either bv wholrsalfi nr retail. V C4Fticu. ay u TIl H AT: kgantV.new; three. sttry , Brick.' Hoasei built hy.CoL Jlark. JL on the rising ground of H:iy Wtrett- a little above th Mansion HoteI,f calculated for k Huse of Entciiuinment, now tin property of Mr; Will. L. McNeill, has been lattriy taken by ;the 'subscriber antfwill be'opeii fair the reception of company im tht 25Ji(of M;y ricxl. Ladies and Gentle , mep travelling aiid-others, an&spet tfuityt ihvHfdto calltaiid ;eeri"c stands in nu s healthy art ofh town witr by the aquecluct from" one of- h'fiiirsV foun.arnV in fhecbuntry sT(Ht room ie laie and airy, wit h fire places in almost alt trie lodging rooms. The Beds and Mattrasses art, of the bcsquljiy, and will bt ktpt in. tht neaWst manner, with good,,-!, i htul i servatitb t qual, if not superior m an in he state ; and very itention will bepaid to reiioer thtir stay Agreeable, by their Obt. seiyt. . v : , ' i ' C7'In addition to the bove accornmbdations, a B ATHING RGQ Will be prepare'? for Hot or Cold Bathing- : , "La - V" The Mansion Hotel Will be kept open as usual, till the vo h Mry iiextj whtn a remqvaljtpl the above mt nrioned new house will take place ,v " ' Good stabling Prtveut;er fctp.for h-rsts. N. 1$. The Accumnvi(la:i(n Stage for Norfolk leaves the Mansion-Hote on Monday and Fri ay nioi ningsM 4 o'clock ml returns -n Suday and Thursday t vt nings, at half past 7. The Ch ilt stc n Mail Magi leaves every othei day at 4am and returns the intci mediate days at C a m.j at which place tlu sLigf bot ks ar. kept by P . T. T. F yoftt viUe, Apri:7, 1823: "'45'Vf Intei:e4tin&c Eublidatiohs;' r-ftJS't received and for salerat the Fos Joffice,?': ; r-.v:'- - Major Iongs EpeditioiLwith engrav- sings,) - J A Urdokes' Gaietteer-1S23. t Combee'a-Ffirenology. "J ; Oateys ne w Atlas. t 4ymve On cauieijeouc4ne., frcy Ahecdotes,;-;' . ; Vv'.- ' " Alore'aIesobAngs. Heected Address SvV,' ' ,'j '.,'.' v -'.i.' Irvjng's J-Catechisms of antiquitiesi: cne ' mist ry,: biography, &c ' Ucl June '19. 13;-? "ff 'ANA W A V i rom t tie sub sc ri f)ers V lan Xftr tatibn'inliatham cbunbo sell at the lowest n ar ii f' hist of, April; JasVnegrjp 4'i"A. I. half" piece Irish Linen, sets suprbTjfft.! j ,' i China, al'cctet nc! charges, ten fens'MJi-'.. IYUg & Medicine Stove. Dr. W. H. MAFb lTT, Co. INFORM their friends and the public generally, that they have now opened an extensive assort raent ot Drugs and JVledicnes, nn ported ironi some of the first houses in "United States, whidi they Khorn Straw & Chip Flats, lcrcliaVlta 0I1 ,n01e liberal ' terms, .rttofRi.Mi.ids, : ihirl.iiTley can meet wi.li SoutbM or Philadelphia Family Prescriptions, prepared as usuai, with the greatest care, of till A ar - . . n b rl t.tflKrh I I h .k r n ? i uuic aim zciiuiiic iTiLUii inc. tiiivr. m. cr. sneeiincs - -,p . ... . , . Cuiint y Merchants are inviced to call and examine them. John Mac Am. May 29, 1 S23. 52:tf. 50tf. RHEUMATISMS AND Inflamations Cured, IT IS A &CT, 'T'il.vT Itheumati siiij of prdina A y kind, can be almost in faL iibiy cured, and Rheuimitil" Pains always mitiot, in a few hours, tv t ie use of Dr. Pierre K. B r a t?- DiN-E'Mirt Rheumatic 8alve,'itf mst v.i!u;ib e for its efficacy in eumdtismsjthis Salve is proba j;.v not surpassed in the cure of J;uiMs.!)ni reaN, sore Nipples, and other f' n! Hitltinmunons. A.mnre va- u lUle Pily Medicine, it is pre- Marble Cutter, HAVING purchased the Stock of A. Sweetland and taken the stand lately occupied him, wiii supply 'ed,lias never been offered. Sold those who want with ' ' v-1 uccu uut-reu. oum i .... !n anxes. at one dollar, with Monuments, Tomb tables. I ."';ni "sections and certificates V Druffisfs will u Present be furnished on commission And Wither article , in the line ('r ;n be purchased at a liberal de R E 1) W A R D 3 Asrptit. At Charleston, fnr tl,u e,,.urt.w states A ew boxes of this InvQiiinKU ! . " '"J 111 I U I UUUiV MANSION HO pi. Kid M Aq FJIYETTEVILLE, NOR Til- CABOLIJSd. TIHE Subscriber haing leased this ts ablishment, lately in the occupaii--JL cy of Capt. Tber, is now in readiness to accommodate Ti avelleis'aiidr Boarders. He tendeis his warmest tlmnks to the public and the citizens of F iyetteville, lor the former patronnge and friendh support which he lias re ceived, and in soliciting a continuance of these favois, assures them, that ev ery exertion shall be made, ai d due attention bestowed in order to the com fort and pleasure of travellers and boardeis : His Rooms are numerous, being new, clean and lartie, are welt adapte d (or comfort and health, open ing upon a garden which pieseiits a fine prospect; superadded, arc the com forts of ease and leurtnunt, whic.i may lie eij yed in spacious Parlours by tiaveliingr families. Tlus situation, standing on me of the most elevated streets, ishealthy; attended with the advantage and 'convenience arising from th- important and extensive bust, ess transacted on that street,' which will make it the interest ol Coimtiy Merchants an Planters to call it is constantly supplied by means of aqueduc ts, with pure wafer, issuing from one of the best fountains m the state. His B .R will be constantly supplied with the best and choicest Lquorshis Table with tl;e best the country and market affords ; his stables shall he attended by faithful, steady and li.ints.i Ostlers Other advantages are atienduiit upon this Establishment, rarely to be excelled in any other Public House in this state. Villon Jordan THE MANSiIJk HOTEL Is tlie only Stage OFiTCBibr tlie following Stages : Toe Man Line for Washington City, arrives every Morning at one o'clock A. M. and departs at half pist 7. gC7The Accommodation Stage for Norfolk, leaves the Mansion Hotel every Monday and Friday morning, at 4 A. M. and returns on Sunday and Thursday eventngs, ;it half past 7 The Wilmington Stage arrives and departs on the same days and hours as the ugunta Stae. JCrThe Augusta Stnge arrives at 8-p'cloct. P. M. on Tuesday, Thuirsi. day and Satuiday, and departs on Monday, VVednesday nd Friday at a- bout 5 o'clock, A. M. :; ' ' DILLON JORDAN. The Editors of the Charleston. Courier and Augusta Advertiser, are re quested to insert the bove advertisement one month and forward their bills for payment. ' ; Fayetteville, May 22, 1823. k . 51.tf GEORGE, r tie is of raUier stiiill stature. verv black, and of a bleasinsr ciunteia ce. Hb is bout twentY-dne or. two years of gc. ,ne was purcaasea lasi.sprmg- ai.xue sale of Georglter?9 fr0pejt , and X expect , is lurkirg ihthe nerghbprhood' of his former owner,- upon' Cape: Fear river, or. nas gone to the. county pi Gates, where he, was raised and w here M r.. Luther goi him bv his wife. s I will erive the'abdv re- wardy and all reasonable charge to who ever will apprehend and deliver George to me ; and 1 will give a reward of fifty dbl-lal-s, upon the cortviction of any person who has jbeen guilty of harborii g, sup porting, 6r einploying him since he ran away or who shall 'have, given him a for ged or false pass. - : J. A, CAMERON. Deep Jtiyer, June X5, 1823. 3if V 'l'he Editor of the Mar at lialeierh, and the Edenton Gazette, wi'l publish this advertisement 'four times; and send their accounts to the Observer Office for pay ment. Head-stones, i,rig jStone feof eyery description, ;if Stone & f the country stonejf ne work will bedoneirt trt oestVmimlter'a'nd on noderate terms. Jldv-Street, f r eviltei N C. - . -v.. ; '; r s.ile at filestore of O P; STARK. tlril. tl .evme, April 17, 1823 6m; j J ASLANT to an order of the county "rt ? 'nihedandjUun'tdnn; d.. 'u'11 Prceed to sell, toti-S'atur. dwciwv -v J'ly next, at the c -Uns-house ot Jolip Murchi.on,. Esq, as i ?er,Llttle 'ver, .(formerly known Rr, LS ?ge,) ttobllowinV ne, v - "n?i?ito the estate of lohn V.-te, Wilson: Dan ariA tax Twl oi six Hundvs. TtrmH . tU oA.' v; be required befordeli: n- OCHILTREE C Adm'rs- MAJ)E & MBNJJEiD In the best manner; and at the shortest notiige t w ntloorsest " bf MVsiPerry'Sf ; on Oldmreeit, to which place, the subscribe)- has re m avedi his 1 Copper-Smi t h "Shop. ABU AH WIIITIxNt; Has Just Receive Cases Men's Leghorn Hats, 12 Cas s Straw Bonnets, 1 Black and white Leghorn do. 20 Lb. Bonnet W ire, 42 Nests JJandboxes, 10 do " Packing do. VAIO Ahandsdme assortment of . which , re 'f'ei ed a W holesale anti Retail, Low for CASH. May 15 - . t 5U:tt . . V cWn t;I hlShest price, given for I nnIications made at the store of v-:Mhe.ro,i Office, State of Kortli C arolina;? ,AMSWJ CotJNTy. ; '; Court qf Fleas & Quarter Sessions j " aphii tRM 1823. . ; Samuel Kpoxjds. John Kogeis Original ' r Attachment, levied on a Tract of Land ' : flying on Mill creek, joining Vincent Par sons, cfestophi AlCltae & others, con V taining 1396 Acres. :;;Sr Jxy S5j:?r, VpfeITmfe Xo satisfaction of lUthe Cothat orsisWt laninliabitant ofVtfas fisteit is therefo by the rttnat tlifefe f be; Judgment qf oiidemnatiort pnfthf prpperty e lyied:on:fsabjeo:tjipf :judgmcrU,wbe?orAaipt-4 that vpublicaori be madn;the Cnrotina Observer and Fyetteviffe Grzeke, for three months? that the defendjinf IpSmeTorward-on-iQir befilieVext V8eiton oftthis Courtiftojbe htld at the Cart-house ir " Wadesboraujrh, on the-serond Monday m July next, New Lstablisiiinent THE;SUB?CRIBER '. . , .. . - w - ' '" ' -""V ',' HAVING ESTABLISHED TIE in all Jts Various brnch-s, arid haVr ; ins tHe best of Worktnen employ- ed. will keep cofmtantiy on nauoai His" Shop on Hay-street, near the Brick Row, ' : - . STILLS . r0J Various 'Sizes. andC.tihs will he repaired at ,the shortest notice, at my Factory as aboe , Cash wi l be given for old Copper and Pewter. i John 1. I)o!ibin. March 4. 1823. 1 1 a 43 4m. L HE tenement on the south side of Person streets formerly occupied Ly Messrs. JSrvjadfuot & then and th re ibplevy andipleaif calculated for a whesale, , . , r . u -i. I or ?elai grocery, with w arehouse, &c. and otherwise judgment ,wiii be made fi a good stand for busiflfess For tern.s, ap ply to JOHN M, DOBBIN. 'fa f "'' '' 0 & P. AIAIlLETT TmXvING taken the house on Itay V v FMt street," lately occupied by Mr AVm. j.V. : ams as a-Crockery store., beg leave 0'' j ,;' inform tfieblic that they have now .on hand a general assortment in the "above S i 'me arid inteiid ieeping ai regularvSUp plvi for which. purpose ttfej. Bave n,ade "- iirrangemeht& with the gents. of seyetal J extensive potteries in England. Crates Mid . ; t asks, assorted in the best manner put ':'. , nn f th Sfliniitiactorie&. will alwavs be ' In addition d the above they will ha-ett at all times ori haXid a. general assortmet -: 'iG'rociesWiriCTand,Liqu6i-p Hardware and Cutlery, air Oi which lhey. ; v; Swedes Iron, and twenty tierces 1 onclon-v,v fvJ . Porter, injpottles. ' ! ' -' ?V' 4H' t' ' June', 4l 1823. 4,VW,v GIVE IN V OUR a:r-fV' BARNUM BEACH & U. t.nve just re ceived, in addition to heir loniiei- Slock; a large and fresh supply ot Hoots and bhoeS of all desciiptijns, which they offer for prices lower than usual, for Cash ) or Produce.-Also, 10 Boxes real t bittemore's Cards 50 doz, Morocco Hats "10 cases Straw Bonnets I 0 p v. Nank ee ri , ; w hite Linen and strip ed Pantaloons . - v 30 Short Jackets r " 1 10 doz. Hair Seives 50 boxes Windsor Soap 20 reams' Writing Paper 100 dczl Ladies' Hair Combs. They also continue to manufacture La dies Boots and a hoes, of different descrip tions. June 4, 823. y l.tf. TVie: iicatVews in Vitts- "borough .- IS still in operation, under the superiri tendance of the Kev. Nathaniel H Harris. The 2d session will ' cornrrveiu e on the th of July next. There is also an excellent female s hool in the same- village under rthe charge of Miss Mary McKenzie. 'tJoard can be obtained at from 6 to 8 dollars per month. It is un necessary to make any mention ot tlie l 1- " ' -0 - L L ' .11. iieauiuness or uie piace. as n is we.i k'idwri r to be" as much so, as any situation in the state ." : ,: ; JOSEPH SMALL, Sec'y. Pittsborb.' Chatham county, ) June 13, 1825. - WV JL . the County Court to take the list of I axahle properity in the town and district of Fayettevijle, ft r the present year. CE5; , Notice is therefore given to all, persons concerned, that he u ill ' avterd for that purpose" a his office' on the -Town H(iiscS square ' in Fayetteyille, pn; Monday, the 14i h; and Tuesday the 15thvdays of July : i ext ; also, at san .e place on Monday- he 28th and .Tuesday, the 29th ofsadmonih' ot July next. Delinquents will be notit ed by a constable, as usual, and subject them selves to a 'double tax. . .. v -D OCHILTREE, s. g p. stfaijetteviUe 25, 1823. ' ; "'. . :' n4w5. , . . . '.' ;7. mm Hantaan TfT'tJOM the subscriber, cn the night of PL' iie i uu litoi, ivv , a iie rv ..; " rt.aii, twenty or twenty-one years old, nve? 'V feet six or-; seven inches high,, can spell ''d'' and-read, his clothing iov recollected. J; j John vaspur based in Baltimore by Ctor i Allerii'lfbt ''Benjariiin- CoUytiett, eighteen: months past. It is presumed that he ntuy , ? alter his name and try to pass as free ; s ; Any person, apprehending aaid negro ' , and confining him-in any safe Jail in ihe V, i; JlnttoX Utntea en that f'-nrof liinr? onrl iriv 1 ' r . ' . VllliVu ivo. 0v vmj i-ufiii) uiiu i t v information by mail, directed to Mr. Be n infoTtnation by mail, directed to Mr. Ben 4tt j jantin olqnett, Creensborough, Georgia, ;j; 't ' shall, be liberally rewarded, and allea?VP j sonable expenses paid. iv f i 'l i ZACHAUIAII JONES. W: h' ZACHAUIAII JONES. June 2 2;6u feiei,iff,di Sale. the 4th d.,y of August next, 1 will 'iW'f ' H xi oi. to public sale, for cash, at the - ' ' ! Coun-House ii rayeiteville, the fellow ing lads, or so much as will satisfy the. tax- duei for tlie year lc2l. .ii . otveniy-scven acres on nouingsv prtii'8 ticcK, tivtu in uy .Ti it., miuciovii. li . ' . - '. ii " 20cts- -r. Four hundted and forty seven acres on Sandy-pcreek, given in by Duvit. C'l. y :Dreainv.,. . ; o . . ;. ( ;t -' 't': ;A 1' tiie late Examination of the felu J. dents 'f the Hillsborough Academy, hi Id in presence of the Faculty of the University, of thisSta.e, fifteen young Gentlemen were approved on the Studies preparatory to the Freshman Clais, ynd six for the Sophomore. ' fefhe JExercises ot theAcademy will be resumed on ihe last Monday in the pres eritmprith. ! : Wh . " ' The tiubscriber has engaged the assist nce of a gentleman, who has taught for several years inpne ot the ropst distin guished classical seminaries in Maryland. Idle, dissolute. an profane young men, who may think ofresort ing to this. Institu tion, arV-hereby forewarned that neither at the Academy, jnor in the ; town, W'ill im morality ineef with '.t he least cpuntena nee ' ' Eclusive of time allotted for recitatiori.. regular- hours for studyingrar the Reader my, under the inspect ion -of theIeacbers, aTe prescribed, morn ing?ahT evening; ao that tie time usually mis-spent, by Stu , dents it their lodgings will be here usefiuf ly empfoyed:" '; f ' JOHKpGERS, Principal. June 16. f , ' '- 44." - I v. '4. '-' yOhe hundred acres on Buck creek, cjiv j en ip hy do. for the htirsof JSiverCul Fifty acres on Great Swamp or ieckv . given in, Dy jese i tiKeminier r" p . ..r Onettundrert acres Joining Armstiong ' and others, given in .bv John Cult ieaih : -''rl i v a..-' " . . 1 55 "i Fifty acres. on Black river, given in by Hugh;W right 77 ? Two hundred and fifty acres ioinini? above, given in by Archibald W right v v I- : v- j' -4i - .T:r-" , Four thousand. five hundred acres on ; Harrisons creek, given in by John Dick- son, agent for Conrad J. Grazier 2 79" s Fifty acre's on'Ctit Swamp, given In by Dickson for Archibald Culbreath 16 : ' ,i; A Sixty-six acrtes on Lock's creek, ifiven ' luree hundred acres on si .V1 ! ( i jiwauiu, one uuuureu. ana icrty oo, on .-'. ! Stiate of Noh Carolina, AnsonI&u'nt. ; Court of Pleas aii'd QuitfterSessions. - April TeTmf.l82St : Samuel KiioX . John Rt.gera,0rtginat Attachment, levied on, Land'tjfing 'on Mill Creek, bounded oy rtvuicent iar sons and others. .ST-.. ?y"':- TJiTappearing to th Jatisfacfion ol jLthis Jourt, that telendeni. John 'Rbgers', is not, 'an inhabilam of this i ' stafe -Thefefdre ordered. "lat'piiUification be" made In th Carolina Obrerver ind Fayettevilh Oaiettetorthree months, that th defendant con e forward on or be fore the next Term ol tnis ou: i to be held at the Court House it Wadesborough. on tle second Mon day in July next, to replevy nj jlead. otherwise Judgement final will be entered again him WILLfWI niSMUKKSCU 16uh, Aptill833. 47. L'- the great Sanrp':ii road i 2 79 . " V! "Fruir hundred and twentv-five acres on '-sandy creek', fifty do. on Sugg's creek f v Thirty six acres near JameslBluesrj.a- c. do. on flat swamn 1 6& vivsVi "f i" . ... ' : ' . '. i .1. . Eicht hundred arrea on Rnrl-fi?i forMex, M'Kuy, fate ULettfT. June 3, 2825. 5t 9 Sfubscviber -'.- 1 : ! I' r v i 4 - , 1 . TTf7TlHES to enipj.oy some koung win f T j ot charac'.er, tq take charge of a 1 an-,yard, whtre the business is ext en ivelj carried on. One desirCus of learn ing the trade, ould be preferred;; to ,r whorji, if well recommended a com en. 'PJ,, 'f ient situation is offered on gobd tern . ': , 1 8 12 WALT Kl F. LEAK. J ""J hiciimotid Co. Grassy Island, on lJee Dee liivef. 1 M. HAT valuable tenement on tne north side ot Hiy -street, in itheBnck Kow, at present occu pied by Air. A. Turner, and a good stand for business; payment will be made easy to purchasers. Apply to j JOHN M DOBBIN. June 12. ' j 2:1 f. ' jank Deeds, 'S? 4 '. '- nal against bun;. ! v W.DISMUKFS ( lk. 49:2m. j..n . - wiiiDeauenueu rn JOHN MACRAE. June 12. 2Af. r; f 'li. s I' J Z& : J 7 v.

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