Ruth L. Royster EDITOR Phone L-2421 Mrs. Ruby Thompson Winner Of This Week’s Basket Of Gtocsrios Mn. Ruby Thompson of 722 Chai>«l Hill Street is lucky winner of this week’s Basket of Groceries. She will receive same from the office of the CaroUna Times On Monday monling. Her weekly menu is as follows: SUNDAY Xuice Poache^^^^ Toast Coffee . Dinner Oyster Cocktail Mint Jelly Leg of Lamb Pimiento Mashed Potatoes Lima Bean9 Bunshioe Salad Fruit Sherber Macoroons Coffee Supper CHli con come with Steamed Rice, Green Salad, Lemon Press- Injr Baked Fruit Roll Strawberry Roll Coffee MONDAY Breakfast " Oranre "Juice Oatmeal Scrambled Eggs Minced Bacon Toast CoffoJ Lunch Veiretable Club Sandwiches Rhubaiib Tarts Russian Tea Dinner Veal Loaf with Apricots Baby Carrots with Green Peas Chocolate Waffles, Mocha Sauco TUESDAY Braakfatt . Prunes Po$t_^Bran Toase MaraialaJe- -- Coffee Lunek Cheese and Rice Roll Tomato Sauce, Jellied Raw Vegetable Saled, French Dressing binner Stuffed Pork Chops Spinach Sci^loped JElotatoes Biscuits Chocolate Pudding Marshmallow S|tuce - JKEDNERDA'Y Brvakfaat Stipwed Fruit Bacon Omelet Delicate Graham Muffins Milk Coffee Lunch Aurora Soup Beef Heart Pie Green Bouquet Sklad French Dressing Cookies Tea Dinner ~ j uicjU|||g^i>>-— Lemon Butter, StealmSR^SKttJw Buttered Peas, Lemon Meringue Pudding THURSDAY Breakfast | Rhubarb Cereals Wheat Cakes Syrup Coffee Lunch Scalloped Salmon Baked Potato’s Green Beans Wine Jelly PRESIDENT C. C. SPAULDING addresses forum Cookies Dinner Meat Loaf Potatoes Radishes* , Pineapple Tea Pet Gravy Maahe"! Creole CaVbage Finger, Rolls Butter Frost in Orange Baskets FRIDAY Breakfast Grapefruit Juice Rolle^ Oats Coddled £ggs Toast Coffeo Lunch * Bakeid Herrings Macaroni and Cheese Golden CoiUbi'ead Fruit Turnovers Tea Dinner Bvoiled Liver with! Bacon Creamed Potatoes O’Brian Buttered Aspparagus Russian Dressing Spiced Pear * SATURDAY Breakfast Ctfnned Peaches Riee Caker Hjoney Bacon Coffee Lunch ^ Mexican Salad Toastod -Spaniah Sandwicheg . C, C. Spauldtng, Rrea^ent of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, gave t>« forum and friends a very vivid and interesting account of his trip, in ©ompany with five other leading NegroM of this country, to Haiti, the Black Republic. Th* group was interviewed by President Roosevelt at theWhite Hleuse where they received hia bst wishes for a succeoaful trip. The party sailed from New York City April 1, 1937. The most significant fact about the voyage was the .ftbsence of any racial prejudice. The party travelled first-class and wi»rf ev^n feted at * dinner while on uiTjpon tination thtey were met by Ameri can Representatives to Haiti, The group spent their stay in Haiti studying the social and eco nomic conditions of the inhabi tants on this island. Mr. Spauld ing found thiat the inhabitants are divided into’^ Wo distinct classes—the aristocrats or weal thy class and the peasants, who very poor and form the larger part of the group. One interest ing thing to ibe noted in the classification is there is to be found no middle-class. The 'pea sants are forced to do all tthe labor on the island, for the most part by hand and recwve very little compensation ti:ereby in creasing the wealth of the, higher group and enabling that grouji to live lavishly. These are just a few of the' observations made by Mr. Spauld ing. He will continue this series of talks on Haiti in the forum on Saturday mornings. A revie^ of these talks will be given in early issiie'TJf DQROTWEA MCtANC MS UNE, 1937 tBTjaMAIIOKAL HBQRO RtBSS CHAMBEKLIAN STUDIO STU- DENT WINS STATE MUSIC CONTEST Woman’s World Mia* Barbar* Logan, piano STYLE CHATS— atudent of Cliambarlian Studio of j Cottons will reign suprema a- which Mrs. Marglret S. Shearin is j this year. There are to b« directreia, won State Muaie Con test prite in the difficult piano group on Friday April 30, at Greensboro. Mias Logan, a senior of Hill- aide High School, haa been a pu pil of th* Chamberllan Music Studio sine* she wera a IRtla girl of seven or eifht yeara of age. She has convpeted in thie State Music Contest in the interaediatei group for three years, winnf|ig a priia each year. This year bein? hler fourth, she was advanced to the Difficult Piano Group and was awarded the Stata Music Styles for spring and summer would not be~complete without the ever-popular pprint, whether ! they be in colors, or in black and ^ white. We seem to be very close tft Mother Nature this season. Style decrees floral designs, or an CHAMBERLIAN STUDIO MUSIC HONOR m Mrs. Margaret S. Shearin, directress.. Celia Davidson, John Ha^is, Barbara Logan, Mrs. GJizella Lip^ scombe, Marjorie Payne. Honorable Mention Beatrice V. Bynum, iESeta Jean Harris, Josephine Shjearin. Studio Recit«I For Friday May 7th The following program is to be presented on Friday May 7th at the Ch.amberlian Studio, 400 For mosa Avenu«. These recitals are presented-; the first Friday in each mont/h. Program Th* Plendttluiii Spauldingr Prio)o—Celia Davidson ^ S*cendo—Vivian Austin Gromss and Faries Keiterei* Celia Davidson In the Kingdom of the Gromes Richter Dorothy Clark Dolly Darling Spaulding Marjorie Payn» Dreaming Ralfe SyUe Brewer The Dragon Johnson John Holloway, Little Neighbors Ellis Juanita Harris The Poet Speaks Schumann Willard PWttiford Miss Victoria Cordice took 2nd place with the Intermediate Piano Group. Schools that were represented w*re fi«m Rocky Mount, Kings Mountain; Ashfville, Hickory, Al- bermarle, Oxford, Rutherfordton Wilson, Leakesville, Salisbury, Charlotte, Elizabeth City, Frank- linton, Whitesville, Fairmount, ElisaJb^thtown, Greensboro and This State Music Contest ha^ prev^pusly been held in Durham. trimmings witn clusters of flowers and leaves. Becaus* of the coming pomo and ceremony of the Coronation >n May l2th, symbols of Britian’s ... „ „ , will be th« Augustme College and Misa the guest of her sister of St. out-tretched empire key-note in many attractivt new designs. Society-Notes TO ST. JOSEPH tOTHEftM5“”DAY—PRQ^AM SUNDAY SPONSOR *Mrs. Markham, The Mother of the Churchi: Mrs. Clydia Scarborough. offering be Mothers Day PVograrti to held at St. Joseph Church on Sunday Night May 9, 1937 at 7:15 P. M. by Mrs. Mary C. Evans and Mrs. Sylvia Markham. The fdllowirig program is to be ren dered ProceMional by “Honored Mot hers’;^ ^nward ^Christian Soldiers Prayer: Lead By Mrs. L. A.i Southerlands * Welcome Address, Behalf of the Chwrch; Mrs. M. S. Pearson. Recitation: Master Dan Martin Jr. Presentation of Rhythm Band: Behalf of W. G. Pearson Elemen tary School—Mrs. A. 1^. Montgo mery Pearson., Behalf of Hillside Park High School: Mr. Clyde Thorpe, Miss Idt^ord. Beb^f of Whitted School:' A Mother’s Hand--Miss Eamestine Eings. Musical Number: Mr. Joseph Mills, Jr. Recitation: little Miss Gloria Markham. Representing thie Junior and Senior Mothers also crowning of Rogers the guest of a friend. Miss Jessie Street. While in Ral eigh* they attended the track meet at Shaw University and "Maj‘ Festivar’ at St. Augustine. all kinds of cotton dresses to wear during the intir* warm weather. And, a» th* daya grov longet and wormer be aure to w%ar big cotton or hata oi* amalt cotton hats to match th* eottnn frocks. "Hie cotton hata can b* shaped for individual rtyl*. Watch for the Sahvatian Army bonnet—slightly different. Th* little bow thtt ties under the chin will aid af piquant touch. Purple for accessories! Us4 it for ^eaters and blousas; then throw a purple kerchief around th® hair if you are going out for a llttlfi-atreneasuL e«r?is«. Try wearing a purple belt with your gray sport dress or suit If you haVe a number of plain wellen shirts or dresses I ‘sug gest a new box plaid coat. It makes a different yet pleasing contrast. Are you smartly coated for the rainy days that are soon to be? Here are two waterproof nUsMata that ar* tl* "tops'* thk year. Wliieh do you A bottoRcd raincoat in white nr paatcl *il silk. Oh, yra! rt i* tritn •parnit —and tlw most pvp^lmr color is that niaty atar aappLir* •had*. And for read nnartneiM, a tweed print mbberised cotton raincoat. And it haa the most, flattering fhictrlaagth cape. It ia al*«v*l«aa—ideal for tk* mttgty days. Roomy pocfceta are *n botlk sidea under the cap*. Here’s haw to match up. Coi'^ red latticed kid aandala to nuUch gloves, or ^oves to match ev=p^ dr*aa*s or the eheeV^d roata made of the «fm* mat;riai. "Wmg*, quills and t%nfy feath ers are still fluttering to asd fro on Spring hata. They are all good looking. Four laig* black quill on a green hat Two tall wings, one black the oth«r white perched fn front of a r«^ tarbsm. Cutte't stems of quills free from all feathera and forming a que^an mark on a burnt ^.hcat—a truly new color. Favorite Recipes Of Oor Women Readers Historian: Miss Annie Page Presentations: Mrs. Mary C. Evans. ~ Heralds; Misses Mary Peace and Rebecca Woodson. ^ Crown Bearer: Miss Madeline Markham. Attendants: Mesdames Thedosia .ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Leo Townsend of Pekoe Street announce the marriage of their .sister. Birdie M. to Wililam Fuller of tliis city The, marriage t^ok place. iai_Apr.^ This column is to publish the favorite recipes of the womet readers of this paper. Write your favorite recipe on the back of a post-card address it, and mail it to the editor of this page, 117 Peabody Street, Durham. Be sure to sign your name to thte card That’s all there is to it, it’s all su very easy. Let’s see just how many good cooks there really ar>j. LemOn Sauce Without Cookiagl (Remember all the tedioua cook- 3rd. Miss Grace Townsend of Pe koe Street spent last week-end visiting friends in Wilmington, Winston Salem and Raleigh. Miss Mabel L. Jones hatf’left the oity to continue her study of music in Pittsburg, Pa. Byron- Hardy of Enfield and George Dubose" of Rocky Mt. both prominent undertakers were in our city Monday' on business. Greetings from Vienna Proto- winsky March of the Noble Keats Josephin* Shearin FREE! Each j Week A Basket Of This paper is offering to the woman or gM pUnnhig the best menu for each day in the week, a Imsket of groceries, which will be bought frotn the advestiaers of this page. There will b* a iKdttle df Durham Dairy MUk ana "i'lStOe of Roy*l OdWi • Cola, riven along with the gtoceriei, which will prove a treat to the winner. Rtil*l fot thin cOttt^H IN {•UtWfft . w--11. . 1. Any woman or girl ov*r Itf year* of age is eliglU*, other tlukn ^* members *f the fsjnlU*s th* staff. of th* Carolina TIMES. ' : 2. AH *ntries' m'ast be la by Wednesday May 12, 1937. 3. N*at)B*ss counts as well as 'the planning of the meals. 4. Only writ* on an* sid* of th« paper. Us'* m many separata *h**ts ::aa. may fas n*«d*d. 8. S*iid ,*nirl*s ' 'to' Editor *• Womans' Pag', Carolina Timas 117 P*abody Str**t. The best planned menu select ed will ))• announced in next weekis iaaue of thia paper, kt which time the winnera nam« will b« announced. The winner will be asked to call at the Caro lina Time* office for he* ba&ot of fiTWWjea ijSf'''' Prof. Hapimond of. ~ Salisbury visited the Carolina Times office Tues^y enroute to Goldsboro to attend an interracial meeting. Mothers Clut> Meet The’mothers Club hield its last meeting for the year Thursday April 22nd at the home of Mrs, ^sa Holloway, who proved to be a very charming hostess. following members were present: Mesdames Nellie Toole, Ethel Hill, Margaret Samuels, Mildred Amey,* Bessie McLaurin, Lyda Merrick, Aleage Torasend, Celea Davidson, Berr|ce C^ram, Roxie Rowland, Lillian Hamme an^ Nel lie Baldwin. _ After. th^i^ansaction,( of the business th« members enjoyed a ahiort pro^nm and a delightful repast. They wish to thank the Northi Carolina Mutual Forun», Utopia Club, Dorcas Club and the Missionary Circle of Duke Memo rial Church for their contribu tions to the free lunch' fund. Miss Doreen Reens of - Miami, Florida and Miss Alma Rogers of th'is city spent the week-end in Raleigh where Miss Reens was ^ ALBRIGHT NEWS Miss Vera Hilliard spent the waek-end visiting |«r parents in Naahville. t-. Mr. and Mrs'. McCullen have returned from their trip to New York. The pastor, and choir of St. Paul Baptist Churcht, motored to Foster Friendship Baptist Church last Sunday evening. Mrs. Ethel Strudwick! and. P. Thompson attended thte music contest in Greensboro last Fri. JUNIOR BOARD (H? LINCOLN HOSPITAL TO SPONSOR BAZAAR The Junior Board of Lincoln Hospiti^ held its regular monthw- ly meetini“on Tuesday May 4th at the home of Mrs. E. N. Toolo Of Pekoe Street, plans were com pleted for the Bazaar*,whichi is to be given at the Nurses Home on Saturday evening May 8th. 'There will be games, dancing, and othtr entertainment and refreshjnents. The oibject of the Junior is to iq^ove^^ chiidrena WMd.Jttrs. Plaasie Harris, is president. ing and stirring it used to taks' MAGIC LEMON CREAM SAUC£ 2-3 cup Elagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk 1-4 cup lemi^ luice 1 teaspoon grated,lepiori 'rind Blend thoroughly Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk, le mon juice and grated lemon *ind. P^P**". make about 1 cup^* Note: May be thinned with water or fruit juices to any de sired consistency. Use it on cottage pudding or gin gerbread. NEW! NEW! NEW! FRESH FRUIT REFRIGERATOR CAKE 1 1-3 cups (1 can) Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk 1-4 cup lemon ^uice cup qnarteredr-» cherries «h,ote_ raapb*rri*s, or sliced atrawbemti 24 vanilla wafers ^ Blend together Eagle Bran I Sweetened Condensed Milk ana lemon juice. Add prepared fruit. Line narrow, oblong pan or spring form cake pan with wax Cover with fruit mixture. -Slifr -«»tit Jvi:Kture thif.kgns. Will Coetmeed *■ p*g* eight PRES. NATIONAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Waller Spurgeon Homsbr, Pr*sid*Bt of th* National Negro InsurancA Association who an- aoaacjes National Negro Ins. Week *c*l*bratioa for the pf May 17-22 'dnrmg which all member companies ar* joining hands to writ* a grand total of ten million dfollars worth of busiwess for the woek. Mr. Hornsby also announ- «*• th* anaiud meeting of the .National Negro Insurance Aisoci- atiea Im> h^d in Avgusta, Ga. w**k fol||pwiag May 26-2S. S**^tory. Pi^t* Two (ANP) PATRONUE OUR ADVERTISERS — idpeclal top mother^av ;iOO SILK DRESSES $1.98 and $2.98 BLOUSES ... 89c COnXMf SPfiClALS n.00and .^.98 THE WEE SHOP 207 l-Z WEST MAIN ST. DURHAii^ OFFERING THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY/ Lang’s Dill or Sour ^ Pickles 2^= 25f Fine Quality Sweet Crushed Coni 3 Fine Quality Early Jua* Green Peas ^ Tasty Burdi Butter Copkic^ B«st Amcrlcaa Cheese Cans 3 LSs. Fer Lbs. Poaad Cmmm B*ttl« K«. 11-a Johnso^^ Glo-Coater FlobrWax Colonial Brand Triple Succotasli 3*' The Health Soap ^ Lifehnoy 4w Fine Quality Pearl or Ly* Homiiiy 3 D«lleio«« N* 1^ C. C«k» TangfrBars— Libby's-G*rb*r’s-Cla|pp** Baby FMids 3 Wholes*!^ 0«r Prid* Fresh Bread D*li«laBs G*lati» Peas art* 59c 25c 25c \ mmm JBH

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