Appeal Mad6 Over Ra4io Station WPTF •ppejil RALErCH— An funds to ibe fur nish, and h«at the fnem' Neg-ro recreation and train in«r centvr racantly erected by tl^ Works Pijfoj^esa Adminlsljration in Bmlthfield, N, C., was broadcast over- station WPTF j h^« last we«k by W. R. Collinsy president of the_Jfhnson County Negro Community Lea^e, undtr the auspices of the North Carolina' WpA. Mr, Ck>llins explained that al though the *^wo buildings com prising: th« center were dedicated on Ai>ril 18, they are a% yet withiotft equipment, which must *be ifumished by the Leagtie as project sponsor. Chiefly needed ar^ a central heatlngf plant to sen^e l>oth buildings, furniture, and additional fun^s with which to supplement State »nd Fed^^ grants to pay the salaries of ad-, ditional teae^.ters and to purchase nooks for a community library. • Thie center is designed princi pally for a program o# directed recreational actviities for Negtw youth and adults, Mr. Collins said. In addition, one of its build ings—the H«alth and Recreation Hall will be used as a countywide meeting place for Negro farmer? fior homemaking exhibitions and and for a program of traii)^g de. signed to reacW the pre-sdhaol child. Thfr second building'—Oppor tunity flail—will offer opportu. nities for training in light me chanics, brick masonry, plaster ing, .blacksmithing, ci^inet mak ing, paintings upholstery, shoe- making and —printing fipr T)oys and men;_^nd cooking, sewing, designing, hom^ beautifying, and other household arts for and Women. forf designed for clinical purpose* aa a part of tl-e health program for the school children of the ieounty, and office «pac,e for the Negro County farm Agent and N«gro County Home Demonstration A* «ent. “ ^ Th(s total amount necAuary to properly equip the buildings is 119,013.50, Mr. Col'llns estimated. OFFICERS AWD CREW OF THE^lSleAND COAST CUARD STATION “The Negroe/i of Johnson ■^ounty any program designed to improve the health conditions of yput)' and to provide safeguards against all health hasards.” he said. “We are already coopera ting with the WPA. in a dlroctid recreation program which has considerably reduced the number of cases involving Negro youth In tfie courts of Johnson County. /'*W« are not ready to connect ""the practical application'" of honest labor withi the develops-' ment of boys and girl* for the future in Johnston County, to the end that their preparation will place tl*em In demand for preferred service. And w» «re ready to give to the great sar- ,vice to th,o. great claM of forgot ten girls and boys who enter and leave school without finishinijr, discouraged and lost in _a world of excitement, in oisder tl'at tha training they ^receive will fit them'fo^ ja type of profitable ad justment to* the activities to be found in their home community as they enter upon th« task of making a Hying.”’ y Vf your fotore i^'Uiiband. y ■ bt jnt th# thirty fnr r«»r, R€—BMwkl I foMidOT I tiMi» th- to summer school thi*' year of toeaiioD^ \hat I am now trhk- Could T get a private aniwwtr al- ing about and wh*n ia the Mat so? {•e«on t. malM this ehanga? Ani: If yo« teal that y«n ar«j ~ stronif enough then t>% selH»4 work will »«t Jtoxt fiw. A ^ ^ ■ for y.,«r few months vacation does a IW »Wa to help youngsters yoar M» and . ^ * ** ** you really aren’t very much be- htmf in who^. If yoa desira “ •»»* Astrolegy Reading sand a quar .«conven«nt t, ter and 1 will b* glad to give yon frw- my pera^ opinion on »|}rORTH CAHOUNA . ^ . i DURHAM COUNTY * GG—1 en^y reading you* . colun^ ea,h week. T.ll m.' whether ^r not I should take the i . QL AUPISD mm m4- trip I have in mind? " I ‘ Ana: Don't take it if. must go'f alone fer I don't think that you n CaroliM thto •II j ' ,1s to notify all persons having w ^ 7oa a, think H»« . m.mb.t ot ^ ^ GEORGIA PAPER RUN NAACP MAN GEORGIA WOULD OUT OF AULANTA, GA. June 17.— F. B. Washington, president ff girls the Atlanta' branch of the NAA- I CP and director of the Atlanta Additional space, is provided in School of Social Work should_be this l*all fior a county wide can ning room, a model home for ■practical demonstrations in hdme making, an exhibit hall, a room made to leave Atlanta because he is a “dangerous Negfo,' ac cording to the latest issue of the Georgia Wonian’s World. £ IURLLAC6- ^ The one and only Negro coast guard crew will be replaced by a white out fit if plans already S3t motion by thi government are successful. The avobe photograph ia that of the Negro coasjt guaf i crew at Pea Island. Negroes, are urged to protect the replacement of the Negro coast guards . by sending telegrams and letlen to the naval departmenfr^ at NOTE:—KO^/J question wilt be answered FREE in this column"' ONLY Vf hen you include a clipping of this column and sign your full name, birtbdate, and correct address to your letter. For a "Private Replf’.. . send only (2Sc) and a self-addressed, stamped envelope tor my new ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail FREE ADVICE on (3) Questions. V Send all letters to; ABBE WALLACE, care of THE CARO LINA TIMES, 117 E. Peabod/ Str«et. Durham, N. Carolina. with another ington. The Pea Island coast guards'have been manned by Ne groes for more than 25 years. Th'OSe in the crew pictured above are, left to right—(front row) Maxie M. Berry, Capt. George E. Pruden, officer in charge, and John A. lHackey; back row left to rl^ht —Slyvester L. Mackey, Norfleet P. Mickens, Horace C. Case and John C. Berry. : j until you ar^ through school. SCAKBOROUGH & HARGEH FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulattc* S«rvie« PHONES DAY J-3721 — NIGHT J-S722 832 EAST PETTIGREW-ST. DURHAM, N. C WRS—Tell me If I will get to tak« the trip this summer irat was promised me last yiear? . An%: You willimake the trip to Sit. Louis in July and visit with your brother and his wife. 'R'^y are planning many suiprises for PH- ynii your trip will be the most pleasant month of your life. Thei'e wil| ^ be no en(J to your pleasures. * MAM—I am in love with a GOOD rOOD FOR EAMILY «r FRIENDS AT LOWEST PRICES Hollywood Inn Cafe MRS. C. C. HAYESWOOD. Pfp. Vm s. MANGUM ST. PWHAMt C- vm Has SYMPATHETIC 8 E R V I C Bi ^McLaurin Ptineral Home LICENSED EMBALMSRS Offic PJIioMi F-0781 ’ - *00. - RMldiMM PUm P-tVSS IIM FayMtovllla Strmmi " Tfmrkmi^ W. & Clothes Tailored| ~ For You CLEANING * PRESSING ALnmMNO ^ A SPECIALTY ; PHONE I-649I UNION TAILORING CO, US PAjRitiSH ST. DURH AM. N. c P #,TEDDY HII.L one of Ameriea'iB most pop ular and best dressed swing maestros, says.'^/TbicT S’Au* Milk the ONJS wMti »hoe el9m€r^that actmUu gives ^ A’l-Periormame^, • . .1 SHU-MILK boy and he goes girl and myself. Tell me which of the two will he choOse? “ Ans: Neither of you. He isn’t looking for a wife or even a re gular girl friend. He is interos- ed in getting into som,e kind of girl seriously. Forget marriage 1 MW—Did someone put .som,:- thing on my mot^r to cause this condition of her knees • » Ans: No one has tried to hurt your mother in any'”way. The condition is of natural causes but if she were taken to a good, doctor she would soon bt able to be up and abut. Si^e that she gets immediate medical attention. MB—I want to know if I will fiipnit that T pan rail n--y very iv.n? „ ^ ‘ Artfe: Yes but it will never be the young man that you are go ing with at the present time. You are wasting your time whe|n you go with him. It will b^ ^t 1 ?ast two years before you do meot MODEL j AUNDRY SaGood HairGrower A OnlnlnV romn(|e Grows Ions llky hair, recominen(lel by your dcK'tor '.or ScAtp Fal- IMv Ualr. SO-GOOD HAIR STRAIGHTENEH withoot heat M oombf Orowert (larve boxes) 6dc Stralffhtener (larg:0 boxes) ••••. $0e l|ea*f Hair Straiffhteaer •••••• &0e Skla Wbltener t6e CocoaQut Oil EkNip • .i.• 11^ By Mail Only. 10.000 Aventt Wantod Bond Money Order. ITe Pottase so GOOD CHEM 78 ST., 8. B A I, CO. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Have a CLEAN SHAVE Without Using a Razor . . . Simply (iDi^ Your Beard . OFF? At last science has found a way to remove a beard without shaving. No nore.mzor, no scraping, no cuts, no soap, no bother. Merely apply Magic Shaving Powder as directed—thea wipe eff,. leaving a cle^r, smooth skin. Don’t wait! 35c buys a generous slze^package at any drug store.»If you want to tiy before you buy, write Magic Shaving Powder Co., Dept. 34 Savannah, Oa., for free trial sample - inmily »eeomp»nf. you «n "th* LPS—My daughter i# begidnj; me to allow her to take up a bu- siniesa course and not r«tum to college. I am worried about the matter%and would like to have your opinion? Ans; There ia v«ry little that you could do but allow her to taka up the course. She ia dis gusted with the course she ia tak ing and isn’t interested enough to pass. A business career would asderslgned at 114 W. I^niiA Street, Durham, N. C., on or be fore the 30^ day of May^ 1938, tt't notice will be pleads in bar ol their recovery. All persona In debted, to said wtate wQI pleaae Mechanica and Farmers Bank,;, Admintatrator, of %. W. Willioite, make immediate payment. Dated tfaitf iitb day of 0mf. 1937. Mechanics and Farmers Ban!;.. Administrator, of L. W, Wilhoit*, •ceaMi ^ Takes the Guess out of Baking and Saves you Money Hr WAS MY LUCKY DAY SWEETHEAHT WMEN I FOUND YOU" LUCKY FOR ME TOO. DEAR,; ( Y£^. LUCKY THAT I DISCOVERED CODEFH^OYS LARIEb'SE 4N TIME ) SMi^ to know Juat Su* doM to IcMp har hair m> b«au- Mul. It glMi^ Ilk* lUk. .What U th* MIcra't grher Toathfut-iook- lag halrf You could naw AuM*—Juit a'dmpl* ■ppllcatlon of 6otAfro]r*i LarlcoM. That's Sua’a and you Maj> ihaf* 1$, too,. « Just a«fc rour dwilar fw a tettia of liarlauM (pronouncod L. hair coloraia In tha r«d a aiaall brodi—aaa how i In tha rtd I your half that aoft, shimmering, lua* troua flntsh so much adnylrad by avaty- ooa. Gray Apes—streaks disappear—with a ■Inttia application. Color wantad comss arenly —Jet black, black; dark; medium or llAht brown, or blooda. No fuss, no mM^trouUs than a shampoo. Don't wait—*7 Godafroy’s Larleuia to day. If not satlsllad, your dealer will I^omptly refund your tnoney. THE FISH MAN 'Is Now Located Neal Door *To The Banneif Warebouse Carrying A Varietr Of Fisli. I RESii DAILT a. c 226 MORGAI^ ST. Giattls PHONE J-4481 AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OB. NIGHT ALIi CARS EQUIPRED WITH HEATERS AND, RADIOS ■ ' - Carolina FimmlHwe "WE PLEASE 1 HE LIVING BY THE SERVICE ~WE RENDEKt THE DEAD”. PHONE J.297I E. G. SPA.UU^G 401 PINE STREET WILLIAM AMEY GEORGE BRYSON WUXIAM JOIIES If yewr dsalar 4om nsl kova II, tanil $1.29 dfrM le GODEFROY^S ^ french HAIR coloring LARA^* ■ , iHPSOVID fMiniOY MAHtfPACTmiNt CQIipjWY > W10 OUVI IT. iouip. Why Worry About Wash Day CALL us. OUR QUICK AND EFFICIENT SERVICES ARE OUR MOTTO KEgjMP^ui CLOTHES CLEAN AND FRtSH PhaM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiuiuiiiiiiiilnii OFHIGHPIVeK. Attraetiv* D«r«thy PsynlM NM, |K | Olympic Cliiwplen ATTER THI STRMN OF 00MPETIN6 With THE VVORLOIS BE5T DIVERS, I GCT A 'Ufr»VTTH A CAMEL. I S¥OK£ CAMELS AS OFTEN AS I WANT TO. THEY HAVE 5UCH MARVELOUS RAVOR.f ^ iffrwfm ^ mtei/ DOYOUGAMtili: LIKE THIS? OR THIS? •COME seven NO. I DON'T need ANY INSURANCE. YOU SEE.m DON'T HAVE AFIRE I will PREMIUM* -See the £o^l Agent of BANKERS’ FIRE INSURANCE COMMNY DURHAM, NORTH CAROUNA» - Cr>NS£RVATI VE-— SOLI D—DEPENDftBLE U&iea Ibs. Jfc Realty Ce. Darban Acaie Rei^ty Ca. Ralegh Is, Mi & V (t>. , Whiten your skin* —with this famoUs bleach >bTT fod aroa^ with Utrang6t^tiM:lKS. Be 981- ulSe. Uae Nadiifola Bleach ing Cream—known for years -^the bleaeh that really ble»:hM and puri^ tb^ sk^. Nadinda teaching 0««ia can’t be dufdkated for remits because tbs secret N^dino^ fKmula can’t be imitate Nothing else dq^ so much |o lighten the sJdn ^ qiuckly, ao surely. ... Start tooii^t with Nad^aoia Bleaching Cream and watt^ how yoitr »m{deiioo grow*’ Ulster in tone, smoother ud sntf^ inti^ure. AUdniiSis^^arryKadinda in r^pilar size at 50c and «x tra huge mraiey savifigsiM .$1.00. Full oirectiaiQS and , mooey-badc niarantte wUh. every jar. If your (fracEist ^’t sui^y, take no subsl»* tutf^ send money and we wffl mul to you postpM with bodi of teeimired bMu^ secreta. NADINOLA..BIS %ti, TImm.

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