fj^- MAIUNG Readies Tlie Mass EDITION W££K ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST 7. 1937 VOLUME 17 No. S3 Five ‘Brave’ Policemen Capture 66 Year-Old Race Woinaii Digit Writer CHICAGO PLAYS HOST TO THE KIDDIES Durham police officers continued Re«>p«ii* Law Office their war on Negro participants in the "Number” racket here this week. The latest arrest of Dur- ham’a “alert” police' QtBCeTS. as usual was a Negrro, This time ’t was a 66 year old Negi’o woman, Mrs. Sarah Talbert who was seized by five burly, strong' armed offi cers of the law after they had peeped through her window to find her engaged in the “AWFUL crime of writing numbers on a' . slip for a prospective customer. ^ Officer* To Get Medai*. A movement is now on foot in the colored section of the city to raise funds for the itpurpose of purchasing gold medals for the five brave heroes of the law vvho were able without the assistanco of the state militia ta arrest sneh a “dangerous” character for luch P«ar»«>». promin#nt yattnif. a horritole crime. attorney of thi* city who will reopen hU law office in the Noi4b Need More Policemen Carolio.'ltfHtaal iMiOdinK Negro citizens are stron??lysup-T p.rri.h Sti-eet next woek. Mr porting th» contentions of W. J. • discontinued hi. law Croom, director of Public Safety, [ that there fa a sad need tbT tnore | men on ^he DUHlttW police fnrci’ HOLD N. C. OFFICER FOR KILLING DHUNKEN NEGRO P. A. in Raleich. Only five were available for. t>;e} capture of the 6c6 year^old woman? Just think what might , have hap-| the number racket has operated pened had she, Mrs. Talbert been in DurhaA that not a single head only 150 years of age. She miijht * of the racket has been convicted. MORGANTOWN," Aug. 7— AiJlP—^Dejmty Shwiff 0 a m p i a Paachal of Valdese was ordiraJ held to the grand jury for further investigfation Monday by a coro ner's jury investigated the death of Robert Fullwood, 85, who vas fatally injured when he allegedly resisted arrest for drunkeness. Fullwood died from skull frac ture inflicted .by a blackjack when the officer tried to arrest him at & d^nce at the home of his sister whom Fullwood lived. The white officer, who claimed he struck his prisoner in “self defense” and did ot knftw his skull was fractured, was released on bond of 11,000. iTo Appeal Case Of 5 Scottsboro Boys In Ala. MONTGOMERY, Ala.* Aug. 7 —(CNA)—^Although adrtUtting the fram-up character of the char ges against the Scetttsboro boys by freeing four and dropping “rape" charges against a fith, Alftbama officials this week started threeot the remaining boys on liviny-^ death sentences in Kilby Prison. In New York, the S^ottaboro Defense Committee, 112 Elast 19 Street, • announced that it would push, appeals for th tbe boy* re maining in prison. One of the five, Clarence Norris, is under a de«th sentence. He is imprisoned in the efferson County, Jail in Birming ham, Alabama. |ii The three boys sent to Kifby lynch-atitempt by an AlabsAA Deputy Sheriff in January, 1936. Powell is partly paralyzed as a result of the deputy emptying a shotgun into his head at e!r>se range. Heywood Patterson, who was brought here for ap openithmi»»n an infected koee, is under a seven* ty-five year sentence imposed op- : on him «t a trial in January, 1^36.. ^ The defense of aU fire ia in lands' of the Scottaboro Defe?ja«; Committee, a united front body consirting of eig^ prominent Li bor, civk and progressive organi- ■fations including the Internation al ^bor Defense, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; the. League prison w&re; Andy Wright, setit^.for Industrial Democracy, the enced ta99 years; Charlie Weams,!Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por- gentenced to 75 years; and Ozie ters; theMethcftlist Federatftn foi Powell, who was sentenced to 20 Social Service; and the Americas 100--ll)eiB* Induatrial Art Unique among the summer va-^ (weltierinK l««at of the eity^or tea . For««t Precek've, vi»tt« Kein.. cation ground, of the country i», day, and enjoy fi.hin,. .wii«»i»«IWr W tc th. years for defending Kms^ In a ICtvtt Oberties Union Chicago^, famou. Forest. Preterva boating, hiking, at the expen** of Uacationing kiddie*. The mother* Cook County. In above phots, | are in the background, a* the George Smith, pejpu^r *up«rin> | ean^ line ‘^form* to the right, tondent of Divi*ioa No.2' ^ tha Camp Reinberg where underprt leged mother* and children of all race* and creed* can e*cape the The colored workers of the Dur- have beaten up all five of the offi cers, and probably choked one of , an arregt of the “big boys*’ in the them to death. Certainly if it game been made, and then the F«day afternoon, August 6 from takes five ibrave ipolicemeiuto raid , evidence gathered by the officers 5 to 7 o clock. There will be no ham Recreation Department under the supiervision of Professor John W. Davidson are sponsoring an art exhibit iby Professor P. W. Dawkins of Knoxville, Tennessea 1 j formerly ofDurham in the Hill- Only in rare instances has even, . I Bide High School Auditorium, on PRAIRIE VIEW, Tex. Aug, C -C'—The visit of Dr. Mary Mc Leod Bethune of Washington -to PrairiQ View college was a thrill ing event jlastweelc'. T-he noted educator, who is director of lKe WALKER AGENTS GATHER AT INDIANAPOLIS ENDIANAPOUS, ilnd^, Au gust 7—C—^Agents of the Mme. C. J. Walker Manufacturing com- the home of a 66 year-old have been so slim that conviction i 1 it will take 25 (brave poliremen to ' has never resulted. So we ne>d paygroUnd.-^ nYA in Washington, said: “When gathering for their ann- capture a Negro woman 35 years more officers, not more brains fspecially invited to be pres-nt j visited the NYA .buildings horc from the 8th to the old. Negro citizens just are nqt m favor of taking a chance on lav ing a 66 year-old woman beat -.p brave officers of the law. Proof that there are not eno.ugh officers on the Durham pohca ’ 5s in evidence when it is realized t that for *the several years that those we already have, for only 'at this exhibit. iParents are urgod five officers with an unu.uai «Jto bri^ their children to see th. mount of brains could sneak ,^h.b>t, which may inspire htom »r ito select S'hobby. on a 66 year-old Negro woman and capture her in the act of I writing numbers. It takes brains Woods brother, it takes ibrains The five brave officers who Page Aids Southern White W o m an NEW Y 0 iR K, Aug. 7—C-i-- order the womah confined. TUe Judge Myles A. Paige, sitting'in T^o^ville Court Wednesday, took pity on-ti young Southern whits n.:- woman who was being hounded by her wealthy husband from Pay»tle- ville, N. Ci, who was attempting to take away the woman’s six year old son, “Dickie”; andi refused to jail the wonvan on a chaise of kidnapping the boy, as had ,tje«'n ,be«'n Cum- jpequested by the shemff qg Ci benland County, N. ' C. Instead, udge ordered the child sent to tH Children’s Society, and th^^onian paroled to see the.child whenever she liked, pending arrival o f authorities from the South. In taking the action. Judge Paig*^ said: “There isn’t aibduction. This woman has* done some rights. She needs protection, and I will give her that protection. I know th» feelings of parenthood, for I have hildren of my own. I am not go- CaptalQ Hardee, OvreQs, Kelly und Leary. MUSIC CONVIENTTON TO JIQM£>P W r CTATjnY WITH P!LAQlXJE Business Men Win Softball .C.C. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 7.—ANP— W. C. Han4y, world famous com poser of the “St Louii ^lues” ahd dady of all the indi'o chants, will be honored Aug. 23 during the 18th annual covention xxf the National Associationof Neerro. . , • i. j -i. Musicians when the local brafch • Mm have agreed to permit T^e* softball team kuow^ as the Disgusted with the sorry p«r^ College' Professors suffered an ig- formance of thhe Profs, t»e Buai- presents him with a plaque in appreciation of the composition The Convention will open Aug., at the' hands of the Business m» n the former to play their scrub I eould hardly keep fr^m crymg . ^®th, the first national convention as I noted the cleanliness, and the agents since 1928. Con-| ..... . -f n-f ■ facilities for education offered iny pressman Arthur W. Mitchell is ^ 20 and continue for seven days. ‘ ° ^ u people in general." Again, said j speaker, and lalw Mr^ .with headquarters at the Central he: “I want you to know I stand .Christine Moore Howell, 1 Baptist, church. About 500 dele- begging and ’pleading f9j- ourl ^ ' ~ ' ‘ ^ gates are expected from the 50 people, do your best, and let t«e rage, and light in the affairs of 1 units. The St. Louis branch has word Ngero' spell efficiency, cou- the world.” I l‘2i5 members. JUNIOR TOURNAMENT HELD JULY 14-15->16 ON ALGONQUIN TENNIS CLUB COURTS when the two teams met on the team on next Wednesday after diamond of the North Carolina roon &t 5: 30. hair I THE tJNEUP raising plays and 'stellar perfor-1 The Prof* mance by the city’s leading 10ft Burnett, rf ball aggT^gation known as tho Hubbard, cf Business Men’s team. The final ^ Adaftis, p seor eof the game was 13 to 10 in , Davidson, If favor of the Business Men. Hili* c E. G. Sipaulding, tb Marshall, ss Judge Pftige had the listing of the njg |;o put this woman in* jail. Mrs, wpmafr’s flight from the South ^ Morris, you. are paroled. You may changed from “abduction” t o, see your son when yau—desire.” “mother love”, and said that this In the above picture, second 40W ^{noM ay asuaq ‘auiuo ou ssm . j" says sha is right, you see Miss Laui a _,a graduate nurse, is-28,-and say^ y_ p she was unhappy with her"eld»*rly' KNIFE IN BRAIN BUt STILL CONSCIOUS huaband. ELDER MICHAUiX AT HAMPTON BLIZABiETH CITY, N, C., Aug. 7.—ANP—Althmigh a knife was run into ..his skull to the hilt In an argument last virfeek,'Elijah HAMPTON, IVa., Aug. Limehoiiaer, WPA worker, is con- Flder S. iL. Michaux, radi^ evang®- BCious and has ibeen giveh a good list from Washington, D, C., ox- chance to live. [plained about his proposed *'M^- Limehouser’s forehead w&s spilit 6{>en and his brain pier6ad by the deeply driven weapon. He is at Albemarle hospital end his alleged assailant, W. Jackson, is in jail pa^^g the outcome of the wounded man’s condition. who is chairman of the National Tennis .As^cialtion Rating Com mittee. Mrs. L. 3. Downing, of Roanoke, Virginia, is also in this group." The Tournament results wera as follows! Junior! Sii^le*i Chris Hunt defeated iG e n« ftioHal 6I.Pr^«ss.” at Hainplon Hinrinirttin; scora fl-4; «-l Institute Friday. Jtinior Girl** Single* Mae Hamlin defeaited J. Davis; the Beauty Culture Board of score 6-'2; 8-4. first national meeting of the Boy** Single* under ,15 years iWalker agents was held in Phila- l W. Collins of Durham defsat- delphia in 1&17. Chris . Hxint and Mas Htimlin of Raleigh defeated W. Baueom and GeA!6*'‘'H4rringfton ^f Bw-. ham; score 5-7; 6-1; fl-4. ,i This Tournament was one of j,ed H, Peri^ of Raleigh; score:'the !)est yet sponsored by he .41- 6-2; 5-7; 6-3. 1 gvonquin Tl^’innis Club. Approxi- GirU’ Single* under IS years j mately fifty-five youngsters par- J. Harris of Durham idefeated ticipated in the ganlies. f^ncis Harris of Durham; score -6-4; 6-4. ^ Girl*’ lyouble* Hamlin and Davis ^f iRaleigh p score 6-4; 6-1. | *' Boy*’ QtouUe* Cox and Harris of Durham de feated Hunt and Perry of Ra- .leigh; soore 6-2; 61. Mixed Doublen- following persons dipnat- Wes Muf the committee , M thank them for th^ir the success of the touma- t Sh Miles M. Pish^r, Dr. Ji ST. , Mv. aand, Mrs. C. C. Si^ulding, St*., Mr.. and 21rs> C. 0. Spaulding, Jr., Mr* Mrs. James ^[^derson. Iky A; Unlike their opponents the Col- leg Professors played a slow game Taylor, fb and we»e no match for their Bailey, sb I younger opponents, the IBusint'ss 1 Bu*ine»* Mm Mei>(^ who slamm^ the old pill to Strowd, fb all corners of the lot almost at Steward sb * will. j Davis, p Adams pitching for the “profs” ® was driven from the mound' fn j the seventh inning and was lieved by a borrowed pitcher E. I ss ^ G. Stpauidtg, Jr., from the BwsJ- ^ ^ ;» ness Men’s team. Taylor playin?? j and^Atistin, tb first base for the Profs Was fair, j ■“ bpt his performance did no tin any wa^ equal that of the op posing keystone sacker. The entire team of the Bnsj ness men played bang up i>all, an^ the‘mound work of “Don” Alle.r, the sensational performance of Harris in center field, star feild- ing of Wheeler in Right field and ^at of Henderson in Left field, alt of the Business menVrftSrwa? superb. Payne and Goodloe at third and shortstop also played a goodgame for the business men, as did Flintall and Walker at second. Possibly the mostoutstind' WELL KNOWN YOUNG MAN PASSES* AT CHAPEL HILL J (S^efcial’^o CaroRne T'uiii) • CHAPEL HILL, Aug. 2.—The ‘ funeral services P^iford prominent young nhto of Chapel ^ Hill was held Wednesday after noon at 3 o’clock from th» Rock ^ Baptist church of tfcu with the r4v. Luther Bta^haw «>f Mebane delivering the sek^a. Resojation from th« Sunday School ojf sljjch the deseas«d ance Company, Mr. £. M. Mit- chi^ll, 'Manner; Mrs. Mai^rct S. Shearin, Mr. J. S. Hugbaon .. ^ , Mr. ai5d Mrs. G. W. Cox Mr. and'™®” catching of Walker. Mrs. W. D. Hill Miss Marie In-I „ Tf* * the situation grim, Mr. J. Ji Wheeler, Mr. I ” «i um and Mrs. Prank IBumett, Mr.. P^»y- up to the time of his d.ath and Mm, E. R. Merrick Prof. ■ * Kama. The biowmDkv * L... uz. _ J. W. Holmes, Raleitrh, NC.; . superintendent were read by Mr mg performance of the business. B^el Jones. Resolutions from the Tsher s Board of the church ead by 4Cia»iJ^i',^|^ Boothe. Wf Pettiford was treasurer of the hiogrmphy was re«d by Marshall at short stop for the Telegrsms a p d Dr. G W. ^rlinife, Smithfield,'j)rof8 played a lagged game, hie *^®®J«t»ons wtrm frmi by N. C.; Prof. James T. Taylor, j oversize tummy apppirentlT kept »■ , Jonea. X ael» ««« Mr. T. R. Stroud Mft* Aaron Dar, ini from being abltto take care Ki« Lorea*» M'" M. Hugh ijlwmptcjr*''” 1-- -■ j • - H. Turner, Jr., Misa Minnie P. JbnM, Mr. and tfrs. J. C. Scar- . . w gtroundeds t^a\ ware fed I Mr. P^jfoRf wma >- a^Ke I^tint hfan constantly by the formtdable ■fxwted hy all ^o hne^Tl^ 4.... .bats of the tBusiness-Men. Puffinif *he entire coaununicv Puffin# entire comaiUBity mumgrnm hla V, 1 J • blof^ng tfi*om h*u®ng^ hte Hi» woi-k ia the borough. Sr., Mr, W. L. Cook, helped ift • nambfr l^iJoon form around, the exKnox '|and Ushers. Board Raleigh,N. C.; Mr. E. Hill, Wiiw ton, N. C.; Winston-Salem Dis trict N. C. Mutual Life Inaur- ways W. D. Hill, prudent ■Mrs. B. A, J, WWtt^, Chairaum waa af ville College athlete showed that iwportanpe that he j . : once upon a time he had b^n aa moat oatatail4iii» ardent onlooker of base ball game. ''‘*»«rchman in the mm

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