'MSA ran- k? '!i;' i Li J-'l i l H -VS-I' ' J .1 t I, .'lv--' ,.-ri , NMMHCMMMW NO.1 307. 1 i 1 - 1 r j 11 '. , ; ' , s , ..scrted fo-,75 . cents . per VirC-" s7i ccnt.s fteach succeed- ut -.airerf. brtiey Avbc ton. .i--""-"'" ': '-for t lie county ol-Mtfore,. Xt U4 4V - , : : J ,: T''-. macWuxl to me.ty Jioot Acanint or; C' vt'G-erwc particaltho? uvhese Recounts CJ.L.-'eJpbsei'ito pubKci sale' fbf ;ash'at 'the iv rt' ik uVc iri FvettuVUk, on the i rst. .Mopday H hr i v wn all 'thet'.l lowitig1 raicls ot lands; 'o'-tAicU 'ter-M as W ll- satisfv the raxes dee for the.-yG:--r: !S23. nd,a!!:cS)ts.i" ; ; a ' J :; Ftix I)kstrictv . ; ' !-'; :i0 acres swarap ?and li?l.odtJS: jbhiii CjilbreatH. i::'U -:..v -f v S2 30 acres c-s '. tfie -head cf T-vltir Ifot; crek, icre5mT!ck Mitio, tax ;:: ; ' . ' -1 8-t . .22 ! m My, roeussori, Lsted: by 4ohh l:.-;'-'.Hrdn tbe Tvifksy, Pcarctvlbted' by'. 1w '.a'oa'.i.'. Dl Swamp, liated bv JJavjd flo'i iS (!u c ih T jrlcey I'earch, listed byVI. Ilo - JiTy-'Mountj listed by do. for do. y- 46 ;.Vv n i Fiaj S &w:amp, tax .j-if.i n.ii' tax , 45 - tin ffuv-Mfi ir.t, Jisiea bv Davta.lio.vw nr; ''a5:)V: or-'trve;t1a:.rriJw'dl be. bai- s' AW , stihdinic aRef t-y, 'uree aia lour '''lvii-np to co'-.itei f'Gfwa-idaiKl settle -them i?pm irTan oSif'cef! Iuds for collect :(n. .'t 0!j ;lLiT!v!...'3 eck. i: fcd by,Thtopltr'l;,; v oeo'! CU i' - ; o nr 5 i h or iirfy Creek, iisted by. Daniel C- ? . i. fX 1 U IXiL; ''on'i Buck's C r.eek, for he h'cj rs of A ret i,' "!v'i,,"".?'-'"i .f"t- 2 u.''ofithc".6i;t Swawp, fo- tl .1 : ; ol ,Ke- ,;;i.uiFi,-:K ; . ; : .: -y ,,, : 2.1. ; 4 :-,; oh BacVd cvfetiCv listed b Jesse 'I Juke. ri) i V a.fiir-.in? tKa.-tO'.vn'-Kri'e-,. '.Mstc'd'-bv ditt 1 84 oh Siritfy; creek, listed, by -Aaron Hair, 345 7i!''t; . Jied by Samuel "Phearis taxi! -230 c " . t f inj llurhou creek, listed by Dattiel iy. ;Q SiSfedby fliih Sitnson, t.ix ; i' .80' 4- on tlje Guiii'Swiinipj-likcd bv Fleet Hail, ' i - . ' f'" : 10 ' LTI.TS1EJV L'DS.. . !" ! V e' ,i se pnjperty of John Cvum pier, Sampson S'S t.' ;f KLickrive'r, (oztxfif)y owned by Robert f'-V V.'.' v 'VJOUil BIACK uSV; 1 . V V. .McLIlRAN IK s. cerberlD,iHi;Jids.j'- f..V 1 tico Caiial Lottery - ' . . ! ' . . i - faun. thirty My y,!jruarV, ISM. i-.K ' p'iz 0 Si,oQ05is; 10,006 1 ;i . ' 6,00p 6,00d I 1 4000 f 3,000 . ; ; 2,000 ; U538 v .1,000': 2O0 4 ;r-v: - ' 12 . ; .;;;7 :. f,O00T 3,000 ; . 2,000;,.: 1,538 4 '" 6,000 ! ;1 f 1 ,13,000 v 1 1 ) 20p : 3,744 j, 3 1,20a ji . ti .' A J 'AH .1 - 5 . 879,170 j' Vhch' vrr ; Vfv'N "JpV v r-'Vp.s., -i4 ;'i'3' 4 1 m&htv .'iln'u!t 4ff necessity drawKat wf n,. an;chahces;fot' capi-1 ! - ir ; ' : : -ii.."-. :- s 4?V)yhe ternary combW ; : 1 ,7 W&i on s-tlAKEJ? 4'4 4 , j fjrvir :ner A "H -ii. . wuatthe rost-OfKce. Fay- 1 1 ' If ft! I - - . : f , : i . . . - - : J 1 I - "i H has removed to thr- Ktm-. 1 - 1 : JLi fprerly occupied tiy Jlrj. K- E. fJUwis, one aoonwest of the Cape, Fear BahlcX'tfrhfw'l nflMf for safe, ;a general asartrftent of Dry G6odk;Cpt. ton, Cardjs, Straw B6imctB, Mett's Inutatidn -Beaver Kats, &ci at wiiolesalot and retaiL - J - " .-' . Faycttftville,-Be.cr16v)l824393tft?j :' ' rriQ aifwhcm it inaj; concern tbtl have appoint X ed W BAtiA UIX myilawiVd -'Attorney dtt- Hg niy jabsBc--w.fto, i authorised to 6ett!eaft fnvj Intstiiesa, viz receive and ,givaisch'arffe ynytiltinlle Jan J, 6, 1825. 396-2itC llfinuJernaMtinty Court, ad rtjritiesta jdl persons uaviiig- ciams upon me sawi estai e totpresent thefti iiijuv, hi" iLiuaic pat II N FJXY MAliSIl, Adm'rx, if iii ike W ill annearetL 1 it- JTtLJb"ejo(fiered tpr safe.' ti'fi Saturday the 2td ;If davvbF!ja''tiaty hext, it the liou; "jf the late J apU'? IWarsh 4ecM, all the unwilled property of said drctasedi consisting of house)w!d IViruiture, iand a or.e horse citt. Aivy further particalars may be had by ;;irtuiiingp of Sir. lvan. MaiV.i, who is authorized to. transact business ior rtei' ' t V ; T ,' j':;L a;4;.BLl. MARSH; ''Atim'ix,' v ti : -X;'! ', :' With ifa'. Wilt.. wmexed, -k; 1 R Six month sjcredlt will; be given, the p'urP chaser giving note ith apnred security, T :; peceber.2 ISO ?irpd. ;"'..:' . :''..:.Y ; :K0Tl:E,;::i:;!:;- rpH E public arl'- notilitthAt tho Ch : ; Jl 3taef.i b'ookiiALfc.reiitVoved tVora tu'ihe Fe eyiile, Jfouarfv.i.-.' it' fedk..';!:i- :i : r . ; -4.-1- , r- riIIE subsi; , 3er Tcj;5' ;ijd yed;to take charge f ; oftlve sc ol ojjjK..y, .tountl ViU open; on the first Monday'.'': ja jy tor ili reception oi scholar?, Tue teiits, -;yyr. .$.' . b the same a at t'V- ,;-cadepSi to fitti ': ' id)t advance J lavir!r lad se vet a) yearjs. ei;;.W :fe iik ijs business, he Matters Jiim-'es-lr that 1 1 V k: j '.V- sblle to give general satisfacti6h,! liu -greatest :;:temiov WU be paid to thell tqrais ir;.iprovement of hose CMmnutted t1 his care.- . 1- or-'ti rtlier i uforniat Jon inqtiire of j Mr G.: Alallett 4 1 . - 4 ! ' mp Jlr. M . MXeiSH"o' thisplai f F. A. lUKELL. p,vPtiPv;i v r Bee. 23, ia'.'4Jitf. .Vi ikscribec ,iiiteniinc ioleay2 Faye 1,1' iha i5utl'bqnajilil . inn airt-Bw anq requests tntie; lmieotea t.- Jv irftakei'nimeiate ' payment Mr.'Hj'' vho js 'dy tuthorised to pfant discharges ; for the same. A punctual lattention jtothis'noticei wIU save costs. - :V:'. ' p ".VILUAM SPA Fayettevdle, ; January 3? 182-3tf 96, - j ftuei;ov Clot to 'i; ft arvsr G ibs 'T!HH "bsrriber hvin'4 in 'Mecklenburg jcoiititv, s North-Ca'-obnu,- near ; the .Great Staqre Itoad, leadintrifroriv Salisbury to Charlotte, eicht hiilcs north of Charioite, keeps constantly on hand Co ton Crns. nricde on tlije most - improved plan; ot the host .lls; and hie Will warrant his "work to He as. fainAiH xcutec,: and his Gjns perorm as well as hi Iij , 4 the state, .Orders from, any 'part .-of tlfe U4-' ivnkfi;lly reeeivedj and prompt ly ai u-. ti v -V; , 5 ;iqt- syouid e sent.4on las earh ,;v ;;v L906te.uo.; . . 1 v; i,. a. ? , 0 j UfeUffeasv- V 'For sale byjj Al'NEILf . Sc K IRELAND. FayetteV. y t..1824 3.82fr KotiM'is given, SHTl HA:r at November Terni. A. 1). 1b24. of the '3l' Court of Fleas and -Quarier Seson.v"m'and for the dour, tv of Ne.' HanoVer--Let te rs of Ad minis tration, on the estate of AR CUT BALD, TAYLOR, deceased, we- e i?ran,led to the subscriber. I AH per sona indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment; myself at Fayetteville, or to John Taylor, in; Wilmington, who is duly authorised by. ine. jto grant li$chargesi i and ;; those who have demaodf against llie same, are requested to pre- k tk.m m. lirni.rlQtiitn no sknvo u'ltKIn if 'io tim- t r i 1. ... . riruri 1 -f i prescnoeo OV iar, ucy win uc udrreu uj c icuuvo ry ' I ' - I . . . ' A s I ANGUS TAYLOtf, fi&nV NoyemberlS, 1824 4t396. , 1 liisoiution. ' - Kanership hitherto existing under the Tiire p' 1 firm of A. & C4 IJ. MOKK, is this day rdissnlv- ed" byi mutual consent. A. MONK, ! C ML MONJSL- December 23, 1824 31397 Notice is hereby Giveri, THAl'lat Fall Term, A. D. 1823,' oi the Court of t'Jeaa and ttiiarter Sessions, in and for the onnty of iBladen -the . subscriber provtd thc last Will andiitesument jof Jonathan Smith, deceased and qualified as xeutor thereto. I: . i f : " All peHsoni indebted to the estate of saki Jona than Smith, are requested to make payment, an:l those who1 havedeinand3 against the same, will pre- bent them tor liquidation withm the time : prescribe eu py jaw. or iney wu uc uarrcu i 1 -wcrj -i . , -,i ; THOMAS F. SM( x'r4 Bladeti County, . December 9, I824r-2tanif3m 4 & TWO Lots on the South East cor- of the Court Hduse ? Square, in the Fovrn of Fayetteville, with comnsOdiotis ttou9es.4equal, if not.auperiorto anyf tn the state. .; A ten acre lot, fronting; on Rowan, Chatham, Moore, and JV11?!!:0?1!116 lands of John Arrostron& Esqvbeautiful .situations tof pnyate ,iamiui, u -"u, lcr",! Esq. or to! V, V. Salmon, Esq vbo hye on the to the subscriber1n .Sampson county , 4 , HAUijy R0YAU5 & rg 'VIE fubscribt r haa reciv0d Witters of dipirus irath vvith the "ill annexed iipon the esate bf. fumes Marshy dee'd, (at.'., Decciraber i term 1 824 ot the; .yet 1789,-in bilr ofk 'tovrry, ndt thoj;e in debted to? said estate, to ntalce linjrietUate pavii ent. t Office JfayJi&vilie, Joh 'y L 1825. n Averett. --..ititicilr :fr,; E Arnold ;-" v-".- :-; . m-.Hv'i-Rf Joseph, Arey ; : h " ' Wa Mhuvdi -? 1 Mary. Hluc li(imas lunrce Sarah Buia 4 ::; - j !MUl3 f 3 ; V ' l1 ' .-tr Huel Millikeu 15 ake liaker : Alexander Masoh AMizaoem-ijurkioe Jarnes Miller I Tf'S",15 I Nathan Mitchell ! j 1Rky :; ;homas FI. Massey ,Bpadfo6t4ic';, GochiTHei:beTi Meex "-fi -v iM-----' --" - ;':VifctSTh4nias Mason Ann Blue . : :W- jc , "4;-f James Blacfclcdse .ySanieVMillaii . . : ' L ' Tohn Mclvef ; ;iU:T'v Puncan-Colq'tibpun. Kiia Mcbanlel Arch'd. Cook ; - johin McDuiuet , . . John Clarke ajcm MqBhcrson Jf)hti Cutrm ; s lugh ml cari ''tin . Elizabeth' Collins 2 'm; MtiDiarmia ! David CulBreth I X H. McNeill I J. WJ Cheesborouh Irnes. MfcLean- ' j George Cirzy 4 jeharint.iMcLeari-y. Wm. Cochran 'vAlex.- McjDarialdl Rev. E. CaUway , - ljcl n v!i e : ' . : ; . Mr, Clarke (caach- iniaker) ; Nt-ill McRuinei- m. C. Cook . :iV,f M'Gle:. .' J Uin H. Crowell ' SJeill M'Leran 1. Canipbell .' :0btiii'.MPe.ar' Jdsenh Currier -Daniel M4Leod- Wi n J R . C a rm an Iarraret McNeill D. Canaday ! 'i A.ncu3,Cami r4hM;jDairmid John Crusoe Heter -MrKtUar 2 Susannah Campbell i;C5bl.''AI.Pjiersori' Nbrman Cameron funcari MCaIl : i ;;.,'v - .m-Ti . Bh'sM'AUster Elizabetb Dolby- ' '' .1 W. ' 1 John C. Davis KttMartha Kewbery John Uouglass . Math v p rake i yffi jtn psey JO 1 i Ver Ei- Donaldson 2 4 iniam fodom Thbrnas Dayfe I hWv. Sterthen Dlin! 4V4;4V.::;;.E ;; .4t X:'i' 'v-1-'; j S;ni'! BEnls.-lx'r. Patterson 3 Ana;Edards2 "l?'ac; fnalni. .' .:;'!-. Jonathan livens jr. A. Pevtche Henrv Eiliot 2, John Petvfoot! Ahx'r Elliot Joseph Prludle; T: XV. ;:EiicIish 3 William Parker Thbmas Esender.2 Reuben Picket : John Pat feron She r ward Fort ; John Fply John Fevers G. Bryan Guy James Godfrey El H. Guyton, 2 EphraimGce Friend Perkins James Russ William 1 Robinson 2 James Headob Wni. T.iRtchardal - ;; i ?f S p. D. Salmon David Smith .Eliza Gordon Mary Grove . Richard Grove Wm B. Grove : - 'r - r H. . Janet Hare Catharine Hare Ma.lco'm Shaw Wm. -Sea-well I James Stevens Richard . Smith ' Morris Smith ! ; David Shaw 2 ; Thomas Harrington Col. Daniel Smith, Wnvliunter, 2 .'. Abncr Sanborn W. E. Hunt -SJ Hollingsworth Jacob Harris Nancy Hubbai'd A. Holmes, 2 S. Is. Hinton Hathan'l Hiusoh John Hair 4 Wm, Hodges U " Parry B. Hybx; Daniel Hare ij4.i:-.-'l Sc J. Lewis Jones , Jolm Ingram Ann Ingram 4 Kimboro' Jones E. Johnson j Neil Shaw 5 ! Mrs.. R. S.; Stanley Symon Skipper 1 F. Smith ! i C. Smith John M. Strong Miss Sidnev.Sik I '' -, John D. Thames Barnabas Thawll B. i Thigpen 2 . Alphins Turner ,Edward Tyler tZachariah Thigpen James Terrell 4 C J. Tooker 4 lthiel Town 'i John Johnson Champion Terryj James Johnson 1 AVm. J. Vincent : K. Wm. King Hugh Kelly' Joseph King; Henry J. Kmg Andrew Leonard Claiborn Locus' Esther Love f . r Jewries Vann i! S'wNfr .WrJ.- .Neil Wilkinson 9 Ann, Wasibrook - Henry Warwick Nathan Williamson "Carleton Walker .;J.: Welsley ' Alei. Walker Any of these Letters remaining on nan u ihe 1st April next,, will be sent to the Ge- neral ost office, as aeaa letters. ;j The fbllowirig alteration of the ails has been made since the last publication.- The Charleston Mail arrives j at ;3 A, ,M. instead of 6 as heretofore. ;Vhe;Kore?a j.;MaiI departs at 5 tnsieao 01 a - 4 ; .44 44 -;, - 4 Post OfficeFayeftelville, C i v -:: ;-'' I '.: , : ' - U ' January 1st,. 1825$ TlierVagon Street is open forthe rereptioii : of-t wierl . fording great Saml those vho irall Dricc cents xor a VVrn. Doulitson . :ary ftid Rev. IF. ODbnoghttibbH mson ! CAPTIONS OfcPrivate'JlctsaTrt2Usol$ibriB cf t.He late 'vf-iy benergl Assembly U ,.4 I J An Acttajcrive to ihe lCountv and Su- berior Cpu r ts qf A 3 he cdu n y? h t U& i c li on over the road leading froqr the Punchcojj Camp tdlllie tojivn of Jtiiersontoo, bv ihe way ot tseaver preek. : y. .. 4-;i 2. 1 o repta an act passed at the las session, to regulate the county court'ol Du , 3. To compel the cler k of, th e cou n t and suoerior courts the clerk and ruaste n Eq uity, andf the Re c i s r!er,- of Davidson T t ountv to keep their ollices at the Court- louse. ' ;v - : 4 . .-;: ;j : 4. To amend an act for the better regu- (atiou of the county courtsiof Rowan, pa sed in 1822.. h.4: : -4 V f J4 5. ..For-the relief of James Lopggon, of Lewis burg, in Franklin cpiinly. h 'j 4 C. To establish Harmony Grove' Aca d etoy , , I'll i t h e c4 Only - o f jfc dgect ta be and iq iiicorporaie ine x usiesjiiieeoi. j , - ;7i To authorise and empower the coun ty court oil Hay wood '.&. contract th to Joshua Allison, or any other person. repair, and constantly keep open, thcCa-; tahooche road, leading from Jonathan's creeK in navwouu. 10 wuere u win nirr sect Mahan's turnpike roadtj in the statcj of es uriy' pass with convenience. i ! S. :To appoint IcominiBsioers for he town of Cteinofjsviiie, in Dayidson county. 4 9. To authorise the btiiiding ai id xm across Arrara river, in Sbrry icounty. 4 r - m - 1 1 I . a iu. xo atueua an act to estabiisn an aeademV in theitown of Hklifax. 'passed in 1 1. Fixing the" places where the dec- tions are. to be fheld in Gates :oun:y, and for other purposes. . . 12. lo repeal an act passed in -1823; to repeal an act passed iii 13 118 entitled an pet to repeal the ls(ectiuii . o lithe xi6lh ctiap er of the acts of 1 so far as relates to Mie eouuiies of Hooeson, Gbiuinbus, Ashe, Richmond, iMdore, Duplin, Carteret and Johnston, so far as the same relates to the county o f Ro be so n . . 13. To amend an act jfor the better re gulation of thd town of Siatesville, in I e .' iM ounty., t . - ;":-" "''; i - V 14. To apdoinLromirtiaairtners to con- iraci w iuj uereiuiaii ianuoi mc piir iirtsr of a piece of land, for th juW.aud benefit of the county of Currituck. . 15. To 1 autiiorise the kaunfy courjlJ of Caswell and Buncombe j tp'appoint w'ar dens of the poor, to build a poop and work house, and for other p'urposs.j''''- j ; 16. To prevent any pej-son from felling limber into thej Tuckasegee river and Ca ny fork thereof, within the county of Hay wood. A ;: ; : :' ;' ;- 4. j. 17. To cktab!ish New Hone Academy in the cjouuty Rand oph j ' and to nco r pi rate the trustees thereof. t 18. Respecting the election of Sheriifs and other coiujiy officers ; laying the con n ty taxes, and appointing j urors to serve in t Ii e sit perior cq u rts t n Cumberl and c o u n ty . 19. Directing the titne un(l place of sale oi la nd a n d s I a I es u n d e r eiec u t i o n , i n B u n combe county. .' V: ;".1 (- - f- - '--! :, 0. froamepd ah act passed in 1819, to annex Smith's lsland,at trie! mouth of Oape Fear river, to the county1 of Brunswick; and a part bf Eagle's Island to New Han over county. , "'.-"'''I- "J'"-: Vv .j 4'"- 4 21 . To establish1 Moiitit Pfbsppct Aca deiny, in the cointy'.eQf'Edgecon?b, and to incorporate the trustees thereof J ' '22. Authorising the commissioners of the town ol riymoutu to maKe conveyan ces of lots in said town, in certain cases v 23. To authorise the paynient of per sons, summoneUo serve jas talesmen ju rors for Brtinswrli' cbunt-.;;: j " 24. To allowi compejiWation to the ju rors of the surpenor ah touoty courts of GL.irrxr - 11 '-;': -' ' -r'-'AW 1 4 "i '" "" ' 25. To authorise Thornton P. Gwyn, and DaVid Dalton, of Stokes, , to erect cates at the places therein nainedJ . I 26. To eiablish Davidson Academy, in the county, of Montgomery, and to incor- po rate the trusteed tnereoii 4 4 ; 27. ,For the relief of. the trustees ; of Qi ford Acudeuiyj authorising the trustees to raise S 10,000, by one or more lotteries j 1 28. Prescribing the time and place of electinc Members of the General Asseru- bly, Sic. tor; the county ot. jVYayne. 4 v I 29. To authorise the wardens of the poor for 'Wake! county, j to bbld their courts at such place or places in said couiv ty, as shall be roqst convenient. J ' 30. To incdropjrate the VIechanics' lie pevoleni Society; Sbf YVilmitigt6'n 1 i : For t he - inpre con venien t; ad mtnisrf tration of justice,; in the county courts of uuiiford; Caswell, bampson, . VVayne ana 32. To esi'abhsh poor and'nork-h6nCs iii'the couhlies or Jone$: aiitf Randolph ; the commissioners appointed under the!MCt ": of 181S, to sell ahd lay off the .own lot , and for pijier purposes. 34 Th aller tlieptace of holdtni,- ger.-'J j era! musters in ynshnigtort county v i 35. To repeal, iif partAto act p.is- d it? 4 18-2' to regulate the p nrpls of Rich iiond ; counYy, aid for oiher pufposei?. I Jfr ihe better regnkuui; of the Mi litia of! lay wood !couniy. 4 T 4 37 To incorporate the AriciiU iral Si)- ! cietv of Beauf jrt ebuuty. . . and Asaph VViUorr, of Hay wo .xi county, ; to efeci gates at fhe plaees therein named. 39 ' To incorporate the Clinton Ltbrarv Society in Stokes; county. ' . 40 'Ib allow Adarn Lockliart, col!!'C tor of the taxes laid b i: t he Jc 1 i i en f A u son county, tor! the purpose 01 building u new cburj housV, jfurihcritimt?' to coint leii the collection of the said taxe. 41. For the better regnl iiion of ihe town oftr reensborough in Giiillbr'd coa'tiiv 4 42. 'lo etnipotver the" commissioners of j Eiirabeih citjir io appoiiit a lire Coinpatvv, and tb'r'oiher purposes' ' i ( . ' 43. To authorise the ; county . courts iH ' D op i i n , Pasqu b a n k a ud Hyde, to a ppobi t a cbminittee of finance. 4 441 Concernipp; the town ofFayetteviUe. ' " 45. Making compensathni 10 tie jurors of the county, andl superior courts of Divid son county. 40. For the better regulatioh of the J 1 regimeni of the rnShtia bf.BorU." couutv,1 ' 474 To amencll an act passed to fSl.0, toj anitnd an art oatsed in 180d. u prevent aip' persbn .'from. Working selnei' k i m ni i n g w i t h u i ts , o f s e 1 1 i n g 1 k) t i n T at aiid Ifamplico rivers, onSuuday iiud Sun day nights, and jl'hursday s ;:td Thur.Mjay ii igh ts, i fi every w e e k , fro m 'i,h e 1 5 S 1' o f J a 1 1 uary to the 25ih ;'if March, u each and eve ry year.;;; .;'". "; j 4. - V' . i : ."4 ' ; 48. To exempt certain persons in .Hyde' county from servlingjon jurips. : 40 L To autltofjise khe connly courts ot H de and Ty rrell Icouuties, to - issue' -i cences to retail ijpirituous liquors, by ihu stnai I measure, at or near the cotirt house, .50. To repea! an act passed . in .&22', making compensation to the jurors of the iupeVibr and county courts .of Fraukli"' antl Camden. "'14."t -"'4 . vV;" v,: 1 ;i' fu To establUii a ud incorporaio thl; town of Likbon, in Sampson county, ad tv appoint cotnmisstoners for the same. f 52. To establish a separate battalion in ihe county of Iyde. j '- v ' 4 p'S.'.'To incorporate Jionytqdge, in county of Jones. j 54. To authorise the county courts oi" Ro c k i 1 1 gl i a ni . a n J D u p 1 i n , l o a'j p 1 1 1 w a r dens of the poof, to build a poor ami . 1 work-house, and for other purposes. 55. To idiynroe Mary Wilson, of tin cb inty bf Buncc nibe, form lieTr husband, Japes Hawkibs. -' -V ' 56. To Incorporate Wake Union Ac; deny. - . 4'. . . ;; ; , ' 57 To repeal t he supplement to aii a c paksed in 1822, to allow conimisiin U Constables!, in the counlies of 'Warrtri Northampton and Bunconjbe. V, 58. To repeal invpart, the 1st sectipn'oi an , act passed in 1822, to authorise the cotlnty courts of -Chatham and .other coua- ties tnereji) naint j, 10 appotui a commute ; ofiFinVnee. ' ; 4 1 59. 'Vp sncorporale the Trustee cl Hillsborough Academy. 60. To reueaS an act for the better re- gujalica of the, county courts of Cabar rsi Moore, anl Montgomery, pas vj in1 1822, and an act' to araeud an ac. passed last session for the better regul ttscti of jihe county qpuru of Cabarrus, l uori and Montgomery, so Tar as relates to Ca barrus coUntyij-I4 V; i 1 61. For tliej bftler regniaticnof 1 the town of LuDibertbu, in .Bobeson cnuufjr. 02. To amend; an Yet passed hi 1 hi:', to divide the Mtluia of lrcceil couiity to -I wo distinct reimehts. x ' C3. To alter 4 the times of holding County pburu of New-JJanoverv :, $4. To iamencl ;an act passed in tfie 181 9,; to appoint j a Boar I 'f IVanch thy l'i- lots, to examine all persq-f 5: o '' or imay, hereafter wish tH ct r ; Bri Pilot onOcracock Bar JCj, Ush: 65. -To; restpief ;to -'' 'V & v'f,t' ) ton, of Butliefmrd cou -iiy. 66. To. alter the tib'.V. ri fli i o th e c o u n t V of L ' ' 1 4 ' 4iJU b : R7 nirprflncr the iii W ,htih crl missioners fbr the tom H V .Kr:ei I shall in future be app - w,! A y- 68. : Concerning it.-"iv Ed e a t . j , : M$: To f amend. 1 1 iXf:x;- a'-Mv .i-v force, iu picw4 f .' m. mat. an t 1 ' 1 ' passing up the Bo i f ; c-t ' ' C;: Ldtrf Waters, if d(. .w : .- A '704 To divorce . i .';,; fjincoih-coy tt. .cb'J .7 vi i t A. ?!ONK." 4 -:44?i I-.-' .:!'-' V r fi t '! 1' i-J'". ' 4' - ul ,ii. f h ...ltuj- f fif f f,'-r v 444 ' :mmi' Iiri -- "

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