v rV J ' " - I' . S5- , - i- - FAYETTEVILLE, N. O. THl 3D AY, . OCTOBER 27, : 1825. MlwM""M1M1IWWWMTWMMlMiMMgMMMMMtMlMrTiill)l'lllP I mill llilim ' ' m... ft II Abb, n,,m payable in advance; A0 per annum. r : -T-.BA fnr 60 cents per r each succeed. are requesters' they win w several corps an(!;nVi til ery in this State, com anies of ! Jl - Carolina Artillery, length, equipment, ,fortht( ,IESuY W.AYER, Raiment N-C. Artillery. Regiment ts VORTH CAROLINA for the year oi uui . rr Rniirle one. Lr.-;ces. bv . . . -.w. ' rii art.es SIUAKi, Oct. 19-sr-tf at Urn have revived their Tall Sup- ,hv.go"us, yVvVp ;t ilicb are offered at tfiWLESJLE at V E. E. LEWIS & CO. Stalest lnsxaanc'e Office, ie City of New York ' T-fc 1 1 ONS ioi insurance um jmauniRs, ,e or Furniture, against loss uy ire, :k by J. BiUDSALL, Agent. Loct.is-3r-9t : 1 - I "LaiiSL 16c Sale , THE Subscriber pflers for sale about 350 'acres of Land, lying on the northeast side of Cape Fear river, 15 miles above Fayetteville, and 9 miles below Ayerasborongh, near an excellent mill site on Silver Run.fc iThe.tract, part of which lies jm. mediately on the river and is excellent bottom land, extends from the; river across the staire road r. fording1 a good situation for building. Part of the land (about 60 acres) is cleared, and corn, cotton, For terms of sale apply toi. J Hale. ?n TWtt. ville, or to the Subscriber in Raleigh. : . 1 H' McKETHKN. Oct. 1937-tf I i NO. 438. TfYuVt! &y Ornamental TREES, iVc. nST7-M. PRINCE, Proprietor of the Lin Y f ; nzean Garden and Nurseries, near New York, offers the loublic his verv ex tensive Collection of Fruit Tree of all the cho'icest Kinds, Ornamental Trees Flowjerinir' Shrubs and Plants, Tulips, Hyacinths, and otjher Bulbous Flow ers. f Also, above 1800 species of Green-House Plants including the most splendid and rare kinds, among which are 30 varieties of Oranges, Lemons, andCitrohs,28of the Camellia Japor.ica ov Japan Rose,5 200 of Geraniums Greejn and liohea Tea Plants, 8cc. 8cc. Jn the collection are also'several thousand Grape i Vines ot the finest European Kinds, and above j 500; varieties of Roses', including 54 Kinds of China Roses. I f Catalogues may: be obtained oi the subscriber, and orders through htm, or sent to the proprietor per mail, will meet prompt attention. 5 ! ; 1 ! VM. H. MAFFETT, Agent.'' Fayetteville, Oct. 19 37-4t ritHlS desirable Work, v. 'X bly delayed is now p: oUno h has been unavoida. ,ressing," and will pro- bourse of the nsuin yhd have been kind bably be completed - in XI. winter. Those gentlemen enough to undertake the f 5: of their respective! couriticsand who havdnot vet iuuihi uconveniem;to aoso ire respectfully soli cited to give the matter a lent of their attention as soon as may be convenient.; : . r ' ' j From the specimens of -correctness which those Maps that have been received in-most instances af ford, the public may be aiui ?d thai a more! correct Map of the State will i?ejf atained4 by the means pursued than by any othaivthat could have been adopted. In many instances entire Maps of the dif ferent counties have been mode out with great la bour, ar.d no doubtwith as much accuracy. ! -To those gentlemen ft ora whom the corrected Maps uc uccu rcteiveu, me fSUDScriDer begs return his grateful acknowhdgments, ... - L John MAC rayenevnie, sepjt. u, 1,5 3J'wf I leave to RAE. Vviblislved, And for sale at the Iost Qffice, An elegant PLA TE of the vjUe, with a striking like Town of Favettpr g likeness ot Gen. Lufav- ette, and a representation of the Lafayette Hotel. rrice one aoisaiv Fayetteville, October 12. 3C-'5t. it Coatincr. ALM GOODS. J. :&' S. BIRDSAIil. ,v jst received; and are now opening, an VtHeS.VitH2:iZ Of '' of SON ABLE iich they offer lor sale on the lowest h, either at wholesale or retail. "Among ktife, '- .!! . Lcqdon blue, black," and fasbionable . olive Cloths. black and blue Cassimercs. Men Cloths, icll colours. Lionskin do e, bhek, and Oxford mixed. i'e, red, green, and yellow.: , tired scarlet Pelise. j; ; " i Booking and Draper', 5-4 to 7-4 'plain and figured, all colours ' pine, 5-8 and 3-4, super super mra coloured stnpesj fibs' Wool, gentlemen's white Ec coPd i uo . i . nan nose - - pted, gentlemen's and ladies' black te and coloured : - , tton do -. doW do : v sirner, plain and printed, all colours piiianif Braffanza I do poind Canton Grape f on and imitation 4-4 to 8-4 K Shawls ! ' in whole and half nieces M04, Table T - " nd44, Steam Loom . ' bconetts, plain, fig-ured and checked Fimon and superfine,; new patterns .' " ulT uo : 1 do P London P-nfo , ! .i --A. Ml book and SwisL, fig'd and plain PlRil'irttttt 1 idEdjin .1' ",- ' ;- Hat Rea Testate, FOR SALE OR LEASE. ! ILL be Sold; or Leased, on moderat e tenns. the TL?A YAltD lateh occuniedbv Gabriel DunatJTz, Esq. delceased, having ali the necessarV Out Houses, Work Shop, Barkj Mills, &c. On the premises are about Fifty Cords of excellent Tan Ilarfc, which wil likewise be sold on moderate terms. Any person wishing to -commence the Tan ning business willdo well to call and examine the premises For further particulars apply to the sub- scnuers. . , . ; -: 4 CHAS. B.! JONES, S Ex'rs. J Fayetteville, Oct. 10, 1825 36-lm f f . Tanner 8c Cwyyict wanted. AN experienced Workman who can come well recommended for sobriety and 'industry, will -..--L' I . r i . , i KegYocs jiy Sale; ON- Tuesday the ! 15tli "of November next, at the Court House of Chalhtni'CouriW- K. p.. will hP offered for sale, the Negrocj belonging to tiie Estate of the late John Henderson, Esq. of Chatlikm Coun ty, on a Credit of Six and Twelve months purcha- slvt- j-uics wiui siuiyi'icxory aecunty. j On the-same djay, dndon tfe sacrie terms, the Household and Kitcher. ; Furniture, the Stock, Crop, and Farming Impletfpnts, will be offered for bale at the DwcUnig Hous the derson,' Esq. ; -1 ." ''. i ,, ROBERT DONALDSON, JAMES DONALDSON, October 5. 35tds. v T 1 ,- late John Hen- njt owners oi tiiose vstcnes remaining on ; liand, which wefe left with A!. Wilcox fori re- pairs, are requesteo; to can on the Sub$cm)er, at the old .stand, before the first -of Jalnuary next, and Ex'rs. be so .next, a Id to b pay as usual, an iele receive them, otherwise thcywill for repairs. ' ' JOHN PEA BODY. Who continues to kecpT'ir. sale, gant assortment of j V. - Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Silver, Plated, and Bnttania W arc, Military Goods; ! - Musical Instruments, j Together with at variety of Fanby Hardwarel JVJlTCUES iJVp CJ'OCKS of every descrip tion repaired in tne best mannerj lo th'S branch the most particular latteiuion shauj be paid. Fayetteville, OctJ a5 4t, receive liberal wages.; Oct. 4 35-tf Xpply at thi s Office eta-S Black, blue and green Grosde Naples!, . dd - . kW0 , ' figured do W S an? Satin aU colours 't leathered RrV x a Barrels Pickled Salmon J ' Q) 10 half barrels of Connecticut Shad, No. 1. 10 half barrels Mackerel, No. 1 100 lbs. of Smoked Salmon 30 boxes Raisins 1 10 do. Prunes ; . Drums of Figs, 9ultana Raislna, Currants, Sic. Boxes of Olives, Capers, and Anchovies Almonds, Filberts,! and Madeira Nuts . 10 boxes Sperm. Candles J 10 barrels of Tanner's Oil , 40 keg of White Lead, ground in Oil Chrome Yellow, Prussian Ulue, and ot'r Fainra 20 dozen Morocco Skins,, suitable for hatters , t L. P. Madeira, Sherry, TenerifTe, Port, and Malaga wines. , I '-, j; -';; . .... ; Cgniac Brandy, IJolland Gin, ?cc. i GunDowder. ImDeriaK Hvson, Young Hyscn, and -Souchong TEAS, 5 barrels Loaf Sugar ' 5 boxes White HaVanna Sugar 15 bags of Shot : " ? I I 5 cwt. of Bar Leatl I : ' ! - With a complete assortment ot uROCE RIESL of the best kind, : j ror saie uy; . W. COCHRAN. A Jotlce. T a Meeting ofi the Wardens of the Poor of Cumberland County, tit the Court I J ouse, on Wednesday the 7th day oic jepterober, 1825, Oboerei), That tfte.SeciUary give notice to tlie Wardens, to meet at the Registers Office at! the Court House in Fayettevi'. von the first -Thurstlay of the next Superior Cot:- t at 12 o'clock, to take into consideration tlie prortV of! building a House &cJ.tor.th e nQcomrhiodf VtCtk ' -Sf tPoir.c4iJuri43e5 land County. I' ' ' ' , . ' ' , "' '' -Is . Extract from the Minutes, k ! ; j JNO. MUUCH1SON, Clk. Oct. 4 35itf . - . . .. -s lies' K'A o-ji H uak wnite WSaver , : n?es ,VVoodstock Buckskin VandsmaU and W,, , : Silk. Ur MESTI0 .finnno bleached,.4 , :'V rLu ! 4-4toG-4 lVoolr,u .. . 1 - . iIllboTPC -b& : Met 19, Fayetteville, Oct JOS If. 12 36-3t I hereby forwarni aU persons from purchasing cer tain tracts of Tapd in Cumberland county, N. C. now in the occupancy of Slalcora Munroe, Esc, situate on Nicolsorj'slCreekJ and on, the Morgantcn Rdad, known by thejname of Rocky Mount, as the equitable title of said tracts (if land is not in said Mai com Munroe nor in any jperson under whom he claims. ' . ) ' . - l' i i TRY AM ! MAC FARLAND. Laurel Hill, N. C Oct. 11, 1825 36-3t J 1825 37-tf L?l side of S3? " of taftn, I, excellent n'.r iiven; situate r u and e.R.. mmoybehad. lVAC RAE. RUNAWAY on the 8th inst. a little yellow fellow, called HARRY, 23 years of age, very low and well built; weighing from 115 to 130 lbs. left hand ed, very flat feet, his hair lately cut short, inclined to be straight; he is very polite, artful and cunning, being raised a house servant, though for! the last two years Worked in the crop. His clothes are such as field hands work in, probably a grey round Jacket of coarse cloth, one of white yam, and one of yellow cotton, though he may have, exchanged mem for finer clothes; ne tooK. on a new vurcc point blanket 1 - ' - ''"' : He will no doubt endeavor to pass as a free man, and in travelling keep" the most public road, as he uiu at) out two years ago n a inp iv uuungwu, when he called himself Martin Fog. , - ' ! ; I will crive the above reward to any one that will deliver him to John ; Kiteral, who lives on my plan tation 7 miles south of this place, provided he is ta ken without the limits of this state; and g20 if taken, secured &c. within4ts limits. , - ; : .. J ,:--ryr.P- -v.U " i JOSEPH HAWKINS. Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 10th 1825: 36-ot. flHE Subscriber being! duly i authorised, by the JL President and Directors of the Cape Fear Na. vigation Company to settle all claims in favoof or against said uompany, nereDy nounes an persons in debted to said Company, either by Note or Book Account, to come forward," and make immediate payment of the same. Otherwise the duties of. his office make it obligatory ion nim to commence suit without delay, i J , - - - JOHN CRUSOE, C I . jTreasurer and Aent, Fayetteville, Qct, 4 ?5-5t r TVviYt lio.Wars "BLelEordj ANA WAY from-, the subscriber, in Richmond . cbuniy, N. C while on his hvay to his resi dence in Alabau.a, on the morning of the 27th inst. three Negro Men, named LUKE, SAJDYi and BILLY. .., :. ..,.';. I. t ;- , - Luke is 24 years Of age, 6 feet high, yellow com- Lplekion, has lost a lower fore tooth, had on aj tar- pauhng bat, yellow mixed domjeEtic sciotn snort lacket, black waistcoat and blue striped trowsers. Sandy is a mulatto, x& years or age, d teet or o inches high, wore a fur hat, much! worn, dark mix- ed northern homespun snort jacket, Diue striped homespun trowsers.""' 1 Billv is verv black, about 27 years ot age, 5teet orv8 inches high; speaks quick, wore a blue cloth short jacket, check shirt, blue homespun trowsers. Tlie above reward win dc giren ior iue appre hension of these negroes, and their confinement in jail, so that , the subscriber may regain them, or ten dollars, will be given; for securing either of. them. Any information respecting them wiu De receiv ed at the Post Ofhce Fayette ville,by ihomas uoul- ton, at Kcnansville, j N. C. or by WILLIAM PEACOCK, Montirotnerv, Alabama; August. 29, 1825-50tf ! i Term, 1825. Original Attachment. Levi ed on 400 acres of Land, lie. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Moore count. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Au gust Benjamin Person, '"'"-'-.; :, VS. Jesse Upton, jun. ORDERED, That publication be made in tne Ca rolina Observerifor two months, that unless the defendant appear ori or before the first day of the next term of said Court, to be neid on tne iniru Monday in November next, at thp Court House in Cartliage, replevy and plead to issue, judgment final will be entered aerainsthim. agreeably to the? plain- tiff demand, and the said land ordered to be sold to satisfy the same. COllN. uu vvu, uik. August 28, 1825-3I-yt 1 . I ! ! fUHE subscriber informs bis friends, and the pub A lie in general, that he. has, removed to the Stand, formerly occupied by Mr. J ohn McArn, nn Person Street, a few doors East ofl the Cape Vni. Rank, and directlv opposite to Messrs. , Wil- r.ams &: Venn's. Where he offers for sale at re diieednriees p-entlemen's and ladies Saddles and Bridles, plated and common Harness; together with a general assortment in his line, either at Wholesale or Retail. All orders! from the country, shall be promptly attended to, and repairing: done : ; Valuable ' ' ' -1 K("' REAL AND PERSONAL' PROPERTY Voir Sale. . - : BY yirtae of a Deed of Trust made to us bj jota Aj Camikos, dated the 28th February, 1825, and registered in Cumberland County, . we shall proceed to sell the following Real and Personal Pro perty, at Public Auction, namely; A v. ; Mondayf the ; 28th November next, on the premises, the Plantation belonging: to John 4. Cameron,! on Cape Fear River, 7 miles above fayetteville, containing 1200 acres of excel- lent Lami; xc uas upon it tne ustsal and necessary out Bujildings. About 100 acres are cleared and un der cultivation, and) is well adapted to the culture of Coton, Corn, and the other usual crops of the iuiirj'. il -iica uujuiiniig; iue ianus or tne neirs of G. j Elliott, called I'weedside, and the lands of John Whaley, J.Jones, and others Alsa. all the crop of Corn, Oats, Fodder; Hay, and about 25,000 lbs.' oflCotton in the seed; Wagons, Carts, Ploughs, and other Farming Utensils; River Flat, &c; Horses, Mules) Hogs, and Cattle. Among the horses is a very Valuable 3 year old Stud Colt, by Sir Archie. Persons wishing to view the Lands before the day of sale, are requested to call upon Mr.- John Wha ley, the Manager, on the plantation. On Tuesday the 29th November. we stiall proceed lo sell, in the town of Fayetteville, all thje Heal and Personal Estate of the-said John A. Cameron, conveyed to us in said deed, consisting of large and valuable J enement on the east corner of Market Square now occupied by Mrs: Shackle ford and others, as Stores and'DVellings. An excellent Brick Hou3e and Store, on Person street, at present occupied by Mr. Locke. A House End Lot on Ramsay street. A jhalf acre lot of Ground in- Campbellton, ad joining the square of said Town. One tract ot excellent. Meadow Land, containing ob acres, with Ham and other out houses, adionuncr town1 and well enclosed, all in a high state of dulti- v ali on, with an excellent Spring, convenient to a handsome situation for building on, commanding a fine yievv ot town, within ten minutes walk of the court nouse. Also, a Lot on Hillsborough street; containing j5 - i a i i . ii- i . acre?, on wnicn is a gocu uwemng nouse anu out housjes, with a Tan Yard, and. the necessary build ingsfor carrying on tlie Tanning business extensive ly, iii excellent condition, lately occupied by Mr V ml 'Cameron; With all the stock of Hides, Lea theri Bark, Currier's Tools and Shop Furniture, attached to or used in the 1 an Yard. Any person wishing to carry on the business will - seldom -'meet wiiii sucu an opportunity, as it is me viuy uiic now in operation in the town, and a constant supply. of HkIs", Bark, can be obtained, and a ready sale for tlie Leather when finished. ., Ohe Tract of Wood Land, about two miles from town, on Murchison's Road, adjoining the lands o Salmon M'Kay and others, containing 72 acres. One other Tract of Wood Land, containing 500 acres, about 4 miles from town, on uucKnead, ao joining the lands of D. McLeran, D. Mcltae, and others, .' ' - ..- v ' . - One rnoiety of a tract, supposed to contain 2500 acrs, lying on Burnt Swamp, Robeson county. Two-thirds of one other tract, of 800. acres, on Harrison's creek and its waters, lying in the coup ttcs'roi CiJrrbcrxid a i4-uteri, ' xtt ;-JCJt;ji't by Major Dudly. ! " f V Also, all the interest wbicn Jolm A. Cameron, as tenant for life, has ffi the . undivided- Keal Estate of Robert Adam, deceased, and R.j Halhday, deceased, and in the House and Lot on Gillespie street, the residence of said John A. Cameron. Also, all his Household and Kitchen Fumiture.la valuable Libra ry jbf Books, Pictures and Prints, 2 Carriages and Horses, &c.; 2 Pews 'in the Episcopal Church, Nos. ' land : one moietv of Pew No7 . in the Pres- bvilerian Church; Bracksmith's Topis; 52 Shares of Steani boat Stock; 16 Shares of Bridge Stock; 19 Shares Stock of the Cape Fear Navigation Company. TlvU'ty YaVuable Slaves, Atnong theory 2 excellent Tanners and Curriers, 2 Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and other Mechanics. House Servants, Men, Women, Boys, and Girls, and sonie good Plantation Hands. . (Also, 3 vacant Lots in the town of Petersburg, Virginia, one in that part of said town called Gill field, known as No. 10; the other two in Pocahontas. The sale of the above property will be continued froip day to day during the week, until all is dispos ed pf. : ."-- . ', r And, on Monday the 5th of Decem ber next. We shall proceed to sell, at Public Auc tion, by virtue of said Deed from J- A. Cameron, on the! premises, that . i 5 On which he now resides, containing, about SUU acres, (more or less,) lying on both sides of Deep River, anci on Buffalo creek and its branches, in Chatham county, about 40 rniles west of Fayette ville, adjoining the lands cf J. Fushee, K; Melver, M. McQueen, and others, 'llhis is considered to be One of the most valuable tracts of Land in the mid dle part of North Carolina. The improvements are, -comfortable Dwelling House and necessary out buildings, Barns, Granary, and Cotton Gin, with a crtw Press, 8cc, Valuable Grist and Saw Mill, with abundance of heavy Timber convenient. The soil is very rich, lying in the bend of Deep river, and tjiefe is sufficient cleared land to work from-20 to 30 hands to advantage. It is in a high state of cul tivation for cotton, wheat, corn, and the other usual products of the country. It has excellent Springs of water, and could be conveniently divided, if ne cessary. It is situated on the road leading from Fayetteville to the upper parts of the state.vwith a Ferry over Deep river, belonging to the lands. It would be an excellent situation for a cduntry Store, Also, all the crop of Corn, Fodder, Oats, and Hay, Seed Cotton, &c Wagons, Carts, Ploughs, and Other Farming Utensils. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Horses, Mules, Hogs, Cattle, and Sheep. J 4o ;veYy raVaalAe Sa es, Among, which are .Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and othtr Mechanics. The others are House Servants, Fiefd Hands, &c. consisting of Men, Women, Boys, iiwerson wishing to view the Land, will apply to Mr. Cameron, on the premises. To persons wish ingjto purchase such, property, so favorable an op portunity seldom offers, as the whole will positively be soldand the sale continued from day to day. un til all is disposed of. ! -I Terms of Sale., For aU the personal property, sums drider S20, cash-20 to 300, 12 months credit -over aSbo. 1 and 2 years, the purchaser giving ond with approved security, .to bear interest from the dat For the real estate, 1, 2. 3, 4, and 5years jl'u: T.nrr.haser criving! bond, with approved Security, and a lien on the property, to bear interest from the dateayable,annuaUyMo y . - JOHN M. DOBBIN, - . v Trustees. Fayetteville. Oct. 4, 1825-35.ts :Efnigra(ionfromNorwayT-ThQ follow! n't statement depicts a snirit of enterorise which has not often been surpassed. It is gratify ing to perceive that the magnetic in fluence of our extended territory and free institutions is felt even amongst the cold ness of ;he Scandinavian region: Jl JScvel Sight. A vessel arrived at this port with emigrants from Norway. The vessel is very small, measuring as we un delrstand, only about 360 Nortvegiari Iastst or i ortv-fave American tons, and brought brty-six passengers, male and female, all bound to Ontario countyvwhere an agent who came over.some time since, purchased a tract of landi vThe apDearance of such a party of strangers, coming from sodistant a country, and in a vessel of a size apparent- y ;iu caicuiateu lor a voyage across the At antic, could not but excite an unusual de- gree of interest. They have had a vovaire of fourteen weeks j : and are in good health ana spirits. An' enterprise like this argues a prootl deal of boldness in the rrrasterof the vessel, as well as an adventurous spirit in the pas sengers, most of whom belong to families from the vicinity of a little town at the soiith-weslern extremity of Norway, near Cape Stavenger. Those who came front the farms are dressed in coarse cloths of domestic manufacture, of a fashion differ ent from the American hut those who in habited the town wear calicoes, ginghams and ! gay shawls, imported, we, presume, from: England The vessel is built otl the model cornmon to fishing boats on that coast, wun s single: mast ana topsum sioop rigd. She passed through 'the "English Chatlhel, and as "iar sbuth ; as Madeira , , where she stopped! three or four days, and steered directly for New ork, where she arrived, with the addition of one passenger Dorn on tne way. f - ; It is the captain s intention to remain in . this country, to sell his vessel, and prej ai-"e himself to navigate our waters, uy entering th 2 American merchant service, to learu the language. N. V. Daily Adv. Blanks for sale J And Printings genera i ere, r -KAf.M;eA Ttnt the meanest of mankind: a 'T i I 11 iVtOlJfw ty, eZttUteu. j wasp may sung; 4 xuiiu Private Conversation.- You need not tell the truth, unless to those who have a right j tojknow it all. But let all you tell be truth. Insult not another for want of a talent you possess; he may .have others which , you want.- Praise your friends; and let your" friends praise yoti. H you give a jest, take one; but jesting sometimes endsin sad ear nest. Learning without prudence is- pe dantry. Nothing is moreunmannerly than tbreflfctlonfy or natural infirmity. He who stirs up against himself another's self-love, provokes the strongest passion in human nature.- Nev er; fish for praise; it is not worth the bait. Make your company a rarity, and people will value it. Men despise what they can easily have. ' The beauty of behaviour con-v sists in the manner, more than the matter ofjyour discourse. Men of many words ana generally men of many puffs. To reprove with. success, the following circumstances are necessary, viz. Mildness, secresy, inti macy, and the , esteem of the person .you, would reprove. , v : h Words. Dr. Johnstfn's Dictionary con tains the following; but they are by no means the whole in the English languages Articles. 3; nouri, substantives 29,410; ad jectives 9,053; pronouns 41; verbs 7,880; participal S8; participles, - adjectives 125? do. nouns 3; adverbs 496; do. in It, 2,096$ prepositions 69; conjunctions 1 1; interjec tions 68 total 40,301." The way to Rise There are three things according o the old maxim, necessary io success in life. "Impudence, impudence, impudence." An imposing-lo.ok isia pass port into the temple of fame, and a ''bra zen face" is of more value than a laced coat If you would rise superior to, your present condition, you must push yourself out of it. Lion-hearted assurance has always gonebe fore sheep-faced modesty. 'Boston Galaxy. Legal presumption.- lizLldus, a . very emi nent lawyer of the 14th century, and Meno- chius, who wrote on legal'presumption, in the 16th century, both lay it down as clear Iawrthat if it be proved that a man's head has been cut off, a violent presumption will follow from thence that the man is dead. FROM THE NATIONAL JOURNAL. On the Race run on the New York Course, cjl . the "3d inst. by Mr. Lynches Filly Ariel a- gainst Dr. liych&s Colt Jxifayette. What wonder that Ariel should beat Lafayette? Tis clear, without reasoning, pr rhyming, or pun 1 ning, That, whether by foes or by rivals besetv Lafayette, young or old, ne'er was given to rjm TOBUFO. If it.be true, on Watts' plan, -That mind's "the standard ofthe man; Though, Bulb,! you are six feet three, Why, what a pigmy you must be ? I laugh, a would-be sapient cried, At every one that laughs at me: Good Lord! a sneering friend replied, : How veiy merry you must be. Stage to tyharleston. FTIHE Mail Stage! for Charleston will leave tha Si-, Post Office in this place on the mornings cT the 2d, 4th, 6th, inst. at 4 o'clock, and will cbntic;? on alternate days throughout the season. j THE PKOPBIETOH F3yettevn!OtTl1825hr25et , ' , r I ? I ;- is i 4' it ,'1

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