rNO.f8. vol. yn. it .mi- FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY; ftfLY:v .t82S. tup HRSERVER, rBiisnn weekly bt job macule, - r TERMS, THREE DOLLARS a year, payable in ad- ADVTISEMEN-rS inserted at the rate r lxty cents a squttre for the first tnser don and thirty cents for each subsequent one- rri HE Subscriber informs his cus I tomers and the public generally, ,fnt in addition to his fomer stock, Vhas received fresh supplies from vew York, amongst which are the f0M .wingGOODS. As he calculates on' selling for Cash only, they are of jVrcd at unusually low prices : Super black, blue and colored Cloths, C .spinets, assorted colours, White, red, yellow & green Flannels, pj:,, ,nd figured Boinbazetts, assort- cil colours, B nb zines, do do. W lire & coloured Valencia V estings, Ditto ditto Marseilles,. f, 4 an ! 4-4 Cambric Ginghams, I-.a y Cambric Prints, a. variety, 4 4 and 7-8 Iiish Linens, assorted, 3 4 ind 4-4 Cotton Shirtings, T tread Cambric and Thread Cam . brir Handkerchiefs, Tii eid and Bobhinett Lnces, PI tin and figured Cotton Cjtnbricks, J.ironett, Book and Mull Muslins, Figured do lo. Pia- k Satin Sinchews and Sarsnet, l'i-ured Silk and Canton Crapes, Ci toe Shawls and Scarfs, M.-ri'io ilkff. and fancy Silk do. Si k U'ubiellas and Parasols, C ided Velvets, assorted, $i!k Velvet and Plush, Hnp and Russia Shirtings and Os ni burgs, Ci'ie Linens and Cotton Cassimeres, White and coloured Drillings, - Seersucker, Imitation do. i" Lalies Leghorn Straw & Chip Flats hY-gaut setts 'of Ribands, C- lemen's napt and Leghorn Hats, Kid, Beaver and Silk Gloves, 5-4 Apron . Checks, Superior Bed Ticks. ' 5-4,4 4 and 3 4 Am. Br. Sheetings and Shii tings. xy Tiie above Goods, together with 'nanv others too tedious to enti met ite, having all oeen bought for Cas!, and principally at Auction in the City of New-York, will be sold low, either by wholesale or retail. Co'inuy" Merchants are invited to call and examine them. - John McARN. May 29, 1823. 52:tf. ABU AH WHITING Has Just Receive I, Cases Men's Leghorn Hats, 12 Cs s Stiaw Bonnets, 1 Black and white Leghorn do. 20 Lb. .Bonnet Wire, A'2 ,t sts Bandboxes, 'jt 0 do Piick'me do. ALSOv A handsome assortment of Bv Goods, which are ..-fleied at Wholesale and liei .il, Low for CASH. -May 15. 50:fi BHJiUMATISM8 AND Inflamations Cured. J.T IS JV TACT, T' A f Uheumatihins ot ordina X ry kind can be almost lufaL cured, and Rheumatic Pains '"ays initig,,ted, in a few hours, UJ use of Dr. Pierre K. Bran s Jnti Rheumatic Salve- Tho' valuable for its efficacy in '"iiTV.tuniMhis Salve is nroba- "J .not surpassed in the cure of p's,Sprain, Burns Scalds bro. Breasts. sore Nipples, and other "c-inal liiflunmation. A mr. v 'le Family Medicine, it is pre yed, has never been ottered. Sold . ,U" bses, at one dollar, with )' u, directions and certificates its utility D. uggists will at L nt.be fu"nibhed on commission can be purchased at a liberal de UJeti(tn. R. EDWARDS, Jt&nt, '''arleston, for the Southern States- boxes of this invaluable 'ciue, for sale af the store of Favrf u 0 P- TARK. evdle, April 17, 1823-6m. (TC 1 T ' nY11 !,ihtst Pnce, given for s store and at the Paper CHEAP WHOLESALE Dr. W. H. MJiFt lTT, Co. INFORM their friends and the public generally, that they have now opened an extensive assort., inent of Drugs and Medicines, im ported from some of the first houses in the United States, thich they will dispose of to Physicians and Merchants, on more liberal terms, than they can meet with South ol New Yotk or Philadelphia. Family Prescriptions, prepared 48'usual, with the greatest care. of pure and genuine Medu ine. Lik wise Metlicine Chests, Resigned tor the use of Families reminding in the country, constantly for sale. N. B. A large supplyjof Oils, Co lors, and Dye Stuff's ; Ilattcr?s ma terials, and Coach Trimmings, dai ly expected. May 15. 50tf. il ATS. lf2 THE SUBsCKlUtR', HAS just received 50 cases Hats, com prising' a large and complete assort ment, which will be sold low for cash ; 2 casea of which are drabs, with green un derside of the brim, tor summer w ar. Also, a general assortment of groceries, among-which are Old Cogniac Brandy, Jamaica Rum Holland Gin ; IVines, fyc. fyc Enquire at his old stand, on Green-street- ANSON BAILEY. Also oil hand, 20 Barrels.beat Double ALE. Enquire as above. A. B. June 12. 2:8vv . Marble C fitter, HAVING purchased the Stock of A . Swectland and taken the stand lately occupied by him, will supply those who want with Monuments, Tomb tables IIead-stone And any other article in the line which may be wanted. Also. Build ing Stane of every description, of the best Free Stone fcc of the country stone. The work will Jae done in the best manner and on n.odei ate terms. tfay-Streeti Fdyettevillen iV. C. MADE MENDED In the best tnantflr, and at tbe shortest notice, two' doors West of Mrs. Perry?s, on Old street, to which place the subscribec has 're moved his Copper-Smith Shop. Vpplications made at the store of Maj. Ayer, or at the Post Qiflice, ill be attended to. JOHN MACRAE. JFA YE TTE VILLE. JSTOTlTII-CJlROLIJSMi TH E Subscriber ha ing leased this Es-t ahlishment, lately in the occupan- cy of Capt. Taber, is now in readiness toiacconirnodti Travellers an & Boarders.; He tendeis his warmest thanks to the public and the citizens of Fayetteville, for the. former patronage and friend U support which he lias" re ceived, and in solrrning a cqntinttafice f these favors assures them; that ev-' ery c-xertion shall be made, and rkie attentson bestoned in order to the com-" fort and pleasure of travellers'' arid boarders : ' jjis "RooihV are nurnerous, being new, clean and larjje, are well adapted for comfbrt and hValth, open. -itig upon a garden which presents a fine prospect ; superadded j ar the com--f rts of ease and letirt mt nt, w Inch may be ei j yetf itTspaciotis Parlours by travelling families. This situation, standing on One ot the most elc vattd streets, isheaithy ; attended w i:h the ndvantnge and convnnence arising from the important and extensive business transaLtel on thatstreet, which will make it the interest oi Countiy Merchants and Planters to call 5 it is constantly supplied b means nf aqueclut-ts, with ptre water, issuing from one of the best fountains in the state. Hi B AR will he constantly supplied with the best and choicest L'quois. his Table with ti e best the country and market. affords ; his stables shall be attended by fVnhful. stead v and h nitst Ostlers Otht r advantages are attendant upon this Establishment, rarely to be excelled in any other Public House in this state. , Dillon Jordan. THE MANsTuN HOTEL . Is the onl Htage Office tor tlie folloAving Stages : The iMin: Line for Washington City, arrives every Alorniug at one o'clock A. M. and departs it half past 7. . iC7The Acc.mmodation Stae for Norfolk, leaves the Mansion Hotel every Monday and Finbiy morning, at 4 A. M and returns on Sunday and Thursday evening?, &r half past 7, The Wilmington Siage arrives and departs on the same days and bouts as the ugusta Siaye. x ICZThe Augusta St;ye arrives at 8 oVlocK P. M. on Tuesday, Thurs day mid SHtuid;y- and departs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a. buut b o'clock, A. M. DILLON JORDAN. The Editors of the Charleston' Courier and Augusta Advertiser, ate? re quested to insert the .ibove advei tisetueui cue month and forward theiiTbilis lor payment ; jy Fayetteville. May 22, 1 823. '41- 4 rgH T .Lg;.nt new.thre. st r Brick House, buiit by Col. J Clark, -A on the rising giouuduf H .v-stret t. n little abovt ihr Munsi n Hotel, calculated for a IJ use of Lnteitiiii-ment, now tht property oMi. VV m, L. u Ntill, has been luteiy Taken by the suLscnbi r and will be open loT the rec.piion of company on tht 25h of K.y next. Ladies and Gentlo linn travelling, and others, are respe tfuy invitedto call and see.. It stands in tet rn st healthy part of thr lown. with dehghll'ul water brought by the aqueouct from one of he fines, foumain m the country The room' -lelaieand airy with fire places in almost ;ll the lodging rooms. The Beds and Rlattrasses .;rt of the !es' quiitv, and will bt kpt in tht neatest manner, with good, i. 'v hful servants t qual, if not superior to any in ihe state ; andeveiy ttention will be paid to rencer their stay agreeable, by their Out. seivt. P. T. Taber. C7 I'1 addition to the above nccom modations,a B TH1NG ROOM will be prepared for Hot 01 Cold Bathing The Mansion Hotel Will be kept open us usual, nil the .0h My next, when a removal to the above .mentioned new house will t;oW piuce. Gooo stabling. Provender &c. for h -rst s. N. B. Toe Accommodation St-ige for Norfolk leaves1 the Mansion Hotel' on Vondyy and Tri ay me'inings t.t 4 o'clock. .n; returns r hudwy a'M' Thursday tvt-nings. at hulfpast 7, The h nlsifon Mail Stag' leases every other day at 4 a m. and returns the which P' tce tht st. if. ho ks ar. kept F y(... f Vi.rt 7, 18V3. G E IN V I R THE subscriber is again appom'ed b the County Coui tto take the list of Taxable properity inthe town and district of Fayetteville, "for the present )oar. Notice is therefore given to all persoi s concerned, that he will attend for that purpose at his office on the Town-House square in -Fayetteville, on Monday, the 14th, and Tue'sday, the 15th da s of Tim next; also, at same place on Monday, tht 28th and Tuesday, the 29th of said month of July next. Delinquents will be noticed by a constable, as usual, and subject them selves to a double tax D. OCH ILTREE, s. o. p. Fayetteville 25, 1823. n4w5. State oi Koi i tli Carolina, A.NSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions . - APRIL T RM, 1 823. Samuel Knox r. oUu iiogeis Originai Attachment, levied ort a Tract of Land lying on Mill creek, joining Vincent Far sons, Christopher McKae & others, con i ; v: taining 1396 Acres, J f appearing to the Si tisfaction of the Court, thatthedefeuitant John Rogers, is nut-an inhabitant of rhis state, it is tliertfore ordered by the i out t, that there be Judgment of Coiiemiration on the propewy le vied on,stibjectto the plaintiffs final judgment when ohtainecL; and that publication be made in the Carolina Observer and Fayetteville Gazette forthree months, that the tielrniant come forward -n o- beforje the next session of this Court;" tu be held at the Court-house it VVa&esb'orbutrh. ; on the second Monday in July next, thenand there to replevy and pieaf , othtrwit judgment wilt be m -Je fi nal against hm. 49:3 W. DISMUKLS,v.lk. 5I.tr. intei mediate days at G a. m. : at oy P T T. 4. if XeNV CToekevy 2X the Y& stand. C & P. AIALLETT, AVlISiG laken t the house on Hay street, lately occupied by Mr. Wm. H ains as a Crockery store, beg Ieae to inform the public, that they have how on hand a general assortment in the above me and intend keeping a regular sup ply, for which purpose they have made arrangements with 'the agents of several ; xtens ve potteries in England. Cratesarid asks, assorted in the best manner, put up at the manufactories; 'will always be kept on hand, and experienced and care -nil packers will bt employ ed,for nuchas prefer' selecting from the shelves. In addition to the above, they will-have at all times on hand a general assortment f Grocies, W ines,and Liquors, Dry gotds; Hardware and Cutlery, all of wtiifb they are determined to sell at the lowest mar et pnees. - t On consierhmentv Casesof whole and half pieces Irish Linen, sets superb 1 ea China, at cost and .charges, ten tons Swedes Iron; and twenty tierces London Porter, in bottles. June 24 1823. 46. WISHEis to envpii.y some dung man fot character, to take charge of a fan-Yard i where the business I is exten sively carried on. One desirous of learn ing the trade, "ould be preferred; to whom, if well recommended, a conven ient situation tiered on good terms. 8wtl2,tJ WALlli F. LEAK. Richmond Col Grussy Island. . on Pee Dee River. Voy Sale, TTh V T valuable tenement on tne nirth side of Hay -street, ift The Brick Jiow, a4 prtent occu IIS i .1 llm-l pied by Mr. A. Turner, -and a good stand for business; payment will be made easy to purchasers. Applv to " JOHN M. DOBBIN. June 12. 2:tf. 'V i' N the 4th day of August nex, Itwril1 expose to public sale,' for cash,, af the Court-House in Fayetteyllfe; the fol lowing Lots and Lands, or so much thereof as will satisfy the tax due thereon for' the year jl821-t; . ... Hw,V-. - v One-eighth cre lot, improved, ihear Joe Sampsons, given in by Lydia BassrJO 15 One improved lot oii'fiorth street, given iitby Betsy Burkl6e( - V : 0 62' :STwo hundred arid three acres" on 'the punr branch, Dtipiel. BIacltil.ti' 70 fOne unimproved Jot on, HUlsborpiigh street, given in by J. Campbell 0 15 "Thrce.fihhsof three'acresl; formerly Na tnan 1'earces, at Campbellton landing-, girven in by .1 ,Dickson . 0 62 , 4One lot 40 by 50 feet, on cool spring street, bvdof ': - "' A. : 0 15.12 One unimproved lot fronting cool spring street, and. Starts ally; by do. 4 Q 151-2 One quarter' acre - lot, forme'rly Leo nards, on Person arid Russel streets, giten in by do:!lV s - x 1 0 7 1 2 : One lot 40?eet front, back, of the brick row, given in by do.- . 0 712 T hree lots 63 feet front, in James Ba kers plan, on IJay mount 4 0 7 12 One' lot on Rowan street,., given in by Jacob Eddy ' r 0 62 12 One improved- lot near th, poplar spring, by Moreno .. . v . 3 10 Five hundred acres on Hectors' creek, 300 acres orrKockfish do. 2 63 1-2 One hundred and eighteen acres on Gil lespie and .MumtQr0ttreets, given in by Susanna Slumioid'for, R. Mumfords estate-. ' p 30 Five hundred acreion Sandy hum giv tn in by do. , t 1 55 One lot unimproved, in Campbell on, by do. 0 - 7 1-2 One improved lot on Bow street, given in by James P. VV ikon, as the property ol Mary Wilson. 4 65 Three acres on Katnsay street, givt n in by Elizabeth Y indham 0 461 2 One hundred and twenty-two acres on west side of cross creek, given in b R. Ruiford 0 7o 12 Eighty acres on the head of Walker's branch, by do. " 49 Seven acres on the back of Dolphin Davis', unimproved, given in by Wih.am Rus .el, tor John lissel 18 1-2 Three acres at Clarendon bridge, given in by do. 0 93 Three thousard acres between hock fish and Drowning creek, as Angus Gil chrisls . 0 93 Two huhdred and twenty five acres be tween halt swamp and Rockfish, as vt m. Stuart, V';'',: 0 67 One hundred and fifty acres on Little river, Neill Smith ' 1 51 Two hundred acres on the YamVih road, Daniel McArthuus ; , 0 47 ' .1 wo hundred and tv enty-five acres' on littfef Rockfish, Duncan tolquhouns 34 " ' Eighty-eight acres on tht Indian branch or camp, VV m. McKt nzie , 0 15 . One hundred acres on the. Gallbury, John Munoys 0 13 Two thousand three hundred and five aces on Willis' creek: Jas. Sin.s 6 20 The folio-wing are nit listed, and subject to a double lax. One unimproved lot on the corner of Riissvl andT'atterson-streets, formerly he property ot Henry Branson 0 77 1 2 1 wo uo. atljo uung tne above, lormeriy Branson " o oz Fifty acres adjoining Avers,by do. 15 1-2 On improved lot in Can.pbeUton, has: Broadfoots 0 55 One do. on Bow street, joining Dr. Mc Kav. Hdlithas . 1 59-1- One do. on Old street, joining Clark aiid Pattillo, clo. 1 One do. on Korth street, Molly Can.p bell . 0 31 , One do. with dwelling-house, on. Union street, Chas. Chalmers 2 yjTX One do. on the east side of UniVaittfect, opposite the above, with stable dof'62 Sfw One dp on Hayomunt do. 031, Two hundred and sixty-seven kcredh Buckhead creek do. l'5' One lot and store house, on Person st. Eliza Hal's 3 87 1,2 Nine hundred acres on Rockfish, for merry D. Jortlai s -'0' 2 79. One lot and dwelling onNotth street7 James Kervan .0 93- One lbt 66 feet front, on Cool spring street, formerly Wm. 1-auders ,3 55 Eighty-seven acres near Rockfish. Wm. Landers J) 37 " One half acre lot on Groves :hd Ann "Street, formerly Jacob Levy '- 0T46 12 One half do. on North streetGo. 15 1-2 One lot on Hay street, joining llaxter, ditto- - 1 ' 7 T5 One do. with stable, on Ilillsborougl street, do. v N0 31 One do. 153 feet by 15J feet, on Hihs Eorpugh street, do. 0 31 Qtte do. 88 do. by 1 33 feet, on do. 23 One'.do. 40 by 100 f eet, on do. 0 73 1-4 One do 60 by '20 teet oh io. 0 23 One do. 200 by 114 teet, 01. do. 0 1512 One do. and. warehouse, on Bow street . ' 3 10 do. on Hillsborough street 0 15 1 2 Seventeen and nine tenths acres on a bove Harrington Jfill 0 31 : Two lots and dwellings in Can.pbelhon, Catharine Livingston 0 38 One do. on Hay street, joiningyCanls, Duncan Murchis-n 1 55 Seventy acres on the north side of Per son street, below Blunts creek, the pro perty of Mark Russel 6 20 One lot and half the gristmill, on Blunts creek oo. 15 One lot and improvement, on Slaider, lne, formerly the property of rchibd Ochiltree " 3 10 r One lot joining the above, owner not kn:wn 1 55 One lot with four store houses, on the south side ot Hay street, formerly Bow ells orOchiltrees 9 30 Five hundred acres on the head t the Raft swamp, heirs of C. Li nsay 1 55 Al.V.X ,M'KAV. laie Sh'iT. LETTERS Jtemairungin the Jost OJiceirayettexi f LEWIS Averitt, Jolrn AverittrPr; Cor-K nelius H. Ayer, Ira Ames, Ksther Al- VS. b James Beggs Ann" A. BaVard.2 Elizabeth Blue, Marian C. Beard, hhetiod. 1 Barksdale; Wm.Bethea Jno. C.Buckji.gi ham, John Baxter, Duncan Black, Carter? T. Baughan, Sampson Boon, Donald Ba- r ker, NeillBuie. Alfred Chi vis An thony Cobb, Andrew sClrket ; Charle XThristian, David Culbreath, : Kenan t ar-, teen, Angu Cameron,, Nancy .Cameror,";. Duncan Cameron, Harvy Case, Dr. John' . : T. i Urkc. Neill ( an erpn, John Carroll, ! Archibald Cansphell, W m Carver, :eny-.-; W m IfrCaro on. DW ro. Day kins, Cy- b reri Dearbon, Joseph Dyer Martha Dicki , son, John Dtw, John Douglas. , ENoah jr Fxl wards, . Charles F.lms Mary EdwardsivJ Jcslnm Kdwartis.' F Jas Fulton. C ; dfpsephv Gordon 2. Makom Gilh's, jan.es : (5tn2, Amos A. Galpin, Margaret Graham, 1 iVavid Gdlis, Thos. C Graham X H. , ; , i EHsha P. Hutchins Mary: Hollihgswo?uV? v-" Alexander Hobdy, Hill & Nail, Philemon ; Hedges: 1 & JEbenezer S. Jonc's, Jesse 4 .J Jones. Johi Jones, George Jones, Anios'..v . Jarman, Daniel Johnson, Robert Johnston, i,' Dcugald Johnson, Ann Johnstin, Ann lnit. giaham, Ei cch Jarrott, John : Jarott, 'Ma.' i- Jarrott K Barbara h nig, Daniel Ky le, Angus Kelly, Ezekie! Kmg, Daniel' Kin ney. L Christopher Ivytich; Janet Lar- .-t ; lie, Malcom Lamon, John Lumsden rM7J ' Duncan Monroe, I.oderic Morrison, Tliosi Moore, James Monroe, Daniel MorroerW ; Flora Murm, Wm. Magee, James Mitch-"; ell. John Morgan, Samuel McKay, Aithur jj Moore John Mulloy, Nathan MitcheU.fr J Afc Pttt-r JJiclntosl-Dougald Jlicl hail 2 f V-m, McGee 2, Daniel -McCoriush,,Duni jv can McPherson, John McNeill, Randolph) -McDongaid, Johii McSueene, Alex. McL'.; Faclu n;, ArcJi'd. Neill McLean, Ant.'rtw i J JIeF'arland Malcom Mcl'olnan, Jmet r M Rethan, Jamts McMillan, Gracy ,Mc j'; . I'heian, Alex. McDonald, Mary K'.cCoil, i rchd. JcNeiJl. John Mclntbsh,"Nt.ill Mc- y . Neill, George McKay, Normfln McKinny, 21ex. Mclhston, Peter R. McColl, Iiev. Jl McDiarn id, .una McDiarmid, T hbn:as 'i McMillan, Margaiet MtRainy Neill "AJc-if? f eed, Elizabeth MfllisterNRohtrt.V N rman, John Newton, James Newbeiry, ! v m. is 01 1 inn i ton, Jonathan XVjchqls. Jes se Northington 2, Wheeler Northrop, 'x, :" Sarah Nichols, Henry Nunnery. - P Richard Priced Lin Phiilips V m.-Patker Isaac Phaf'es. Peley 1 earcc 2, ParsoVj,.:8c Samuel IB. Knintons, Mariraret Peaue. Jinn Potts, Henry Purviaiice.- Ii- HaitjyV Ryalls, Joi n Raj, Daniel tt. Rhodes, Jainer -C h j Rile. Stephen Rojat. Lortt Itayfit d. Eliza Robeson, Gilbert R:f Jlaitiii C RaiwSl, ;' Sr-Daniel r tew art, W n.; S. Smith, Je! lis V.j Smih, James Sanpson 3, John Syn,ahy Col. D, Smith, Jlajcon- Small, Jolin ' B. !."') Stratton,'David Q. hatn ck, Forquil Stew- f f 'artj Willis Sftiith, Daniel Sherwood," John I Small. 9rrhitiflkl S hau. Kfhfrri -1: S.n-i.Qf wi'iici oaiiwuni. 1 nob. anutrt, olicpperci Servell, Mny II. Salmon. T Joseph rl horrpKon, ndrtw V . Thoir.psoh' John Thames. Jthn l illn. John Teifir j Jehn i!tini?Mi. uf.t pn 11; nif s. vni. 1 nig. pen. In ant W. Taj lor. W. l1fonias.V. AVvfk 1 S'ephVn W tod. Nathan Willianst ni ; ? Jk hn W ollah. Robert Williams John V il- - ' ! liams, John , V. W -Skins. W illian ; W iU-" C iams. Jt.hn Wyne. San.tiel WUIiiTnis. Ji n eft;- ; Wilson, sen. 'Uniothy W ilHamson. Daifiei;: " H Ji. W ilson. . j. v' 3t8 - ;'! . '4- - JOtf N WRAKi PviVf; C 1; ' - ,,-. v J f , ON the 41 h di.y of Augiist next, . I will J ' e xpose tfi public sale, for cat-h a the V.' Court-House in :Fa eutt ille, the fVih v. ft ing lai ds, or s6 tid as will satisfy the ; tax due for the ) ear lb2L . ' , f ' ;fJ ) ... Seventy -se en i-cieson Hollingswor h's .i crees, given in b'W n; Anderson, j? J ; ;' ; 2oAvcts:f':k ": C'4JTocr hundied and forty -seven kuk om j Sandy creek, given in by- Davie Ctd ! S.. breath - . . . ' Jsj TOne hundred acres on Puck crt k . -:,V en in by do. for the heirs ofNivtr ul- j, breath Vr- - 16 r Fift acres on Great Swamp orti(lc, I', given in by Jesse 1 uken her V5. ?S One bin drert acres .joinu g Arnistrcr.g and others, given in bv, John Cnlbit ath " 1 55 ' . Fifty acres on Black river, gier, !n by HughWnglit , . 'y. :,,77r " ''till Two hundred ard fifty acres joningJ above, given in by Archibald W i jfiht J t; ' - 41 ' ' JFour thousand five hundred a ver n ' Ifarri$bn"s cieek, given in ty John rick- son, Pgent lor Conrad J. Grziei i 79 Fifty acres on Uut Swan p. giver in by Dickson for Archibald Cull rt ath 16 Sixty six acres on l eek's creek; given ' 'Ibree bundled; acre on the greate r swan.p, one hundred and forty do. on l-.e- t 1 . T- i.'-- '" .!- rtui uunurt u anti iwenxy-jjve acies on Sandy creek, fifty do. on Sngss creek A : 70-. vh i Thirty-six' acres near James Blues, 23 -1 do7on flat swamp K .1 69 ' ; ! Eight hundred acres on Rockfish- . ;" , - GEO. W EVANS, Jtep Shjr. v ycr siitrj?. WJk ay, Ulte B.tl Iff. June 3, li23. 5t9 e ' ' bale, HE tenement on the soufn vi, 1 siren lorn.erijr occupied ! y Messrs -triodfobt fcf Lochrun, w ell calcuiateurfor a wl, lenafe or retail grocery, wi h warehouse, &c.and a good stand for business. For teres, ap ply to JOHN M. DOBBIN. 12June 2rtC lor jlLflii t :t'' . t . L . 1 June 24, 123. 5:5w. 4:6m

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