- v,--* PACE EIOHT TME'^ CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY JL^^fE S. t037 TO Annual Sessit)ii 0" I. E. Turner, Mt D. J. M UubbM-A D. S. J. N. Mill*, M. O. Y. D. 6iwr*tt, ■ Pb*». Di - S L. Warren, M. D. A. S. Hunter, D. D. S - you WILL FIND THE VITAMINS YOU NEED IN FRUITS and “ Vegetables YOU will-FIND THE FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES AT Barker and Baileys Fruit Market 200 MORRIS STREEt DURHAM, N. C. ■ ■ WELCOMES TO DURHAM p| VISITING I>RS. OF THE OLD NORXH STATE H MEDIC ASSOCIATION ^ § Watts Hospital iHiuiini TPUSH PLANS— , Continued from pafe aik thut 1!^ idi al for creaive research !aal expei'iniental wdrk. In the ^ proposed initial unit will be housed; two labratories, a musq^um. stora^ riom, two- woik-^oonw, a seminar room M ITCHELL Drug Store s CASH CUT RATE PRESCKIFTIONti FILLED BY REGISTBRED PftARMACIST ■ AT LO#EST^ iH>9SIBLE PRICES _ 205 W. Main Street Phone N-6281 lIlK Peoples Fruit & Produce Market EAT PLENTY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR HEALTHS SAKE ‘ t WE DELIVER 330 WEST MAIN ST.‘ PHONE L-979 FLOttlDA CAMP— fontinued tyVm firi^ |Mge SmitM testified that he,, his brother Alfred and Edward Ba ker, anotlwr Negrro worker, start ed to South ^orida to find other jobs and were' offered wora I money by Will Bbyd, opei-ator of of a camp at Coleman, Fla. thrcp offices; also a green-houae o will be attac^ied to th’iW bull-1 ^ M*^omp«nions, ac- diuK unit. Estimated costs f.ir »>y R. T. Boyd, br6th« the first bqildinp: construction of buililin?, $lp,0(M) ; ' .sjj'C'n-’ honws, $^0; C(jiiipment, ‘^S.OOO and nminftl hit'fljjet $1 COMPLIMENTS— of the caTnp head, went to Mac- Clenny to get their''■•belonginjfs. R. T**^osd paid Earl Kn^bb’s son and anottter of the defen dants, the $9.22 Alfred*, Stniti^ owed 4he Knabh. commissary^ Boyd testffied that William Knabb forced him at pistol point to take back ,th* $9.22, elaiming Snsith.owed $30 “for settings the woods on fire’* and Ulat the thria^ [laborers would JJaVe ?to stay as J, W. KELLffl COo ‘ FANCY GROCERIES FRUIT^ AND VEGETABLES 123 EAST rHAPET. Hil l; STRFF.T HUNDREDS OF UNADVERTISED ITETSSS EVERY DAY a »•' ; ' phone L-l711 SHOP where your dollar biiys MOST DEPARTMENT STORE OODS I and UTiTinftl hudjret , allowai^fe, —a total of $23,S0.0. . - Because .Q,f tttr great expense tnfailtd in research work,- it» is iropprtant th*-the work must not suffer fiom the lack of suffici ent fund.s to carry on tho labora tory program. For 'tHs r(%son it is 1)t‘lieved ’ the Laboratories should b.s ondo^yed or JKouia bV the recipient of rf^rant that will bo increased as tFc. exrpansion program pro)^rs^•vs._^ | Contemplated units for the completed . ^ Carver ■ .^Creative Re'senrch Lahoratore are a« fol lows; In the fijJd of Sciepccft, Agronomy, Ba«eriology, ology, Botany, Oreatiw Chemis- t.vy. Mycolggr and Plant Oene- tics; in t!*e field of Art-r-Cera- mics. NORTH CASOUKA 9UKHA1C COUNTY tRUSTac SAl^ OF L^ND * UND^ BY VIRTUE of Pojwr jjonferwd ujion' the Trmte« fti; a certain Deed of Jnue dated Jaay TOi, i«S6 and •secuted by Eddie Boibtaaon, £••11 WilliaiiM, Jttlia Iraaier, An nie Bell Forester and G, C. Rob erson, Trustees of “Th% Church ef and duly recorded in Offic* of the R^ter of Deed* for Durham ^C9t^t)r in Book of MortK*8re» 2if, At jage 803; default havinf been mad^ in the paymejit of the same t^e un dersigned trustee will offer for •■le at .public auction to th® hl«h- eat bidder iter cash at th« Court house door in Durahm, North Ca rolina, on MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1987 At 12 o'cJock Noon, the followinr described land, to wit: FRONTU^M on South aide of Gle«n Ste^t in Hayti, adjlolninir loy '4^qtb descrU»ed and the lot Mow deicrlbed and thei lands- of liiariah Bynum, IWcfginninc at ,Sonier of Nathan Ooodlo* i resi«jen'ce. lot, and running thence wUh Qlenn Street, Westward 60 feetf thenee 4ha lot below describd, ^uth 2 chains and 73 inks;' thenc^ SaAt^urd paralled with Glenn Street, 60 feetj thehco northwest with line of Nathan Goodlo«’» Ibt 2 chains, 70 links la the bc^nnihg con(tainlng 1-4 of an acre, more or less. See doed from N. M.( Johnson to Nathan Goodloe reoorded m -Book of Deeds 43i at page 119, in tho Of fice of Register of Deeds of Dur ham County. Sea deed fr«ai T. D. Parh«m to Mechanic* and Farmers Bank, Book 100 of Deeds, pagfr*726, Durham County Registry. Seetdeed from Mecha nics and Farmers Bank to 'frus-' teps of the Church of God,'- duly recorded in Book of Deeds, at I’age —, Durham Qounty FAVORITE RECIPES— _ Continued from page »even Murdik Ice & Goal Co. u -* 518 MORGAN STREET - “OUY FRaM the RED TRUCKS” 4-0341 PHONES F-4011 M ■ ■ ■liMIBlB'IBlllBllllilMllli laiiBiiiiBiii WE, LIKE YOUR DOCTORS ARE ALWAYS READY TO | I SERVE YOU. yiSIT SILVER^.FOR VALUES | ^ IN THEIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT /| VISITORS Wr EXTEND T^ YOU A-»«^DIAL WELCOME “WE WASH FOR DURHAM” TELEPHONE L-99J ■'ttMiiwE Regal Theatre H. Plater, Mgr. Phone J-0441 Dtmiam, N. G. SUNDAY & MONDAY JUNE 6th —^ 7tl> ‘Ttielieioiis Circle' *“■;—W*th Ah All Negi^o Ca»t J "_±. ^ :— TUESDAY * WEDNESDAY JUNE 8th—«th I SPECIAL I BURGESS MENDETH & MARGO In I Winterset ^ From the Fishermen’s Nets to You, pleirs LiRdESTjEAm MARKET NOW REM^ aod OPEN . . to serve discriminating Housewives who , de¥flfend tho &EST. Our^iseafoods,arrive daily from our Chesapeake Bay plant. You will like our modem, sanitary store and our quick delivery service. We invite the people of. Durham to make this their seafood h^me, and remember every purchase has our personal guarantee for QUALITY and FltESHNESS. EXTRA SPECIAL thin—it’s alnwys perfect-) 2 squares iinwweeisened’ chQCfliate 1 1-3 cups (1 can) Eagle Biann *Swwtene4 C-ondensed Milk 1-2 cup w^teT Baked pie sHt'll (8-inch) ♦ Melt chocolate fn twp. of •• double -’>oiler. Add Eag'le Brand Sweet ened Condensed Milk, 'stir ov^’r boilinfJT ' water i> minutes until mixture thiekons. Add wafcT, stir until thoroughly* blended. Pour into baked pie shelh Garnish ivith whipped, cream if desired. Chill. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Several days later the throa men started out to meet a truck that the (Boyds had sent to -pick them up. . ' ■ '-t- ' - ■ -!*• ^ “While we were waitii^ for the truck,” Smith! related, jEdward Hall (ernploye of Knabb 'and SH of the defendants) drove up and said Mr. KnabbtbS^ him to ijet us.’*- ' Smith said^ll used a pistcl to force th.ein, .^a^k to the Knabb camp. ' .Ji*/''-'' Oui-of state tfucks now may Jiot eVtt^r the st&ta of Conn^ti- ut without an interstate Truck ing liciense. COMIMG DON And His fIreMra Ffi. June II ROYCROFT WAREHOUSE Doors G^n9 P, M, Don Redmah who will be heard with his Harlem Or chestra at the Roycroft Warehouse next Friday night June 11 is on6 of tbe few band leaders who can suostt- tute at a moments notico any of his musicians. Don li terally plays every instru ment in the batiii Adm. WHITE Spectatciirs 75c FOR Friday and Saturday Pouni Chespeak'e , Bay Roe Shad 25c Shad Roe set 50c Blue Fish 17c JFlounder 15c Ocean IVoufr' (M’e'3.), 15e Tenderloin of Trout (Filletsi—No Bones 23c Ocean Pan iVout I'Oc Speckled, Trout Butter Fish Virginia Red Fin Croackers, C libs. White Crab Meat (Fancy) Claw Crab Meat Soft Shell Cifabs, Green Shrimp -^ • “IF IT SWIMS, WE HAVE IT”- ■ ’ ANNOUNCEMENT j Wa are pleased to announce that Mr. A. X. Fowler is in charge of this store. Mr. Fowler is well 'known to Durham folks, haying- been connected with the retail seafood business for several years at Jon *3 Market. He mvit«s his friends ^nd customers to call on Wm in his new position. ' POWELL’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1225 Foster St Telephone J-8441 “EiyBRY DAY IS FISH SLIPPER SHOP 207 W. Main St Pound each IQc .'■’'aK All Colei's All Sizei All Width* Doctors oOo ‘r We Extend To Vra A Mos t Welcome To Onr City JiurhainPuUki ■ vl- •Ac. 71 V V.