r .... . v - FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. THUItSDiiT, AUGUST 14, 1823. VOL. TFlFi OBSERVER, PUSHED WEEKLY BT JOHX MACRAE, P? TERMS, nni T.RS a vear, payable in ad- "i'l'i-Df ttPVI?! inserted at the rate AD 6 it ,limr- br the first inner- trtV ceni.i 7 ' VUinH WHITING Has Just Reteive , c.nes Men's Leghorn Hats, 20 L". d nnei u ire, 10 do P icking do. ALSO A h .nds ,mt HSnrtmRnt of Df Good., . A t 1 ,.tfeien at Wuolesaie ana K iil, Low for CASH. urn "arr May 15. 50:fi BaBU31TISM8 AND 1 r . J Lhlamations urea. IT A FACT, I rv kuid can be .il'nost infal. i,,,. cnveA. and Rheumatic urel. Pains hours, Bran- initiffiN'd, in Kc nirf use or U' ikkkjj. E. Aati Rheumatic Salve, llio' i i C. . i c fK i"ii'ir in H,,umitims, this Salve is proua- - 1 A" b not urpassei in me cure im Bruises, Sprains, Burns braids oro, ke. Breasts, sore Ripples, nnd other eite'n;il i"fl initiations. A more va luiMe Family jVtei.icine. it is pre-su-el,has never been offered. Sold tin boxes, at one dollar, with ii ed direction and cemneates of its utilnv. Ungges.ts will at urgent be fu: iii-ed on commission pri an be purchased at a liberal desri Action. At Charlestun, tor the 2uuihern States A few boxes of this invaluable aiedicine, for sale at the store of O P STARK. Faietteville, ApHl7, 1823. 9m f 1HL Subscriber informs his cus X tomers and the public generally, that in addition to his for ner stock, has r-.-ceived fresh supplies from New York, amongst , which are th fill .AingrGOODS. As'he calculates on sellmj for Cash only, the v are of- iercd at unusually low prices Su ier black, blue and colored Cloths, '.asMiiets, assorted colours, iMe, r.vl, veliow vfe green Flannels, Pi do nd figured Bo nbazrts. assfrf- Jd ro! hits, B . ui) ziues, do. do. W .ii- & laured Valencia Vestings, initio duro Mrseiilps. 6-4 and 4-4 C unhvir Ginghams, Fn y ('.imhri'- Prims, a variety, 4-4 and 7-8 Iiish LintMis. assorted. 3-4 and 4-4 Cotton Shirtings l.i read CJjtitihrir nnrl tYv.m C.m one Haudkerchiels, 1 ead a-.d Bob inett Laces, " i and figured Cotton Cainbricks, '"uett, book nnd VIu Mnsiins. Finned do do. K ' k Satin Sinchews and Sarsnft. L.-a.),' Sh iwlsand S-arfs. no IKfiV and farirv Silk dn. S U nbreiLs and Parusols, C-uded Velvets assorted, FT i . J j velvet and Plush, up and Russia Shirtings and Os n t nil r its. JJ'"e Linens and Cotton Cassimeres. - 'ie auu coloured Drillings, 'rsucker, Imitation do. -a i I .mtli.x... C c t-f . Hi- - ui i; him ii .iir iw i .nin n 10 to ntserts of Rioands, Ce , nen's nant and Letflmrn Vfaim e weaver and bilk Gloves, V , l- ' P 4 nrnn Chtcks, Superior Bed Tri-ks -k 4 4 4 and 3 4 A .m. Br Sheetings4 jCT The above Goods, together 1111 ""V others too ted ierate j navintr all aeen bontrht fnr. Cash, nu nrinr'ri:4ilv at A.iotlnn ;n o City of New-Yor will be sold 'ither hv r j iiutiiuii in - try Merchants are invited to Cdli nd examine them. o JOHN McARN. Jy 29, 1823. 52:tf W,fcra U ... 'a'lU ,t,e hKhew pnet-.Kiveo foi ten -"i-N s store aad at the CHEAP WHOLESALE liYig & Medicine Stove. .Dr. F. If. MdFFITT, Co. INFORM their-fnends and the public gerierally, that they have now opened , an extensive assort, ment of Drugs and Medici ieS) iin ported from some of the first houses in the United States, hich they will dispose of to Physicians and Merchants, on more liberal terms. than they can meet with South of New York or Philadelphia Family Prescriptions, prepared as usual, with the greatest care, ot ' pure and genuine Medicine Like. wise Medicine Chests, designed for the use of Families residing in the country, constantly for sale N n. A large supply of Oils, Co lors. and Dve Stuffs : Hatter's ma terial, and Coach Trimmings, dai ly expected. May 15. 50tf. 3I VDE $ MENDED In the best manner, and at the shortest notice, two doors West of Mrs. Perry's on Old street, to which place the subscriber has re moved his Copper-Smith Shop. Annlications made at the store of Maj. Ayer, or at the Post Office, will be attended to. JOHV M ACRE. VALUABLE LANDS IN EAST iFLORIDA, FOR SALE. THE subscriber has for sale some valuable -tracts f land, lying on Tampa or "All Saints Bay, Charlotte har bour, and other places in East Florida, which he will dispose of on a liberal credit, for thev greater part of the pur chase money ; or receive in payment inproved estates in this stave, improved lots in tayetteville, negroes, or other personal propety. Apply to THOS. STRODE, "Agent for the owner. Fayettevitle, JST. C. 15,-1823. 5 rtf-gip BARNUiVl BEACH & Co. have just re ceived in addition to their former block, a large and fresh supply of Boots and shoes of all descriptions, which they offer for prices lower than usual, for Cash or Pr6duce.Also, 10 Boxes Tjeaj Whittemore's Cards 50 doz, Morocco Hats 10 cases Straw Bonnets 50 pr. Nankeen, white Linen and strip 30 Short Jackets 10 doz. Hair Seives 50 boxes Windsor Soap 20 reams Writing Paper 100 doz. Ladies' Hair Combs. They also continue to manufacture La dies Boots an3$hoes, of different descrip- tions. June 4, 8r:- r . Itf. i" jrY man '?ny,' eloped on t he 21st Of XtJL March f ne nas an excellent counte nance, very ready in his answer; and.with considerable assurance he is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, yellow complected, has a burn on his left army- high forehead, an&a head inclined to be Jbald j he had Sr.en he left, a varietyof ciothing", a suit of white Plains, and some : homespun clothes, the color,, not recollected. He may attempt to pss for a freeman where he is not kn6yn; as he is artful, f pur chased hiniuOf a Mr.:3teadman, in Chat county j:iTMj3tiely he may be iurking about ra hat neighborhood. " Any p ersim "app'reJieTiding said fellow, shall be entitled to a reward ) fiJiydol tars, if delivered to me, and.all reasonable expenses paid ; therwise,4 ijrdeliyered in any convenient jail, and immediate infor mation given, twenty oar. Any information kwill Tie directed to Cheraw. Jerry is a blacksmith byjtrade. f Charles J. hide. Marlboro9 District, 6'. t2 April 28, 1 823. : $ 10tt lUant Deeds, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE 9 " " MANSION. UOTIi, FAV ETTEVILI.E, N C. 1 iE Subscriber ha iug leased this hiSta'dishment, lately in the oc cupancy of Capt; Xaber, is now in reiadiness to accommodate Travellers aSoarders. Heienders his warm est thanks to the public and the citi zens of IAyetteville for the fornier patronage and friendlv support which he has receivedr and in soliciting a continuance of these faypt assures them, that every xftiOBhaJi be made, and due attenrtled in order to the coinfbrt'-sulasor'b' travellers and boarders ;His Rdoms are numerous, being newSeieahaiid large, are well adapted fo'r 'cipafpri and healtiipeniligupoie which presen ts a fine jirbspect ; super addedarthe c&brl;p eas and retiretdptw h icbayje.hjq?dilS spaciousatlours bry; ttellinigpialn dies. riiis situatpnjstaiii on one ot healthy tage and convenience, arisingii'rbm th important and exWnsive business transacted on thatstrjeet, whibjhwilf make it the interest of CountryMer chants andVPlauters to call it is constantly supplied by means ol aque ducts, with pure water, issuing from one of the best fountains in the state. His B R wili be constantly supplied with the best and choicest Liquors, his Table with the best the countrv market affords ; his stables shall be attended by faithful, steady and h nit-st Ostlers Other advantages are attendant upon this Establishment, rarely to be excelled in any other Public House in this state. DILLON JORDAN. The Mansion Hotel Is the c.nly .staoi: C ftice fur the following Mages : The Mail Line for Washington City, arrives every Morning at one o'clock A. M. and departs at half past 7- gO" The Accommodation Stage for Norfi lk, leaves the Mansion Ho tel every Monday and Friday morn ing, at 4 A. M. and returns on Sunday and Thursday evenings, at half past 7. The Wilmington Stage arrives and dep ts on the same days and hours as the Augusta Stage. ICThe Augusta Stage arrives at 8 o'cloct , P. M. oti Tuesday, Thursday-and Saturday, and departs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at about 5 6 clock, A. M. D JORDAN. The -Editors of the Charleston Courier and Augusta Advertiser, are requested to insert the oove adver tisement one month and forward their bills for payment. 5l.tf. Fayettevillc. Maytl, 1823. Marble Cutter HAVING purchased the Stock Of ASweetlahd and taken the stand lately occupied by him, will supply tfibse who want with Monuuientsv-Tomb-tables Head-stones, And any other article in the line which may be wanted. Also Build ing Stone of every description j of the best Free Stone & or tne country stone. -The work will be done in the best manner and oh moderate terms HatStreet FayktevjUeyN: C. Coach Carriage Making BUSJLWSS. THE subsciiber having purchased of Mr. A. McLauchlen, the establish ment lately occupied by him on Person street, otters his service to the inhabitants of Fayett. ville, and the public generally, in the above line of business. All work sent to his shop, shall be done in the best manner, at the shortest notice, and on the mo&V reasonable terms ; and he hopes, tMim his general knowledge of the above 1;U.siifds, to merit a share ot puDUc pa the most-eley atel - streets,: is ; attended ;wj:h the advatif a etteyiWe Acexay . ) "Vr,. THIS Institution now offers advantages equal to any in the Southern States, ' being conducted on the most, approved principles and provided . with , superior Teachers in every branch xf usetid and or namental education. This, with its healthy -ituation and moderate cliarges for board and tuition, must insure it a liberal patron -age! The strictest attention will be paid to the Conduct and morals of those attend ing it. ' " '' :. ". TERMS PEJR QTJARTEft. Female Department, conducted by Mrs Harm Hon, with assistant teachers, Kudiments, - - -Keadiiig and Writing, S2 ,50 3 jMoeJfft. Geography, with the use of .the Maps and Globes, HistbryvCh ronology, Mytho-. logy,f Rhetoric, Belles Let- ), treSf Mraposition, rsaturai Philosophy Botany, with ; plam andjorhame ntal Iedle t AVork'i:. -" Musle jtaugby Madam Veilla, in the best Ttaliwstyrd, per annum, R60; perquar- Dittoipught put otmwm -fity - per;annum ... C-..'-V J ,f -; DraWfngii PntingSdeFj nch Lan- mtage; fe.' M; Iisney avefFrance. dassicardenartment. under ur. G. Davis. The .Latin and Greek Languages, Naiural ana Moral Philosophy , Logic, Asnronu my,1 Mathematics, Geometry, and Alge bra. 8. i ENGLISH MALE DEPARTMENT. Rudiments, - - JS3 Reading, Writing, Arithmetic," English Grammar, Ancient and vc?6 Modern Geography, with the r25 use of the Maps and Globes, J Pens and Ink provided without charge. A tax of 25 cents on each student, fo Wood, Water, &c. , vV ' Board, including all the" ab"ove branch es, except Music, g35 per quarter, paya ble m advance. mv- (CFor the satsfactipf1JjValSand Guardians, the following genHemeh may be referred to : John A. Cameron, Esq President of the SchooCommittee, of the Rev. R. H. Morrison Fay etteville, June 51823. l:y.l TiAXK. STOGIE. TH E undersigned will take a few shares of Cape Fear and State Bank Stock, at suitable prices. D. SMITH, J . ' Hay Mount. Jizfy31, 1823. 3ill JV or th-Cai'olina Register; UNITED STATES CALENDAR. A Small Work, 1 earing the above title, for the year 1 823,' was compiled by the subscriber, and .published last winter, at the printing office of Messrs. Jos. Gales & Son. In the preface it was announced that "should sufficient encouragement be given, a similar publication might in future be annually expected. The design of this publication was, to furnish the citizens generally with a convenient book of re ference, containing within a small com pass, and at a moderate price, much , local information which could not without con siderable trouble, be obtained from any. other source. From the favorable opin. ion very generally expressed respecting the uncommon utility of this workfthe compiler was led to believe, that public patronage would have equaled his ex . pectation. This expectation, however, so far from being realized, has been more than disappointed. More than six months have elapsed since the Register has issued from the press and the sale has not, yet defrayed the expences of printing. Thus, instead of being remunerated tfor: . their labor, the Editor, and th Printer are both out' of pocket. A very moderate com pensation would have satisfied both; but neither of them can think of continuing a publication which must subject them to a loss. Preparations have been made for the publication of a Register tbr 1824 ; and for presenting it to, the jmblic in a state of considerable improvement; em b) aci ng the correction of several errors which could not well have been avoided in the first Register, together with an. accession of valuable information, which - the first did not contain ; but unless some assurance of a more extensive sale can be .secured, the project of continuing a Re gister for N. Carolina must be entirely abandoned. If such assurance can be ob tained in a. reasonable time, the work, now preparing? will, in due season, be committed tojthe press. In such an event, it will appear by the time fixed for the meeting of the Legislature of this State ; and such copies as may beengaged will be sent to the several courses by the re turn of their respective representatives. Those who feel interested in encouraging the Work here referred to, are requested to inform the subscriber by letter, free of postage, of the number of copies they are willing to take ; and it is desirable that this shouldie done with as little delay as possible as the work, if printed at all, ought to be in the press before the 1st of September. COLIN MTVEH. Fayetteville Jvly 24, 1823.; . 9 THE house later occupied by Col. Stevens, oiitjhe State House square, and the houses and stores bel&n&rine ta the estate of Hubert Adam and Robert Halhday.c'eceas ed, will be offered for rent, for one year, on the 1 st September next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. at the State House. J. A-CAMERON. FayettevUle, Aug. 1, 1823.4U3 O. MqRAE has for sale, tfbis Book Store: tw doors above "the Posf-Of fice, a valdWfasssirtmet of BOtyfCS: in the ditterent departments ot literature and science ; among which are the follow ing : ; - i Theology. 'Retigioug wgrdphy,&.c.- Ad am's Religious-WPfM Displayed, Chalm er's Astronomical and other Discourses, Saurin's Sermons, Davies do. Hunter's Sacred Biography, puck's Theological Dictibnary, SimeoriaBkeletons, Meikle's Traveller, Baxter's Saint's Rest, Palev's Theology, Memors of Rev. A. Fuller, Life of John Calvin, Buchanan's Christian Researches, Frey's Narrative, Doctrine;!' Lifef r he New-Jerusalem, Butterworhs Concordance, Bibles, family and com mon, &c &c. History, Biography ana JWscellanies. Ramsay's United States, Maj. Long's Ex pedition to the Rocky Mountains, Life of Mary Que n of Scots, Memoirs of Jack son, Universal History, Josephus' Works, History of Rome, do. of England, Domes tic Encyclopedia, Morse's Gazetteer JatestJ edition, Shakspeare, Elegant Extracts, Moore's Works. SaJamagundi, Peveril of the Peak, Annals of the Parish, Sir An drew Wylie, Sporting Anecdotes, Cava lier, Minstrel Love, beventy-Six, Percy Anecdotes, Martyr of Antioch, Cain, Sar danapalus, Privateer, Tom Crib's Memo rial to Congress, Loves of the Angels, Don Juan, Marcian Cblbnna, GinseppirtoJ Happiness, Idle Jan. Dr. Syntax's Tour, Rhyming Dictionary, Ga's Fables, Pop ular Model? Nightingale, Thornton's Bt any, Fosters Essays, Button's Lectures, Say'SsPplitical Economy, Carey's do. Frac tiqal AccountSnt, U hites Compendium ofi Cattle Medi cine, besides various other miscellaneous works; Af'm A vtiWgt3Ney?i3haiieeiy Reports. 20 vpls,hiuigsEvd on Ev. idencela American PrlJlll;! ''j ' 4 " 1r&3li4aPman s 1 h e lion'racticejEwel's M ed jicl$iipn:AmeQcan Dispensatory, M4gcue I'hysiology, Bellas Operative Surgery, Bell's Letters,' Brodie on the Joints, Fife's Anatomy,-lrognostics and (irises of Hippocrates, Combe's Phrenol ogy, Physician's ,Vade Mecum, Ramsbo-! tham's Midwiferv. . Classical and School Books. Horace,: Virgil, Ovid, Sallust, Cicero, CaWr,, Ro mani Ahtiquities, Selects Profanis, Viri Romac, Historic Sacrise, Graca Minora, Xenophon, Greek Testament, Schrevelli's Lexicon, Latin and Greek Grammars," Simson 's Euclid, f Huttpn,di Mathematics, P'erguson's Astropomy,? Gibson's Survey ing, Pike's, Walshhd Dilwprth's Arith metic, Blair's , LecturesPaIey'sv Moral Philosophy, JamiesonLbgic Duncan's do. Blair's Philosophy JpjTce'fjio. Morse's, sAdam'sand Willett Geography, Mnrray's Grammar, Exercises and Key, Walker's Dictionary, Webster's Murray's, Dil worth's and Waldo's Spelling Books, American Preceptor, Columbian Orator, Scoti's Lessons, American Selection vEn glish Reader, Catechetical Compend of Histor), Catechisms'dn Practical Chemis try, st ronomy, Botany, Classical Biogra phy and Mythology, Universal History, Ro man Antiquities, Grecian dot Jewish do. Roman History, Grecian do. English do. in a series of numbers, adapted to the use of scholars in the United States, with en graved illustrations. '' '-Clf.J,' . Ako Atlases; Prints, Blank ;Books, Copy Slips, Writing' and efter .aper, Wafers, Sealing- Wax, QdiUs, Ink-Powder, Ink Stands, Pen; KniyesySlates, Lead and ilateeiicns, PainttBixes, Pocket Books, &c. ' ;:-oifaIt; j pieBes 43 iucfa Ba&&inff C. T. h aigHv August 6, 1823. 8wtl7 THE subscriber intending shortly to leave this place for the North, takes this method of informing those indebted to mm, by note or book account, to come forward and settle the same, and hose hav ing demands, to present thenu for pay ment ; as all accounts will bejeft . in the hands of an officer for collection. Those concerned will save - costs, by availing memseives oi tois notice. ' V'Vf-:-V--:; A. BAILEYi August Ty 1823. j 4tl3 3on Eccles "ISH to purchase ,two yoke of younff, Jarffe, stroner, and well broke jpxen. Cash will be paid. July 28, 1823.3W ,K r-'v" Bank Stock, on Credit. OX Tuesday, the 21st of August next, (being Thursday of the county court,) one hundred and ninety-four Shares Stock of the State Bank of North-Carolina, and fifty six Shares Stock of the Bank of Cape Fear, belonging to the es tate of Daniel Cress, late of Salisbury, dee'd, will be sold on a credit of six months. Bonds, with at least two good securities, will be required, andther particulars made known on the day Pf sale, by the ex ecutors. 3& EDWARD CRESS, JOSHUA GAY. ALEX GRAHAM. Salisbury, July 11, 1823. jwtl2. tVf ' For Sale, HPhAT valuable tenement on ie north side of Hay -street, in theBrick Row, at present occu pied bv lt; A. Turner, and a good stand TlfTTI for business; payment will be made easy to purchasers. Apply to JOHN A!, DOCBIN. June 12. Hitel Boarjding If bu se. M' its. BARGE infoiTOShtr friemls and the pubic, that she still keeps up her HOTEL AND BOARDING-HOUSE, where every exertion' will 'be fUsed, as heretofore, to render, the -situation of travellers and others, who may please :to call upon her, agreeable. She is well lurnisnea wiui iiuois, guw ucus, and her table will be always supplied jw ith I o all the variety which the country affords.' w(f Her stables are good, abundantly prov dejdL ! with Grain and Fodder, and under the caretJ of futbful and attentive HostlersJ ... , f " Bv the most unremitted -attentions to j . the comfort and convenience of her guests,' she hopes to merit a continuance of that patronage which has hitherto been so hbv erally extended to her. j . FayettevilletJuly 24, 1823. 5wl3 Tie ubsCTiber WISHES to employ some young man of character, to .take charge pf a Tan-Yard, where the business is exten sively carried on. One desirous of learn ing the trade, ould be preferred to lM wnom, ll w'jeu lecuuuucnoeu, a cunv.cii ient situation is offered on good terms. 8w?X2V WALI EIt F. LEAK. Richmond Co. Grpxsy Island, ) j oti Pee Dee River. Bau jvay J TAKEN up, and put in jail, a mulatto I man nanes ISAAC, wiio sayshe be longs to Samuel Guy, of Iredell county.: He nas on the right side of his. nose a mark, given to., him by his -mother V the j mark is a black colour, naturally impress ed in the iBeshJ fr its intended purpose.: Isaac' Is a very remarkable slave, about! five iet; sixjunchs high, well built, a' brighjt icomplexion.'ncl about twenty or twentyfive- years of age. Had on when; taken op, and put m; jail, cotton homespui shirt and trowsefs. His fnaster is request ed, by law to come forward," prove pro pert , pav charges, and take him awayr.i .A MIT T. T . 1 ATTI TSRYi Jailor i Fayettexnlle, July 16, 1823. 8 ft! Slveiriirs Sale. I WILL expose to public saie, for cashy; at the Curt-llowse in Fayetteville! on I l Monday, the first day of September next,; . . r 0 Vn 4-Vl 1 rwir i n rr lonrlt r uc Tnnrlv i fft will satisfy the taxes due thereon tor the ; j. year 1821, together with the cost of ad ; ' vertismg the same, viz : j 100 acres on Campbell's creek, given H in by Allen Northington 2 61 , 300 acres, on Cape Fear river, given in. .' , by James Northirigto'i 8,.85i ' ; 250 acres on Anderson creek, given in by Wm. Crawford :l 1-55M 4oO acres on or near ixeiu'screeK, giy. en in by Demps'e Bullord 2 56 75" acres o. Black river, given , iu' by Obadiah Hagens 1 " 24 ' 650 acres on Neill's creek, given in by John Jones . 1 3 10j lOOv) acres on Black riverr and 'Cape Fear, given in by Arch. McNeill 12 32 200 acre on Buies creek, givt:n by Wm.:Wade J , 1 s4 150 acres on the turkey pen branch, not listed - ' - ' .-0 9$: 100 acres on Neill's creek, given in, by Mavil Jones . 1 120 acres, on Santenfs creek, given in by Istiara Prince . .1 60 . 96 acres on do. given in by Stephen Pope " j ' r 30 728 acres on Hectors creek, giveninby LewisRobinskn fcr Mary Beard 93 40 -800 acres on tUelarsh bralTch, given in by Wni. Sled . 2 48 1350 acres on Neill's creek, given iiiby Stephen Senter for the heirs of Stepheii Johnston 4 . 4 18 .150 acres on Black river, given in by; Stephen Senter for Jesse "Wood'-',. 47 . 808 acres on the Marsh branch, given in by &ilas Stephens . 3 37J 36 acres on or near Hector's creek, giv en in by Arthur Smith " '- 11' 500 acres on Neill's creek, given id by; Simon Johnston 3 44 400 acres on Black river, given in by Zilpha Bagget V T 62 ' 180 acres on -Mingo swamp, given in by Benjamin Moore . f . . 558 360 acres on do'gven in by Abram Pais, ker - :; -1 :"' ' I ' 12 f 120. acresVbn Stony run, given ' in by Wni. $tonei!. : ,62 ': 250 acre on Mingo swamp, given in by " Penelope Trapnell v ' - i .78 200 acres on Cape Fear river, given in 1 by James P. Wilson for Mary Wilson 2 03 550 acres on' Barbacue creek, givtn in by John Cameron, Esq. 2 00 100 acres on the road fair land, given in i hy Neill McHuie j - 2 76 1 50 acres near Moore county line, given in by John M orison ; ) 1 85 j 200 acres on the three prongs given in by Murdock Mclver, "; 154 1 50 acres on -the Gum swamp, given in oy Aiexanaer-jucuougaen 4 390 acres ou Cranes creek, given in by John Morison 31 . 280 acre on upper little river, given in by Elizabeth McHuie for the estate of Neill McHuie 2 09 - -400 acres on the Cyprus swamp, given in by Daniel Morison" 138 100 acres on the spring branch, given in by Mary PatersonH 15: 100! acres on upper little river, given in by Dane.f Smith , 138 210 acreioh Cape Fear river, given in by Flora Srriith ' " 72 1 JO. HODGES, for X ' ALEX.McKAY, late Shr'jK;; j Jlv2. 1823. 3w If or teale, . Mi JL HE tenement on the soum side of Pefsbiv srect,2formeriy occupied by "Messrs. Drbuflfaot Lochruit, vielt calculated for a "wfilesale, or retail grocery, with vi arehoue 5tt.vand erood stand for busine;For,tert:.s, ap. piy 10 JOHN " M, DOBBIN, 12.June ,2ifK 7i. :i 'i) V. ii - V ' Junc 26, 123. trtiagef JACOB ALLiiis. Jfoj&i&Ue, July 23, 1823,-ow 4:6m .0 .f- . . - ,

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