1 a. 1 ,1 ... 1 -i-.V, I ',. 1 I... ,-. I ' I -vi --m ,va Sr.' ' :iiiiiiiir; win 1 f - 1 i : v- . "1 ft. v y i rvar n w mwmv i - -him r- "( . . r- Vol. VII :FAYj$TXETOLLE, N. C. THUftSDAY,-JtftiY 1823. 1i TT.TT THK UH3W mf TBBMS, THKEE DOLLARS acar, afe in a- inVEUTISEMENTS inserted at the rate fflXty A en oh iifiauent tion, one. nd tnxriy w'mj"' "" 3 I tamers and the public generallyj r v r ji .b Ha . hat in addition to nis iur'c, . p - .... . w, inn , I , Delias reccucv --rr-- ----- " o . . bllowingGOUliS. necaicu.aicS n:- r.fTshnnht. thev are ot- mi seiini; iui ----j - v - 1 1 i : t-A unusuajiy low urines Super black, blue and colored Cloths, Cassinets, assoncu uuiwui, While, red, yellow & green Flannels, plain aid figured Bojnbazetts, assort ed colours, .,h rines. ao. do. W lite & coloured Valencia Yestings, Ditto ditto Marseilles 64 an-1 4 4 Cambr ic Ginghams, p, v Cambric Prints;rieUr;; a 4 and 7-8 tiish Linens, iaisdirted. 3 4and4-4UOtton onirungs, Tiiread Cambric and Thread Cam brie Handkercnieis, T it-ead and KoDinen L.aces, Pl.nn and fiiiured Cotton Cambricks, Jwonett, Book and Mull Muslins, Figured do lo. Blak Satin Sinchews'and Sarsnet, Figured Silk and Canton, Crapes, Crape Shawls and Scarfs, Merino Hkffs. and fancy Silk do. Si!k Umbrellas and Parasols, Corded Velvets, assorted, Silk Velvet and Plush, Hemp and Russia Shirtings and Os naburgs, ; Blue Linens and Cotton Cassimeres, White and coloured Drillings, -Seersucker, Imitation do. Ladies Leghorn Straw & Chip Flats, Elegant setts of Ribands, Ce itlemen's naptan.d Leghorn Hats, Kid, Beaver and Silk Gloves, 5-4 Apron Checks, Superior Bed Ticks. 5-4,4 4 and 3-4 A.n. Br. Sheetings auu .,,mS5. ;.t, C7 I he above Uoods, togetnr with i many others too tedious to enu- ito Vojinrr all . Dan hAiiirtif fVr I merate, having all oeen bought for Cash, and principiily at Auction in the Citv of New-York, will be sold low, either by wholesale "br retail. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine them. John mcarn. May 29, 1823. 52:tf. RHEUM A TISJV1 S AND Inflamations Cured. IT IS A AGT, rPH T Rheumatiatiu otr drdina- X ry kind, can be almost infaL libly cured, and Rheumatic Pains always mitigated, in a few hours,' My the use ot Dr. Pierre K. Bran ding's Jinti Rheumatic Salve. Tho' Jiiost valuable for its "efficacy iti liheurnatisms. tli Div , not surpassed in the cure of cruises, bprains, Burns, Scalds bro. Ken breasts, sore Nipples, and other Iiet'na ICiH i mini f innu A m r. r-. i ' table Fdm.lv VW.irinV U ;a n.J su.ned.haa n hen .(ra. L.ui in tin boxes, at one dollar, with printed direccions and certificates u its utility Druggists wli at i"3ciuue lurnisiieu on commission V can be purchased at a libera, ijde- R. EDWARDS. J?. At Charleston, for the Southern atates- a lew boxes of this invaluable euicine, for sale at the store of O. P. STARK. Ieville. April 17. 1823 6m. Stat( e of North Carolina, An son County. --.v . lCtta anu quarter sessions. Anril Tprm IftO'J v n 7. ietieaon lying or son. bounded by Vincent Par sons and others. I PdrinS l the satisfaction of Tu n ourl lhtihe tfefendent, 1 IIUS Stat A 11 AT - 4 I r - ft iiri hi iirM mm wr a a l .m.itmic 'UlUCtCU 1 1 1 " . At-: . :v y . . - " " ar " !:orthre! nths that, h, e -en.Uant coe forward on or Maui conie torwai l:Jre t in tia x 7util ierin ot rvf neiu at the - -r m. m m ! j . nia i mi Taesbn - . wic -v-ouri nouse in TOUgh. 0n flip Sriinrl V1rn. da in July nextt to replevy and Plead, oth Il hi erwise Judgement final will be CHEAP WHOLESALE "DYTlg & Medicine StOYe. - - jyn MAFFITT, Co. IiNKOliM their friends and; the public srenerallv. that thev hairp o " J now opened ane$tenMve assort ment of Drugs arid -.Medicnesim ported from some of the first houses in the5 United States, which they will dispose of to Physicians and Merchants, on more liberal terms, than they can meet with South of ISew York or PhilidelDhia . Family Prescriptions, prepared as usual, with the greatest care, ot pure and genuine Medicine. Like wise Medicine Chests, cjfgjigned for the use of Families residing in the country, constantly for sale. IN. t$. A large supply of Oils, Co lors, and DVe Stuffs ; Hatter's ma terials, and Coach Trimmings, dai ly expected. May 15. v 50tf. HATS. CO CO THE SUBSCRIBER, HAS just received oO c ases Hats, com . prising a large and complete assort ment, wbich will be sola low torcasn ; z cases of which are drabs, with green un. derside of the brim, tor summer wear. Also, a general assortment of groceries,. among which are iCotrniac Br andu, Jamaica ltfUm tiouana inn v Wwe Rrr g&atbis old stand, on Green-street .'-- TVTO-TVT T ATT V r ANSON BAILEY. JLlso on hand, 20 Barrels best Double ALE. Enquire as above. A. B. June 12. , 2:8w. David Andevsou, Jis, MarBle Gutter, HAVING purchased .the Stock of A: Sweetland and taken the stanrJ occupied bhim, wia supply those who want with Mbhunients, Tonib tables Head-stoned, : f . And any other article in thejine which niay be wanted. Also. Build ing Stone of jeyery description, of the best Jt'ree stone bt ot tqe country stone. I he work win ne done in the best manner and on moderate terms. Hay -Street, Fayetteville, N. C. STILLS yirl AIDE & MENDED In- the "best manner and at the h tir test1 notice J two doors West of Mrs. Perry's, on Old street, to which plice the subscriber has re- moved his Copper-Simth Shop.-- Applications made at the store of Ma. Ayer, or at the Post Office, mFETTEVILLE, JS'OnTH-CmtOZlJfd. f B lH FI Subscriber ha intr leased this JL ' cy of Cafit. Taber, is now in readiness to acconmibdate Travellers and Boarders. lie tenders his warinest,sthanks tp the public and the.citizensj,of Fayetteville, for the former patronage and friendly support which he s re ceived, and in soliciting a continuance of these favors, assures thenr, thate v ery exertion shall be made, J&jft due attention bestowed in orderto the com fort and pleasure of travellers and boarders : H is Rooms are numerous, , being new, clean and larjie, are well ing upon a garden wincn niescnts a rine frts of ease and retirement, which may iiavruuij: lamnies. 1 111s siiuation, standing on ne 01 uie. inosi eievaicv streets, ishealthy ; attended with the advantage and convenience arising from the important and extensive bus'n ess transacted on that street, which will make it the interest of Country Merchants ano Planters to call it iss constantly supplied bv means of aqueducts, with pure water, issuing from one of the best fountains in the state. His BAR-witf he constantly supplied with the best and choicest Lmuors, his Table with tltetpest the country and v. , . 1 1 i ,. 1 ii f a .a u - ' . market affords ; his stables shall he attended by faiuiful, steady and honest J Ostlers Other advantages are atiendant upon this : Establishment, rarely to be excelled in any other Public House iu this state. i ri-ii , it -I unTTTn fkr a itoii j dk A JPLiCi, OlUl Xiy JL JCi JLj . Is, til e only Stage Office lor the following Stages : The Mail Line for Washington City, arrivescvery Morning at one o'clock a. ana departs at halt oast 7. ICTThe Accommodation Stage for Norfolk, leaves the Mansion Hotel every Monday and Friday morning, at 4 A. M. and returns on Sunday and Thursday evenings, at halt past 7. The Wilmington Stage arrives and departs on the samedays and hoars as the ugusta Stage. "L " ? iCpThe Augusta Stage arrives at 8 o'clocV, P. M. on Tuesrlay, Thurs day and Saturday, and departs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a bout 5 o'clock, A. M. , DILLON JORDAN, , The Editors of the Charleston Courier ar d Augusts Advertiser are re quested t( insert the above advertisement one mouth and forward their bills for payment Fayetteville May 22, 1823. ' 51.tf. FiANTKli'H HOTEL. TH T clegnnt, new, three story Brick House, built by CoU J- Clark, on the rising ground of Hay-streit. a little above the Mansion Hotel, calculated for a H use of Entertainment, now the property of Mr.vAVm. L. McNeill, has been lately taken by the subscriber and will. be open for 1 hp rprt-ntinn of cm nmnv on th 2stn men , ravelling, and other,, arc .espectfuHy. invited c.U stanas in t t m s neaiiny part ot tnc hv the anneduct Irom one of the finest fountains in the country Ihe roomi ie large and airy, with fire places iual most all the lodging rooms. The Beds and Maitrasses are of ihe bt-s' quihtv, and will bt kept in the neatest manner, wit'i god, tiJiful servants equal, if not superior toarry in the staie j and very itention will be paid to render their stay agreeable, by their Obt. seivt. ' P. T. Taber. In addition to the rbove accommodations, a BATHING ROOM will be prepared JHotoi C dd Bathing. V The Mansion Hotel Will be kept open as usual, rill the O h May tiexl, when. a removal to the above mentioned new house will take place. Good stablrntr Frovender tec. tor other dav at 4 A M. and returns tnc which place the stage books are kept w. .. ..ill . - -r i 0."0 t- aveiievm. i nrn io. ABU AH WHITING Has Just Received, Cases Men's Leghorn Hats, 12 Casts Straw Bonnets, 1 Black and white Leghorn do. 20 Lb. Bonnet Wire, 42 Nests Bandbi xes, 10 'do. ' Packing do. ALO, A handsotrie assortment of . eal Goods, whicli are ofieredVar Wholesale and Retail, Low for CASH. May 15. 50:ft State of North Carolina," ' .'ANSON V) Court ofPli as Quarter Sessions APA1L TtBM, 1623. Samuel Knox vs. Joan Uogeis Original Attachment, levied on. a Tract of Land Vlying on Mill cr-ek, joining: Vincent Par sns, CbristophehMcItae & others, coii . tainihg 1 396 Acres. ..' J T appearing to the sntis fact ion pt 'JlFthe'Court,thatthedefeidant John Rogers, is not an iuhabitant of jjds statet is therredered iiM N. Ii. Ti.e Accommodation Stage foNorfolk leaves the Mansion Hotel fPf 19 luirff inihe "eighborhocd of . , . r. . 6 . , i w.. a his former owner, .upon Cape Fear river, on Monday and Fri ay mornings .t 4 o'clock and returns on buday and or Qa& one to tM county 0 Gatg8 utiere Thursday evt nings, at half past 7. The Charleston Mail Stag, leaves every he was raised and where Mr. Luther got Cuit,that the rey.be Judgment of '.Condemnation on the property Jfe iei onysubjectto fhe plaintifi? final judgment when obtained ; and trust '.publicatioa be m'adc. jitfiiCi ro' ina Observerand VyeterUiS45rc-zette, for three months, that 'the;defenttani come forward on or before the next fsession of this CoUrtjpbe held! at the Court-house ir yadjb)rough. on the.second Moiidayiiju!y next, then and there to replevy and plead , otherwise judgment.?.wiit be made fi nal against him. . , i V. DISJV1UKFS Clk. 49:3m. If P1A1 f l Af 2 E.ahlishmenL in ihe occupan adapted for cmfort and health, open- prospect; superaaoeq, aretnecom- be et jt yediu spacious parlours by " JJ It LUIl fUI UUIl I r TT-nkmT? of Mav next. Ladies arid Gentle- town, wun ueugiiuui-watci uiuu8ui.. horses. intel mediate days at 0 a; m. sat; Dy P T. T.; 45 tf N dw Mt ublis h merit. n - THE SUBSCRIBER ' HAVING JsBLISHETHl in all itjv.arinusyhra.i!l! ing the stlFWolrkniert employ- vd, will keeronstantiy on hand at ' his Sbdp oritHay-street, nearjlhe buck Itow, anliStilis ;Witlbe repaired the Factory as: Vibrfve; j Cashwi'l be given forold Copper and Pewter. ,. v 4 v John Dofibin. 1rcK94. 183 43-4m. tox feae, HE tenement; on the sbutli side of Person streetj formerly occupied by Messrs. JSroadoot & Cochran, I well calculated for4wnolesale, or retail grocery, with warehouse," c and ' ' ' '1- -I. - ' v' ' ' . ; ' is .-pVN th4th:,dy ,ofoAugustnext, J will JJllFxpose.to public sale, for cash, at the t'ourt-Hotise in'FayetteviUe," ,the follow ;ing lai ds, or so mucti as will satisfy tbe tx due for the year .1831 -4 A' r ; aevenxy-sf ven acres on.oungsworui'a creek, friven in by W m. Anderson, j r. :ymjr ;-v 'rv-7 ;J'- 20 cts. ; Four hundred and forty seven acres on Sandy 1 creek, given n by David uux-breath:,-;.: f ; , V .-K, -f V'70 Ohe hundred acres on Buck creek, giv enin by do. for' the heirs, of Niven" Cul. breath; ;--:r---mi&W vFifty acres on Great Swamp oyjcreek, given in by Jesse Iiukmihier; ' 5 One hundred acres joining, Armstrong and others, given in by John Culbreath . ... . s JJ . BUck iivr given by , h'undred ani fifty acres joining above, given in by Archibald Wright ; ?-h; v 4J v Fur' thousand five hundred ar res on " l''7o," son, agent tor Conrad J. urazier J 7v . ifty acres on Cut Swamp, given in by Dickson tor ArcbibaldCulbreath 16 sixty-six acres on Lock's reek, given in bv Dickson for John Antry 31 1hrpplhimHrf- arr nn ftii. rnit ; . - T-- o swamp, one hundred and forty do on hampaon road , . v M 7 -r Four hundred arioTttfeivty Jive acres on sandy creek, fiftdorjSugss creek Thirty six aCres neaames Blu!s, 23 do. on flat swamp i 1 69, Eight hundred acres on Rockfish , r. - v . 77 ; CEO. W EVANS, Dep. Shf. for Jltex.M Kay late Sheriff. June 3, 1823. 5r9 liillsbovough Academy AT the late Examination of the Stu dents t,f the Hillsborough Academy, ht id in presence of the Faculty . of the University of this Sta?e, 'fifteen young Gentlemen were approved on the Studies preparatory to the Freshmau Class, i.nd six for the Sophomore. The' Exercises of the Academy will be resumed on ihe last Monday in the pres ent month. Thesubscriber has engaged the assist ance'of a getitlenian.iwho has 'taught for several years in One of the most ditin guislied classical seminaries in Maryland. Idle, dissolute, and profane young men, who may think of resorting to this Institu tion, are hereby, forewarned, that neither I at the Academyi nor in the town, will im 4: -iTi (h f fitlldv:ne. Rt.the Acade. my under are prescribi that the time dents at their lodgings will beeres, useful ly employed. " ' ; , r. '. JOHN H0GEHS, (Principal. Junfe'lo. 4w4. RAN AW AY'iromthe subscriber's plan tation in Chatham county, about the hi st of April last, a negro man named GEORGE. He isof rather small stature, very black, and of a pleasing c.untena ce. He -is about -twenty -one or two years of ageV?.He was purchased last spring at the sarejol ueorge Lutners property, and 1 him bv his wife. I will eive the above re ward, 'and all reasonable charges, to' who ever will apprehend and deliver George to me ; and 1 will give a reward of fifty dol lars,, upon,, the conviction of any person who lias been guilty of harboring, sup porting or employing him since he ran away, or who shall have given him a for ged or false pass. ,, ; O J. A. CAMERON. '' Deep Kiver, June 15, 1823. 3tf. tT$$ :J he Editor of the Mar at Raleigh, andthe Edenton Gazette, will publish this adverjsercnent lour times, and send theij accounts to the Observer Office for pay ment, EKOM 'tHe subscriber, theinght of the irth, May last; JV, a? negro liiah, twenty, or t wenty-one eara'old, five feet six or fseveh inches high, can spell and read, .his clothing tioi recollected. John was purchased in Baltimore by Geo. Allen, for Benjamin Coluett,, eighteen months past Mt is presumed. that he may alter his name and try. io pass as free. , , . Ahy person 'apprehending said negro, nd confining him in any safe jail in the Jnifed States, so that 1 get him, and give information by mail; directed to Mr. Ben iamin Colauett, Greensboroucrb, Georeia. J shall be liberally rewarded,1 and all rea I sonable expenses paid. ' ' " . ZACiiARI AH JONES. June 2. 5 .jt V5;6t,V", J ; ; GIVEm-VoUlf '', i liisik oTaiaes ffi HE subscriber isagain appointed by X t Khe County Court to take the list o I axable propenty mthe town and district of Fayetteville or-the present year. Notice is therefore 'pven to alf person concerned, that he will attend for that purpose at his office on the Town lloiisc square in Fayetteville, on Monday "the 14ih, and TueVlay. the 15Ui days of Jul) next; also, at san e place on Monday, ih 28th and Tuesday, the 29th of admonih l ot Julv nexU Delinquents will be noti cc j by a constable, as usual, and subject thfcm- ON the 4th day of August n'eX'Tl will ' exp(se to public sale, fo cash,, at , tfie; Court-House in Fa)etteville.' the fol- . lowing Lots and Lands, r ao much thereof. as will satisfy the tax due thereon, for the .,.0. 16)1' t 1 : ' -, , ... , r One-eierhth acre lot, improved, near Joe Sampsons, Riven in by Lydia vine unprqvcu loiua Horm irecmi ... in by Betsy BUrkloe ' j 0 ,62 ' Two hundred and three acres on the h gum. orancxi, Lauei iiacs s, , . ;. y : One unimnroved lot on Hillsbbrouehi . L street, riven in bv jrCamtbell 0 " 5h Three h'thsQf three act-es,lormeriy xa- . tDahVl'earces,;at Can-pbcllton Undirigj' given in by .1 Dickson r r, 0 62 - - Onelot 40 by 5U ieet, on cool spring T street, b do. 0 151-2. One unimproved lot fronting cool spr.tig street, and Starks ally, by doj 0 15 1-2 ' One. quarter acre lot, fprWrly; Leo - nards, on Ferson and Russel streets, given in by 46. , j 0 7t't2U One lot 40 feet front, back of the bri k' row, given in by do. U , 7 m Three lots 63 feet front, in James Ba- , f kers plan, oh Hay mount 7 12. One lot on how an street, Jacob Eddy given in by the poplut fv '3 10 ' One improved lot near spring, by Morero Fiv hundred acres on Hectors creek, ; 300 acres on Itockhsh.do. , 2 ,61V vOnt hundred and eighteen acres on CiU ; . lespie and Mumtoid strettsj' given in. byV u Susanna Mumloid, for It. Munifordt ts' late - 9 ,30 Five hundred acre on Sandy Kun. giv- "; en in by do. . i 155; One lot unimproved, in Can pbell.on,- v by do, 0 71.2 One improved lot on Bow street, git en in by James P. Wilson, as the property of Mary V ilson. - .4 65 ,Three acres on ltamsay streetgiven in by Elizabeth W indham I ' 0 46 1 2 One hundred and twenty-tvo acres on west side ot cross creek, given in by It. Itaiford 0 75 1 2 Eighty acres on the head branch, bv do. of W alkei'j 49k Seven acres on the back of Dolphin Davis', unimproved, given in by. Wihmm ; Itussel, tor:John Ihissel j ; 1 ti l 2 1 hree acres at Clarendon bridge, jpvtn ' . inbyxlo. ; I 0 V3 T hree thousand acres between I. t rie fish and. Drowning creek, as Angus Gil it '. . ' i . ; "To hundred and twenty-five uci ts be tween halt swamp and Kockhsh, as Um. ' Stuart, ': ' Q 67 One hundred and fifty acres on Little -river, Neill Smith p. '., 1 51 ' - Twohunired act.es on the "Vadl in r(..df Daniel McArthurs 0 47, . kOoe hundred acres on the Callbitrv. John Munoys, (.-(.;..'.0.lS Tvo thousand three hundred and fivt aces on AMUis' creek, Jas. Sims 6 20 Tfa follo-wing are unlisted, and tutject to d double tax. 'One unimproved lot on the comer of Itussel and Patterson strt eta, formerly lie property ot If eniy Iiraiuson 0 77 1 2. I wo do. adjoining ihe above, foiniiriy Branson "V ..'.' 0 62 Fifty- acres adjoining Avers, by do. 15 14? i)ne improved lot in Can pbeJlum, ( has, Broadfoots ; 0 55 One do. on Bow street, joining Dr. Mc Kay, Uolithus 1 39 1-2 . One do. on Old street,' joining Clark and Pattilla, do. v . One do. on North street, Molly Can-p- " bell, 0 31 , , One do. with dwelling-house, on Union itreetChas. ChalviSv . f 75 pue,do. on the east side of Union fctrtct, opposite the above, w ith stable do. 62 ' .One do,, on Hayomunt do. , ,0 31, Two hundred aitd sixty -seven iucrrs on Buck head creek do. ' J 65 . v One lot" and store house, on Per so:, st. Eliza Ualls - 3 b7 1-2 Nine hundred acres on Itockfibh. for f tneriy D. Jordai.s 2 79 One lot and dwelling, on JNorth trccr, Jumeb Kervau 0 93 ' One loi 66 feet front, on Co"l spring street, forn.erly Urn. lauders 1 55, ., Eighty-seven acres near lockfub H m, Landers ... 0371 One half acre lot on Groves and Ann street, tornierly Jacob Levy 0 461 2, One halt do on rorlUbirett, do. 151 .2 One Jot on Hay streetTjoining luU r, ditto 7 75 One do. with stable, on UUlsbor ueh. streetdo. . f - ' v 0 Zl ' One do. .153 feet by 151 feet, on Hilla. , borougb ktreet, do. , U 31 One do. do. by 133 feet, on do. 23 One do. 40 by 100 feet, "on do.O 73 lt . a One do 60by 0leet, ondo. 0 23 One dbV200byll4 teetoi.do.O 15 1-2 i I One do. aindr warehouse, on Bow street V - -' ; 3 0 1 .1 lt!11.Ll 1. r. 1 - ' y f ,uo. on lAuiboorougu urcei . ut Id I j, aeTcniecn inu . mne-ienms serif on al bpyellarrington Hill 0 31 iVo'loU and dwellings in Campbellion. Catharine Livingston . . yt 0 38 One do. on Hay. street,joining Cants, Duncan Murchisi n i 55 f Seventy acres on the' north side tf Per. son street, below Blunts creek, the pro perty of Mark' tluste! 6 20 One lot atul half tlie grist mill, on BlunU creek do.. . - , ,41 55 One lot and improvement on Maiden Lane, formerly the property of Archibald Ochiltree ' ' 3 10 One lot joining the above, owner not known , ; . ... K55 One lot with four store houses,'on"the south side of IJay street, formerly Bowelis orOchiltrees .' 9 30- Five hundred acres On the bead cf the Raft swamp, heirs of C. Litisay . J 55 ALFX MK AY, La' M'& June 24, lcJ23. 5:5w. i.: ' 4 h a good stand tor business forxerKs,ap- i serves io a coume in. ply to D. OCHILTREE. s. o. r. JOHN M. DOBBIN. Fayetteville 25, 123. 12 June 2:tf. n4w5. " lL.ld to. JOHN MACRAE. t'