FAYETTEVILLE, ; brTIZ JRSD av nnTnm?.if N0. 436. Torn J HALE. B'c:-pabiioadvance ,rtlJ P . f T Ul for 60 cents per "SnstbepostpMd. . t . . V.I LU1 " a rt well LI . . hn can come HriwTO -" wi" will leave. the i L' . rt' ru'M (ill i t, tor. . r 13 ,hU clace on tne muming y. 7 J f o'clock, and " HI continue . .wuhout the season. It, . . i' iQKJ..'v5.6t Octooer , " r . .mv-mf! the whote ot W.ilv for Sale. Erf this month, and will comprise an Voronent. J . : . 1S25 , -V ; ;. f0 rtJTE-"& CO's. Fall Importation " w - ! -.tAt.lir oil -41T1V Jc ready fur Sale by the middle of this. I f ezvoes f v Sole. v the 15th cf November next, at the Uise of Chatham County, n. win oe Je the Negroes belonging: to the. Lstate Urn Henderson, Esq. ot Chatnam uoun Lr,f nf Six and Twelve months; purcha ses with satisfactory Security. Lme day, andon the same terms, Viand Kitchen Furniture, the Stock, taring: Implements will be offered for Welling House of the late John. Hen- '! Valuable HE Ali AND PERSONAL PROPEllTY ; I For Sale. Brvirtae of a Deed of Trust made to us by John A. Cawxrost, dated the 2Sth February 1825, and registered in Cumberland County, we shall proceed-toseU the following Real and Personal Pro perty, at Public; Auction, namely E . On Monday the 28th Nnvpmh on the premises, the Plantation belonging to . Cameron, on Cane Fpnr i?; next u ' 1 aPe Fear lliver, 7 miles aoovc r.cucvijie, containing 1200 acres of excel. lent Land, it lias uoon it th iei ; uai mivi accsaarv rMif An L . . J u are ciearea ana un oiit Buildings. About der cultivation, ROBERT DONALDSON, JAMES DONALDSON, -35:ds. Watclves. Vers of those Watches remainincr 'on hich were left' with A. Wilcox for re quested to call on the Subscriber, at il, before the first of January next, and otherwise they will be sold to pay JOHN PEABODY. iniies to keep for sale, as usual, an ele ent of latches, Jewellery, Silver, Plated, puh Warc, 3f iliifiry Gaodsa Vucallnstruments,"" with a variety of Fancy Hardware. p.iVD CLOCKS of every descrip jdinHhebcst manner. To this branch rticul attention shall be paid. ,Uct. j o5-4t ' and is WTell atlantri t ka of Cotton, Corn, and the other usual crops of . the country. It lies adioininr thf uio i- Vk ?f,Gt;i!1 ?U",led ' weedside, and the lands of John Whaley. j; Jones, and others. Alsw, all the crop of Corn, Oats, Fodder, Hay, and about 25,000 lbs. ot(Cotton in the seed. jWngons, Carts, Ploughs, and other farming Utensils; liiver Flat, Sec, Horses, Mules, Hogs, and Cattle. lAmong the horses is a very valuable 3year old Stud Cojt, by Sir Archie. Persons wishing to view the Lands before the day of sale, are requested to call upon Mr. John Wha ley, theManagr, on the plantation. t'; On; Tuesday the 1 29th November, we shall proceed to selLin the town of Fayette ville, all the Keal andj Personal Estate qf the said John A. Cameron, conveyed to us iii said deed, consisting of a large and valuable Tenement on the east coiner of Market Square, now occupied by Mrs. Shackle ford and others, as Storesj and, Dwellings. An excellent Brick House and Store, on Person street, at present occupied) by Mr. Locke. A House raid Lot on Kanjisay street. A half acre lot of Ground" in Cam pbellton, ad joining tfie square ot said Town, n One tract of excellent Meadow Land, containing 36 acres, with Barn and otlher out bouses, adjoining town, and well enclosed, atl in a high state of culti vation, with an excellent Spring, convenient to a handsome situation for building on, commanding a fine view of toWn. within ttn minutes wnlk nf ih courthouse. j : ; . Also, a Lot. on Hillsborough street, containing 5 acres, on which is1 a good Dwelling House and ut houses, with a Tan Yard, and the necessary build ings for carrying on the.Tahni'ng Nusiness extensive ly, in excellent jcondition,k lately occupied by Mr. Wm. t ameron';; With all tfie slock of Hides, Lea ther, Bark, Currier's Tools and Shop Furniture, attached to or used in; thejTai Yard. Any perfeon wishing to carry on the business will seldom meet with such an opportunity, it is the only one now in operation in the town, and a constant supply of Hides, Bark, &.c. can be obtained, and a ready sale for the Leather when finished. -I One Tract of. Wood LaiM, about two miles from town, oh Murchison'slloatl adjoining the, lands of Salmon .M'Kay and others, containing 72 acres. I One otlier Tract of Wood Land, containing 300 acres, about 4 miles from town, on Bqckhead, ad joining the lands of D. McLeran, D. Mcliae, and others. I .:; V ' . . rr- .. . One moiety of a tract, supposed to contain 2500 acres, lying on Burnt Swamp, Iiobeion county, f Two-thirds of one other tract, of 800 acres, on Harrison's creek and its waters, lying in the coun ties of Cumberland and Bladen, formerly occupied brMaior Diidlv: ,,-'-! -li - - i: tenant for life, has in the undivided Keal Kstate of Robert Adam, deceased, aflid It. 1 1 alliday, deceased, on Gillespie jstreet, the Cameron. Also, all his t npHTlKEBUICK STOI.SS, on the north sfde of r, Person street, inearly; opposite the- Bank of ape Fear. They have r 11 excellent Cellars, and are most advantageously situated ! for Mercantile business, t Conveuicnt Warehouses may alsa be had. V DUNCAN MAC llAE. Fayetteville, Septcm-sr 14 32-ec4t f r THE subscriber temiv. his services to his friends and the publicingencral.asa Factor and Agent w. WJW a.nc ui yuiioH, uuitcyo, or sucu otner ar ticles of Country Produce as 'a'rebrbiight to Favette viile for Market, and for the purphase of Goods generally.; (' -' :i H e will invest the proceeds of any sales bv him made, withovit Commission, in. iGpods of aiij des cription that may be ordered, or pay or remit the same as he may be directed, paying the most par ticular attention to the. orders of his employers in that respect. u' . J Having convenient , Warehouses for Storage of Produce or Merchandise,: he will also receive and ship, pr forward any Produce; or Goods that may' i-ummiiicu iu ms cuurge ior euner 01 tnose pur- poses. ;ir-,-'-N:S..i?-:- 1 He promises prompt and strict attention! to the orders and interest of Imj emnlovers. and thnt his charge for Commission shiill hf mmliratp. if I ' 1 ' JOSEPH BAKER. Fayetteville, N. C. 14th Sept. 1825 33-3m 7 iXoticc. persons indebted to tfie subscriber. I are XA. hereby notified that I have placed, my claims against them in the haads ot Thomas L. Hybart, Esq. for collection, who.;i duly authorised to grant discharges lor the samel : Hf v . . . i Clf At?t "Pc: t nriTTQ September 28, 1825-454-3t fTI HIS desirable Work-which has been im JL bly delayed, is now progressing, and wilj pro bably j be completed in-the course of the enstiing winter. Those gentlemen who have been kind enough tor undertake the correction - of the Maps of their respective tounties, and who have not vet found it convenient to dp so, aro - respectfully soli cited to give the matter a moment of their attention as soon as may be convenient .-. i From the specimens of correctness which : those Maps that have been received in most instances af ford, the public may be assured that a more correct Map of the State will be' obtained by the means pursued than -by any other that cotild have been adopted. In many instances entire Maps of the dif ferent counties have been made out with great la-4 oour, ara no doubt with as much accuracy. To those gentlemen from whom the corrected Maps have been received, the subscriber begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgments. v v- V I . r JOHN MAC KAE. Fayetteville, Sept. 20, 1825 33if v Voiice. rl iHE Subscriber bemg duly authorised, by the jl t-resraent ana Directors of the Cape Fear Na vigation Company, to settle all claims in favor of or against said Company, hereby notifies all persons in debted to said Company, either bjl- Note or Book Account, to come forward and make immediate payment of the same, otherwise the duties of his oftice make it obligatory t on him to commence suit without delay. f j . l ' - JOHN ciiusoe, ; ! - i ' -Treasurer ayd Aent Fayetteville, Oct. 4-355t Jy, - Xiist ol lieitYs, Remaining in the J'ost Office at Fayette ville, on the 1st of October, inst., which, if not taken out before the 1st of January next, Mill be sent to the General Post Office as Dead Letters. . .;-4-4" Hii- " i ; A Seba Allen, Lcc Anderson, Isham Allen, E lam Alexander, Malachi lAdams, Margaret Autry, John A veritt, Jonas B. Alley v , j . B John Burkloe. Malcom Blue ' Willi am TRelh and in the House and Lot residence of said John- A Household and Kitchen Furniture, a valuable Libra ry of Books, Pictures, and Notice. injnt the Wardens' of. Ihe Voor of flaw County, at the Court House, on the 7th day of September,1 1. 825, . ; - mat tne Secretary eive notice t6 the mert at the Register's Office at the hn Fave tcville, on the first Thursday I P '?erjr)r Court, at 12 oclock, to take pMHDc Dronrietv of hnildinfr -i Hhiirp pommodation of the Poor of Cumber- Attract irom the Minutes, . Prints, 2 Carriages and fT to a Decree of the Honorable Court S , in and tor the county of Cumber 1 ortj Carolina, in thp -'!b waereuj the PrpsifTnt n;0Mn P0" 'he Ra.ilr nf fJv ''widow and heirs nf ;um iv,.. hare . defendants, There will be sold. f a.i.t r. "Z":: Vc. VS?1 Vert of-i 7. ' ai ruDll Auction, in the hwTi n"se of d county, in e,aU1A M- f Monday the re the Z r Kamsay 8eet, Fayette ill J?S'denceot sa5d William War anclot kte and now of his w?do jforc Hi 01e ami twn v . . , arinrr ;i vitriiii, in equal , .nt?.rest from the d:iv- r Ai0 . ' purchasers trivinp- i,An,i;i -1 i vorv rirh. lvine- in the Horses, &.c- 2 Pews )n the? Episcopal Church, JNos and ; one moiety of Pew No. in. the Pres byterian Churcli"; Blacksmitls Tools? 52 Shares of Steam boat Stock; 16! Shajres of Bridge Stock; 19 Shares Stock of the Cape Fear Navigation Company. Tftvlvt Y auabe Sa us r Among their, 2 excellent b'anners and Curriers, 2 Blacksmiths,' Carpenters,! and other Mechanics, House Servants Men, Woijnen, Boys, and Girls, and some trood Plantation Hands. Also, 3 vacant Lots in the town of Petersburg, Virginia, one in that part bf said town called Gill field, known as No. 10: the other two in Pocahontas. The sale of the above property will be continued from day -to day. during the week, until all is dispos ed of. ; ;" ' : I - And. on Monday the 5th of Decern- j - ber next. We shall proceed to sefl,at Public Auc tion, by virtue of said Deed from J.iA. Cameron, on the premises, that . Yaluabls TYact ot liand, On which he now reside, containing about 2800 acres', (more or less,) lying on both sides of Deep Kiver, and on liunaio creeK anu us orancnes, u Chatham county,1 about 40 miles west of Fayette ville, adjoining the lands of J. ushee, K. Mclver, M. McQueen, arid others. 'I his is considered to be one of the most valuable tracts 6f Land in the mid dle part of North Carolina!. The improvements are, a comfortable Dwelling House ana necessary out buildings, Barns, Granarv, and Cotton Gin, with a Screw Press. Sic; Valuable Grist and Saw" Mill, with nhiinrlanrA of heavv Timber convenient. The soi successors in office V with r there is sufficient cleared ce w-ith "K- v" ii y am Master.) a"ui' Mastic nTtns of sale in every par- tivation for cotton cienttieel -J' 'V. execute, and de, products of the c aser or purcha- w"'iui i i tv.r . Ot the IIonnrftM n..-. ' Nohi, n.r . . 1 u county bf Ciimh-, u. v "rJima. in iK-i" . . 1 ic v r in The o..;,i Ccha Ann Hrj ant, Vm. QpaAL. John LBainuiK rachardt- x4trr? iVeaixl, Macklin Blalick, John Bone, W. F. McB. Bo wen, John Bcachum, Charles D. Dj Brownn, Solomon Bates, John Burke 2, Nathaniel Blanchard, B. S. Burns, If. C. Bartley. l! I C- Arch'd Colquhoun, j Sarah Cook, Neil Clark, Isabella Campbell, John Colvin, Anderson Curtis, Simon Casey, Neil Campbell, U. Al. Curtis, Jjavia Cain, Jamps'Cant, A. C. Chavis, David Carver, John Campbell,!: llebecca Culbreatb, Balaam Campbell, Daniel 15. CJark, James Carter, Charles Coly in, Fos ter Cleavcland, John Currouth, Janies B. Crowdcr. D Absalom Davis, jun. 3, Wm. JDavis ';j2, lion ! The. following admirable story is from the Boston Galaxy. As we do not often (per haps not as often as our readers would like j publish such things, we hope its length will not be an objection to it, especially as it does not exclude any i important matter THAT GENTLEMAN: ' Among the passengers on board the steam boat Chancellor Livingston, on one of her,trips up the North Biver, last year, was observed by the captain, a'middlc aged gentleman, whose appearance attract ed nojtiqe, but whose -person and quality were im knowjn to him. The stranger was dressed in the last, p.nicl best made clothinsr. but without beimr in the ex- ti Cmc1 c f fasliion, or conspicuous for any thing that he; dicl or did not wear. He had not, hofreVef, avail ed hiinself of the apokry of travellifig, as many do, to neglect the most scrupulous care of his person, and seemed nither to be on a visit than on a lourney. His equipage had been noticed by the porters to cor respond with its owner in appearance. The trunk was made to increase or diminish in capacity, the upper partpTsing on the under by screws, according to tno contents; tne whole ot it was besides envelop ed in a nrm canvass. A cloak bag of the best con struction; a w;ritine: apparatus, with a most inscruta- bhi fock; an umbrella in a neat case; a hat in another, ready to take the place of a travelling seal-skin ca, which the stranger-wore during tlie trip, were so manv indications of a man y?ho placed the happiness; of life in the enjoyment of its comforts.. The great- esi or ail comiorts is yet to oe told, ana was in at tendance upon him, in the shape of a first rate ' ser vant, a'" yellow man by complexion, taciturn, active, gentle; just not too obsequious, and just not too fa miliar; not above the name of servantymd well de serving that bf friend. - "'' ? .This strange gentleman was quiet, moderate in his movements, rather reserved in his manner all real gentlemen are so; A shade of melancholy settled over his face, but rather lightening into satisfaction than dark and ominous of growing sorrow. " It was a countenance which care had furrowed, but hi which the fruitful seeds of grief-were not yet planted. : 3&CJy-as;atirmd look of one tiiat had been deceiv mieht almost Cill slv. of a man who nad at lensrth foimd a secret treasure, which he would not expose lest it be torn from him, or he should be disturbed in which course- the stranger took on' hndlntr. no on't could say.- ' It was not lonjr, before the captain discovered thar. tlie strUncrer-had not ponp nn s.bf!r.: fnt Vn. him Wcupying a retired seat on thetranson aft in the cabin; observed that his cloak bag was reinstated in his birth; and that he appeared to intend returning to Newr York the next trip. His countenance had recovered its prevailing expression, andhe just open ed his lips to sav. he believed he should tatn th boat back.' Various speculations, no doubt, were made by the captain, the steward, the engineer, aiid ' the fireman, on a circumstance, upon ..the whole, sb , singular; but recollecting his clouded aspect, as he approached Albany, ?they came to the conclusion that he had" forarotten somethiii" of imrxrrt.mrf ir New-York; that theTecollection cf it did not return to him; till near the arrival of the boat; and that Ira was now obliged, in consequence, to go down thu , river againj. You see 'that gentleman again, sav3 the engineer to the-firemah-' I do? replied Many- scald, j I suppose he has forgotten something i:i Ne'w-Ycrk,' pursued the engineer, and tJius c'oscd & dialogue, which the ingenious author of the Spy and the1ilot; tvould hare sfun but into three pages; l lie. stranger s demeanor, on' the return. was theactcqunterparv ho had Worn 46n the ascents calm, satisfied, re tired : perfectly at ease; a niind arid senses formed to enjoy, reposing: in the full pos- sessipnl ot. their objects. lo describe his manner; more minatel, would be merely to repeat what we;have already saidv in the ": foitner part of this account. But the hy pothesis, bywhich the engineer and the fireman had accounted for his return, and , for his melancholy looks, at Albany, - was overthrown, by the extraordinary fact,' that as they drew near to New York, his coun tenance was overshadowed by the same, clouds, which bad before darkened it. Ho was even more perplexed in spirit than he had before seeme d j and he ordered his ser vant to look to the baggage, with a nettisli- ness, that contrasted strangely with his calnit deportment: V I he engineer 'who had no ticcu this, was determined to watch hirri closely and the fireman ' swore he would tollow him un to the head of Courtland- street. But just as the steam boat was round ing into the slip, a sloop was descending the river with; wind and Jude; some danger of c o 1 1 s i q n. r o s e ; i t w as n e c es s ar y that the engineer should throw his. wheels back, yith;all possible expedition. - This event threw the firerotmi into; alittle confusion, succeeded by some remarks of admiration, at the preciseness with : which , the engine worked, and the boast of the fireman, 'How sweetly she went over her centres. This bustle below was followed : by that of arri ving; the usual throng of friends, Sorters, passengers, d raymen, hackmen, and barf ow menl, breasting each other on thei deck, on, the plank w hi civ led from: the boat c:i th z and fireman had reradjulinelrTrplCrfm they burst but at once on each other, witlt the question and reply Did you see which its enjoyment. Of the beauties of the scene, though j way Hhat gentleman' went? 'D- it9 no plainly a man of cultivated jnind, he took but little l notice, "lie cast an eye of equal indifference on nar tide's Cyclopsen masonry at the Palisades, and on he eiegant directions oi art on uie opposite uan. u uic rivbr. Even the noble entrance into the Highlands scarcely fixed his attention. ; ' J; With all the appeai-ance of a perfect gentleman, Deall, Hebccca Dcmsev. F Sarah Fenner, Lawrence Field, Jos. Fcmn G- Jesse Gully, Wm. Gerrard, Amos Green, John James De Grass, Lvelm Dunliam, Lffy Darrab, J ane th(ire wa? ncvcrtheless conspicuous about this per- soiage, a punctuality in obeying the bell winch sum moned to the meals, and a; satisfaction evinced while n t-.r.m M-l-iiMi riv!1!ntlv mnttfrlpt1 from snnte Par- B. tiilly, jEphraim Gee,; John S. Guthrie Artlnir. ticlilar association of ideas, to which the spectator GuingV Darnel Gregory, Ehzabcdi H. Guiton, Daniel wantcd the kcv. it was not ravening appetite; it was not for want of being accustomed at home to wliat are commonly, and we think correctly, called good things; his whole appearance negatived any such idea. ! But he repaired to the table with a cheer ful; and active step, as if he were sure he should find things as the ought to be'; and he partook its pro visions as if he had found tliem so. He did not praise the! abundance and good quality of what he saw and enjoyed;, but maintained the same mysterious silence Graham. II Harriet Haills, Joseph Hosier, Betsey Ham monds, W'm. Hodges, Aug'sL. Humphrey,; Job Ha zr lL Jonathan Hart. Sarah Hall. I s . i j Charles B. Jones 2, Joshua Jones 2, J'cjhn John- son, lMincan jonirson , uugaia jomisuit, uiuci LTnlmsnn- Rtihert Johnson, sen. Isaac Jessup. David Jf-nVins '.Tames Jeffries. Wm. Jasper,! Catharine In gram ;;-on between xhXl ..-"uon in i i'"1 ature-: , -i u u c I 'nun I, ' .. itv ; ,rr :M'RWom ot the -illle OiieJth November i 1 v.. Wl ette- next. undersigned, Sand a certain Kami ious two story S xi; :orneriy the ; eon'Uith Ktch ""uuiun v . uccu- -riurneyat J&w, bend of Deep river, and. land to work from 20 to! 30 hands tn advantage. It is m a hiarh state ot cul , wheatJ corn, and the otner. usual country. It has excellent Springs of. water arid Icould be conveniently divided, it ne-, cessaryi It is j situated dn the road leading from Fayetteville to; the upper parts of the state, with a Ferry over Dep river, t elonging to the lands. It would be an excellent situation for a country Store. Also, all the! crop of Cttrn, Fodder, Oats, and Hay, Seed CottoivJStc. Wagons, Carts, Ploughs, and other Farming r Utensils. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Horses, Mules, Hogs, Cattle, and Sheep. 40 y dry yalwable Slav cs, 1 Among whicll' are Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and other Mechanits. The others are House Servants, Field Flands, SiC. consisting of Men, Women, Boys, and Girls. " ' . -: v' Any person; wishing to; view the Land, wnl apply to Mr. Cameron, on the premises. To persons wish, ing to purchase such property, so favorable an op. portunity seldom offers, as Jthe whole will positively be sold, and the sale continued from day. to day un til all is disposed of.-v --I ' ' ' ' " - j v , : Terms of Sate. For all the personal property, sums under R20, cash to 12 months credit It Ml V VMCIIA . 1 inti anti esu. lerk . Swing bonds :en months the purchaser giving bond to bear interest from the over g300, 1 and 2 years, .;tK nnnroved security. rtat i For the real estate. 1 2, 3, 4, and 5 years JS oSr creditthe Wer n?W:Sr tn.. pdki, i "?.srities the,-;. ecnny, m a en on in? pnin,, - ir,;.-i,.r- m: On comni:an;: from. tne one, payaoie ranuauy. iC-3ffitien 5 S 11 make. I, K Robert Kirk, John King, EzekicI Ling, Neil , esewhCre on board, but the expression of Kelly. !' . ! '!. y' calm in ward satisfaction, which reigned in his face,- L Rebecca Levy, Cha's Loomis,; W mitred Lane, volumes. jn like! Duncan Little; James W. Lightfoot. 1 ; - j 1 cven' other part of the domestic economy of the M Malcom Munroe, Billy Maiiett, aiary fliunroc, cfi,m nnf. tuA nomTradions bii-ths. the convemen (Ncil Alunroe,: Flora Munn, Joseph Moore, Charlotte k f hin apDajtus, and of the barber's Mattoon, Daniel Munroe, hamuel Aiaisoy ,1-i.irram tlc boot-brushing ! quarters; m short, all the. Mize, Uichard Murphy, Jesse Mann, David Murden, ,13 accommodations! and necessaries which will Mollv Morris, John Munn. ! ' M t suggest themselves without being specified; in re- . Mc -E. McKay. James McDaniel, Penelope Mc- -M).,. fhprn vrt mijrht read in the. stransrer's Daniel, Mary' McKay, Alex'r McDonald 2, W. G. looks an(j mien, that he was perfectly satisfied; and 7W1p! ATrAliter. Arch d B. McFadyen 2, Daniel fiMcFadyen, Margaret McLelland, Alex. McDearniid, 2, Mary McDuffv, Daniel McNeill, John McQuaig, Wm. McDuffald.- Daniel McDugald, Peter Mcintosh, Neill McKinnon. Bob Mclntyre, John McLean, Dan- ;f 1 Mr T. rod. Hinton McKinney, llutrli Aicuoogan Nancv McPherson. Alex'r McLeod, Neil McNeill, Daniel Mclntyre, Nancy MCAUiian. N Louis A. Nelson." O Wm- Odam. ' - Pnbecca Price. Shadrack Peught, Jesse Potts 2, It. Parish, Robert W. Potts, John Phealy, Polly Parker, Thos. A.L.Ponsonby, Brown reacocK, y m Parker. Jacob Picket. Henry Partem : 1 .; U Beni- Revels, Nicholas Robeson, Ainert no- bertson, Lucy Ryals, Robert Kandoipn, 11. Kouce, n,mMn iiav rvorrKs Rnssel. Thomas Rosser. Zacha- rrh 2. James Smith. John Smith. John "R. Smith. G. T. Snowden' Daniel Shaw, Tam Rtnart Tarv Simons. W m. beaweii, uoDert : : i-ti .u: Smitli. Joseph Simkins, Daniel anuui,-aarau. okj- VI m?th. Iliurh Simpson, jThomas Staf- i'" " " O . . . . . , !-,. . ford. Erastus Smidi. Andrew bmciair, onepucru - " . m 1 1 T "111 . Seawell' John Smith, Shentt ot uamperiana, uxuc Kut-v SmitVi. ' ' t . - ! t ' " ' 1 -; i vl .... s.T non pI Thnmnertn. pnuemon jiayior, wvcu T'KnTTvac Tv.n Trifi n.imel 11. 1C. lurner, samuei Trimble, Thomas E. Taitt. V Charlotte Vines. - XJ Wm. Usher, jun as purchasers of Fayetteville, Oct. 4,1825 35-ts WM. CAMERON, JOHN M. DOBBIN, Trustees. Blanks for sale McDonald, Malcom McDonald, Alex r Mckenzie, . for somc reason, which did not suggest itself from want ot knowledge ot nis.nistory, ue eviucnu v -ij"-tA Ithis satisfaction with la peculiar relish'. In fact, the; only words that had beenheard to escape from th'ut gentleman, for so the capttun had called him, in pointing him out to the steward; and so tne oar ber! had called him in speaking of him to the cook; ai , ':),.;'ii.,i 3reimafrfrl' Vnm. . in describe ing, his looks to the fireman; the only words which ihbt gentleman had been heard to utter, to anyone oh board, were his remarks to the captain, alter nav iriglfinished a tour of observation round the boat k?fvi7 rrnvrTiPTf vprv comfortable. 1 riw ti-ar o Albanr. this air! of satisfac- tiori was evidently clouded. Notlung adverse had happened on Ward. The boat waiKea cneenunv through the water, at the rate of eleven miles and a Mr. Snrevalvc. the engineer, was - ..... 1 T 1 A- m n.itkmif l -.1 tn ..knt hp f-mi m nniiDie iicr sicaui. wnuuuv r-rmin rr npar her nrooft but then, he added to tne hreman, what good would tnai uo, wcmK wyxr ance ot uie water, increases w 4 .v j - - unf.' r0mnrV r nrhir.h the fireman returned what LVlV,t w - 4-1 may be called a very vnkmovnng iook. - . ' i.-,11r oTllllpMtwl -With i wasihne; tne company 11. arrivW at the iournev's 1 end; and an pui uie un- i . P.'. . " . . . .1". Ji. A.'tn h lonriiiior ger rising in spirits, as mej V" y , T " iA . iii rn me rnninuv. uiuvv.vu.v. . business of disembarking; with Aepidy discontented tw ,t;i 1.0 Karl wnm darinc: the tnp.-, - j But in the crod and nurry 01 lanuuig tuu -dred and fifty- passengers, 'ith as lnks and band-boxes, ana uie - ww r - 7 : ft ' W Alex'r AVilliams, George Wisliington, James hackmen, and greeting friends,the stran- n . wictpr. Rehecra Whitehead- I i 7'V4. r Several of thepas4enrers had - ' 1 arrT" 1 ; i? l a'cuv - - v. r ' - Wilt-warn 3.- 'Wilson Vister, Andrew Wriirlit 3. John Walker, Hardy Warwick, David White, Wm. Ward. ; r ' , .- Y John Younsr. " j I , y , JOHN MAC RAE, P, M. . Fayetteville Post Office, Oct. 1, 1825 3t Li Blanks for sale here, ! , And Prin ting, generally; txeetitfitj ..in., .ToT-mi-nvfl in keen . an eye tpon mm: an idealiavmg gotaoroaa- 7 Vw K J rorr, nid the Duke of Saxe Weunar, VZriuL .nPPr averred with an oath to be the case ! adding that fit was devilish hard, if he could not tett a Frenchman.' H so happened however, not tell a rrenenman. i av r ' tftat every man on board had an object ofgreaterm tereit to tek;'afr crowd, viz. hxmself--rr;.J The captain and the steward were in much (he same predicament. I meant to have ad - atl eye after Hhat gentleman, said the captain, but fye has given me. the slip ' j It was accprilirigly with a good deal ok surprize, thatjon drfHcending the cabin, he,! ' again savv: Vc 5ixaiigcr, in iiis um piuce; a- p-am nrenftreu to all aooearance to e-o back r , t . r r - j - to Albany, and again heard from him the sliort remark, 'I believe! shall take the boat back.' But the captain was well-bred, and he stranger was "a good customer s6 th at no iook escaneaine lormer, expressive 01. he Isentiments, which this singular condtict. excited in him. . The same decorum how ever, did not restrain the engineer and -fire- man. As soon as tney perceivea tne stran- ger, on nis accustomea irayeis ud ana aown the clecK, tne engineer c;rica out, wic.i a. preliminary obtestation, ,vhich ,wfc do not care to repeat, wir. ivianyscaia, ao you ree hat gentiemanr' Aye aye, was the arrive r, who can he ber' '1 ell that, it you can, re joined the engineer; it ant every man that's willing to be known; for ray own part, I believe it's Bolivar come to tap the dam over the Mohawk, and let the Kanol waste out.' The, fireman modestly enquired his reason for thinking it was Bolivar, but the engineer a mtie niquea at navmgms juac;- merit questioned, merely muttered, that it was hard, if he could not tell a Frenchman. Duriner the passage, nothing escaped the Stranger, inai ueirycuiiLjy iiistury r cr raha; nor yet was theror any aiectation of Hiy5icry v uiiLCdiiuvun i nuat uusui ui would have inferred (as is siid to be. the case with Free Masonry) that no secret es caped him, because there was none to es cape; that his conduct, though' not to be. accounted tor by those .unacquainted with him, was probably consistent with the laws of human nature, and the principles of a. gentleman. It is precisely, however, a case like this, which most stimulates the curios ity and awakens the suspicion of common men. .. They think the natural, unaffected air but a deeper disguise; and it cannot be concealed that, in the course of this third passage, very hard allusions were made be tween the engineer and the fireman, to Ma jor Andre's charactetv as a spy. Thesignt ot; West Foint probably awakened tins re miniscence in the mind of the engineer, wito, iti the ardor of his patriotic feeling forgot tha it was a time of peace. The fireman was beginning to throw out a sub missive hint, that he did not know Hhat, iu time of peace, even an Englishman could be hung for going to West Point; but tne engineer interrupted him, and expressea m-v belief, with an oath, that if General Jack son could catch 4 . gentleman' (as he now called him, with a, little soeer on the rord

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