r£I % j111' 1 —iji^, —’ ti'i irtfa ' - w«V IHPMlilHMt«i ^H^B^TH liNBRi^iSy VOLUME 17 H* 32 WESK ENDING SATURDAY. JULY 91. 1»97 fl^C •• 4o-5^ Philadelphia To Be Seene Of Meet October 16-18 WASHINGTON, D, C., —CNAI-^eelaitinK "th* coldnbtooded brutality and anti- Negro bias evidence in the trial and conviction of Clarence Norris plus the growing viifilante terror- isnt, gives added meaning and im-* port to call for the Second Na- ^pnal Negro Congrega,” John P. Xta7i% youthful Congreaa Secre- July30 tinued. "Mar^ wfc o thought the CongrtM was • ‘dual’ organization who«e purpose was to duplicate the work of e*iatteg organizations have been clarified and art now convinced by th* ac tivities and principlesof the Oon- grees movement, tlflat there is • definite need for a United People’? Mov| ment embracing organiaa- tary t^is we^ annciiHoad iJutt the tions as sucl^*' Second Congress will be held in Philadelphia October 16, 17, 1», f The dfficSrCa , , , , , gress» now in preparation by _ 1&87. Shocked a»d angered at thel ^ ^ Davis stated: Among those signing thfe Call Co^es^ “.Will Ma* Yiregan, head f the the. maas] Amferlean ConiiaiOtae Afri»« Scottsbero declalon, Davis stated: **The Philadelphia Qongres^ in October should reco: anger of the Negro peopl« jnd I their sympathizers at the ^*I)*vi- liaed ba2i>arity of 11^8 verdict, and organiae dete^itflwod will fw the full freedom of all Scottsboro defend^ts. ‘‘The Second Congtesa should also,” continutd Davis, “push the organized fight ftor civil and democratic rights now Uireatened by vigilante terrorism, legal din- franctiisemeiit and mob rule.” ‘ Scheduled to be held in M&y, 19S7, the Sesood Congresa was, postponed to; all&w organizing. «f^ fort among Southern N^mt youth and Naipro eteel workers. Following the Southism Negro. Youth Conference, h^ la^ Feb. in Richmond, Va., there has re sulted a militant Southern youth ni&vfi'ient which in turn has trade union organisatiori ni' i aproved living and working (■( ii ion* for thousands of South er Morker^- t1> > Congress also helped in TTVv^.i.iig the Negro Committee to bapport Organization of Steel Workers, « group which has been active in wery Negro community and embraces a majorit||^f com munity leaders. Commenting on the wort; of this group, Davjs do- dlaxed that the Congress . could feel justly proud of its part in helping to drgapize the conamitWe and in throwing ‘Congress forces behind the Steel Workers Organi zing Committee; Cites Concrete Gaiiis “Fifteen mont1b9~ of activity have won many ■frirads"and affil iates to the CongWss,” he con- AfjKairs; A. PhiBip Baadslph, president of the Cong;reaa| and Marion Cuthbert, member of the National C>uncil of YWCA | James W* Ford, prominent Neg^o l|a?ltical Jeader and 1936 vice- presidential nominee on the Com munist ticket; Arthur H. Fauset, .writer and educator ahd vice- president of the Congreas; Thyra Edwards^ briliiant Negro woman Cocial Worker, traveller Mid -la&r tgger; Ekifard E2. Strong, ,out standing ch]]r«h^*nd yonth leadtr and chairman of the Yovrth Sec tion of the Congre^ C. 1. O. UNION DEMANDS END OT JOB BIAS 63 YEARi YOUNG Alabama Youths Set Free After Six Years Sg^ldlng, prominent business execu » I t ■ r-i4. i. |(f tbe t i , Life Insurance t^on pnny =??Tro“wt' celebrate his 6 'ri, bi ' . gWit 1.‘ Mr,.%t»Jl(H:; ^ and hearty is i - " #,7 4nt-| lations from hia i ‘ T ad- mirers from many cuons oi -> DECATUR, Ala., Jaly 30.—-C ating as it is, calls for a check-up The saga of “the nine Scolts-. on the cases, which reveals; boro bo5m”’i» ended. The finale j 1. That a State of th® Deep kame with dram^ic suddenness South repudiated the word of a Saturday mojning as the SUte of white woman apinst colored men Alabama, through its prosecuting i on a sex (juesrtion. attorneys, headed by Thomas F.) 2.That world o.pinion still can Lawson, assistant State Attorney ■ be aroused in the cause of amplo General, calmly moved that the justice, and Constituted authority indirtments against Clin Mon5-|ly® compelled to change its course, gomery, Willie Roberaon, Eugene 8. That ibasic reform is only Williams and Hoy Wright be nol possible through a Wtter end pressed (strSiCcen from -the re- iiKht, where the South and the , . ^ (I;, : u\t,{- wa. “con-1 Negro are concerned, and where - i'?. Vf- ^ 41.-e not and the dia^ti- ty of ffatte "womwuHTO coitternsd- 4T. That the I. L. D. supersedes \JuW of ^ bars, hi chau, in? i.h, people. and sMiijii.- 'i t‘- ir\}^ b! n h U. S. ^juprt‘m.!“^>ui 'W'cru besid t’ t aiselvcs with joy, »hu " behiifd the NAACJP as the aggressive jlectiic pleader of fighting for justice for dvictetf NegfO«r but hav-j 5. That while the term, by the, lynching’, was coined in the Bc^ottsbbr^ caw, lyiiching'» Lad For Two Year Gill Crime ing and . was stopped in these cas^ screaming as Hfcy^usiiea irom the j ' 6. That justice eomes firtft with courtroom under guard, to be es the American people, regardless corted to the state line, oit their of the type of crime iavolred THEY'LL HEAR THE WEDDim; BCLU SOCHf .—■■ MISS M. WAiLTON Popular daughter of Americnn Minister to Liberm anJ Mrs. Let ter A. Walton, whose betbrothal to Mr. Percy Maxwell Rochester was announced last week toy her pafentsV Mtss Walton, since leav ing sdboo}^ haa specialized "in Kindergarten work. Her fianc?, MISS GI-ADYS ODILE WALTON ormerly of Birmingham, Ala., - is Connected with one of Harlem’s well-known commercial CBtetpri- Miss Walton’s sister, Gladys also bethroiftsd,- - *ill- -marry- -^o—diariea Charles W. L. August. (ANP) John^n, Jr., in Charming daughter of Aaieii- an AfSn^er to Liberia and Mr*. Lerteir Walton, who is W b« married in the month of iAugnst Both girls are granddassghtem of Mr. and Mrs. Fr^ B. Moore. NEW TORK, July 80.—CNA -—The Department Store Em^ ployed’ Union, CIO, thk week de manded that tiie Weinstein Con- cesdonfc at Kantor’s Department ^tore on West 126th Street sign | trial, Justice ^nt^acTural agreemenik whU^ District Supreme ^\irt has order- epecificially embody ^-^Slause call-^ed Albert Taylor brought to trial. WASHINGTON, July 38.—(&P D. W. Chase for ANP)—^Follow- m a challenge statement mad? sometime ago that the court docu ment is -crowded with cases, many df which will niever be brought to O'Donogue of the way to New York with Samuel S Leibowitz, their lawyer. \» The fate of the. other five bo^ys is - still hanging in the !bal8tc«. Ozie Powell, ■ freed of the' rape charge, was sentenced to 2ft years for assault' with intent to kill after he pleaded guilty to slash ing a deputy in a prison van last year on'Che way from Decatur to | revealed as standing shamelessly the Birmingham jail. Heywood. for a miscarriage of justice, and Patterson is under 75 y.eajr jail j stubbornly persisted in its course 7. That the tfyiftematfc exclu sion of Negroes from juries in the S-'uth was halted as a byproduct of these cases., 8. That because a Negro is con victed and sentenced to deaths in the South, it does not necessarily follow that he will die. 9. That a Southern State was sentence, Andy Wright is under 199 year sentence, Charlie W^ma, WrMg Man Died tn ^hair Say Executed HUNTSVILLE, Tex., July 30 —(Elaine Ellis for CNA)—^L;ga1 lynching of Ernest McCarty, 20 ^ar-old Tarrant county youth, was carried out in the death cham ber of the State penitentiary here when offlcers stivpped the helpleA victim in thie electric chair and until its own peo^e called a halt. 10. That it took death') in the^ is under 75 year sentence, and ranks of the prraecution to bring'turned on the current Although Clarenoa*Norris is urtder death a change of heart, ^ I every evidence pointed to Mc- sentence (which is likely to bej 11. That a white lawyer (Leibo-^ Carthy’s innocence of the charge t^mmuted by) Qovertior fe.ibb witz) went to the front for the^e of raping a white woman, the pro- ’Graves). t {boys, bravin^threats and person-*judiced board of pardons and pa- bbie, even in “ft*" cwirt rd52S^j^rol«»-«£uaed ing for non-di9orimination be tween Negp^-aSid white workers. The union hasbeen conducting a strike at Kantor’s since July IS. A. atroQg pldret line has been maintained continously in fr^t -f ,.„d^j,en questioned by an Int„- the store,under the direction of.„^ Bureau afent, leaped Tayler is charged wjfth having caused the death ton July 3, 1935 * of Mrs. Annie E. Briscoe, sixty years old. Young Taylor, accord^ ing to statements of police offi cers, was driving a licquor truck Janfeff Waster, fj. Negro organiz er of the union. Mrs. Alexander Link, Misa gie Mae Thomas, Mr.. . Cruse and London h. Studwkk nv>tored to Rocky Mount en Sunday. Attorney Leibowitz announc^~BtTdtttie, even in^the^ that he will continue to fight for j 12'. That Ithe Noi^em ^il9^ the liberation of all of the Jwys, press was finally aroused to the for it is the consensus of opinion shame of the charges, and openly his plea for clemen- that the boys are innocent of the charge of atftacking Victoria Price. Check-up on Ca«at This denouement, jas exasper- from the truck, allowing it to run nacontrolled. The truck ran Mrs. Briscoe down, causing ihjuries from which the woma‘il "died. The Justice claims that when he granted continuances in this casted doubt on the character of the white woman, Vivlwria Price, the complaining witness. 13. That the Supreme Court of the United States ag^in proved it is the bulwark bf the Negro's was charged with murder, that bell*l?®rty, but shftwed that the Ne- _ _ .was indicted in 1935 and j*® caref^ to supportWalter Sc7tt,^ap- jttere had been three or four con-! l^eral^mded men fw t^^^ th.t they case he did not know that cy. The youth was doomed form the first because of his color. He re ceived one 30-day reprieve. Chair man Bruce Bryant of the board of pardons apd paroles declaring that he was convinced of McCarthy'a There are so many discrepancies in the testimony that we beHav; a griexous wrong has been done. We do not wish to impeach the jury’s verdict. We simply want justice done.” Attoj^ney D*iy declared that wftAesses Who, could have estab lished the youth’s whereabouts at the time of the alflWed attack were intimidated,^ and that he had a/Bdavits to that effect .J.,; _ r- I Third-degree methods were used ^0 obtain a ‘‘confession”. Scott de- dared. He pointed out that dia- crepancies "Upd occurred in the testimany the woman, and that tier description of the alleged at tacker did not fit McCarthy. This was further corroborated by thu woman*^ mother, who tie^ificd guilt, but ^hat "justice” could not' da“ghter was so “excic be thwarted .by tha short reprieve. At that time, McCarthy’s lawyers. Continued »n Fikge 8 Massachusetts Refuses To Surfelider When Goveraer fi. D. Rivers,!^ Gaotrgia a^ed the state of &tas- BAchusetts to -aunfended James Cunliingha^, ' 37-year-oia""' NegW, who^ wag charged with escaping from-a prison camp in JS24, he was flatly refused By >Ch«jeB P. Hurley, governor of the state of ICaasachuaetts. Governor, Hurley, in refusing to surrender Mr Cunn- ini^m, Btirt^d thA he had found “jBUch evidence of bru^it^ in connection i^th the pijMshmenf imposed” in Georgia. Mr. Cunningh^ is wanted by tha stats of Geoi^ for escaping pi^aon whll«L_Jsrving sentene«i aggregating frojja 54 to 7ff yea^ for bqrgl^ry and receiving stolen goods. He wa»-arrested in Jun*! on a lottery feharge and identified through flngwprints.- Governor liurley also pointed ouit that Mr. Cunningham “haa been living in thia commonwealth for th6 past 18 years ai a citizen of Maasaohusotta, haa married an^ has borne an excellent Te- pi^tlon during all thIa ^rlod.’* It is alleged that this is the firM time a Maauchuaettii govaiV nor" has refused to attrrender a Vtti^tive to anjOiSi^r at«t« ainft FORD COMPANY.AND EIGHT MEN ORDERED' held FOR TRIAL DETROIT, July 30—CNA— The ■ Pofd Motor Company and eight thugs it allegedly hired to tlei^ up union organizjers have been prdered held for Sepetmber triaj on changes of assault and battery. Bail of $500 each was fixed for the defepdanta. tmuances. "IT CAN BE DONE” and QumMTous citizens were coB* vinced that the courts had prose cuted the wrong man. “This Negro didn't get a square deal,” Scott stated, "in the hys- able” that sbe doubted her sbility to make positive identification. 'Wie youth declared to in nocence to the last. Into th^m^dst RelieiRiii ■ - NEW YORKjBly 30,-^NCi3^ Destitute Harlemites who havtf’** been dropped oif the WPA roHs m’" the recent mass firings are npf finding it easy to get on relicff^ ft was disclosed this week by Cliasi?' Taylor, vice-president of the MfP-' town Divisisn of the City Pro)«*ta" Council. Delegations v^ing the Emer gency Relief (Bureau precincts in of the officers who gathered about ^1“** glaring evid«c« .£ to watch hlni die, he walked, a bit scared, but with a half-smile on his face as he told them, “i am not guilty of "the crime I am teria which surrounded the trial, being punished for.” Depdrtation Of Indian Biarred Governor S»mPi!%K;W. McCall re fused a sifnila:^requ^ from West Virginia in Jdl7. Dr. George Washington Carvor, famous Tuskegee acientiat, as he appeared last Tuesdag^ in the widely broadci^ted ^'It Cab Be I Done” radio prof^m ^OBsored ffom Chicago, by the lfcua%old Finance Crporation. €%own with Lim are £dgar A, Gueat, the BOteS NEW Y(^, J«ly »1.—CNA— j The American Committee for Pio- teetion of Foreitn Bora took up the cudgels thia week in behalf of [Albert St. Clair, WPA ' worker, who is being held on Ellis Island for depoitath>n to Trinidad, fBSHtish Wast Indies. The Gom- Lmitta* retained frs GollobiD, white |attom«y of t West 45th" Street, «pi)«r of the people” and «dio>» St. Qlair and urg^ wmmentator, w«.o Dr.-Carver, and Mb» Stta Kot«. deportation o^er who stayed tha role atUa mothcrf ^ Ckir wiu yrta^ la«t_ May in -the dramati«tion of to the Gharri tirmn * wMtaaad to two montha w B»k- j^led ^ He was wderad sang.- I-'-™-* His wife, who was ' bom in, (Brooklyn, and their’- tti» Auieri- can-ibom children, 4 and 6 years uf age, haye been forced/^; apply for relief. • SLAIN IN ROW OVJEH DICE - -t discrimination practices wh«a tlw; rate of Ne^ro applicants re^viac relief is compared with appUeaKtSt in otber pat^ of the city, accard- , ing t^ "^Sylor. “The WPA has eut Negro par- sonnel 50 . par cent in ino«t stances, which k ranch than in other parts af tise c||qr, “Taylor asserted. “And now tkey. are making NagWj; iypBra'nta wait 'til the starratiav poiat granfting thaaa asaiataBca." H£YWO» PATTE*SOM (WEJIATSD ON IN PRISOII ^ HOinTAI. , - Dl^ATOm, Ala., Jiilf tf.— CNA^I^yvMd Pattaraon. «t the Bii|B SaaSskM* 'm. Ikliit. ^loaptyi oi XSIqf foBaving an eearfaeey on his teea. y KdEW YORK, Joly C|iA Floyd WindBar, of S'Kast ia&A Straet, iriia atraietd t^ia^ weak with t^e ftfff siab- i Oliver* Patta»aoii, iiK ttkwbf 449 4La®oi At^bW yew prk»n aaiityw ^ IHdle« aeewa^ Ktlni^ at '^ iia^ OIMiy KI ata argHNia* o«*ir nA'ii ^ If; a dfe» g«Bia; Wtockla* ^ > V,; ■ • •••• ■ ' . ■■ ■■ ■■

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