PACK SIX TH* CAROLINA TllftS SATURDAY JUNE 12, 1»ST REAL ESTATE - LEGAL ADVERTISING NORTH CAROUNA mjRHAM COUNTY TEUSTEE SALE OF LAND rNDER AN£> »Y VIRTUE of the conferred upon un- deraigned Tnirtw in •' eerUin deed of trust dated February lft»h lOTl, executed by W. Harrli and Harriette J. Harris, htt wtf», *nd duly ^corded in the Offic* of the Refdster of Deedd for Durham County in Book of Mort^agea isi at pare 25S: d•^- f^uH having been made in ;he ••me the undersiirned trustee will offe.r for sale at .public auc,- tion at the ^ourtho.u*e door in Durham, N. C., to tije highest bid der for cash on ♦ • MOJJDAY, JUN£ 14th, 1937 at 12 fWon, fi^?^i^«8cribed land, tp- wit; LOT NO. 1C3 according to the plat and survey of the WOLTi' >EN propeHy, according to Kikef dated March, 1914, which paid lat is duly recorded in the T>f£. ,fice of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, in Plat Book 5, at page 8|0, and being more parti cularly” described as follow*! BEGINNING at a staka th« Northern building line of F«rmo- u Avenue (formerly and uoRaiu- ed Street) at a point 200 feet from the Northest jnterae«tion ^f said ^ormosa Avemie and Dev- brome Street, and the aouthaaat comer,o^ Ut No.. 99^ and run ning th^ce along and with tha Eastern boundry line of a*ld Lot No. i4orth £ dag 15, E«at 2A0 feat to a stake in tha Southern line of an Alley, tha, NortJieMt lorner of Lot-No. 99; thence a- long and with the Southern line of said Alley, South 87 deg. 03* East 50 feet to a stake; thence South 2 deg. IS’ Went MO feet ^ a stake in the Northern bnfld* in« line of said Formosa Arenue; t^jce along and with the North- eriiQuilding line of said Form> 1 Avenue 'North 87 def. OS’ Weat BO feet to a st^ke, the point of place, of beginning. THIS SALE will remain open for' ten days to receive increase bids as required by law. ■ THIS PROPERTY is sold at the request of the holder of ntd note. ' thif iSth day May, 1917. S. B. MSHBICX, Thistee M. HUQH THOMPBON, Attoniejr NOSTH CAjiaUNA DURHAM POUNTY TRUST£G SAI£ OF LAND UNDSR AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the IVuetee in a certain Deed el IVusit dated JuJjr 7th, 1986 and Executed by EMdie Robinaon, Leon Williama, Julia Luster, An* nie Bell Forester and 0. G. Rob erson, Trustees of *‘ThtB Church ef God,” and duly recorded in the Of^e ef the Re^atar of Deede for Durham County in Book of MortgagM S8C, At paga dcfAolt having !M»en made 4n denfgnear'Craatee will offer for sale at public auction to th« htgh- W bidder fior cash at tlo Court house door in Durahm, North ‘Ca rolina, on MONDAY, JUN* 21st, 1M7 at 12 o’cK>ck Noon, the following described land, to . 4 ^hne. C. J. Walker’s WONDERFUL HAIR ^GROWER Mme. C. J.. Walker came from tlie great working class of people. She Knew their toils and hardships; of the sweat and grime and drudgery of life; of how little tjme and attention they had to give to their hair and scalp. Herefore, when she discovered a wonderful formula, she made it double strength so thac th6 first a|^Ucation vi^uld be far reaching in i:s effectiveness. a\ r " ' lir*" " TMme. C.J. Walker'^' 1 t WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER V grows and beautifies tlw hair.-At-the santy ir rich penetrating secret oils deep into the roots of the hair supplying the necessary scalp food and giving tone, quality and beauty to the hair. f Thirty years on the market, and yet, in spite of the depressioRi hundredf of thousands of boxes are going out to women everywhere. • /j your hair short, brittle, thin or falling outf • Does it lack lije? -J* • Do you have itching scalps If SO. wrfce for C J. Walker's WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER , *V - ' THE hmi. C. J. WALKER MANUFACTURING CO., INC. WALKER BUILDING INDIANAPOLIS, (ND. wif: — FRONTING on South side of Qlaen Street in Hayti, adjoining lot above described and the lot fcelow described and the landi f llariah Bynum, beginning at » W corper of Nathan Gtoodloei reaidence lot, «nd running thonce with Glenn Street, Westward- J0. feet; thence withi the lot belnw describd. South 2 chaitia And 79 inlci; thenc^p^ Caatw|ird paralled with Olenn Street, 60 feet; thepce northwest with line 'of Nathn'n Goodlo«’s lot 2 chains, 70 links to the beginning containing 1-4 of an acre, more or less. Sea deed from N. M. Johnson tio Nathan Geodloe reoorded in Book of Deeds 43, at page 119, in the Of fice of'Register of Deeds of Dur ham County. See deed fr«ni T. b. Pari;am to Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Book 100 of Deeds, pag» 726, Durham County Registry. See deed from Mecha nics and Farmers Bank to Ti'us- tecs of the Church of God, duly recorded in Book of Deed.s. at Page —, Durham County Registry. THIS SALE will remain open for ten days to receive increase biiis, ae required by law. THIS PROPERTY is sold at the request of the holder of said note. Dated,this I9th day of May, 1937. NORTH CAROUNA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINIS^ATOR’S NOTICE HAVIN} QUAUFIED as ad ministrator of th« estate of L. W. Wilhoite,~~dgcea««!d, late of— ham County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons havinp: claims against thk estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the usdersigned at 114 W. Parrisix Street, Durham, N. C., on or be fore the SOtah day of May, 1938, tlr*8 notice will be pleaded in bar tA their recovery. All persons in- dcA>ted to said estate will pleass Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Adminis^ator, of L. W. Wilhoit'e) make immediate payment. Dated this S4tM day ol May. 1937. Deceased. DURHAM COUNTY NORTH' CAROLNA .tKUSTEB SAILE OF LAND UNDilR AND IBV VIRTUE of the power conferred up>ri ^ ths ■n—~ deed ot tru^ executed by John Herbert Hc^eal and wife, 'Or'etta Me- Neal and dated Aipril 29t«, 1931, and dulp recorded in the Ofiice of the Register of Dee4s for Durham County in Book of Mor tgages 203, at page 43; default having been made in the pay ment >0# the sanM, thte under signed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouae door in Durham, N. -0., to the hiffhieBt ibidder for cfish, on FRIDAY, JULY 2nd, 1937 at 12 i»'clock Noon, th« following described land, to- wtt: -- - Inar of Lot No-2, map hereinafter BEGINNING at a stake on thejreffiered t6; th«nce wi^ the went side of Fargo Street (For-I Western line of Lot No. 2^, South merly Fowlor Street^ 100 feetj2S deg. 20* Weat 1^ feet; thence 8 21 dejB. 20’ W from the south- North 68 deg. 40’ West 87.7 feet went intersection of Baxter and Fargo Streets; thence with th western property line of Fargo Strt>et, South 21 20*' We«t d!) feet; thence North 69 d?g. 07 (West 83.5 feet to the south west' fflrner *of Lot' No. 8, map herMnafter referred to; thei^cc with the ea.stern line of Lot No. 3, North 21 dejj. B'B’ Eant 50 feet; tlienci Siouth 69 dag. 05’ East 83.0 feet to the point of beprin-. injr. Same beinjc Lot No. 4 of the' N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company’s proiperty as surveyed and platted by S. M. Credle, C. E., April 23rd, 1031; for a more definite description see map on record in the Qffica of the Re gister, of Deeds, Durham County Courthouse, Book 8 of Plats pa(?e 203. Same being a portion of tl*e property conveyed to Sam Bat; bee by Robert Holloway in de^ dated December 29th, 190V, re corded in Book 29 of Deeds, at page 339. Further referenc#; is mad^ to Trustee Daed from E. R. Merrick, Trustee to R. ' N.' Harris, duly of record, Durham County Registry, Book ft Diteds 93, at page 533. Also Sae deed from R. N. Harris and Wife, to N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company, Book of Deeds 91, page 632. THIS SALE is t6 remain open for ten days to recaive increa‘53 bids,.,as required by law. _ raS PROPERTY is sold at the request of the holder of said note. Dated this 31st day of May, 1937. E. R. MERRICK, Trustee M. HUGH THOMPSON. Attorney NORTH CAROLINA rURHAM COUNTY “-TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the Trustee in a certain detd of trust dated April 30th, 1931, and exe cuted by Hoit McClain and wife, Kiertha McClain and wife, Beitha McClain, and duly recorded in the Office of tle Register of Deeds for Durham County, in Book of Noi'i.'ij.'s 203, .it page 14; dtfauk lu'\i.: btcn tnaJs in ~tlT*r~:paymH'it’ ef—Jihia day of May. 1937 undersigned Trustee will bffsi sale at public auction to tlie highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Durham, N G., on FRIDAY, JULY 2nd, 1937 at 12 o’clock noon, thie following described land, to- wit: BEGINNING on the East side of (Chatham Street, 152 feet Socth 24 deg. 55’ West from the southeast intersection of CVat- and Baxter Streets; running thience South 68 deg. 45’ East 85.1 feet to Wie.JJorthwest cor- *^10 Chatham Stneet; thenee Chatham dtreet, North 24 deg. B5’ E 60 feet to tl^ beginnaing. Same l»ing Lot No. 1 of th« N. C. Mutual Life Insurance. Com pany’s property, as surveyed and platted by S. M. Credle, April 2?Lrd, 1931; for a more definite description see Map on record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, Book 8, page 203. Further reference is also nrad« to Commissioner’s Ifeed from W. L. Foushee, Com missioner, to Sam Barbet, Book of Deeds 47, at pa«e 689, Dur- Warn County Registry. Surther referenpe is also made' to deed froih Pattie Barbeg to Sam B«r- bee. Book of Deeds 48, at page 222, Durham County Registrj^. See deed from E. R. Merrick. Trustee to R. N. Harria d»|ly re corded in Book of Deeds 93, at page 633, Durham Cunty Regis try, and deed from R. N.’ Harria and wife to North.^a^ina Mutual Life Insuran!e Sook of Deeds 91; at page '6S2. No. 2^...„ BEGINNING at a point on the West side of/ tMat- thews Street, South 21 ^dega. 55’ 161 feet from the Southwest in tersection of Baxter and Mat thews Sts.; running thence with the Western property line of Matthews St. South 21 deg. 55’ West 60 feet; thence North 68 deg. 40’ West 87.7 feet to the southeast comer of Lot No. 1, map hereinafter referred to; thence with the ‘ tasten line of Lot No. 1, N 23, deg. 20’ 50 fe,et; thence 5 68 deg. 46’ E 86.1 feet to the point of beginning. Same being Lot No. 2 of the plat hereinafter referred to ind^ being property belonjfins: io the N. C. Mutual Life Insurahc* Company as surveyed and plat ted April 23, 1931 by S. M. Credle, C. E. See Map of said property on record in the Office ttf thfe Register of Deeds of Dur ham County, Plat Boo 8, at page 203. (Further reference may be obtained from the conveyance in Tract No. 1.) THIS SALE will remain opefl for ten days to receive increase bids as required _ by law. This property is sold at the request of the Kblder of said note. JDa^d Street, Durham, N. C., on or be fore the 18th day of May, 1938, this notice will be pleaded in bar of their racovery. All peraona in debted to said eatate will plea.M maka immedtot«, payment. Dated this IStli day of May, 1M7. Mechanica and Farman Bank, Adminiatntor, Besaie Rowland, Deceased H. H. Tbompaon,!^ Attorney E. R. MERRICK, TRUSTEE M. HUGH THOMPSON, ATTORNEY NORTH CAROUNA-' DU&HAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as ad ministrator of the estate ,of Beseia Rowland, deceased, late of Dur ham County, North Carolina that is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 114^ W. P^irriah NORTH CAROUNA , ; DURHAM COUNTY TRfU^EE SALE OF lAND . "UNDER AND fclY VIRTKJE ot thfe power conferred upon tl»» Trustee in a certain Deed of Truat dated October 8th, 1928, and. executed by Mathew Nunn and:-»JUil^ Nunn, his wife, and duly recorded in tie Office of the Register of Deeds for Dur ham .County in Book of Mortga ges 171, at pagei 211; default having been made in the paynvcnt of tWe undiersigned* Trtistee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthous^ door in Durham, N. €., on , I ;CHURSOAY, JiULY 8th, 1937 at 12 o’cloclc Ndon, the following described land, to- wit: BEJINNING at a poirit;'* the Southeast Comer of Alma Street (formerly Third Avenue), and Bvergneen Street; and running thence along the south . side of Evergaeen Street South 86 deg. 30 min. East 160 feet to a point in the South line of Evergreen Street; thence S. 6 deg. 3 min. W. 160.9 feet to a .point, the Northeast comer of Lot No. 7 in !Blck No. 20 as shown on the plat hereinafter referred * to; thence N 86 deg. 30 min. W. 150 to a point in the East line of Alma Stre«t at the Northwest comer of Lot No. 7 hereinafter mentioned; thence along the Eiast si^e of Alma Street, No. 5 deg. 3 min. 'East 161.9 feet to tle Southeast Southeast cornet of Alma and Evergreen Streets, the plac« and pint of beginning. And being Lots Numbered 1[, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block Number as shown on that plat of the property of the Nortlteast Land Oo. which said plat is duly r*,- corded in t^e Oific^ of the Re gister of Deeds for Durham CJounty in Plat Book 6, at pages 92 and 93 and being a part of j M. H the property conveyed-to C. H,-| RloBser by M. G. Markham and wife. Se« deed from the Trust ees of -the Primitive ^ Paptist Church' of Durham toJ M. O. Markham. See also deeds record, ed in Books and pages as follows i6-'65;-find &0-615. l%ia sale will remain open tan days to receive increase bids, as required by law. This property is ^old at the requtst of tl* holder of 'fiid note. Dated thts 7th day of J’in#, 1937. E. R. MEFRICK, Trnrree M, HUGH THOMPSON. Attorney NORTH Cj^OLINA DURHAM COUNTY' TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the Trustee in a certain deed of trust dated September 25tl', 1930, and executed by W. C. Glover and- wife, Mary Glover, and duly re corded in the Office of the Re gister of Deeds for Durham County in Bbok of Mortgagii 187, at pa^re 589; and whereas, default was made in the pftymant *of the 8^e, th,e undersigned Trustee will offer for 'sale at public auction to jtlie high#snrF8- der for ca»H, at the _^Courthoujp door in Durham, N. C., on THURSDAY, JULY 8th, 1937 at 12 o’clock Noon, the following described land, tb- wit: LOT NO. 36 lying on tha North side of East Durham Road, fronts 55 feet on said road and runs tack a distance of 157.6 feet on the Eastern side and 134.6 feet on the Western side. See deed from Lai'kin WoJoift" and wife to E. R. Merrick, R. L. McDougald and W. H. Wilson, to Charlie, Book No. 63, pagie' 448. See deed from Charlie Russ (Single) to W. C."Glover and wife dated December 16. 1922, recorded in Book 67, | at page 410, Office of Register of Deeds of Durham County. TKls sale will remain open for ten days to receive injCreass bids, as required by law. iTl 'is -property is sold at the request of the* holder of said note. , ' Dated this 7th day of June, 193-^. E. R. MERRIC^, Trustee THOMPSON, ^ Attorney iiiiiiiuumiiniiniininiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ 'CENASCO ASPHALT SHINGLES ^ BRICK FLUE LINING—G8MENT LIME >- PLASTER BVERYTHIMG INBUILDING SUPPLIES Can Afford to Build t V • ' ^ B«ca«(« conditions concerning the pUnnihg, fiaaftclltg aJ|d actaal eoBatrnetion of a new bom*’* liaT»«wvw biaaB mora favavaUat tk«re ( abcolutely np reuoa why you can't bava tba hitnrfs fa* 4a* tba*Federal plana yon can build with at fnll own«r«liip ... a borne that will be yonra in 10 ar SO ^art. y*otir initial InTestment need be only 20 par cant of tlia val«a #f yani* profierty I This new neCbod ef flnan.cinf is easiar^ venie^ and mwe economical... Take advantage of tlii* gaWbB a|^ --- portnnlly bow. i " " ' ■ I “■ ' COME IN NOW FOR ALL INFORMATION ABOUT FEPERAL loans and HOME FINANCING PLJ^ Durliain Builders ~ Compaiiy Supply Milton Are. at W. Main St. 'HiiiuiMniiitiiiiiHiiiiiiuiiiiiim Q® Specialists Iti" Fire Insurance - Bcnfals - Real Esfale- " Piroperty Management • Anlomoblle and All ' , Kinds Of Insnranee. ^ t - .. . r • ^ a * - ^Jnion Insurance & alty Co, H, M. MlCHAUX, Manager , N. C nione J-6531] bt bothar«d with an outomobllt i iMndt (lowntttwn fv«ry 4oy It It it Mt«h « bup? It's lots chaop«r t« rkit ^ Kui hovt to worry obout parking ipoc«jL Inf tM l«no, broktn bump«rt «rw mt% «r ^ ftUa 1mm ttd f«v« Mf«y FOR MOI AND WOMEN JUCT* LOOKAT THAT MAIRI If you crave Lmmm, SMor* StraMit, Baairtitar Halr-x- and who doea not?—loae no time in keepfog you^ Hair in ai r • w I ■ it O’* ■ 41 tloM. Madam NAIR WjOIIV hel^ to aoftan and Smooth Sbort, Haztfi, Stubby, StSs and£an» liair. Adda mliia and gloaa to faded, looUng hair. Before you ' ItiyoM would be able to dreaa your hair In attractive faablon wWcii abmdd win the admiratlra ei jronr frienda and loved oaea. Remember, your lutr ta yoor mrwrntOam glary. somake youraelt happy and piDud by aporUnc a beau* tiful bead or weQ kept bairi |ri«E!iS!f‘^j6a an^ loimtv. lu^ aend luinie ifor vica and «aiv It la tv3tetod5r*2^^^ ■Mam joMEi cou