: v'.V-.'- s ij-.-V;-.Wv ' ' . .- r - . - ; r t VOL. XIV. .,. FAYETTEV1LLE, N. C. THUJiSDAY MORNlKG, SEPTEMBER 2, 1830. NO. - - - Urn. ' ly EDVV,AD J.HALE. i - At ; 82 5p per annum, ifpaid in advance; S3 Hf paid during the year of subscription; org3 50 at the endgof the yearv ' , ' inVE&TlSEMENTS inserted fo 60 cents per W1 mber 01 inset v.j VJA till forbid, and charged accordingly "letters' to .the ditormUst be pbstjpaia. :a f "r7if Baptist Camp Meeting will cora mpncein this county, jtn the 9th of . the ensu- ir montn, av ucuai vicck met mi" uuuw:, "A!!:. c i oM.T.e;fc.... . I . lAmos Palmer .& Co. awts. Elirah cfark. Sheriff I ' kithitrdiorGeoririd. naiiii mijr , mug iiuuc -wm uij un uur UfQUICC IS - - : '!7 ; 9.L rv , m j I - . " .. J v - J , -- i The'wav to- Get it Done So now nnr Kampala ottverl JL'li8t of Cnnspa tttrifJrJil.itL cirom craven. u Judgment aHirroed.; wheat, rve and bats, arc more abbndan. than II); .ine miles Sou uth East of Fay ettevi jFe . FAYEXTEVILLE or watei i . id1; fUHE Superintendent finds that the efficiency and I usefulness of the Water Works are greatly im red bv a constant waste of the water, not only Ling the day, but also during the night, by per s wh0 have no regard for the interests of the pro- S'etors, or the convenience ' oft heir neighbors. He Ptilrpfore earnestly requests Vail persons who have hvdrants on xneir premises, m sec uiai mere uc no fiirther vvaste. Those who do not think proper to attend to this reasonable request, are hereby noti fied, that the rules of the Company, and the terms c their Licenses, will hereafter be strictly enforced rainst ttiem. t o ensure wmiui, . r;. vill be paid for sufficient evidence' of a: habitual vaste of the water by any person. This course is rendered absolutely necessary by circumstances of hourly occurrence. . . , :r E. J. HALE, Superintendent. Jigw26,il830.; : . , . t AUCTION SALES. ; A handsome and well as- .sorted stock of Ladies' and Gentle men's BOOTS, BOOTEES & SHOES of various qualities and new fashions, selected expressly for this market. Also, V - Misses and boys' Shoes and lipotees, JVegro Shoes, fyc. Will be said at Auction by the Subscriber on Thurs day, the 9th of September next, at the Store at pre- sent cccupiea Dy nr. uaniei ruineriana, nay sireci. Terms liberal," and made known at sale. .HENRY W. AYER, Auctiorieer. ju?tt26, 1830. . . 90 3 w. Orders Faiettevilxe, Augcst 12th, 1830. THE 4th Brigade of North Carolina Militia will pa- 1 racle by Kegiments, tor tevieY ana mspeciion, is follows: Theood Regiment, (Col.Gillis,) at Fayetteville, on Tuesday the 12th October next, at 12 o'clock noon. The 34th, (Col. McNeill,) at McLean's Mills, on Thursday the 14th October, at 12 o'clock, noon, the 44th, (Col Dovvd,) at Moore Court House, on Siturdav the 16th October, at 12 o'clock, noon. The o2d. ('Col. Underwood,) at Sampson Court LHyurf, on" Monday the 25th October, at 12 o'clock, Boon. ' ' The 41st, (Col. Jones,) at Bladen Court House, on Wednesday the 27th October, at 12 o'clock, noon. The 85th. (Col. Powell,) at Columbus C. House, on Friday, the 29th October, at 12 o'clockjioon. By order of Brigadier Gen. Henry W. Ayer,com- CHAS. 15. JUNES, Aid. IfiwAer's Sermons on Intemperance. 1 FEW copies of these celebrated Sermons have LTl been presented by a gentleman to the Fayette- Iville Trmnfranrt Society, and are left at the Obser- Iver -Office for sale or to be loaned to persons desi rous of reading them. " August 19, 1830. - . Barrels fanner's OIL, r JLarap Oil, .. - j tr " 50 kegs fresh ground Whitie Lead, . For sale by w,JOHN HUSE.i Much 24, 1830. n r ; ' : . . 68: from our Federal tithes to a free and Independant republican people Now according to our Republican Rules -Vote freely-Vote our Own , Votes- Tote as free : menVote Republican liketry to rhinimic- or mauk' as hear as 'you Can in- your Republican Free'donviy otir Beloved Brother fedderlis Only with This Difference in The field he loded and fiered his bwa Gun and now you Cuhi up and Vote your own Vote Republican Like But Gentlenjn it appears That tht? peoples minds - oh party Spirit is Running to Great lengths-fahd that on Dangerous Roades to wit The Subject 'Concerning our pre sent , administration which of Corse Gentlemen Must Draw Split in. khe minds of the Common welth- Gentlemen just take avue of mrpinkney Speach in South Carolina "on This jSubject-mr inkney Sais That They are both one principal hat he -Should, vote For Jackson--hot twChoice turiorioei.ea5i i,vii rar ueuury in 1x01111 varou- School he Voted for adams but as Jackson wars i : , v i J V "a Q 'l " u " T V Th. t,l.c f'W.rP-h.r. ,;ii;na.ns..rf h;cceedmSponabond of 424 79 to winch Defendant ine nairman to tne use ot Nathan Smith, Kx'or. vtlf. urrtW t, - u ix? W lnuh. nd Washington, judgment affirmed. a half of seed wheat, sowed m Jasper, 140 j 1 The Justices to the use of Anthony Armistead, bushels were gathered! -Cfof7l; YVhole fields appi. i7. t. i. oiewan ana otners, trom wasnmgton. i are so injurea oy ine orougni, mai uicjr wn Judgment affirmed. j not average a barrel to the acre, 'some not C r . , uusnei: nan a crop is as mucn as. can ue ex 0 . .t .. , --...j rUHZ Tk oMKAM !n IVf ia Bryanbyhernextfcndr. J6hn Sillers, 1 wlsaac V-p 5i .r J ' iP5 wiutam Jas InVf June (ntured it so rnuch' that it is n &c. from Johnstorirl Srlocutorv deereS , Wynns, from Hertford. Judgment reversed. DM"nc ,0JUred, S? "Cn, that It is n Court at June term, : 1850. EQUITY CAUSES The Executors of C. L.' BenzV:ne and others, v. Jesse Robeuett and others, from Wilkes." 'Decree for Camplainants and reference to, the Clerk to as certaiu the rents of the land mentioned in the plead ings. - -, , " - i ' r Susanna uryan, oy ner nexi x Adm'r. &c. from Johnston. for fnmnlainant . L'v:y-. f t- . . . -i :. William and Henry. Dpggettv. Benjainin Pope arid others, fiom Haltfax. Petitioii tt) amend - the issues di-aUowed- ' : j "fffi, ' .' ''' ' " I Lewis Ellis v. William 'Ell frm Ederecomb. Fi Robert M'Kee, appt. v. Thomas Hicks, from Cas-i mofe Ithan three-fourths ol a stand: I his i- welk Judgment affirmed. , . . J much stinted, and the'sduares. are d roppwfj , uvuvii uviv owuiwu, i on consianuv. vrcneea.noi antic, ate more -ktjfif - - ... ... Ajoe on ciemise 01 ripruir- rsirixeni. sn i.im uew-ec oracnnir ineeiJciciiuaiR.ra assicrnoverine i r ..7 3 . i . -rj iiio'm."ntiit4.v;.i livKimhiiK;. t.i:nnA .a a:- '.McNeill, from CumberJand.: . Judemeilt affimecLl W ? b, imr. in arM.rm it uirii a. n b tti c rna -t a t " e " & i a -. s lVtoi iK"T.' fi , u r wontfromery. juaerment reversed. the Plaintiff and the recovery eftected upon Home's '7' , ,vw...vv,.P(i .. uuugiiiiit itvdsw ajiu lib n w ii r1 thn twothirdS of a crop at inosti if mbr ; rit-'Vnhn than half, : - .fAif? "'-::r:- ' appyeopinionasJrpea uy a genu ho .'has - travelled 'extensively iu'tho" middle counties, 7 Georta Journal, - administration as the peoples Choice -Gentlemen if we respect- The opinion of The Elusti ous Wash ington The Founder of our Republic we Should Disgard party Spirit altogether and nut Suffer it to Enter into our Honest harts much more our Elections For The power of the people Natular is as Strongas the Decree of a King Ever wars and why because a King Can only Say u Thing Shall be So and The people tuck an Oath 1774 That they would prove true Subjacts 8tc and on- these princi- was surety. Georgi Carrington v. Herbert Simms,lrom Oranere. Referred again tu the Clerk. j Andrew .? Hison v. Robert Worke and others, from Iredell. Rule of reference enlarg-ed. - . James IJeevt-s t. Adams and Blackwood," from O range. Final dtcree as to the costs, that Defendant Blackwood recover his costs of Complainant. viiiium irneii anq oiners v. z,acnarian unney and K. White, trom Iredell. ; Report filed and confirm- The term r U. S. SENATfi. " for which one' third of the wood. Washington & Thomson v. Ransom Sanders clerk J&lc. from Johnaon. Judgment reversed and , Rule discharged v - nresertt members of the LT. Senate wero Frilick & Helme v. Ransom Sanders, from John- j ' . , . . T ston. Judgment reversed and llule discharjred. , ciecieoi expires me m oi iviprca next, viz? John Worthington v. Wm. Arnold, appt. from Ran- j Levi Woodbury of New Hampshire UUT"' uu6i..m aunuiiu. i VdJVIU HKTV UI lUIIUCCMGUW The author of thefollowiriff . morceau. is ve- .O'- 9 r5 anxious to have if. nrinted kid bobnd up ith the Spelling Book, that his children may .see what a great man their father was. ' This I riot being iu ur power, we do what we cari to gratify Kim, by spreading his Speech in our ru'urans. it mav be well to mtorm the reaa- nhat Mr. Thomas Prevatt, Sen. was a can ojdate for the Hquse of Commons at the late To the free men of Robeson Coiinty T t I'M . w-v- ir)e time is fast approaching when you will be Call edUPnto Exercise That" hicrh Degree of honour phich wars Confurd on you The 18 Day of Decem er 1776 anrl Tlt-uiuo .mn.ottantmnln Thp first Sec- ia; umng f uui ..v.. ... - - - !,)nofThe State Co'nstituon That The Legisla we.athority Shall be vested In two Distinct Branch- I '-oth Depending Dn The people to wit u Si-fei-and house of Commons Gentlemen 1 Now, , Replace of one of your representatives ;n our lV-7 "!feing General assembly Shoultti oe oo "-.idle as to wain vm'.i. Riifff rao-ps it Will De MV "est intentimi tn e.irrAPt vnnr " Honstitu- liflilal ' uupun jwn. Ja! nghu as fair as my tallants Extends w Gentlemen The motion of time Does move r niie wars hv q r,otir'o..o 'T7nr1r Kine-dom or it... J " y.uivuo v v..-.w. o ov minority Then Our lanas lieiong io me 5Mngland -and we a paying- whatever taxes " . " .MM. 1 . . WIICII State Bank v. John Wi Little john and others, appt. from Chowan. Judgment reversed and new trial granted. ! Lewis Taylor, assignee, Sec.' v. Robert Harrison, admr 8tc. from Wake. Judgment reversed and new trial granted. "I ' 1 llr' ft . f , m, . . t.iI r-il CC Complainants bv Petition or otherwise, andfor further Y? U8y s x aPPV r" n """ arrnifnt i . i ourry. judgment affirmed. &c. S , -t - . . i ' -r . . vuuiuiaiiiaiiioi ami ani a 1 cat i jtria Willi pals They ware maid a part of the Constitution Vlhtv tn .... iki.,J .Jmny- in the vear 1770: our Constitution Or lorm of ,, r t . , . . b . . , ...,a.c tiovernmeni wars laid Down and Calld The Fed eral Constitution But when we Entered This Con stitution on our Federal March at Brandy wine youtoy Spring Brier Creek and many ot'uer places two tedious to mention up to lheDaie loJ our fair very generally wars Gentlemen Gunpowder and Ball for Brakefast and Bagnet and Blood For Dinner and Rested our Bodies" When we got the Chanch :in the Woods like the Brutes-Bit now The Great Washing Uth the Rest of our predeces sors Did not gave us the name of party but alto gether a free and independant Republican Govern mentT So Free So Independant Free from .party Spirit That Note" at the Convention Began and weld at thet,City of Newyork on Wednesday 1 he 4 or marchJ789 a niendthent to The Constitution wars laid Down Article The first Congress shall make no law respecting an Esta.dishn.ent of Religion or pro habiting The free lix4 icise Thereof -or Abridging The Freedom of Sp ach- "or of l'he pressSo That you See Gentlemen -That we are a free and a Independant people- and Shall be as long as we Cum up and vote our own talant vote as free men and Independant of any other maris opinion- -and When we are on this Repuohcau. 'march VEvery man Can Sit under his own ngtree or vine and none to make him affraid and Eai and Dunk- -Tne luxary of The World StC But in order to Ste Directly What grounds we are on as true hal ted Rcpubii- we snouiu always uc u6 --v-i-' on Geneiar Washinarion- w itn trie c,llsue nlearl vuo li.nH Tn 1774- w to 'crnv TI.... : if . . ' n . tnn rnani luairun tax no rnore to uuvcmci ujvu Pto i7 r"by nor under him we men tame tut 76uhere we laid Down'our Federal Con 'or, or f0I rn of Goverment and maid Each free dPart nf . ..j .iu rr-i. tt ir,1 pnn. 't;" 11 rtI'u wars caita nits fcuw,i- rX1 , It 1 ' 1 A Mn4-Vl At r onff. :vt-uae wj ware an comDina lugciu ietVt 1 mat uound witn an oaui wg" V - i . I 1 - c-i ,.11 m.rhhH trr J Jl luuse our lives ao wc au tirm t he Bosses of The Federal consii- l,.. ' General Washineton Before us and UsA-with hi ntpiin! F.vf Ovpr us4-So "t On ur En errnes vr firt to till The nues or in e gFound and not only gave ground But '. I - - o mi n. iiifi fiiri -4iiii i lit ft- i in 111.11J 1 W Nitme and inlarge it That is to. Say iici rlnc'wl The Federal Constitution on our afft' T 1, 7G to 1782 Did incorag our it; n.eet us at parres 1783 and 1 4frt. Enemies v j.-, us iii panes 1 oj hu ncu anu id Sign our name and Called it or Called us ,c,!u! of nUV itepublic principalss So now cans-- Stadv Eve Rest of Our Diedecessars The State Constitution and Constitution of the The United States -W ith the treaty of peace The bounds of our hmmats&C and when we considder on our federal Rights we Can only Say That it looks like a Rebellion to Say a ny thing against The full voice -or General votes ot The people- when you all Know Gentlemen That General Jackson is our president -and wars iriaid So by The full Voice of aiuaraca and as long as be aids and-. Stjpp i ts us we ought to aid und Support him and no longer It would be very w ell for The people to take Notice ot that part t tua iTnltrt Krtta Consutuuou where General Washington wars present Himself- -Note the Revisd Law ot North Carolina 7 -72 and part of the 73 pages also the Transactions' T1)al wars Conhrmd at the City of Newyork on Wednesday The oi march 1789 or so much Thereof as wars Ratahcle which Wars The ten first articles -v liere you a.ay See That The people ought to ptacibiy assem ble together and petition The Government For Redress of Grievances The Rights ot The people to keep and bair amies Shah not be Infringed- -and many Other Things two tedious to mention and in The treaty of peace Between Amaracaand Great Britton- Signed At panes on, the 3 ot Sep tember 1783 That The Navigation of The River -Missassippa from its Sorces to The Oiian -Shall forever Remain Free and Open to The Subjects of Great Britton and to the Citazehs of the United States and Further According to our Federal Bonds 1 frankly Hope That we and Each ot us is willing to keep The Unity of the Spirit -and Bonds of peace Not only as laid Down by our predeces sors -but also as paul laid it Down in his Right infrs Ephesians 4 Chapior and 3 Verse- -as a Chris tain taught people Ought to Do- Always Remembering- -That we are Not Under The Law -but Un der erace So I again Say That we are not Un der The Federal ! Consti; ution In The Same man neras we wars 1776 to 1782 But insted ot Under The Federal Constitution from 1776- to 1782 we are Under The Federal Constitution to Combmd us together In Remembrance ot our oatns i( -to Shew Us That we are all one man in princi- Dal and Ought: to be But it we wars i neir would be no cause ior any opv v . mongst The people if They Could Se -Tiiat Jus tice and truth had Kissed.Each other and the led- ..-..r.fli and Retuiblican powers naa nianeu ..: Zu it .r..,IH the Scnoture isais be Enougti A. t fh,r words Fmished l'hen we should all KJk All -" J .. 1.1 '11 U u- w.,11 nlnfHled renubheans tnen we aiiouiuaiiuc 1JL. M UB 1 . . . Under that republican Goverment Whicn was uoniinuu u"v-" r , Gentlemen yours &C I pnvan our The Scripture a Sufficient rule Fair Better then tradition School By Scripture you may plainly See . 1 What God Comrnands Both you and me - the Constitution it wars formd to rule ouraiation all arouhd. v and when we; take tli vital oath n -v 2 We ought to keep our minds composd ;At Branday wine you all may See - i ; What wars The Rules Then taken Their at 'quabecks fort ware Signd to Death 3 at Brier Creek Cant be forgot In order'nbVto inanage Shure; ; " .Keep up The oath of 74 n to manage Right and do it quick 4 Keep up The Rules of 76 : ' Our Federal Rules wars Rightly Done . Our Republican powers is Over nun And we ll t worsted from Sea to Shore 5 Great one of all whatiiShall we DO - you follow peace with Every man Keep the Constitution For your plan . , and Washington will be with you f f 6 and all his predecessors two. " .. CaT,, . Thomas prevatt Senr ram Gentlemen your most obedeant and Sincear well wisher July 4th -1830 1 Thos prevatt Senr Ihomas Compton and Wife Greer's Ex'rs. from Orange! to take an account - William Johnson and wife v. William Person from Franklin. Decree for Complainants. James N. Smith v. David Dudley, from Jones. Rill dismissed. 4 j 1 William S. Blackledge and others v. Jordan Nel son and;Wil!;iam Little, from' Pitt. '"Interlocutory de cree anil reference to the Clerk. ! li,' 'I Jamef Hili v. James S. Jones's Exr. from Heriford. Decree for Complainant j i - -Rich itnd Newsom and others v. William BufTaloe, frohi NWl-thumpton. Dccreelfor Complainant. James H. Wood and others v. the President and Trustees of the University, from Northampton. De cree for Complainant- 'Ordered that the Dt-fecdants reconvey, the land mentioned in th- pleadings. David L. Ryan trthe Ex'rs. of John Beasly dee'd. fr(m Bertie. Deciec- of the Court below reversed David Woods . William-Hall ai.d R. M'Kee, from Orange. Decree for Complainants-Injunction per petuated. Elijah Scott and wife.i?" William Duncan, from Cra ven. Decree for .Complainant. f, William Johnson v. the Trustees pf the University, from Anson. Cause rt manded., ,! John Maudre Adm'r. and others : Richard Leigh and others, from Perquimans Decree below- affirm ed,, with the .costs of this couit. i J. H. Stevelie r.J.llajl, Adm'r, of J. Paxtondec'd from Burke. Interlocutory decret-fand reference to the'Clerk. . t - Jessit Lynch and others v. Thomas Reeves's Adm'r. and others, from Orange. Bill discussed. Isaac Cannon and others vi the Adm'r. of Charles Jenkins. andAdm'r. of W. Rounuireb, from Pitt. Bill dismissed. ' William Keaton and wife v. Enoch! Cobb and Wife, from Wayne. Decree for Complainant and refer ence to the Clerk. ; . 1 Jesse Murphey and William Pope v. George P. Lovick, from Greene. Decree for Complainants. J. A. Dawson et ul vt G. W. Alston etal, from Hal. ifax. Bill dismissed with costs. I Tredwell's Ex'rs. v. John' Lanstop, Adm'r. from Chowan. Decree for Complainant i William Lee v. James Norconi, from Chowan. De cree for Complainant. 4 John H. Alley and others v. Richard Ledbetter jr. from Rutherford. Bill dismissed with costs. Reuben Moore v. Jeremiah Hvlfen and Henrv Chambliss, from Stokes. Bill dismissed with costs. Burchett Lee and Wife v. Edwards & Lindsay from Johnston. Report hied and confirmed and de cree for Complainant. William M. Dameron and others v. , Mary Gold and others, from Caswell. Ordered that certain issues be made up and submitted to a Jury of Caswell county. , . Henrv N. Jasper, A dm r of Surah M. Jasper v. James Maxwell, Ex'or &e. from Franklin. Decree for Complainant. . 1 ft ml L w r-i 1 Rebecca Bailey anu otners v. i nos. l. onannon house Ex'pr of. Thomas Davis, .dee'd from Pasquo tank. Decree of the Court below reversed, with costs in this Court; plea overruled and cause remand ed for further proceedings , Thomas Hams v. Josiah Cowls & E. Hough, from Surry. Bill dismissed with costs. i ' Thomas W.PPomdexter v. Hausef & M. Cannon, from Surry. Bill dismissed with costs. Jos.ah Crudup v Reuben Carpentef from wake Governor to the use of the State Bank, appt. v. Al- VViueiaijji u ,nB Tll ,;M - - r- t. ..K , i' -J T...1 Referred to the Clerk ' Jiiy wmcis, uoiu imuicuwu. ouugmcm ICY 1-I9CU. Dudley Chase of. Verniont, Nathan Sanford of New York, . William Marks of Pennsylvania. Ezekl F. Chambers of Maryland. James Iredell of North Carolina.' Wm. : Smith of South Carolina. George M. Troup of Georgia. 1 , John Rowan of Kentucky. ' i Jacob! Burnet of Ohih. :- Josiah S. Johnson of Louisiana... . .mmr .il-' w . .'-' t vviiiiam iienoricKs ot lnaiana.- Elias K. .Kane of Illinois John McKinley of Alabama; David! Barton of St. Louis. jyqvalRemlmsctricc.Xb6ut a'year previousto the" declaration of war against Great Britain, the English; frigate Macedonian arrivedat Norfolk, where her. commander Capt. Garden, and his officers, were treat- . ed' with the hospitality for which the citizens of that I city are distinguished. The frigate United State? 1 under the command ot Commo en whom and Capt. Garden. the Sally Peterson, appt. v. George Williamson, from tasweu. juagment amrmeu. j i Den on demise of McPherson Lerry v. Ferl St McKay, appt. from ' Camden. Judgment reversed and m w i rial granted. j I. E. M. Dunstan v. Benj. Hardy's Ex'r. appt. from Washington. Judgment affirmed. . The Chairman of Bertie County Court, appt. v. W. Watford's heirs& Joshua Outlaw's heirs, from Wash ington. Judgment affirmed. ! t - 1 mr o T ma . . " . .1 rf-i . aamuci iing oc james m. Aiornson v. tne toun. i wag the yng there. retiiion a.smissea. ,inrP ninr hitWf. james irwin anu oiutrr.joiiiipioan,aiici in, -VVk. Cuslomarv civilities Aassed. At i dinner f ven tr h orn Mecklenburg. Judgment reversed and judg- CaD, canlen. on board the United States, th com ment in favor of Wallace. f nLu, U-:- w-; ri..i . . ... . . a. o 'i-ir t- ijus iii(.iiMui iw w.,rcaaci9 ueeauic mc iiiciiio i n. L, uiowan, sun winepwmer, etc. r. m- of remark, in which Cant. Carden nuLintained with. viuson, appt. trom Kowan. juugmeni amrmea. some warmtn the superiority ofhis own new and beau- isewbern Bant v. I h. bparrow & uaviu Keia, appt. tlfl.i sh;ni rvecs.tll- rth- tn,xt tMrv rmhrA hr from Craven. Judgment affirmed. I :uAMi vJ5V' --it ...u: - Deh on demise of Peter Amngton v. Joel Sledge', appt. from Frankhn. Judgment arhrmed. Joseph Graham v. Wm. Reid, from Lincoln. Judg ment affirmed. ' Justices of Currituck, &c, appt. r. Derin s Dozier's Adm r. from Currituck. Judgment affirmed. John Belt v. Robt. R. Johnson's Adm'r, appt. from Warren. Judgment affirmed. V John Doe on demise of James Seawell v. Roe &. Hugh McLaurin & Bank of Cape Fear, appts. from Cumberland. Judgment. reversed and new trial granted. " , j Governor to the use of the surviving Adm r; of Philip McRae, appt. v. Josiah Evans, from Cumber land. Judgment reversed and new trial granted.' y Ann Hoskins, Adm'r. of Richard Miller v. Charles G. Miller, from New Hanover. Judgment affirmed. Den on demise of Josah Smith 'v. Roe & John jT he should sincerely regret' the contingency wbicli would place them in an attidude of mutual hostility. and waved the subject.4 Little did the gallant Cap- tain of the Macedonian then dream, that thi short ' space of a year and.a'half would profe to his mortifi- ' cation the fallacy of his opinion : b(it so it was. Af-. ter the return of the Macedonian to England, and the ' subsequent' declaration of war, she sailed to join the? squadron! on our coast, and. after tbhehing at one of the Western Islands, a vessel was deseraed, which not answering the' signals of the day was known to be ei ther a French or an American frigate, t The greatest enthusiasm pervaded the whole ship, and Capt. Car- . deh exultihgly exclaimed to one of his officers 'If - she be a French frigate we will give her S'roinutes if a Yankee we will take her in 20 minutes." The engagement commenced, but the Macedonian hav ing the wind, was enabled to choose, her own dis- tanp in r r m nut rwr f uKirli tH a TTnitorl Gtnan t,i jd and others, appt. from Duplin. Judgmental- i,i nnt hr.'nr hpr ;tni ,1,- nrriieai I fmA k Lnh t .an iary Choat, Ex'rx". appt. v. John WnghVfrbm When .hii British Gap was lowd. th fr L Surry. Judgment affirmed. J. hailed from the United States. tVhat hln7th Thomas Hemphill and others v. James Hemphill The ansWf f came back ,,His Britanic Majesty 'a frU Moses Whitesides and Wife, from Burke. . Judg-1 p.ate Macedonian.' John S. Xat'rlftn. & ment affirmed. Governor to the use of the State Bank iraie oiaceuoman, joun a. 4aroen. commanaeri" on Edward I T & 6" , Griffin ond others, appt. from Martin. Judgmental- g-Ush of feelinev directed the? officer with a trumnt i I. t-iff - 11 . '- 1 !l luasmi vaiuen was wen. ue was answercu in mo firmed. STATE CAUSES. j State v. Neill Crawford and others, from Robeson. Judgment affirmed. - j State v. Willis Alexander, appt. trom Wiiices. Judgment affirmed. ... State v. James Nulls, appt. from Duplin. Judg ment affirmed. Stater. John Dourden, from Johnston. Judgment reversed and judgment for the State. I State v Elijah W. Kimbrough, appt. from wajte. Judgment affirmed, and judgment for the State. Siate v. Pleasant Ellington, trom franklin, jnag. ment reversed and ventre jacias de novo. State v. negro Moses, appt. from "Craven. ment affirmedi and judgment fur the State. affirmative," and in a few minutes Captain Carden was" on the deck ot the Unitea States, looking anxioiiHlv arourtd for the person of his old friend Decatur. The Commodore being dressed in a short roundabout, with an old tarpaulin hat, and his face disguised, and. blackened! with powder and smoke, it was; not until he advanced towards Captain Carden. with his hand, extended, that the Captain could distinguish him- a- mong the multitude of discolored visages that stir- rounaea mm. tie mere learned the canture of the Guerriere and theJFrolic, and subsequently remarked' . . . t .1. - I. I . Z 1 . n . - ,' 10 a menu ui iiiougn uc was painea 10 near oi tne : l. .1 ... . . . .a. - ... , ' tarmsneu repuiaxion oi.nis sovereign's nag, he could iiuv uui icti an iuiimu BaiiaiiMuuil Ulal Ills WHS iiQ the first name upon the sad catalogue. Aft era tedi ous detention ot several months at New London as a n. J)W.-The nassion of fear sometimes shews p.cr oii war, ic gai.am omcer reiurnea to i.ng-: itself upon the slightest occasion, and in persons fche ""f w - I ' ,w-gw'i T T . C " :? J-i" . 5,s- r.h I p-nestl'' A French Court of Inquiry, and died m about year afterwards. ' IIKJ3I IIUIIBWI v ' 1 " " f . ... ,1 ' '. ' ' . 7v autnor relates a wiijihi-m inamm-c ima ... , iff - when a boor of most extraordinary visage desired ad- pr. James Wilson, in a papee upon "AfTections of. ! . uto mt. ri4 Ke'mor iltouf1 frit ran r". I the Heart 7 ftead some Weeks since before the Rovat III! 1 I 1 ll.C IU 1JIO IWIL IIV4 mmm-KM vw ww w w. . , , . m Injunction heretofore granted modified, so as to con- ff by wav Gf amusing the King; to devour a College ot If hysiciaiis, indulged m the followingsweet , lorm to ine covenam. oeiween uie usimcs. uui mc 1 wiw,if. hop-, weisinner 5UU weicnt. in nis presence, i r.r' . "ir-r"b - '" uwiuhiiic, complainant not concluded from hereafter proceed- i he oldGen. Koningsmarc, who stood by the King's 18 lts slumber that in watching it, we tremble and' mg against uie aim in case, piovcsj 10 uc ,,UI- side, and who soldier as he was, naa not got nc wv...v ;c-v. .v. w. ,v u..w.?uuiiu uwuiinyjju.. sance. . 1 . Qf the ureiiidices ot his childhood, hinted to his roy- ;w u.i., uicmicnper( Reuben Carpenter v. Josiah cruuup, trom wate. a master, that the peasant should be burnt as a Sor- wjr am every puise oi us irame. ii.ii , ij.ii ,i.,.;,...,i . t . ,ta - i . .-j u- rii.., : :, i ... . , eniratr cu jn me woriL ov irrowin ann KPfrpunn t hnmrh cruss Din- dim UI9IIHS9CU wnn!vi ! . i cerer. ; air, saiu uic i.ciiirw,'imwicu i mc iciu,i . , , . i - ' . COMMON LAW CAUSES. if your Maiesty will but make that old gentleman .d win -woqianoirorine smallest insect that sportr' Den on Demise ot C. Burgess, and others; v. WH- t'k. Dff his sword and his sours. I will eat him be- ea ?n ws iip-wougn nispuise would not lift the flow- lis Wilson representative and otners, appu Camden. Judgment affirmed.; ' i Samuel Dowdy v. Willis Gallop and others, from Currituck. Judgment reversed,and new trial grant ed. Den on Demise of George Blair v. Elisha P. Mil ler, appt. from Bufke. Judgment reversed and new trial trranted. - . Mortran Hudspeth, appt. v. William B. Wilson, from Surry. Judgment affirmed. j Den on demise of Andrew Hoyle and others v. Le rby Stow, appt. from Lincoln. Judgment reversed, and new trial trranted. Peters Clarke,appt. v. Henry uupree, rrom iNortn- imoton. Judgment reversed. . nn nn Demise of Ann Cloud, appt. v. James .Webb aud othersv from Orange. ed, and neW trial granted from. fore your face before I begin the pig. ; Gen. Ko er leaf of wjiich-he dreamed from his ; bos6m;-yet I J . . . . . . . t. . . i I (itlliivinorlhiatfinniam nf tMniu.!iln !. .f.. riV -' rt.nnCTrxir. t wlio Ii!if1 at th hpan ot a hot IV ot Sweaes f""v"'"6 ....-....-...... .,.,.T,11U. miu ncr mr, wo 3 a ,.nA, arra-.nct fhp Austrian, w ho him exposed to cT tf ' climate contendiner with' HCllUlIllVU w Uliuwi mf-' ww w ' i . - Ll - j ii P r i x I Avrv ohfttar.lp. acttalii h v svrv naocinn.nh vnnn oa nn rr tiiP nMVPSL Illfl Oi LllCr I ' J i J HiaiviiiMiuuiHj ge.) could not stand this proposal, especially as it these vanotis circumstances how different is the pow- ' as accompanied by almost hideous preternatural er and degree of the heart's action, which has not1' . . s i nniv rn noai niti fn NhAt titriA i-.waM.s. expansion of the tnghttul peasant's jaws. v itnout v -tw-w u,c. "nuugu every mo- Uttering a word the veteran suddenly turned round, ... C k. Air anrl ttiruiopht VlimcpIF micaff till he arrived at his quarter, where he remained twen- JJoclor iMlhtop -Ui. Lathrop was a tnan tr'-four hours, locked up. securely, before he hadjol geuuine piety, nui much opposed to the got rid of the panic -wmch had so severely affected j noisy "zeal that seeketh'to be known of men mm. luueign xugicr. ? l A youngr divine, who was much pivi n to enthusiastic caht one day said to him, 'Do' (we spare! you suppose you have any real religion?' Judgment revers- j his name,) was walking last Wednesday in company I XMoue to Speak Ot, was" the reply. Unacceptable -gratitude. Capt. with the Marquis of Angleasea, down Piccadilly,! . . . , . i c T-i .u I i. . . ,1 l,. ruu.:'. v.nir 1 j' u..irl Justices ot Cumperiana tu i", wnen ne was accoscu oy - -uuw, -- Qf all our infirmities, vamtv is the dearekf.' r iha &.4m'wnt nnn Anusiruiiy anno men. i nprrtrur u.-iin a mnsi. revere uuu umiiarv latuic. . i ' . . . TrJZ :Z "uilTJ : t.. Amnt affirmed "find hX, ' vnn hortor! .said the man whose accent us "an -Will starVe his other vices to iroiM vuiuucuauu. fuu6'----T I r-j -. - i - J.u-i i: . it Den on demise of Thomas W. Wilson, appt. c. T. j betrayed him to be Irish,; ana long nie to you." I accp iusi .ivc ium urown. B. Bledsoe, from Wilkes. Judgment amrmed. j "How do you know mer" saia tne, captain. ;'is 11 David Cobbs, Admr. &c. v. wunann Wellborn and how do I know your nonor; iresponaea rat,; gopa o .Kt w.ib, p.Tnpstrom juiiiora. Juatrmeni I nent sure I nave, to Know mc man wno sparea roy eversed. and iudgment ot nonsiiu. we in Dattiei" l ne captain uigniy graunea ti.inu v i j sr i . j i v -t . . i m- i. ji ir Ti.rnpr Piuliins. aDDts. V, wwwru reacocK. ana i inouie xo nis vaiior in suca uwnug, sua imn a crown others from Orange.' Judgment amrrned. f into nis nana, and asicea mm wnenr "joa, mess j .a : i i : i - . ...... .M .i i .. . - Den on demise of John ijuiiu u uiners, v. jucs i your uoiwr, am long w y vM'u 6"lu I i isrgeassonment oi r ooiscsp ana Letter Taper, or Kelinr - antit. from Orange, juugmem. reverscu, i veierani sure u was ai xcw yuus, wucu "ccniK i various qusiiues, wmcn wm De sold low. whoIeKale and hew trial. ; 4 - nfuuruunw iuuw; r;w. ur rciau, . lucuBstKvm urricE. a constant supply . ii- JE. T.K Hinrirur tmm lining. I ni vmi trntn tne VinFS. 1 ID lOWea VOUr CM. ina mi lhA frnl nn hind Th. .i.i. . .i .lames Aiiison v. i . i j ... . . J i - uv aii,iiuuu.vi , mcivumuc .1. .dement affirmed. V n alter you out 01 tne way; wnereoy, unaeruoa,i Fthplnrpii l 1 eeDlCS, cx or ntv auuii vi ximikuu- i mtcu wj -. vu. 5 ... . w j -.. t nffirmft. I vr will inrput it to vhu.lDnaon 1 afifT.- ry Mason, irom xMwriu"'r'ji. o , r . WHOLESALE OR . RETAIL. THE Subscriber has just received on commission, from the celebrated Mills ot Di fct J JIME.8. isinvitedJ : j V FavtitviUe, April 1$, 1850. E.'J; HALE. -